Pamphlet has a similar value with the concept. Pamphlet: What is, description, history

NK RF 04.03.2020

Today we will talk about the word "Pamflet". Its value will be described in detail below. We are talking about the variety of artistic and journalistic work. It is usually directed against the current political system or individual parties.


Pamphlet is a genre that is often opposed to a certain public group, party, government. Such works often expose individual representatives of the Company. Pamphlet has a similar meaning with fiction, and its author in many cases is not much different from the writer. The first is trying to show a separate human figure, and the second seeks to develop a character. The negative orientation characterizing this genre, its installation towards negative, exposure, ridiculous, relates it to satirical species. There is a controversy, as well as irony.

Reflection of validity

To fully understand what pamphlet is, it should be remembered that it means a specific person and certain facts. It is eliminated by fiction. The artistic manner of the author of this work is complicated by the peculiarities of satire, as well as various types of hyperbolization and even irony. So, let's try again most fully and at the same time within one definition answer the question of what pamphlet is. We are talking about the form of a politically rich, mainly journalistic literature, which is close to a number of signs to satire.

Pamphlet may also be present in fiction. IN this case We are talking about the introduction of a character's works in the fictional plot, which represents the portrait characteristic of a certain person, an accurate description of behavior or appearance. The relationship of pamphlet and literature is multi-difference. It is determined by historical conditions. Thus, the pamphlet provides the relationship between fiction and journalism. Their interconnections occur in certain historical conditions.


If we talk about what pamphlet is, it should be noted that this word arose in the XIV century. Initially, so called an uncomplicated brochure without a cover. As a genre, this phenomenon has developed during the times of the Reformation. Inherent in pamphlet traits - polemical orientation, topicality, tendentiousness - still in ancient times in speeches, diatics and investments. Let's talk about these phenomena a little more.

Dytriaba is a genre that was created by philosopams - navigasy in the III century. BC e. We are talking about a conversation for philosophical, mostly moral topics. It included a destroying controversy, which was conducted with an imaginary opponent, and sharp personal attacks. The genre of diatitibes Lyong subsequently the basis of the future Christian sermon.

The foundation

Creativity of ignition, which denied the main foundations and the values \u200b\u200bof the community, had a pronounced satirical subtext. A kind of literature was created by China named Menipp from the year. The philosophical and satirical dialogues of this author are framed in a fantastic narration. Such an approach allowed to hardly make fun of human weaknesses and philosophical schools. The works of menippa to this days are not preserved. However, imitation and references to these works are numerous. Menippov Satira created Writers of Mark Terency Warron and Lukian.

Literary satire spawned a pamphlet and journalistic branch. In Rome, the accusatory beginning was manifested in the examination - the person's deprivation. Literary forms of this phenomenon are diverse: polemical speeches and articles, epigram. The political component in the examination has the nature of the obsolence of a certain person. This is an essay of "Increusion against Mark Tully Cicero" authorship of Sallysence. This work tries to destroy the person mentioned there morally, as a family man, a political figure, a selling defender, leading illegal activities in court.

Cicero answered no less insulting and sharp invective. Such a genre became a common form political struggle On the territory of Rome. Cicero issued an exercise against Claudia. She and similar creations also became the foundation for the appearance of the genre described by us.

Now you know what pamphlet is. We hope these knowledge will be useful to you.

