OneNet - franchise dossier. Online store franchise as a profitable business model Internet provider and TV franchise is the best

Development  04.07.2023

Today, online stores (IM) are gaining more and more popularity. Agree, it’s very convenient - without leaving your home, you can find something you’re interested in using the Internet, get all the necessary information and order it, rather than visiting a large number of stores. As demand increases, supply usually increases as well. And in our case, the number of various online stores is growing. Anyone can engage in this type of sales, but not everyone knows how to do this. Let's look at online business from the entrepreneur's point of view.

Pros and cons of doing business on the Internet

Let's first consider the positive aspects that come to the surface when doing business on the Internet:

  • So, the first big advantage is the ability to work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. In other words, you have the opportunity to earn money around the clock by receiving orders from consumers at any time of the day or night.
  • If your site has already passed the first stage of promotion, then you have the opportunity to collaborate with a large number of clients at the same time, without taking any participation in it.
  • Consumers have the opportunity to leave reviews about your store on your website, and as a result of this, you can easily navigate and understand what needs to be changed a little and what is already good.
  • It is very important that to open your own business on the Internet as a franchise, it is enough to make a very small investment. There are even options where this can be done absolutely free.
  • You don’t need to rent large office space, open stores with expensive interiors, or hire a large staff of workers.
  • Very convenient is the fact that you can manage your business from anywhere in the world, you just need to have access to the Internet.
  • As consumers, you can consider not only a limited number of people living near a stationary store, but, on the contrary, a fairly large audience that can use the services that you are ready to provide them.
  • All transactions that are carried out between a consumer and an entrepreneur are carried out with a minimum expenditure of time. People who want to purchase any goods from you do not need to leave their homes to pay for it, but rather do it using the Internet.
  • And lastly, if you have a desire to change something while running a business, you can do it much easier and faster.

Now the time has come to consider those disadvantages that very often stop you and prevent you from starting an online business:

  • First of all, there is very high competition. As mentioned above, anyone can start this business. So in the age of high technology, every second person can master this simple procedure of opening an online store.
  • It is not difficult to guess that the Internet is an environment where all information is very easily copied and distributed. The same rule applies to stores and sales. If you can come up with some kind of sales system of your own or develop a new product, then within a couple of hours they can be successfully copied.
  • You have no way of knowing exactly who you are competing or collaborating with. It is necessary to regularly and carefully monitor all innovations.
  • A fairly significant problem is the fact that your business will not always succeed. It often happens that a person starts working on such a site, invests time and all his effort, but the result never comes. This is due to the already mentioned above problem of the complexity of forecasting business on the Internet.

What is good about an online store franchise?

To begin with, it would be appropriate to consider what a franchise is? In general terms this is conducting someone else's business under certain conditions, which has been started for a long time, has any success among consumers, etc.

In general, a franchise is good for those who already have their own business and want to expand it.

On the other hand, franchising is a good start to independent work for those people who have tried themselves in big business and want something different. This type of activity provides minimal cash investment and a more predictable outcome.

Examples of popular IM franchises

Auto parts

Franchises in this industry are very popular and in demand due to the fact that spare parts for cars are a very popular product in the market of goods and services. Markups on goods can reach up to 30-100%. The minimum investment in this area is about $3,000, which pays off on average within 6 months.

Examples of franchises:

  • 1001 spare parts;
  • Vianor;
  • Admiral-S.

Childen's goods

Online stores of children's goods are an area in which work is very promising. It may take about $2,000 to open such an online store. The size of the investment cannot be stated precisely because there are many different aspects on which it depends. If you create it on a turnkey basis yourself, it will take approximately $30,000-40,000, taking into account the purchase of goods.

Examples of franchises:

  • Babyart;
  • Comix;
  • Orange elephant.


Working with an online clothing store, you will see that this industry is also in great demand, especially in our country. Working with both men's and women's clothing is quite popular. Investments are approximately $1,000 for a store with, relatively speaking, socks and $15,000-20,000 for stores with dresses.

