Marketing analysis technique. Marketing analysis of the enterprise's activities on the example of Dalsvyaz OJSC

Opening 11.04.2021


1.3. The role of marketing analysis in a comprehensive analysis of the economic activity of the enterprise ............................................................... 16

1.4. Development of a marketing complex ................................................ 19

II. Marketing analysis of the company CJSC "Millenium" ............................26

The role of marketing analysis in a comprehensive analysis of the economic activity of the enterprise;

Development of a marketing complex to promote sales stimulation; - Studying and consideration of marketing analysis on the example of the company MILENNIUM CJSC. The course of the course is the study of the theoretical foundations of marketing analysis. The object is consideration and study of marketing analysis on the example of the company CJSC MILENNIUM. A scientific research base of this work is the works of the following authors: Abramov . P., Berezin I.S., Golubkov E.P., Dickson R., Kotler F., Armstrong G., Sonders J., Wong V., Lysenko D.V., Mak-Donald M., Sklyarenko in .K., Albim workers V.M. And Sheremet A.D.

I.Toretical basics marketing analysis

1.1. The concept and need for marketing in the enterprise

Marketing (from the English Market - Market) - a comprehensive system for organizing production and sales of products, focused on meeting the needs of specific consumers and receiving profits based on research and forecasting the market, studying the internal and external environment of the enterprise, developing a strategy and tactics of behavior in the market with the help of marketing programs. These programs included measures to improve the goods and its range, the study of buyers, competitors and competition, to ensure pricing policies, the formation of demand, stimulating sales and advertising, optimize channels for the channels and the organization of sales, the organization of technical service and expand the range of services submitted services.

Manufacturers and exporters consider marketing as a means to achieve goals recorded for this period for each specific market and its segments, with the highest economic efficiency. However, it becomes real when the manufacturer has the opportunity to systematically adjust its scientific and technical, production and sales plans in accordance with changes in market conditions, maneuvering its own material and intellectual resources to ensure the necessary flexibility in solving strategic and tactical tasks based on marketing results. Research. Under these conditions, marketing becomes a foundation for long-term and operational planning of production and commercial activities of the enterprise, the preparation of export programs of production, the organization of the scientific and technical, technological, investment and sales work of the company's team, and the marketing management is the most important element of the enterprise management system.

Currently, worldwide marketing is considered from two points of view:

As a sales function;

Business philosophy.

Marketing as a sales function is represented by entrepreneurial activities related to the direction of goods and services from the manufacturer to the consumer. However, in modern conditions, marketing acts as a function and technical supply function for the economic system. Marketers are studying the market, finding out the presence of raw materials and materials necessary for the production of products, their price quality.

If we consider marketing as a business philosophy, it can be submitted as a system of activity of the company. This approach can be applied to any firm in any industry, trade, transport and other sectors of the country's economy.

Marketing analysis is a new direction of economic analysis. Marketing analysis is part of a marketing research system, including procedures such as systematic collection, registration, processing and analysis of data on issues related to the market, works, services for making effective management decisions.

Also, marketing must be viewed as a leading management function of any company, which defines market and manufacturing policies, research activities, the use of finance, maintenance based on the projected consumer demand and in terms of competition.

The economic system must adapt the range of products manufactured to the requirements of the market, actively form the demand for products from the buyer.

In the context of the development of market relations, the main tasks that firms arise, carrying out the production and sale of products, are:

clarification of consumer desires;

the choice of goods and services that the enterprise can produce;

determination of the amount of products that can be sold;

organization of promotion of goods in the market and advertising;

search for markets sales and ways to distribute products;

determination of critical sales and threshold sales price;

analysis of quality and competitiveness of products;

selection of pricing policy;

Revenue, or sales income, is the result of the main activity of the enterprise, and is the main indicator of the volume of economic activity. Sales is a basic budgeting indicator, i.e. estimated planning in the enterprise. The estimate of sales of products (goods, works and services) is determined by the methods of marketing analysis (its objects are the goods, the market, i.e. consumers of goods, and competition), as a result of which it is determined how many products can sell the manufacturer.

In the conditions of competitive struggle and the ever-changing market situation, a lot of attention is paid to marketing research. The results of these studies are later the basis for the formation of a sales estimate, and on the basis of this and the planned levels of revenue and profits from the sale of products.

Marketing research help the enterprise solve the following tasks:

determine the possibility of mass production of goods or services;

establish a hierarchy of the characteristics of goods or services capable of ensuring their success in the market;

conduct analysis of typologies and motivation of the existing and potential clientele;

determine and optimal conditions for the sale of goods or services.

The purpose of marketing research is the permission of the following problems of the enterprise:

study and establishing the potential of the market or product about the possible amount of its sales, implementation conditions, price levels, the ability of a potential clientele;

study of the behavior of competitors, directions of their actions, potential possibilities, price formation strategies;

a sales study with the definition of the territory that is the best from the point of view of sales, sales of the market, which is the most efficient.

Companies are developing a general plan for marketing research, which is compiled in the context of the marketing of individual goods or services, by type of buyers, by region.

The most complex tasks of marketing research are the analysis and decision-making on pricing and stimulating sales.

The result of marketing research is the development of a marketing strategy of a company, the purpose of which is the choice of the target market and the marketing complex, the correspondence of which will help ensure the maximum product sales and services effect.

The selection of the marketing complex is associated with the establishment of an optimal combination of its elements: product name, its prices, distribution sites and stimulating sales. On the basis of the accepted marketing strategy, basic management decisions are being developed, orienting the activities of the firm to solve problems that arise or may arise from a potential consumer of goods, works and services. This principle can be carried out if the basis for making decisions on organizational, technological, social and production issues is the result of analyzing the needs and requests of potential buyers.

According to marketing analysis, three main marketing groups can be distinguished:

1) consumer goods or market;

2) product and its properties;

3) competitors.

Consider each of them individually.

Market research, i.e. consumers of goods, means:

Study of the motives of consumer behavior;

Analysis of market conditions;

Analysis of the "Market Niche", i.e. areas of activity in which the enterprise has the greatest opportunities to implement its comparative advantages to increase sales (turnover);

Analysis of the most effective ways to promote goods on the market, forms and sales channels;

Analysis of price change trends;

Information about the capacity and trends of the market, the share of the market occupied by the enterprise, trademark, information about competitors, can be obtained by collecting statistics.

The goods are the following marketing research object. The goods are everything that can satisfy the need or need and is offered to the market in order to attract attention, acquisition, use or consumption.

Goods may not comply with the needs, may correspond to partially and, finally, fully comply with the needs, that is, being the so-called ideal product. The fuller the goods correspond to the desires of the consumer, the greater the success of the manufacturer. The concept of "goods" is not limited to physical objects. The goods can be called everything that is able to provide a service, that is, to satisfy the need. In addition to products and services, it may be personality, places, organizations, activities and ideas.

The study of goods means:

Study of product properties or service, consumer properties of goods, the difference from its competitors;

Analysis of the volume of turnover of an enterprise in industry (product) and geographical (territorial) segments;

Determining the life cycle of goods (ZHCT), i.e. The duration of the period of commemoration of the goods to the market, the market saturation period of the market in goods, the period of falling demand is the need to upgrade the goods or its replacement by a new product;

Development of efficient service of goods from consumers (after-sales service);

Determination of production and financial potential to expand the production of goods.

When studying competitors, it is necessary:

analyze the state of affairs in industry and geographical sales segments;

examine real and potential competitors to evaluate the volumes of their revenue sales financial position;

analyze the price policy of competitors, the possibility of fastening them in the market;

give the main characteristics of the properties of competitors' goods, the level of quality and design, in connection with which the goods are purchased;

compare the strengths and weaknesses of your company and competitors.

Consequently, it can be said that marketing research is a comprehensive system for studying the organization of production and sales of goods and services, which is focused on meeting the needs of specific consumers and profit based on the study and forecasting of the market.

Along with marketing research, marketing activities are particularly significant.

Marketing activities are a set of activities oriented to the study of such issues as:

analysis of the external (relative to the enterprise) of the environment in which not only the market includes, but also political, social, cultural and other conditions. The analysis allows you to identify the factors that promote commercial success or prevent it. As a result, the analysis is formed a data bank for environmental assessment and its capabilities;

analysis of consumers, both real and potential. This analysis is to study the demographic, economic, social, geographical and other characteristics of people who decide on the purchase, as well as their needs in the broad sense of this concept and processes of acquiring them as our and competing goods. Also, information on this topic can be obtained by questioning, accumulating the statistics of relationships with clients for a certain period of time.

The result of the analysis is information that includes:

Information about the consumer (portrait of the consumer);

Information on consumer preferences;

Trends and predictions of consumer preferences in the future;

Information on capacity and market trends;

Representation of a specific product, services on the required market;

Information on the share of the market occupied by the enterprise, trademark;

Information about competitors, their market share and pricing policy;

Studying existing and planning of future products, that is, the development of concepts of creating new goods and / or modernization of old, including their range and parametric rows, packaging, etc. Outdated, non-calculating goods are removed from production and market;

Planning of product and sales, including the creation, if necessary, corresponding to their own sales networks with warehouses and shops and / or agency networks;

Ensuring the formation of demand and stimulation of sales by combination of advertising, personal sale, prestigious non-profit activities (publicrelations) and various kinds of material incentives aimed at buyers, agents and specific sellers;

Ensuring the pricing policy, which consists in planning systems and price levels on the goods supplied, the definition of "technology" use of prices, loans, discounts, etc.

Satisfaction of the technical and social norms of the region, which comes true, which means the duty to ensure the safety of the use of goods and environmental protection, compliance with the moral and ethical regulations, due to the level of consumer value of the goods;

Marketing activity management (marketing) as a system, that is, planning, implementation and control of the marketing program and the individual duties of each participant in the enterprise, assessing risks and profits, the effectiveness of marketing solutions.

It should be emphasized once again that the market research is not an end in itself, but a source of information for making an effective management decision. This decision may relate to any aspect of foreign trade and marketing activities, therefore it is irrational to limit the costs of such research due to "saving funds": the loss caused by the wrong decision is usually 10 - 100 times large.

Depending on the resources of the company and the complexity of information needs, the marketing information network can be computerized or not. Small firms can effectively use such systems and without computers. But in a large, constantly developing firm with a huge field of activity, specialized computer systems are an indispensable element of high-quality analysis.

The marketing activity for the study of the consumer determines the structure of consumer preferences in the market of this company.

Studies of motives of consumer behavior on the market are aimed at predicting the behavior of certain consumer groups on the market.

The market analysis pursues the purpose of determining the potential capacity of the market for the products produced, determining the nature of consumer demand, the distribution of demand in different regions.

Thus, it can be concluded that the task of the product research activity is to determine the needs of the market in new products, improvements or modernizing existing ones, as well as analysis and decision-making on pricing and stimulating sales.

From the foregoing, it can be concluded that almost any marketing analysis system is a decision support system. And it is obvious that such a system operates at all three levels of management - strategic, functional and operational. In this case, the data source most often are documents and other sources that are part of the operational level database. For example, such a database may contain data obtained using a sociological survey or as a result of statistical accumulation.

The main iterative scheme is observed: data entry - processing - solution option - consideration by the person's version, and as a result - solutions. In this case, the system plays the role of computing link and the control object, and the person is a controlling link specifying the input data and evaluating the resulting result of calculations on the computer.

It goes without saying that many parts of the analysis, and, accordingly, the analysis systems are interrelated among themselves, and it is possible to get a complete picture, only having information and the results of its processing in all aspects.

1.2. Concept of marketing activity

The task of managing marketing is to exposure to the level, time and nature of demand in such a way that it helps the organization in achieving objectives facing it. Simply put, marketing management is in demand management. Allocate five main approaches (concepts), on the basis of which commercial organizations carry out their marketing activities.

1. Concept of improving production;

2. The concept of improving the goods;

3. The concept of intensification of commercial efforts;

4. Marketing concept;

5. The concept of socio-ethical marketing.

The use of each of them is necessarily and, first of all, the question of how the ratio of the interests of manufacturers, consumers and society as a whole should be. After all, quite often these interests come into contradiction with each other.

1. Production concept, or production improvement concept. Enterprises that adhere to such a concept have mainly serial or large-scale production with high efficiency and low cost, and the sale of goods manufactured by them is made using numerous shopping enterprises. The main prerequisites for the existence of this concept of managing marketing activity include the following: a) most of the real and potential consumers have low incomes; b) demand is equal or slightly exceeds the proposal; c) there is a rapid decline in high production costs (usually on new products), which leads to the conquest of greater market share.

2. The basic idea of \u200b\u200bthe concept of improving the goods is to orientate consumers for certain goods or services that are superior to specifications and operational qualities and thereby bring more benefits to consumers. At the same time, manufacturers direct their efforts to improve the quality of their goods, despite higher costs, and, consequently, prices. The factors supporting the existence of such a marketing concept can be attributed as follows: a) inflation; b) monopolistic market restrictions; c) Fast moral wear of goods.

3. Sales concept, or the concept of intensifying commercial efforts, suggests that consumers will buy offered goods in sufficient amount only if the company attaches certain efforts to promote goods and increase their sales.

4. Marketing concept. This concept comes to replace the sales concept and changes its content. The difference between the sales concept and marketing concept is as follows: Activities based on the Sales Concept begins with the existing company in the disposal of the company. The activity based on the concept of marketing begins with identifying real and potential buyers and their needs. The company plans and coordinates the development of certain programs aimed at meeting identified needs.

The marketing concept is an integral part of the policy, known as "consumer sovereignty", when the decision on what should be produced should be made not by the company not by the government, but by consumers. This truth can be expressed in the next definition of marketing: marketing is a love for the neighbor, for which you get a fee in the form of profits.

5. The social and ethical marketing concept, which is characteristic of the modern stage of development of human civilization, is based on the new philosophy of entrepreneurship, focused on the satisfaction of reasonable, healthy needs of carriers of solvent demand. Its goal is to ensure long-term well-being not only a separate enterprise, but also society as a whole.