  1. pamphlet - Pamflet m. The artistic and publicistic work of satirical - often a polemical - character, directed against any political or public phenomenon or a separate person. Explanatory dictionary Efremova
  2. pamphlet - pamphlet, pamphlets, pamphlet, pamphlet, pamphlet, pamphlet, pamphlet, pamphlets, pamphlet, pamphlet, pamphlet, pamphlet Grammar dictionary of Zaliznyaka
  3. Pamphlet - Pamflet - represents a work, directed usually against the political system as a whole or its individuals, against a particular public group, party, government, etc., often through the exposure of individual representatives. Literary encyclopedia
  4. pAMFLET - -A, m. Publicistic work of an essential character, created with the aim of social and political indistions of someone [English. Pamphlet] Small Academic Dictionary
  5. pamphlet - pamphlet /. Morphemno-spell dictionary
  6. pamphlet - Pamphlet of binding. through it. RAMRHLET (from the XVIII century; see Schulz-Basler 2, 297) from English. Ramrhlet from Art. Franz. RAMRHILET - Same: Lat. Pamphilus - the name of the comedy XII century. from Greek. Name of his own. Άάμφιλος; see clue-govetz 430; Holthausen 137; Hamilsheg, EW 663. Etymological Dictionary of Max Fasmer
  7. Pamphlet - Pamphlet (English. Pamphlet) is a topical journalistic work, a goal and pathos of which is a specific civil, mainly socio-political, impairment. Publicistic is often combined with artistic satire. Big Encyclopedic Dictionary
  8. pamphlet - ORF. Pamflet, -A. Specographic dictionary of Lopatin
  9. pamphlet - Pamflet, m. [Fr. Pamphlet]. The work (article, brochure, etc.) of a topical character, directed against any. Persons, public or political phenomena, etc. Large dictionary of foreign words
  10. pAMFLET - PAMFLET, A, M. Topical acute, usually a small essay of an accusatory, political nature. | arr. Pamphlet, Aya, OE. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov
  11. pamphlet - Pamflet m. English He strongly attacked on what, or defending that article printed by a separate little book, notebook. Pamphletist, her writer. Explanatory dictionary of Daly
  12. - (English Pamphlet) One of the genres of journalistic style, actively absorbing elements artistic style: At the junction of styles, mixed genres appear, for example: Roman-p. Dictionary of linguistic terms Jerebilo
  13. pamphlet - Pamphlet A, m. Pamphlet m.<, англ. pamphlet. Художественно-публицистическое произведение сатирического (нередко полемического) характера, направленное против какого-л. политического или общественного явления или отдельного лица. БАС-1. Dictionary of gallicalism of the Russian language
  14. Pamflet - (English Pamphlet) Publicistic work, the immediate goal and pathos of which is a specific, civil, mainly social and political impairment; Usually small in volume. As a genre of journalism (see publicism) ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia
  15. pamphlet is a word meaning a "acute essay of an accusatory nature", was borrowed from French, where Pamphlet goes back to the English Pamphlet - "A small book" ... Etymological Dictionary of Krylova
  16. Pamflet - (English. Ramphlet) is a topical satirical work, whose goal is a specific civil, mainly social and political impairment. Publicistic is often combined with artistic merits. Dictionary of Cultural Science
  17. pamphlet - borrowing. In the XVIII century of it. Jaz., where Pamphlet< англ. pamphlet, в свою очередь восходящего к ст.-франц. pamphilet (от собств. имени героя широко известной лат. комедии, передающего греч. Pamphilus). Etymological dictionary of Shanskogo
  18. Pamflet - (eng., From the Palme-Feuillet - a sheet that is kept in hand) - the term is not quite a certain content, usually denoting a small literary product of the journalistic and most often than defiant person. Thing... encyclopedic Dictionary Brochaus and Efron
  19. Pamphlet - Pamflet - (from Palme-Feuillet - a leaflet held in hand) - a small literary work of the journalistic and most often personal character. Thing... Dictionary of literary terms
  20. pamphlet - Pamfl'et, Pamflet, · Husband. (· Franz. Pamphlet). Work (article, brochure, etc.) of a topical nature, directed against some person, public or political phenomenon, etc. Explanatory Dictionary Ushakov
  21. pamphlet - pamphlet -a; m. [English Pamphlet] The topical journalistic product of a satirical nature, created with the aim of social and political induction of someone Political n. P. on the king. P. against the monarchy. ◁ Pamphlet ,y ,y. P. Ton of article. Path attacks (such as in pamphlet). Explanatory dictionary of Kuznetsov
  22. pamphlet is angrily-satirical, short, caustic, strongly attacker (sometimes announcing) Writing cf. The grandmother was bent, however, to restore this pamphlet ... so nasty was her noble nature of all sorts of custodia ... Leskov. Wanted genus 2, 3. CP. Frameological dictionary of Michelson
  23. pamphlet - see \u003e\u003e Book Dictionary of Synonyms Abramov
  24. pamphlet - SUMS., Number of synonyms: 2 diatries 6 Book 160 Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language

