Description of the MRPII standard. Logistics concept "MRP MRP Process

Opening 09.08.2020


MRP Methodology

To solve the management task of enterprises in the 70s, planning methodology has been developed material resources Enterprises - MRP (Material Requirements Planning) (see Table 1.1). Its use implies, as a rule, the application of "volume-calendar planning" technology - MPS (Master Planning Shedure).

Table 1.1 - planning systems

Planning type


Managing all resources from design to warranty and service

Close cooperation with customers resources consumed at the marketing stage, current work with the client and its subsequent maintenance

Planning and management of all resources of the enterprise

Accounting and finance

Financial Accounting

Commercial activity,


Requirement planning and operational management

Technological processes

Planning and formation of orders

Planning materials for production

Material standards and design specifications

Soon quickly quickly implemented a production capacity planning option - CRP (Capacity Requirements Planning). This methodology is fundamentally similar to MRP, but is based on the calculations of the necessary production facilities, and not material resources. This task was significantly more complicated, since it required the accounting of a large number of parameters.

As a result of the combination of these methodologies, the MRP "Second Level" - MRP II (Manufacturing Resource Planning) is an integrated planning methodology, including MRP and CRP. When using this methodology necessarily implies analysis financial results production Plan.As well as the use of MPS and FRP systems (Finance Resource / Requirements Planning - planning financial resources). At the same time, finance management can be submitted in the form of four functional levels: financial planning of the activities of the enterprise, budgets and budget control, the control of financial transactions, financial operations. The two lower levels represent processes, sufficiently independent of the type of activity, and the two tops are more dependent on the type of activity of the enterprise, since they define the features of the organization of management accounting of the enterprise.

The main idea of \u200b\u200bMRP systems is that any accounting unit of materials or components necessary for the production of goods should be available at the right time and in the right amount. The main advantage of these systems is the formation of a sequence of production operations with materials and components, providing timely manufacturing of nodes to implement the main production plan for the issue finished products.

For most industries, only the calculation of material needs is insufficient, therefore several main directions of development of MRP methodology appeared - management of complex manufacturing projects, integrated management for custom and small-scale production, management of complex financial and distribution and production structures - Holding management. In addition, independent tasks were formed, for example, warehousing management (automated warehouses), "operational" contour (intensive shipment of products), "global" logistics of large companies, etc.

General characteristics of MRP systems

The main emphasis in the MRP system is on the use of information about suppliers, customers and production processes to control the movement of materials and components. Parties of the source materials and components are planned to enter the enterprise as necessary for the manufacture of finished products and delivered at the right time. Finished products are produced and delivered to customers in accordance with the agreed obligations of M and.

It is important to note that the MRP systems are advisable to use at manufacturing enterprises with a discrete type of production or with a relatively long production cycle. MRP systems can also be used to plan material needs for service, transport, commercial and other non-production profile organizations.

The MRP system details the main production plan MPS in the context of the material components by the statement of materials. The current state of stocks is reflected in the corresponding database tables indicating all the necessary characteristics of accounting units.

One of the components of integrated information systems MRP / MRP II class management is a production capacity planning system (CRP - Capacity Requirements Planning). The main task is to check the MPS fee from the point of view of the equipment loading equipment in terms of production technological routes, taking into account the time of reference, forced downtime, subcontract works, etc.

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One of the most popular logistics concepts in the world, on the basis of which developed and operates a large number of Micrological systems, is the concept of "Requirements / Resource Planning, RP). The concept of RP is often opposed to the logistics concept "exactly on time", having in mind that on it (in contrast to JIT approach) founded the logistics concepts of the "pushing" type.

Basic micrological systems that are based on the concept of "needs / resource planning", in manufacturing and supplying systems "Materials / Production Planning Requirement Planning Requirements" (Materials / Manufacturing Requirements / Resource Planning, MRP I / MRP II), and In distribution (distribution) - "Production / Resource Planning Requirements / Resource Planning, DRP I, DRP II).

MRP systems are practically used in organizing production and technological processes together with the procurement of material resources. In accordance with the definition of the American researcher, J. Orlyski, one of the main developers of the MRP I system, the system of "material needs planning (MRP system) in a narrow value consists of a number of logically related procedures, key rules and requirements that translate the production schedule in" Chain Requirements ", which are synchronized over time, as well as planned coverage of these requirements for each unit of stock components required to perform a schedule ... The MRP system redetends the sequence of requirements and coating due to changes or in a production schedule, or in stock structure, or in product characteristics."