The above concepts characterize different periods and basic social, economic and political changes that have occurred in developed countries in the outgoing century. As the dominant trend of the changes that occurred is the transfer of accent from production and goods to sales, as well as on the problems that cost consumers and society as a whole.

1.3. The role of marketing analysis in a comprehensive analysis of the economic activity of the enterprise

The formation of a market economy in Ros IA leads to the emergence of new problems in economic analysis.

Marketing highlights the system examination of the market, which includes the study of the presence of interchangeable types of raw materials and materials, demand for produced products, methods and channels of its implementation. From the markets on which the organization acts depends on the volume of product sales, the average price level, the cost of services, the amount of profit gained, profitability of services.

Studying various aspects with which the enterprise has to face, marketing helps save money on test releases of goods in pre-inefficient zones. Although the company spends certain amounts of research, they are completely paying for themselves. This manifests the role of marketing research to improve efficiency.

The marketing policy of the enterprise includes commodity, price, sales policy, as well as a policy of promoting goods in the market. It is according to such a scheme that the company's policy is set out: from the selection of goods, determining its prices, various sales methods to the final stage - the promotion of the goods, the stage where the profit of the enterprise from the sale of goods is increasing.

At this stage, marketers, using market research, competitors and consumers, are developing a program of actions of the enterprise in the field of goods production (suggest which product will be used by the maximum demand, meet the needs of the buyer, determine its quality compared to competitors), establish rules for creating new products. , I predict the life cycle of goods.

In an ordinary sense, it is customary to understand the item intended for consumption or finite or consumption for the production of another product. The marketing entity of the goods is somewhat different from the generally accepted, as what is customary to call the goods in the general sense is called the product in marketing. The product is an integral part of the goods that carries the main qualities in which the goods were purchased for. For example, making saccharin (surrogate sugar) can not be called its product without appropriate support. Product support is a set of measures for transportation, packaging, storage and product use. The product support group includes the following measures: everything that helps the product maintain their consumer qualities before selling (preservation, packaging, storage), measures for the correct use of the product (instructions, method of preparation), related goods (adapters, batteries, cords). And finally, the product turns into goods when using marketing tools on it, to which design, advertising, properly established sales, durable public relations.

Thus, the goods for the marketer consists of a product, its support and marketing tools. On the example of sucrose, this can be shown in the form of composite parts: product - sucrose, sugar substitute, support - packaging, transportation conditions, storage, application, marketing tools - packaging design, advertising company.

The company's pricing policy area includes issues of wholesale and retail prices, all stages of pricing, the tactics of the initial price of the goods, the tactics of price correction. Solving these issues, marketers establish the most favorable price for goods, which contributes to increasing the profitability of the company.

The external factors of the pricing process include: consumers, this factor always occupies a dominant position in modern marketing; The market environment, this factor is characterized by the degree of competition in the market, it is important to allocate whether an enterprise is an outsider or leader, whether a group of leaders or outsiders belongs to a group of leaders or outsiders; Participants in channel channels, at this stage, the price affect both suppliers and intermediaries. Moreover, it is important to note that the greatest danger to the manufacturer is an increase in energy prices, so this industry is trying to control the state.

The state affects the price through indirect taxes on entrepreneurship, the establishment of antitrust and dumping prohibitions.

The sales system of goods is one of the most important in the marketing policy of the enterprise. In sales policy, marketers affect the selection of the most optimal sales channel, the product sales method, which in efficient use will undoubtedly increase the company's profits. One of the items of the company's sales policy is the choice of the optimal sales channel. The sales channel (distribution) of goods is an organization or a person engaged in promoting and exchange of a particular product (several groups of goods) in the market. The sale of products in most cases is carried out through intermediaries, each of which forms the corresponding distribution channel. Among the main reasons that determine the use of intermediaries, the following can be allocated:

the organization of the broadcast process requires certain financial resources;

the creation of an optimal range of execution involves the existence of appropriate knowledge and experience in the field of market conditions of its product, trade and distribution methods;

Intermediaries thanks to their contacts, experience and specialization make it possible to ensure the wide availability of the goods and bring it to target markets.

Enterprises in the conditions of a market economy, considerable attention is paid to the problems of optimizing the process of promoting goods from the manufacturer to the consumer. The results of their economic activities are largely dependent on how correctly the channels of the distribution of goods, forms and methods of their sales are selected, from the latitude of the range and quality of services provided by the enterprise related to the sale of products.

1.4. Development of a marketing complex

The marketing complex is a link between producers and consumers generating market segments and includes: goods, price, means of promoting goods to the market and distribution channels. Essentially, any product is a service prisoner to solve some problem. The task of the market of the market is to identify hidden for any product needs and selling no properties of this product, but the benefits of it. Of course, product characteristics are its size, color, packaging are also very important. But other factors have crucial. Consequently, the ultimate goal of manufacturers is not the production of specific products, but providing them with their help to qualitatively perform certain functions.

The price, like the product, is an element of a marketing complex. A company conducting a certain pricing policy is actively affecting both sales in the market and the amount of profits received. From how correctly and thoughtfully built pricing policy, commercial results depend on the degree of efficiency of the entire production and sales activities of the company, enterprises.

The price strategy in the field of prices is activities related to the continuous correction process. Pricing strategy must be reviewed:

1. When new products are created;

2. When the products are improved;

3. When the competitive environment is changing in the market;

4. When the goods take place different stages of the life cycle;

5. When production costs are changed;

The most typical tasks solved by conducting a well-thought-out pricing policy are:

1) access to a new market;

2) a consistent passage of market segments;

3) the introduction of a new product (the policy of "decaying");

4) stimulating comprehensive sales;

5) price discrimination;

6) following the leader;

Providing pricing policy requires excellent knowledge of the situation in the market, highly qualified decision makers, the ability to anticipate possible changes in the market situation. Installing prices should not only know their lower and upper limits, beyond the boundaries of which their use is not economically justified, or cause punitive sanctions, but also to flexibly maneuver prices within this way so that at a certain point in time these goals would be optimal as for the seller And for the buyer.

An important role in the marketing complex is playing a sales management system. Sales management includes both human management and sales processes. From my point of view, sales management is a field of practice that is formed at the junction of management, marketing and actually sales art. Therefore, the following elements can be enabled to the sales management system:

The definition of target customers on which the sales system is sent;

Used distribution channels;

Channel management;

Organization and strategy of sales department;

Sales Department Management;

Personal sales skills and relationship management;

Adjustment of the sales system.

Despite the increasing attention and interest in sales management, cover all of the above elements of the system and build them at a high level today for very few companies. Therefore, in Russian firms, only individual elements of the system are well developed. To achieve the effectiveness of all the elements, you need to go through a very long way.

So, you can allocate the following positive trends in sales management:

in general, attention and interest in this sphere is growing;

in the company, more and more attempts are being made to reorganize its sales management system; Many begin with the fact that they are trying to deal with the current position and understand what is good, and what needs to be urgently changed. Quite often such work passes as an integral part of the overall restructuring of the company, especially when changing the owner or fundamental changes in the management team;

more attention is paid to improving the professional level of sales professionals;

increased attention to customer orientation issues and maintaining relations with regular customers.

Many companies are developing internal corporate codes and customer service standards, interaction systems are introduced with regular customers, try to automate this process. It comes to understand that regular customers are profitable. And indeed it is. Permanent customers provide companies at least three advantages: this is stability, reputation and reduction of costs. Having reliable connections with regular customers, the company has the ability to plan its work, and therefore income for a longer period. In turn, high-quality planning provides the best organization of work, the best service due to the greater rhythm of the production process and the absence of Abrashers. Ideally, regular customers become adherents of the company and begin to advertise it voluntarily and free.

Also, one of the main components of the marketing complex are means of promoting goods to the market, the purpose of which is to stimulate demand. The main ones are: Advertising, Public Relations, organization of exhibitions, fairs, provision of discounts, trade in credit, etc.

Advertising is a message designed for some predetermined group of people paid by a specific customer and aimed at encouraging this group to a particular desire for the customer actions.

Public Relations is defined as "promoting the establishment of mutual understanding of goodwill between the person, organization and other people, groups of people or society as a whole through the dissemination of explanatory material, the development of the exchange and evaluation of public reaction." The Public Relations-Manager task includes preparation and holding of press conferences, briefings, press cocktails, presentations, meetings with managers of companies, press releases, photos and other print materials, on the basis of which the articles, essays and reports will then be written.

A good way to submit a wide audience company, as well as to tie new useful links and support the old is to participate in exhibitions and sectoral conferences.

In order for money spent on these purposes, they do not disappear, participation in events should be carefully prepared. First of all, you need to take away a dozen exhibitions, representing interest for the company, and two - three exhibitions, participation in which in the future will be mandatory and permanent. Then it is necessary to prepare the exhibition itself: stands, posters, demonstration and handouts: booklets, posters, avenues, price lists, accessories, newspapers, badges, etc. And finally, it is necessary to prepare employees who will directly participate in the exhibition.

Thus, with the help of advertising and public relations, a peculiar contact with already existing or potential buyers is established, the purpose of which is to create a favorable idea of \u200b\u200bthe goods and services provided and to form a company image.

Stimulating sales under which the combination of techniques that contribute to an increase in sales throughout the entire life cycle of the goods has recently become of particular importance.

Various companies solve the issue of sales differently. Most manufacturers are trying to organize the distribution channel themselves - the number of interdependent organizations involved in the process of promoting goods or services to the end consumer or enterprise for further use or consumption. Decision making on the structure of distribution channels begins with finding out the question of the types of service required by the consumer, as well as from setting the goals and determining the limitations of the distribution channel. The firm is then developing the main options for building a channel, taking into account the types of intermediaries, the number of intermediate levels and responsibilities of the parties to the distribution channel. Partnerships between the partnerships of the distribution channel can take the form of interfirm commands, joint projects and information sharing systems. As a result of the establishment of such partnerships, many firms abandoned the distribution systems based on events, and began to apply distribution systems that respond to events. The most important thing here is that all participants in the supply chain must adapt their goods and services to the desires of target consumers and strive to effectively act in a more complicated competitive international environment.

The use of other elements of the marketing complex, such as appearance, quality, etc. also contributes to the promotion of the product. Along with the foregoing it is important to remember that the strength of the impact of various means of promotion will be maximum when their style, content, design and time are planned, centrally and pass in one way.

I will summarize all of the above, I would like to once again note that marketing is the process of coordinating the possibilities of the organization, market environment and the needs of consumers, this is a system for managing production and selling products and services oriented. Marketing analysis, in turn, is a combination of methods for studying marketing facilities - market, i.e. consumers, goods and their properties, competitors.

II. Marketing analysis of the company CJSC "Millenium"

2.1. Characteristic organization

This paper will analyze the activities of the organization CJSC Millennium, which is located in the city of Pyatigorsk.

The organization specializes in selling DVDs, MP3 players, home theaters and other audio and video equipment.

"Millenium" makes goods to individuals. In addition to the company under consideration, in the city, several more firms are engaged in such a business, namely:

"Svyaznoy" (selling MP3 players)

Dixis (selling MP3 players, home theaters, DVDs)

Euroset (selling MP3 players)

"Technique of the Century" (sale of home theaters and high-quality sound equipment.)

Electronics (Sale of MP3 Players, Home Cinema, DVDs)

"Sony" (selling MP3 players, home theaters, DVDs)

The main competitor of the company is the "Technique of the Century" and "Dixis". But other firms have a significant impact on the activities of the enterprise.

In order to increase the effectiveness of the activities of this company, it is necessary to expand the sphere of influence on the market, increase shopping areas and improve service after the sale.

CJSC "Millennium" exists on the market for 3 years. From this it follows that the firm is young. The company sells DVDs, MP3 players, home cinemas and other audio and video equipment. Manager is the director of the company, he is the owner. Personnel number: Director, 5 sellers, manager, 2 security guards. Sellers are highly qualified, because Sale technique is designed for a competent consumer.

Location: Pyatigorsk, Street 40 October 69. Sale is carried out on a leased area, which is 50 square meters. meters. The organization owns the counter and stands as well as transport. Not realized products are stored in a warehouse, which is located on the territory of the store.

The mission of this organization is to provide residents of Pyatigorsk high-quality audio and video equipment and DVDs with films, music and programs.

In my opinion, the company's activities have the dynamics of the growth of production indicators, because Revenue increased by 300 thousand rubles compared to last year.

2.2. Analysis of the market position of the organization and its goods

We will analyze the organization of the organization according to the model of the Matrix of the Boston Consultative Group (Boston Consulting Group).

At the heart of the Boston Matrix (Fig. 2.1) lies the model of the life cycle of goods, in accordance with which the goods in its development passes four stages: entering the market (goods - "difficult children"), growth (goods - "Star"), maturity ( Goods - "Doyna Cow") and a decline (goods - "poor dog").

High low

Rates of growth


Fig. 2.1 Share organization in the market

View of the product

In the analyzed organization "Stars" currently are DVDs. As a rule, "Stars" are products that bring the main profit to the enterprise and contributing to economic growth. Such products are the most important for the company, because Provide its future. For their successful implementation, it is necessary to invest additional investments in order to maintain the growth rate on the market and reflect the attacks of competitors.

"Hard children" are product groups with relatively low market shareholders, but with a high market growth rate, as successfully implemented to the market, and are rejected by them. Under the "Hard Children" sector, no goods fall.

On the "Doyna Cow" sector, there is a product - MP3 players. The profitability of this product is lower, but it brings a fairly large income, and its sale is profitable for the organization. The "dairy cow" brings high incomes, significantly exceeding the costs necessary to protect their market positions. Such a product occupies a high share in the market and brings stable profits.

The "poor dogs" categories include the sale of home theaters that occupy a low market share and are implemented in small volumes. This is explained by the high price niche and the complexity of equipment in operation.

The BCG matrix was created to analyze the relevance of the company's products, based on their market position regarding the growth of the market for this product and the market share selected for analysis. It shows how the assortment policy of the organization is noticed. And judging by this scheme, we can conclude that the goods are balanced.

