Soap from remnants. From waste to income: how to make soap from remnants at home

Development  17.05.2020

Accumulated soap does not have to be thrown away. They easily and simply make new soap, which is not inferior in its properties to the one you just bought. How can you make soap from soap remnants?

Liquid soap is the easiest way to make from soap remnants.

To create it you will need other components:

  • hot water;
  • milk;
  • containers for the finished product;
  • grater;
  • plastic heat-resistant container (silicone molds are also suitable).

Water and soap are taken in equal proportions, and you will need half as much milk. For example, if soap pieces have accumulated in a half-liter jar, then you need to take the same amount of water, but you will need 0.25 liters of milk.

The soap shavings should be grated on a fine grater or thoroughly chopped with a knife, and the resulting shavings should be filled into the prepared container. Then add hot water, close the lid, shake well so that the water dissolves the chips.

Now the mixture should be left for a while, but shake the bottle periodically. When the shavings are completely dissolved, a thick soap mixture is formed, into which milk is added and, if desired, essential oils are added.

Solid soap

To do solid soap from remnants, you will also need:

  • molds;
  • hot water;
  • container with a lid.

The remnants are grated on a fine grater, poured into a previously prepared container, and hot water is added to them. Cover the container with a lid and leave so that the chips can dissolve. It is advisable to stir the mixture every 15 minutes.

After a few hours, the soap remnants will completely dissolve, and the resulting mass can be poured into molds, and then placed in a cold place to harden.

Before use, the molds should be greased with vegetable oil so that you can easily remove the finished product.

After a couple of days, the soap from the remnants is completely ready.

If desired, you can boil the shavings so that they dissolve faster.

In this case, the solution is placed on low heat and stirred constantly. When working, protect your respiratory tract with a filter mask.

Soap in the microwave

A quick way to make soap from soap remnants. In addition to the microwave itself, you will need:

  • 1 liter of soap;
  • a glass of hot water;
  • molds;
  • Microwave safe container and lid.

The remnants are grated or chopped with a knife. Pour them into a prepared container and pour a glass of hot water. Place in the microwave.

Set the power on the microwave to 600 W and run the program for half a minute. Then take it out, mix it, and put it in the microwave again for 15 seconds. Then mix again and put in the microwave. Repeat all steps until the soap dissolves. It is important to ensure that the mixture does not boil.

The finished mixture is poured into molds and refrigerated. After 2 days the product will be ready.

Additives in soap

You can diversify or improve the properties of soap from soap remnants by adding some additional ingredients to it.
For example, if you want to make soap that has a positive effect on the skin, you can use the following components:

In addition, you can add essential oils, which will give the finished product a pleasant smell. For this purpose, you can use any essential oil with the aroma you like, for example, jasmine or rose.

Making soap from soap remnants at home is a process no less exciting than making the soap itself. You have accumulated many pieces of unsuccessful or non-foaming soap, soap that has lost its former aroma, or simply soap scraps; do not rush to mercilessly part with them. Believe me, soap from remnants at home can be turned into worthy examples of the soap collection, and no one will ever guess that these are former remnants or soap made from remnants with your own hands.

How to make soap from soap remnants

Let's take a closer look at how to make soap at home from soap remnants in several ways, and what to do with soap remnants?

If you are going to remelt soap from soap base, then in this case you need to follow the principle of “melting the old and pouring in the new.” As always, it's easiest to work with soap made from a soap base. The time spent making soap from remnants will be from 15 to 30 minutes. At the same time, you can enrich the melted soap from the base with an impressive color, your favorite aroma and give it a new shape.

The second option is to make soap from remnants at home from industrial (children's) soap. For this process, it is necessary to soak finely grated soap residues for several hours in water or milk, and then cook in a water bath for several hours. For better melting, you can add honey or sugar, and at the end saturate it with color, smell and scrubbing particles, for example.

If you are planning to make soap from remnants with your own hands, then the same GS rules are followed here, with one not unimportant digression, the alkali is already in the soap, which means we will only add aromas, color, superfat, glycerin and whatever your heart desires.

In view of the fact that making soap from scratch has the most problems during its production, let us dwell on this method in more detail and dispel all fears, just as it is not difficult to make soap from soap remnants with your own hands at home.

So, you have pieces of unsuccessful soap, cold or hot, and you want to make a soap reboot.

