We dial 10. The best keyboard trainer for beginners

1. General provisions 1.1. The primary trade union organization is a voluntary... 23.01.2021

Job search Job search Online keyboard simulator is a touch typing training service directly from the website. Unfortunately I don't have the opportunity and sufficient knowledge and for now this remains only in distant dreams. Also due to the lack of motivation (no one from the administrators of existing online keyboard simulators agreed (or did not respond at all) to exchange links with my site (even for money), I did not review online resources for teaching fast touch typing for a long time.

But due to the demand for online keyboard simulators, I still created this review.

The criteria by which we will analyze online keyboard simulators:

  • Availability (free, registration);
  • Features and functions (speed test, availability of guidelines, issuance of a certificate and others);
  • Languages;
  • Attendance of the online resource.

Fast Keyboar Typing - free online keyboard trainer

  • Completely free ;
  • You can complete a close task without registration; you can enter via VK;
  • Training in Russian and English, many exercises, you can create your own;
  • To move on to the next task you need to go through it several times;
  • no more than 5 errors;
  • Lots of educational material;
  • Beautiful virtual keyboard;
  • Multifunctional statistics;
  • User rating system.
Fast Keyboar Typing Keyboard Trainer- a completely new, beautiful and powerful online multifunctional keyboard trainer. The service is completely free and very easy to use. The authors of the project guarantee students guaranteed result. It’s also nice to have feedback.

Online keyboard simulator address: http://fastkeyboardtyping.com

Vse10 - online keyboard trainer

  • Completely free , requires registration, you can log in via Facebook;
  • You can take a speed test without registration;
  • Training in Russian and English, 16 lessons, each lesson contains several exercises;
  • To move on to the next lesson (exercise), you need to complete the previous one;
  • To successfully complete the exercise you must allow no more than 2 errors;
  • Eat guidelines, landing rules;
  • Virtual keyboard with finger zones;
  • Lesson statistics;
  • Opportunity to take a certificate exam (silver, gold and platinum);
  • Overall rating of all students;
    Online keyboard trainer vse10 suitable for learning from scratch. Has a nice interface, no intrusive advertising, I’m glad to have the opportunity to receive an electronic certificate - you can show it off to your friends or show it to your boss.

Online keyboard trainer Vse10 address:

Thanks to the Vse10 keyboard trainer, you can learn for free on any computer connected to the Internet; continue learning from the point where you stopped last time; receive an online certificate for the speed and quality of your typing; compete with others in the typing speed rankings; view statistics of your results. Save your time, as you won't get it back.

Touch typing is based on the fact that each finger is assigned its own specific zone of keys that it serves. The entire learning process comes down to training the “muscle memory” of the fingers. If you practice regularly (preferably 2-3 times a day), then very soon you will be able to type well with ten fingers without looking at the keyboard. You can learn touch typing with both the Russian keyboard layout and the English one.

Keyboard trainer

In this section, you can take various courses that will help you learn how to touch-type on the keyboard. The courses consist of lessons, which in turn have several exercises. After completing any of the exercises, the site remembers where you left off, even if you come back the next day, and you can continue where you left off.

My page

All information that relates to a specific user’s person is collected here: registration data (profile), statistics, received certificates.


A very useful section that will tell you how to learn how to type quickly and correctly without looking at the keyboard. Perhaps in the future there will be other useful information here.


It's good when someone or something can confirm your speed or quality of work. In the “Certification” section, you can pass a short exam in the form of a paragraph of text and, if successful, receive a certificate with information about the speed and quality of your typing. Such a certificate can be useful when applying for a job or, for example, when talking about a salary increase.


The opportunity to compete in typing speed with others. It is built on the basis of data from the passed certification. It's always nice to be one of the first.

Interface language: Russian

Restrictions: not found

How to quickly learn to touch type with all 10 fingers? Review of programs and online keyboard simulators for teaching touch and fast ten-finger typing (typing).

There are even specialized courses for this purpose, and in the West it is one of the subjects in secondary schools.

The main advantages of the touch typing method:

1. Typing with all fingers reduces the number of errors.

2. All fingers are occupied, and each of them corresponds to a certain number of letters.

3. The work becomes completely mechanical - the desired letter is unmistakably struck by the finger with which one has been taught to strike it.

4. By mastering the blind ten-finger method and applying it in practice, people will save their health. They won’t have to look from the keyboard to the monitor and back dozens of times, their eyes won’t get tired, and their vision won’t deteriorate. Those trained will become less tired during the working day, as a result of which they will begin to do more work.

5. Using the blind ten-finger method, anyone can achieve a typing speed of 300-500 characters per minute. If we take into account a work team where all the people in it have mastered the blind ten-finger method, then they work 10% - 15% more efficiently. All letters, texts, balances, reports, notes, documents are prepared faster, better and more accurately.