Three-level analysis of goods

The advantage of three-level analysis is the possibility of analyzing the goods on three fundamentally different levels (Fig. 2.2). It allows you to estimate the availability of unique advantages and identify real and potential competitors.

Essence of goods

Actual goods

Additional goods

Unique advantages of goods

Fig. 2.2 Three-level product model

We will conduct this analysis on the example of DVDs, because Sale of this product gives the company the greatest income and the largest sales.

The goods are recognized as a number of properties for the consumer, which the buyer assesses as satisfying the needs of their needs and, in connection with this, is ready to purchase it at a consistent price and in a certain amount.

Consequently, the essence of the goods is to meet the needs of the consumer in possessing information.

The second level is the actual product. This indicates specific properties and physical characteristics of goods (size, packaging, color, chemical composition). The goods have high informativeness, compactness, has a long service life. Naturally, DVDs are highly popular with consumers, from which it can be concluded about great competition in this market niche.

The third level is an additional product. This is what is offered for the same money, in addition to the goods. The organization works both with retailers and with wholesale buyers. The company employs highly qualified sellers who are able to explain to the buyer the properties of the goods. It is also possible to order discs on suppliers catalogs and rare editions. The company provides a guarantee for sales products (from 3 months to a year).

Also highlight levels - unique advantages of goods. Most often, it is an additional product that is a unique dignity. In principle, this product is not enough than different from the similar, sold by competitors, but nevertheless there are a number of differences. The company buys discs made from new, high-strength materials, respectively, the quality and reliability of the information stored on the disks is rising.

Product life cycle

The ZHC model allows you to consider the existence of goods on the market in some time interval. The essence of the theory of the life cycle is that the goods are presented as a kind of living organism with the stages of development inherent in it: conception - birth - maturity - aging - death. By analogy with this, the following stages are distinguished in a typical curve of the goods cycle: the development stage, the stage of removal of the market, the growth stage, the stage of maturity and saturation, the decline stage.

Follow the HCT DVDs, starting from the moment of their mass use (graph 1.).

80 85 90 95 2000 2009

Schedule 1. Life cycle of goods

From the graph, it can be seen that the current position of sales of DVDs fell. This is due to the appearance of substitutes on the market, sometimes superior to the quality of the CD (flash media, memory cards, etc.). From here we can conclude that the goods are at the stage of recession. At this stage, profitability and demand for goods are falling. Although this stage also brings less income, nevertheless should be beneficial for this niche, since the goods are popular in the power of the small price and prevalence of reading devices.

If the firm wants to retain on the market and stimulate the sale of its products, she should apply a flexible system of discounts until a new (updated, improved) products appear.

Product / Market Matrix

This matrix helps classify products and market.

Table 2.1

Product / Market Matrix

Existing new

Implementation to the market

Low risk

Improving goods

Average risk

Expansion of the rank

Average risk


High degree of risk


Table 2.1 presents the four most typical options for the ratio of goods and the market.

Introduction to the market is an increase in sales of the existing goods to famous customers in the event of a market expansion or at the expense of competitors. This strategy has the smallest risk.

Improving goods - sale of a new or modified product on an existing, well-known market. This strategy has an average risk.

Expansion of the market - an attempt to sell existing goods in new markets. This strategy also has an average risk.

Diversification - sale of a new product in the new market. This strategy is characteristic of the organizations being created and has the greatest degree of risk.

The company should adhere to the strategy: introducing into the market, because The firm is young and her, for a start, it is necessary to consolidate its position in the existing market, as well as to keep existing buyers by improving the goods or establish discounts on it. And the introduction to the new market may be critical for the company. Subsequently, the organization can take advantage of the market expansion strategy, i.e. Firm should look for new markets.
After analyzing the services of the company "Millenium" with the help of the "Product / Market" matrix, it is possible to draw conclusions that this organization works with the smallest degree of risk.

Market analysis

The main consumers of products are the individuals of the city of Pyatigorsk, with an average income. In particular, on sales of DVD discs, individuals are individuals aged from 14 to 30 years. MP3 players are designed for buyers aged 14 to 25 years with an average income. Buyers of home theaters are individuals with a high level of income, this is associated with a high cost of goods.

We define the share of the organization in the market of its main products - DVDs.

The goods are a carrier of information and, accordingly, you need most buyers. Seasonal intervals are little affected by sales. But you can find a pattern in seasonal bursts, namely: in holiday days and in the summer. This is explained by the fact that the age category from 14-20 appears free time. The buyer acquires disks with films, games, software, etc., as well as MP3 players, because Most people leave for vacation.

If you choose a geographical segmentation as a segmentation criterion, then we can say that the company occupies a good position, about two shopping centers. What it follows that the flow of potential buyers is great. But on the other hand, such a neighborhood gives negative sides, for example: in shopping centers there are departments for the sale of DVDs and sound equipment. In particular, the main competitor company "Technique of the Century", occupies 30% of the market, which is not profitable for the company under consideration. The remaining departments constitute a small competition (chart 2.1, Table 2.2).

There are many other similar firms on this market niche. Among them, the most serious competitors for the company are: "Dixis" - 20%, "Electronics" - 15%.

Taking into account the approximate share of the market occupied by these firms, as well as other competitors, the share of "Millenium" is about 10% of the total market.

Chart 2.1.

Market volume

Table 2.2.

Share firms in the market

When implementing a market expansion strategy, an organization can expand its market share up to 35%, which constitutes a significant part of the total market.

Marketing research

The purpose of the marketing research in this organization is aimed at: the market research (determination of the specific gravity of goods of the main competitors in the total sales volume in this market; analysis of trends in the external environment affecting the market structure), sales research (analysis of trade and marketing methods), The study of consumer properties of goods (analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the company's goods and analogues of its competitors).

The company conducts marketing research by collecting primary data. Research method - observation of competitors (for their pricing policies). The survey method is also used (when buying goods, the buyer receives a questionnaire). The company conducted a personal survey of passersby on the streets of the city.

Based on the data obtained, a number of points were revealed. For example, the survey method showed that buyers are dissatisfied with the quality of service, it was taken into account in the policy of the organization.

An open questionnaire has shown that the citizens are dissatisfied with the existing assortment in the city, so the firm extends the sold rows sold.

Sources of secondary information for the organization are information from the media - newspapers, the Internet, where you can learn about the emergence of newcomers of audio and video products, as well as the emergence of new competitors in the market.

2.3. The price of the product

When analyzing the work of this organization, the pricing is an important step. The easiest and traditionally used method of pricing method is the calculation of the value for the cost of goods. This method is called "average costs plus profit." In this case, the price is made up of three major components:

a) variable costs;

b) constant costs;

c) Profit.

We analyze the pricing of the goods sold, the company "Millennium" on the example of CDs.

For the company "MILENENIUM" you can allocate the following permanent costs:

1) wages

4) utility payments

5) transportation costs

6) marketing costs

7) Fuel and spare parts.


1) purchase prices

2) the costs associated with the repair of equipment (warranty repair).

To set the share of profit in the price of goods, the firms need to consider the prices of major competitors. The price of competitors' products is approximately at the same level, only the price of discs for competitors is lower, because The goods are made of cheaper materials. Due to the fact that the competitors' goods are inferior in quality, the company may slightly increase the price.

Determine the factors affecting the price installation:

1) prices of competitors;

2) quality of goods;

3) expectations of the consumer;

4) income profitable.

The price definition in this business also depends on the company's price determination strategy.

There are the following pricing strategies:

1) Low prices strategy, with which you can quickly penetrate the market. Used under the following conditions:

Consumers are sensitive to the price;

Costs per unit of products are reduced with an increase in the number of products produced and sold;

Competition is not a fierce, since the low price is not attractive for competitors.

2) Strategy of following competitor's price. It provides for the correlation of the price of the enterprise with the prices of the leader enterprise in this market. In this case, the price is set slightly less than that of the leader's enterprise, which allows you to save on advertising, promotion of goods, etc.

3) Market price strategy. This strategy is characteristic of promoting goods / services under maturity, when the level of competitive struggle has stabilized, and the prices of competing goods / services differ slightly.

For the company "Millenium" a preferred strategy is a strategy following a valuable competitor. The company monitors changes price and sets its price. The choice of this strategy is justified by the fact that there is no significant difference between the product of this and other organizations, so the price reduction can lead to loss of profit and will require a substantiation of such a decrease that confirms the quality of quality. Will in price for goods can lead to a drop in sales and, therefore, lost profits.

To form optimal prices, the company can establish the following pricing mechanisms:

(a) Differentiated prices - with this policy, fundamentally different prices are established;

b) price discrimination - sale of the same product / service to various customers at different prices;

c) discounts.

As for the pricing tactics of our company, the right decision will be tactics with differentiated prices (partitioning in price category).

The pricing policy of the organization is one of the essential areas of marketing analysis. Comparative price analysis (Table 2.3) shows that the analyzed organization conducts

2.4. Analysis of the competitive environment

To analyze the influence of the external environment, the enterprise discusses six factors that are located in the following order: STEEP. Steep-Analysis is a tool designed to identify social (Social) and technological (technological), economic (Economic) and environmental (Ecological), as well as political (political) aspects of the external environment that can affect the company's strategy.

Let us analyze how each of them affects the company:

(S) Social factor - firm is focused on a medium-sized buyer, but there are also goods designed for secured layers in society. Because Pyatigorsk has an average standard of living, it follows from this that the company occupies a convenient niche in the market.

T) The technological factor is the purpose of its study it is customary to identify trends in technological development, which often are the causes of changes and losses of the market, as well as the emergence of new products. Because The company sells audio technology, this can be concluded that the organization is very subject to change from the development of technology in this direction. Those. The firm must closely monitor the market of audio - video new products.

(E) Economic factor - the main reason for the study of the economy is the creation of a picture of the distribution of resources at the state level, which is the most important condition for the activities of the company. This factor has two directions, in the country as a whole and a separate region. In the Nizhny Novgorod region, there is a sharp increase in organizations involved in similar activities. There are entire networks for sales of audio products. Naturally, this adversely affects the company under consideration.

An important economic factor is the level of inflation, which must be considered when planning activities. This level should be taken into account when drawing up contracts for the purchase of goods and mortgage a certain percentage in order to avoid loss of profits during price increase.

(E) Environmental factor - the impact of this factor is practically reduced to not for this company, because Most of the goods selling can go on secondary processing.

P) Political factor - policies are studied because it regulates power, which in turn determines the company's environment and obtaining key resources for its activities. The work of the company is carried out taking into account the norms of labor, administrative, tax law. Therefore, the stability and availability of the legislative system also plays a considerable role in the activities of the organization.

Description of the competitive environment

Any firm faces many diverse competitors.

As Michael Porter wrote: "The goal of a competitive struggle for an enterprise operating in any industry is to find such a position in this industry that comes to which the company will be able to best be protected from the action of competitive forces or influence them with benefit for ourselves. "

The first key concept of Porter reveals five major competitive forces, which, in his opinion, determine the intensity of competition in any industry (Fig. 2.3.).

Five competitive forces look like this:

1. Suppliers;

2. Consumers;

3. Direct competitors;

4. substitutes for products and services;

5. Potential competitors;

Fig. 2.3. "Analysis of the five forces of Porter"

"Analysis of the five forces of Porter" includes two forces of "vertical" competition: the market power of suppliers and market power of consumers and the three forces of "horizontal" competition: the threat of the appearance of substitute goods, the threat of the emergence of new competitors, the level of competitive struggle.

We analyze the company according to the M. Porter model and reveal the influence of the "five forces" on the profitability of the organization:

1) degree of dependence on buyers.

Because Buyers are individuals in their most of this we can conclude that the loss of one buyer will practically affect the profitability of the company as a whole.

In the wound of individuals, the picture is different. There are few consumers and loss even one of them may seriously affect the profit of the enterprise, namely a decrease in overall income.

2) degree of dependence on suppliers.

The company has a vehicle in the presence, so it is able to secure himself to sell himself for sale. But the company also has suppliers (in particular high-quality sound equipment). Therefore, the loss of one of the suppliers will significantly reduce profits. On other goods, the degree of dependence is not big.

The company under consideration takes 10% of the total market. This is a small amount. Direct competition is a serious threat to the firm, the greatest danger represents: "Technique of the Century" and "Dixis". In the future, the emergence of new firms engaged in similar activities are expected.

4) pressure of substitutes.

For this company, goods substitutes are a significant threat. To date, development in the field of information media, playing audio - video files, is constantly. New ways of recording, reading and transferring information, etc. open.

Based on the analysis of the considered factors according to the M. Porter model, it can be concluded that the firm is a profitable organization, because the impact on it above the factors is manifested only in the 4th factor.

5) Threat from potential competitors.

In my opinion, this threat is very large, since the demand for this product is great and, therefore, the chance of new competitors is great.

Forecasting changes in the external environment for the analyzed enterprise can be based on the extrapolation method, when the forecast is based on past experience and transfer of trends for the future.

The analysis of competitiveness will be conducted by the example of the goods of the CD-disks of our company and the goods of the CD discs of our competitors.

Table 2.3.

Single and group indicators of the competitiveness of CDs

Completed calculations on the above method - the definition of single and group indicators of the competitiveness of CD discs show that according to the technical parameters, the Millennium CD-discs are inferior to the product of the organization's organization, but surpasses it for economic parameters, which makes the product of the firm " Millennium "competitive. This confirms the calculated integral indicator (K j) (the ratio of the group indicator under technical parameters) (G T) to the group indicator for economic indicators (G e), as it is more than one.

K j \u003d g T / G e \u003d 0.492 / 0.16 \u003d 3,075.

To identify the reasons for reducing the competitiveness of goods in the market, the organization's specialists conduct a thorough analysis in the following areas:

Design (models, recipes);

Quality and price of goods

State of organization of production, etc. (Table 2.4).

Table 2.4.

Causes of price deviation and quality of goods for individual parameters

SWOT analysis

The SWOT analysis is called the first letters of English words that characterize the content and focus of this method: Strengths - forces; Weaknesses - weakness; Opportunities - opportunities; Threats - Threats.

