Contracts and direct trading in EVE Online. Illegal activities in Eve Online Prerequisites to start

Business 18.11.2020

The in-game currency in EVE Online is ISK, ISK as they are called. Earning money from transporting cargo is one of the peaceful ways to enjoy the game, or to earn money to upgrade your character and buy a more expensive and better ship.

Necessary conditions for starting

To earn money this way, you need to have start-up capital- for the purchase of a cargo ship and for the purchase of goods. You also need to understand the cost of various items and know the Market.

In addition, you must have a high level of skills:

  • upgrade trade (section Trade);
  • understand marketing (section Marketing);
  • be able to operate cargo ships (sections Industrial Ships and Spaceship Command).

When choosing a cargo ship, pay attention to those with a large hold - for example, the Iteron Mark V.

The essence of earning claims through cargo transportation

You can trade with:

  • NPC - non-player characters;
  • live players.

When trading with NPCs, you can go in two ways: public courier contracts and alliance delivery. Public contracts are not paid very highly, there are bad routes and the risk of losing a freighter. The advantage is that you work only for yourself. Find a good contract at a lower price, find a place where these items can be sold at a higher price - and make a profit.

Public courier contracts are profitable because in some regions specific product there is a lot of it and it is sold cheaply, but in others it is high demand, and the price is higher. Many players find it easier to pay more than to search profitable options in a few jumps.

The nuance of such cargo transportation is that you can only know the price of the region in which you are located. To monitor the cost of various items on the market, you need to plant second characters (alts) in other regions.

To increase the safety of independent travel, you need to use beeches and go through all dangerous zones manually, and not on autopilot.

When conducting trade, it is worth focusing on the most popular items of trade: ammunition, fuel for refueling, equipment for ships. The market self-regulates depending on supply and demand. Therefore, you need to be prepared for risks.

Alliance delivery is suitable for a pumped-up cargo carrier. Working with large alliances and having a jump truck, you can earn PLEX in one half-hour delivery. The disadvantage of this option is working with alliances in which there is a lot of competition for orders, or there are too few orders.

Trading with live players also has its risks. You can buy a consignment of goods, and when you arrive at your destination, you find that someone else got there faster, sold similar items, demand locally has decreased, and the price has also fallen. You can get out of this situation by purchasing a special sell order and setting the required price in it. Sooner or later the price will rise to the required level, and buyers will be found.

If you do not have large capital, it is problematic to earn a lot in cargo transportation. For a good profit you need a ship of Tech 2 level. An alternative is trading in large trading systems: Jita, Yulai, Rens.

To make money on cargo transportation in EVE Online, you need to understand the market, improve your skills for trading and managing a ship. The size of the starting capital for the purchase of goods and a ship is also very important. By investing money in the purchase of a ship, you can quickly reach the desired level, upgrade the missing skills and start trading. If you need game currency from a reliable and official supplier, the GreedyDwarf team will help you. We care about our clients, so we credit gold in 5-10 minutes.

is a mechanism through which you can exchange goods with other players and corporations in various ways. When you open the window" Contracts", at the top of the window you can see the button " Create Contract". If you click it, the process of creating a contract will begin. There are several types of contracts available:

  • Auction contracts
  • Item Exchange
  • Courier

Auction contracts (auction)

You can put your item up for auction using the contract type " Auction". Such a contract allows players to place bets on it, or buy the goods outright, at the maximum price.

Auction contract settings:

Item Exchange contracts (barter transactions)

You can exchange some goods for others using Item Exchange type contracts.

Barter Sell contract settings

Barter Buy contract settings

Barter Trade contract settings

Courier contracts (courier contracts)

If you want to move goods from one station to another, you can use a courier contract. The meaning of such a contract is that the other player, by accepting it, transports your goods. After the terms of the contract are fulfilled, the player will receive the reward you specified, and the goods will be placed in your hangar at the destination station.

Basics of using contracts

Once you've decided which type of contract you want to use, you have a few basic options to choose from. These include the duration of the contract, the goods you want to give or receive, deposit and reward, location, etc. Once you fill out all these fields, the contract will be generated and appear in the list of contracts, where other players can find and accept it.

Search for contracts

Contracts can be found using the "Available Contracts" tab of the contracts window. Here you can set conditions for the filter, such as location (location), type (contract type), category (product category in the contract), issued by (contract owner), minimum and maximum contract value, description, etc. Once you have configured the filter, click the button Get Contracts(get a list of contracts). Example:


There are two skills related to contracts: " Contracting" And " Corporation Contracting". They set the number of contracts that you can create on behalf of yourself and on behalf of the corporation, respectively.