English units. h. - Pamphlet, from "Pamphilius" - Lat. name Popular in 12 century. Comedy) - an acutely polemic, topical, usually brief, bright work, directed against politics. Building in general or individual parties, against one or another societies. Groups, parties, governments, individual or phenomenon in societies., Political. or cultural life. P. - one of the types of letters. East. Sources, the value of k-pie is especially large to study the history of societies. and politics. Thoughts of those periods when politics occurred. Fight, it is precisely in such periods of P. gained widespread. They find a bright expression against political struggle. Parties and directions. Binding in conditions of turbulent politics. The struggle in the ancient cities-states (eg, "Philippika" Demosthene), occasionally meeting in the classic period. SR-Century (eg, during the struggle for the investment), P. as a type of journalism received distribution from 15 and especially from 16-17 centuries. (The term "P." was first used in Op. English. Church. The figure of Richard de Take "Philoblon", 1344). The invention of typhography (sir 15th century) contributed to the spread of pamphlet lit-rt. P., who came out initially in the form of leaflets, "volatile leaves" (it. Flugbl? Tter), were predecessors of newspapers, performing not only propaganda, but also information. Functions. To the form of P. turned MN. Italian. Humanists (Philelfo, Pietro Aretino et al.). So. The heyday reaches pamphlet lit-ra in the Epoch of Reformation and Cross. Wars 1524-25 in Germany ("Easy Stuffy" Erasmus Rotterdam, Gutten Pamphlets, "Letters of Dark People", etc.), in the period of the thirty-year war, 1618-48. In France, the widespread distribution of P. is associated with t. N. Relig. wars 16 V. (P. monarchomakh), with the events of the Frond (Mazinada). The brilliant heyday of pamphlet journalism reaches Bourges in the era. revolutions of 17-18 centuries. During English. Revolutions played a huge role of Milton Pamphlets, Lilberry, Winstanly; Numerous appeared. Anonymous P. (for 20 years - from 1640 to 1660 - in England St. 25 thousand different P. was released in England). Pamplets D. Defo ("Pure British Englishman", 1701, "The shortest way to repristenly with dissidents", 1702, etc.), Swift ("Fairy Tales of Barrel", 1704, "Letters of Sukrocheka", 1724) brightly reflect politics. and societies. Life of England Nach. 18 V. Voltaire pamphlets, Didro, Golbach, and others. Franz. The enlighteners played a prominent role in the preparation of the Great Franz. Revolutions, and Siyes Pamphlets, Mirabo, K. Demilen, Marat, and others, stand in the center of journalism of the revolution itself. In Russia, close P. Ot. For the first time appear in journalism 16 in., reflecting the relig.-politics. Fight. This genre has acquired the greatest development in the field of free Russian. Press 2nd floor. 19th century, for example. Herzen pamphlets (the term "P." is included in Rus. Lit. Yaz. from the 20-30s. 19th century). In 19-20 centuries. P. are often transferred to newspapers and preim. are weapons political. Wrestling radical bourge. Elements and shallow bourge. Democrats (P. Fields Louis Courier, de Corneven, A. Rocherfora in France, L. Bern and Gaine in Germany, P. In connection with the "laws on poor" and "bread laws" in England, etc.) or revolution . proletariat ("Shelling - a philosopher in Christ ..." F. Engels, "Mr. Fogt" and others. Pamphlets K. Marx, "Pei IX in Paradise" and others. Petlets P. Lafarga, "Proletarian Revolution and Rengate Kautsky" . I. Lenin, "Russian Tsar", "The City of Yellow Devil" and others. M. Gorky). Bright samples of owls. Pamphlet lit-ry Dali M. Koltsov, Ya. Galan, and others. Publicists. Big societies. The sound received anti-infras. P. Lit.: Library of Political. Pamphlets. Franz. XIX pomp., St. Petersburg, 1906; (Davies M.), Critical History of Pamphlets ..., Pt 1, L., 1715; Waugh A., The Pamphlet Library, V. 1-4, L., 1897-98; Hunt R. N. C., Some Pamphlets of the Revolt of the Netherlands Against Spain, "The English Historical Review", 1929, v. 44, NO 175; Leber C., DE L'? Tat R? El De La Prase Et Des Pamphlets, Depuis Fran? Ois I Jusqu'a Louis XIV ..., P., 1834; Scheible J., Die Fliegenden BL? TTER DES 16. UND 17. JAHRHUNDERTS, STUTTG., 1850; Courier P. L., Pamphlet Des Pamphlets, P., 1824. B. I. Ryskin. Moscow.

IN modern world People so rarely became interested in literature that they began to forget the many of her genres. It is time to fill the emptiness and find out the pamphlet closer. What is how to distinguish it from other genres and what its main characteristics, consider further.

What do intelligent dictionaries say?

Dahl described what pamphlet is, so: it comes from the English phrase "an article defending anything" and printed by a separate circulation as a book.

The explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov slightly expands the concept of what pamphlet is. It says that this is a sharp, a little evil essay, the purpose of which there is to implancing the political side of state activities.

The encyclopedic dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron gives the most advanced explanation for this phenomenon.

What is pamphlet?

The main calling of pamphlet is to tell the truth about the political and public strict so that everyone is clear to everyone, which is what we are talking about, but at the same time, we will trigger or embellish reality. In the pamphlet, they will not say directly: "We are all bad!", And they will say: "There was a king, who did not care about his people."