SWOT analysis is an assessment of the actual position and strategic prospects of the Company obtained as a result of the study of the strengths and weaknesses of the company, its market opportunities and risk factors. SWOT analysis shows how much the company's strategy complies with its internal resources and market opportunities and is it time to review the conclusion about the weakness of a resource or danger of one or another threat.

With SWOT-analysis, based on previously reviewed and analyzed sections relating to various parties to the organization, it is possible to identify its strengths and weaknesses. The structure of the SWOT analysis matrix is \u200b\u200bpresented in Table. 2.5.

Table 2.5

SWOT Matrix - Analysis


Foreign competitive environment

Strengths Favorable factors

1) market knowledge

2) Favorable location

3) equipment availability

4) Balanced portfolio

5) the price level of products is not higher than that of competitors

6) a large range of goods

7) Marketing Research

8) Availability of warehouse

9) Qualified employees

1) Low Degree from Suppliers (CD M Home Cinema)

2) a slight degree of dependence on buyers

Weak sides Adverse factors

1) Firm Young

2) Small share in the market

3) there are no sustainable bonds

4) firm unknown

5) dependence on prices for products of competitors

1) high likelihood of new competitors

2) high degree of dependence on suppliers (high-quality sound equipment)

3) Lack of established relationships with consumers

4) Availability of direct competitors

5) Presence of substitute goods

6) high inflation rates

It is the conducted SWOT-analysis that gives us the idea of \u200b\u200bthe current business climate, the distinctive characteristics of the organization's activities and the results of this activity, allows you to compare the organization and selling goods with competitors and their goods, as well as determine the degree of compliance between the position of the company and the declared goals of its development. And, in the future, referring to this information, the organization will be able to develop policies aimed at attracting buyers, which will help increase profits and take a leading position in the market.

2.5. Marketing policy organization

Each organization is created and exists in order to achieve any goal within the framework of its environment.

Objectives - the desired result of the plan, therefore the correct definition of goals is the key to develop a successful plan. Goals should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, timely.

The marketing goal of the organization is to expand the range of goods, improving the company's image with the help of advertisers, selling new goods (computer and office equipment), achieve this goal is planned for 2 years. The goals raised will allow the organization to increase the level of profitability and direct the funds received to expand the enterprise (branches in other cities).

To achieve these goals, the organization must maintain its strengths and invest resources in the development of its weaknesses, in the face of a favorable effect of the factors of the external environment and competitive environment.

Marketing strategy - rational, logical construction, guided by which the organizational unit expects to solve their marketing tasks. It includes specific strategies for target markets, marketing complex and marketing costs.

Millennium organizations need to implement the following action plan:

Expand Trading Square

Interest potential consumers with flexible price tactics (discounts and low prices);

Find additional suppliers of equipment sold

Spend deep market study

Follow the development of audio - video technologies

In the event of a successful implementation of the above strategies, it is assumed that a larger number of people will get acquainted with new modified, as well as cheaper goods, will be interested and will benefit for themselves. The company "Millennium" will in this case will receive additional profits, which will help her further expand its trading areas.


In this course, the theoretical aspects of the need for marketing analysis in the enterprise, including the basic concepts of marketing, the marketing policy of the enterprise, the main components of the marketing complex, pricing passage, and also reviewed the sales management system and allocated its elements.

So, we were convinced that marketing is an integral part of the company's vital activity. Marketing is associated with all the spheres of its activities, and, therefore, the firm needs to know as much as possible about its laws and specifics.

The practice of marketing development in domestic enterprises shows that at the initial stage it is perceived mainly as trading-sales or even advertising activities. Currently, not all firms analyzes the marketing activity of marketing or work of individual marketers. Since marketing has not yet received sufficient distribution, but an increasing number of enterprises begin to successfully use its basic principles in their work. Unfortunately, marketing activities require high cash flows that in our unstable economic situation is almost impossible. As marketing relationships develop, marketing will increasingly be integrated into the general enterprise management system, when the adoption of almost all production, sales, financial, administrative and other solutions will be based on information coming from the market.

Thus, marketing in our time becomes a very promising area. Managers should understand that it makes no sense to produce what no one will ever buy, which means it is necessary to have in its state people who know and understand the needs of the population. Only it is possible to ensure a stable growth of the company's profits and take a worthy place in the international sphere of economic relations.

In the practical part of the course work, using marketing analysis, we reviewed Millennium, which sells CDs, home cinemas and high-quality sound equipment and analyzed its activities. During the writing of the work, research was conducted, the degree of balance of the portfolio of goods, as well as the existing position of the main products in the market at present, with a proposal of a possible strategy for this product.

Market analysis allowed us to identify consumers and determine the share of the organization in the market at the present time. The process of pricing on the firm is also investigated in the work and conclusions are shown on the strategy and tactics of pricing.

The analysis of STEEP factors, the outside environment and the competitive environment of the organization led to the definition of the strengths and weaknesses of the organization, as well as identifying favorable and unfavorable external factors.

In conclusion, on the basis of an analysis conducted, certain marketing goals were delivered to the organization and a strategy and an action plan for their achievement were proposed.

The marketing analysis made it possible to submit promising directions for the development of the company Millennium CJSC, to predict the problems with which it may encounter and possible solutions to these problems.

Exploring various aspects of the functioning of domestic firms of organizations, it can be concluded that the marketing approach to the case will soon help our enterprises to get out of the crisis and take a worthy place in the field of international economic relations.

1. Abramova G. P. Marketing (Questions and Answers). - M.: Science, 1991.

2. Berezin I.S. Marketing and market research. - M.: Russian business literature, 2007.-416c.

3. Golubkov E.P. Marketing research. - "Finpress"., 2006.- 218С.

4. Dickson R. Marketing Management - M: "Binom", 1998.

5. Kotler F., Armstrong G., Sonders J., Wong V. Basics of Marketing - M: Williams, 2000.

6. Lysenko D.V. Comprehensive economic analysis of economic activities. Textbook for universities. - M.: Infra-M, 2007. - 265С.

7. Mak-Donald M. Strategic Marketing Planning - C-Pb: Peter, 2000.

8. Sklyarenko V.K., Fullies V.M. Economy of the enterprise: textbook. - M.: Infra-M, 2006. - 340С.

9. Sheremet A.D. Comprehensive analysis of economic activities: Textbook for universities. - M.: Infra-M, 2008. - 395С.

10. Data from Millennium

Sklyarenko V.K., Alikers V.M. Enterprise Economy: Tutorial. - M.: Infra-M, 2006.- p.257

Golubkov E.P. Marketing research. - "Finpress", 2006. - C.218.

Berezin I.S. Marketing and market research. - M.: Russian Business Literature, 2007. - C.312

Lysenko D.V. Comprehensive economic analysis of economic activities. Textbook for universities. - M.: Infra-M, 2007. - S.57-65.

The basis of marketing activities are such classes as the development of goods, research, communication, the organization of distribution, price setting, deploying service service.

In relation to the market, marketing has a 2-sided structure, namely: marketing carried out by sellers, and marketing carried out by buyers.

When conducting marketing research, the company's management receives the necessary information about which products and why they want to buy consumers, about prices that consumers are willing to pay, about which regions demand for product data, i.e. The market capacity, the highest, where the sales of the company's products can bring the greatest profit. With the help of marketing research, it is determined in what types of production, which industry is most profitable to invest in capital, where to establish its enterprise. Conducted marketing research also make it possible to understand how the company should organize the sale of its products, as it is necessary to conduct a campaign to promote new products to the markets, build an advertisement strategy; Determine which types of products sold to which consumer and in which region will bring the greatest return on each ruble.

W. Fox, one of the largest American marketing specialists, so summarized the issues to which the company's management is trying to receive answers when conducting marketing research:

By whom? Where? How? Why? When? In what quantity?

completed, sold, products manufactured by the company are used.

Marketing analysis is a set of activities that are intended to study such issues as:

study of the consumer;

study of the motives of his behavior in the market;

analysis of the actual market of the enterprise;

product research (product or types of services);

analysis of forms and distribution channels;

analysis of the volume of the enterprise;

study of competitors, identification of forms and competition levels;

determination of the most effective ways to promote goods on the market;

the study of the "Niche" market.

Market analysis

Analysis of the market, which consists in a systematic based on the research methods for the identification of all the circumstances related to real and potential partners of the enterprise, aims to obtain comprehensive information about all the elements of the market, the focus of which, as a rule, are consumers. In special cases, increasing attention can be addressed to other elements of the market - suppliers, merchants, intermediaries. For analysis, it is used as the available information, such as sales service reports, client letters, so that the data obtained using the market research methods.

The subject of analysis is the markets and market segments, which first need to be highlighted, and then explore, identifying the structure and possible development trends.

The market analysis includes the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the objects of the study.

Quantitative characteristics: market potential, market volume, market saturation level, market growth rates, market distribution between manufacturers, level of price stability, price development dynamics, actual profit data and its forecast, etc.

Qualitative characteristics: customer needs structure, shopping motifs, type of acquisition, ways to obtain information by the consumer, the distribution of forces between the elements of the market system, etc.

The market is the area of \u200b\u200bappeal (exchange). The emergence and development of markets is due to the development of public distribution of labor and commodity production. The aggregate of the country's markets (commodity and financial, domestic and external) forms the national market, and the population of the world markets is the global market. If we are talking about a specific product, then this is the national market (for example, car market). For efficient work, it is primarily necessary to find out at what national market and which "narrow" commodity market wishes commercial operations an enterprise. Only after that it is possible to determine all other conditions - competitors and the degree of competition, the requirements for the consumer properties of goods, etc.

In the process of market research, it is necessary to explore the following:

geographical position;

market capacity and the possible share of goods of the enterprise;

commodity and branded structure of all market segments;

the sharpness of competition on each market segment;

trends in the development of market conditions in the coming years.

Study of goods of the enterprise

The purpose of any market research is to assess the existing situation and the development of development forecast. The results of such a comprehensive study depend on the determination of the characteristics of the goods, the nature of the enterprise, the scale of the production of export goods and other factors. Nevertheless, you can allocate several of the most typical directions of analysis. Since no market research can be targeted without defining what product will be trading in the enterprise, the analysis begins with the study of this product. It is necessary to give the characteristic of each product (service) produced for the market on the market sector, and its features in the past and present, to bring information about its improvement; Data on the position of the goods in the market and determine which categories of goods from the point of view of the strategy of further development of the enterprise each of the analyzed goods is related.

As a rule, four categories of goods, or strategic sectors are distinguished:

"Stars" - bring profits and contribute to economic growth; if self-financing, then contribute to preservation at the same level or expansion of the relative market segment;

"DYUS COROUSES" - experience the period of maturity; A slight degree contribute to economic growth, do not need investment; make a profit, which is used to finance "difficult children";

"Hard children" - need financing; have a certain potential if the enterprise finances scientific and marketing research, production development;

"Dead cargo" ("losers") - not viable or fade; Do not contribute to economic growth, do not bring profits.

The definition of categories of goods allows you to correctly formulate the strategy of enterprises in the desire to achieve the maximum combination between various areas of strategic activities, in financing "difficult children", which in the near future can become "stars" in the preservation of "dead cargo", if he also brings which -This profit and does not harm the image of the company, in support of a sufficient number of "stars" and "dairy cows."

To correctly formulate a strategy of actions, you should take into account the availability of financial and other resources from the enterprise, clearly define the "life cycle" stages, on which every product is located on a separate market segment; On the basis of numerous studies, five stages of the "life cycle" of the product are distinguished, the duration of which depends on the specific situations:

The zero stage is characterized by learning and testing the idea of \u200b\u200bdeveloping a new product, then the product itself. This is an expensive stage for the enterprise itself inserting money, but not sure that the product produced will find its own market.

The first stage (production of goods and implementation) is a decisive moment. In the "life" of the product when it becomes clear: it will be or not to be successful. Profit is not high, as significant funds go to the depreciation of the research, the production of goods to the market (advertising, sales).

The second stage (growth and development of sales) - if the goods survives in the first stage, it continues to develop and begins to profit; If consumers give him a good assessment, it quickly covers all the necessary costs and becomes a source of profit, although advertising support for its market promotion requires high costs.

The third stage (maturity) - the product has its own market, it is in demand and gives more or less regular income, as it is on the most profitable period; The enterprise has no need to promote it, it invests only in advertising support and "support of fame."

The fourth stage (saturation and decline) - first the sales volume does not change, then gradually and sharply decreases. The reasons for this may be the most diverse. Unpredictable reason for the reduction in sales is technical obsolescence of goods. The goods that do not undergo any changes are bored with consumers, or disappears the need that the goods were called upon to satisfy. However, some enterprises whose products are approaching the saturation stage, as if "are uncomplying" before the decline. This is exactly the case when an enterprise captures the impending changes and, moreover, anticipates them using the following methods:

  • 1. Expanding the scope of existing goods through their technical improvement.
  • 2. The productive product is withdrawn from the market and is replaced by another, which can be degenerated to bring big profits.

The goods are a complex multidimensional concept, but the main in it are consumer properties, i.e. The body's ability to fulfill its function is to satisfy the needs of its owner. When analyzing the goods, pay attention to the entire set of properties, both related and related to it: functional purpose, reliability, durability, ease of use, appearance, packaging, maintenance, guarantee, accompanying documents and instructions, etc. Curious value of goods Above, the more matching the indicators of its quality with the requirements identified as a result of the study of customer needs, and other characteristics defining the demand: the magnificent design of the car with poor maintenance will not save from the failure on the market.

Consumers as an analysis

In marketing there is no standard program for studying buyers who differ in large number of features. Only with the help of market segmentation, you can identify consumer groups, more or less homogeneous according to the characteristics of interest. As segmentation criteria, sex is usually accepted, age, marital status, profession, income, ownership of any object (car, TV ...).

In marketing research, it is necessary to have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe peculiarities of the behavior of buyers and the factors defining their behavior. In economic literature, there are many models to explain the processes related to the purchase of goods. So, the behavior of buyers affect:

incentives of social origin (family, belonging to a specific social group, etc.);

socio-demographic features (age, floor, etc.);

psychological features (opinions, impressions).