What are contracts and how do they work?

The Contract System is a player-driven mechanism for corporations and players to formalize working agreements with each other, providing an intuitive way to manage market-supported commercial transactions. Auctions, item exchanges, loans, and courier missions will be the first contract types introduced in EVE. Contracts will be an invaluable mechanism for running a corporation, allowing tasks and missions to be created and available at any time.

Skills and Roles

Each player (except for trial users) is initially allocated one active contract. An active contract is a contract that has not been accepted by anyone. For example, a courier mission that no one has accepted yet or an auction that did not end at the offered price. To increase the number of active contracts, buy the Contracting skill. Each level of skill gives +3 contracts, that is, at level 5 you can use 16 contracts, this is the maximum for one player. Keep in mind that there is no limit on the number of completed contracts or active contracts (such as an accepted courier mission)

Corporation contracts

Contracts are extremely useful tool to manage the corporation. In order to create contracts on behalf of your corporation, you need the Contract Manager role in your corporation. If you have this role, you can manage contracts issued to your corporation and formalize the acceptance of contracts. The contract manager of one corporation issues a contract on behalf of his corporation, and the contract manager of another corporation accepts the contract on behalf of his corporation. Contract managers of any corporation can manipulate contracts, such as terminating them or declaring them a failure.

You can have one active contract on behalf of your corporation without a skill requirement. To increase the number of active corporation contracts, you will need the Corporation Contracting skill, which increases the number of contracts you create on behalf of your corporation by 10 per skill level. At level 5, you will be able to support 50 contracts on behalf of your corporation.

By clicking on the Contracts button on the Neocom panel, you will see a main window with three tabs. The start tab will indicate how many contracts you can create, and will also show your current contracts, if any. On the middle tab “My Contracts” you can view the history of all your contracts. On the “Available Contracts” tab you can view the contracts that are currently available. Below you can read more detailed information about how to create, manage and what contracts can be used for.

Creating a contract

Creating a contract is very easy, but a little expensive. You will need at least 100k ISK as a refundable deposit to create a social contract. If you don't have the Contracting skill, you can only create one active contract, after which you can create a new one. If you learn the Contracting skill, this will allow you to increase the number of contracts you place. To create a contract, you do not need to be in the station dock, but the item you want to display in the contract must be in your hangar at any station.

1. Selecting the type of contract

To create a contract, click the Contracts button on your neocom panel. You will see the main contract management window. Click the “Create Contract” button at the top of the window to launch the wizard. Now you are on the first of 4 pages “Creating a Contract”. Here you can select the type of contract you want to create and who it will be intended for. If you have the role of Contract Manager in a corporation, you will have a checkbox “in favor of the corporation” for this contract created for your corporation using corporate assets.

“Availability” will offer 2 options:

  • Public (public general). This contract is visible to everyone in the region where it was created. (Note: you do not have to be in the region where the contract is displayed. You can choose an item from any hangar in the EVE universe)
  • Private

Here you can create a contract that is visible to any co-corp in your corporation or alliance, as well as for any other player or corporation. (Note: you cannot create a contract that is visible to your corporation if you are in NPC Corporation). A personal contract has no regional restrictions and can be accepted anywhere in the EVE universe. Loan (loan) and Freeform (free form) these types of contracts can only be personal.

One of the advantages of contracts is that taxes on them are paid to factions for placing PUBLIC contracts. However, the number of those who will see your contract may not be so large.
For more specific information on contract type see the chapter below.
(in this example, consider creating a public auction)

2. Selecting items

In this menu you choose what you will put in the contract. Select the station where the contract item is located (check the box next to the item being exhibited). All contract types except Freeform have the same clause 2. In most cases, you will need to select the subject of the contract. In the case of an Item Exchange type contract, you will not necessarily have to select the item(s) here, but you will need to indicate the station that has the item you want to exchange for the contract where the other player will place the item(s) , which he will exchange with you under the contract.

As soon as you select a station (and a hangar, if it is a corporation contract), a list of items will appear. If you are currently in a station, the list of items will be automatically taken from your hangar, otherwise you will have to select a station first.