MRP systems operate with materials, components, semi-finished products and their parts, the demand for which depends on the demand for specific finished products. Although the logistics concept itself, the basis of the MRP I system, is formed long ago (from the mid-1950s), but only with the appearance of high-speed computers managed to implement it in practice. At the same time, the revolution in microprocessor and information technologies stimulated a rapid growth various applications MRP systems in business.

Main objectives MRP systems:

- satisfaction of the need for materials, components and products for planning production and delivery to consumers;

- support for low levels of material resources, work in progress, finished products;

- Planning production operations, delivery schedules, purchase operations.

In the process of implementing these purposes, the MRP system provides a stream of a planned amount of material resources and product reserves on the planning horizon. The MRP system first determines how much and what time it is necessary to produce ultimate products. The system then determines the time and the required amount of material resources to perform a production schedule. In fig. 1 shows the MRP I block diagram.

The input of the MRP I system is consumer orders, supported by forecasts of demand for finished products of the company, which are laid in the production schedule (graphics of production of finished products). Thus, as for microloistic systems, which are based on the principles of the concept of "exactly on time", the MRP I key factor is consumer demand.

The database of material resources contains all the necessary information about the nomenclature and the basic parameters (characteristics) of raw materials, materials, components, semi-finished products, etc. necessary for the production (assembly) of finished products or its parts. In addition, it contains the norms of consumption of material resources per unit of products manufactured, as well as the time files of the delivery time of the corresponding material resources into the production units of the company.

The database also identified links between individual entries of production units for material resources used and relatively final products. The database of stocks informs the system and management personnel on the presence and magnitude of the production, insurance and other necessary reserves of material resources in the company's warehouse, as well as their proximity to the critical level and the need to replenish them. In addition, this database contains information about suppliers and supply parameters of material resources.

Implementing MRP-methodology and algorithm and formative results of a material aspect based on input data.

The history of the emergence and development of MRP systems

In the Dokomputer era, all the tasks of controlling the presence of materials and components were carried out by manual personnel. For this purpose, applied cards warehouse accountingwhich indicated information about the receipt and expenditure of the material. Such a system acted slowly, often gave failures as a result of the inevitable mistakes and inaccuracies caused by the human factor. As a result of its use, periods arose during which production was idle due to the lack of material. Some enterprises of warehouse accounting cards are used to this day.

With the start of widespread automation in the sixties of the last century, programmers have found the use of computing systems in planning the activities of the enterprise (in particular, production processes). The method developed by them was called MRP and acquired widespread all over the world. The main difference of the new methodology from the manual system preceding it was the orientation of future needs and disregard for consumption in the past. In fact, with the advent of MRP systems, orders for replenishment of warehouses began to form as necessary in the desired volume.

At the end of the seventies of the last century, the possibilities of MRP systems were expanded due to the implementation of the idea of \u200b\u200breproducing a closed cycle. In particular, the following functions were added:

  • monitoring the compliance of the amount of products produced by the number of products used;
  • drawing up regular reports on order delays, volumes and sales dynamics and suppliers.

Further improvement of the system caused a conversion of a MRP system with a closed cycle into an extended modification, which was subsequently called MRP II (Manufactory Resource Planning). This system was created to effectively plan all (including financial and personnel) resources. manufacturing enterprise.

Production planning systems are constantly developing, trying to catch all the innovations of the production process.

The principle of operation of MRP systems

The material needs planning system calculates the procurement plan of the necessary components and the production plan on the basis of the product specification, projected demand and technological nuances of production. The MRP system can also independently calculate the execution timing and production plan.

The operation cycle of the MRP system consists of the following steps:

  • determination of the optimal production schedule for the planned period on the basis of the analysis of the adopted production program;
  • accounting of materials not included in the manufacturing program, but present in orders;
  • calculation of the complete need for each material in accordance with the composition of the final product;
  • calculation of a clean need for each material and compiling material orders;
  • making adjustments to the formed orders in order to prevent late deliveries.

As a result, the system issues a plan for orders with operational changes and a number of service reports. The classic MRP system issues the following results at the output:

  • Plan orders. It determines how much of each material should be ordered in each period of time under the time planning. Order plan is a guide for further work With suppliers and, in particular, determines the production program for the internal production of components, if any.
  • Changes to the order plan. They are modifications to previously planned orders. A number of orders can be canceled, changed or detained, and also transferred to another period.