Examples of franchises:

  • Kossa;
  • Jeans super price;
  • Stefanel.

Pet supplies

The online pet supply store is also in great demand. The investment amount is approximately 50,000 rubles. And to open such a store you will need to spend about 30,000 rubles.

Examples of franchises:

  • Le Murrr;
  • Zoology.

The video shows a description of the children's football school franchise:

Where can I buy a franchise?

You can find information about purchasing franchises in any of the available sources. This could be the Internet, the press, advertising, or data from a person selling franchises. In order to quickly find and compare types of online store franchises, you can use the following sources from the Internet:

  • Franchise ratings;
  • Franchise stores;
  • Franchise catalogues;
  • Websites of franchisor companies.

Franchise store acts as an intermediary between a person who wants to have his own business and the franchisor. They contain all sorts of catalogs that organize all types of franchises into certain categories. Basically, they all have a wide database and can provide some advice on clients' requirements.

However, these directories do not contain any contact information for the person providing the franchise. Only the details of the person who acts as an intermediary are indicated there.

Franchise catalogs often represent a specific website or a separate section on a website about a business. Anyone who has the opportunity to provide a franchise can go there and, with a certain monetary contribution, post on this site information about it and information on which they can be contacted.

Franchise company website, accordingly includes information about only one of them. Here you can find the most truthful information, laid out in full. Therefore, as soon as you choose what you want to do, it will be better to immediately find such a site and study it in detail.

The procedure for opening an IM franchise

First of all, you need to choose in which area you want to develop your business. We discussed above where and how this can be done.

Once you have decided on this issue, find as much information as possible about the company that provides you with this franchise.

The next step will be to register you as an individual entrepreneur or open a limited liability company. You will also need to open a bank account to carry out monetary transactions.

After this, it’s time to conclude an agreement with the organization from which you are purchasing the franchise. Well, then you fulfill the conditions specified in the contract. For example, you will need to make a contribution, then create your own website where you will sell your products and purchase them. You may need to hire and train staff and run an advertising campaign for your store.

But you shouldn’t expect that you will have a huge number of customers in the first days after opening your store. As you know, it takes time to promote and advertise your store.

If, after reading, the advantages of business have inspired you, and the disadvantages have not scared you away, feel free to go for it, and you will definitely succeed!

Internet commerce in one form or another is developing steadily today. More and more new services are appearing that provide services via the Network. We are not talking about online stores, as this is a separate area. Everything here is much deeper and there are more levels.

Some facts: relatively recently, access to the Internet was the lot of the elite, and according to data from 2012 - even then - in the Russian Federation the percentage of users exceeded 50%. The connection with e-commerce is obvious - if people go online, they can become clients of the company that offers its products/services in this area. The most interesting thing is that the potential is huge. The numbers speak for themselves. In 2010, the country's total trade turnover was only 240 billion Russian rubles, which is 1.6% of total retail trade turnover. By 2013, the figure increased significantly - 525 billion rubles, which is about 2.5%. In the past 2015 - already 7%, and this is not the limit. Development continues unabated and the “vacancies” are still vacant.

In fact, you can present any offline project on the World Wide Web. If it functions successfully, then the problem is solved, you can expand your sphere of influence, and the franchise is great for this.

As for the concept itself, we are talking about a form of cooperation, where companies transfer the rights to use their trademark to another person/organization. Of course, the franchisee undertakes to sell goods/services strictly following the company’s policy while maintaining marketing technologies, internal audit, and work quality examination.

The main condition is the conclusion of a contract with the founding company, which clearly states all the obligations/rights of the parties.

Important aspect:

Internet franchises, like any other, involve only the USE of a trademark, but not ownership.

You need to understand that:

  • Buying a franchise means getting a working and complete system for use.
  • To start, you don’t have to have any special education or have any specific skills.
  • Success in the market under a well-promoted brand is ensured in most cases if you follow the seller’s conditions.
  • The cost will be significantly lower when compared with opening your own business from scratch.
  • Comprehensive assistance is provided in staff training, website creation, promotion, office arrangement, if necessary, and so on.

