Redistribution in Peredelkino: how the house of Anatoly Chubais became the epicenter of scandals. Forbes spoke about the seizure of a house built for Chubais near Peredelkino. What's new about the house for Chubais

Law and law 05.09.2020
Law and law

The structure helped to take the mansion and 1.5 hectares of land from the former manager, whom the head of Rusnano accused of fraud

​​​​The head of the state corporation Rusnano became the owner of land and a mansion in the village of Peredelkino, not far from the dacha of the writer Boris Pasternak. Thus, Chubais was able to regain his estate, the construction of which began especially for him and director Avdotya Smirnova shortly after their wedding in 2012. The head of Rusnano tried for several years to take away property from former manager, who managed to take over the project for himself. A structure with which the official was very friendly helped Chubais return the property.

According to the data received and extracts from Rosreestr, on February 26, 2019, Chubais registered ownership land plot with an area of ​​1.56 hectares, as well as a three-story residential building located on it with an area of ​​2,656.8 sq. m. m, guest house 585.9 sq. m, garage 374.6 sq. m, security house 736.7 sq. m and gas pipeline.

How Chubais lost his house

Chubais began building this house seven years ago.

In 2015, the plot and real estate were registered and registered in the name of the Swiss company SFO Concept AG, headed by the young financier Ilya Suchkov. According to Forbes, SFO was created by Chubais to manage his assets, but after Russian officials banned from owning property abroad, the head of Rusnano sold the company to Suchkov.

Ilya Suchkov is the brother of Igor Suchkov, who was an adviser to Chubais for 17 years, and the son of Vasily Suchkov, who worked with Chubais when he headed the State Property Committee.

The company was transferred to Suchkov with loans, the largest of which in the amount of $22.9 million was provided by the businessman’s structure O1 Trust Services ltd. Chubais expected to buy the property for approximately this amount, but upon completion of construction, SFO stated that the land and the house were worth at least $50 million, Vedomosti is familiar with the head of Rusnano.

“At first they demanded that I buy a house at an inadequate price, and when I categorically refused, they began to send me secret recordings business negotiations, with the threat of their publication,” Chubais outlined his complaints against Suchkov on Facebook.

In the summer of 2016, the Arbitration Court of the Bryansk Region arrested SFO property, including a house and land in the Moscow region, at the request of the second creditor, Crizna Holdings ltd. Suchkov claimed that this company was affiliated with Mints, but the businessman’s representatives denied this. And in 2017, the Tverskoy Court of Moscow brought Suchkov himself on charges of fraud.

As a result, in the fall of 2018, bailiffs put the plot and real estate in Peredelkino up for auction. The initial lot amount is 800 million rubles. Only one company, Ava Holding LLC, applied for participation, and the sale was declared invalid. Apparently, the company was registered specifically for trading: it was created on October 1, 2018 (submission of applications lasted until October 17), and was liquidated on July 24, 2019. The owner and general director of the company is Natela Kurdadze.

In the fall, Andrei Trapeznikov, Deputy Chairman of the Board for External Communications of Rusnano, when asked whether Ava Holding was related to Chubais, said that this topic was not related to Rusnano, and therefore the company did not comment on it.

How Chubais returned the house

Then events began to develop in an amazing way. On December 24, 2018, the bailiff transfers the SFO property that was not sold at the auction to the claimant, the Cyprus company Tylsoca Limited. This is the new name of O1 Trust Services ltd, which provided loans to the SFO.

On the first working day of the new year, January 8, the SFO hastened to file a demand with the Krasnogorsk City Court to cancel the bailiffs' decision, and on January 18, Friday, the court terminated the proceedings, explaining that it was not possible to appeal the bailiff's decision based on the documents of the arbitration court. it is necessary in the arbitration court. File a claim with the Moscow Region SFO Arbitration Court only on Monday, January 21. By this time, the 10-day period allotted by law for appealing the bailiff's decision had expired.

Suchkov’s company also asked the court to prohibit the alienation of the disputed real estate until the end of the proceedings, but on February 5 it was denied interim measures. By this time, namely on January 25, Tylsoca had already managed to register land and real estate in Peredelkino as its property. And on February 26, she sold the estate to Chubais, as follows from Rosreestr data. The SFO is now trying to challenge the bailiff's decision to transfer the estate to Tylsoca in the Court of Appeal.