6. When typing blindly, attention is not focused on the fact of typing, but only on expressing your thoughts (suggestions, conclusions, recommendations, conclusions) in the best possible way.

How to learn?

There are a lot of resources, including the already mentioned touch typing courses, online classes, and special programs. We will not dwell on the courses, but we will look at programs and online simulators.


In general, most of these programs are based on a similar methodology. First, the “student” studies the middle row of the keyboard - this is FYVAPROLJE, trying to get used to typing certain letters with the corresponding fingers. Here, as practice shows, the most difficult thing is to “move” the ring finger and, especially, the little finger. After mastering the middle row, the top and bottom rows are added. Learning may be accompanied by irritation because your fingers press the wrong keys, there are a lot of mistakes, etc. – this cannot be avoided. But you don’t need to be too upset - this is a fairly serious skill, and to acquire it, you need to work hard, don’t expect an easy “victory”.

SOLO on keyboard

The most famous program on the Runet for mastering the ten-finger touch typing method is SOLO on the keyboard. I will dwell on this keyboard simulator in more detail, since this is not just a program, but an extended training course. In addition to simply typing certain letters in SOLO, the keyboard contains detailed instructions, tips and many other materials that help you cope with irritation from mistakes, and help you not stop halfway.

The entire course consists of 100 exercises. Having completed all 100, you are guaranteed to type text with all 10 fingers, regardless of the keyboard - checked. Each exercise contains up to 6-7 tasks. In addition, after many exercises you will need to repeat one of the previous ones. At the beginning of each exercise there are anecdotes from the creators of the program, which are sure to cheer you up and help you relax a little. There are also numerous letters from people who have already completed SOLO, in which they describe the problems they encountered and what was the most difficult for them. You will find something of your own in them, and this will help you overcome difficulties. After completing the task, you are given a grade on a 5-point scale.

Stamina (Recommended)

This is a free keyboard trainer with a simple but fun interface. The author of this program is not devoid of a sense of humor and did not hesitate to express it in the program interface. Training is based on step-by-step completion of tasks with increasing complexity. For example, in the first task you will need to type the letters A and O in different combinations, then B and L will be added, etc. The tasks are completed to pleasant music. Also, various events in the program are accompanied by cool sounds, for example, when closing the program, Arnold Schwarzenegger’s phrase “I’ll be back” is heard. The program also has an entertaining toy, which, however, is not related to learning, but you can play with it.

Rapid Typing

A free application from Western developers that supports learning in Russian and English layouts. It has an attractive, user-friendly interface. Class statistics are kept to help you navigate the learning process. Below, as usual, is a diagram of the keyboard.


Not quite a standard keyboard trainer. The authors of the program talk about the extreme effectiveness of their method of mastering touch typing. Their website claims that after 5-15 hours of training you will be able to touch-type at a speed of 200-350 characters per minute. The technique is really different from the standard one. Here you are immediately asked to type text consisting of letters in all rows of the keyboard. In this case, the proposed strings for typing are generated by a special algorithm that generates phonetic related sequences of characters.

However, I think that this approach will be very difficult for beginners. Explanations about how to hold your hands, what fingers to press, etc. are in the program help, and are described quite clearly, but switching from two-finger “poking” at the keyboard to typing with all 10 fingers is not easy. At the same time, it is very difficult to study which finger is responsible for what, looking only at the keyboard model. I think there is a high probability that the student will simply abandon this matter until better times.

Fast Typing School

This keyboard simulator is designed for those who want to learn ten-finger touch typing on the keyboard. The simulator has various interesting sections:
1. step-by-step learning of the keyboard “muscle memory”;
2. the game “falling letters” helps to take your mind off learning the keyboard and develop your reaction;
3. typing - skill development;
4. touch printing - imitation of work on typewriter, strengthens and consolidates touch typing skills;
5. audio dictation - just like in school, a voice dictates a story and you need to type without errors at speed.

There are other programs of this kind, but I don’t think they are fundamentally different or better than those we reviewed. This is quite enough.

Online keyboard simulators

Here we will look at 2 good online resources that are dedicated to mastering the touch typing method.

Keyboard solo online

Training is provided free of charge. However, if you want, you can transfer money to ErgoSOLO LLC in the amount of 150 rubles (this is the same amount as their “SOLO on the Keyboard” program costs). The learning process and methodology are no different from those presented in the program. Everything is very high quality and with care for the student. Here you can compete in the rankings with other “online soloists”, of which, by the way, there are already quite a few. Users who have paid for the course will have an asterisk next to their name. In general, both the SOLO keyboard program and the online course are what a beginner needs. I think this is the best option.

All 10 (Recommended)

Another new project, which promises to save us from the habit of pointing two fingers at the keyboard. At the beginning, you will have to take a test to check your typing speed. Then the exercises begin. Two courses are available – Russian and English. The training section provides detailed instructions and recommendations for completing tasks.