We remind you that the responsibilities and duties fall on the shoulders of the two parties, and the cooperation will be terminated if the franchisee (that is, the buyer) does not comply with the conditions specified in the contract, thus causing damage to the company.

Is online business real?

Internet franchises themselves have begun to actively develop only in the last few years. They raise more questions than the same stores on the Internet. For beginners who are just taking their first steps, and therefore have turned their attention to franchising due to risk minimization, it is even more difficult to make a choice.

The reality is this: a franchise in an online business is not very different in nature from what we are used to seeing in real life. Of course, it is important to make sure before concluding a transaction that virtual office work is being carried out legally, that it exists, and that it exists successfully.


When making a request to receive expanded information, you can request data not only in electronic format, but also in writing, with all the necessary assurances, stamps, and documentary evidence.

Looking through the catalog of franchises, you can see that there are a great variety of directions. These include all kinds of services, consultations, lending, forums. Each has its own characteristics, its own history, its own arguments in favor of choice. We place only verified businesses on the general list, but the success of the business directly depends on the correctness of the choice.

Before making your “bet”, the list of requirements for the buyer is assessed. Usually, the more impressive the company is, the wider the area of ​​its influence, the more impressive it is.


Don't be alarmed if there are more requirements and conditions than you expected. Experience shows that excessive loyalty is a bad sign. The logic is simple: if they promise you huge profits, but ask for nothing in return, then the situation is more than strange.

The very essence of an Internet franchise (and not only) is mutual benefit. There is no talk of charity. Only specific facts, especially in matters of a financial nature. That is why the descriptions immediately indicate the size of the approximate profit and profitability, and also clearly indicate all the contributions that the buyer will have to make.

Famous brand is your brand

There is no point in listing all the Internet franchise options, since you can draw your own conclusions based on the information in the catalogue. Our task is to explain the key points.

  1. You are buying the right to work under a trademark/brand that is already well-known and has positively proven itself among the audience. In this regard, it would not be amiss to request from the sellers the entire list of papers that could confirm ownership rights to own/use TM.
  2. A franchise offering the operation of a business via the Internet may well be (and most often this is what happens) than an offline business. You can often hear the erroneous opinion that such a project is very easy and affordable. This is an illusion. In fact, it is very difficult to establish a clear system that the buyer receives. It’s probably not worth talking once again about the highest level of competition in the Internet space and its sophistication.

With a competent approach, in a very short period of time (they are also indicated in the description), you will fully recoup your expenses and begin to make a net profit.

Prospects for Internet franchises

Just a short time ago, no one could have imagined that the situation developing today could be possible. Internet franchises seemed like an illusion, as did online business in general.

Russia, due to understandable circumstances, only began to move forward in the late 80s, when a franchisor from the United States, the same PepsiCo company, which eventually successfully built a number of soda production plants in the USSR, came to the market. Businessmen who had no idea that “this is possible” began to use the Pepsi example as a teaching tool, and the results were not long in coming. Then there were 1C software, Blue Crystal laundries and other projects. The 1998 default again set Russia back, but after 2003 the situation returned to normal, the Internet moved forward by leaps and bounds, and franchising adapted to the sometimes difficult conditions of Russian reality.

The average cost of a franchise is about $50,000, and if, according to statistics, about 1000 (successful) franchisors are already present on the market, then among them the share of Internet franchises is not so large, but it also shows positive dynamics, fortunately there are all conditions for this.

If subsidiaries of offline projects are usually opened only in large cities, which reduces the opportunities for a number of buyers, then with the model on the Internet there are no such difficulties, and we are talking about the development of small and medium-sized businesses in the Russian Federation.

Despite the fact that opening a franchise business is becoming an increasingly easier business project every year, one of the most simplified and profitable options in the Russian Federation today is an online store franchise, which is due to several fairly compelling reasons.