In principle, the MRP system can provide a user and other additional results, which are submitted in the form of reports. The most significant may be:

  • Projection report. Information for analysis and long-term planning.
  • Executive report. Indicator correctness of all operations. Here the user can track whether all instructions were performed correctly, there was no failure in the system.
  • Delay report. Data on the most problematic orders, time execution of certain functions and other points that may affect future performance.

Outability planning

In the MRP system, it is possible to highlight the component as the production capacity planning subsystem (CRP, CPACIREMENTS PLANNING, CRP). The CRP module is applied to verify the trial production program created on the basis of forecasts for products on products, the possibility of its implementation by means of available production resources.

If the production program is withstanding the CRP-module cycle, it starts interacting with the MRP system, otherwise adjustments are made to the program, and it is subjected to re-testing by the production capacity planning subsystem.

In recent decades, industrial production has become more complicated, customer requirements grew to the quality of products and service level, the time of the output of new products to the market has been reduced.

In recent decades, industrial production has become more complicated, customer requirements grew to the quality of products and service level, the time of the output of new products to the market has been reduced. There was a need to improve the methodology and technology management. On the one hand, on the one hand, to systematize existing approaches, and on the other, to speed up the decision of the tasks facing the enterprise. There was a need to develop relevant standards. One of them was the standard resource planning of the enterprise - MRP II.

Why it all began. MRP I.

At the first stage of the development of the standard, the following task was solved: to form a calendar program of needed components, raw materials and materials, details and assembly unitsoh based on a registered need for finished products, taking into account the cash warehouse stock. At the beginning of the 60s, this task has gained a computer solution that received the MRP (Material Requirements Planning) - planning of the need for materials. The term was introduced into the use of Orlitski. It should be noted that this approach was used in several enterprises in Europe before the beginning of World War II, but not in the computer version. Orlitski was the first to realize the possibilities of computing equipment to solve the problem of management of production reserves. The scheme of solving the problem is shown in Fig. 1 From Robin Gudfelloou.

We give the input data for the task.

1 Data on the need for products of independent demand: Interest in obtaining certain nomenclature positions is manifested directly by the consumer of the enterprise's products to which this product is shipped. Examples of such nomenclature positions can be finished products, spare parts sold on the side of semi-finished products and components, etc. The need can be represented or a sales forecast, or existing buyers orders, or and other at the same time. Information on sales forecasts and sale orders is the basis for the formation of the main calendar production plan (Master Production Schedule, MPS), covering all the nomenclature positions included in the production plan. MPS is formed both in volumetric and calendar execution. In domestic terminology, the corresponding document is called "the main plan-graph of production."

2 Data on stocks of products, assembly units and materials, as well as information about open orders. When solving the problem, not only the reserves of finished products shipped to side, and raw materials purchased from suppliers, but also reserves of the nomenclature positions of all intermediate stages of production (semi-finished products of own manufacture, assembly units, nodes, etc.).

3 Data on the composition of products and raw material consumption standards, materials and components per unit of measurement of finished products. In the MRP theory, this information was named BOM (Bill of Material), which is an analogue of the domestic term - "Specification".

Based on this information, a description of the needs of the enterprise in produced and purchased nomenclature positions, expressed as a calendar plan. MRP generates two array messages: scheduled orders (Planned Orders) and recommendations (Action Messages).

The planned orders offer the order size, the RELEASE DATE and the date of the order (DUE DATE) as the result of the MRP operation when MRP is found with the presence of net need (Net Requirements). Recommendations are the result of the system of the system that determines the type of action necessary to eliminate current or potential problems. Examples of recommendations in the MRP system can serve "run order", "redeem the order", "Cancel Order".

An explicit disadvantage at this stage of the development of MRP technology was the inability to update the final information obtained during the MRP operation, i.e., adjust the changes arising in the case of open orders. Because of this, the first MRP systems, as noted by Landwater and Gray, called "launched and forgotten" (Launch and Forget). However, the ability to update is very important, since the medium in which the MRP is used is very dynamic, and frequent changes in the size of orders and the timing of their execution are not rare. Hence the need to track the current state of affairs.

It should be borne in mind that at that time a batch type of information processing on remote computing centers (bush or corporate) prevailed. Interactive technology has not yet received development, and the analysis "And what will happen if ..." was practically not carried out. In fact, MRP simply fixed the situation in the "deployed" form.

Note that sometimes MRP technology is called MRP I.