How to make soap from soap remnants

  1. First, you need to weigh the soap pieces in order to decide on further proportions of the components and directly on the mold for the new soap.
  2. Next, grate the soap into a container for a water bath; if the soap was old, stale and dry, you need to add some water or milk.
  3. We put the workpiece in a water bath or in the oven and cook soap from the remnants at home for 30 minutes to 2 hours using a hot method.
  4. Boil the mass until the soap shavings are completely dissolved; if a lot of liquid has been added, then evaporate it.
  5. You can add color, superfat, dried flowers and your favorite essential oils to the finished homogeneous mass.
  6. Place the soap mass in the mold, tapping the sides or the mold on the table to distribute the soap evenly.
  7. Let it harden for several hours.
  8. After hardening, take out an attractive piece of soap, leave it to dry for a while and you can use it.

Now you know how to digest soap from soap remnants without special effort. All you need is desire and a few free hours of time. This time we described the simplest ways to make soap from soap remnants. There are also interesting recipes for making soap using large amounts of glycerin to obtain transparent soap, using multi-colored pouring in layers, making liquid soap from remnants, etc., which we will happily share in our next articles.

The easiest way to make soap at home is to melt down factory residues - you always have them in the house. As a result of this exciting and low-cost hobby, you can make your own soap in various shapes and colors. Products home production enriched with essential oils, seasonings and decoctions of medicinal plants. Such beautiful and even medicinal briquettes will delight every household member, because soap is necessary remedy for body cleanliness.

Preparing for soap making

Usually, having started making soap from soap remnants, home producers can no longer stop and they no longer have enough of them. At first, they buy new briquettes of baby or neutral soap for shavings, then they switch to professional kits and prepare it from scratch. By melting in the microwave and using a mixer, you get faster results. But even without a microwave in a water bath, this process is no less entertaining.

Even if you have the necessary raw materials at home, you need to prepare to make soap from remnants. For the most simple way need to prepare:

  • Grater.
  • Container for dissolving soap remnants.
  • Dishes for melting.
  • A glass of milk.
  • Olive oil.

You can use silicone baking molds - this procedure will only make them cleaner. Children's toy dishes and any small food containers are also suitable. An important condition when choosing forms is convenience when pulling out the finished piece, which means that the dimensions of the upper part should be slightly larger than the dimensions of the bottom.

Soap made from soap at home

It is quite easy for beginners to set up a small home factory for making their own soap. If you make soap from remnants according to a child’s order, then his interest in body hygiene will be more pronounced.

Step by step instructions:

  • To speed up the soap-making process, it is better to grate the soap remnants on a fine grater. In grated form, it will dissolve faster, and the resulting solution will be more homogeneous.
  • Mix soap shavings (200 g) into a glass of milk and leave for two hours.
  • Add a tablespoon of olive oil.
  • Place the solution in a water bath and stir gently until absolutely homogeneous. Avoid the appearance of bubbles.

If foam appears, it must be removed. Uniform mass is an indicator of product readiness. This mass can already be poured into molds. But as a rule, manufacturers show imagination and add all kinds of ingredients to it. It can be ground coffee, honey, berries, and even rolled oats flakes. To obtain multi-colored options, colored soaps are melted separately and poured into molds alternating.

After introducing the additives, the mass must be additionally heated in a water bath. Glycerin and pharmacy vitamins are also added. Essential oil is injected into final stage and quickly, so that it does not have time to dissipate, stir before sending it into molds pre-lubricated with oil (can be olive, vegetable or Vaseline).

Cooling in the molds may take about a day in the refrigerator. The strength is determined by pressing a finger; if the mass cannot be pressed and it comes away from the walls well, it is removed. The pieces are laid out on paper and left in a warm place to evaporate any remaining moisture. The indicator of readiness is the hardness of the resulting product. This usually takes from two to seven days.

Making a product from remnants is really simple. Actions carried out step by step and without haste will definitely please you with the results. Children will especially be happy with this soap.

Preparing liquid soap will surprise you even more with its simplicity of production: grated soap (2/3 of the container volume) is placed in a plastic dispenser, filled to the top with hot water and mixed by shaking. Let it brew for three days, and the product is ready. Liquid soap can also be made with glycerin by adding it in the amount of one capful.

Cooking recipes

The protracted process of soap making usually does not stop when all the household soap has been used. Then they buy baby soap, turn it into shavings, and then into their favorite soap. You can make it with your own hands and using household scraps. Depending on the ingredients, housewives themselves create recipes and come up with names for their products. Vitamin:

  • soap shavings - 100 grams;
  • almond oil - two tablespoons;
  • sea ​​buckthorn oil - a tablespoon.

