Bar of soap to make liquid soap. Photo gallery: beautiful handmade soap

Real estate 05.07.2021

You can always buy good soap made from natural ingredients in the store. True, not everywhere you can find something worthwhile: someone does not like the smell, color or shape, but for someone the price of a product they like seems overpriced or, in general, one chemistry is indicated in the composition.

The choice of cosmetics must be approached responsibly and very carefully, because our skin also needs regular care and proper protection.

In order not to risk in vain, make your own soap at home. Ingredients and equipment are the simplest and cheapest. It is both good for the family and good for the skin.

We are all used to using ordinary solid soap, but you can add a little variety and make a liquid soap with your own hands. They can wash their hands and use them instead of gel, or even give them to friends. There is always a use.

What we need:

  1. Solid soap without additives or soap residues.
  2. Water or herbal decoction.
  3. Glycerol.
  4. Favorite essential oil or perfume.
  5. Oily vitamins.
  6. Liquid oils: olive, almond, grape seed, etc.
  7. On request - dyes, glitters.
  8. Exfoliating ingredients if you are preparing a scrub soap (for example, poppy seeds, sesame seeds, crushed cereals or dried flowers, etc.).
  9. Grater, glass, saucepan and stirring spoon.

Which soap to use?

Responsibly approach the first step - choosing a base for your soap. It is advisable to use odorless baby soap so that foreign perfumes do not interrupt the aroma of homemade soap and your product will turn out to be unique.

You can use a base soap with special properties. For example, antibacterial soap is an excellent base for washing hands, and soap with moisturizing extracts for washing your face.

Laundry soap leftovers make an excellent dishwashing detergent or home cleaning product.

More experienced soapmakers add a concentrated liquid base as a base. They have different compositions and, accordingly, differ in purpose and consistency. Unlike conventional soap, it has a translucent shade.

Grate the soap of your choice and transfer the resulting shavings to a clean bowl. For this purpose, use any fine, unnecessary grater that you find at home. If you do not have orphan items, take a knife and carefully chop your block into crumbs. The finer the flakes, the faster the melting process will go.

As a result, you should get about 50 grams of soap shavings. Use a scale as it is always difficult to guess the exact amount of ingredients by eye.

In a separate bowl, boil 1 liter of pure water or water with the addition of a herbal decoction of your choice. A decoction of medicinal chamomile, sage, burdock, oregano, nettle or parsley is perfect.

Add soap flakes to hot water and wait a few minutes, stirring occasionally, until they are completely dissolved.

Stir the soap mixture one last time and make sure all the flakes are dissolved. If you find any foam or lumps of soap, carefully remove them with a spatula or strainer.

Pour in 4 tablespoons of glycerin and 1 tablespoon of your chosen liquid oil, stirring constantly until smooth. Glycerin gives viscosity to the composition and helps to mix any components, and also acts as an excellent moisturizer for the skin.

At the final stage, you can add a few unique additives to the mixture:

  • Add a couple of teaspoons of natural honey, lemon zest or juice, or a few drops of oily vitamins.
  • Small scrubbing particles such as poppy seeds or crushed oatmeal will help remove any dead skin cells from your skin.
  • Add a few drops of perfume or essential oils to give your soap a rich scent. Fresh aromas of citrus fruits, apple or peppermint are very popular.
  • To change the color, add some food coloring or glitter to your homemade liquid soap, but avoid using chemical dyes as they can damage your skin.

Strain the mass and leave to cool completely, stir everything thoroughly and pour into jars. If the soap thickens heavily, dilute with a little hot water or alcoholic tincture.

Use clean jars with tight lids to store liquid soap for future use, but do not store it for too long. The home remedy is prepared without the use of preservatives, which will give it an unpleasant color and odor if stored for a long time.

You can take the remaining packages with a dispenser from liquid soap, shampoo, gel. Even regular glass jars with lids and juice bottles will do. If you decorate them beautifully, then no one will guess that you did it all with your own hands.