Transition to resource planning

It is obvious that as it improves the data processing tools inherent in MRP restrictions ceased to satisfy managers and planners. Therefore, the next step was the implementation of the ability to analyze the loading of production capacity and take into account the resource limitations of production. This technology is known as CRP (Capacity Requirements Planning). It is presented in Fig. 2.

For the operation of the CRP mechanism, three source data array is required.

1 Production Calendar Plan (MPS) containing information on production orders. They are source and for MRP. It is worth noting that the start of the CRP is possible only after the MRP has worked, because the source data for CRP also the results of the MRP work in the form of planned orders for the nomenclature positions of the dependent demand, and not only on the nomenclature positions of independent demand.

2 Data on work centers. The working center is a group of interchangeable equipment located on the local production site. To organize planning the need for facilities (CRP) and detailed calendar planning, it can be considered as one production unit. For the work of the CRP, it is necessary to preliminarily form a working calendar of working centers in order to calculate the available production capacity.

3 Data on technological routes of manufacturing nomenclature positions. These documents indicate all information on the procedure for the implementation of technological operations and their characteristics (technological times, staff, other information). This data array, together with the first, forms the work centers loading plan.

CRP informs about all discrepancies between the planned load and existing capacities, allowing you to take the necessary regulatory impacts. At the same time, each manufactured product is assigned a corresponding technological route with a description of the resources required on each operation, at each working center. It should be noted that CRP does not optimize the download, carrying out only the calculated functions according to a predetermined production program according to the described regulatory information. Both MRP and CRP are planned mechanisms to obtain a correct and real-line plan-based production plan based on the use of experience and knowledge of decision makers. It can be noted that the installed MRP / CRP technology in the presence of sufficient computing power allows, in fact, to model the situation.

Dynamic scheduling based on results

Next after the MRP / CRP step towards the development of the MRP standard was the creation of a "closed MRP cycle" (closed-loop MRP), proposed in the late 70s by Oliver White, George Plazle and others. The main idea of \u200b\u200bthis MRP technology enforcement is to create a closed cycle by adjusting feedbacks that improve the tracking of the current state. production system. Additional implementation of monitoring the implementation of the supply plan and production operations made it possible to remove restrictions on the degree of reliability of the planning result previously inherent in MRP I, which existed due to the impossibility of tracking the state of open orders. With the addition of the specified functions to MRP I / CRP, a "closed MRP cycle" was formed. The difference between the MRP I / CRP from Closed-Loop MRP is well explained by the scheme in Fig. 3.

Looking in fig. 3, we will see that in the case of the "Closed MRP cycle" technology, only operations related to supply and production are involved in the planning process, and the sales processes (sales) and financial accounting of technology are not involved. Sales and Operations Planning (Sales & Operations Planning) The MRP I / CRP circuit is not included and are shown only to illustrate MRP I / CRP communications with higher planning levels.

Planning company resources

MRP II Standard (Manufacturing Resource Planning) allowed to develop planning technology focused on the application of information systems of the enterprise, outlines the full contour of the management tasks industrial enterprise At the operational level. The most important function of MRP II is to ensure all the necessary information of those who make decisions in the field of financial management. MRP I informs about the timing of procurement orders, helping to plan the implementation of settlements with suppliers. MRP I / CRP provides information on the number of main production personnel, time level tariff rates and time standards for technological operations (in the description of technological routes), possible overtime work etc. All this is necessary for the company's obligations to pay wages. Finally, MRP II reports volumes and timing of product delivery to customers, which allows you to predict money. However, it should be noted that in order to ensure the reliability of the MRP II results, it is necessary to ensure the accuracy and timeliness of the input information of the regulatory and operational nature.

Business planning here is still not an integral part of the standard, but provides source information for the adoption of lower level planning solutions, consistently clarifying the plan by expanding and detailing planning objects, planning horizon approximation, reduce planning interval, as well as transition from value units of measurement to natural. Designed detailed plansto be executed, obtain value expression by calculating the cost of production, accounting for implementation, equipped and production operations. Calculated actual costs are compared with planned (or regulatory), and deviations serve as the basis for adoption management solutionsrelating to the following planned periods. The structure of the planned mechanism in the MRP II standard is presented in Fig. four .

