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The latest best military aircraft of the Russian Air Force and World photo, pictures, video about the value of the fighter aircraft as a combat agent capable of providing "domination in the air", was recognized as military circles of all states by the spring of 1916. It demanded the creation of a combat special aircraft, superior to all other in speed, maneuverability, height and use of offensive small arms. In November 1915, the front-biplans of Newport II Week entered the front. This is the first aircraft built in France, which was intended for air combat.

The most advanced domestic military aircraft of Russia and the world are obliged to the appearance of popularization and development of aviation in Russia who contributed to the flights of Russian pilots M. Efimov, N. Popova, Alekhnovich, A. Schukov, B. Russian, S. Chifkin. The first domestic machines of designers J. Gakkel, I. Sikorsky, D. Grigorovich, B. Slesarev, I. Stheglau began to appear. In 1913, he made the first flight of the Russian Vityaz. But it is impossible not to recall the first creator of the aircraft in the world - the captain of the 1st rank of Alexander Fedorovich Mozhaysky.

Soviet military aircraft USSR Great Patriotic War They sought to hit the troops of the enemy, its communication and other objects in the rear blows from the air, which led to the creation of bomber aircraft capable of carrying a large bomb load at considerable distances. The diversity of combat missions on the bombing of the enemy forces in the tactical and operational depth of the fronts led to an understanding of the fact that their implementation should be commensurate with the tactical and technical capabilities of a particular aircraft. Therefore, the design teams should decide to solve the issue of specialization of bombers aircraft, which led to the emergence of several classes of these machines.

Types and classification, the latest models of military aircraft of Russia and the world. It was obvious that it would take time to create a specialized fighter aircraft, so the first step in this direction was an attempt to arm the already existing aircraft with rifle offensive weapons. Movable machine-gun installations that started equipping aircraft demanded from pilots of excessive effort, since the control of the machine in the maneuverable battle and the simultaneous launch of fire from unstable weapons reduced the efficiency of firing. The use of a double aircraft as a fighter, where one of the crew members performed the role of the arrow, also created certain problems, because the increase in weight and windshield resistance of the machine led to a decrease in its flight qualities.

What aircraft are. In our years, aviation made a large high-quality leap, expressed by a significant increase in flight speed. This was facilitated by progress in the field of aerodynamics, creating new more powerful engines, structural materials, radio electronic equipment. Computerization of calculation methods, etc. Supervision speeds have become the main modes of flight of fighters. However, the race for the speed also had its negative sides - the take-off-land characteristics and maneuverability of aircraft. During these years, the level of aircraft industry has achieved this meaning that it turned out to be possible to start creating airplanes with the wing of the variable sweep.

Russia's combat aircraft for the further growth of the flight speeds of reactive fighters exceeding the speed of sound, it was required to increase their energy equipment, to increase the specific characteristics of the TRD, as well as to improve the aerodynamic forms of the aircraft. For this purpose, engines with axial compressor were developed, which had smaller windscreen dimensions, higher efficiency and best weight characteristics. For a significant increase in thrust, and therefore, the flight speeds in the engine design were introduced. Improving aerodynamic forms of aircraft consisted of the use of wing and plumage with large sweat angles (in the transition to thin triangular wings), as well as supersonic air intakes.

In 1953, after a three-year break in the work, KB BO was restored. Dry (OKB-51). On June 15, a government decree on the design and construction of the AL-7 TRD with a maximum burden of 7700 kg, and by Resolution of the Presidium of the USSR Council of August 5, "On the creation of new high-speed front fighters with a sweep and triangular wing" was envisaged, along with aircraft C-1 (Future Su-7) and C-2 With a sweep wing, the creation of a "single experimental fighter with a triangular wing and a TRD design A.M. The cradle with a burden of 10,000 kgf (with afterburning) with the following data: the maximum speed - 1900-1950 km / h, the time set of 15 km is 2 minutes, the ceiling is up to 19-20 km, the distance without PTB and the navigation fuel reserve on A height of 13-15 km - 1600 km and the length of running / run - 500 m / 850 m. " The customer demanded that the arsenal of the fighter in the arsenal of the fighter three guns of 30 mm with a sleeve for 65 ammunition on the trunk, and in the overload - up to 16 NURS caliber 57 mm. Provided optical sight, conjugate with the radio. Patency on the soil was asked no lower than that of MiG-15 bis.

The aircraft was planned to be built in two copies with the presentation of the first of them for the tests in October 1955. At the end of flight testing, make a proposal to the Council of the USSR on the construction of a combat front-line fighter with a triangular wing. The second instance of the aircraft was required to present the customer in December 1955 in the variant of the interceptor with the RRS "Emerald" instead of an optical sight and two 30-mm cannons. Both cars in the government decree were under the designation T-3..

Prototype T-3
The first T-3 aircraft with an AL-7F engine, a frontal axisymmetric Poj and a central body (inside there was a SRD-3 radio station) was created by a faster pace than the interceptor with a radar sight, which in the OKB assigned the name PT-7.. But at the end of December 1954, after the release of the next decree of the government, the work on the front-line fighter T-3 was ceased, since its flight data was treated similar to the future Su-7, and the PT-7 appearance should be significantly changed. BY. Sukho obliged to develop a interceptor under the UR K-6 and K-7 created at this time. For the guidance of missiles (on the RLS beam), it was necessary to move from the two-hedled (targeted and survey) radar "Emerald" (the range of accompaniment of the target is about 4 km) to similar on the layout of Almaz-3. The task was prescribed to achieve the maximum speed of 2050 km / h without missiles and 1950 km / h with Ur Ami. The range was set depending on the presence of PTB 1500 and 2000 km during flight at a speed of 950-1000 km / h at an altitude of 10-12 km, and the practical ceiling with rockets is 17200 m.
T-3 above Tushino
The first flight of the T-3 aircraft (actually becoming a flying laboratory), piloted by the test pilot V.N. Mahalin, took place in May 1956. In June, the test pilot G.A. Sedov raised in the air the second "tricon" - E-4, designed in OKB-155. And in June, both cars were first shown in the air parade in Tushino. After this incident, T-3 received the NATO code designation - Fishpot-A.. There were no radars on T-3, despite the fairings, intended for the "Emerald" and weapons. There was no optical sight and some equipment (instead of it placed the CZA). In this form, the plane began the factory tests, performing a week on average two flights. In the summer of 1956, the car with dimensional-weight layouts of the UR K-7 took place, but soon the T-3 due to the development of the resource TRD AL-7 was put on refinement.