To explore buyers, the methods of sciences exploring the behavior of people are also used. In this regard, the concept of non-verson, proposed by American psychologist Watson, and taking into account the influence of internal mental processes in the body, is of particular interest. She got the name "Stimulus-organism-reaction" - paradigm (Fig. 1).

The behavior of organizations in the purchase of goods is significantly different from the behavior of individuals, primarily the fact that the procurement decisions are usually collective and professionals take them. In addition, communications with organizations are characterized by greater stability.

Fig.1. Conceptual image of the concept "Stimulus-organism-reaction" in relation to marketing.

On any market, there are usually many consumers of various types of products (services). These are various manufacturing enterprises of the most diverse forms of ownership, state and municipal enterprises and organizations, a huge number of individuals, consumer citizens of individual use, enterprises and organization of economic infrastructure.

The task of the enterprise-supplier is to choose such more or less homogeneous groups from a large number of potential buyers (consumers), which, with optimal conditions, the enterprise is easier and faster compared to other groups will become relevant consumers of products.

Analysis of competitors

To analyze competitors, it is necessary to unambiguously identify all entrepreneurs who can be attributed to the circle of real or potential competitors. The study of the latter is of particular importance in the conditions of rapid expansion of the market, high profitability and relatively easy access to the market and should be directed to the same areas that were the subject of an analysis of the enterprise's own potential:

possible strategies for competitors;

current position of competitors;

financial opportunities;

entrepreneurial philosophy and culture;

goals of competitors.

The study of the activities of competing firms as and demand analysis is carried out in three stages:

Detection of existing and potential competitors.

Analysis of performance indicators, goals and strategies of competitors.

Identify the strengths and weaknesses of the activities of competitors.

Analysis of competition in the market is carried out within the framework of the general system of collecting and processing information acting on the company. There are a large number of open sources of information on the activities of competing firms: advertising avenues, annual reports and texts of speeches of company managers, reviews in commercial periodics, conference materials, trade exhibitions and fairs. In addition, the study of competitors should be based on operational sources of information, including information received from consumers, market experts, from state legal and economic institutions, from the exchange. An important method of obtaining data on competitors' activity is consumer surveys and their sales dealers in the market.

The identification of existing and potential competitors is carried out, as a rule, on the basis of one of the approaches: the first is associated with the assessment of the needs of the needs satisfied in the main competing firms; The second is focused on the classification of competitors in accordance with the types of market strategy, they used.

With the first approach, competing firms are grouped in accordance with the type of needs that satisfies their products, and allocate the following main groups of competitors:

firms focusing on the satisfaction of the entire complex of requests presented by the consumer to this product;

firms specializing in the satisfaction of the specific needs of individual market segments;

firms that have access to the market with similar products;

firms serving other markets with similar products, the yield of which to this market is probable;

firms producing substitutes that can supplement this product on the market.

The basis of such a group is the corresponding classification of goods that satisfy one or another need.

To identify the most important competitors and their roles in the company's sales market, the methods of the so-called "associative" consumer survey, detecting, with what useful qualities and conditions of consumption, the buyer associates one or another product known in the competitor market. Such methods are used in analyzing competition in the market of production tools.

Methods for identifying competitors based on the type of strategy groupings are widely used not only by firms that produce consumer goods, but also by manufacturing and sales companies. The basis of this approach is the grouping of competitors in accordance with the key aspects of their orientation and production and sales activities:

  • - Strategy in the field of expansion in the market (growth / maintenance);
  • - Strategy in the field of pricing policy and quality policies;
  • - Strategy in the field of technology.

Such studies make it possible to identify the most dangerous potential competitors, which are most common:

firms prone to market expansion, which operate on geographically related markets;

firms, the following production diversification strategies and working in this or related industries;

large company buyers of this company;

large suppliers of materials, raw materials and equipment for this company;

small firms that, as a result of absorption, become strong competitors in the market.

On the basis of the analysis of these factors, conclusions are formed about the strengths and weaknesses of the competitors' strategy. The definition of the strengths and weaknesses of the competitor's activities is the final result of a marketing research of competition in the market, which focuses the result of the analysis of all aspects of production, finance, sales and strategies of competitors and formulate conclusions about possible ways of confronting them. The degree of analysis of strengths and weaknesses depends on the availability of relevant information and the degree of danger of the competitor under consideration.

Analysis of the process of execution

The marketing by the marketing is called a system that provides the delivery of goods from the manufacturer to the place of sale, and for industrial goods - to installation places at a precisely defined time and with the highest possible level of service consumer. Each manufacturer seeks to create its own distribution system by direct contact with the consumer, so the analysis of the broadcast process is designed to show that it is preferable to: create your own system or act through intermediaries. In this and different case, the range of product shares should be aimed at the most important principle of marketing - satisfaction of consumer needs with the lowest costs of the process of moving goods in space and in time. The measure of the efficiency of the timing is the ratio of the results obtained in the system of execution of the manufacturer's enterprise to its costs for this system. The end result of this system can include the level of service of consumers, which depends on:

order speed;

opportunities for urgent delivery of goods on a special order;

readiness to take back delivered goods if a defect is found in it, and replace benign in the shortest possible time;

ability to use the most suitable type of transport;

providing various partionship shipment at the request of the consumer;

highly efficient operation of the service service;

well-set warehouse network;

sufficient level of stocks both goods and spare parts for goods of the entire nomenclature, including removed from production;

price levels, according to which the shipping services are provided to the buyer.

None of these factors in itself is decisive, but they all affect the level of consumer service to one degree or another. Therefore, when analyzing the level of service of consumers, a system of broadcasting, it is necessary to consider all these factors and relate them to the costs.

The cost of the broadcast system is determined by the organization and the internal structure of this system. The execution system includes elements that can be classified into two classes:

  • 1) relating to the internal marketing environment of the manufacturer;
  • 2) Related to the external marketing environment.

Elements of the internal environment include:

creating a new level of goods - "Product with a continuation", due to packaging, labeling and forming a system of free and after-sales service;

processing of consumer orders for this product;

control of products obtained from external suppliers and sent as spare parts to enterprises's warehouses;

selection of goods for consumer orders and the formation of optimal stacking, stacking and transportation of these parties;

packaging in accordance with the safety requirements and transport services;

registration of documents for the movement of goods;

cargo insurance;

maintain the necessary reserves and their storage.

Elements of the external environment include:

organizations providing cargo transportation and a complex of loading and unloading and warehouse work;

mediators providing storage and processing of goods in sales places;

sales Communications, which provides contacts with the consumer;

communication network, providing feedback from the consumer to the manufacturer to transfer information about the product or service.

When analyzing the broadcast system, it is important to consider all its links, all items in order to determine the possible gaps in this system.

It is important to determine who and how separates individual functions of the range: who processes consumer orders; Who and how to create transport parties of goods; Optimal batch when loading the vehicle; Does the packaging correspond to the requirements of the consumer, the sales network and vehicles, etc.

The channel channel (sales channel) is a combination of firms or individuals who take on or help to convey to anyone ownership of a specific product or service on their way from the manufacturer to the consumer.

The selection of channel channels is one of the key issues, and its availability for the manufacturer must be the main condition for the choice. To achieve commercial success when using this or other channel, all financial issues should be carefully analyzed. It is necessary to carry out a comparative characteristic of the cost of the enterprise on possible sales channels. These costs include: expenses for the selection and training of sales staff; Administrative expenses; costs for advertising and stimulating sales; on the organization of allocations, including transportation costs, warehousing; Level of commission payments, etc.

For each of the options for distribution channels and sales, it is necessary to estimate the following parameters:

  • 1) the geographical position of consumers to assess possible transport costs;
  • 2) the concentration of consumers and the size of the average purchasing batches by each consumer in order to combine supply batches for nearby consumers;
  • 3) the volume and time of supply to consumers, as well as the frequency of supply;
  • 4) technological conditions of delivery and organization of sales by each distribution channel;
  • 5) the conditions for the help of each distribution channel by the manufacturer;
  • 6) Consumer procurement targets or terms of commodity loan to each consumer, if it is an intermediate distribution channel;
  • 7) the price per batch supplied at a certain time, as well as the price for one transport unit of goods;
  • 8) the technical side of the packaging that would ensure the safety of the goods and at the same time would have given the opportunity to easily form a transport unit of goods;
  • 9) Terms of Competition in channel channels;
  • 10) Functional specialization of a channel of all channel;
  • 11) legal protected channel channels;
  • 12) the possibility of cargo insurance in channel channels;
  • 13) the need for subsequent service, etc.

The channel channel accepts and helps to convey to any other ownership of a specific product or service on the way from the manufacturer to the consumer.

In a broad sense, advertising is a means of marketing communication between the manufacturer, distributor and consumer, this is a dialogue, by which the seller expresses its intentions to sell the goods, and the buyer is an interest in his acquisition.

study of the need and appropriateness of the use of advertising in certain forms and in specific marketing purposes;


Definition of a list of goods in need of advertising.

Creative and technical functions related to advertising production


psychological installations for the purchase. Selection of advertising information in accordance with requests and depending on the level and lifestyle.

Joint functions

Evaluation of the need to use various forms and types of advertising, feasibility of developing a branded sign, style, etc. Formation of an advertising campaign plan. Development of an advertising campaign budget as part of the marketing budget. Information sharing during an advertising campaign. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the advertising campaign.

  • 1. Study - the study of the object to which the advertising effect is sent.
  • 2. Strategic planning - the formation of the main ideas and objectives of the advertising campaign, the nomination of the hypotheses of its end results; budget planning advertising campaign; creative development forms and types of advertising information; Development of plans for using advertising agents.
  • 3. Technical solutions - drawing up cost estimates; selection of specific media and other distribution tools; Definition of terms and duration of advertising events; Organization of the system of current control over the advertising campaign in marketing controlling.
  • 4. Production of promotional products and advertising campaign - preparation of layouts, decoration, writing texts, etc.; publication, broadcast, replication, distribution of advertising information; Carrying out the implementation of advertising events and expenditure of funds.
  • 5. Summing up the outcome of the advertising campaign is a comprehensive assessment of the execution of an advertising campaign plan; Analysis of the correctness of the choice of reference (targeted) groups; Evaluation of the economic efficiency of the advertising campaign.

Evaluation of own position in the market

The most simple and effective way to evaluate the strategic features of the company is to conduct a four-rolled analysis (SWOT - analysis).

SWOT analysis is an assessment of the external and internal environment of the company, its strengths and weaknesses, as well as opportunities and threats.

As a result, it turns out an assessment of its own position in the market and the development of the relevant strategic behavior.

Internal factors - the factors that the firm can control:

  • - The strengths of the company show what the firm succeed and what provides it with additional opportunities: the security of financial resources that have developed positive reputation in the eyes of consumers, low costs, the perfect management structure, a well-established system of product updates.
  • - The weaknesses show how vulnerable is both the fact that the firm is in an unfavorable situation: outdated production facilities; lack of a clear strategy; Imperfection of the organizational management structure; narrow product nomenclature; weak marketing service; lack of financial resources.

External factors - factors that are outside the control of the company:

  • - The possibilities of the external environment provide a firm competitive advantages: a sharp increase in demand; weak positions of competitors; the possibility of mastering new markets; government support; legislation.
  • - Threats: the appearance of cheaper technologies; unfavorable demographic changes; the emergence of new competitors; introduction of a competitor of a new (improved) product; An unfavorable change in foreign currencies.

All elements of each field must be running in accordance with their importance (see Table 3).

Table 3. SWOT - Analysis of the company's activities

Internal environment

External environment



The ways of development of the enterprise provided by the powerful parties of the enterprise and the capabilities of the medium are given.

Based on the existing weaknesses based on threats from the external environment, possible measures to neutralize the threats are indicated.

Weak sides

Possible decisions are indicated on the feasibility of using the external environment in the presence of the enterprise of the weaknesses or are given proposals for the development of the potential of the enterprise under these conditions.

With the most unfavorable combination of factors, it is necessary to determine the direction of eliminating the weakness of the potential and the reduction of threats from the external environment.

marketing Consumers Market Product


Marketing plays an organizational role in the production sector. Of course, any company, first of all, should be able to produce. But if they do not organize its marketing, are doomed to death, as it makes no sense to produce a product that cannot be sold on the market.

Marketing activities are important not only for the manufacturer, but also for the consumer, as well as for the government, since at each stage of product distribution it can charge taxes with those engaged in marketing and makes a profit.

Today, in the era of post-industrial society, in the conditions of an informational explosion of the enterprise much more time, we must pay such areas as sales and sales, increasing income and improving your financial condition.

Whatever qualified and competent would be the management of the enterprise, no matter how talents and abilities would have his leaders would be able to make sure that in the conditions of cruel competition in the market, it is impossible to reduce the level of production expenses in their company below a certain limit. .

At the same time, if you draw "your gaze" to the other side and start looking for a way of increasing the income of your enterprise and increasing sales, you can see that there are truly limitless possibilities. To do this, you only need to clearly imagine what is the advantages of an enterprise in a competitive struggle.

This can be done, only relying on marketing, conducting an analysis of the marketing environment of the company, knowing and understanding modern methods of studying the market, consumers, competitors who rotate on the same market orbit.

The difficulties arising from the enterprise in connection with the transition to the market are largely related to the fact that the enterprise managerial personnel does not know the laws of the market and the mechanism of studying. During the transition to the principles of complete growth and self-financing of the enterprise, they were faced with unprecedented before the phenomenon: the products produced are not in demand, and how to push it to the internal and world markets, the company's specialists do not know. The study of the internal and external environment of the firm is the task of marketing analysis.

Marketing analysis of the environment of the company is one of the most complex types of marketing activities, as it always contains an element of foresight of a difficult and controversial socio-economic object - the market.

After analyzing the external and internal conditions of the market, goods, consumers, competitors and other, the manufacturer will be able to improve the position of the enterprise and its goods in the market, to strengthen the market, to establish connections with consumers and achieve certain goals: increase income, profit, profit growth and production etc.