Today, on store shelves, you can find a large selection of hygiene products: shampoos, soaps, gels. But what is their quality, no one can say for sure, because various chemicals are included in the composition.

Pros of home remedies

Making liquid soap with your own hands at home is not only useful, but also very interesting.


  1. When making homemade gel, the complete composition is known, since a person decides what to put in it.
  2. Any natural product can be used as components: milk, chocolate, coffee, essential oils. Thanks to this, the soap will not only be beautiful and tasty, but also useful.
  3. Homemade soap is a significant savings in the family budget.
  4. From soap residues, you can make not only a liquid hand wash, but also a dishwashing gel or shampoo.

Homemade soap recipes

How to make liquid soap at home? There are many different ways. But this process can take some time.

First recipe

How to make DIY liquid soap?

If you decide to start soap making at home and prepare a detergent from scratch, then for this you need to adhere to several recommendations:

  1. Stir the olive and coconut oil first.
  2. Then add some water and shea butter.
  3. Place the mixture on the stove and heat until smooth.
  4. Add lye, little by little. Stir.
  5. Dissolve potassium in the resulting mass. Stir until the soap is clear.
  6. Remove from the stove and beat with a mixer. The composition should turn out to be liquid.

Let it brew for two to three hours. When doing this, do not forget to stir occasionally. Pour the prepared soap into a special jar with a dispenser.

Second recipe

How to make liquid soap if there are remnants left? When there are a lot of soapy pieces, it is a pity to throw them away. But it is already difficult to use them for their intended purpose. Then a simple method of making soap will come to the rescue.

Take about 100 grams of remnants and grate them. A mug of boiling water is added to the resulting soap crumbs. Beat with a mixer so that the mass becomes homogeneous.

Then add a spoonful of honey and glycerin to the mixture. Add some essential oil and whisk again to create a pleasant scent.

Leave the liquefied mass for one to two hours. During this time, she will have time to cool down. After the time has elapsed, add 60 milliliters of cool water and stir well.

The finished product is poured into a special container with a dispenser.

Third recipe

How to cook liquid soap from solid baby soap?


  • a bar of baby soap;
  • a spoonful of liquid honey;
  • 70 milliliters of water;
  • a spoonful of glycerin;
  • oil as a base. Olive and almond are most suitable;
  • any essential oil for the scent.

Prepare a pot in which to prepare the soap. Then use a grater to grate a piece of baby soap and place it in a water bath.

Once the mass becomes liquid, pour in the base oil, and then the glycerin. Consider the fact that you cannot boil the mixture.

Everything is thoroughly mixed, and then water and honey are added. For the soap to have a wonderful scent, add a few drops of essential oil to the mixture, orange, lavender or lemon are best.

Whisk the resulting mixture with a blender or mixer, then pour into a jar.

Fourth recipe

You can also use a bar of laundry soap to make liquid soap.

To do this, you need to take a bar, the weight of which is 150-200 grams. Place it in a deep bowl and cover with boiling water. Leaves for one hour.

After the time has elapsed, mix the soap composition well. Then honey, sea buckthorn, sunflower and castor oil are added. Everything mixes well.

To lower the alkaline environment, pour 100 ml of water into the resulting mixture and dilute with a spoonful of apple cider vinegar.

Stir the mixture until smooth. To make the liquid soap beneficial for the skin, vitamin E, anti-cellulite oil and Chlorophyllipt are added.

If you want the soap to moisturize your skin, you need to add glycerin. To nourish the skin - a baby cream is suitable.

Everything is thoroughly mixed with a blender. This process will allow the mass to become airy and lighter.

To give a pleasant aroma, a few drops of lavender essential oil are added to the liquid product.

Fifth recipe

You can make a dish detergent at home. It will not only be environmentally friendly, but also safe for the delicate skin on your hands.

