The best job for introverts. Minimum communication, maximum privacy: where to work for an introvert What job is suitable for an introverted girl

Development  18.06.2020

Even for most of the most sociable and open people Looking for a job is a very stressful time. And for introverts, this process generally paralyzes almost completely.

While introverts are generally creative, thoughtful, and good at working with others, extroverts often seem to have an advantage when it comes to job searching. But introverts can also make this search easier and more successful if they draw the attention of future employers to their most strengths and quality.

Here are 10 tips from an expert on how to overcome—and take advantage of—your shy and introverted nature.

1. Be honest about yourself and your strengths.

This doesn't just apply to introverts. Each applicant, when searching for a job, should objectively assess his strengths or weak sides, your successes and failures.

What advice can I give here? There is no need to pretend to be someone you really are not.

During interviews, be open and honest about how intimidating the process is for you and how difficult it is for you to start communicating with new people. This really helps to build a connection with the person you are talking to.

2. Emphasize your strengths as an introvert.

Instead of labeling yourself as an introvert, make sure you know your strengths and can communicate them: that introverts are creative, loyal, focussed, and work well with other people. Indeed, thanks to these characteristics, introverts are considered excellent workers. Another tip: make your passion for your work visible.

To ease the pressure and stress of an interview, shift the focus from the personal to the professional. Try to move the conversation into a work direction, talk about your achievements, about what you have created, and not about yourself, and then your dedication and passion for work will manifest itself. if you have professional portfolio, you can show it to the interviewer specific examples out of him.

3. Focus on work that energizes you rather than drains you.

There are many introverts who work in sales or work directly with clients, but for most of them, these types of jobs are draining both mentally and physically. Look for a job that gives you the opportunity to use your natural strengths and where people around you are more introvert-friendly.

The IT industry is where many introverts have to hone their communication skills because they need to create close working relationships with different departments, and this is also a good thing to mention when talking to potential employers.

4. Use the global network to research companies and people.

Don't forget to do your homework. Doing online research on companies where you want to work will go a long way in helping you weaken stressful state, when you submit your resume for a vacancy and undergo an interview. Come to the interview informed, with a prepared plan and questions, and then it will be easier for you to break the ice and understand whether this job is right for you.

5. Strengthen your online presence and use it to build connections.

6. Plan and rehearse questions and dialogues.

For most introverts, the fear of being unprepared for these types of interactions is the most overwhelming part of the interview process. Therefore, plan and rehearse a small talk, i.e. how to start a dialogue, then questions you might be asked during an interview and your possible answers to them.

Working through these things in advance will help relieve the stress that can come from being asked unexpected questions. Don't forget that repetition is the mother of learning. By the way, you can use the help of a friend to work out different types of scenario development.

7. Work with a mentor or recruiter. Or both of them.

Working with a recruiter or mentor can help you overcome the stress of searching for a job in general, first contact with potential employers, and preparing and rehearsing interviews.

8. Find time for yourself to recharge between meetings and interviews.

A large number of continuous interviews is a torment for introverts who need a break to be alone with themselves and “recharge”. If possible, try to carve out some time between meetings to recuperate - sit in the car, spend time in the break room, just walk down the street, or even take public transport.

9. Write thank you letter to make some clarifications.

If, despite your best efforts, you realize that you didn't answer a question or failed part of the interview, don't worry. You can send the interviewer a thank you note and mention the problem. This way you can give yourself a second chance and make a good impression on a prospective employer.

10. Master new knowledge.

Nowhere does it say that introverts cannot be excellent communicators, salespeople, or speakers. Even if you don't like doing these things, you can excel at them. And if you understand that you lack some skills and abilities necessary for work, work out, read a book or spend own analysis or research and get tips and tricks online. Be sure to highlight on your resume that you are continuing your education so that potential employers can see that you are committed to self-improvement.

Are you unsociable? Do you suffer from misanthropy? Or do you simply prefer solitude to the company of other people? If yes, then you may not find it easy to find the right business, especially if the economy is service-oriented. Don't despair! There is a pole for every cricket - there are quite a few activities in the world that require minimal communication with their own kind.

