Crossword puzzle on a bird theme 6 questions.

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Crossword “Heralds of Spring”


4. Over the field, over the swamp,

I start singing early

And I love by helicopter

Hanging in the blue air.

6. I am speaking to you,

Like a young spring messenger.

I'm glad to see my friends!

Well, my name is...

7. The brothers stood on stilts,

They look for food along the way.

Whether you're running or walking -

They can't get off their stilts.

9. No hands, no hatchet

A hut has been built.

11. Only April will drive away the blizzard,

Secretly to your land at night

I'm flying halfway from the south,

I walk halfway.

12. Comes to us with warmth,

Having come a long way,

Sculpts a house under glass

Made from grass and clay.


1. Stand on one leg

They look intently into the water,

They poke with their beak at random -

They are looking for frogs in the river.

2. Finally arrived to us

Our best singer.

3. Pied Quack

Catches frogs.

Waddles around


5. Not a crow, not a tit, -

What is the name of this bird?

Perched on a bitch -

A “cuckoo” sound was heard in the forest.

8. This old friend of ours:

He lives on the roof of the house -

Long-legged, long-nosed,

He flies to hunt

For frogs in the swamp.

10. What kind of spring bird is this?

Does he like to follow the plow and feed?

What kind of spring bird is the black bird?

Almost sits directly on the tractor?

Answers . Horizontally: 4. Lark. 6. Starling. 7. Cranes. 9. Nest. 11. Crake. 12. Swallow.

Vertical: 1. Herons. 2. Nightingale. 3. Duck. 5. Cuckoo. 8. Stork. 10. Rook.

Crossword “Wintering birds”


4. Who is jumping there, rustling,

Cool! Cool! Cool! - sings with a whistle.

6. Birds are freezing, animals are chilly.

I don't grieve in the cold,

'Cause I'm made of feathers

I wear miracle felt boots.

7. I am with the February burning wind

I'm in a hurry to fly around my region.

Seven multi-colored vests

I always wear it on myself.

8. Black-winged, red-breasted,

And in winter it will find shelter:

He is not afraid of colds -

The first snow is here!


1. Lubricate down and feathers with fat,

I can easily dive into the hole,

And I catch different larvae,

Running quickly along the bottom.

2. He is in his forest chamber,

Wears a colorful robe,

He heals trees

He knocks and it’s easier.

3. The back is greenish,

The belly is yellowish,

Little black cap

And a strip of scarf.

5. For better health

Dropping fluff in the pine forest,

I'm tumbling on branches,

Like a gymnast on the horizontal bar.

Answers . Horizontal: 4. Crossbill. 6. Hazel grouse. 7. Goldfinch. 8. Bullfinch. Vertically: 1. Dipper. 2. Woodpecker. 3. Tit. 5. Black grouse.

Crossword “Our dining room”

Read the poem by 3. Alexandrova “Our Canteen” and find in the crossword cells the names of the birds that flew to the “bird canteen.” From the remaining letters, make up a keyword: the name of a small cheerful bird.

We made a feeder

We opened a canteen.

Sparrow, bullfinch neighbor,

There will be lunch for you in winter.

Visit on the first day of the week

The titmice flew to us.

And on Tuesday, look,

The bullfinches have arrived.

There were three crows on Wednesday

We weren't expecting them for lunch.

And on Thursday from all over the world -

A flock of greedy sparrows.

On Friday in our dining room

The pigeon was enjoying porridge.

And on Saturday for pie

Seven forty flew in.

On Sunday, Sunday

A spring guest has arrived to us -

Starling traveler...

That's the end of the song.

Answer . Keyword- siskin.

Crossword "Poultry"


2. Lives in the forest,

He's stealing chickens from the village!

5. When it floats, it’s beautiful,

When it hisses, it is dangerous.

7. Appeared in a yellow fur coat:

- Goodbye, two shells!

9. Gray neck,

yellow sock,

Swims in the river

Like a float.


1. Scarlet cap,

Non-woven vest,

The caftan is speckled.

3. Always for everyone

Puffed up like fur.

4. And he doesn’t sing,

And it can't fly.

Why then

Is he considered a bird?

6. Amazing child!

Just got out of diapers

Can swim and dive

Like his own mother.

8. Not of princely breed,

And he walks around with a crown;

Not a military rider

And with a belt on his leg;

It's not worth guarding,

And he wakes everyone up early.

Answers. Horizontal: 2. Fox. 5. Goose. 7. Chicken. 9. Duck. Vertical: 1. Chicken. 3. Turkey. 4. Ostrich. 6. Duckling. 8. Rooster.

Crossword puzzle “For bird connoisseurs”


3. This bird never

Does not build nests for itself.

Leaves eggs for neighbors

And he doesn’t remember the chicks.