To prepare the detergent, take:

  • a mug of hot water;
  • laundry soap - 100 grams;
  • baking soda - 50 grams;
  • a bag of mustard powder;
  • ground coffee - 50 grams;
  • half a spoonful of vinegar;
  • 15 milliliters of borax in glycerin.

Laundry soap is rubbed, and then vinegar and borax in glycerin are mixed with shavings. The mass is poured with hot water and left in this state for 4 hours.

At the end of the time, soda, mustard powder and ground coffee are added. Everything is mixed and whipped with a blender. If the consistency turns out to be thick, then you can add a little water.

Pour the made product into a bottle and shake well.

You can wash the dishes from the made product only after 30-40 minutes, after it is infused.

Sixth recipe

Some housewives make linen and things with their own hands.

Homemade liquid powder is considered economical and at the same time perfectly cleans any dirt. It is safe for the delicate skin of children and does not lead to allergic reactions.

A mixture for washing is cooked from:

  • laundry soap in the amount of 100 grams;
  • soda ash in the amount of 100 grams;
  • two liters of water.

The soap is being rubbed. Filled with one third of the liquid. Put on low heat and stir until smooth. Cook the mixture for 20 minutes. The remaining water and soda ash are added. Everything is mixed, the liquid should become a little thick.

After two to three minutes, the gel is removed from the plate, covered with a lid and infused for a day. Pour the finished product into a convenient container.

During washing, add 50 ml of gel to the powder compartment.

Making liquid soap with your own hands is not only useful, but also very interesting. It differs not only in efficiency, but also in safety. These products can be used by both adults and children of different ages.

DIY liquid soap cooking is easy enough. Having prepared soap for yourself, you will be 100% sure that it is natural, contains a minimum amount of harmful substances, and most importantly, it will delight you with your favorite aromas. Having prepared liquid soap with your own hands, you can choose the consistency and fat content of the soap that is suitable for your skin. Handmade liquid soap can also be used as a shower gel. The recipe for liquid soap, which I want to describe to you, is quite simple and anyone can make it from the available means. You don't have to search or order the ingredients you need to make soap from scratch. My liquid soap is based on regular baby soap, which contains a minimum amount of artificial additives and dyes.

Liquid soap is much more convenient and economical than conventional soap. No soap residue remains at the end of use. Moreover, with liquid soap, you can forget about damp soap.

Handmade soap is much more useful than purchased soap. Since you will not add artificial flavors and colors to the soap you make for yourself, you can use natural ingredients instead. You can always choose the ingredients that are suitable for your skin type, as well as use your favorite fragrances.


DIY liquid soap ingredients:

- a bar of soap (I used baby soap);

- 1 tsp glycerin (sold in a pharmacy, it costs a penny);

- essential oils of your choice;

Optional supplements:

- a decoction of herbs;

- olive or other oil;

- food colorings.

Making liquid soap with your own hands at home:

  1. Rub half the bar of soap with a grater.

2. Pour the resulting flakes with 2 cups of boiling water (I used a decoction of chamomile).

3. Whisk the resulting mixture until the soap flakes are completely dissolved.

4. Wait for the mixture to cool, then add 1 tsp. glycerin (glycerin moisturizes the skin).

5. Add 3-5 drops of your favorite essential oil (I used lemon oil).

6. Add 1 tsp. honey (Optional, but honey softens the skin).

7. Add 5 glasses of cold water and stir well.

8. Pour the prepared mixture into the dispenser.

The liquid soap is ready.

To prepare liquid, instead of water, you can use decoctions of herbs, I used a decoction of chamomile pharmacy (bought in a pharmacy costs about 20 rubles). Chamomile is suitable for problem skin. Other herbs can be used for the decoction. Also, for making liquid soap with your own hands, you can use any essential oils, choosing them both by smell and by their usefulness. You can choose whether or not to add oil to liquid soap yourself, it all depends on your skin type, I did not use additional oils, since I have combination skin.