Information about the case in which Tylsoca managed to obtain a writ of execution for the recovery of Chubais’s estate was not found in the databases of Russian courts. But from another SFO lawsuit it follows that the estate itself was valued too cheaply upon transfer: Suchkov’s company is demanding that the valuation from the AutoVelyu agency be invalidated, but so far to no avail. Nearest trial in this case on September 2.

Chubais's house was robbed at the end of December 2017. We are talking about a huge mansion in Peredelkino, near Moscow. From here, according to sources, 13 televisions and other wisdom were taken out household appliances"smart" home. In total, we are talking about 70 million rubles in damage. According to the main version, the expensive equipment was taken out by builders who were not paid extra by the customer for the work. However, the most surprising thing in this story is that later all the equipment will be found in the possession of Musa Sadayev, a member of the Parnassus party. He, in turn, is a good friend of Ilya Suchkov from Rusnano, who has been fighting for ownership of Chubais’s house for several years.

Anatoly Chubais told investigators that his house was worth about $40 million. It was built right next to Boris Pasternak's dacha, which is now a museum. The plots are separated by a high fence, obscuring the official's expensive home from the philistine gaze. And the home itself is truly grandiose - a mansion with an area of ​​2,656 square meters. m., as well as a guest house with an area of ​​about 600 sq.m., a security house with an area of ​​736 sq.m. m. and a garage that can compete with the size of elite Moscow apartments - 374 sq. m.

The construction of the mansion was carried out by the Swiss company SFO Concept AG, which is now owned by Ilya Suchkov. He valued Chubais' house at $36 million. This raises a logical question: exactly what money was used to build such a mansion, which the same Kuzbass miners would never be able to afford, even if they all chipped in with ten years’ salary?

SFO Concept AG

At the start of construction of the Chubais house in 2012, SFO Concept AG belonged to Anatoly Chubais. True, no information about the company was mentioned in the declarations, but one of Forbes magazine’s interlocutors calls SFO Concept management company Chubais's assets, which hints at their large number. However, according to some sources, the construction of the house was carried out on borrowed funds, which in 2012 were lent by the offshore O1 Trust Services ltd (Cyprus) of Dmitry Mints. Chubais once had a common business with his father Boris Mints. The amount of the two loans totaled $21.9 million, the lending terms were the most friendly: 2.5% per annum with the loans due in 2022.

When Russian officials were prohibited from having assets abroad, SFO Concept was sold to CEO company to Ilya Suchkov, whose father once worked with Anatoly Chubais at the State Property Committee, and whose brother was an adviser to Anatoly Borisovich for a long time. After this, construction work continued in the same order.

Since 2015, Anatoly Chubais was no longer required to declare his income - all assets of the state corporation were transferred to LLC Management Company Rusnano, where Chubais has a modest but significant 1% in authorized capital. Now he is a businessman free from any financial restrictions.

Chubais, according to Ilya Suchkov, was supposed to buy the house for $36 million, that is, at the market price. However, he offered $12 million for his estate. Although at that time he could have paid the full amount, since in 2015 Anatoly Chubais’s income amounted to over 1 billion rubles, after the sale of a 50% stake in the closed-end mutual fund “Prospective Companies”. By the way, the second half of the shares was owned by Boris Mints.

However, why pay a billion if you can keep it for yourself, and other people will pay the debts. Having worked with Chubais for so many years, Ilya Suchkov understood what the boss was getting at. He didn’t plan to be left with multimillion-dollar debts to someone else’s friend. In April 2016, Suchkov, on behalf of SFO Concept AG, sold the Peredelkino house into good hands - for himself. The contract even indicates the amount of the transaction: the same 36 million dollars. It is unclear where he was able to get them, only from now on SFO Concept AG has nothing but debts, and Ilya Suchkov has a house next door to the Pasternak Museum.

However, the happiness did not last long; Anatoly Chubais turned to law enforcement agencies, who opened a criminal case under article of fraud. The plot of the crime is as follows: an unidentified person, on behalf of SFO Concept AG, borrowed $21.9 million from O1 Trust Services ltd Dmitry Mints for the construction of a residential complex, and then “concluded a purchase and sale agreement between SFO Concept AG and the owner Ilya Suchkov himself. In this simple way, the investigation hints that the unidentified person is Ilya Suchkov, ignoring documents signed by Chubais.