First of all, it should be noted that the Russian Federation and the CIS countries, with some delay, entered the stage of intensive development of high technologies, which have already managed to produce the effect of a real information boom in many countries of the West and East. As usual, we always have to overcome the gap at an accelerated pace, which also happens with the development of the commercial niche of the virtual space. It has become an axiom for almost every entrepreneur today: if you don’t do business on the Internet, then you can immediately give up on any project and not waste time and effort on it. This understanding, dictated by everyday life, is now promoting the comprehensive development of e-commerce.

The attractiveness of opening an online store as a franchise does not require as much financial investment as it does when traditionally opening and promoting your own business. In addition, each franchisee initially has much greater guarantees of safety and chances of success due to the simple fact that the work is carried out according to an already established system and using time-tested schemes. The convenience of running an online business is also facilitated by the ability to conduct it, as they say, without leaving home.

The opportunity to purchase an online store franchise is provided by an international network of city sites, a company whose duration of activity today is more than five years. The commercial organization occupies a leading position in the “City Website” segment and in the “Regional Website” category.

The total investment required for the development of the project is 300,000 rubles. The minimum entrance, lump-sum, contribution is 65,000 rubles, for royalties the same figure is 35,000 rubles. The time it takes to pay off the expenses spent on a business project is from 9 to 15 months.

The demand for an online store franchise from the franchisor AppGlobal is due to the fact that the business of creating mobile applications today is characterized by a relatively high degree of speed and accessibility. The proposed kit contains all the necessary training materials, working techniques and marketing tools. Due to this equipment, the designer received the name “business in a box.”

The project, the total investment in which is 59,000 rubles, is accompanied by the provision of operational support. The monthly royalty is 14,900 rubles, while the lump-sum payment is 59,000 rubles. The period required to recoup the investments made in this project is from one to two months.

Before I found my business, I tried many different businesses. My problem is the lack of start-up capital. Therefore, all my searches lay in the plane of “minimum investment.”

I tried organizing autoquests - at some point it even brought in money. But it turned out that the popularity of such a business is just a fashion, and it is fleeting.

Then I tried to open a marriage agency, but, apparently, because I was a man, it didn’t work out. My wife gave me the idea to open an online store. Lately, she has literally become hooked on shopping on the RuNet.

He can sit in front of the monitor for hours and look at his dresses. And I thought that women’s passion for such an activity is ineradicable, which means I can try to open my own online store.

QUESTION: How did you choose a franchise from the offers on the market?

I scoured the Internet and talked to friends who know something about programming. In general, I agreed for little money to have a store website made for me. I decided to work as a reseller. But problems began. First, the site began to crash.

Made out of friendship “for an inexpensive price,” it did not allow me to expand the range. It was not possible to update product descriptions. Then problems with supplies began. I could not guarantee deadlines for my customers, because I myself did not know whether what they ordered from me would be in stock, and whether the wholesalers would let me down.

The next problem started with the first returns. These clothes are a lot of headaches. Either the color did not suit the client, or the size, or in the picture the dress looked better than in life. In general, things didn't work out for me.

But somehow others succeed! And then I decided to search the Internet for stories about the success of such projects, and instead I came across a catalog of online store franchises.

It turned out that I was completely in vain cutting the window to Europe- it had already been hacked long ago before me, and I and others like me, without starting capital, were offered to take advantage of their experience and brand for a certain fee and buy an online store franchise.

There were a lot of proposals. You can open an online store as a franchise in any product line with a starting capital from 0 to 20-30 thousand rubles. An online store franchise was offered with a lump sum fee from 20,000 to 80,000 rubles. and royalties from 2,000 to 20,000 rubles.

A free online store franchise was also offered, that is, a franchise without a lump sum fee and royalties.

Naturally, I was immediately interested in such proposals. I began to choose. Fortunately, I already had some experience with Internet sales, so for myself personally, I immediately rejected offers like: franchise of an online clothing store.

I already knew that in such a business you couldn’t do without returning goods, but I didn’t want to deal with that. There was a thought: what if there was a franchise for an online store of children's goods or a franchise for an online store for children's clothing?

