Master of general construction works. State professional educational institution "Syktyvkar Industrial College" Features of the profession master of general construction works

Banks 30.08.2020

Qualification – bricklayer (4th category);

electric welder for manual welding (3rd category)

Standard period for completing the program on the basis of basic general education with secondary (complete) general education - 2 years 5 months.

Objects of professional activity:

Buildings and structures, their elements;

Materials for civil works;

Technologies of general construction works;

Construction machines, small-scale mechanization equipment, tools and devices for general construction work.

The civil works master will know:

Technology of masonry, installation and electric welding works;

Main types wall materials, properties of wall materials and mortars, as well as waterproofing materials used in insulating foundations and walls;

Tools and devices used for masonry and installation of building structures, basic equipment;

Requirements for the quality of work performed, including related operations or processes;

Basic information about the design of electric welding machines and devices;

The principle of operation of electric welding machines and devices for arc welding of alternating and direct current;

Types of basic rigging and installation equipment and devices.

A civil works master will be able to:

Perform installation in stone buildings and reinforced concrete lintels over window and door openings and niches;

Perform masonry, installation and electric welding work;

Carry out masonry and repair of stone structures of buildings, bridges, industrial and hydraulic structures;

Lay simple walls made of bricks and small blocks under plaster and with jointing along the masonry, foundations made of brick and reinforced concrete products, lay walls and corners of buildings, fill frame walls;

Perform installation in stone buildings and reinforced concrete lintels over window and door openings and niches;

Perform manual, electric arc and gas-electric welding of simple parts, assemblies and structures made of carbon steels in the lower and vertical positions.

Disciplines studied:

Fundamentals of Materials Science;

Basics of Electrical Engineering;

Basics of construction drawing;

Fundamentals of civil engineering technology;

Life safety;

Occupational Safety and Health;

Entrepreneurial activity;

Carrying out stone work;

Performing welding work using manual electric arc welding.

Employment Opportunities: the graduate will be able to work in construction companies, as well as in other industries. The profession “Civil Works Master” is currently in demand in our region.

ELECTRONIC WORKBOOK PROFESSION “MASTER OF CIVIL CONSTRUCTION WORKS” ON INDUSTRIAL TRAINING FOR THE I YEAR REMINDER Dear friends! The electronic workbook will help you replenish and consolidate your knowledge of the basic theory of stone working technology. It contains questions and assignments on 17 industrial training topics that characterize the features of stone work. The proposed tasks are designed for your independence in educational activities and involves working with a textbook and additional literature. You are given the opportunity to express your own opinion on the problem studied. By looking for answers to these questions and tasks, you will be able to better understand the main thing, control yourself, find out what you know and can do, and what needs to be repeated. I wish you interesting work! Conventions – Question for reflection, recall and consolidation t – Test, consolidation of theoretical knowledge † – Work with a book, reference literature U – Exercise – Research and creative tasks – Solve the problem K – Guess the crossword puzzle W/E – Erudition task CONTENTS 1. Topic: “Introduction to the profession. Labor safety rules, Fire safety and electrical safety in training workshops" 2. Topic: "Excursion to a construction site and industrial enterprises on production building structures " 3. Topic: "Excursion to a construction site and industrial enterprises for the manufacture of building structures" 4. Topic: "Familiarization with the organization of a mason's workplace" 5. Topic: "Tools, fixtures and equipment" 6. Topic: "Setting orders, tensioning moorings " 7. Topic: "Preparation of masonry mortars of a given grade" 8. Topic: "Preparation of masonry mortars of a given grade" 9. Topic: "Types of masonry, cutting rules" 10. Topic: "Practicing techniques for laying bricks pressed together" 11. Topic: " Practicing techniques for laying bricks in a butt joint" 12. Topic: "Practicing techniques for laying bricks in a butt joint with cutting mortar" 13. Topic: "Practicing techniques for laying bricks in a semi-butt joint" 14. Topic: "Order method" 15. Topic: "Stepped method" 16. Topic : “Mixed method” 17. Topic: “Testing work based on the results of the first half of the year” 1.1. Introduction to the profession 1.2. Occupational safety rules, fire safety and electrical safety in training workshops 1. Topic: “Introduction to the profession. Occupational safety rules, fire safety and electrical safety in training workshops" 2. Topic: "Excursion to a construction site and industrial enterprises for the production of building structures" Click on the brick 3. Topic: "Excursion to a construction site and industrial enterprises for the production of building structures" Click on the brick Click on the brick Organization of the workplace 4. Topic: “Introduction to the organization of the mason’s workplace” 5. Topic: “Tools, devices and equipment” Click on the brick Production tools Inspection and measuring tools Scaffolding and scaffolding 6. Topic: “Setting orders, tensioning mooring" Click on the brick 7. Topic: "Preparation of masonry mortars of a given brand" Click on the brick 8. Topic: "Preparation of masonry mortars of a given brand" Click on the brick 9. Topic: "Types of masonry, cutting rules" Click on the brick Rules for cutting stone masonry 10. Topic: “Practicing techniques for laying bricks in a pressing manner” Press on the brick Instructional and technological map Masonry using the pressing method 11. Topic: “Practicing techniques for laying bricks in a butting manner” Press on a brick Instructional and technological map Laying in a pressing method 12. Topic: “Practicing techniques laying bricks end-to-end with cutting the mortar" Press on the brick Instructional - technological map Laying the brick in a butt-joint way with cutting the mortar 13. Topic: "Practicing techniques for laying bricks half-butted" Press on the brick Instructional - technological map 14. Topic: "Ordinary method" Press on the brick Instructions - technological map 15. Topic: “Stepwise method” Click on the brick Instructional and technological map 16. Topic: “Mixed method” Click on the brick Instructional and technological map 17. Topic: “Test work based on the results of the first half of the year” Click on the brick

01/08/07 Master of general construction works

Full-time education: based on basic general education ( 9 classes)
duration of study: 2 years 10 months.