One of the main reasons for the fact that the MRP was readily perceived as a production management methodology, it is its appeal to computational equipment in the area of \u200b\u200bstoring and processing large data arrays and provide access to them in order to effectively manage the enterprise. It helps to coordinate the activities of various enterprise divisions on the execution of the functions peculiar. Therefore, the attractiveness of the MRP consists not only in supporting decision-making, but also, more importantly, in its integration role for production enterprises.

Describing the MRP II as a whole, it can be said that its mechanism is based on three basic principles: hierarchy, interactivity, integration.

Hierarchy means the separation of planning on levels corresponding to the responsibility zones of different steps of the enterprise management staircase. Here are meant of all levels, ranging from top management, planning sales and operations, to workshops and production sites that carry out the functions of the production outfit and receiving operational solutions to load jobs, managing the priorities of outfit order, formation Reporting data on executed orders. The plans of the enterprise are designed from top to bottom with the simultaneous provision of a reliable feedback mechanism.

The interactivity of systems based on the MRP II standard is ensured by the modeling unit laid into it. There is the possibility of "playing" of probable situations for the study of their influence on the results of the enterprise in general or its structural units in particular. Note that this feature is available at various levels of the planned solution hierarchy. Interactivity is maintained by modern computer technologies that provide remote access to databases from specialist jobs in various subject areas. Thus, the computing power "placed" next to the knowledge and experience of enterprise specialists.

Integration is ensured by the association of all the main functional areas of the enterprise's activities at the Operational Level (within the planning horizon of a duration of up to one year) related to material and financial flows in the enterprise. MRP II covers such functions of the enterprise as production planning, production, production, sales of production plan, cost accounting, warehouse accounting, demand management, etc.

MRP II Module Characteristics

Sales & Operations Planning Planning. The sales plan and operations (or sales and production plan) serves two main objectives within the framework of the MRP II system. The first is the key link between the process of strategic and business planning and the system of detailed planning and execution of the company's plan. The second goal is that the adopted sales plan and operations are the regulator of all other plans and graphs. In fact, this is a budget that is established by top management for the main calendar production plan, in turn, the calendar plans forming all subsequent hierarchies.

Demand Management. Demand management binds the following functions of the enterprise: Forecasting demand, work with orders of buyers, distribution, movement of materials and assembly units between the company's production sites. Thus, demand management is an integral part of the process of integrated planning and developing calendar plans.

MASTER PRODUCTION SCHEDULE (MASTER PRODUCTION SCHEDULE). In this module, the production plan is recorded, as a rule, based on the nomenclature positions of independent demand, i.e., "what to produce when producing how much to produce." All other calendar plans in MRP are based on it and are formed by "unfolding" - from the need for finished products to the need for components and materials through the described products structures.

Material Requirements Planning (Material Requirements). This module is a calculated mechanism necessary to calculate the need for all nomenclature positions that do not represent independent demand products, the needs of the enterprise in which can be calculated on the basis of data on demand (in the form of forecasts or orders) on products of dependent demand, i.e. . on those that the company sells counterparties. These include materials, components, details, etc. Historically, it was the first developed module within the framework of MRP II systems, and the subsequent functionality "layered" on it. It can be said that this module is the core of any MRP II system.

Specifications subsystem (Bill of Material Subsystem). This module under the MRP system is supportive, which contains regulatory information necessary for correct planning. The specifications subsystem determines the relationship between nomenclature positions within the framework of the product structures and is based on the description of specifications (BOM).

Inventory Transaction Subsystem (Inventory Transaction Subsystem). This subsystem is necessary for supporting in the current state of data on the stocks of nomenclature positions and is based on the set of types of operations with reserves, pre-described and entailing pre-defined consequences.

Subsystems of planned open orders (Scheduled Receipts Subsystem). The subsystem of scheduled revenues on open orders is used to work (add, delete, change) with orders, the manufacture and purchase of which has begun, but not yet completed and not closed. Depending on whether a specific nomenclature position is included in the main calendar plan of production or is entirely controlled at the level of materials planning level (MRP), a module consumes information provided by the subsystem.

Operational Manage Management (SHOP Floor Control or Production Activity Control), or, in other words, planning and dispatching of the workshop operation (Shop Scheduling and Dispatching). It can be said that this module assigns a way to discuss priorities between planning workers and workmanship. It allows you to see a calendar plan for the workshop of the work orders from the standpoint of both the workshop and the working center and production operations, as well as to track its actual execution.