At the same time, SFO Concept was hit with a barrage of claims from offshore creditors. And all these creditors as one trust the fairest Russian court in the world. Thus, O1 Trust Services ltd appealed to the Moscow Arbitration Court, demanding that Suchkov’s company return $24 million. It is noteworthy that in this process an expert assessment appeared that assessed the estate of Pasternak’s new neighbors at $8.4 million. Fabulous luck haunts Anatoly Chubais, which cannot be said about Suchkov. The second lawsuit against SFO Concept AG was filed by the Cypriot offshore company Crizna Holdings ltd, which lent another $7.5 million for a house in Peredelkino. Crizna entrusted the fate of the debt arbitration court Bryansk region.

The Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation accuses several members of the board of the state corporation Rusnano of embezzling more than 300 million rubles. Head of the state corporation Anatoly Chubais commented on the accusations with irony, calling them pre-election PR by one of the deputies. Anatoly Borisovich can afford to treat such statements this way. If something happened, he had long guaranteed a comfortable old age for himself and his loved ones. The ex-wife, Maria Vishnevskaya, who still lives in her ex-husband’s luxurious estate in the elite village of Zhavoronki near Moscow, is not in poverty either.
Every local resident knows the Chubais mansion in Zhavoronki. The huge territory is fenced with a high green fence, densely dotted with video cameras. Anatoly Borisovich acquired this property in the mid-90s. Used to be here kindergarten A plant named after 1905, where children were taken for the summer. It was then that Chubais, who served as deputy chairman of the Russian government for economics and financial policy, took an eye on her.

This tasty morsel among the pines and birches pleased his friend and adviser for work in the government, and then the director for humanitarian projects of Rusnano OJSC. Leonid Gozman. Recently, Leonid Yakovlevich quietly left this post. Perhaps in connection with the accusations of the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation of the theft of huge sums by a number of state corporation managers? Now Gozman works as the director of the Perspektiva foundation for public-analytical initiatives, so our prospects are very bright.
In the distant 90s, colleagues offered to buy the land at a reasonable price to the creative team of the School of Modern Play theater. Chief director Joseph Raikhelgauz liked the site. He was joined by several other creative colleagues, among whom were Bulat Okudzhava and Albert Filozov. Without hesitation, they divided what had previously belonged to the children. Chubais took the largest piece of land for himself, building a three-story mansion. He moved into it with his second wife, Maria Vishnevskaya, whom he married in 1990. He met this charming lady at the Leningrad Engineering and Economic Institute named after. Palmiro Tolyatti, where both worked: Anatoly Borisovich as an assistant professor, and Maria Davydovna as a senior researcher.

Chasing dogs across the field

“I remember Borisovich, when he was still driving a Niva,” Chubais’ neighbor, retired colonel Alexey Ivanovich, began to reminisce. “He brought this whole gang here, along with Gozman and Raikhelgauz. But to be honest, there was desolation here before them. Because of the muddy roads, it used to be impossible to get to the house. In order to get through even in a jeep, it was necessary to lay pieces of iron and logs on the road. I personally helped Chubais carry logs. The road to his house just passes me. I see Chubais is stuck. I immediately went out and helped out like a neighbor. But he is a thrifty guy: he quickly paved everything, new sewer pipes spent... He loved to chase dogs across the field. Surrounded by bodyguards, of course.
Since he married TV presenter Duna Smirnova, he has been visiting our area on and off. His ex-wife Masha lives here.

— When Chubais divorced Maria Vishnevskaya, they said that he left her all his real estate...
“He didn’t leave the property, he left her to live on his estate.” But the site and everything built on it still belongs to Borisovich. It’s a pity, we rarely see Masha - they carry her around in a car.
We are told that Chubais also wants to buy a house with a plot that belongs to the artist Albert Filozov. Maybe for the children from his first marriage, who knows. Filozov wrote a huge advertisement for the sale. He asks for 16 million. But it’s risky to sell to anyone.

Filozov's mansion

The house of People's Artist of the Russian Federation Albert Filozov looks more than modest against the backdrop of the mansions of his high-ranking neighbors. I wonder if it's worth the asking price? We called the phone number listed in the ad. A pleasant female voice confirmed that the plot with the house was indeed for sale. An agent named Elizaveta is doing this. She introduced herself as a family friend and confidant of the 78-year-old owner.
“Albert Leonidovich is very sorry to part with this place,” Elizabeth complained. “But he can’t come here often.” This year I visited only twice. He is not a summer resident by nature. The Filozovs are vacationing abroad. They have a tradition: every summer they visit at least two countries. That's what they did now. Therefore, the sale of the house was postponed until the fall.
“Lizonka,” Albert asks me, “maybe we will leave at least a small piece of land behind us? It’s painful for me to leave here, because the air here is wonderful.” But I dissuade him. There is no one to look after these possessions. Electricity and heating also cost money. A plot of 15 acres where the grass needs to be weeded and leaves removed.