PT-7 design was completed in December 1955. Compared to T-3, the NCF has changed with two protruding conical coenters of the diamond radar antenna, installed instead of Diammaz-3 radar, the HCC design (by type SU-7B), increased the area of \u200b\u200bthe wing due to the installation of the influx ("tooth ") On the front edge, the Aleron Square is reduced. Flight tests of the machine (leading pilot-test E.V. Elhans and engineer K.N. Strekalov) began in June 1957 and continued for almost a year.

At the same time, Novosibirsk Plant No. 153 in parallel with the release of MiG-19C began to develop the production of the PT-7 aircraft equipped with two K-7l missiles. In 1957, an experienced party was released from seven cars under the designation PT-8.. In the same year they planned state testing of the interceptor, and the customer was supposed to show three aircraft: PT-7, PT-8-4 and PT-8-5 (in the future received the designation T-47) with cannon weapons. On the last two machines, when they are refined in OKB at the end of 1957, the old NCF with fixed "horns" of the derangers of the antenna station "Almaz" was replaced with a new - cylindrical, with sharp edges of the air intake and with a movable radio transparent cone of the rapid radar of increased dimensions. By this time, work on missiles K-6 and K-7 were minimized in favor of more promising K-8, for which a new carrier was required. Prototypes of the new interceptor (future Su-11) and served these three aircraft.

Prototype T-43
In the meantime, in the process of finishing the T-3, an axisymmetric supersonic air intake with a movable central body was installed. To avoid an air intake jump in the front of the fuselage, four opposite flaps were mounted. In the fuselage and wings were made amended on PT-7. The car was equipped with an al-7f-1 engine with an injection mode 9600 kgf. (There was a T-3 project with EDD C3-20 D.D. Sevruck.) The aircraft assigned the index T-43.. September 10, 1957 Test pilot V.S. Ilyushin raised the car even without radar and weapons into the air, and on October 30 heights 21500 m, while having a vertical speed of 25 m / s. Two days later, it also reached a speed of 2,200 km / h, which corresponded to the number M \u003d 2.06. Until the end of the year, 40 flights were performed on the T-43, which confirmed the correctness of the selected direction.

For tests of the engine al-7f-1 and the supersonic surveillance, used the same LL PT-95converted from one of the experienced PT-8 and transferred to Lii.

The appearance of a new more successful one-alone DC-30 radar (by the way, it was not worse than the serial "emerald-2") made it possible not only to fit into the reasonable dimensions of the central moving body of the air intake, slightly changing the appearance of T-43, but also to strengthen its arms with four rockets K-5M. The detection range of the object of the strategic bomber was within 18-22 km, and its capture was carried out at a distance of up to 10 km, while the height of the goal over the carrier should not exceed 2000 m.

The November decree of the Government of the 1957th for the interceptor was made the maximum speed of 2300 km / h at an altitude of 13 km without UR and 2,200 km / h with rockets. The range was to be 1600 km without missiles and 1450 km with four UR at subsonic speeds and a height of 12 km, and the distillation range with PTB is at least 2100 km. The practical ceiling with the UR - 21 km, without missiles - 22 km. At the same time, the length of the runway and the mileage should not exceed 950 m. In addition to the UR K-5M, the T-43 could carry four blocks of shells on external suspensions (8-16 pieces each) ARS-57M or four ARS-212M.

In April 1958, the OKB was officially given a task to develop Arkp T-3-51which included the system of automated attachment of the interceptor from the ground "Air-1". To work out rockets K-5M by plane in production launched the second prototype T-43-2. On this aircraft were appointed leading engineer V.M. Torchinsky and test pilot LII V.N. Ilina. A little later, for the factory flight tests on the basis of the database in Akhtubinsk, a test pilot A.A. Koznova. By the end of the year, the state testing of the complex T-3-51 was planned. To do this, in Akhtubinsk and Krasnovodsk (the coast of the Caspian Sea), special guidelines deployed, the latter was created in case of unforeseen meteorological conditions in the autumn-winter period on the lower Volga.

The Customer T-3-51 was presented in August 1958. At the first stage of joint state testing, the transfer of four interceptors was planned. The first stage of testing began in September 1958. For four months, 150 defects were identified, demanding eliminations, while the aircraft confidently did not recruit the height of 20,000. There was a unreliable PTB reset, a significant increase in gas temperature before turbine. It was necessary to establish the air of air tool, the absence of which limited the ceiling of the interceptor, and bring al-7f-1.

In December, the next stage of tests of the complex began, but already with modernized K-5 MC missiles (RS-2-USS). They were intended to defeat single bomber in any weather conditions during the day and night, as well as individual bombers flying in a group with visual visibility.

The K-5 MC rocket was distinguished from the predecessor of the K-5M switch of the gain of radio equipment, which ensured collaboration as with the Central CD-30T station (RP-9-y) and RP-2-y (by plane MiG-19PM). The withdrawal of the interceptor to the meeting area with the goal before the detection of its on-board radar was carried out on the "Lazur" radio system from the detection and guidance system "Air-1" from Earth. The turn of the interception of air targets, depending on the meteo conditions and time of day, was in the range of 300-400 km.

In accordance with the order of the GKAT dated July 1, 1959, it was assumed to improve the flight technical data of the T-43 aircraft to modify the TRD in the AL-7F-2 version with a greater burden and increased resistance in operation and reliability at speeds that correspond to the numbers of M to 2 35 In the same year, for the improvement of HPH T-43, we developed a new front chassis rack. The KT-50 and K-283 wheels were replaced with new CT-89 and KT-51.