Capacity Requirements Planning (Capacity Requirements Planning). This module allows you to submit a picture of the loading of work centers according to the production program that is accepted at the level of the main calendar production plan and passed through the calculation of the need for components made by MRP. The module allows you to predict possible problems With the capacities and on time to resolve them, i.e. avoid a collision with them when the changes of the calendar plan are impossible or expensive. Note that CRP does not try to solve the identified problems, but leaves them at the discretion of the staff.

Control in / output material stream (INPUT / OUTPUT CONTROL). The module is designed to control the execution of the plan for the use of production facilities developed at the CRP level. The relationship between these two modules is very similar to the relationship between MRP and production dispatcher, when MRP sets the priority of production tasks, and planning at the level of the workshop and dispatcher helps to monitor compliance with these priorities.

The input / output material flow control module allows you to evaluate, a plan for loading production capacity is executed or not, since it controls the input and output streams of tasks aimed at the work centers, as well as the length of the queue to the working centers, measured in the work center hours.

Supply control (Purchasing). The module is designed to monitor the implementation of the procurement plan formed by the MRP and approved by the decision maker, as well as planning and executing procurement not related to the MRP itself. Thus, it can be said that the MRP is planning the deadlines and parameters of purchasing applications, and this module helps to control the implementation of these applications through their transformation into procurement orders.

Distribution Resource Planning (Distribution Resource Planning). The module is designed to provide planning in the case when an enterprise has a geographically distributed structure with several platforms removed from each other. In this case, it is necessary to describe the distribution network (distribution) with all the essential parameters of this network (delivery time, the work calendar of various nodes of this network, the mode and cost of transportation, etc.). It can be said that DRP is a kind of MRP for the distribution network. In other words, DRP links several MRP sites. At the same time, both production and trade units of the company can be considered as platforms (for example, a remote warehouse that carries out products to buyers in another region).

Tooling or Tool Planning and Control). For some companies, calendar planning of instrumental support for production is equally important than the calendar planning of the need for materials and production facilities. The design of the instrumental support subsystem may be similar to the MRP / CRP system with associated subsystems (operations with stocks, planned earnings, product specifications, etc.). It is technically possible to implement one of the two approaches: either fully integrate the tool support subsystem with MRP / CRP at the database file level, or position it separately from MRP / CRP with the provision of the appropriate interface between these modules.

Financial Planning Interfaces (FINCIAL PLANNING INTERFACES). MRP II provides the information necessary to implement financial planning, but the actual financial analysis and planning functions in MRP II are not included. That is why they talk about the interface with financial planning. MRP II provides detailed and enough exact information Next character:

  • predicted stock of stocks and their cost;
  • cash expenditure (Purchasing materials, labor costs, variable overhead);
  • making money;
  • distribution of constant overhead (indirect).

In companies that do not use MRP, this kind of information, according to D. Landwater and K. Gray, is usually difficult to obtain for the required period of time and with the necessary accuracy. In this case, financial forecasts are often based on these reporting periods and historically established proportions between indicators. Unfortunately, this approach gives failures when the assessment of the factors affecting the result is needed the most - at the time of changing the situation.

With MRP II, information for financial planning is removed directly from the functioning manufacturing system. The financial planning interface in MRP II converts a plan expressed in natural and temporary units of measurement in the measurement unit. Thus, in MRP II, financial forecasts are built on the basis of detailed information on nomenclature positions, orders, etc. with the expansion of this information through the use of cost data.

Modeling (Simulation). MRP II system is a detailed and accurate model. production business. Consequently, it is possible to establish how the changes in the parameters of the events will affect the result of the enterprise. MRP II helps answer questions like "What will happen if ...".

Performance Measurement. The MRP II system should have the criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of the enterprise, i.e., a system of indicators under which the management of the enterprise will judge the success of the company as a whole and its separate units. Formalized program evaluation program (and this also applies to MRP II, and to any other management system) will help:

  • establishing formal, objective criteria in counterweight informal sensations and guessings;
  • development of standards for comparison with other companies;
  • the formation of goals and determining the degree of their achievement;
  • identifying problems and establishing the procedure for their permission, as well as monitoring the improvement of the Company's activities.

Planning company resources. The last of the steps of the evolution of the resource planning systems (90s) are known as the "Enterprise Resource Planning, ERP", which, according to N. Gaiver, is more perfect than MRP II.

