Familiarization sheet with the order form. Familiarization sheet with local regulations - sample

Opening  27.06.2024

Whatever order the employer issues, he is obliged to familiarize the persons listed in it with the document. Find out how to draw up an order familiarization sheet, download a sample document

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How to design a sheet

The sheet “The order has been familiarized with signature” is drawn up if necessary. There are no special requirements or regulations from labor legislation in relation to it. There is only a mention that the collection of signatures can be carried out on such a document, so the development of this form is the responsibility of the company.

In this case, the organization must rely on the principles of consistency and easy identification. That is, the developed and completed form should easily identify the order to which it is attached.

It is worth noting that the developed form of the familiarization sheet can be used not only in the case of issuing new orders, but also when familiarizing the employee with:

  • local regulations of the company;
  • job descriptions;
  • vacation schedule and other cases.

Most often, such a document is an appendix to the order (or other document of the employer), which allows you to avoid its loss, and, if necessary, quickly find the required autograph of the employee. At the same time, the text of the order itself states the following: “Appendix No. 1 Sheet for familiarization with Order No. 34 of September 12, 2017.”

The title of the document must include the name of the legal entity (or individual entrepreneur), the name and details of the order to which it relates.

In what cases is a sheet of familiarization with the order required?

There are a great many options when you need to familiarize yourself with an order against signature, starting from the employment stage and ending with dismissal. Personnel orders contain mandatory details in a unified form - the signature of the employee. And without this signature they will not have legal force.

But there are also options in which familiarization is mandatory, but the absence of the employee’s signature on the document itself does not negate its legitimacy. Such orders may include, for example:

      • on assignment of responsibilities;
      • on imposing a disciplinary sanction;
      • about bonuses, etc.

For some types of orders, there is a deadline within which they must be brought to the attention of personnel. Thus, an order to impose a disciplinary sanction is communicated to the employee within no more than 3 working days (Article 193 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Violation of this deadline leads to a violation of the entire procedure. And in the event of a labor dispute involving the State Labor Inspectorate, there is a high probability that it will be resolved in favor of the employee.

Whereas, for example, the code does not contain a specific period for attracting personnel to work at night. What is clear is that this procedure is carried out before work begins.

There are orders that refer to only one or several members of the team, and there are those that list the personnel of an entire team. Therefore, there may be several options for familiarizing team members with the order.

The first, and perhaps the most visual and convenient, is to put the phrase: “I have read the order,” the signature, the employee’s transcript and the current date at the end of the document itself. With this method, everything is combined in one document and presented clearly.

But this option is more suitable for orders with a limited number of persons to be reviewed. And for a more organic formation of the document, it is allowed to create a separate document called “Familiarization Sheet”.

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What happens if you don’t sign to read the order?

There are employees who refuse to sign their autograph in the appropriate box. They believe that such a refusal will prevent the order from taking effect. However, it is not. The law protects the employer in such a situation by allowing the issuance of a waiver.

A properly drafted document frees the company from having to obtain a signature from an employee. For its legitimacy, in addition to the employee who compiled it, 2-3 more witnesses sign it. It is also necessary to indicate in the act that the initial order was read to the employee orally.

Regardless of the option chosen to convey the manager’s orders to the team, it is important to comply with the deadlines and order of execution. The main thing is not to forget that all employees listed in the orders must be familiarized with it. This will allow the personnel officer to defend his position in labor disputes.

What does the employee’s handwritten signature in the familiarization column mean? What are the consequences of signing? We'll look into it in the article.

From the article you will learn:

How can an employer confirm that an employee has read local regulatory act or an administrative act issued in relation to him, and understood its meaning and content? After all, a lot depends on whether the employee is familiar with such acts and whether he understands what the employer wants. In particular, the ability to demand the execution of this act, the ability to control the result, etc.

The simplest and most logical way to confirm that the employee has seen the document is to have his personal signature. This method has been developed by business practices and customs for a long time, and it is successfully applied.

At the same time, it is important that the employer has evidence that the employee signed a signature in confirmation of a specific fact. In other words, an ordinary signature on a blank sheet of paper will not be enough; any regulatory authority, and even the employee himself, can easily challenge that the signature was placed in connection with other circumstances, but not in confirmation of the fact of familiarization.

Thus, familiarization against signature (or under signature– these concepts are identical) in labor relations means the procedure for bringing the contents of a document to the employee’s attention and recording the fact of such an action. Similar familiarization procedures are used not only in labor law. For example, in procedural relations, where the court acquaints the participants in the process with their rights, in criminal law, where the witness gets acquainted with the contents of the drawn up protocol, in administrative law - when familiarizing himself with the decision made, in corporate law, in civil law. In almost all industries where written documents are drawn up that affect the rights and interests of individuals, it is necessary to record the facts of bringing their content to the attention of people, i.e. familiarization with documents for signature.