Ultimately, it will help survive in the market conditions and later on the basis of a situational analysis to implement the marketing environment of the company.

In order to determine the organization's behavior strategy and conduct this strategy to life, management should have an in-depth idea of \u200b\u200bthe external environment, the trends of its development and the place occupying in it. At the same time, the outside environment is studied by strategic management primarily in order to open those threats and opportunities that an organization must take into account when determining their goals and when they achieve them.

Thus, the goal of the work is to study the factors of analyzing the external environment of the enterprise on the example of OJSC Dalsvyaz.

To solve the goals set, the following tasks will be solved:

Determine the concept of the external environment of the organization and determine the main factors affecting it;

Explore the external environment on the example of Dalsvyaz OJSC on the macro and micro level;

Allocate the threats and opportunities of the enterprise.

1. Marketing environment of the company. Factors defining micro-and macro marketing

Marketing functions in a very complex multifactor medium. The implementation of marketing strategies and tactical techniques can meet the rejection of any company's services, an unforeseen market reaction, not to comply with macroeconomic trends. The more information about the marketing environment will gather the company's marketing service, the more successful it can influence it.

Marketing Wednesday are active subjects and factors affecting marketing opportunities and solutions. From the point of view of the possibilities of marketing influence on the environment allocate:

Microenvironment operating at the company level;

Macros industry, independent of the company's marketing (with the exception of a limited number of largest companies of transnational value)

1.1 Internal microenvironment (absolutely controlled marketing service)

Financial Services, Accounting (budget opportunities).

Production (level of production capacity of marketing).

Supply (possibilities of pricing, innovation).

Sales (implementation possibilities).

R & D (possibilities of updating production, product range).

External marketing microenvironment (regulated company marketing)

Suppliers (prices for materials, delivery mode, etc.).

Competitors (brand power and marketing policy of competitors, etc.).

Intermediaries (terms of trade, transportation, advertising, etc.).

Clinera (purchasing power, commitment to brands, etc.).

Contact audiences (company image, demand, etc.).

1.2 Macrocredes Marketing (regardless of the company's marketing)

The company and its suppliers, marketing intermediaries, clientele, competitors and contact audiences are functioning within the framework of the Macros services that either open up new opportunities, or threaten the company with new hazards. These forces are the most "non-controlling" factors behind which the firm should closely monitor and to which should react. Macroshedral is composed of six basic forces presented in Fig. one.

Demographic factors (natural increase / decrease in the population, sexual agent, migration, etc.)

Economic factors (purchasing power of the population, interest rate on loans, unemployment rate, etc.)

Natural factors (for example, the non-renewability of natural resources, the rise in prices for raw materials and energy cause reorientation of production)

Technical factors (new level of technology, the rate of innovation affect the rate of depreciation and production efficiency, the price of production)

Political factors (legislation on regulatory activities in various industries and control over its execution, etc.)

Cultural factors (degree of value for society of such concepts as honest work, marriage, family, confidence in the state, etc. affect the benchmarks of manufacturers and sellers)

The marketing environment of the enterprise is a combination of active actors and forces operating outside the company and affect the possibilities of managing the marketing service to establish and maintain relationships with targeted relationships of successful cooperation. Being a variable, imposing limitations and complete uncertainty, the marketing environment deeply affects the life of the company. Changes in this medium cannot be called neither slow nor predictable.

1.3 Main factors Macrocides

According to the degree of influence, factors can be positioned in the following order:

1. The political factor is due to the fact that our President and State Duma cannot come to political agreement. These actions may adversely affect the economy as a whole and at each enterprise in particular.

2. Economic factor - the crisis of non-payment between enterprises, and outflow of capital abroad. The lack of money in humans and the growth of unemployment affected the demand of many goods that were not popular.

3. Scientific and technical factor - the main funds of enterprises in the main part have long served their service life, and to replace them with Russian enterprises not by pocket. Therefore, they produce products with a high proportion of outdated equipment.

The development of science should occur in three main directions. The first is fundamental studies in the framework of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The activities of the Academy of Sciences should be financed mainly from the state budget.

The second is the strengthening of research activities in higher educational institutions for training purposes and in order to self-financing;

The third is the development of research structures in large firms functioning on a commercial basis and oriented, mainly on applied research;

4. Natural factor - Russian raw materials are gradually depleted. These are basically such reserves as a manganese, chrome, high-quality bauxites. Enterprises are forced to buy this raw material in other countries, which leads to an increase in production costs. It is necessary to reduce the resource-intensity of products.

5. Cultural factor - begins to gradually increase its influence on firms. This is due to the creation of new leisure and cultural centers, as well as at the expense of firms producing equipment for these centers.

6. Demographic - its influence mainly affects the "leakage of the brain" to other countries. Also, in view of the aging of the population and reducing the share of the occupied population, the occupied population has to "take up" an additional burden of deductions to pension backgrounds, and social insurance funds.

2. Analysis of the company

The essence of the analysis of the state of the external environment and activities of the enterprise is to systematically study and evaluate controlled and uncontrolled factors (objects and events) relating to the enterprise. The main purpose of such an analysis is to obtain the necessary planned forecast information, and an additional goal is to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the enterprise itself, as well as the possibilities and risks associated with its external environment. When analyzing the state of the external environment, special attention is paid to the analysis of markets, competition and technologies.

2.1 General information about OJSC Dalsvyaz

The company provides the following types of communication services.

· Local, intrazone telephone communication

· Internet access (switched access, high-speed access on DSL and Metroethernet technologies, wireless Wi-Fi technology access)

· Interactive TVI television

· IP telephony

· Cellular communication of the GSM 900/1800 standard

· Call-center services

· Information and reference services

· Building protected corporate networks IP-VPN / MPLS in DFO

· Connecting banking terminals, payment systems terminals

· Providing data channels for individual client tasks

· Hosting services

Works in eight regions of the Far East

· Khabarovsk region

· Jewish Autonomous Region

· Sakhalin Oblast

· Kamchatka Krai

· Amur region

· Magadan Region

· The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

OJSC Dalsvyaz is a leading telecom operator in the Far Eastern region. The basis of the Company's activities is the combination of advanced production technologies and thoughtful marketing policies to provide a wide selection of high-quality telecommunication services for all categories of users, its advantages:

· Stable financial position that allows you to invest in the development of new services, promising market segments

· Regional network that makes it possible to provide communication services to corporate clients and individuals in the Far East (development of special offers, tariff plans)

· Reducing the cost articles due to business consolidation

· Sustainable market position.

Open Joint-Stock Company "Far Eastern Telecommunication Company" (OJSC Dalsvyaz) operates on the market of telecommunication services of the Far Eastern region and serves more than 1 million subscribers, the head office is located in Vladivostok.

From October 1, 2002, Magadanzvyazinform OJSC joined the Open Joint-Stock Company "Far Eastern Telecommunication Company", abbreviated by OJSC Dalsvyaz (previously called Elektrosyaz OJSC Primorsky Krai). The decision on accession was made on the initiative of OJSC Svyazinvest at the meeting of shareholders of Magadançvyazinform OJSC on June 21, 2001.

Five five more companies were joined at Dalsvyaz OJSC: more than five more companies: OJSC "Electric Communication" of the Khabarovsk Territory, OJSC "telephone-telegraph company" of the Jewish Autonomous Region, OJSC "Amursvyaz", OJSC "Kamchatvyazinform" and OJSC SakhalinSvyaz.

Currently, the Magadan branch of OJSC Dalsvyaz is the largest telecom operator in the territory of the Magadan region and provides a wide range of communication services to the population and enterprises of all forms of ownership. To carry out its tasks in each district center, the branch has its own structural unit (electrical connection node). In Magadan, communication services provides a structural unit "Magadan Technical Center of Electrical Communications" (formed on the basis of the telegraph station and the city telephone network).

OJSC Dalsvyaz is included in the holding of OJSC Svyazinvest

The Magadan branch of OJSC Dalsvyaz is the leader in the telecommunications market of the Magadan region, more than 90% of the population uses the services of communication of our branch. They provide a full range of traditional and modern types of communication services:

Local, intrazone telephone and telegraph communications;

Data transfer and Internet services;

Cellular communication of the GSM-900 standard;

Essential broadcasting of radio television programs;

Provision of wired broadcasting services;

Providing for rental communication channels and physical lines.

In the territory of the region there are 55 PBXs, of which GTS - 31, STS - 24. Mounted capacity is 88,546 rooms, including GTS - 84 186, STS - 4 360.

In terms of the level of fixed-line density, the Far Eastern Federal District ranks 4th in the Russian Federation (27.7 telephone sets per 100 people). The Magadan region reached the largest telephone density - 42 telephone vehicles per 100 people. The level of telephonization in Magadan is 44.3 telephone vehicles per 100 people, and in rural areas - 27.6.

The number of phones per 100 people along the city telephone network - 39.85 units, in the countryside - 20.7 units.

The intra-zone telephone network provides an organization of automatic and semi-automatic communication between the subscribers of the regional center and subscribers of district centers. In Magadan, AMTSC S-12 A-1000 with distributed software control of the mounted capacity of 1920 channels and lines was operated. In the district centers of Ust-Omchug, Susuman, North-Evensk, a berry long-distance communications is carried out through the Atsca stations "Kvant", in the cities of the tent, Ola, Omsukchan, Seychsen - via Atk-100/2000 stations. In Magadan and district centers there is a personal radio program, at the beginning of 2008, the number of subscribers of the personal radio system was about 3000. Since 2001. Magadan has a cellular communication of the GSM-900 standard. More than 43,000 subscribers use the cellular services.

2.2 Analysis of macrobriation

Components of macrobractions include: economic, political, legal, social, technological, natural-geographical component.

To assess the economic component of the organization, it is necessary to consider the main indicators characterizing the economic situation of the Siberian Federal District and the edges and regions within it currently.

Having studied the economic indicators for 2006-2009 in the Far Eastern Federal District and in the country as a whole, which characterize the economic component of the macrobroduction of Dalsvyaz OJSC, it can be concluded that at this stage of time the existing trends have a beneficial effect on the organization as a whole.

Due to the emerging stabilization and significant economic growth, the structure, quality and consolidation of communication centers is improved. Both in the region and in the whole country, the volume of communication services increases, and qualitatively new communication services, such as IP telephony, Internet, cellular communication, is also disseminated, such as the increase in cellular and Internet companies, both in the region, And in the country as a whole. As a result, OJSC Dalsvyaz for the period from 2006 to 2009 there were not only stabilization processes, but also an increase in the level of economic indicators, due to the increase in demand for telephone companies and, respectively, the increase in the amount of services provided and improved their quality (in particular from For high competition).

Currently, it is not very difficult to find the consumer, which is currently not very pleased with the costly links of communication in unsatisfactory quality. Due to these circumstances, it was necessary to reduce the costs of enterprises to reduce the level of prices for telephone operators services, which made it possible to survive small businesses in the economic situation in the country.

The political component of the organization's macrobriation at this stage of time as a whole in the country can be characterized as stable. This is the result of the arrival of D. Medvedev, in the person of which, both most Russians and the world community, see a kind of guarantor of political stability in the Russian Federation. D. Medvedev holds not only competent foreign policy, but also internal, which has a positive impact on OJSC Dalsvyaz.

Stabilization of the situation in the political sphere led to a general improvement in the situation and in other areas, including economic, and, therefore, opportunities appeared for more efficient use of their potential by all business entities.

A positive economic and political situation in the Far Eastern district has such an environment around the enterprise.

The legal component of OJSC Dalsvyaz includes the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the Constitution of the regional regions and regions, laws and subtitle acts of both the federal and regional (regional) values \u200b\u200bthat regulate the activities of legal entities and individuals, as well as their associations throughout the territory countries.

The legal component is very complex under the structure and therefore all controversial issues on each territorial unit have to be solved together, because on each of the units there are independent regulatory documents and acts that in itself makes it difficult to maintain the internal policy of the enterprise, but OJSC Dalsvyaz is very successful To cope with it.

The legal environment of the communications industry is governed by the Federal Law "On Communications", which amendments and updates were made on 09.05.2005, and in May 2006 some more adjustments were added, therefore it was sufficiently mobile and the law "On Communication" Complies with all the requirements of modern legislation.

All this suggests that the legal component of macrobractions is sufficiently developed and fully complies with the normal functioning of organizations in modern conditions, which is a factor that accelerates the pace of economic development.

The situation in the social sphere has a significant impact on OJSC Dalsvyaz, since the overwhelming volume of the organization's services is consumed by the population, whose level of income as it can be seen in comparison with the indicators of 2006 it grows, constantly occur to pensions, and the costs of communication and Other services for pensioners, if not basic, then some of the main consumers of OJSC Dalsvyaz, new tariffs are developed, various discounts are used, all sorts of shares are carried out. But despite this, the mortality rate is happening both in the country and in the region as a whole, which negatively affects the social setting in Russia, but still, as it turned out, this indicator does not significantly affect the consumption of communication services, therefore the social situation around Dalsvyaz OJSC »You can describe as stable.

The next component of the macrobriation is the technological component. Its effect affects the development of production potential, which is determined by the state of fixed assets of enterprises.

Situation since the end of 2005 has changed for the better. Thus, during this period, the overall increase in the development of investment and the improvement of the technological base in communications enterprises was recorded. There are examples of active updating of the production base and the introduction of new technologies in communications organizations. New approaches are tested and successfully applied in connection, in particular the development of such promising areas, as the Internet, IP telephony requires the establishment of the latest and modern equipment, which confirms a pronounced trend towards an increase in service data users. By increasing the consumption of such services, most enterprises have recently changed outdated equipment on modern, modernized their base, which is positively affected throughout the entire branch of communication.

The development of technology in the country, it would seem directly affecting the activities carried out by OJSC Dalsvyaz due to the fact that due to the timely updating of the production base, costs decrease, while reducing the cost of manufactured services and, thereby increasing product competitiveness. But still, this component does not have a strong impact on OJSC Dalsvyaz, as modern equipment for such enterprises is carried out abroad.