July 14, 1959 by plane T-43-1, pilot test V.S. Ilyushin installed the first world record, reaching dynamic ceiling 28852 m and exceeding the achievement of Americans at 949 m. In May 1960, the pilot B.M. Adrianov installed on the plane T-43-5 (factory No. 0415305) The world speed record is 2032 km / h per 100-km route. September 4, 1962. V.S. Ilyushin installed on the T-43-1, but already with the AL-7F-2 TRD, the absolute record of the height of the horizontal flight of 21270 m, and after three weeks, A.A. was released on the record Koznot, who set another, the last record. On a closed route with a length of 500 km, he managed to get middle speed 2337 km / h

After successfully completing the state test, the fighter received a military designation Su-9.. Admission to the fighter aviation air defense air defense system AV-9 was received as part of ARKP with the official title Su-9-51 (NATO code designation - Fishpot-B.).

In the future, the "Tooth" was removed from the wing, on the interceptors, starting with №0702, the wing cannon compartments were eliminated, instead of the baked tank, the tank-caisson was introduced, which allowed to increase the fuel volume by 11%, additional air intakes of blowing the power supply compartment appeared, refined In the end, it became less likely to disappear from the target. Installed new wheels and means of salvation (COP-3 armchairs), calculated on a greater flight rate during a catapulting. In 1961, on the car No. 0308 of the 30th plant, the pilot cabin was equipped with lightning devices of red light. To prevent engine strokes when launching rockets, an oncoming launch device TRD tested on T-43-4 was introduced. In addition to the K-5MS missiles (RS-2US), P-55 was introduced with thermal GOS, and on pipe-sable pendants intended for additional fuel tanks, placed the universal cannon container CPC-23-250. In this form, the interceptors served until the mid-1980s.

For the period from the 1957th 1962th air facility. V.P. Chkalova (Novosibirsk Plant No. 153) issued 888 Su-9 different modifications. In 1962 he was changed by Su-11. Moscow Plant No. 30 ("Banner Labor", and now MAPO named after P. Dementiev) from 1959 to 1961 built 126 SU-9 combat.

In the early 50s, a large-scale confrontation, which historians will call the cold war, just gained their turnover. The space era has not yet begun with its spy satellites, therefore intelligence aircraft engaged in collecting information about the adversary, and the Americans had a significant advantage in creating such devices. They regularly invaded the Soviet air space, acting at large altitudes, and the power of air defense of the USSR could not do anything with it. It was necessary to have a high-altitude high-speed interceptor, capable of amazing air targets at the heights of more than 20 km ...

Naturally, the leadership of the country knew about these flights, and, of course, such facts could not but cause his alarm and irritation. Therefore, on August 25, 1956, a government decree was published, in which all the "fighter" KB increase the highness of promising machines. This appeal was heard by Soviet aircraft manufacturers - a little more than a year later in the air rose SU-9 - the first domestic high-altitude fighter-interceptor. And it was not just a combat vehicle: the Su-9 aircraft was part of the interception complex, which also included terrestrial radar stations and a powerful computer for data processing.

This car was developed in the OKB dry and adopted in 1960. Fighter-interceptor Su-9 for more than twenty years faithfully served as a country, guarding her peaceful sky. It was removed from exploitation only in 1981 and replaced with more modern MiG-23 and Su-15. The Su-9 fighter became one of the first domestic jet aircraft with a triangular wing. The production of the car was established at the Novosibirsk aircraft factor No. 153 and the plant No. 23 (Moscow). The Su-9 release continued until 1962, about 1150 aircraft were made. You can also add that in the account of the Su-9, several world records in height and speed. For exports, these machines were not supplied.

This aircraft should not be confused with the other Su-9, the development of which KB is dry began to engage in the years of war. It was a two-alone jet fighter-bomber who made his first flight in 1946. However, he never was adopted, and the only created prototype was written off.

The brightest page of the SU-9 biography is a confrontation with the famous American intelligence aircraft Lockheed U-2, which regularly flew over Soviet territory. The SU-9 interceptor participated in the famous story with the chipboard of U-2, behind whom Henry Powers was located, but he could not destroy the violator.

The story about this plane will be incomplete without mentioning his high accident. Throughout the service life, SU-9 was chased by plane crash. It is likely that this car is a "leader" by the number of affected lives of pilots and the number of abnormal situations.


Work on the creation of the Soviet high-rise fighter-interceptor began a much earlier release of the Government Resolution of 1956. In 1953, after a three-year break, the work of the OKB dry was resumed, and on June 15 of the same year, a resolution of the Sovmin appeared on the creation of new types of front-line fighters with a swirl of sweep and triangular shape and the development of a new Al-7 engine with 7700 kg.

In the OKB dry, in parallel, work was carried out over two machines: the future Su-7 fighter with a sweep wing and Su-9, which had a triangular wing. The military set the following requirements for him: ceiling - 19-20 km, the maximum speed - 1900 km / h, 15 km new aircraft was supposed to gain 5 minutes, and the flight distance at this height should have been corresponding 1600 km.

During this period, serious concern among the leadership of the country and personally at the Khrushchev, regular flights of American intelligence aviation in the Soviet airspace were called. The USSR was a closed country in which American intelligence was very difficult to work, so the US intelligence agencies were given much attention Improving spy aircraft.

In 1957, Lockheed U-2 was adopted for the armament of the US Air Force - one of the most advanced rounded aircraft of the Cold War period. This machine has unique aerodynamic characteristics and had a record low fuel consumption, which allowed the U-2 hours to hang in the air and examine huge spaces in the depths of the Soviet Union. Moreover, this car had such a height of the flight that the country's air defense could do nothing with her. The fighter-interceptor MiG-19SV ("SV" means "high-speed, high") could not solve this task. Roughly speaking, for a long time U-2 Dragon Lady was invulnerable to any means of lesions with which the Soviet Armed Forces possessed ...

The situation was so intolerant that in 1956 on this issue an expanded meeting of the Central Committee of the CPSUs was convened, which was invited by the military and representatives of the country's military industrial complex. The result of this meeting was another resolution, which prescribed significantly increase the highness of promising fighters. In particular, the Dry OKB should have increased the C-1 ceiling (this is the future Su-7) and T-3 (SU-9) to 21 thousand meters by installing on these aircraft of the new al-7f-1 engine and the reduction of their mass. For this planned to remove several secondary systems from the car.