Satira in journalism

The main way to make a reality is to apply satirical techniques. The genre of Pamphlet is also a kind of satire, only if comedians are able to see funny where there is seriousness, then pamphletists are quite the opposite - they carry an angry note.

The journalistic work has a goal of relying someone. Not just ridiculous, but to humiliate, offend, make it guilty.

Pamphlet and feuelton is the same thing?

Many confuse these two concepts. If you compare n amplet and feuilleton, you can find differences. In fact, the second genre has a French root and means "light like a sheet". Faken is a thin humor, non-night, romantic, like France itself. The short notes have been published at the bottom of the newspaper, separating them from the main tex with a wide bold band.

In public life, Fakelov also always played a decisive role. Their main goal is to ridden evil. People liked this genre by the fact that it was possible to openly laugh at those who had unlimited power or too much money. And this was done so it is delicate that all injustice of the world seemed easier.

Pamphlet characteristic

There are some signs for which you can find out exactly what is pamphlet. The value of this genre for the public is great. In history, there are cases when due to acute statements, the power was overthrown.

Signs of pamphlet:

    Any argument is confirmed by the facts with a logical connection between them. It is necessarily given their assessment.

    Rough criticism with evil statements addressed to a certain person.

    Principal political point of view. Since the pamphlet is always political in nature, its author must have its fundamental point of view. He can refute the operating system and maintain it.

  • In the structure of the product traced political propaganda.

Dawn and formation of pamphlet as a genre of journalism

Pamphlet is used since ancient times. In ancient Rome, the form of diatitibes and inventories were popular. But the greatest popularity of pamphlets found in the Reformation Epoch.

    Swift "Letters of Sukonchik", "Fairy Tales and Barrels" - the beginning of the XVIII century. His letters were directed against the Government of England.

    Defo "The shortest dates of the dissidents with dissidents" is approximately the same period. For his sharp sarcasm, the defense was sitting in prison and a shameful pillar stood in punishment.

    Edmund Burk is the enemy of the French revolution, he demanded the resumption of war with England.

In Russia, Pamflet (what Pamflet understood units) was not common in part due to the fact that during his dawn in Europe, in the XVIII-XIX centuries, the imperial censorship did not miss such editions.

From writers, you can note Radishchev, he wrote pamphlets. Example - "Travel from St. Petersburg to Moscow." It was a disguised novel, in which the ridiculation of the political system was skillfully veiled.

Pamphlet and communism

Among the founders of the Socialist Community, satirical evil articles against the existing system were popular. Engels chose for his pamphlets philosophical themes. One of his works is "Shelling - Philosopher in Christ" (1842). Despite the fact that the topic is the theme, in the work he rizuats faith in God.

Marx and Engels led to work on the text of the Pamflet "Holy Family" (1845). It contains bright samples of sharp, beautifully folded pamphlets aimed at riding the political system and at the same time proving the need for a socialist future.

Revival of pamphlet in the USSR

Despite the fact that in the Tsarist Russia, this genre did not take root, he became in demand during the period of the formation of the USSR. Lenin's "Proletarian Revolution and Rengate Kautsky" has become an excellent means of destroying the enemy.

In the military period, pamphlet was used to emphasize the nazi army in the face of the Nazis army. Even later, in times " Cold War"The satirical genre was necessary for the information confrontation.


As can be seen in historical events, pamphlet is a powerful tool to combat political ideology. He survived several eras of his formation in every century since the time of the Roman Empire. This vocation of any writer is to cause emotions from the reader. Positive or negative, any. And the task of pamphletists is to make people think like them. Many lovers of truth paid for their sharp tongue to lives, but also, many of them opened their eyes a simple person.

(english Pamphlet)

topical juggling work, the goal and pathos of which is a specific civil, mainly socio-political, impairment

Culturalology. Dictionary dictionary

(english Ramphlet) is a topical satirical work, whose goal is a specific civilian, mainly social and political impairment. Publicistic is often combined with artistic merits.

Dictionary of linguistic terms

(english Pamphlet) One of the genres of journalistic style, which actively chooses the elements of the artistic style: mixed genres appear at the stake of styles, for example: Roman-p.;

a top-length journalistic product, ridicuing in a sharp, a person or phenomenon of public life known in society.

Terminological Dictionary-Thesaurus for Literary

(english Pamphlet) - a topical, mainly journalistic work, the goal and pathos of which is a specific, civic, socio-political impairment.