You can add a little ground coffee to the finished liquid soap, so you get one made with your own hands from natural ingredients.
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- Hello, hello, is this Alexey?

- Hello. He is not at home now. What shall I tell to him?

Today, on the shelves of cosmetics stores and in pharmacies, you can find a wide variety of cosmetics that are designed for different skin types and have their own characteristics and characteristics. However, such a large selection does not at all mean the high quality of cosmetics. Many people choose to make their own soap. This allows you to select only natural ingredients of high quality, as well as take into account the type of leather. "How to make liquid soap?" - The answer to this question can be found in this article. It is important to follow the advice of professional soap makers.

At times, using solid soap can lead to frustration and irritation. Very often, such soap becomes limp in a soap dish, falls apart and eventually has an unpleasant consistency. Liquid soap has become quite popular because it is convenient to use by pouring it into a jar with a dispenser.

You can make liquid soap yourself. The easiest way is to use baby soap.

Soap can be given any properties by adding essential oils and various useful fillers to its composition. Soap can be moisturizing, emollient, bactericidal, or nourishing. It is important not to overdo it with the number of components. For example, be careful when mixing fragrances and essential oils, as some combinations can spoil the aroma properties of the soap.

How to make liquid soap:

  • Boil a herbal decoction of chamomile, mint or lemon balm. It will give the soap soothing properties. The broth should be prepared exclusively in a water bath - only then will the herbs transfer their beneficial properties.
  • The finished broth is diluted with boiled water. As a result, you should get 8 glasses of solution.
  • Grate baby soap (preferably odorless). It is important to remember that the thinner and less sawdust, the more homogeneous the composition will be. A glass of soap shavings is enough.
  • Soap shavings are added to the herbal broth and put on fire. It should be slow. Stir thoroughly while the soap is melting. The composition may appear liquid, but after adding other ingredients to it, it will thicken within a few hours.
  • A large spoonful of glycerin is added to the cooled composition and mixed well.
  • Essential oil is added to liquid soap. Before this, an allergic reaction test should be performed.

Dyes can be added to the soap if desired. They can be edible or natural. Milk, coffee, herbal decoctions, juices can be used as dyes.

How to make liquid soap at home

To make a liquid soap, you can use a soap base, a bar of baby soap, and a pile of old remnants. Such preparation will not take much time and will be very economical. In addition, it can be given specific properties that will have a positive effect on the condition of the skin.

In pharmacies and cosmetics stores, you can often find liquid soaps for personal care. You can make such a soap yourself at home.

You can use olive oil and distilled water to make soap to care for your skin. Liquid soap is stored in a container with a dispenser. There are a large number of simple dispenser bottles and creative, original bottles on the market today.

Soap making process:

  • Grate remnants or soap on a fine grater. Cover with hot water.
  • For every part of the grated soap, there are three parts of water or herbal decoction.
  • Shavings and water must be kept on low heat, stirring constantly.
  • After removing the heat, add a large spoonful of olive oil to the soap.
  • After the mixture has cooled, you can add a couple of drops of essential oil to it.

This soap will perfectly moisturize the skin and protect it from the effects of cold water and wind. This is an economical option and allows you to get more liquid out of one bar of soap. Natural or artificial colors can be added to the soap to have a beautiful color.

Cooking liquid dishwashing soap

Manufacturers now offer a wide range of dishwashing detergents. But most of them contain hazardous chemicals that, if not thoroughly washed out with water, can harm your health. To be sure of the quality of the dishwashing liquid, you need to prepare the composition yourself.

Dishwashing soap does not contain harmful components and fights dirt well, even when using low temperature water.

To make soap, you need to purchase borax, baking soda, baby soap, clean water, distilled vinegar. You need to prepare the mixture in the kitchen. Use special utensils for cooking.

Cooking process:

  • Pour clean water into a 250 ml glass.
  • Add two large tablespoons of vinegar to the water.
  • Heat water with vinegar over low heat, wait until it boils.
  • Pour a glass of borax and a glass of baking soda into the liquid.
  • To mix everything.
  • Add half a glass of crushed baby soap.