4. The long-nosed bird hid here,

Tell me, what is her name?

6. He is without notes and without a pipe

Who is this?

8. In the forest to the sound of chirping, ringing and whistling

The forest telegraph operator knocks:

"Great, buddy blackbird!"

And signs...

11. Prophetess, white-sided, and her name is...

12. Guess what kind of bird it is -

Little dark girl

White from the belly,

Is the tail spread into two tails?

13. I wake everyone up on time,

At least I don’t set the clock.


1. I am in any bad weather

I respect water very much.

I keep away from dirt -

Clean gray...

2. He comes every year

To where the house awaits him.

5. I don’t like to live without anything to do,

At five o'clock I get up:

Then I plant cedars with my beak,

Those are oaks in a deep forest.

7. Color - grayish,

Habit is cunning,

Hoarse screamer -

Famous person.

9. I catch bugs all day

I eat worms.

I’m not flying to a warm land,

I live here under the roof.

Tick-tweet! Don't be timid!

I'm experienced...

10. Lives in the forest,

Hoots like a robber;

People are afraid of him

And he is afraid of people.

Answers . Horizontal: 3. Cuckoo. 4. Stork. 6. Nightingale. 8. Woodpecker. 11. Magpie. 12. Swallow. 13. Rooster. Vertical: 1. Goose. 2. Starling. 5. Jay. 7. Crow. 9. Sparrow. 10. Owl.

Crossword puzzle “Record-breaking birds”


4. The bird with the longest tail.

5. The one who catches insects on the fly.

Crossword puzzle “Record-breaking birds”

6. Although I am not a hammer, I knock on wood,

I want to explore every corner of it.

I walk around in a red hat,

And the acrobat is wonderful.

7. The only bird that eats furry, poisonous caterpillars.


3. Experienced flies

Old robber

Claws like daggers

Eyes like headlights.

Answers. Horizontal: 4. Magpie. 5. Swift. 6. Woodpecker. 7. Cuckoo. Vertical: 1. Ostrich. 2. Kinglet. 3. Eagle owl.

Crossword puzzle “Ten birds - a flock”

Read I. Tokmakova’s poem “Ten Birds - a Flock” and find the names of these birds in the crossword cells.

Sing along, sing along:

Ten birds are a flock.

This bird is a nightingale,

This bird is a sparrow

This bird is an owl

Sleepy little head.

This bird is a waxwing,

This bird is a crake,

This bird is a starling,

Gray feather.

This one is a finch

This one is a swift

This one is a cheerful little siskin.

Well, this one is an evil eagle.

Marina Kiryanova

While I was developing a lesson plan for the “Whistling Stonefly” lesson for my children, I decided to make a game for them to make it more visual. this is my first job in this region. Please do not judge strictly, but advice is only welcome. I will be glad if it is useful to someone.

Didactic game« BIRDS» .

Educational area: cognition(formation complete picture world - ecology).

(Intended for children 5-7 years old)

Material: cardboard puzzle cards with illustrations birds.

Purpose of the game: summarize knowledge children about migratory birds; teach to understand figurative meaning of riddles; develop fine motor skills of the hands, learn how to analyze words soundly, divide words into syllables.

Rules of the game: 3-4 children play. Children solve riddles. If you have difficulty using puzzles from envelopes, assemble a picture birds. After the riddle is solved, the children do a sound analysis of the word and the name is laid out in the empty cells of the crossword using cards with letters. birds on the corresponding line. In this case, you can also recall the division of words into syllables, differentiation into vowels and consonants.

Recommendations for using the game: a game intended to be used as didactic benefits for conducting GCD "Whistling Stonefly" in a preparatory school group, as well as as an independent didactic aids for consolidating previously covered material outside of class.

Riddles for the crossword:

1. Stands on one leg

He looks intently into the water.

Pokes his beak at random -

Looking for frogs in the river.


2. Comes to us with warmth,

Having come a long way,

Sculpts a house under the window

Made from grass and clay.


3. Blackwing,


And in winter it will find shelter:

He's not afraid of colds

With first snow

Right here!


4. This everyone knows the bird:

His palace is on the pole.

Carrying worms to the chicks

It's crackling all day long.


5. In the spring it rushes towards us from the south

Black as a raven bird.

For our trees, the doctor is

Entertaining and interesting crossword puzzles for children and their parents on the theme of birds; such crossword puzzles will introduce children to interesting facts about birds. We present to your attention different crossword puzzles for different children's ages:

How much do we know about these creatures, seeing and hearing them so often? Let's solve a crossword puzzle about birds.