Total area of ​​the house - 154 square meters. On the ground floor there is a kitchen, dining room, bathroom. On the second there is a huge hall. The third floor, although not so large, has two separate rooms of ten meters each. Usually guests stayed in them overnight.
There are apple trees, cherries, and currant bushes in the garden. Previously, when Albert Leonidovich’s daughters were little, he brought them here to ride bicycles, but now they have other worries. Anya is already 15, Nastya is 22. Now it’s more interesting for them to hang out in Moscow. Natalya, his wife, and even more so this plot turned out to be unnecessary. She is a person unadapted to the earth.
Albert Leonidovich works a lot, it is important for him to retire somewhere. That’s why I’m now looking for a one-room apartment for him in Arkhangelskoye. This is not far from his city home. There too Fresh air, and he doesn’t need anything else. And it’s easier to get there than to Zhavoronki. He has been riding trains all his life and has never sat behind the wheel.

Mere pennies

— The building looks dilapidated. Surely all communications will have to be changed?
- Well, what are you talking about! — Elizabeth reacted violently. — Maybe just fix the roof. Everything was done here to last, using the latest technology. Our neighbor Anatoly Chubais had a hand in conducting communications. He did everything well for himself and did not skimp on his neighbors. Two years ago, after marrying TV presenter Duna Smirnova, Anatoly Borisovich moved out of his house, but according to documents the mansion still belongs to him.
His ex-wife Maria now lives in the estate. She is sick and needs care. So Chubais visits regularly. After all, we lived together for 22 years.
— Neighbors say that Chubais has his eye on Filozov’s plot.
- Why not? The site is beautiful. And it’s inexpensive: 16 million. For him - mere pennies. Maybe Leonid Gozman will help too. He, too, has been eyeing Albert Leonidovich’s house for a long time.

The Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation accuses several members of the board of the state corporation Rusnano of embezzling more than 300 million rubles. The head of the state corporation, Anatoly CHUBAIS, commented on the accusations with irony, calling them pre-election PR for one of the deputies. Anatoly Borisovich can afford to treat such statements this way. If something happened, he had long guaranteed a comfortable old age for himself and his loved ones. The ex-wife, Maria VISHNEVSKAYA, who still lives in her ex-husband’s luxurious estate in the elite village of Zhavoronki near Moscow, is not in poverty either.

Every local resident knows the Chubais mansion in Zhavoronki. The huge territory is fenced with a high green fence, densely dotted with video cameras. Anatoly Borisovich acquired this property in the mid-90s. Previously, there was a kindergarten of the Plant named after 1905, where children were taken for the summer. It was then that Chubais, who served as deputy chairman of the Russian government for economics and financial policy, took an eye on her.

1. Three-story mansion, 2. Fountain, 3. Indoor swimming pool, 4. Gazebo, 5. Guest house, 6. Checkpoint, 7. Parking for guests' cars, 8. Garage. Photo by Ruslan VORONOY

The tidbit among the pines and birches also pleased his friend and adviser for work in the government, and then director for humanitarian projects of Rusnano OJSC, Leonid Gozman. Recently, Leonid Yakovlevich quietly left this post. Perhaps in connection with the accusations of the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation of the theft of huge sums by a number of state corporation managers? Now Gozman works as the director of the Perspektiva foundation for social and analytical initiatives, so our prospects are very bright.

In the distant 90s, colleagues offered to buy the land at a reasonable price to the creative team of the School of Modern Play theater. Chief director Joseph Raikhelgauz liked the site. He was joined by several other creative colleagues, among whom were Bulat Okudzhava and Albert Filozov. Without hesitation, they divided what had previously belonged to the children. Chubais took the largest piece of land for himself, building a three-story mansion. He moved into it with his second wife, Maria Vishnevskaya, whom he married in 1990. He met this charming lady at the Leningrad Engineering and Economic Institute named after. Palmiro Tolyatti, where both worked: Anatoly Borisovich as an assistant professor, and Maria Davydovna as a senior researcher.