The last component of the macrobroduction of OJSC Dalsvyaz is natural-geographical. The natural resources of our region are not developed in all types of resources, as a result of which it is dependent on the supply of raw materials, materials for industry and fuel from the side. This is negatively reflected in the corporate enterprises, as enterprises have to bring raw materials and fuel from other regions.

2.3 Analysis of microenvironment

The study of the direct environment of the organization is aimed at analyzing the state of the components of the external environment, with which the organization is in direct interaction. It is important to emphasize that the organization can have a significant impact on the nature and content of this interaction, thereby it can actively participate in the formation of additional opportunities and in preventing the emergence of threats to its further existence. The microenvironment elements include: suppliers, consumers, competitors, labor market, infrastructure.

When analyzing the immediate environment of Dalsvyaz OJSC, first of all, it is necessary to consider consumers of this organization, which have a very strong impact on it. The specificity of the range of services is such that Dalsvyaz is a manufacturer of public consumption services, therefore the overwhelming number of consumers is individuals (more than 70% of the market). But the share of legal entities that consume services of Dalsvyaz also accounts for a significant proportion of the total services of the services (more than 50% for the business sector). After all, legal entities are also active users and Internet and cellular services, which occupies a lot of share in the range of existing services (75%), consumers are the Pension Fund, the administration of the Magadan region, Sberbank, Customs, City Tax Inspectorate, NWC, in addition A number of commercial enterprises are consumers of Dalsvyaz.

It is necessary when analyzing consumers take into account the fact that almost 80% of the services are not implemented on the federal, but in the district market, therefore it is necessary to expand the territory of consumers.

If we talk about suppliers, information about the names of firms - providers is confidential and this information is not available for distribution. One can only say with confidence that all suppliers of expensive, the newest and most modern equipment at the enterprise are foreign firms. On the one hand, the positive side of this situation is that this company receives high-quality equipment on time, which is well affected by the consumers of the services of Dalsvyaz, but on the other hand, this is direct dependence on a foreign supplier. When analyzing the microenvironment, OJSC Dalsvyaz should also explore competitors. In the Far Eastern Federal District, Dalsvyaz exists several direct competitors: in Russia - these are "Mobile TeleSystems" (MTS), Beeline and MegaFon. The arrival of these companies to the communication services market radically changes the competitive situation in the region. At the expense of scale and advertised brand, such companies can save on many articles of their budget. And this means that they can offer lower prices for subscribers. In this situation, Dalsvyaz has to be included in a tougher competitive combat, that is, reduce prices for tariffs, and for this you need to reduce production costs, so it is not necessary to do without thoughtful and prudent policies here, since it is necessary to take into account Promotion Squatted social wage improvement policy. But while the influence of competitors can be called positive, as it stimulates the development of OJSC Dalsvyaz and allows you to make your market proposals more competitive.

Next, when analyzing the microenvironment, the labor market should be explored. But this component has a small impact on OJSC Dalsvyaz, since the labor market is currently saturated with personnel to work at this enterprise, and, if necessary, the personnel set will be made without any special difficulties. The small effect of such a factor, as the workforce, is also explained by the fact that OJSC Dalsvyaz constantly leads retraining of personnel, its retraining and has no problems with valuable personnel. When evaluating the infrastructure, it should be noted that the infrastructure component was infrastructure in the region in relation to high estimates in the investment rankings.

And in the completion of the analysis, we define what impact (favorable or not) has a current situation in the external environment on the activities of Dalsvyaz OJSC.

We construct an external environment profile (see Table).

Importance for industry a

Importance for company b



The degree of importance d \u003d a * b * c


Labor market

Legal environment

Created consumers


State of economics


Natural and geographical factors

Level of development of the country

Technological factors

Social component

Graphic profile of the external environment of OJSC Dalsvyaz

The perfect profile of the company

Comparison of the ideal profile with a graphic profile of OJSC Dalsvyaz

The total amount of points is +52, which indicates the general favorable effect of the external environment at Dalsvyaz OJSC and when comparing a graphic profile with ideal one, it is clear that many estimates coincide that again says that the external environment of the enterprise is in a favorable effect on Enterprise itself.

2.4 OJSC Dalsvyaz OJSC

According to the results of the analysis, it can be safely argued that the enterprise is developing in the right direction and in the future has good chances to become a leading enterprise of communication in the region and go to the country level. This is possible, and the company has a good chance of their potential and opportunities to go beyond the Far Eastern Federal District, but it is expected on this path beyond good prospects and some dangers.

So, if you take into account the fact that OJSC Dalsvyaz competes with communications firms not only in its region, then sooner or later, the enterprise will have to go beyond the region and declare itself, since all prerequisites are available for this.

First, the enterprise with a huge coverage area, secondly with a large number of production capacity and the number of jobs, thirdly, if it has already risen expansion, then he simply needs to expand a list of business partners, allies and go to a qualitatively new way of development.

This can be achieved again by the union of enterprises, but not at the level of the regions, but at the district level. Therefore, I believe that the enterprise with many years of history has every chance of becoming the leader of its industry.

2.5 Possible threats

Despite the fact that the enterprise is a giant occupies a huge territory in the market of services (in his district), at the country level it is considered an average level of enterprises. And, therefore, it is necessary to know and remember that competitors at Dalsvyaz OJSC are very popular and demanded enterprises in the country market, this "MTS", MegaFon, Beeline and others, they occupy an even greater area and cover almost the whole country. At the suggestion of their services.

Therefore, to keep in the market, you need to build a "empire" of communication in the country and expand the scope of your offer in the service market, increase the profitability of the enterprise, to improve the proposal of its communication services.

In addition to these hazards, OJSC Dalsvyaz is waiting for other dangers - this is addiction from suppliers. The company is addicted to suppliers and due to this can not always reduce its costs. Therefore, the country needs to develop innovative technologies and supply Russian enterprises with their raw materials and equipment so that our firms can compete with our foreign neighbors.


At the end of the above topic, I would like to mention that the only correct option for the behavior of the modern enterprise to achieve effective long-term functioning and successful development is to pay increased attention to the analysis of the rich environment. And for this requires the development and implementation of a comprehensive analysis, taking into account the individual characteristics of the enterprise with appropriate personnel, financial and technical support. Only under this condition can be relying on the effectiveness of the accepted strategic and operational management decisions. The influence of various factors on enterprises is far from equally due to the fact that now in Russia there is a deep economic and political crisis. This in turn leads to the fact that such factors as economic and political are in the first place for the influence of enterprises.


1. Bagiyev G.L. Marketing: Textbook for universities / G.L. Baguev, V.M. Tarasevich, H. Ann; under total. ed. G.L. Baugii. - 4th ed. - SPb.: Peter, 2008. - 736 p.

2. Kotler F. Marketing Management / F. Kotler, K.L. Keller. - 12th ed. - SPb.: Peter, 2009. - 816 p.

3. Koter F. Marketing Management. Express course / f. Coter, K.L. Keller. - 3rd ed. - SPb.: Peter, 2010. - 480 p.

4. Maslova TD Marketing: Tutorial for universities / etc. Maslova, S.G. Bozhuk, L.N. Kovalik. - 3rd ed., Pererab. and add. - SPb.: Peter, 2009. - 384 p.

5. Lamben J.-zh. Market oriented management / J. - J. Lamben, R.K. - 2nd ed. - SPb.: Peter, 2010. - 720 p.

6. Gaidaenko T.A. Marketing management. Full MBA course. Principles of management decisions and Russian practice. - M.: Eksmo, 2005. - 480 with

7. Anurin V. Marketing research of the consumer market: studies. Handbook for universities / c. Anurin, I. Muromkin, E. Evtushenko. - SPb.: Peter, 2004. - 270 p.

Zhulikova O.V., Reshetnikova E.O.

The current state of the domestic market is characterized by a high degree of dynamism, variability of conditions, and requires enterprises to apply such management concepts that will successfully compete and implement their potential. Such a management concept is marketing, providing an integrated approach to enterprise management. But Russian practice shows that at the level of small and medium-sized enterprises there are serious problems associated with marketing inefficiency due to the level of training in the field of marketing management of small enterprises. At the same time, there is a meaningful leadership desire to improve the quality of marketing management. One of the most important elements of management is the analysis of marketing activities. But the most "narrow" analysis site is the selection of methods for analyzing marketing activities, without which it is impossible to estimate the degree of compliance of the strategy and marketing tactics for the state of the competitive environment. Therefore, despite the diversity of the methods for analyzing marketing activities, there is a problem of choosing the direction and method for analyzing marketing activity especially in relation to small enterprises. One of the possible ways to solve this problem is to develop a methodology for selecting and evaluating the use of methods for analyzing marketing activity of the enterprise.

Development of the methodology for selecting and evaluating the use of methods for analyzing marketing activities of small retail enterprises

Marketing management at the enterprise includes four major controls: analysis, planning, motivation and control. The article focuses on the analysis as on the basic management of marketing activity.

First of all, it is necessary to consider the basic definitions included in the name of the work.

Marketing activities - Activities associated with the implementation of marketing functions in order to form and reproduce demand and ensure the profit of the company.

Analysis of marketing activity is an assessment, explanation, modeling and forecast of the processes and phenomena of the commodity market and the activities of the enterprise itself with the help of economic, statistical and other research methods.

The quality of analyzing marketing activity depends on the analysis methods. The analysis method is a way to study economic processes and the results of enterprises based on special techniques and methods of analysis.

Based on the terms presented above, it was proposed to determine such definition as "a method of analyzing marketing activities", since the analysis of sources and methodological materials revealed the lack of determining this term.

Method for analyzing marketing activities - A method of studying, measuring and generalizing the processes and phenomena of the commodity market and the influence of various factors for changing the results of the enterprise in order to improve them.

The selection of the right method of analysis is a very important and more serious task, since this depend on the results of the analysis, on the basis of which all further decisions are made to manage the company's marketing activities. When considering various sources, several directions for analyzing marketing activities are distinguished, while in the considered theoretical works are not allocated a clear compliance between the areas and methods for analyzing marketing activities. Nuraliev S.U. Allocate such main areas of research as the market and its forecasting, the structure of market participants, consumers and demand, goods and range, price of goods, competitors and external environment, marketing and advertising, internal environment and its capabilities, product channels and channels. Missorina MA It believes that the research should be subject to the market, competitors, consumers, prices, internal potential of the enterprise.

The paper reviews are considered the main directions of analysis as: market analysis, competitors analysis, analysis of commodity policy, analysis of pricing policy, analysis of sales policy, analysis of communication policies. The first two directions analyze the external environment, the remaining directions were selected in accordance with the concept of 4r: Product, Place, Promotion.

For isolated directions of analysis, appropriate analysis methods were selected. Table 1 shows the direction of analysis in accordance with the concept of 4p.

Table 1 Directions and methods of analysis, taking into account the concept of 4r

Analysis directions Analysis methods
1 Market Analysis:
  • assessment of the capacity of the market;
  • matrix GE;
  • comparative analysis;
  • SWOT analysis;
  • Pest analysis;
  • method of predicting demand;
2 Competitor Analysis:
  • determination of market leaders;
  • determination of the industry's economic drivers (size, market growth rates, profitability in the industry, the number of competitors and consumers, ease of entry into the market)
  • porter matrix;
  • benchmarking;
  • analysis of competitor checks;
  • comparative evaluation method;
3 Analysis of the commodity policy:
  • total sales dynamics;
  • determination of the ELCT stage;
  • positioning of goods or service;
  • study of the market value of the brand;
  • customer satisfaction and loyalty;
  • consumer quality.
  • matrix BKG;
  • ABC analysis;
  • XYZ analysis;
  • hall test;
  • method of free associations;
  • consumer survey;
4 Price Policy Analysis:
  • analysis of market types;
  • estimate price level on the market;
  • measurement of price elasticity;
  • analysis of satisfaction with the proposed price.
  • methods for calculating the average price;
  • method of arc elasticity;
  • method of point elasticity;
  • interview;
  • interview.
5 Account Analysis:
  • analysis of the sales market;
  • analysis of suppliers;
  • market segmentation;
  • mathematical and statistical methods for optimizing warehouse and transportation costs.
6 Communication Policy Analysis:
  • carrying out marketing experiments (testing products, packaging concepts, advertising ideas and forms).
  • trial purchases;
  • hall test;
  • interview.

Modern marketing theory notes that it is trading enterprises that most complies with the Concept of 4C: Customer Needs & Wants, Customer Cost, Convenience, Communication. According to V. V. Nikishkina, this is a more progressive approach to the formation of a special trading proposal, so the retail marketing manager needs to establish marketing activities precisely on the concept of 4c.

Table 2 presents the classification of methods for analyzing marketing activity in accordance with the directions of 4C, such as: analysis of consumers, analysis of customer costs, analysis of convenience for consumers, communications analysis.

table 2 Directions and methods of analysis, taking into account the Concept 4C

Analysis directions Analysis methods
1 Market Analysis:
  • prospects, market attractiveness;
  • assessment of the capacity of the market;
  • study of the market market structure;
  • general analysis of the main market participants;
  • assessment of supply and demand in the market;
  • segmentation and allocation of niche in the market;
  • building a market development model and sales prediction.
  • matrix GE;
  • method of predicting capacity;
  • expert estimate method "Delphi";
  • formation of a "portrait" of the commodity market;
  • comparative analysis;
  • methods of statistical analysis;
  • SWOT analysis;
  • Pest analysis;
  • method of predicting demand;
  • flexible segmentation method;
  • component segment method;
  • the method of predicting time series.
2 Competitor Analysis:
  • determination of market leaders;
  • study of the advantages and disadvantages of competitors;
  • comparative analysis of the marketing complex and business processes of competitors;
  • porter matrix;
  • building a strategic group card;
  • benchmarking;
  • analysis of competitor checks;
  • comparative evaluation method;
  • SWOT analysis of major competitors;
  • factory analysis of the competitiveness of goods and enterprises.
3 Consumer Analysis:
  • analysis of consumer complaints;
  • consumer satisfaction, loyalty and quality of customer service.
  • interview;
  • observation;
  • interview;
  • focus group;
  • Yandex.Metrica, Google Analytics.
4 Customer Cost Analysis:
  • price level analysis;
  • analysis of the location of the enterprise.
  • methods for calculating the average price;
  • interview;
  • interview.
5 Analysis of convenience for consumers:
  • location analysis;
  • analysis of work schedule;
  • parking;
  • transport connection;
  • analysis of additional functions of goods.
  • interview;
  • interview;
  • focus group.
6 Communication Analysis:
  • analysis of the activities of trading personnel.
  • Mystery Shopping;
  • interview.