Installing a new engine that had a larger diameter, demanded a significant alteration of the tail of the aircraft. Also, the airplane was somewhat reduced by the airplane, and the wing received the so-called influx, which should have improved the aerodynamic characteristics of the machine at large attack corners. The design of the high-altitude fighter was completed by December 1956, after which the drawings were transferred to Novosibirsk to Plant No. 153.

The beginning of test flights was delayed due to the lack of a new engine AL-7F-1, his experienced copy was received only on October 1, 1957. In the shortest possible time, it was installed and already on October 10, the future SU-9 for the first time climbed into the air. Already during the third flight, the car managed to achieve a height of 21 thousand meters, and a little later than a speed of 2,200 km / h. This was immediately reported personally to Khrushchev.

But alone high-altitude and speed characteristics were not enough, the plane also needed an effective radar station, and it became a serious problem. At that time, only one organization was engaged in the creation of RLS for aircraft - only one organization - NII-17, but all the options for radar that she could have suggested were not satisfied with aircraft industry. They did not fit either in their characteristics, or were too heavy. Therefore, the TDS-30 radar was installed on the fighter, which was initially developed for the winged rockets, but almost ideally fit for SU-9 and in terms of its characteristics, and by massabrary parameters.

On April 16, 1958, the light saw another government resolution associated with the future aircraft. It prescribed to create at its base a collection of interception, in which, except the fighter itself with radar and rockets, would still have been a system for the guidance and control of air-1. Such a solution has significantly increased the combat effectiveness of the interceptor aircraft. Information about air targets Collected ground RLS and then passed into the center of guidance. There, the data was treated with a powerful analog computer, and only then the interceptual aircraft was passed. From the Earth, the pilot received instructions about the speed and course required for the successful interception of the goal. And only at a distance of 8 km took place the seizure of the target with its own radar of the aircraft.

The refinement of the SU-9 was hard, especially since the designers were delivered to the hard "Dedine": transfer the plane to state tests until the third quarter of 1958. The creators of the car had to face a whole complex of problems, previously not known to anyone, for in many respects this aircraft was unique. A serious debugging was required by the air intake of the aircraft, it took place by samples and errors. Very complex for the pilot was the use of plane rocket armament at limit speeds. On October 20, 1958, the first SU-9 catastrophe happened: during the test flight, the engine, during the forced landing, the pilot died. The pilots had to work on unknown earlier heights, so new Hermoshl GS-4 was created for them. His unsatisfactory work also delivered to pilots a lot of inconveniences.

Government testing machines began on December 3, 1958. On July 20, 1959, the second catastrophe occurred, which also led to the death of the pilot. Its reasons never managed to detect. In total, 407 flights were held during government tests, on April 9, 1960, the Commission signed an act on the compliance of the machine to all required characteristics. On October 15, 1960, the interception complex was adopted.

Operation of the aircraft

It should be noted that the SU-9 bursts began to come before the official admission of it for weapons. In 1960, this car was in service with already thirty airlocks. However, even having passed the whole set of tests, the new aircraft still remained "raw", only by 1963 the main problems of the fighter were solved. For prompt response to the comments of the military at the factory, special brigades were created, which went through the country and eliminated malfunctions directly in the system parts.

Another problem was that SU-9 began to enter the troops without "Sparky", that is, without a training aircraft with double-controlled. They were made much later when Su-9 was already mastered by pilots. Although, there was an expensive price: for the lack of an educational plane, the pilots had to pay their lives. At first, the aerobatics were banned on the SU-9, allowed him only in 1967.

The main problem of the aircraft was its engine. Its operational reliability was low, and very often it is he who led the pilot. In the early 60s, cases of leaving the aircraft pilots were due to the engine failure, only a few years later this problem was partially solved. And well, if the motor refused to high, then the pilot managed to erase. The bus stop on the takeoff was usually deadly for the pilot, because at that time the means of salvation of the pilot from the ground had not yet existed. However, the human factor was often the cause of emergency situations ...

Another problem of SU-9 was the low efficiency of its engine. The fuel was enough literally on 35-40 minutes flight. It was enough to rise by 20 thousand meters, after which it was necessary to descend back. To solve this problem, two suspended fuel tanks with a capacity of 180 liters each were installed on the aircraft.

At the same time, Su-9 had good flight technical characteristics. He kept heavy overload, very hard in the corkscrew, predictably behaved at the landing, was distinguished by good handling and had a great overview from the cab.

The fighter-interceptor Su-11, which began in 1964, can be called the future development of ideas laid in the Su-9. These cars are very similar and in their own way appearance, and on flight specifications. However, the SU-11 was eliminated by many problems that Donimali pilots on SU-9. In particular, the Su-11 was equipped with a new AL-7F2 engine, due to which it was eliminated the main problem Su-9. Both of these aircraft remained the most high-altitude and high-speed in the Soviet Air Force until 1970 - the start of operation of the MiG-25 interceptor fighter.

SU-9 combat use

Almost immediately after the adoption of the SU-9, the Su-9 was involved to combat high-altitude opponent exploring aircraft.

The SU-9 interceptor fighter took part in the destruction of the American Lockheed U-2, which Henry Powers was driven. It is well known that the reconnaissance aircraft was shot down by the S-75 anti-aircraft missile complex, but Soviet fighters participated in the interception of this violators. Including Su-9, who managed the pilot captain Mentyukov. He distilled the fighter from the factory into his system part, so there was no weapons on it. For the same reason, the pilot had a hectound. Despite this, the plane was sent to the interception. Mentyukov was ordered to catch up with the violator and move it. Without an intelligent, this meant faithful death for the pilot. However, the attack never succeeded, RLS refused to SU-9. By the way, during the destruction of the U-2 anti-aircraft missile, a fighter-interceptor MiG-19 was shot down, one more than one miraculously managed to avoid defeat.

Su-9 participated in other episodes of the Cold War. They have quite effectively acted against high-altitude intelligence aerostats, which were launched over the Soviet territory. In the late 1960s, two SU-9 participated in the interception of two Iranian intruders. There was even a launch launch, but she did not get into any of the goals.

