Books by Lars Kepler. Books of the series Police Commissioner Yona Linna Lars Kepler series Yona Linna

Development  27.10.2020

Today, the name Lars Kepler is synonymous with the ideal Scandinavian thriller. After the debut “The Hypnotist,” which became an international sensation, the world waits with bated breath for each new book about the adventures of Stockholm investigator Jona Linna. “The Sandman” is the fourth novel in this beloved detective series.

Police find a young man wandering along the railroad tracks, barely alive from hypothermia and a lung infection. At the hospital it turns out that according to the documents, the young man has been dead for seven years. His hypothetical killer, Walter Jurek, who was once arrested by Jona Linna, is sentenced to compulsory psychiatric treatment and is sitting in a detention center. New evidence forces police to reopen a long-closed investigation. The matter suddenly takes a dangerous turn, and if someone does not penetrate the plans of the obsessed maniac, irreparable things will happen very soon.

“The Spy” is the fifth novel in the series about detective Jon Lynn. Lars Kepler (pseudonym of the Andoril couple) offers readers another example of an impeccable thriller.

The police receive a link to a short video clip: someone was secretly filming a woman through a window. The next morning she was found dead. Soon another clip comes - with a new victim. And then another one, just minutes before the massacre. The police are unable to get on the trail of the killer, who acts with extreme cruelty: all the victims have their faces cut with a knife, as if the criminal wanted to erase them. Commissioner Margot Silverman took on the task of stopping a series of terrible, seemingly illogical murders; this is her first independent investigation. The investigation would have reached a dead end if John Lynn, whom everyone considered dead, had not intervened. In a strange way, psychiatrist Eric Maria Bark is involved in the case: he gets a very unexpected role in this dark story.

Detective , Thriller , Foreign literature , Police detective

The literary debut of the married couple, writing under the pseudonym Lars Kepler, made a stunning impression on readers, critics and publishers. The first Swedish novel to be sold abroad with enormous success even before its publication in Sweden, “The Hypnotist” marked the beginning of an exciting detective series about the investigations of the criminal police commissioner Jona Linna.


Kepler Lars 2010

Paganini contract

Detective , Thriller , Foreign literature

Lars Kepler is the literary pseudonym of the Andoril spouses (Swedes Alexandra Coelho and Alexandra), invented by them for a series of novels about the charming detective Jon Linn. The first of them, "The Hypnotist", became a world sensation and was translated into almost forty languages. In "The Paganini Contract", lovingly inscribed in the topography of Stockholm, a ruthless killer follows the trail of a loving couple, strewing the path with corpses and trying to fulfill his cruel task at any cost. About the author: Under the pseudonym "Lars Kepler" the spouses Alexander and Alexandra Andoril write, who have won the world famous for his action-packed detective novels, primarily a series of books about detective John Lynn. Their books are recognized as the standard of the Scandinavian thriller; they have been translated into dozens of languages ​​all over the world and filmed. Quote: The writers’ mesmerizing self-confidence and filigree, even in the smallest details, captivate the reader. "The Paganini Contract" is certainly one of the best Swedish detective stories of recent years. This is an absolutely impeccable work from the point of view of the honor and dignity of a writer; it is almost impossible to write better. - GÖTEBORGSPOSTEN Tags: Thriller, detective, Kepler, MASTER DETECTIVE


Kepler Lars 2011

Ghosts don't lie

Detective , Thriller , Foreign literature

Lars Kepler is the pseudonym of a Swedish couple, Alexander and Alexandra Coelho Andoril. Their first action-packed novel, The Hypnotist, became a worldwide bestseller and marked the beginning of an exciting detective series. “The Hypnotist,” translated into four dozen languages, was followed by the no less successful “The Paganini Contract,” and after that “Ghosts Don’t Lie,” the third novel about a mysterious, handsome detective named Jonah Linna. Bloody murders occur in a boarding school for difficult-to-educate teenage girls. One of the pupils and a nurse were found dead - both had their hands pressed tightly to their faces, as if they were trying to hide their eyes from the killer. Fear and suspicion reign in the boarding school. Commissioner Jona Linna was involved in the investigation, although only as an observer - he himself is under internal investigation. But can this stop a real superman when it comes to the lives of children? About the author: Under the pseudonym “Lars Kepler”, the spouses Alexander and Alexandra Andoril write, who have gained worldwide fame with their action-packed detective novels, primarily a series of books about detective Jon Lynn. Their books are recognized as the standard of the Scandinavian thriller, they have been translated into dozens of languages ​​and filmed. Quote: From the very first pages, the action grabs you and carries you along like a swift current, so that you can barely catch your breath. - Dagens Nyheter Tags: MASTER DETECTIVE, Kepler, detective , thriller, bestseller, Jonah Lynn