Familiarization procedure

In order to undergo the procedure of familiarizing yourself with the document, you must:

  • prepare this document in a form suitable for review. This is either a paper version, or (if the company uses electronic document management) electronic version of the document
  • provide the opportunity to familiarize yourself (transfer for reading or provide access to the electronic version);
  • draw up a document to record the fact of communication.

Fixation methods

The law does not require what document a visa must be stamped on to confirm that it has been read.

Practice has developed several approaches.

  1. Endorsement confirming familiarization on the document itself. This is convenient for short documents, such as orders, instructions, notices, subpoenas, etc. For endorsement, a separate stamp is drawn up, where the person puts his own signature, and the stamp clearly indicates that the signature is affixed to confirm familiarization.
  2. Endorsement on a separate sheet, which is an integral part of the document. In this method, it is important that the sheet contains information about which specific document it relates to. In this case, familiarization with the documents against signature will be legal.
  3. Placing a signature in magazines specially created for review. In this way, you can introduce employees to numerous local regulations. Journals are convenient because they are issued in relation to several documents at once.

If you meet the requirements, then all the indicated methods are equivalent in legal consequences. The presence of a signature means the fact of reading the document, understanding its essence and the presence of legal consequences arising from it for a specific person (or organization, if a representative of a legal entity is familiar with the document).

There are no unified forms or approved forms for such sheets and magazines; you will have to develop them yourself or use the experience of others.

Let's consider individual options for familiarization.


Familiarization with orders against signature occurs, as a rule, in the simplest way - by affixing visas to the document itself. This is the most common option. But no one bothers you to use other methods - by drawing up a familiarization sheet (possibly in in electronic format) or magazine.

Familiarization with the order against signature may look like this: on the order, after the manager’s signature, the following inscription is affixed: “I have read the order,” followed by the employee’s personal signature and the date (if it is important). The decoding of the employee’s full name can be done in advance or written down by the employee himself. This does not play a legal role.


Familiarization with instructions against signature often occurs using magazines. This is due to the fact that there are quite a lot of instructions; a newly hired employee, as a rule, becomes familiar with a large number of different local acts, including instructions. It is more convenient to do this using a separate journal. When changes are made to instructions, a separate column may be provided in the journal to record the fact that such changes were brought to the attention of employees.

As already mentioned, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with documents not only in labor relations. As an example, informing parents for signature with the rules of the preschool institution or local regulations of the school, with notification of the possibility of vaccination, etc.

Features in electronic document management

Many organizations are moving to electronic document management, including personnel. Nobody bothers you to combine an electronic document and a paper version of confirmation of its reading. But if electronic information is also used, one must remember the risks. Of course, they can be minimized if you use an electronic analogue of a handwritten signature. But if you focus on the fact of opening a document from a specific PC, then there is a risk that these actions may not be performed by the person whose knowledge is required.

Thus, when using electronic document management, it is advisable to take care of minimizing various risks, which modern software can do.

To adapt existing laws, enterprises must develop local regulations that take into account the peculiarities of the activities of each organization. When starting a new job, employees must familiarize themselves with all internal regulations in force at the enterprise. There are several ways to reflect this fact. The most popular is the sheet of familiarization with local regulations.

The current rules establish the obligation of company management at the legislative level to familiarize its employees with the provisions of local documents.

This is primarily due to the fact that local acts of the company regulate the relationships between the parties to labor relations, establish rules and procedures that employees and the administration itself must comply with.

That is, those working in the company must know both their rights and responsibilities. Only after this can you demand something from them. For example, it is possible to bring an employee to disciplinary liability for violating labor discipline if he knew the labor regulations in force in the company. Moreover, the familiarization must be documented.

Attention! Both all current employees of the company and newly hired employees must be familiarized with the accepted ones.

There are several options for this procedure. However, this is not reflected in any way at the legislative level. Therefore, the company has the right to independently choose how exactly it will bring the provisions of internal standards to the attention of its employees, and how the very fact of reading the standard will be recorded.

Ways to get acquainted

If the organization has local regulations, then each employee must be familiarized with them upon signature.

This can be done in one of the following ways:

  • Sign the document itself. To do this, on the last sheet of the document you need to provide a special table in which the employee, after the familiarization procedure, will enter personal data about himself. Such familiarization marks, as a rule, inspire the greatest confidence among inspection and control authorities, since this does not allow the administration to replace the document or unilaterally make any changes to it.
  • Separate employee familiarization sheet. It can either be created for each existing normative act, or it can be maintained as a general one, in which marks will be placed on all documents at once. One of the most important components of this sheet is the column with the date of review. Thanks to it, it will be possible to correlate the fact of familiarity with the document and its revision number. In practice, the employee’s signature must be taken whenever changes are made to the LNA.
  • Journal of familiarization with local acts. Its sheets must be numbered and stitched, entries must be made on each line without skipping blank ones. For each fact of familiarization, a separate record (line) must be compiled.
  • Include in the paragraph that the employee has read all the documents at the time of hiring. This method can be used if the company does not maintain survey logs or questionnaires. When signing an agreement, the employee signs not only in the column indicating receipt of his copy, but also in a special column indicating familiarization with the documents. Judicial practice confirms this method of familiarization as legitimate.