By selecting several items in a stack in the hangar and right-clicking on them, you can separate them - “Split stack” - in order to include fewer items in the created contract. When creating a social contract from only one item, it will indicate the name and type of the item; if there are two or more items, “Multiple Items” will be indicated.

Be careful. When you choose an unpacked ship, you will lose insurance for it; when you create a contract, all the equipment that is in it will appear in the contract list. When placing such items in a contract you will be warned. Once you have selected the auction item, click Next.

3. Settings

This is the last step in which you enter information. In this step, you enter various information for each type of contract, for the Auction field you enter the starting bid and auction time - by default 1 day. The remaining fields are optional, although it would be nice to put the redemption (purchase price) price at the auction, and you can also enter a description of the subject of the contract in the Description field. Before creating an auction, you can review the contracts for the item you are bidding on to find out the actual value of the item starting from the Base Price you can bid, although it does not always show real cost subject. Auction Time is a factor that influences the amount of money you will have to pay the broker for the contract; The longer the time, the more you will have to pay.

4. Confirmation

Always check all the information you entered carefully before clicking Finish. For a public auction, the following fields will be displayed: Sales Tax, Broker's Fee and Deposit. Broker's Fee and Deposit are deducted from your account immediately when you click Finish. Sales Tax will be deducted from you if the auction is completed successfully and your Deposit is returned to you. If the auction ends unsuccessfully and no one buys your item from you, your deposit will not be refunded.

Once you click “Finish” the contract will be created and you will be shown a window. You can see your contract in the “My Contracts” tab in the Contracts window. To do this, make sure that all filters are set correctly “Issued By”, Owner - [Name of Your Character], Status - “Outstanding”, Contract Type - “Auction”, then click “Get Contracts”. If the contract was created in the same region in which you are currently located, you will be able to see it in the contracts tab “Available Contracts”, but if you did not find it there you can always see it in “My Contracts”.

As soon as the auction is completed, whether successful or not, you will be notified through the Journal tab "Contracts -> Requires Attention". If the auction is completed successfully, go to the contract and click "Get Money" to complete the auction (or in the journal on the contract via right click from the drop-down menu), and if there were no bids on your contract, delete this contract to get back the item offered in the contract.

Viewing and accepting contracts

The main interface of contracts is located in the “Available Contracts” tab. From here, using filters, you can select the types of contracts that interest you. Since the list of contracts can be very large, filters can save you time browsing through to find what you need. Each page displays 100 contracts, you can use the view buttons to view them. The pages are formed by the time the contracts were created, the first page contains the last 100 recently created contracts. You can sort each page using the “Sort each page by” drop-down menu. Using the “View” drop-down menu you can limit the number of results by your location or personal contracts. If you are selling a ship, for example, you are not particularly interested in Courier Contracts, you can filter the results by Type “Auction” or Item Exchange.

If you select “Affordable”, then only those contracts will be shown that you personally can accept. This would perhaps be a little unreliable for auctions since only the opening bid is used as a determinant. Setting a minimum price will also help you weed out unnecessary results. For example, if you buy a ship at a price of 50 million or more, then you will be shown the results starting from the minimum price for the contract.

Use the "Not issued by" filter to filter out unwanted people and corporations. This is a good mechanism against "spammers". You can put many corporation characters in this list, separating them with a comma. You will need to enter the first few letters of the name and system, after which you will be given a selection list. The same settings apply to "Issued By". Remember that these two options are mutually exclusive, if you entered several names in “Not issued by” but when searching for contracts you entered a name in “Issued by” the contract will be shown.

Types of contracts

There are 5 main types of contracts. Some of them are available to everyone, and some are only for personal contracts. When you create a contract, you set the expiration time of the contract. The expiration time varies for each type of contract, but the price (approx. taxes) varies depending on the expiration date.

1. Auction

This type of contract allows you to put an item (several items) up for auction; you can configure it by specifying the minimum and redemption prices. You can also choose the auction expiration time: 1 day (default), 3 days or 1 week. Other players cannot see exactly how much time is left until the end of your auction, they will only see X days, X hours or less than an hour.

When creating an auction, set realistic goals. For example, if you sell Raven, whose minimum price is 200 million ISK, it is unlikely that anyone will want to buy it, but you will not get your deposit back.

Here 10% is the minimum rate by which you can increase the price. For example, if the starting price was 1 million, and the current price is 1.6 million, then the next minimum bid will be 1.7 million (or if the redemption price of the contract was indicated).Addition, if there are 15 minutes left until the end of the auction and at this time there was If a bid is made, the auction is extended for another 15 minutes.