The SU-9 was put on the world record of the flight height - 28857 meters. Also on this machine was set a record of the height of the horizontal flight.

Design Description Su-9

The fighter is performed according to a normal aerodynamic pattern, with a nose air intake and one engine. The fuselage of the Su-9 type of hemonococcus, the air control was carried out by one pilot.

It should be noted that the tail plumage and the SU-9 fuselage is absolutely identical to another fighter created in the OKB dry, the Su-7. These aircraft were distinguished only by the shape of the wing: it was a swamp at Su-7, and the Su-9 had a triangular shape.

The fuselage of the machine can be divided conditionally into three parts: the tail, the capacle of the pilot cabin and the nasal part. In the latter there was an air intake equipped with a central moving cone. Following the nose, the Hermokabine of the pilot and niche of the nasal chassis was located. In the area of \u200b\u200bthe cockpit, the air intake was divided into two sleeves, which were connected immediately behind it. The cab lamp consisted of an armored visor and a sliding part made of heat-resistant glass. The cab has dashboard and fuel tanks.

The engine compartment was in the back of the car, there was also a tail plumage consisting of a whole-acting stabilizer and a keel with a driving direction.

The triangular aircraft wing was attached to the fuselage in four points, the angle of its sweatshirt on the front edge was 60 °. The mechanization of the wing consisted of aileron and closure.

The power supply of the fighter consisted of an al-7f-1 engine with an afterburden chamber and a two-position nozzle. Later on the SU-9, more advanced Al-7F-100, -150 and -200 engines were put on, which differed from the basic version with an increased resource.

Su-9 had a retractable trunk chassis with anterior counter. Also, the aircraft was equipped with brake parachute.

Part fuel system The fuselant and wing tanks were entered, their total capacity was 3060 liters. On the Late Series machines, it was increased to 3780 liters. In addition, two additional suspended tanks could be installed on SU-9.

The control was carried out with the help of irreversible booster and hydraulic systems.

In the cockpit of the pilot there was a catapult chair of the COP and the emergency reset system of the lantern. To ensure normal operating conditions, the SU-9 pilot is equipped with an air conditioning system that supports the temperature range from 10 to 20 degrees Celsius.

Su-9 had only rocket weapons. The plane has no cannonial armament at all. In the late 60s, a cannon container was trying to install a cannon container, which was suspended instead of one of the fuel tanks. However, as a result of this replacement, the flight range significantly decreased, therefore, the use of containers decided to refuse. Such a solution significantly reduced the combat capacity of the machine in the near maneuverable battle. Many complaints from the pilots caused the RP-9 fighter sight.

Initially, the armament included four RAS-2US missiles, directed over the radar. Later, the arsenal of the fighter was additionally included ur P-55 with thermal GSN. Also, the armament system of the aircraft included the onboard radar and a set of control and registering equipment. The fighter could perform both single launches of rockets, so to fire a volley consisting of two or four missiles.

October 10, 1957 made the first flight of the SU-9 interceptor fighter. It became a record holder and height, and the flight speed. Record indicators demanded from pilots of long-term development of the machine, which was guarded by the state for more than 20 years.

Elusive spy

A conversation about the relevance and timeliness of the creation of the SU-9 interceptor fighter must begin with the story about the US U-2 aircraft of the company Lockheed.

The development of "American" began shortly after the beginning cold War. He had to become one of the main suppliers of intelligence information, making long flights over the most interesting in terms of military infrastructure in the USSR. Fly, not meeting a real threat to be hit by air defense.

Accordingly, when creating an aircraft, the highest priority shows such parameters as the height of the flight, the range and the presence of fixing and recording equipment with high resolution.

Designers with glitter decided to task before them, making an airplane unique on aerodynamics and on record low fuel spending. In flight, it is capable of flying a long time with the engine turned off in a glider mode. To facilitate the weight and optimal layout of the registering equipment, the eccentric design techniques had to use. For example, because of a highly elongated nose and a pilot stay in a scaffle during take-off from the cockpit, GDP is not visible. And the pilot focuses on the accompanying car.

The landing also requires high preparation of the pilot, since the Bicycle type chassis used in U-2. When running the runway, working with flaps, maintain balance. When the speed is reduced to a certain limit, the aircraft falls on the wing, which ends with titanium brake skiing.

The result was a plane with a ceiling of 21300 meters and a range of 5,600 kilometers. The duration of the flight without PTB - six and a half hours.

U-2 performed his first intelligence flight in June 1956. And since then has become a big headache for the Soviet leadership, disclosing the location of the most important military industrial facilities. It was as a result of a deep flight U-2 American intelligence that became known about the location of the Baikonur cosmodrome. He also recorded the presence of Soviet missiles in Cuba.

Extension Battle

The dry OKB was instructed as soon as possible to create a high-alone interceptor, which would be able to detect and destroy U-2. It was required to make flights at an altitude exceeding 20 thousand meters, and at the same time have a record speed.

The second requirement assumed the use of a powerful engine, which would take the car and reduced its ceiling. With this problem, it was possible to partially cope with the Customer from the Customer permission to remove secondary systems. In order to reduce the weight of the aircraft to the required level, it was necessary to equip it with a new type of avionics, easier and more compact. There were no special options. So, for example, the radar for aircraft produced NII-17 MAP. But they are not satisfied with the designers of the altitude interceptor. And then it was decided to use the RLS for the CD-30 winged missiles, which came along with its radar characteristics, and in size, and by weight.

After October 10, 1957, SU-9 made the first flight, his fate was repeatedly revised, and he himself was upgraded and improved.

In April 1958, a resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR was published, in which the creation on the basis of the Su-9 complex of interception was prescribed. It was assumed to include the grounding system for the guidance and control of Air-1 and Su-9, armed with controlled air-air missiles. This interception system was the first in the Soviet Union.