 Bricklayer
 Installer for installation of steel and reinforced concrete structures
 Manual welder


Job description:
Over the millennia-long history of development modern civilization The appearance of a person’s home has changed several times. From natural structures, such as a cave, man moved to earthen structures (dugouts), then to wooden and wooden-earthen structures, and finally to stone structures. In different parts of the world we can find stone structures that are thousands of years old.

In the process of development of construction technology, during the construction of stone buildings and structures, there was a transition from the use of natural stone elements (boulders, pebbles, slabs) to hewn and molded stone elements of buildings. In modern construction, work related to the production of masonry takes up significant volumes. Currently, more than 50% of all buildings are built with brick walls.
To meet the current requirements for the quality of construction and installation work, highly qualified personnel of construction workers with a high level of theoretical knowledge and vocational training. Such specialists are masters of general construction works. The master of general construction works performs installation work during the construction of all types of buildings and structures from prefabricated reinforced concrete and metal structures.

The profession of master of general construction works involves obtaining qualifications in several professions, the most popular of which are bricklayer and concrete worker. The main profession that accumulates knowledge and skills in the production of stone work is the profession of “mason”. Mason- a specialist who builds buildings made of brick or stone. A mason can produce different types of masonry: under plaster, with jointing along the course of the masonry, with simultaneous lining with colored bricks according to a given pattern. When constructing stone bridges and hydraulic structures, a mason lays foundations and bridge supports; during repairs, he replaces or strengthens the brick foundations of existing buildings, and seals cracks in the masonry. Teams of masons carry out masonry of various structures for industrial and residential facilities. Professional masons highly qualified carry out the construction of buildings and structures made of brick, natural and artificial stone, glass blocks. A team of masons can also carry out repair and restoration work.

INSTALLER for the installation of steel and reinforced concrete structures - (French "montage" - lifting, installation and assembly of any product) - assembly and installation worker in design position various building structures, technological equipment, devices, machines, mechanisms, devices, etc.
Installation work in the construction industry takes up an increasing volume. Buildings, industrial, heating and hydraulic structures, supports and stations of cable cars, television and radio stations, etc. made of steel and reinforced concrete structures.
The installation (assembly) of prefabricated structures is carried out by a specialist in the construction profession - an installer of steel and reinforced concrete structures.
The profession of an installer includes the following: construction professions as a mechanic, slinger, welder. Therefore, a modern installer, in addition to general metalworking knowledge and skills, has many special knowledge and techniques for performing work.

The installer's responsibilities include:
performance preparatory work on installation sites during the assembly of structures (marking, installation, temporary fastening with clamps);
carrying out installation and assembly work of reinforced concrete and steel structures;
monitoring the lifting and movement of structures to the installation site;
testing equipment and its individual parts for strength, tightness, smooth operation;
carrying out commissioning works;
identifying deficiencies in equipment operation and eliminating them.
Thus, the main purpose of the installer’s activity is installation of structures, assembly of technological equipment, testing and debugging.
The main subject of work is technology (installation of structures), associated - sign systems(drawings, numbers, formulas).
In his work, the installer uses material (instrumental) means of labor - manual (metalwork tools - chisel, hammer, wrench etc.), electrical and pneumatic (electric drilling tools, impact wrenches, grinders, mechanical shears, pneumatic hammer), measuring devices. In addition, the main ones include its intangible (functional) means - visual-figurative, technical thinking, spatial imagination, figurative memory, high concentration and distribution of attention; good coordination of movements of the whole body, as well as sensory organs - vision, hearing, vestibular apparatus.
The work of the installer has a clearly defined nature and is carried out in accordance with the current ones:
job responsibilities;
rules, instructions;
regulatory, methodological and other guidance materials;
installation diagrams, drawings, technical characteristics structures;
internal regulations and labor safety standards.
The work of an installer has a collective organization, in which the fulfillment of his work tasks depends on the process and results of other people (team members, specialists in related professions).
A functional installer is a performer, but he plans and distributes the progress of the labor process and the workload independently, focusing mainly on interactions with other team members, coordinating his labor actions with their actions.
The installer has few contacts - with team members and related specialists.
The installer has increased material responsibility for the safety of the working equipment.
The installer works in difficult (uncomfortable) conditions - a workshop, an unfinished room or outdoors and in any weather conditions (permissible by safety standards).
The following factors can contribute to the psychological tension in a specialist’s work:
physical activity (fatigue of arm and back muscles);
discomfort from working posture (long-term physical effort repeated many times during a shift);
the presence of unfavorable working conditions (noise, vibration, the possibility of exposure to harmful fumes, unfavorable climatic conditions in the air, changes in illumination).
possibility of injury (electric shock when working at height);
need to work in shifts.
neuropsychic stability;
physical endurance;
developed visual-figurative, technical thinking;
spatial imagination;
figurative memory;
ability to concentrate and distribute attention for a long time;
developed visual-motor coordination of movements;
endurance of the visual and auditory analyzers, vestibular apparatus.
ability to manage oneself, personal organization;
ability to navigate correctly in extreme conditions;
The work of an installer is not recommended for people with the following diseases:
musculoskeletal system;
respiratory organs;
visual and auditory analyzers, vestibular apparatus.

Fitter, assembler, repairman, electric and gas welder, concrete worker.

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