Kepler Lars 2013


Detective , Thriller , Foreign literature

Today the name Lars Kepler is synonymous with the ideal Scandinavian thriller. After the debut “The Hypnotist,” which became an international sensation, the world waits with bated breath for each new book about the adventures of Stockholm investigator Jona Linna. “The Sandman” is the fourth novel in this beloved detective series. Police find a young man wandering along the railroad tracks, barely alive from hypothermia and a lung infection. At the hospital it turns out that according to the documents, the young man has been dead for seven years. His hypothetical killer, Walter Jurek, who was once arrested by Jona Linna, is sentenced to compulsory psychiatric treatment and is sitting in a detention center. New evidence forces police to reopen a long-closed investigation. The matter suddenly takes a dangerous turn, and if someone does not penetrate the plans of the obsessed maniac, something irreparable will happen very soon.


On a summer night, a drowned woman in dry clothes is found aboard an expensive deserted yacht, drifting in the skerries of Stockholm. The next day, a man dies in an apartment in the wealthy Östermalm district. How did he manage to hang himself from a lamp hook in a completely empty room with very high ceilings, where there was nothing to climb? And yet the police commissioner is sure: this is suicide. A chain of dark events is rapidly unfolding. In a strange way, they are connected with a violin that belonged to the great Paganini, and the disastrous contract that marked his name. And in vain two lovers try to find salvation on the deceptively friendly islands among the fjords - the impassive killer, methodically following their trail, is omnipresent and indestructible, he literally moves towards his goal over corpses. “The Paganini Contract” by Lars Kepler is a continuation of the detective series, which began with “The Hypnotist”. And in the new thriller, a terrible tangle of crimes is unraveled by the already familiar Jona Linna - a criminal commissioner with a mysterious past and an unclear future, a talented detective with the appearance of a movie hero and a penchant for melancholy. Lars Kepler's novels have become bestsellers all over the world, they are considered the standard of the Scandinavian thriller. In particular, the authoritative Time magazine named The Hypnotist one of the ten most important books of 2010 in the world. Director Lasse Hallström's film The Hypnotist, based on the novel of the same name, has been nominated for an award by the Swedish Film Academy...


The body of a man was discovered in the locker room of a Stockholm sports club. Somewhat later, in his house, his wife and tiny daughter were found, hacked to death with monstrous cruelty. By some miracle, only the seriously wounded son managed to survive.

Yona Linna understands that someone has set out to destroy the entire family and decides to seek help from the doctor Eric Maria Bark so that he can hypnotize the boy, the only witness. This is the only way to get a description of the killer.

Now the chain of monstrous incidents will begin to unravel inexorably...

Paganini contract

Calm summer night. On board an expensive yacht, where there is not a single living soul, the corpse of a drowned woman in completely dry clothes was discovered.

The next day there is another mysterious death: a man is found hanged on a lamp hook in an empty room with high ceilings. How did he manage to take his own life? Crime Commissioner Jona Linna will have to deal with this.

In a strange way, all these dark events are connected with the violin that belonged to the great Paganini...

Ghosts don't lie

In a boarding school where difficult-to-educate teenage girls live, a series of bloody murders occur. A nurse and one of the teachers were found dead.

The position of the bodies is more than strange: before death, the women pressed their hands to their faces, as if they were trying to hide from the killer.

The boarding school is immersed in an atmosphere of fear and suspicion. Yona Lynn is brought in as an observer in the investigation: perhaps he will be able to stop the brutal murders and save the children.


Police discover on railway tracks a guy who can barely drag his feet due to hypothermia and a lung infection.

At the hospital it becomes known that according to documents, the young man has been considered dead for 7 years.

His alleged killer Walter Jurek, previously captured by Jona Linna, is sentenced to compulsory psychiatric treatment and is in isolation.

New circumstances and facts force the investigation to return to this old case. Everything suddenly takes a dangerous turn, and if someone does not understand the plans of an insane maniac, then irreparable things will happen in the future.


The next day her body was found. Soon the police receive a new link with a video - with another victim. And then another one, moments before the murder. The police have no idea how to get on the trail of a killer who operates with extreme cruelty: all the women’s faces are disfigured with a knife, as if the maniac wanted to erase them.

Commissioner Margot Silverman decided to stop the wave of terrible and bloody murders. But she would not have been able to unravel this case without the help of Jon Lynn, whom everyone already considered dead.

Rabbit Hunter

In order to unravel the crimes of the Rabbit Hunter, they decide to release Jonah Lynn from prison, where he began serving his sentence imposed in the previous stalker case.

In this case, the wave of brutal murders, which began with the murder of the country's foreign minister, goes far into the past of the heroes who have now become part of this terrible story.

This began with an episode from the past that took place in the elite school where they studied: boys from rich families organized a secret club for the elite called the Rabbit Hole, and one day something happened there that changed their lives...

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