Such a solution has significantly increased the combat capabilities of the fighter. Air-1 was a network of ground RLSs, the data from which was enrolled in the Guidance Center. The analogous computer calculated the goal coordinates and, concerned them with the position of the interceptor aircraft, squeezed on board the information about the course necessary for the successful interception and the SU-9 velocity. Su-9 approaching the goal to the distance of 8 km, captured her radar.

One of the Su-9 testes in collaboration with the ground-based guidance system was a military pilot, a participant in the Great Patriotic War, and the future cosmonaut Georgy Timofeevich Coast.

When testing the SU-9 and pilots, and the designers had a chance to face such flight modes and the operation of the aircraft systems with which no one in the country had yet come across. Since the car was the highest (20000 m) and the highest possible (2250 km / h). The launch of missiles at the maximum speed required from the pilots of huge skill. The operation of the air intake on the forples modes was debugged by the method of trial and errors when it had to work on the verge of the surge. With the flight running of the Su-9, in connection with the work on unknown, the first heights had to run and the first Hermoshl GS-4, which created a lot of inconveniences.

Asymmetric Answer American Spy

The high-altitude interceptor, so relevant to the country's air defense, began to arm parts in 1959. In just 1962, more than 1,100 aircraft were produced. At the same time, no Su-9 has been sold abroad.

The adoption of this machine into service went very difficult. First, with excellent flight qualities, this car had significant features in management. From other reactive fighters, SU-9 was distinguished by a rapid set of speed, which created problems regarding timely, at a speed of up to 600 km / h, removing the chassis during takeoff. He had an unusual increase in pitch at large altitudes. Due to the peculiarities of the engine, there was a large set of rules that had to be carried out strictly when intercepting the goal. Moreover, for each goal (depending on its speed) and at various heights, these rules were different.

A huge problem among the "fresh" pilots occurred when planting a fighter. A sharp movement of the engine control lever led to a rapid drop of thrust with all the resulting sad consequences.

In addition to the problem with reappearing pilots, another problem existed: an airplane, massively introduced in parts, was not brought to mind. Already in parts there was a replacement of nodes undergoing the necessary refinement. Therefore, the factory was formed by brigade, which moved between the air defense shelves, exploring problems and installation on the aircraft of new nodes.

By the end of 1963, the situation was normal. And the pilots mastered the new car, and the car itself stopped presenting unpleasant surprises.

As for the main task, which was resting on SU-9, they had safely forgotten about it in the 60s. There was only one case of a meeting of the Soviet high-altitude interceptor with American intelligence U-2. It happened on May 1, 1960. The pilot Igor Mentyukov, distilling the fighter from the plant and without having for this reason the weapon, decided to make a ram at an altitude of 20000 m. The heroic solution that required not only courage, but also non-lary health, as the pilot was without an intertower. However, the maneuver, fortunately for loved ones, failed due to the error of the ground guidance operator and onboard radar malfunction. In 1960, as mentioned above, this kind of malfunction was almost in the order of things.

And with the intelligence plane, which was piloted by Francis Powers, subsequently a couple of years in the Vladimir Central, figured out with the help of the anti-aircraft missile complex C-75 "Dvina". Subsequently, this complex was shot down several U-2.

Despite the maximum height specified in the LTX aircraft, the test pilots, it was significantly exceeded. At the SU-9 in the early 60s, a global height record was established - 28857 m. As well as the absolute world record of the height of the steady horizontal flight - 21270 m. The world speed record was installed on a 500 km closed route - 2337 km / h.

In service in parts of the air defense system, SU-9 was until 1981.


Length - 18 m

Height - 4.82 m

Swipe triangular wing - 8.54 m

Wing area - 34 square meters. M.

Copper angle - 60 degrees

Empty weight - 7675 kg

Normal take-off weight - 11442 kg

Power Installation - 1HTRDF AL-7F-1

Engine traction - 1 × 6800 kgf

Forstage traction - 1 × 9600 kgf

Maximum speed at the height - 2230 km / h

Practical range - 1350 km

Right with PTB - 1800 km

Practical ceiling - 20000 m

Push-power - 200 m / s

Armament - 6 UR "Air-air" RS-2US or K-55 at 6 suspension points.

Snapshot to opening Articles: All-weather fighter-interceptor Su-9 / Photo: Vitaly Arutyunov / RIA Novosti

The Su-9 interceptor, created in the second half of the 50s, became the first Soviet aircraft with a triangular wing. The fighter became the first in the world designed to implement a comprehensive interception of air targets. The car was intended to combat high-altitude intelligence aircraft, which were actively used by NATO countries in those years.

Despite the fact that the Su-9 plane won several records in speed and flight altitude, he was not easy to operate. Especially many complaints were on the power plant. Because of this century, he was short-lived - already in the mid-1970s, the plane was supplanted with more modern MiG-23 and Su-15 cars.

History of creation

In the early 50s of the last century, the Locomotive of Fighter Aviation in the USSR was the OKB Mikoyan, the development of which was produced or prepared for production at several aviation factories. Therefore, the appointment in the spring of 1953 P.O. Dry to the position of head of the Design Bureau OKB-1 was perceived by many as ordinary personnel permutation.

However, the new chief designer systematically sought permission to start working on new aircraft, and at the end of the year he received at the disposal of the premises of the previous OKB Mikoyan, which were on the backyards of the Khodan field.

It was there that began working on a new fighter-interceptor under the designation T-3 (or "product 81") equipped with a triangular wing. The project provided for the installation of the engine AL-7F and the onboard radar station installed in the nose part of the fuselage.

An experienced instance of the aircraft was collected by the end of 1955.

Flight tests continued a year and a half and showed the correctness of the selected concept, although achieving all requirements technical task failed. In parallel, a duplicate aircraft was built under the designation of PT-7, on which some errors were corrected.

In the series, the plane receives the designation of PT-8, but in mid-1956, the decision of the USSR government comes out, according to which the creation of an interceptor with a practical ceiling of 21,000 m, which can fight with intelligents U-2 was required.

To achieve the required parameters, it was assumed to use the forced version of the AL-7F-1 motor, which had increased dimensions.

The final version of the aircraft, built on the basis of PT-8, received the designation T-43. It was applied with a symmetric nose air intake with an adjustable cone. The car was built in the summer of 1957, but she stood for several months waiting for the engine.