RB: childbirth and literature genres

Rod: Publicistic genres

EST: Satirical

Ass: Faketon

PERS: Erasmus Rotterdamsky, A. Radishchev, D. Swift, A. Herzen, Voltaire, M. Saltykov-Shchedrin, Mark Twain, M. Gorky, A. France, I. Erenburg, O. Henry

* "Pamflet Beculture of the vices of modern political, public, cultural life directly calls her concrete, most often influential representatives. An irony, sarcasm (A.S. Suleimanov) is used as the main visual funds in Pamflet. *

encyclopedic Dictionary

(English Pamphlet), a topical journalistic work, a goal and pathos of which is a specific civil, mainly socio-political, impairment. Publicistic is often combined with artistic satire. Pamphlet can penetrate various art genres (novel-pamphlet; Piemflet).

Dictionary of Ozhegov

PAMFL E.T, but, m. Tormantry sharp, usually a small essay of an accusatory, political nature.

| arr. pamphlet Aya, OE.

Dictionary Efremova

Artistic and journalistic work of satirical - often
polemic - character awarded against some political or
public phenomenon or individual.

Encyclopedia Brockhaus and Ephron

(English, from the Palme-Feuillet - a sheet that is kept in hand) - the term is not quite a certain content, commonly denoting a small literary product of the journalistic and most often than defiant person. The subject P. is an attack on the political or social system, in its characteristic phenomena or in the person of its outstanding, all well-known representatives. In contrast to satire, P. rarely concerns the overall state of the morals and does not use artistic generalizations; The object of its criticism is certain, real facts and people; The abstract morality satire is replaced by P. sharply expressed practical look at the country's political life. Due to the fact that P. is not calculated on the elected readers, but for the mass, the presentation in it is publicly available, hot and compressed. Not assuming any preliminary reflection and information about this question in the reader, the pamphletist documented only for common sense. He, however, does not count on a calm, objective discussion of the public; His goal is public sensation, anxiety, awakening discontent. The work on the advantage of the combat, created per minute and for the purposes of the political struggle, P. Most often alien to the consideration of impartiality and moderation, does not consider it necessary to shoot the enemy and follows the rule: in war, all means are good. But P. is sharply different from Paskville (see) as its main goal, as well as concerns not the personal life of the famous person, but the public side of its activities. Brevity is so characteristic, although the external feature of P. is that the product of the size of the brochure is no longer wearing the names of P. on minor sizes of P. Indicates it also german name Flugschrift, i.e. flying leaf. In the political history of the West P. occupies a prominent and peculiar place; He was devoted to his feather the most outstanding representatives of militant literature. Their number would greatly multiply if the authors of many wonderful P. were known, hiding, for obvious reasons, under anonymous and pseudonyms. Powerful development Literature P. receives a revival in the era when so-called. inventives There were the best weapons in the hands of the Humanists, who was also a prototype of new journalism. It is enough to name such samples of P. of this time, as the "praise of nonsense" Erasma Rotterdam and Epistolae Obscurorum Virorum "Later -" Lettres Provinciales "Pascal. Such representatives of new trends like Petrarch, Vimprio and Valle in Italy, Vimpfeling, Pirkheimer, Gutten, Melanchton and Lutter himself in Germany itself were resorted to P.. In England, P.'s literature develops especially in the stormy era of the XVII-XVIII century, when Milton wrote them, Swift, Daniel Defo, Bork and an anonymous author of the famous "Yunius letters". The entire political history of France finds itself a vivid expression in the richest literature P., from Rabl, Scaliger, Etienne, in the Renaissance Epoch, "Menippova Satira" (see), during the League, "Mazarith" during the front of the "king of pamphletists" Voltaire and publicists of the revolution - Siez, Camilla Demolen, Miraboo. Restoration found her pamphletist in the face of the classic of political P. Poland-Louis Courier (in Russian "Works", ed. Panteleeva SPb., 1897), Louis Philippe monarchy - in the face of De Cormenten, the second empire and the third republic - in the face of Rocheror. On the history of Franz. P. See Leber, "Les Pamphlets De Fran çois I à Louis XIV" (L., 1834). The classic Country of P. - Germany, where mainly due to the censored oppression, which has long been over time, the questions of the day have long been discussed in separate volatile leaves and brochures (Bern and "Young Germany"). To ital. The literature of the new time is remarkable P. Justie and Leopard. In Russia, in the absence of political life, there is almost no literature of pamphlets. The form of the brochure at all is not popular with us and any influential writers are rarely resorted to it, preferring to serve their ideas through journal articles. Some samples of underground P. XVIII century. See in Art. P. P. Lyzhina, "Two P. Anna John" ("Izv. II Division. Imp. Akd. Sciences", 1858, VII).

Ar. Mr.

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