Place the container with the mixture in a water bath, stir and gradually add boiling water (200 ml). After obtaining a homogeneous mass, add a tablespoon of glycerin or vitamin E and a few drops of your favorite essential oil. Pour the mixture into pre-prepared molds and leave to harden for a day.

Helpful advice! If you place the mold in hot water for a few seconds before removing the soap, it will come out faster. You can, on the contrary, first place it in the freezer - then when it thaws, the soap easily leaves the mold.

For problem skin:

  • Soaps in the form of shavings – 200 grams.
  • Borax – half a teaspoon.
  • Camphor alcohol and glycerin - a tablespoon each.

Add water to this mixture gradually, one spoon at a time. When receiving the mixture in the form of sour cream, beat with a mixer until a semi-liquid cream consistency is obtained.

Tonic soap, thanks to sage essential oil, has the ability to heal wounds, improves blood supply to the skin and has a tonic effect.

Surely every person periodically experiences the appearance of small remnants after using bar soap. These small pieces are difficult to use and a shame to throw away, especially if the hygiene product was originally fragrant and of good quality. How to use soap remnants? Thrifty housewives have long found the answer to this question - you can make soap at home from the remnants that you find in the bathroom.

Moreover, from old leftovers you can make not only large bars of a new product, but also get a liquid hygiene product with aromatic additives and pleasant to use. Homemade soap can have a number of advantages over store-bought soap:

  1. You can decide for yourself which detergent you need its aroma, composition and eliminate the presence of harmful chemicals.
  2. Presence of beneficial ingredients. If you add imagination to the manufacturing process, you can add a variety of products and substances to your future soap: chocolate, perfume, essential oils, creams. Thanks to this, the product can be beneficial for the skin and have a unique aroma.
  3. A real opportunity to save. New detergent made from old leftovers can help you save quite a bit of money each year, especially if you have a large family and need to buy different cleaning products frequently.

Don’t rush to throw away the accumulated remnants of hygiene products, we will be happy to tell you what to do with the remnants, and you use your creative imagination and try to make your own fragrant and unique product that will not be inferior to yours. beneficial properties bought in a store.

How to make liquid soap with your own hands

There are several simple ways to make soap at home from soap remnants. Liquid soap is the easiest to make. You can add some oils or perfumes, milk to it. To avoid damaging the structure of the product, adding solids is not recommended.


  • Remnants of toilet soap.
  • Hot water.
  • Heat-resistant plastic container (bottle).
  • Grater.
  • Bottle for finished soap.

Grate the soap remnants on a fine grater and pour them into the prepared bottle. The smaller they are, the faster they dissolve. Small pieces should take up a little more than half the bottle.

Pour hot water into this bottle and shake vigorously. Wait for the mixture to dissolve, remembering to shake it periodically. A thick soap mixture can form in about 12 hours or a little longer, it all depends on what kind of soap was used to produce the liquid product.

After the soap crumbs have completely dissolved, you can add milk or some kind of butter to the mixture. Shake well. The finished liquid product can be poured into a beautiful bottle and used. You can watch the manufacturing process in the video.

How to make bar soap

How to turn bars of soap into a whole bar of soap? Making solid detergent is a very interesting and creative process. For example, you can come up with the shape, smell, composition, color of the future product yourself. Using food coloring, you can give the soap any color, achieve an interesting shape with the help of children's molds, and if you want to make soap with a scrub, ground coffee added to the composition of your new hygiene product will help you with this.

Solid soap made from soap

This soap can be made using leftover old soaps of different brands and hot water.


  • Remnants.
  • Hot water.
  • Soap mold.
  • Vessel with a lid.

Grate the remaining hygiene product and pour into a small saucepan or other container. Then pour hot water into it. Cover with a lid and wait for the soap shavings to completely dissolve. Do not forget to stir the composition periodically.

When the soap remnants are completely dissolved, pour the resulting mixture into the prepared molds. Before this, you can add some additional ingredients to the soap solution: oils, creams, fragrances.

Now you need to put the molds in the refrigerator for 2 days. If you decide to make scrub soap, then you need to add ground coffee to the mixture when it becomes thick. After adding coffee, you need to mix everything well and put it back in the cold. In 2-3 days it will be ready.