The basic rules of the game are simple. The game will select a random piece of text that you and your opponents must type exactly. As fast as possible. When you successfully type a text, your typewriter (always at the top of the list) moves forward. If a typo is made, you must correct it, otherwise there will be no promotion. Based on the results of the race, the winners will be determined and some parameters of the passage of the text will be shown - time, typing speed in characters per minute and the percentage of characters in which errors were made. The results of each race are saved in your personal statistics. For each completed text you are awarded a number of points depending on the length of the typed text.

Time Speed ​​Keyboard Trainer

The main goal of the Time Speed ​​Keyboard Trainer project is to provide an opportunity to master typing (touch typing or ten-finger typing) on ​​your own to a wide circle computer users. We offer a series of courses for teaching touch typing, as well as developing its speed.

VerseQ online

This is an online version of the famous VerseQ keyboard trainer, but, unlike its offline counterpart, it allows you to study from anywhere in the world, participate in competitions, and share your successes with friends and acquaintances. You need the service if you want to quickly, easily and naturally learn touch typing. And if you are already a typing pro, then show off your skills to others!

More online keyboard trainers

http://urikor.net - the first championship of typewriting in Cyrillic


To all that has been said above, you can add the following. Anyone who works at a computer, and especially if they have to type a lot of text, needs to buy an ergonomic keyboard. It is also called separate because the keys for each hand are separated. In addition, the right and left blocks are at an angle to each other, which allows you to avoid bending your hand at the wrist when placing your hands in the initial position FYVA-OLJ. Working on such a keyboard, you will definitely get less tired, and this will improve your average speed printing and, accordingly, productivity.

I have already said that you should not hope to easily “conquer” the blind typing method. It's quite difficult, especially at the beginning. To complete, for example, SOLO on the keyboard, you will need to put in a lot of effort and patience. In addition, you will need to set aside special time for this. However, you shouldn’t be afraid of this; anyone who wants to will undoubtedly cope with this task. Good luck!

How to learn to touch type? Where, how and what kind to find a good keyboard trainer for ten-finger typing training? Is it difficult to learn to touch type and how to do it quickly? How long will it take? Are there any “secrets” to learning? AND…

At one point, all these questions attacked me in a flock. It all started with the fact that I decided to stop fooling around and learn to type with ten fingers.

The world is ruled by the Monitor and the Keyboard. I wouldn't be surprised if one morning they took my coat and went looking for Sarah Connor. But until this happens, I decided to master the skill of enslaving at least the Keyboard - touch typing.

In the process, it turned out that all these questions are inferior in importance to another:
How not to throw your computer into the wall twenty times, not to trample it under your feet, not to throw it out the window while you are learning to type?
It's really very important point, but more about that later.

So, the teaching typing site Vse10.

I found it by searching in a search engine on the first page. I wandered around a bit and realized that this was exactly what I needed at this stage.

The site is as simple as four oranges. To work you need to go through a very, very, simple registration. After which you can start working. The “Training” section provides basic recommendations for working with the simulator. This is the longest page on the site.

The service rules are a little shorter.

If you wish, you can contact... I don’t know who, but you can contact someone. I don’t know why either. I didn't contact. But there is a feedback form.

Feedback form

On the site you can master Russian and English and pass certification in each. I haven't passed it yet, maybe later. The speed is not the same yet.

Now let's move on to the simulator itself.

It all looks like this.

Keyboard trainer

The keyboard is on the screen, with the keys labeled with colors for each finger and the fingers themselves. When typing, the letter you need to press is highlighted. Useful for those who are new to the layout of letters on the keyboard. Since I already knew the layout well, it didn’t matter. I managed without her.

16 exercises, several stages each. In order to move on to the next one, you need to go through the previous one. Something like a game of levels. You can view and return to an already completed exercise in the settings.


The minimum number of errors is 2. Minimum speed– 50 characters per minute. This is so that you can move to the next level. It's not that difficult if you have some skill in typing. This state of affairs adds excitement.

Pros of the online trainer All 10.

1. Simple and clear. No distracting or unnecessary features.
2. Online. There is no need to download or install anything.
3. Free.
4. Ideal for those who are very bad at typing.
5. Suitable for those who have a good grasp of the keyboard, but want to learn how to type with ten fingers.
6. An ideal foundation for further learning.

Now I will explain the last point. The site is focused only on building muscle memory. That is, which finger to press what with. The program is designed in such a way as to reinforce the basics. This is just bNa aza. But it's impressive. On the simulator you can master and consolidate initial skills, and then it’s a matter of practice. But there is no practice here. That is, it is impossible to practice typing text or different combinations of letters. Only a specific set of exercises.