I reasoned like this: crazy mothers cannot deny their children anything. If you design your storefront well and offer branded items and toys at reasonable prices, a children's online store franchise should work.

I even found a franchise of a French manufacturer, who was looking for a franchisee in Russia. The offer was as follows: 1500 euros lump sum. There are no royalties in the first year of work, and from the second year the amount is negotiated additionally.

For this money, I was provided with a copy of the original site, which I had to register on a separate domain, and the right to purchase original products at special prices posted on the partner site.

Training, assistance in recruiting personnel, the opportunity to display up to 30% of children's products from other manufacturers on the pages of your website. Full consulting support, advertising of my website, etc.

Overall, I liked the proposal. Unlike most franchises built on a dealer principle, they offered not only branded goods, but also training and advertising.

However, at the last moment I stopped myself from signing the franchise agreement. And that's why. Firstly, 1500 euros was a bit expensive for me at that time. Secondly, the uncertainty regarding royalties for the second year was confusing.

What if they inflate the rate and have to curtail everything. It was not clear what the payback period for the project was. And most importantly, I was not sure that I knew what exactly mothers expected to find in the store for their children. Taught by bitter experience with a clothing store, I decided that I should only sell what I understand.

At that time, I was interested in: a franchise of an online handicraft store, an online gift store, a franchise of an online spare parts store and a franchise of an online electronics store, as well as a sports nutrition store.

The first two franchises were winning ones, thanks to the exclusivity of the offered range. It is easy to enter the market with such a product. In addition, this is an online store franchise without investment. No lump sum, no royalties and no mandatory purchase.

In fact, as much as we ordered, we purchased as much. However, you won’t earn much from such a store. And it’s not my thing, it’s more of a women’s franchise.

I really wanted to open an online electronics store. The offer was tempting, big profits loomed. The franchise was offered without a lump sum fee and without royalties.

You can study the numerous experiences of other entrepreneurs who have created their own successful franchise business in the section of our website:

The most successful and informative case, according to the editors of the Russtarup portal:

An interesting experience of creating a business under a franchising program is presented

However, free cheese only comes in a mousetrap. According to the franchise agreement, it was required to open an office of two rooms, one of which was allocated for managers, and the second for a warehouse for goods received according to orders.

And this is how you understand the costs. In addition, it was necessary to make the first purchase of electrical equipment for $10,000. Otherwise, everything is wonderful - they gave me a website, they even promised to redirect clients from those who live in my region. That is, they guaranteed payback within 2 months. However, I simply couldn’t afford the start-up costs.

The offer of a franchise for an online sports nutrition store was interesting. I conducted market research in my city. On the one hand, the popularity of sports centers and gyms is growing.

On the other hand, there are practically no sports nutrition offers in the city. This created an excellent situation. fit into an open niche and work for the first time with virtually no competition.

I had already decided to sign the contract and began to study the proposed range of sports nutrition. It turned out that there are so many subtleties! Hundreds of names of different drugs for different muscle groups, for different stages of preparation.

Some burn fat, others pump up mass. Frankly speaking, I was confused, I lacked professional knowledge. I realized that I would not be able to advise a client if he called and asked for advice.

This means I won’t be able to sell the product. I had to abandon this idea. The franchise of the online auto parts store remains. Stopped on it. Despite the fact that certain capital investments were required, this particular offer was optimal for me.

Firstly, I am a car enthusiast with 15 years of experience, I have changed 3 cars, and I repaired them myself. Therefore, the topic of spare parts was very clear to me. This is where I was docked. Secondly, a lump sum contribution of 50 thousand rubles. with installment payment and royalty 5 thousand rubles. from the second month they seemed justified to me.

For this money, I was provided with a website completely ready for use, with filled content. I was given the right to change the content myself and put up my own price list.

But the most important thing is that they gave me a database of clients from my region, who previously were confined to the central office. This became a decisive argument in favor of an auto parts franchise.

In addition, this company already had more than 100 franchisees at the time of signing the contract with me, which is also important.