The first flights showed that the interceptor complies with the requirements of the speed and flight height.

Further work began to be carried out in order to determine the installation site of on-board radar. At this stage, the T-47 project appears, equipped with a cone of an increased size. But at the same time a new radar of CD-30 appears, the dimensions of which were allowed to do with the standard cone from T-43.

In the spring of 1958, another decree on the creation of a defense complex, which was included in which the interceptor worked in conjunction with terrestrial guidance and management stations. The machine-improved for new requirements enters the government tests that began at the end of the year and continued until the spring of 1960. In the process of testing, the interceptor design continues to be changed, for example, the working time of the adjustment cone increases and the electromechanical drive of the node is entered.

During the tests, one of the experienced aircraft is broken, the causes of the catastrophe cannot be determined and failed. In general, the tests are recognized as successful, and the Machine is assigned the designation of the Su-9, and the entire air defense complex is SU-9-51. In July 1961, the new interceptor was shown during the aircraft in Tushino.


The ESU-9 interceptor fuselage is built according to the semiconductor of the phenonocock based on the pins of the stringers. In the design, various aluminum alloys are used, part of the elements are made of high strength steels. In length, the cross section of the fuselage is changing in shape and size. Constructively, the node was divided into two sections - tail and nasal (or head).

For the connection, a special connector with a bolted fastening was used. The nasal part of the fuselage contained the front compartment onboard radar, followed by a hermetic cap for the pilot. Behind the cabin rear compartment, designed to install the engine, equipment and parts of fuel tanks.

In the front of the nose section, the SU-9 is installed with a ring air intake with symmetrical relative to the axis channel. The center is installed, a controlled cone is installed, four adjustable shields are additionally installed, which reduce the likelihood of the filament of the power plant. When flying at the subsonic velocity, the cone is located in the maximum position.

After overclocking the interceptor to the sound speed and the above starting adjustment of the node position, which smoothes pressure jumps in the air intake channel.

Executive drives of the mechanisms of air intake interceptor Su-9 have electrical and hydraulic control. The germocabine mounted on the nasal section shares the air channel into two symmetrical parts, which are connected to it in the total highway.

The turbojet engine of the Su-9 interceptor is installed in the rear of the fuselage. The tail part contains an extension channel for the filament chamber of the power plant. Additionally, a titanium partition is installed, which is a fire screen. On the bottom edge, the third tank of the fuselage fuel system of the aircraft is installed and there is a cavity for laying the brake parachute (PT-7 models or PTZ-7B). Four hydraulic brake panels are installed on the outer surface.

On the end of the tail part, the power frame is installed for mounting the vertical and horizontal plumage. The tail plumage is equipped with a working sewing of aluminum sheets. On the tape of Kiel of the SU-9 interceptor there is a fiberglass insert with an antenna onboard radio station.

The direction steering wheel is made in the form of a single part, equipped with a weight balancer. Horizontal cumidity of the thrillery on the front edge, the heights are equipped with special loads that reduce the likelihood of vibrations in flight (Flatter).

SU-9 pilot cabin is closed with a lantern equipped with a windshield bulbs made of silicate based material. The back of the lamp sliding, made of heat-resistant organic glass. The preimbar panels have red lights, ultraviolet lights were used on early machines.

The composition of the aerobatic equipment of the SU-9 interceptor was a gyrocompass (later machines - a term system), aircoriborizont, altimeter, speed indicators, turning, as well as additional equipment. To communicate with the Earth and other aircraft, a radio station of the VHF range and a high-altitude system was used. In addition, there was a radio compass on board, a blind landing system based on radar, aircraft identification system and other equipment.

In the Cabin of the Su-9 interceptor there is a system of air conditioning and heating, operating from the air taken from the turbojet engine compressor. An oxygen device is installed in the cockpit, which ensures the operability of the pilot when flying at high height. Additionally, the pilot dressed a high-rise suit staffed by Hermoshlem.

The air control is equipped with boosters with an irreversible scheme of work. In drives to managed planes used hard thrust and cables. Additionally installed aerodynamic loading simulators. The Su-9 closure is equipped with hydraulic cylinders, in the later series they were changed to pneumatic drives.

For emergency binding of the Cabin of the Su-9 interceptor, a catapult chair is used. In the early and later aircraft, various models were used, characterized by the maximum speed at which the catapults is possible.

On the SU-9 interceptor, a triangular wing, having a permanent sweep of the front edge with an angle of 60 °, is used. The power frame of the wing consists of two spars and three beams bonded by ribs and stringers. Each wing is divided into five compartments. In the front compartment there is a fuel tank, which in the early releases of SU-9 was used to mount gun weapons. Another fuel tank was located in the compartment on the rear edge of the wing.

In the design of the wing there were niches for the main chassis racks located between the beams. On the outer surface there was a mechanization that included the closure and aileron, equipped with an aerodynamic and weight compensator. On the lower plane of the wing, there were points for the installation of two pylons who served as a support for rocket weapons or additional tanks.

On the Su-9 interceptor, a three-step chassis is used with the front arrangement of the steering rack. The rack is installed on the nasal section under the sealant of the pilot, in the flight, the node is removed forward. In the stand design there is a special damper that eliminates the effect of the wagism at high speed, as well as a special headlight for illuminating the take-off strip.

Additional illumination was carried out by retractable headlamps installed in the consoles of the wings. The main racks located on the wings are cleaned towards the fuselage. In the design of the racks, a lever suspension with a hydropneumatic shock absorber of bilateral action was used.

The nasal wheel of the Early Su-9 aircraft is not equipped with a braking mechanism, the slowing down of the plant on the landing is performed by the wheels of the main racks. Later, the chamber brake on the front rack and disc brake mechanisms with a hydraulic and pneumatic (backup option) by control on the main racks were introduced. Brake discs are made of composite material Based on ceramics and metal. To reduce the distance of the interceptor mileage, the brake parachute is used.

As a power plant, the Al-7F1 series turbojet engine is used, equipped with an afterburden chamber. Depending on the time of making the SU-9 interceptor, engines were installed with various interregnum resources. The launch of the turbine was carried out by a separate small-sized turbine worked on gasoline.