The ERP Systems consist of a large number of software modules that can be purchased separately and will help in managing many activities in various functional areas of business. Such modules include modules for sales and distribution, financial accounting, financial controlling, production planning (including MRP and CRP), management of main assets, personnel, materials, quality, projects, operational capacity (Plant Maintenance), operational management of production Orders (workflow), as well as industry solutions (Industry Solutions). ERP systems require applications of significant effort and large investment, and sometimes and changes in some business processes in order to match softwareand may have a cycle of introduction in length in several years.

  1. APICS Dictionary, 6th Ed. American Production and Inventory Control Society, 1987.
  2. Gaither, Norman. Production and Operations Management / Norman Gaither, Gregory V. Frazier. - 8th Ed. South-Western College Publishing. Cincinnati, 1999.
  3. Robin GoodFellow. Manufacturing resource planning. A Pocket Guide, 1993.
  4. Darryl V. LandVater, And Christopher D. Gray. MRP II Standard System. A Handbook for Manufacturing Software Survival. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1989.
  5. Orlicky, J. Material Requirements Planning: The New Way of Life in ProDuction and Inventory Management. New York: MCGRAW-HILL, 1975.

More details with the issues considered within the framework of the article can be found in the book of D. A. Gavrilov "Management on the basis of the MRP II standard" issued by PETER publishing house.

Basic assumptions MRP.
  1. operations are carried out within the boundaries of one production site, i.e., the territorially distributed structure of enterprises is not supported.
  2. Production resources are unlimited, so MRP does not take care of their sufficiency to perform an formed plan.
"Closed MRP cycle"

The system built around the planning of materials needs (MRP), which includes additional planned functions, namely production planning (enlarged planning) - Production Planning (Aggregate Planning), the development of the main calendar production plan (Master Production ScheduTuling) and the planning of the capacity of facilities ( Capacity Requirements Planning). After the above planning phases are completed and the plans were adopted as realistic and achievable, the execution of plans begins. This includes manufacturing control functions such as measuring the input / output material flow (power) - INPUT-OUTPUT (Capacity) Measurement, forming detailed graphs and dispatching, as well as reports on the estimated lagging for plant graphs and from suppliers, the formation of suppliers charts etc. The term "closed cycle" means that these elements are not simply included in general SystemBut there is a feedback from the execution functions so that the planning is always correct.


MRP systems, the intensive development of the theory of which was carried out since the beginning of the 60s, are currently present in almost all integrated enterprise management information systems.

Currently, the use of modern integrated systems in Russian enterprises has not yet been widely disseminated, especially the functionality of material resources planning (MRP)

In what cases use MRP systems is appropriate?

First of all, it should be noted that MRP systems have been developed for use in manufacturing enterprises. If an enterprise has a discrete type of production (assembly to order - ATO, making to order - MTO, manufacturing to the warehouse - MTS, serial - RPT, ...), i.e. When for manufactured products there is a statement of materials and the composition of the product, the use of the MRP system is logical and appropriate. If the enterprise has process production (Process Industry, Continuous-Batch Processing), the use of MRP functionality is justified in the case of a long production cycle.

MRP systems are rarely used to plan material needs for service, transport, commercial and other organizations of the non-production profile, although the potential ideas of MRPseys can be applied with some assumptions for non-production enterprises whose activities require the planning of materials in a relatively long time interval.

MRP systems are based on the planning of materials for the optimal organization of production and include directly MRP functionality, the functionality of the description and planning of the production capacity of CRP (Capacity Resources Planning) and are aimed at creating optimal conditions for the implementation of the production plan of production.

The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe MRP system

The main idea of \u200b\u200bMRP systems is that any accounting unit of materials or components necessary for the production of the product must be available at the right time and in the desired quantity.

The main advantage of MRP systems is to form a sequence of production operations with materials and components that ensures timely manufacturing of nodes (semi-finished products) to implement the main production plan for the production of finished products.

Main elements MRP.

The main elements of the MRP system can be divided into elements providing information, software implementation of the MRP algorithmic basis and elements representing the result of the MRP software implementation.

In a simplified form, the initial information for the MRP system represents the following elements:

MRP elements

Main Production Plan-schedule (OPP) - Master Production Schedule (MPS)

The main production plan is usually formed to replenish the stock of finished products or satisfying consumer orders.

In practice, the development of an OPP is the planning loop. Initially, a draft variant is formed to assess the possibility of ensuring the implementation of material resources and facilities.

The MRP system will detail the OPP in the context of the material components. If the necessary nomenclature and its quantitative composition is not present in the free or previously ordered reserve or in the case of unsatisfactory planned supplies of materials and components, the ODP must be adjusted accordingly.