If an order drawn up by a manager concerns many employees or the entire staff as a whole, then each person should familiarize themselves with this document by signing and dating it. Usually this data is left directly in the order (at the end of the text), but when there are many employees, they can sign on a special familiarization sheet. A sample of this document and recommendations for its preparation can be found in the article.

The familiarization sheet is compiled in any form - usually it is a table with the following columns:

  1. Employee number (listing data in random order, alphabetically, by department, etc. - at the company’s choice).
  2. Job title.
  3. Personnel number (if available).
  4. Signature and transcript of the signature (surname, initials - for example, Kuznetsova A.M.).
  5. Date of.

Also, if necessary, you can provide other columns in the table - the name of the department where the employee works, his qualifications, etc.

The signature means that the employee has familiarized himself with the text of the order, and therefore places direct responsibility on him for its execution. Subsequently, this fact can be used as a basis for imposition and even dismissal if the violation is of a gross nature. Therefore, the collection of signatures should not be treated as an empty formality: it is in the interests of the employer to ensure that all employees who are obliged to do so are familiar with the order. They can sign on the same day or on different dates - this fact does not really matter. In addition, collecting the signatures of all employees in one day is often unrealistic.

A blank form of this sheet for familiarizing yourself with the new order and its completed version are presented below.

Order familiarization sheet certified by the signature of the responsible employee (for example, head of the personnel department, chief accountant), as well as the manager himself. It is not necessary to put a stamp on it, except in cases where such a procedure is expressly provided for by the company’s internal documents.

Who should be notified of the order?

It is necessary to familiarize at least those employees whose names and positions are directly stated in the order. For example, this could be the entire accounting department, sales department, or all employees of a specific branch or division.

The order may also apply to all employees in general. Of course, their names and positions should not be listed in the text of the order itself - it is enough to describe the innovations and oblige the heads of departments and representative offices to communicate the text of the order to all employees.

Sheet storage order

Reference list with the order is drawn up in one original copy, so it must be stored especially carefully so as not to collect signatures again later. As a rule, the sheet is stored next to the original of the relevant order. Access to these documents is limited; If necessary, obtain information, you can make and present a copy of the familiarization sheet (for example, to an official checking compliance with fire safety requirements). The storage period is also determined by the storage time of the main order.

How an employee can be familiarized with the job description: sheet and familiarization log

An important obligation of the employer is to provide the employee with the opportunity to review internal documents of the organization that are directly related to the latter’s labor functions (Article 68 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, hereinafter referred to as the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

More information about the design of a job description is described in the article Is a job description mandatory in an organization?

The fact that the employee has read the documents is recorded on paper with his own signature. An familiarization visa requires the employee to indicate the phrase “I have read the job description” and the following information:

  • job title;
  • handwritten signature;
  • reading dates.

The visa for familiarization with the DI can be affixed either on a printed version or on a separate document - a sheet or log of familiarization with job descriptions.

A sample familiarization sheet can be downloaded from the link: Job Description Familiarization Sheet (sample).

A sample log of familiarization with DI is available for download at the link: Journal of familiarization with job descriptions (sample).

Extract from job description

An extract from the job description is a document copying individual parts of the DI. Drawing up an extract from the DI is advisable when:

  • DI contains confidential information and cannot be passed on to third parties.
  • DI is multi-page, and the necessary information is contained only in a small part of it.

As a rule, an extract from DI is prepared as follows:

  • The necessary fragments of DI are transferred according to the rules of verbatim citation.
  • The title of the document indicates: “Extract from the job description.”
  • The header of the statement contains the number and date of registration of the DI.
  • At the end of the extract, the position of the employee who signed the DI and his full name are noted. Instead of a signature, a dash is placed.
  • The extract is certified by a competent employee (HR specialist, etc.) after verification with the original DI by marking “Correct”. If necessary, the organization's stamp is placed on the extract.

A sample extract from the DI using the example of the DI of an inspector from the HR department can be downloaded from the link: Extract from job description - sample.

Thus, the employer has the responsibility to familiarize employees with the text of the approved job description. The fact of familiarization is subject to registration in the text of the job description, on a separate familiarization sheet or in the log of familiarization with job descriptions.

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