The composition is thoroughly mixed until it becomes homogeneous. After cooling, add a few drops of lemon oil to it. Store the product in a glass jar covered with a lid.

Making liquid soap from remnants

Very often people do not like to throw away remnants, but I also don’t know what can be done with them. A useful tip is to prepare a liquid soap, which will allow you to make soap by adding additional useful ingredients to it. Self-made soap will definitely be environmentally friendly and harmless.

Those who have tried making soap on their own no longer use the purchased one and do not spend money on its purchase.

If you have a blender in your home, cooking will be very quick and easy. In order to make healthy soap, you need to collect soap filings, prepare glycerin, honey, essential oil. It is better to use purified soft water for soap making.

Cooking process:

  • Rub the remnants (200 g). They should be as small as possible.
  • Pour the remnants with a glass of boiling water.
  • The composition must be whipped with the slops of a hand blender.
  • Enrich the composition with a spoonful of glycerin, a few drops of essential oil and a spoonful of honey (if you are not allergic to it).
  • After a quarter of an hour, beat the composition again.

It is good to store such a composition in a special container with a dispenser. Instead of honey, you can add a variety of ingredients to soap. It can be various herbal decoctions, milk, vegetable oils, cocoa, fruit juices. It is important to consider the needs and condition of the skin. Soap can be made nourishing, moisturizing, cleansing, disinfecting, soothing. When cooking, it is important to be careful and follow safety precautions. If the child drank soap, he should be given plenty of water to drink and consult a pediatrician.

Instructions: how to make liquid soap (video)

Liquid soap is very pleasant to use. Unlike solid soap, it does not get wet, does not break into pieces, and does not leave remnants. But you can cook it using baby soap and soap remnants as a basis. Making your own soap is very easy. It is important to correctly calculate the proportions and choose fillers that will improve the properties of the soap. Such soap is much more economical than buying solid soap. Self-preparation leaves no doubt about the quality and safety of the soap for health.

Soap is an integral part of the hygiene of our body and clothes. If you are more fond of a gel-like composition, then preparing the liquid laundry soap yourself will not be difficult, because self-brewed soap has great advantages over store goods.

Benefits of handmade soap:

  • Confidence in the safety of your hygiene product, because you know each of its ingredients. It is no secret that industrial household chemicals can lead to serious health problems: dermatitis, decreased immunity, liver, kidney and other internal organs diseases.
  • The ability to make soap of various properties. Depending on your needs, you can add the ingredients you need to make an anti-aging, cleansing, soothing soap, or whatever.
  • Substantial savings in the family budget. Cooked liquid soap at home lasts longer, and the cost of making it is minimal.
  • The soap making process is fun and creative, you will definitely enjoy it.

How to make liquid soap? - Ingredients

What you need to make your own liquid soap at home. First of all, you must find a suitable vessel that is suitable for this purpose.

Important! This pan should not be used for further cooking.

Is there a mandatory list of products that should be used to get a quality result? There is such a list and it includes the following products:

  • Baby soap.
  • Glycerol.
  • Essential oils.

In addition to the main ingredients, you can optionally add the following ingredients, which will give your soap a special flavor and make it look more attractive:

  • Mint, chamomile, rose petals, lemon balm, or any other useful herb that can be used to make a decoction.
  • Food coloring.

How to make liquid soap at home? - Cooking recipes

Soap, as we have already said, it is not difficult to make liquid laundry soap yourself. This process can be done with or without a commercial bar of soap. Below are the most simple and popular recipes for liquid soaps for various purposes.

Liquid baby soap for everyday use

This liquid soap has a moisturizing effect and can be used for daily cleansing of delicate skin.