From the house of Albert FILOZOV to the mansion of Anatoly CHUBAIS - several tens of meters. Photo by Ruslan VORONOY

Chasing dogs across the field

“I remember Borisovich, when he was still driving a Niva,” Chubais’ neighbor, retired colonel Alexey Ivanovich, began to reminisce. - He brought this whole gang here along with Gozman and Raikhelgauz. But to be honest, there was desolation here before them. Because of the muddy roads, it used to be impossible to get to the house. In order to get through even in a jeep, it was necessary to lay pieces of iron and logs on the road. I personally helped Chubais carry logs. The road to his house just passes me. I see Chubais is stuck. I immediately went out and helped out like a neighbor. But he is a good man: he quickly paved everything, laid new sewer pipes... He really loved to chase dogs across the field. Surrounded by bodyguards, of course.

Since he married TV presenter Duna Smirnova, he has been visiting our area on and off. His ex-wife Masha lives here.

When Chubais divorced Maria Vishnevskaya, they said that he left her all his real estate...

He didn’t leave the property, he left her to live on his estate. But the site and everything built on it still belongs to Borisovich. It’s a pity, we rarely see Masha - they carry her around in a car.

We are told that Chubais also wants to buy a house with a plot that belongs to the artist Albert Filozov. Maybe for the children from his first marriage, who knows. Filozov wrote a huge advertisement for the sale. He asks for 16 million. But it’s risky to sell to anyone.

Albert Leonidovich hung a large banner under the roof about the sale. Photo by Ruslan VORONOY

Filozov's mansion

The house of People's Artist of the Russian Federation Albert Filozov looks more than modest against the backdrop of the mansions of his high-ranking neighbors. I wonder if it's worth the asking price? We called the phone number listed in the ad. A pleasant female voice confirmed that the plot with the house was indeed for sale. An agent named Elizaveta is doing this. She introduced herself as a family friend and confidant of the 78-year-old owner.

Albert Leonidovich is very sorry to part with this place,” Elizabeth complained. - But he can’t come here often. This year I visited only twice. He is not a summer resident by nature. The Filozovs are vacationing abroad. They have a tradition: every summer they visit at least two countries. That's what they did now. Therefore, the sale of the house was postponed until the fall.

“Lizonka,” Albert asks me, “maybe we will leave at least a small piece of land behind us? It’s painful for me to leave here, because the air here is wonderful.” But I dissuade him. There is no one to look after these possessions. Electricity and heating also cost money. A plot of 15 acres where the grass needs to be weeded and leaves removed.

Shnur (Sergey SHNUROV), Dunya SMIRNOVA and Anatoly CHUBAIS: all the people are having fun and rejoicing. Photo:

The total area of ​​the house is 154 square meters. On the ground floor there is a kitchen, dining room, bathroom. On the second there is a huge hall. The third floor, although not so large, has two separate rooms of ten meters each. Usually guests stayed in them overnight.

There are apple trees, cherries, and currant bushes in the garden. Previously, when Albert Leonidovich’s daughters were little, he brought them here to ride bicycles, but now they have other worries. Anya is already 15, Nastya is 22. Now it’s more interesting for them to hang out in Moscow. Natalya, his wife, and even more so this plot turned out to be unnecessary. She is a person unadapted to the earth.

Albert Leonidovich works a lot, it is important for him to retire somewhere. That’s why I’m now looking for a one-room apartment for him in Arkhangelskoye. It's not far from his city home. There is also fresh air there, but he doesn’t need anything else. And it’s easier to get there than to Zhavoronki. He has been riding trains all his life and has never sat behind the wheel.

The unfortunate privatizer lived with Maria VISHNEVSKAYA for 22 years

Mere pennies

The building looks dilapidated. Surely all communications will have to be changed?

Come on! - Elizabeth reacted violently. - Just put the roof in order. Everything was done here to last, using the latest technology. Our neighbor Anatoly Chubais had a hand in conducting communications. He did everything well for himself and did not skimp on his neighbors. Two years ago, after marrying TV presenter Duna Smirnova, Anatoly Borisovich moved out of his house, but according to documents the mansion still belongs to him.

His ex-wife Maria now lives in the estate. She is sick and needs care. So Chubais visits regularly. After all, we lived together for 22 years.

Neighbors say that Chubais has his eye on Filozov’s plot.

Why not? The site is beautiful. And it’s inexpensive: 16 million. For him - mere pennies. Maybe Leonid Gozman will help too. He, too, has been eyeing Albert Leonidovich’s house for a long time.

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