When the auction time ends, no matter with what result, you can see it in journal->Contracts “Requires your attention”. If the contract ended without result, there were no bids, you can delete it and get the auctioned item back, or get money if there were bids (get the money). In the latter case, your deposit will be returned to you, and will also be recorded in the history of your contracts; unsuccessful auctions are not entered into history.

If your bid at the auction turned out to be the highest, you will also be informed about this in “Requires attention” with a note about winning the Auction “You won this auction”, after opening the contract, click “Get Items” to end the auction. The item will be delivered to you in the hangar (or located in your corporation's Deliveries) at the station specified in the contract.

If your bid is outbid, in a contract that has not yet ended, you will also be notified through “Requires attention” in the magazine. This will be marked as “You have been outbid”, and by opening the contract you will be able to place a new bid. If your bid was outbid or you lost the auction, then the amount you bet will be returned to your wallet, warnings will appear in the “Requires attention” journal until the auction ends or you refuse it (right click on the contract) “Dismiss”.

Public auctions are only available in the region in which they are created. If you started participating in an auction, but then left the region and your bid was outbid, you will have to return back to continue participating in it further.

You can always keep a list of auctions you are in currently participate by selecting “Bid on By” in the magazine interface.

2. Item exchange

This type of contract gives you the opportunity to exchange your item or money for another item or money. When you create this type of contract, you choose what you want to sell. Even if you do not want to sell anything, you will still need to indicate the station where the player who took your contract will leave the item you are interested in.

It is possible to place a contract for 1 day, 3 days, 1 and 2 weeks.

You can offer money or receive money and an item, but not both. For example, you can exchange Raven for Megathron with an additional payment of 5 million ISK. You can also use this type of contract to purchase an item. For example, in this type of contract you could offer 95 million ISK in exchange for Raven. Remember, when you list your ship in this contract, its insurance will be canceled, regardless of how your contract ends.

3. Courier contracts

You can create a Courier type of contract to have someone transport the item(s) for you. The item(s) will be placed in a box that the contractor agrees to deliver from point A to point B. For delivery, you set a reward if successful delivery and a deposit if the goods are not delivered to cover your costs. But there is a limit of 120 thousand m3 per one courier delivery, the contractor will also be able to look into your package and could potentially steal your package, but he will lose his deposit. The collateral must be set in such a way as to cover losses in the event unexpected loss parcels.

It is possible to place this type of contract for 1 day, 3 days, 1 and 2 weeks.

You can set a period during which the contractor will be obliged to deliver your cargo after accepting the mission. As soon as the time has expired, you will be able to click - not completed - “Fail” - at any time. Note, this does not automatically mean that the contract was unsuccessful, and you can give the contractor some extra time if you agree with him.
It doesn’t matter who the contract was with a corporation or a player, the contractor needs to have the package in his personal hangar before clicking to complete the contract.

4. Loan

You can lend money or items to any player, corporation or alliance. You can set both a price and a deposit, which will be collected from the contractor who agrees to Money Lent. You can also choose to borrow money or set a deposit, but not both. This is done to reduce confusion because setting up a deposit and lending money makes the whole process meaningless.

You can lend total amount ISK when establishing this type of contract, but do not forget that the amount will be withheld from you when the transaction is confirmed but not completed. For example, if you borrow 10 million to someone and agree to accept 100 thousand as payment. So the contractor will receive 10 million upon acceptance of this contract (100 thousand are withheld immediately) he will have to return 10.1 million when the contract is completed. You won't be able to establish any type of earnest money with money loans, so think about how well you trust this person when lending money. Also, this type of contract, once created between two individuals, will not appear in the contract history.

You can also lend out items you own, from minerals to fully equipped ships.

If you give a loan, the subject of which will be a ship, all modules installed on it will be usable after the transaction is completed. It is very important to note that by giving an insured ship as a loan, you will not receive insurance compensation; if the ship is lost (destroyed) while it is on loan, the contractor will receive insurance as well as the main one insurance payment for the lost ship.

However, if your corporation lends an insured ship to any character in the corporation or another corporation in your alliance, the corporation will receive the insurance payout and the contractor will receive nothing. This means that if the ship is destroyed, the corporation that made the loan will receive the insurance payout. Therefore, the corporation could take a deposit lower than the value of the loaned ship, taking into account the price of insurance and the price of installed equipment. This may apply between corporations under certain arrangements. This action is not acceptable to planted corporations outside their alliance!