  • A bar of baby soap or remnants. It is better to use soap without fragrances and dyes - white or cream color.
  • A tablespoon of glycerin. This component is freely available at any pharmacy.
  • Essential oils. Everyone chooses this ingredient independently, starting from their own tastes.
  • An infusion of one of the herbs: lemon balm, chamomile, calendula, thyme or mint. You can also use a decoction from the collection of these herbs.

Cooking process:

  1. Prepare an herbal infusion. To do this, pour the collection of herbs with 10 tablespoons of clean filtered water. Place the pot on the fire and wait for the mixture to boil. After 2-3 minutes, remove the broth from the stove and let it brew for half an hour.
  2. Strain the finished infusion using a sieve or cheesecloth. Increase the resulting volume to 10 glasses by adding boiled water.
  3. Take baby soap and grate it on a coarse grater. Soap should be free of fragrances and dyes. As a rule, one glass of shavings come out of one bar of soap.

Important! To prevent the soap from becoming so dry while grating, put it briefly in a sunny place or on a battery.

  1. Pour the broth into a saucepan and add shavings to it. Turn on the fire. Stir constantly until the soap is completely dissolved.
  2. Cool the resulting mixture, remove the foam and add glycerin to it.
  3. Add a few drops of essential oil.
  4. If you want to color the liquid soap, you can add a little food coloring.
  5. Stir the mixture thoroughly and pour into a bottle with a dispenser.

Homemade instant soap

Making this soap is a simple, easy and quick process. It does not require a lot of time and the purchase of any special components. All its constituent parts can be found in every home. For kitchen items, you will need a blender and a bowl.


  • A bar of soap or remnants.
  • A glass of boiled water.
  • A tablespoon of glycerin.
  • A tablespoon of honey.
  • Citrus essential oil.
  • Three tablespoons of purified cold water.

Cooking process:

  1. Place the soap in a warm place to make it softer before cooking.
  2. Rub the block onto a coarse grater.
  3. Pour boiling water over the shavings and beat the mixture well with a blender.
  4. Add honey, glycerin and essential oils. Then whisk the mixture again with a blender.
  5. Leave the resulting mass for 15 minutes, then dilute with cold water and beat again.
  6. Pour the resulting soap into a convenient dispenser bottle.

Important! Despite the simplicity of the recipe, the soap comes out high-quality and effective in its action.

Vitamin Nourishing Soap

To prepare a liquid soap that will not only cleanse the skin, but also nourish it with vitamins, you should follow this recipe.


  • A piece of soap or remnants.
  • Pharmacy glycerin.
  • 10 glasses of purified water.
  • Oil-based vitamins A and E.
  • Essential oils of your favorite scents.

Cooking process:

  1. Pour the prepared soap shavings with water.
  2. Put a saucepan on the fire and stir until the soap is completely dissolved.
  3. Remove the pan from heat and add glycerin to the mixture. Stir the food well.
  4. After the mixture has cooled, add vitamins and a few drops of essential oil to it.

Important! For sensitive skin, you can add any base oil to the prepared soap: sunflower, linseed, olive, coconut.

  1. To make a scrubbing soap, add an abrasive component to it. The most suitable for this purpose are ground coffee, clay powder, almonds.

All-natural soap

You can make DIY liquid soap at home without using industrial soap. It will take you more time to prepare it, but this way you will make an absolutely natural product.


  • 280 g of olive oil.
  • 680 g coconut oil.
  • 930 g distilled water.
  • 280 g castor oil.
  • 85 g jojoba or shea butter.
  • 310 g potassium hydroxide flakes.

Important! When working with alkali, precautions and safety precautions should be taken. Be sure to use hand and eye protection. The area where you prepare the soap should be well ventilated.

Cooking process:

  1. Weigh all the oils, mix them and place in a water bath over low heat.

Important! Strictly adhere to the recipe weight of the ingredients, otherwise the product may not work.

  1. Put on gloves and goggles over your eyes. Make sure the window is open.
  2. Weigh the lye and add it to a large bowl with the required dose of distilled water already. Add this component in small portions, stirring the mixture constantly.