After the necessary iterations, the ODP is approved as valid and on its basis is the launch of production orders.

Material statement and product composition

The statement of materials (VM) is a nomenclature list of materials and their quantity for the production of some node or final product. Together with the composition of the VM product, it provides the formation of a complete list of finished products, the number of materials and components for each product and the description of the structure of the product (nodes, parts, components, materials and interrelations).

The statement of the materials and the composition of the product are the database tables, the information of which correctly reflects the corresponding data, when the physical composition of the product is changed or the state of the tables must be adjusted in a timely manner.

Status reserves

The current state of stocks is reflected in the corresponding database tables indicating all the necessary characteristics of accounting units. Each accounting unit, regardless of the options for its use in one product or many finished products, should have only one identifying entry with a unique code. As a rule, the account identification entry contains a large number of parameters and characteristics used by the MRP system that can be classified as follows:

  • common data
  • description, type, size, weight, etc.
  • power data
  • inventory unit, storage unit, free stock, optimal stock, planned to order, ordered reserve, distributed stock, party part / series, etc.
  • procurement and sales data
  • purchase / sale unit, main supplier, price,
  • production data and production orders, etc.

The records of accounting units are updated whenever possible when performing operations with reserves, for example, planned to purchase, customized, recovered, marriage, etc.

Based on the MRP input data, the system performs the following basic operations:

  • based on the ODP, the quantitative composition of the final products is determined for each period of planning time,
  • the composition of the finite products is added spare parts, not included in the OPP,
  • for OPP and spare parts, the overall need for material resources is determined in accordance with the VM and the composition of the product distribution by planning time periods,
  • the overall need of materials is adjusted with the state of stocks for each planning time period,
  • there is a formation of orders for replenishment of stocks, taking into account the desired advance times.
  • The results of the MRP system are:
  • plan-schedule of supply material resources - the number of each accounting unit of materials and components for each period of time to provide an OPP.

To implement a planning plan, the system generates a schedule of orders in binding to periods of time, which is used to place orders to suppliers of materials and components or for planning independent manufacture.

  • changes in supply schedule - Adjustments to a previously formed production planning plan
  • a number of reports required to control the supply process of production.

One of the components of the integrated information management information systems for the MRP class is the production capacity planning system (CRP).

The main task of the CRP system is to check the MPS fee from the point of view of equipment loading equipment for production technological routes, taking into account the deadlock, forced downtime, subcontract, etc. Input information For CRP is a plan-graph of production orders and orders for the supply of materials and components, which is converted in accordance with technological routes to load equipment and working staff.

Model functionality MRP systems:

  • description of planning planning units and levels of planning
  • description of planning specifications
  • formation of the main production plan of the schedule
  • product management (Description of materials, components and units of finished products)
  • inventory Management
  • product Configuration Management (Product Composition)
  • conducting a statement of materials
  • calculation of materials
  • formation of MRP purchase orders
  • formation of MRP orders for travel
  • working centers (description of the structure of production work centers with power definition)
  • machines and mechanisms (Description of production equipment with definition of regulatory power)
  • production operations performed in binding to work centers and equipment
  • technological routes representing a sequence of operations performed for some time on specific equipment in a specific working center
  • calculation of facilities for the definition of critical loading and decision making.

2. MRP II (Manufacturing Resources Planning)

MRP II systems are the further development of MRP systems and are focused on efficient planning of all resources of the manufacturing enterprise. In general, the following directions can be distinguished:

  • business planning
  • planning production
  • formation of the main production plan schedule

MRP II systems involve the involvement in the information integration of the financial component (business planning). In MRP II systems, a special toolkit of the formation of a financial plan and compiling budgetary estimates, forecasting and controlling cash flow, on the basis of which the possibility of implementing a production plan in terms of cash and alleged funds is determined.

3. ERP Systems

ERP system (Enterprise Resources Planning) as further development Integrated enterprise management information systems other than the above functionality, as a rule, include distribution resource planning (DRP - I, DRP - II), and resources for carrying out technological services and repair.

DRP systems provide optimal solution (planning, accounting and management) of transport tasks for the movement of logistical resources and finished products.

In addition, for MRPII and ERP systems, the presence of a special subsystem for the implementation of long-term projects (Project Management), which implies full-featured planning of material resources, labor resources, equipment, formation network graphs works, managing the implementation and fault of the implemented projects.

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