Despite the fact that for the retail trade enterprise, it is necessary to study consumers as the main factor impassing the activities of the enterprise, do not forget about the traditional concept of 4r marketing, because the company's resource capabilities may not correspond to the possibility of mastering the new market segment or the introduction to the range of new products .

In our work, we proposed combining areas in accordance with the concepts of 4P and 4C. Table 3 highlighted the analysis directions and the methods of analysis based on the combination of the concepts of 4P and 4C.

Table 3. Directions and methods for analyzing marketing activities

Analysis directions Analysis methods
1 Market Analysis:
  • prospects, market attractiveness;
  • assessment of the capacity of the market;
  • study of the market market structure;
  • general analysis of the main market participants;
  • assessment of supply and demand in the market;
  • segmentation and allocation of niche in the market;
  • building a market development model and sales prediction.
  • matrix GE;
  • method of predicting capacity;
  • expert estimate method "Delphi";
  • formation of a "portrait" of the commodity market;
  • comparative analysis;
  • methods of statistical analysis;
  • SWOT analysis;
  • Pest analysis;
  • method of predicting demand;
  • flexible segmentation method;
  • component segment method;
  • method for analyzing and predicting time series.
2 Competitor Analysis:
  • determination of market leaders;
  • study of the advantages and disadvantages of competitors;
  • comparative analysis of the marketing complex and business processes of competitors;
  • determination of the economic drivers of the industry (size, market growth rates, profitability in the industry, the number of competitors and consumers, ease of entry into the market).
  • porter matrix;
  • building a strategic group card;
  • benchmarking;
  • analysis of competitor checks;
  • comparative evaluation method;
  • SWOT analysis of major competitors;
  • factory analysis of the competitiveness of goods and enterprises.
3 Consumer Analysis:
  • identifying consumer preferences;
  • building a "portrait" of consumers;
  • analysis of consumer complaints;
  • quality of customer service;
  • consumer loyalty;
  • consumer satisfaction (costs, convenience, communications).
  • interview;
  • observation;
  • interview;
  • focus group;
  • Yandex.Metrica, Google Analytics;
  • comparative characteristics of trading zones;
  • Mystery Shopping.
4 Analysis of the commodity policy:
  • total sales dynamics;
  • study of the commodity range;
  • determination of the ELCT stage;
  • positioning of products (goods) and services;
  • study of the image of the brand among competitors;
  • studies of the market value of the brand.
  • matrix BKG;
  • ABC analysis;
  • XYZ analysis;
  • aDL matrix;
  • building a positioning card;
  • hall test;
  • method of free associations;
  • bRAND STRENGTH method;
  • interview.
5 Price Policy Analysis:
  • analysis of market types
  • estimate price level on the market;
  • measurement of price elasticity.
  • methods for calculating the average price;
  • method of arc elasticity;
  • method of point elasticity.
6 Accountal Policy Analysis:
  • analysis of the sales market;
  • analysis of suppliers;
  • analysis of transport policies.
  • market segmentation;
  • comparative analysis of suppliers;
  • mathematical and statistical methods for optimizing warehouse and transportation.
7 Communication Policy Analysis:
  • efficiency of promotions, advertising campaigns;
  • marketing experiments (testing products, packaging, advertising ideas and forms).
  • analysis of the ratio of costs for communications and profits;
  • trial purchases;
  • hall test;
  • interview.

The following methodological task, which is facing the management of the enterprise, is the selection of a particular method from the above. To do this, it is necessary to highlight the criteria for estimating the analysis method. There are various quantitative and qualitative criteria, but for small enterprises, the criteria should be simple, intuitive, applicable to all methods of analysis. The most important criterion should be the compliance of the purpose of the analysis. The definition of the goal is an important initial stage of any type of activity. The goal becomes a criterion for which the efficiency of activity is determined, that is, the effectiveness of the analysis method used is determined by success in achieving the goals. Thus, a number of criteria were excreted, according to which it is possible to estimate the method of analyzing the marketing activity of small retailers:

  • compliance of the purpose of the analysis;
  • compliance with resource capabilities;
  • the level of confidence of information;
  • the cost of the method;
  • fullness of information.

Also, for estimating the method of analysis, a scale of translation of quality estimates in quantitative, in this work I propose to use the following scale:

  • absolute compliance with the criterion for estimating the method - "5";
  • incomplete compliance with the criterion for estimating the method - "4";
  • partial compliance with the evaluation criterion of the method - "3";
  • full inconsistency of the evaluation criterion of the method - "2".

The result of the study is the proposal of the algorithm of the selection of methods for analyzing marketing activities for a small enterprise, which is presented in Figure 1.

Picture 1. Algorithm of selection and evaluation of marketing activity analysis methods

In order to find the method of analyzing marketing activities, an enterprise should evaluate those methods of analysis that are used by the enterprise at present. The assessment of the methods used is carried out in several criteria (compliance of the purpose of the analysis, compliance with the resource capabilities, the cost of the method, the level of confidence of information, full information) through expert assessments. If the assessment showed that the methods used do not ensure the achievement of the target for which the analysis was carried out, the roads to use, they are not enough complete information or information, the level of reliability of which may be challenged, it is necessary to decide on the selection of other marketing analysis methods. In order to make a set of methods for analyzing marketing activities, it is necessary, firstly, to allocate the most problematic areas of marketing activities, secondly, on the basis of Table 1 to make alternative sets of marketing activities analysis methods, thirdly, evaluate each of the sets of analysis methods For dedicated criteria and choose a set of marketing analysis methods. The next stage is to analyze the marketing activity of the enterprise and the introduction of the results of the analysis in the activities of the enterprise. As already noted above, the conclusions on the state of the external and internal environment of the enterprise, and, consequently, management decisions aimed at managing marketing of the enterprise are dependent on the correct selection of methods for analyzing marketing activities.

Using the proposed methodology for selecting and evaluating methods for analyzing marketing activities using the example of Master LLC

Master LLC is an enterprise of retail trade selling billiard accessories, lamps for the house, as well as household furniture. The company is also represented on the Internet in the form of an online store.

In order to find the necessary methods for analyzing marketing activities, first of all, it is necessary to evaluate the methods of analyzing marketing activities currently.

This company currently uses only one direction of analysis - the analysis of consumers and one method of analyzing marketing activities - Yandex.Metric. Yandex.Metrica helps analyze only consumers, their visits, from which pages they come, which pages are browsing.

We estimate the use of Yandex.Metrics based on dedicated criteria.

Table 4. - Qualitative assessment of the analysis conducted using Yandex.metric

Criteria for assessing the method of analysis Quality assessment Expert review
Compliance target analysis Since this enterprise quite often updates the range of goods, due to the insufficiently stable market position, then the analysis goals should be:
  • identifying consumer preferences;
  • research of competitors;
  • studying an assortment.
In this case, the selected method provides the ability to only create a consumer portrait and choose the methods of communication effects on the consumer, that is, does not correspond to the purpose of the analysis.
Compliance with resource opportunities Yandex.Metrica is a fairly simple analysis method, only the availability of a computer and access to the network is required. To use it, you do not need to have special skills, in the event of problems when using the "Help" and "Question and Answers" sections exist. That is, the method is absolutely complied with resource capabilities. 5
The cost of the method Yandex.Metrica is a free resource, which is a big advantage in assessing costs. 5
The level of confidence of information Since there is a chance of an error of both the counter, and the chance of hitting the page, the information obtained in Yandex.Metric can not be fully reliable. 4
Fullness of information In this case, the fullness of information is related to the purpose of analysis if the goal was only the study of consumer behavior and attendance of the site, then the information would be quite complete. Although Yandex.Metrica does not provide information about the preferences and opinions of consumers, for this one could spend a survey on the site. But for the purposes of the analysis of the fullness of information, only a partial level of conformity reaches. 3

Thus, it can be seen from this table that this method of analysis does not require costs and meets the resource opportunities of the enterprise, but at the same time absolutely does not correspond to the purpose of the analysis, which is the most important factor.

Since the method used does not provide complete information to make informed management decisions, there was a decision on the need to change the set of methods for analyzing marketing activities Master LLC.

Table 3, 7 main directions of analysis were allocated - market analysis, competitor analysis, consumer analysis, product policy analysis, pricing policy analysis, sales policy analysis, communication policies analysis.

Specific activities of the enterprise in the market require the choice of only four areas of analyzing marketing activities: consumer analysis; Analysis of suppliers; analysis of competitors; Analysis of commodity policy.

Since the management of the enterprise makes decisions on the expansion of the range only on the basis of existing suppliers and established relations with them, then the analysis of the activities of suppliers can be excluded.

Analysis of consumer behavior and drawing up consumer portraits are carried out using YanekenEx.Metrics, but also it is also necessary to analyze consumer preferences.

Thus, the objectives of the analysis are:

  • identification of consumer preferences;
  • research of competitors;
  • studying an assortment.

To select specific methods of analysis, we will make a set of alternatives on the use of methods for analyzing marketing activities LLC Master. Sets assessment is carried out on early dedicated criteria.

From this table, it can be seen that the most suitable is set 3, because it has a maximum assessment, that is, the most fully meets the requirements and capabilities of the enterprise.

Table 5. - A set of alternatives on the use of methods for analyzing marketing activities LLC "Master"

Thus, to identify consumer preferences, we will use the survey, since this is the most imperious method from those presented, especially if it is carried out on the website of the enterprise.

To analyze competitors, we will use this method of analysis as building a map of strategic groups of competitors, because of all listed analysis methods presented in Table 3, this method allows you to analyze all activities at once, in our case, these are three directions - household lamps, household furniture and Billiard accessories.

The third purpose of the analysis is the study of the commodity range. This analysis can be carried out with the help of three methods - Matrix BKG, XYZ analysis and ABC analysis. We cannot be confident in the accuracy of the information when calculating the market share of the main competitor, therefore, we exclude the BKG matrix. XYZ analysis is more suitable in order to optimize warehouse stocks. Therefore, we will use ABC analysis.

Thus, by identifying the necessary directions of analysis and selecting specific methods of analysis, the analysis of the marketing activity of Master LLC on the basis of a set of marketing analysis methods was drawn.

First, in order to verify the correctness of the introduction into the range of such a product category as furniture, ABC analysis was carried out.

Table 6. - Results of ABC analysis

ABC analysis confirmed the correctness of the decision to the leadership adopted at an intuitive level, since the furniture is included in the group A.

Secondly, a map of strategic groups of competitors was built to determine the development prospects of LLC Master. This analysis method made it possible to conclude that the enterprise can try to take the furniture segment with low prices, as there is only one direct competitor. Build a map of strategic groups of competitors for Master LLC (Figure 2).

Figure 2. - Map of strategic groups of competitors

Thus, this method of analysis made it possible to conclude that the enterprise can try to take the furniture segment with low prices, as there is only one direct competitor.

Thirdly, an analysis of consumer preferences was carried out, which showed that consumers are interested in dacha and garden furniture, sofas and beds at low and middle prices.

A compiled set of methods for analyzing marketing activities in three directions allows us to conclude that it is necessary to enter a segment with low prices with a proposal of sofas, beds and country and garden furniture.

Thus, the methodology proposed in the work of the selection and assessment methods for analyzing marketing activity makes it possible to improve the quality of marketing activities of a small enterprise due to a more accurate and complete analysis of the external and internal environment of the enterprise.


The theoretical foundations of analyzing marketing activities are considered and the criteria for evaluating the methods for analyzing marketing activity of the retail enterprise. One of the main tasks of the marketing department is, without a doubt, analysis of marketing activities. The quality of analyzing marketing activity depends on the analysis methods. The selection of the right method of analysis is a very important and more serious task, since this depend on the results of the analysis, on the basis of which all further decisions are made to manage the company's marketing activities. A marketing analysis implies a collection of information on the activities of the enterprise, studying it in the main areas, the use of the results obtained to select the business development directions in general and its individual components.

Currently, there are a large number of marketing analysis tools, so the company may have a problem of selecting the most suitable method for analyzing marketing activities. For this purpose, a methodology for selecting and evaluating methods for analyzing marketing activities was proposed.

In order to find the method of analyzing marketing activities, an enterprise should evaluate those methods of analysis that are used by the enterprise at present. The assessment of the methods used is carried out in several criteria (compliance of the purpose of the analysis, compliance with the resource capabilities, the cost of the method, the level of confidence of information, full information) through expert assessments. Based on the assessment, a decision is made on the need to change the set of the methods of analyzing marketing activities. In order to make a set of methods for analyzing marketing activities, it is necessary, firstly, to allocate the most problematic areas of marketing activities, secondly, on the basis of Table 1 to make alternative sets of marketing activities analysis methods, thirdly, evaluate each of the sets of analysis methods For dedicated criteria and choose a set of marketing analysis methods.

The conclusions on the state of the external and internal environment of the enterprise, and, consequently, management decisions aimed at managing marketing enterprises depend on the correctness of the selection of methods for analyzing marketing activity.

On the basis of the proposed methodology, the selection and assessment of methods for analyzing marketing activities for a small enterprise of retail trade "Master" was carried out.

Based on the analysis, concrete recommendations were given to the implementation of the marketing activity of Master LLC, that is, the developed methodology made it possible to choose the methods of analysis, on the basis of which the external environment and the possibility of an enterprise were more fully estimated, which in turn led to the adoption of reasonable marketing solutions, That is, it has improved the quality of the management of the marketing activities of the retail company Master LLC.

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