If any item (any equipment installed on the ship) is lost during the loan period, the contractor can replace it with a similar one. For example, the Cruise Missile Launcher that was installed on a ship taken as a loan was installed on another ship or lost, then the contractor needs to buy a new one and install it on the ship and thus “Complete” the loan contract, but if the Raven contract was lost the contractor will not be able to complete the contract.

Copies of drawings cannot be used as a loan, but the originals can be used, but the corporation that receives the drawing will be able to make copies.

It is possible to set this type of contract for 1 day, 3 days, 1 and 2 weeks.

5. Freeform

Free form contracts can be created both for a specific individual and for corporations. Free form contracts can be used to manage your corporation.

When you create a free contract type, you can set both a reward and a deposit. When a contract is accepted, the deposit (if set) is withheld from the contractor and stored in a secure location. Once the contractor marks the contract as Completed Successfully, the deposit is returned to the contractor and the award is paid. However, if the contract creator marks the contract as Failed, they will receive the deposit and return the money they specified in the reward.

The fiduciary relationship is entirely one-sided in this type of contract. The creator has complete control over the contract. The contractor can mark the contract as "Finished", but this is not entirely true until the contract creator confirms it.

Therefore, be careful when accepting such contracts from people you do not know.

Free form contracts basically have only a block of text and filling it out is a tedious task for those who create a large number of monotonous contracts, so that you can write them again and again, save the template of your contract in a notepad, after which you can copy it into a new contract. It's a good idea to have a few templates to manage their corporation's contracts.

It is possible to set this type of contract for 1 day, 3 days, 1 and 2 weeks.

Rules for placing items in contracts

  • You may not list damaged items in any type of contract.
  • If you list an insured ship in an Auction or Item Exchange, the insurance will be void
  • The borrower may be returned identical equipment that was borrowed with the exception of ships
  • Those who agree to a Courier Contract can look inside the container they are transporting without being released from the contract. But they can also steal items in the package (but this of course makes the contract incomplete).
  • The insurance will be returned to the corporation that provided the loan if the loaned ship is destroyed while it was in the corporation's possession. The corporation may
  • set the deposit as low as it can be. This does not apply to other loans or insurances if you are lending your ship to another person.
  • Copies of drawings cannot be given as collateral

Availability, Visibility and History

Contracts can be either public or created for a specific person, corporation, or alliance. You can create a contract with any item located in any of your hangars in the EVE universe

Social contracts are region based and can only be accessed within a region (staking). Once a contract is completed (for example, a public auction is won), the contract will become visible in your contract history;

If the contract was for a specific person, he and the creator will be able to review that contract (the representative can reject the contract if he chooses). A player can consider and accept a contract regardless of region. A representative may accept a contract directly or on behalf of his or her corporation.

Corporation Contract
A contract that is intended for a corporation can be accepted by anyone in the corporation or by the corporation itself. Every member of the corporation will be able to see the contract while it is in effect. Once it has been completed, everyone in the corporation will be able to view it as part of the contract history of the creating and accepting party. If you leave the corporation, you will no longer have access to this history. It is very important to note that in alliance contracts, anyone in the alliance corporation can accept the contract, not just the corporation to which the contract was addressed.

If you want a contract to be accepted only by a corporation, assign one of your Contract Managers to accept the contract on behalf of your corporation.

You can assign a contract to your alliance, which works just like one assigned to a corporation except that every member of every corporation belonging to the alliance will be able to review that contract.

The Journal
A journal is an important tool for anyone involved in contracts. From there, you will be able to monitor all contracts that are in progress, that you or your corporation are involved in, or are currently running. You can also see a list of all contracts that require your attention.

If your personal contract or any of your corporation's contracts has expired, requires your attention, or is finished, it will be shown at the bottom of the Contracts table in the Journal interface. If you click on this link, you will be shown the entire list of contracts that require your attention (attention). ).

There are several different contract states that will appear in the Requires Attention list.

Contract Expired
The contract was of no interest to anyone and is no longer visible to others. You will have to remove it, this applies to all types of contracts.

This applies to loans, courier and free form contracts. A number of days have passed since the time allotted for the contract has expired, but the contractor has not marked it as completed. The contractor can click on the contract in the log and Finish it if it meets the criteria. He may also NOT (Fail) this. The creator of a contract can also close it as Fail, but is required to not do so yet; he can give the contractor a little more time without taking any action (let him complete the contract).