Technical Writer

This profession requires the ability to clearly present complex information to the uninitiated. But you don’t have to communicate with them personally: technical writers usually work as freelancers, so you don’t even have to leave your home, and you can communicate with customers by e-mail. average salary: $66 575.

We are fine with vacancies for technical writers, although the employer may require your presence in the office. You can earn from 30,000 to 50,000 rubles. per month (or maybe more - job descriptions often indicate “from”).

Funeral home employee

The job of a funeral home director, who has to communicate with people who have lost loved ones, is unlikely to suit our misanthropes and introverts. But in the funeral industry there are occupations that do not involve communication. Average salary: $58,287.

There are vacancies, for example, a florist. Payment by agreement, usually piecework.

Air conditioning and ventilation equipment maintenance technician

This is a great activity for people who are numb at the thought of interacting with others like themselves at work. IN in this case contact with colleagues is usually minimal. The task is to understand the equipment. Average salary: $50,480.

In Moscow, a “ventilation system adjuster” can be offered up to 45,000 rubles, and an “air conditioning and ventilation system installer” up to 100,000 rubles. per month.

Software developer

If you prefer to look at a monitor screen than at the faces of colleagues or clients, then this job is quite suitable for you. Studying the features of programs, testing systems... - and no people, well, almost. Average salary is $63,189.

Truck driver

You will spend days and even nights alone behind the wheel of your truck. Average salary is $42,237.

There are driver vacancies, sometimes you need your own truck. As for earnings, according to the employer, you can earn up to 150,000 rubles by transporting mail on the route Moscow - St. Petersburg - Moscow. per month.


You will spend most of your time interacting with animals, unless, of course, you are charged with conducting excursions for some juvenile bandits. Average salary: $32,282.

We offer from 10,000 rubles for such work. per month (animal care worker at the Leningrad Zoo). In a Moscow veterinary clinic, they promise to pay from 17,000 rubles for help in caring for a suffering animal. per month.

A carpenter

It's easy to work alone if you're, say, a carpenter. And since there is always something to fix, you will be provided with work. Average salary: $40,123. In Moscow, people in this profession are offered from 20,000 to 50,000 rubles. per month.

Independent consultant (any kind)

You will choose when and how much you work with whom, including how closely you communicate with other people. Is there someone you don't like? Eliminate him from your life forever! What could be better? It is not possible to indicate the salary level.

Materials used

According to American psychologists, introverts make up a third of the entire society. Character traits incline such people to solitude.

But introvert and introvert are different. Some people want to be alone more time, others less. But they all have one thing in common: the desire to reduce communication with other people to a minimum.

Due to low communication skills, not every profession is suitable for them. Today in the article we will present best professions for introverts.

First, let's talk about what character qualities are inherent in introverts:

  • concentration on inner world, on your thoughts, emotions and experiences;
  • has difficulty making new acquaintances, so often has a small number of friends;
  • experiences peace when alone;
  • copes better with work alone;
  • often looks calm, calm and silent;
  • strives to minimize spending time among large crowds of people.

It is good and bad to be an introvert. It just needs to be taken for granted. And design your life in accordance with your psychotype.

Professions that are best suited for introverts:

1. Art

Creativity is great way self-expression. And it can bring in good income. The main thing is to determine your abilities: drawing, dancing, singing, if it is not related to the stage, and any other activity related to the creative reproduction of the surrounding world. Artists, for example, can earn on average 40 thousand rubles a month.

2. Creation of technologies

This includes engineers in any field of activity, technologists and technical specialists. These are professions based on the development of new technologies and recipes. They can also control the quality of raw materials and analyze the cause of defects.

3. Scientific activities

Quite a serious field of activity. There must be a special predisposition and interest in it, since any science requires large quantities knowledge and information.

Laboratory work may include scientific activity or be located in any establishment requiring such work. For example, in medical organizations.

4. IT technologies

The world of IT specialists is associated with numbers and codes. They can create websites, be system administrators or .

5. Accounting

Basically, an accountant's job consists of accounting for something. The work is strictly regulated by law if the activity is related to finance. It is important to note that accounting is associated with some stress and often requires interaction with suppliers, banks and other organizations.

6. Data processing

Working with databases is quite mechanical. This may require special care, since a lot of time is spent filling out the information.