Important! The lye must be added to the water, and not filled with water. This nuance is very important, as improper actions can lead to a dangerous chemical reaction.

  1. Slowly pour the resulting alkaline solution into the oils. Try not to cause a splash of liquids so that the alkali does not get on your skin.
  2. Stir the mixture thoroughly. To do this, use a hand blender. The mass will begin to thicken quickly enough. Beat is required until it acquires the consistency of a paste.
  3. Continue cooking over low heat, stirring occasionally with a spoon. On average, cooking this way takes 6 hours.
  4. You should have about half a kilo of transparent paste. Add 935 ml of distilled water to it to dilute. It may take several hours for the paste to completely dissolve in water.
  5. Add essential oil of your favorite scent to the prepared mixture. For color, you can add any natural food coloring.
  6. Pour the finished product into bottles with dispensers for more convenient use.

Important! This liquid soap does not contain any preservatives, so its shelf life is rather short. Do not use homemade soap after a year from the date of its manufacture.

How to make liquid laundry soap?

Laundry soap contains a large amount of alkali. This helps him to cope with the most difficult stains on clothes. To use soap when washing clothes in washing machines, you can make a high-quality and effective washing gel from it.


  • 200 g bar of laundry soap.
  • 2.5 liters of boiling water.
  • 400 g of soda ash.
  • Favorite essential oil.

Cooking process:

  1. Rub the soap on a fine grater.
  2. Pour 1.5 liters of boiling water over the shavings.
  3. Put a saucepan with soapy mass on low heat and heat, stirring constantly. It is necessary to achieve complete dissolution of the soap, while not allowing the mixture to boil.
  4. In a separate bowl, dissolve soda ash in 1 liter of water.

Important! If you don't have soda ash in your house, you can replace it with regular baking soda. But it will be required 5 times more than soda of a technical sample.

  1. Add soda solution to soapy water and mix everything thoroughly. You should get a mass of uniform consistency.
  2. Add 12 drops of essential oil to the cooled gel to add a pleasant aroma to the detergent.
  3. Stir the mixture well and bottle.

Important! If the product is too thick and resembles a paste, then it should be stirred with water before use.

You need to use liquid laundry soap for washing in the same way as a store-bought detergent in the form of a gel:

  • For washing lightly soiled clothes, use 100 ml of gel, with stronger ones - 150-200 ml.
  • The gel is poured directly into the drum or into a special container that is placed with the laundry.
  • This gel is suitable for all fabrics except wool.

Important! The product dissolves well in water, washes stains on clothes and rinses out of the fibers of the fabric without any problems.

How to make liquid soap from laundry soap?

Laundry soap can be used to make not only a detergent, but also a pleasant and effective hand soap.


  • Laundry soap bar.
  • 100 ml boiling water.
  • Dessert spoon of vinegar.
  • A tablespoon of castor oil.
  • A tablespoon of honey.
  • A tablespoon of refined sunflower or olive oil.
  • A tablespoon of sea buckthorn oil.
  • A teaspoon of vitamin E.
  • A teaspoon of chlorophyllipt.
  • Lavender essential oil.
  • Half a tablespoon of glycerin or baby cream.

Cooking process:

  1. Rub a 150-200 g bar of soap onto a coarse grater.
  2. Pour boiling water over the shavings and leave for a while.
  3. Add a tablespoon each of honey, sea buckthorn oil, sunflower or olive oil, and castor oil.
  4. Add apple cider vinegar to the mixed mixture, which will reduce the alkaline environment of the soap.
  5. After the liquid has acquired a uniform consistency, vitamin E, chlorophyllipt and glycerin should be added to it.
  6. Mix the whole mass with a mixer. The result should be an airy, light mixture.
  7. Add 10 drops of lavender essential oil to your soap for a pleasant scent.

Important! In the process of preparing liquid laundry soap, you can additionally use shampoos and shower gels.


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