Auction has finished
The auction creator will see this message when the contract has been completed successfully. You must open the contract and click “Get Money” to complete the contract.

You have been outbid on an auction
If you are in the same region where the auction is located, you can place new price, or you will have to fly to the region where the contract is located.

You have won an auction
The auction has ended (expired or you bought it) and you have not yet received the item, open the contract and click Get Item(s) “Get Items” to complete the contract.

Taxes and Deposit
The base price of the contract is the maximum price and reward. Only public contracts are subject to these fees with the exception of the Broker's fee, which is a flat 10,000 ISK for personal contracts. Auction taxes are levied a little differently because the final price is not determined until the auction is over.
The base price for an auction is the starting price, the reward for courier contracts, and the highest reward and price for item exchange and loan contracts.

There are three types of fees for contract creators:

Security Deposit
This is 1.0% of the base price, the minimum security deposit is 100 thousand and the maximum is 10 million. If the contract has been completed, the security deposit is returned. If the contract expires or you delete it, you will lose this deposit.

Broker's Fee
This is 0.4% of the base price starting from a minimum of 10 thousand and a maximum of 10 million. It is withheld when the contract is created and this fee is non-refundable. The Broker Relations skill reduces the cash fee by 0.02% per level of this skill. So at level 5 of this skill you will have to pay 0.3% Brokerage fees. This skill also affects the deposit margin and lowers it too. So at level 5 of this skill, with the maximum money collection, you will have to pay 7.5 million.

Expiration Time
Expiration Time - A brokerage fee is charged, for which the length of the contract is a factor. It increases by 0.05% for each day of the contract after it begins. This is not yet included in the calculations above as it may increase the Brokerage Fee above the stipulated maximum.
If you created a contract for 7 days your Brokerage fee will increase from 0.4% to 0.7% but with the Broker Relations skill level 5, the tax will be 0.6%

The maximum Brokerage Fee is also affected by the expiration time of the contract and increases it by a certain percentage. Each additional day of the contract adds 5% of the maximum Brokerage Fees tax, if the contract is created for 7 days, then with maximum fees the tax will increase to 13 million, thereby increasing by 30% if you do not have the Broker Relations skill, and at 5 level of this skill you will pay only 9.75 million.

Sales Tax
This is 1.0% of base cost, the minimum tax is 10 thousand. and a maximum of 100 million. Tax is withheld upon successful completion of the contract. The Accounting skill allows you to reduce sales tax by 0.1% per level of this skill, lowering it to 0.5% at the 5th skill level. Accordingly, the tax charged will also change; with the maximum tax, you will have to pay 50 million with level 5 Accounting skill.

The maximum amount has been fixed so you will never have to pay more than 7.5M + 50M = 57.5M ISK after successfully completing a contract. For courier contracts, these taxes are 110 of the amount above and Sale’s Tax is ignored. If someone taking a courier contract does not fulfill it, the deposit will be returned to the owner of the contract along with the security deposit.

Hint s & Tip s on Contracts

You can drag a contract from your list of contracts to a notepad or any chat, etc. It can be inserted as a block of text or as a link to a contract. Please be aware that not all contract links may be available to others.
You can also drag a contract from the list of available contracts window. Left click on the contract and drag it to any chat window.

Fitted ships
You can supply a fully equipped ship to any contract. This is very convenient to use through a loan contract, where a corporation can rent out a Mining Barge for corporate mining for a weekend.

Continuing contracts do not terminate on their own

If you have created a courier, loan or free form contract you assign the number of days that the contractor is given to complete the contract. When time passes without the contract being completed, you as the creator have the right to do nothing with it. The contract will be marked as "Late" until the creator clicks on the contract and marks it as "Fail", but until then the contract remains in effect. Therefore, the contractor could ask for some additional time to complete the contract if he really believes that he can complete the contract at all.


Contracts give the player new opportunities to interact with other players. Research all types of contracts and use the contract history of other pilots/corporations to determine their reliability.
Use the filters in the "Available Contracts" list to specify which contracts you would like to see, because the list may be full of information that you do not need.
When creating auction and item exchange contracts, be sure to set real prices, as your security deposit will be lost when the contract expires.

In EVE Online, in addition to the market, there are two other ways to purchase what you are interested in: contract system And direct trade.