7. Work from home

In principle, this includes any activity that can be performed at home: sewing, making jewelry, consulting, etc. This can be either working for yourself or in an organization. The only thing that distinguishes it from working outside the home is the independent control own time and deadlines for completing tasks. To do this you need to have a high level of self-organization.

8. Working on the Internet

It can be performed both at home and in the office. Nowadays, thanks to the Internet, there are a lot of professions that need to be performed online. This is the manager social networks, specialist involved in promotion and advertising.

Everything you need for successful work, this is unlimited Internet access, a little self-education and constant development in the profession, as the network undergoes constant changes and modernizations.

An introvert is a person with a special psychological make-up. He is silent, outwardly gives the impression of a closed and not sociable person, he does not really like to make new acquaintances and be present in noisy companies. They are immersed in their own world, and prefer to replenish their energy from a narrow circle of loved ones and acquaintances, whom they completely trust. Many people with this type of temperament at some point begin to worry about their professional career, especially at the very beginning of this path, or after losing a job where they spent many years of their lives. What professions are most suitable for an introvert?

Where should an introvert work if the question of choosing a profession is raised for the first time, for example, after graduating from college, or how to switch to another field of activity if past experience was not successful? For an introvert, these questions are of much greater relevance; it is no secret that managers of large companies prefer to hire people who are open, active, have leadership qualities and know how to work in a team.

Extroverts are able to present themselves in a favorable light, boldly describe their best qualities and professional skills, even if they do not actually possess them. Introverts, on the other hand, behave more reservedly and do not like to shout about their deep knowledge in a specific area - they prefer to prove everything with deeds. It is this moment that sometimes becomes decisive; a manager may succumb to the effect of the first impression and make a mistake in choosing a competent and qualified employee. But this does not mean that an individual, immersed in his own world, will not be able to get a job anywhere - here it is important to know what is the best job for an introvert and how to present oneself correctly during an interview, and above all, decide on the most suitable professions that correspond to a given temperament. .

An introvert is the complete opposite of an extrovert - an individual who is sociable, proactive, sociable and easy-going. People with this temperament get along well with almost any person, they like to be in the center of events, and in a work team they openly contribute their ideas and prefer to work in a team.

Such a difference in character does not mean that one type of temperament is good and the other bad, it’s just that loneliness and self-absorption are internal freedom for an introvert, but for an extrovert it is torment. If a person, directed towards others, feels at home in a crowd of strangers, then for an introvert this will become a great psychological burden, akin to stress. Introverts have a lot of strong qualities - thoughtfulness and prudence, an analytical mind, lack of exposure to other people's opinions, while extroverts show superficiality and impulsiveness.

The most suitable fields of activity for introverts

There are a considerable number of professions where people who are directed inwards will be able to fully realize themselves. Jobs for introverts can be found in the following areas:

Of course, the choice of profession directly depends on education and existing experience; those same introverts who are just standing in the way of deciding on a future occupation should listen to the advice voiced.

Now, some practical tips on how to find a job as an introvert and at the same time present yourself correctly during an interview. If an extrovert goes to a meeting without making any special preparation, because he is sociable, easy-going and can immediately come up with answers to any questions, introverts should worry in advance about possible answers to the management’s favorite topics. What you can do before the interview:

Before going to an interview, you can practice answering possible questions in front of friends and acquaintances - this will give you the opportunity to correct mistakes, hone your confident speaking skills and feel more relaxed.

IN Lately Networking is becoming an increasingly fashionable trend - this is a professional and social activity based on solving problems with the involvement of acquaintances, colleagues and friends from outside. Modern businessmen develop their own communication networks, and managers of large companies constantly hold seminars that increase the level of communication skills of employees and their ability to attract new ones potential clients and investors.

Of course, such a general trend will not appeal to an introvert, and even risks leaving him “overboard” from his career. People who still want to take their place in this niche are recommended to read the book “Networking for Introverts” by Devorah Zak. It destroys stereotypes that introverts are antisocial and silent, and also gives practical advice how to learn day after day to establish contacts at work and in the environment and experience a keen interest in the process.