Management of engine systems in the nominal mode - the cable, the inclusion of the afterfast chamber is electrical. The Su-9 interceptor engine has heat-insulating shields and a special fire extinguisher, equipped with a spray manifold, derived to fire-hazardous points of the power plant. Information about ignition enters the dashboard in the pilot cabin using special sensors.

Aviation kerosene is used as a fuel for the engine. The reserve of fuel aboard an early release aircraft was 3060 liters. After the introduction of two additional wing tanks, the volume of kerosene reached 3780 liters. Additionally, the Su-9 interceptor could carry two tanks under the wings, which contained 1200 liters of fuel.

The onboard hydraulic system of the Su-9 interceptor included three highways - the main, booster and backup (for powering amplifiers).

Each of the systems is connected to an individual pump installed on the engine of the aircraft. The backup system has an additional pump with electrical drive.

Working pressure in systems 210 ks / cm². On board the aircraft installed a pneumatic system, divided into the main and backup highway. The pneumatic drive is used to seal the cab lantern and chassis racks. As a working gas on Su-9, a nitrogen is used under a pressure of 150 ks / cm² in three cylinders.

The resumption of the stock of nitrogen is possible only from the aerodrome network.

On the turbine aircraft SU-9 installed generators of permanent and alternating current. An additional source of electricity was the battery. In the interceptor electrical system, voltage converters forming single-phase and three-phase current with a stabilized frequency are installed.

Armament of the early version of the Su-9 interceptor was the four RC-2V-2V-air rockets that had a radio signal guidance. Later, the R-55 missiles were introduced, equipped with thermal heads of homing. Cases of use of missiles K-5MS are noted. To detect the goals, the onboard radar station was used, there was a film cap, which register the results of launching missiles. The armament management system made it possible to conduct a single or volley fire.

Washing weapons on serial aircraft were absent, but at the beginning of the 70s, the control container of the CPC-23-250 container, installed under the wing instead of the suspended tank, was carried out. The second tank was also dismantled. The container has a double-rolled 23-mm GS-23 gun and ammunition from 250 shells.

The tests were successful, but the installation of the Su-9 interceptor did not receive a wide distribution due to the reduction of flight range.
Comparison of the technical characteristics of the Su-9 with foreign counterparts shows that the domestic machine has become minimal weighing and wing scope. At the same time, the radius of action is minimal at SU-9.

The English interceptor was equipped with two Rolls-Royce turbojet engines and had on-board gun weapons, but only two points of pendant missiles. The American plane was not equipped with small arms, carried up to six rockets, but developed a small flight speed.


The basic machine was the Su-9 interceptor (NATO code Fishpot), released in the amount of more than 1,100 copies. All constructed aircraft entered the armament of the USSR aircraft parts, not carried out in the countries of the Warsaw contract of supply. The release of cars was carried out by series that had minor differences between themselves.

The assembly was carried out at aircraft plants in Moscow and Novosibirsk. The cars of early issues that had differences were or written off by 1961, or improved until the later option.

On the basis of the serial interceptor with small batches, the SU-9U training aircraft, which retained the Su-9 layout scheme was performed. Arms, guidance and starting equipment on two workplaces remained on board the car.

The aircraft was completely suitable for hostilities, the cabin of the instructor was placed in a special extension insert into the fuselage, the fuel supply on board was not changed. According to NATO classification, the training interceptor received the Maiden designation. In total, 50 copies of the Su-9th were collected.

In the second half of the 60s, the bomber version of the aircraft was carried out, which received the semi-official designation of the Su-9B. Two fugasic bombs weighing 250 kg suspended pylons instead of a pair of rockets. The machines retained the suspension of two fuel tanks and two RC-2US missiles. Re-equipment could be performed in the field.

Service and combat use

The first deliveries of SU-9 interceptors began in 1959, when 150 cars were enrolled in parts located in the border regions of the USSR. Among them were Baranovichi, Krasnovodsk, Kilphemit and a number of other settlements.

Delivery of machines to the location of the deployment was carried out by its own way. The first time the operation of the machines was difficult because of the small resource of the power plant, which did not exceed 50 hours. There were complaints and the launch system, unsatisfactoryly operating at low air temperatures.

The revealed flaws were promptly eliminated, the saturation of flight parts was rapidly pace, already by the mid-60s, the Su-9 interceptors had a few dozen air defense regiments. But the number of accidents remained big. The reason was the problems with the power plant and violation of the rules of operation and maintenance of equipment.

In the early 60s, SU-9 interceptors were used to combat American intelligence aircraft Lockheed U-2. One of the episodes was the attempt of the Taran of the Machine of Francis Powers. Also marked the case of interception in the late 60s a pair of Iranian fighters who violated the airspace of the Soviet Union.

Attack of Soviet aircraft ended to no avail. Later, the interceptors were used to combat aerostats, carrying automatic reconnaissance stations. Enemy aircrafts Made flights at an altitude of 24-26 km, inaccessible to aircraft. For lesion, rockets were used, launched during flight at the maximum ceiling. SU-9 interceptors were used until the mid-60s for patrolling the Baikonur cosmodrome.

The production of SU-9 machines ceased already in 1962 due to the beginning of the assembly of an improved version under the designation of the Su-11. And after 10 years, it began to displace cars from combat lists, which went through the same rapid pace as the introduction. The recorded cars were distilled on the storage base where they gradually calm and disassembled on scrap metal. Part of the aircraft used as targets and tutorials.

As a result, only two SU-9 interceptor came to this day in the museum state. Even a dozen cars are preserved in the form of monuments installed in different cities of the former USSR.

Before admission to mig-25, SU-9 aircraft remained the most high-speed Soviet interceptors. The opinion of pilots and historians of aviation about this car is extremely contradictory. The cause of negative reviews became numerous flight accidents and disasters, which accompanied the interceptor during the entire service life.

Other pilots with warmth remember Su-9, considering it much better in management and operation than MIG-19C. In any case, he became a pioneer in many directions of the military aviation industry and the investigator of modern Russian interceptors.


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