Direct trading in EVE Online is called exchanging items with another pilot who is at the same station as you. In order to carry out such an operation, one of the players must open the trade window and transfer the item being sold there, the buyer, in turn, must enter the number of credits with which he wants to pay for the item and the transaction is completed.

Perhaps this is the only universe completely controlled by players. Try playing EVE Online and appreciate all its advantages for yourself.

Contracts in EVE Online are drawn up between characters or even between alliances and corporations, and serve as formal agreements. By default, a player can sign up no more than one contract, but there are special skills that increase this number - Contracting And Corporation Contracting.

The main way to use contracts is to sell or buy items. There are also other uses for this system in EVE Online, such as courier contracts And auction contracts.

What are some ways to use the contract system?

With contracts you can buy or sell anything, but the main feature of contracts is the ability to sell items that is not and cannot be on the market. This includes certain modules installed on ships, as well as other items.

Contracts are useful when selling a large number of items at once. If you wish to sell to another player one frigate, seventy thousand morphite and thirty battlecruisers with installed equipment, then contracts will be the very tool you need.

There are also courier contracts in EVE Online, used by traders to transport materials and equipment between systems if the trader is unable to do so himself. Such pilots create a special contract, and other outside players will provide transportation for a fee specified in the contract. Quite often, players specializing in such work have at their disposal a large number of cargo ships to move large quantities of goods.

I won’t surprise anyone if I say that there are truck drivers in Eva. The profession is peaceful and useful in every sense. After all, these are the guys on large trucks who fulfill your order for the delivery of the goods you need.

I decided to get involved a little and try to deliver goods. Transportation options in world Eve Online quite a lot. You can start your career using game mechanics through public courier contracts. Unfortunately, the wages of such a carrier are minimal and pose serious difficulties in finding a good order. Here and low prices, bad routes to zeros or through low-secs, large volumes of goods and, as a result, high risks of losing a freighter or jump-freighter. This applies specifically to public courier contracts. In them you work for yourself and do not depend on anyone. We found a good contract, completed it, received the money, and are looking for the next one.

However, there is a real goldmine in courier contracts. And this vein is alliance delivery. Large alliances of players always need carriers with jump trucks. The wages are decent. For one delivery you can earn yourself PLEX. Despite the fact that, as a rule, with an established network of zinc, delivery to even the most remote corners of the Yves universe takes a maximum of half an hour. Of course, there are pitfalls here too. For example, the alliance is not very large and there are not very many orders, or there is a lot of competition for orders in the alliance. But in general, a professional long-range shooter with a pumped-up freitak and possessing financial resources and excellent knowledge of the game mechanics, there is always something to do.

If you don’t want to bother with zeros, jump trucks, big risks and big finances, then in Eve Online there is a special organization of players that will offer you a job. Prices for services are fixed, risks are minimal and you don’t actually need to search for orders. And this organization Red-frog logistics
They are engaged in transportation both in high sectors and in zero and low sectors.
For transportation, the Black Frog Logistics department is used

There is another job opportunity for the carrier. And this opportunity is not related to contracts and specific people and specific orders. It was in this way that I tried to earn my bread and butter today. This job requires very little. Firstly, a small starting capital. I started with 300 million ISK. Agree, this is pennies in modern world. Secondly, a small ship. This may be the most ordinary T1 Indian. It doesn't require a lot of skill points or a lot of money. Any beginner can learn Hindu in 1 day and buy it. Thirdly, you will need minimal knowledge of the mechanics of the Eva market. Fourthly, you need this website - Without it, nothing will work. I recommend purchasing full access to this site right away. Full access for 1 month costs about 170 million ISK or 5 US dollars.

Now I’m talking about how to make money under such conditions. Everything is very simple. The site provides information on where you can buy cheaper and where you can sell for more. See the picture.

Of course, there are pitfalls here. Firstly, information tends to become outdated, and secondly, you must subtract taxes from these 29 million ISK. To possess up-to-date information It makes sense to put alts into the necessary systems and monitor the situation live. Taxes are removed by standings and skills. In addition, you always need to remember about the volume of goods. I have a transporter and therefore always focus on 12,000 m3. It’s not much, but it’s faster to transport than by freighter, and there’s much less risk of being hit, especially if you’re carrying goods worth billions.

So, I saw an opportunity to make money, checked that the information was up-to-date and there was no scam. I'm taking the goods on board.

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