How to make soap from soap remnants using a microwave

You can make detergent in the microwave, it's very quick and easy. You just need to take into account the fact that many types of soap contain a large number of strong flavorings and there is a possibility that subsequently heated food may become saturated with the smell of perfume. If you are willing to put up with this, then you can start making this product in the microwave.


  • Dishes for the microwave.
  • Remnants.
  • Additional ingredients - milk, perfume, oils.

Grate the soap pieces on a fine grater. Then pour them into a microwave-safe bowl and add some hot water. Cover with a lid and place in the microwave.

In an electric oven, set the power to about 600 W and run the program for 30 seconds. Then you need to take out the soap solution, mix it and put it in the microwave again for 15 seconds. Then take it out again and stir. These steps must be repeated until the soap crumbs are completely dissolved. It is very important to ensure that the mixture does not boil.

When the solution is ready, you can add milk or fragrant oil to it, mix, then pour into molds and put in the refrigerator for 2 days.

Soap made from colorful pieces

Don't know where to put the remnants? You can prepare a beautiful and original detergent from multi-colored pieces; to do this, you need to cut them.


  • Remnants of different colors.
  • Molds.
  • Alcohol.

Take colored remnants and cut some of them into small pieces, and the rest into large ones. Then they will need to be mixed and generously sprinkle with alcohol so that they stick together.

Then you need to pour melted and clear soap into a separate mold. Now add the stuck colored pieces there.

After everything has completely dried, the finished block must be removed from the mold and cut into pieces of the desired size.

There are several important points When preparing the product, you should not forget about:

  1. It happens that during cooking an unpleasant odor is released, but because of this it is not recommended to use numerous fragrances. When the soap cools, the aroma will change. If you use essential oils in cooking, you should add no more than 10-12 drops.
  2. It is important to remember that when adding natural ingredients to a product, such as milk, lemon or orange zest, its shelf life may be limited.
  3. When cooking you can use silicone baking molds. IN hardware stores Special molds for soap makers are also sold.
  4. If the solution turns out to be too thick during cooking, it is diluted with water or an infusion of various herbs.
  5. Very old and hard soap residues can be broken up with a hammer.
  6. If the solution is too thin, add 20 grams of sugar to it and it will become thick.
  7. Get a skin-friendly hygiene product from you Yes, if you add dry lavender, mint to the heated solution. In summer, you can also use fresh herbs for this: chamomile, St. John's wort, lemon balm and others.
  8. It is not recommended to use chemical dyes in production, it is better to use some kind of food for these purposes.
  9. Brown color can be obtained adding cocoa to the solution, and if you don’t have it, then you can use coffee, you can get red by adding beet juice, if you want yellow, add saffron or calendula.

This is how you can decide what to do with soap remnants, all the above methods of preparation homemade soap will help you get a fragrant and beautiful hygiene product.

You can make two types of soap from soap remnants: hard soap.

WITH liquid everything is very simple: we push the remnants of soap into a bottle of old liquid soap (preferably with a dispenser, for solidity), about half a bottle, fill it with hot water and... wait.

Periodically the bottle needs to be shaken and its contents mixed.

After a few days (it all depends on your soap remnants: some soap dissolves faster) you will have a bottle of liquid, viscous soap. If the soap mixture seems too thick, dilute it with water.

Solid soap made from soap

To prepare it, we will need a plastic container suitable for heating in a microwave, in fact, the microwave itself and molds into which we will pour the finished soap.

Step 1. Grind the soap on a coarse grater or chop it into small pieces with a knife.

Step 2. Place them in a prepared plastic container and add a little hot water. If you want to get multi-colored soap, place the soap remnants in different containers, without mixing one color with another.

Step 3. Close the container with soap remnants with a lid and put it in the microwave for 15 seconds. Then take it out and mix. Let's set it again. And we do this until the soap melts. Try not to bring the soap to a boil.

Step 4. Before the final “melting”, you can add various oils, oatmeal, ground coffee, flower petals to the soap... This way you will not just have recycled soap, but a new useful and beautiful product.

Step 5. Grease the soap molds with oil and pour the melted mixture into them. You can make soap with several layers. To do this, first pour melted soap remnants of one color, let the soap dry a little, and pour the second batch of a different color.

Tin cans are suitable for molds (when the soap dries, we simply cut off the bottom of the jar and push the soap out), children's sand molds, pastry molds for cupcakes...

The soap should dry for several days. Well, then you will have your own soap made from the remnants.

In addition, it can be done and, however, it will require a little more components and time.

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