Signing the contract, preparatory work on creating the site and filling out the content, and training took about a month.

Question: How much did it cost you?

  • 50 thousand – lump sum;
  • 6 thousand rubles renting a room for temporary storage of incoming orders.
  • 11 thousand – salary of 1 salesperson;
  • 4.7 thousand rubles. tax on official salary.

Total: 65.7 thousand rubles.

Starting from the second month, my expenses amounted to 26.7 thousand rubles, and from the fourth month I had to hire another seller, and therefore, the expenses amounted to 42.4 thousand rubles.

QUESTION: How much did you plan to earn from your chosen franchise?

Franchisors promised payback in 2 months. I am not such an optimist and expected that I would reach zero profitability by the 3rd month, and that I would receive a profit no earlier than the fourth month of work. In fact, it turned out that only by the fifth month I broke even, and received my first profit six months later.

Question: How much did you earn in reality?

On a monthly basis, my sales were:
1 month – February – 35,000 rub.
2nd month – March – 37,000 rub.
3 month – April – 45,000 rub.
4th month – May – 41,300 rub.
5 month – June – 46,000 rub.
6th month – July – 82,000 rub.
7 month – August – 100056 rub.
8 month – September – 100078 rub.
9th month – October – 112,000 rubles.
10th month – November – 78,000 rub.
11th month – December – 68,000 rub.
12 month – January – 61,000 rub.

In principle, despite the fact that the franchisors' promises did not come true, I am pleased with how the business is developing, although I do not yet have the resources to increase sales volumes. We need to expand the staff and expand the area of ​​the temporary warehouse. These are my plans for the next six months. Then I expect to increase net profit by 30%.

In general, I think that an online store franchise in Ukraine or Russia, no matter what, is a very good business for those who do not have large financial resources to start or do not have sufficient business experience.

Russia and Ukraine is the first step to starting a successful business with an easy and simple start.

When making a decision to purchase a franchise, you need to consult the professional recommendations in this section:

You can read about the latest news and trends in franchise business

QUESTION: What, in your opinion, are the advantages and disadvantages of the chosen franchise?

Advantages of an online store franchise:

  • You get a ready-made turnkey business;
  • You don't have to worry about how to make a suitable website;
  • You are provided with an established logistics system for supplying goods;
  • You are trained (at least, I advise you to choose only those franchises where there is such a clause in the contract, since in fact this is the most important thing - if the franchise goes bankrupt, you will be able to work independently or your wife will be able to start their own project).

Disadvantages of an online store franchise:

  • You cannot freely vary the prices. Even if the franchise agreement provides certain freedom in this matter, you are still limited in your rights in pricing;
  • You cannot adapt the site as you see fit;
  • Mandatory royalties can also be considered a disadvantage (if there is one, of course).

It seems that the advantages of an online store franchise still outweigh the disadvantages. Working with a reliable franchisor is easier than breaking into the market alone. The main thing is to choose the right partner.

What advice would you give to those who are planning to buy a similar franchise?

I would come up with a few simple rules that will help you make the right choice.

1. Choose only the sales area in which you understand.
2. Carefully study the terms of the contract and do not sign it if:

  • – the contract does not contain a business plan indicating the payback period;
  • – your training is not provided;
  • – the conditions for price formation are very strictly defined.

3. Study the experience of existing franchisees. If there are none, do not sign the contract.

And remember: a free franchise is not always a good thing, sometimes it’s worth paying, but at the same time getting a roadmap for business development that minimizes the risk of failure.

Today, almost every major store has its own addition to the Internet. Selling any product online can maximize sales, promote and popularize the brand. Online retail has many advantages over the standard scheme for selling goods or services. Maintaining and maintaining an online store is much cheaper (you don’t need to pay wages to sales staff, spend money on security, or rent space).

How to open an online store as a franchise?

For some entrepreneurs, online stores are only an addition to an existing retail outlet, for others they are the main type of business. Neither the scale of the business nor the chosen direction prevents them from reaping the benefits and benefits of online sales. Moreover, many experienced companies today offer the opportunity to open their own business under franchising terms.