Character is the basis of personality. It is he who directly influences the fate and success of a person, his methods of achieving his goals. Psychologists distinguish several classifications of character depending on its type. Introversion is one of them. Many have had to deal with such people. But few of them have a true idea of ​​who an introvert is.

To find out what an introvert means, you need to turn to the works of the person who first introduced this concept. Now we are talking about Carl Jung. The well-known psychologist argued that introverts draw mental energy from within, but their complete opposites, extroverts, take it from the outside.

What the word introvert means is not difficult to understand. This is the name given to a person who is maximally focused on his own inner world. He is characterized by contemplation and isolation. All the most important points, which have meaning for such a person, occur within him. Of course, from time to time he has to leave his comfort zone in order to contact the people around him. However, it is much more pleasant for him to be alone with himself. After all, only in the inner world no one can offend him. Here he always feels completely safe. An introvert person cannot imagine life without order. He prefers to always have control over the current situation.

Distinctive characteristics of an introverted man

Guys and men who consider themselves to be of this type often ask the question: “What should I do if I’m an introvert?” It can cause them anxiety and worry. In fact, such worries are completely unnecessary. After all, introversion benefits them and helps them form an unyielding and holistic personality.

Men prone to introversion are distinguished by their ability to maintain a sober mind in any situation. They almost never give in to provocations from other people. Such a person is not capable of throwing a tantrum over a trifle. He also prefers to be secretive and rather silent. Due to this, a man achieves his goals.

An introverted man can be described as follows:

  • Has a rich inner world.
  • Characterized by assertiveness in solving problematic issues.
  • Kind towards others.
  • Plodding.
  • Tries to avoid conflicts.
  • Follows the rules of etiquette when communicating with women and older people.
  • Selflessly helps people who are dear to him.
  • Sincerely treats his beloved.
  • He will never cheat with another woman.
  • Stays away from the bustle of the surrounding world.

A woman who is prone to introversion is quite easy to spot in society. She is characterized by obvious isolation and silence. She shows indifference to pathos. It is difficult to attract such a woman with an offer to attend a noisy event, for example, a party. She would rather spend this time alone with her own thoughts. She likes loneliness, which she tries to strive for.

An introverted woman is distinguished by the following characteristics:

  • Knowledge of exact sciences at a high level.
  • Deep inner world.
  • Love of fiction.
  • Prudence.
  • Tendency to emotional experiences.
  • The ability to anticipate possible errors in advance.
  • Attachment to only a few people who are truly dear to her.
  • Tendency to hide one's own feelings.
  • The difficult experience of betrayal by a loved one.

Work for an introvert

This type of character forces a person to develop certain habits and skills. In the future, they help to get an answer to the question of where to work for an introvert. A man or woman belonging to this type is very careful about choosing a profession. After all, for them it is not only a source of income, but also a need to connect their lives with new people. Ideally, an introvert should have a job that involves contact with a minimum number of people. Then his level of anxiety will not be disturbed.

Introverts choose the following professions:

  • Taxi driver.
  • Scientist.
  • Security guard.
  • Draftsman.

Such people do not refuse the opportunity to become an employee of one or another organization offering remote work.

No person is born with a specific character. It is formed as he communicates with other people who surround him in the first years of life. Someone who was born into a loving family and was constantly the center of parental attention is most likely to become an extrovert.

A person whose needs were rarely met and almost always ignored by their parents for one reason or another will be prone to introversion. After all, in childhood he has to look for affection and love in himself, in his own inner world. Based on this, it’s not difficult to figure out how to become an introvert.

You can turn into an introvert at a more conscious age. This character trait manifests itself in people who have to spend most of their time alone. Their only surroundings may be a couple of people and pets. Over time, I begin to enjoy this quiet time. In addition, introversion helps to cope with the pain that a person has caused close friend or relative. Self-absorption deprives him of the opportunity to frequently communicate with other people. This means that the risk of a new betrayal becomes zero.

How to live as an introvert in this huge world inhabited by several billion people is very difficult to understand. Those around them are sure that representatives of this type of character are unhappy. Actually this is not true. Introverts experience joy and complete harmony in their souls precisely in those moments when no one bothers them. And it is precisely this attitude towards the world that helps them solve complex problems, find ways out of problematic situations and simply live for their own pleasure, without depending on the opinions of others.

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