This may be a minus, but for me it's a plus. Any task needs to be divided into stages. All 10 are the first stage for me. And I'm glad there aren't any cumbersome exercises hanging out there for the next level of learning. There is another very good site for this.

Although, perhaps, if you get certified, other exercises will appear? To improve the result. I don't know. But it seems doubtful. I'll check it over time.

My observations on training.

No need to bother.
It's better to take it as a kind of game and relax. The more stressed you are and want to do the right thing, the worse you do. The best position is my job to click, something will work out. It is important not to focus on the result, but to be aware of the process itself.

First of all, work on “correctness”.
Technique (what to press with which finger) is important. Literacy and speed depend on it. Speed ​​is a matter of practice and only practice. But until you train your muscle memory CORRECTLY, there will be no speed.

A truism? Yes. But when you start typing, this truth miraculously transforms into “ah, hurry, hurry, type more characters and...” But it probably won’t work, because correcting errors takes much more time than slow, thoughtful typing. Not to mention the fact that this will “faster” slow down the work in general.

Everything went well, I knew the keyboard, I even tried typing with ten fingers before I decided to take the issue seriously. Therefore, there were no difficulties with typing letters. Sometimes I lamented about how it infuriates those who are starting from scratch. You probably chronically want to smash your computer into smithereens.

Little did I know then that I would have to learn to type punctuation marks and parentheses! The only thing that saved my laptop from flying through an open window was the lack of money for a new computer. And the mental hospital left me with deep breaths and persuasion like “you’re smart, just relax and enjoy who-knows-what trying to type in asterisks and brackets without errors and at a suitable speed.” The pleasure is questionable, but if you tune in to a calm attitude, then you can live. If it doesn’t work out, then you need...

You convincingly say “You’re great,” stretch and go have some tea.

Remove the line with counters.
The pages should be scrolled so that the lines with counters are not visible.

Achievement counter

Damn distracting. Not only is something constantly moving there (the numbers change), but you also start to get nervous when you see that everything is not going as smoothly as you want - the speed is low, there are a lot of mistakes. You get distracted and make mistakes. Remove this nonsense so that it is fashionable to fully concentrate on the typing process itself.

Check the language.
If everything is correct and not printed, then you need to change the language on the computer. Otherwise, I registered (in English) and started studying. And print in Russian.

I almost went looking for another site. Then I realized that it was me who was glitching, and not the site.

Well, I’ve already typed the review with ten fingers. Moreover, at almost the same speed as before it was printed with two. This was the most difficult thing - to force myself to type with ten fingers “in the world.” It was too slow. But practice is effective. So far, of course, I am still far from being a pro, but the first stage has been completed.

Upgrading my typing skills took six months. But the game was worth the candle.

In the USA, 95% of PC users use touch typing. In the post-Soviet space - only 5%. The prevalence of computers is comparable in both cases, but in the first case, the 10-finger touch typing course is included in school curriculum, in the second - no. And it's strange.

IN modern world The ability to type text quickly and without errors is akin to the ability to count and write. After all, the computer has already become an integral part of the life of almost every person for five to ten years. Yes, it is quite possible to type with two fingers, and if you do this often, the speed will be impressive. But the efficiency of the set is lower in any case.

At a minimum, you get more physically tired, because you have to constantly look from the keyboard to the screen. Even with the so-called “semi-visual” typing method, which I developed over years of practice typing with two to four fingers.

Below I will tell you about my experience in mastering 10-finger touch typing and the problems that arose in the process. After all, relearning is always more difficult than starting from scratch. But the final result was worth overcoming all the difficulties.

I hope my example will encourage you, dear readers, to improve your typing skills. Believe me, investing time and effort now will give a tangible advantage in the future and increase labor efficiency in many areas of human activity.

Why break something that works well?

I started studying blind typing at the end of January and finished in October. Was the game worth the trouble? Definitely yes. The reasons were described above - this is an opportunity to double the dialing speed (for me personally), and more comfortable work in any conditions, and no connection to Russian symbols on the keyboard.

It seemed to me that I had long ago reached the level of a “keyboard ninja” and there was nowhere to develop further, and there was no need to. The problem is that when there is nothing to compare it to, it is difficult to understand the full benefits of a new initiative. Therefore, I ask you to take my word for it. Typing became... how to put it more accurately... more fun - that's the right word.

What tools to use? Any - I described the most popular ones. If you want to try learning touch typing on an automatic machine without much effort, try KeyKey. If you don’t want to spend extra money, VSE10 and “Klavogonki” will help. We decided to approach the issue thoroughly - “SOLO on the keyboard” is an excellent option, albeit the most expensive.

There is only one piece of advice - exercise daily. It’s better to spend 15, 30–60 minutes every day than to try to study touch typing in bursts of three to five hours once a week or two. Also, if typing speed is not critical, try typing with ten fingers in everyday life from the first lessons. Process training will go faster.

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