The activities of a franchise online store differ from a standardized one, but have many advantages. Let's consider the main stages of opening a regional franchise office:

  • Analyze the activities of online stores that offer to cooperate. Consider not only the conditions and price, but also the popularity of the brand used and the competitiveness of the company.

Advice: the online store must show successful growth dynamics for 5 years and be recognizable and enjoy a good reputation.

  • Establishing connections, discussing terms of cooperation. The main criterion from which to base your choice is the percentage of sales, since this will be the franchisee’s income.
  • Registration with government agencies. As a rule, at the initial stage it is enough to register as an individual entrepreneur.
  • Office search. When opening a regional representative office of an online store as a franchise, you need premises for work. The entrance to the office must be decorated with a sign of the brand with which cooperation is expected. As for equipment, at first a computer, scanner and printer are enough.
  • Signing the contract. After the transaction is concluded, the contacts of your store will be listed on the company’s official website, which will ensure a flow of customers.
  • Concluding an agreement with a transport company. It is recommended to choose only trusted companies, since the delivery time of the goods depends on their work.

Formats of an online store opened under a franchise

  • "Our Brand";
  • "Vectra";
  • "Stolplit";
  • Furniture studio YAMBO;
  • Factory of cabinets "Ronikon";
  • Kitchens ENLI;
  • Exclusive anatomical furniture STRESSLESS.

Childen's goods

Web resources for selling children's products are a promising direction. It is not customary to save money on children, so many parents want to buy the best for their child. Investments in a business depend on the chosen format and method of selling products. On average they are 1500-2000 dollars. In practice, the profitability of an online store of children's goods opened as a franchise varies between 25-40%. The profitability of the project depends on the quality of the products, promotion options, and warehouse availability. For a universal online store, the profit is 120-200 thousand rubles. per month.

Popular children's online store franchises:

  • "Children's Products Center";
  • Comics Toy Store;
  • "Orange Elephant";
  • Children's clothing Stilnyashka;
  • Sale of 3D coloring books DEVAR kids.

Selling gifts online

The advantages of opening an online gift store as a franchise are obvious. There is no need to develop a concept, choose a strategy and monitor consumer demand. The franchisee receives a ready-made business that can be launched in a few weeks or even days. The franchisor provides an online catalog that is filled with a unique variety of products. At the same time, the starting investment will be small - a virtual gift store can be opened for 100-200 thousand rubles. Most of the capital is needed to purchase goods.

Franchise cooperation in this niche is currently offered by:

  • "White hedgehog";
  • "Gift Calendar";
  • "Rose in a flask."

In addition to the above areas, electronics, clothing, shoes and accessories can be called popular.

Is it possible to open an online store as a franchise without investment?

At the start of their activities, many entrepreneurs ask questions: “?”, “Is it possible to open a business without investing a penny?” But it is impossible to do without investments. In practice, minimum cost agreements are offered by companies with their own production. They earn money as suppliers. In essence, this cooperation is a dealer work scheme.

The advantages of an online franchise store include minimal investment. But when opening such a business, be prepared to independently resolve difficulties with customers, train staff and increase the popularity of the online store. Even if you manage to find a franchise offer that does not require payment, you will have to invest money in creating and promoting a website.

Advice: A free online store franchise should raise doubts. If you receive such an offer, find out what benefits the franchisor receives, ask for information about partners, carefully study the commercial agreement, especially the additions and what is indicated in the fine print.

If you have identified a profitable direction and found a profitable franchise, you know, but do not have start-up investments, think over a business plan and try to find an investor. Today, many of them finance similar projects.

Also keep in mind that by spending money at the start, you get a reliable partner who will provide support during the implementation of the business and provide the opportunity to quickly recoup the investment.

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Franchising is the optimal model for developing your own business for those who have not yet gained experience in the field of entrepreneurship. Opening an online web portal and selling a product of the chosen direction is much easier if you have the opportunity to work on behalf of a popular brand and use an established business scheme.

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