1. The process whereby some of a bird's feathers fall out and are replaced with new ones.
2. What the body of birds is covered with.
3. What is the name of the most big bird who ever lived on earth.
4. In a gray feather coat. And in cold weather he is a hero. It jumps and frolics in flight, not an eagle, but also a bird.
5. The largest insectivorous bird.
6. Small duck with a chestnut head.
7. What is the name of the creature from which birds originated?
8. Chicks, which bird does not know its mother.
9. A bird the size of a jackdaw. It is easily recognized by its grayish-white head and bright blue spots on its wings with black tips. This is a very curious and noisy bird.
10. What birds usually settle near water bodies.
11. A mottled dark brown bird with black wings and tail, white undertail and thick white markings throughout the body.
12. Nests are built at a height of up to 25 m. They are listed in the Red Book.
13. What is the name of the only bird in the world that can fly backwards.
14. This one is big beautiful bird In the past it was an object of fishing, and is currently under protection.
15. She has 2-3 white feathers on her head. She has a loud, bassy cry, often rendered as "kuak".
16. The most ancient bird.
17. Bird of prey is a symbol of the coat of arms of Russia.

View answer

Answers: 7. Pseudosuchus, 2. Feathers, 13. Hummingbird, 10. Waterfowl, 5. Cuckoo, 16. Archeopteryx, 8. Penguin, 3. Pelagornis, 4. Sparrow, 12. Golden eagle, 15. Night heron, 6. Lutok, 9. Jay, 11. Kedrovka, 14. Swan, 1. Molt, 17. Eagle.

The crossword puzzle contains 15 questions about migratory birds, and you know a lot about migratory birds, the most famous ones are gathered here, and therefore it will not be easy to solve such a crossword puzzle.

1. This bird looks like a crow; its distinguishing feature is its gray-yellow beak. They are called conditionally migratory, since not all of them fly south for the winter.
2. A slender bird that runs quickly on the ground and shakes its tail with every step. Spends the winter in eastern Africa, southern Asia, and sometimes in southern Europe.
3. In Russia, this bird can only be seen in summer, but in Europe it is considered a wintering bird. They are close relatives of Chizhes.
4. The bird is colored in brown, brown, gray, yellowish tones. About him V.A. Zhukovsky wrote a verse: “...He vociferously from above
Sings, sparkling in the sun:
Spring has come to us young,
I am here singing the coming of spring."
5. This inconspicuous bird with a singing voice loves warmth, and therefore flies south to Africa in the fall.
6. This bird winters in Europe; it moves along the ground by jumping and crouching. There are 65 species of them, there is a black one with a yellow beak, and there is a songbird.
7. Migrant, the front half of her body is yellow, and her wings, tail and part of her back are black.
8. Domestic representatives of these birds descended from the Mallard bird.
9. The only bird from the Galliformes order that is migratory. They winter in southern Africa and southern Asia, on the Hindustan Peninsula.
10. He comes every year
To where the house awaits.
He can sing other people's songs,
But it still has its own voice.
11. Grandma had two of them, one was gray, the other was white.
12. This migratory bird loves rocky terrain, makes clay nests, and often settles on steep walls of quarries; it winters in sub-Saharan Africa and tropical Asia.
13. The largest waterfowl, belongs to the family Anatidae, belonging to the order Anseriformes.
14. These migratory birds settle near swamps and fields cultivated by people. They fly south in a wedge formation.
15. These birds live on the coasts and with the onset of winter they move from the northern to warmer seas.

Crossword puzzle with answers "Birds"

Shchiptsova Natalya Borisovna. Biology teacher at the State Budgetary Educational Institution "Ploskoshskaya Special Boarding School" of the Toropetsk District, Tver Region.

Description of material: The presented crossword puzzle can be used when conducting extracurricular activity in biology in correctional school VIII species on the topic “Birds”, as well as in primary school in extracurricular activities. Working with crosswords is aimed at generalizing, systematizing and consolidating knowledge about birds.

Target: Consolidation of acquired knowledge about birds.

repeat acquired knowledge about birds;
continue to teach crossword puzzles;
develop creative activity;
cultivate curiosity.

1. He wanders importantly through the meadow, comes out of the water unscathed,
Wears red shoes and gives soft fluff.

2. She is blind during the day, but at night she receives her sight.

3. There is a palace on a pole,
There is a singer in the palace,
And his name is......

4. There is a loud knock
Among the branches - here and there.
-You're cleaning the wood, buddy.
-Knock-knock-knock, answered…….

5.Waddles like a sailor.
White tie, black tailcoat.
In Antarctica among the ice floes
Spends his days......

6. A boy in a gray army jacket
He snoops around the yard, picking up crumbs.


1. Black agile,
Shouts “krak”, the enemy of worms.

2. Prophetess, white-sided,
And her name is......

3. Trills, songs spilled out
Among the leaves and branches.
How beautiful is your singing,

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