Classifier of office premises. Classification of commercial real estate objects

The documents 14.03.2020
The documents

Office premises can be classified into four categories: A, B, C and D. Premises of categories A and B generally meet the requirements of Western standards for the location, condition and level of service of business centers, category C is intermediate, and category D is the so-called "Russian standard". In some classifications, business parks are included in a separate category.

1. Location
Category A business centers are usually located in the historic center of the city. These business centers have convenient access roads, excellent views and well-developed infrastructure.

2. Building
A business center of category A is occupied by a building built not earlier than the 90s. or completely reconstructed software international standards quality freestanding specialized building. The following requirements are imposed on such a building: a high level of renovation and finishing work, an effective layout of floors in the form of office blocks, the presence of a conference room, a cafe / restaurant, a guarded ground parking or an underground garage.

3. Communication
Category A business centers are characterized by high power communications, which provide maximum comfort and convenience of work. For business centers of this level, it is mandatory to have:
- sources of backup power supply
- centralized system conditioning
- centralized heating system (including standby autonomous)
- fiber-optic communication channels of high capacity
- high-speed elevators
- unlimited number of telephone lines
- modern system fire alarm and fire extinguishing.

4. Security
Business centers of category A are guarded around the clock, highly professional security uses video surveillance and access control systems, a reception is required.

The tenants of office space in such business centers are most often large corporations, financial and banking groups, prosperous legal, auditing and consulting firms.

1. Location
Business centers of category B are located, as a rule, in the prestigious commercial and financial districts of the city. Class B is distinguished by the territories of the historical center of the city that do not fall into category A, and the zones adjacent to the historical center, which are distinguished by a good location.

2. Building
The business center of category B occupies a detached specialized building after selective overhaul or cosmetic repairs with a high level of finishing and the use of imported materials. The following requirements are imposed on such a building: efficient floor planning, conference hall, cafe / restaurant, and secure ground parking.

3. Communication
Category B business centers are in good condition internal communications... For business centers of this level, it is mandatory to have:
- air conditioning systems (split-system, individual)
- centralized heating system
- fiber optic communication channels
Also, business centers of category B are characterized by the provision of a wide range of additional services.

4. Security
Business centers of category B are guarded around the clock, highly professional security uses video surveillance systems and a flexible access system.

The rental rates are quite consistent with the level of service provided and are available for large Russian and foreign companies.

1. Location
Business centers of category C are located, as a rule, in areas remote from the city center, but with good accessibility, located near the main highways and metro. Most often they are located in an administrative building, research institute.

2. Building
Business centers of category C are usually reconstructed former administrative buildings and dormitories, converted for office purposes. The condition of the premises in such buildings ranges from Soviet-style renovations to good modern interiors. Category C business centers are characterized by the absence of a guarded parking lot.

3. Communication
Category C business centers are characterized by the presence of:
- a sufficient number of telephone lines
- ventilation systems.

4. Security
Security in category C business centers is provided by a watchman and a pass system.

Category D office buildings are located away from the city's business districts. Engineering communications in them, as a rule, are outdated, parking lots are spontaneous, specialized building maintenance services are minimized or completely absent.
The advantage of category D business centers is low rental rates that attract small companies who are not yet able to afford more comfortable working conditions.

The scores in the three different categories may not be the same. In this case, the lowest score from the population is taken (1- Location, 2 - Type and technical level of the building, 3 - Level management company and the service provided). Even the most modern building, with a western management company, but located outside the city will be classified in class C.

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In world practice, several different classifications are used today, but the most popular is the system created by BOMA International (The Building Owners and Managers Association), founded in 1907. In accordance with the developed system, office buildings are divided into categories A, B and C.

A-class real estate is recognized as the most prestigious and of the highest quality, while C-class buildings are the least suitable for doing business and unsuitable for the requirements of the time.

The main characteristics by which the ownership of buildings is determined are:

  • Its location (including the distance from the city center).
  • Building type.
  • Year of construction of the building.
  • Home control and maintenance systems.
  • Layout of premises, modernity of finishing and construction of the building.
  • Functionality and efficiency of engineering and telecommunication systems.
  • Availability and convenience of parking spaces.
  • Availability and modernity of elevators.
  • Infrastructure.

In conditions Russian market foreign classifications are not acceptable, since they describe only commercial real estate that meets international standards, while more than 80% of Moscow buildings in which business centers are located belong to categories not covered by the world classification.

In addition, an important criterion in the international classification is the location of the object, depending on its distance from the center, while most modern buildings in Moscow are being built outside the Garden Ring. That is why the criterion for the location of the building is considered primarily in the Russian classification from the point of view of walking distance and the development of transport links.

In the Russian Federation, a unified classification of commercial office real estate has not been approved. At the same time, several types of systems based on extremely similar principles are successfully used on the market.

The most common are:

  1. Classification by G.M. Sternik, Professor of the Department of Project and Program Management of the PRUE G.V. Plekhanov, Chief Analyst of the NPRGR.
  2. Classification of the Moscow Research Forum, developed in 2003.
  3. Classification of the St. Petersburg Research Forum, developed in 2008.

In accordance with the Moscow classification, office buildings were divided into 4 categories: A, B +, B- and C. In 2013, the “Certification” item was also introduced, that is, the compliance of offices with global energy efficiency parameters.

According to another common classification office real estate class A is additionally divided into categories A1, A2 and A3 or A +, A and A-, which makes it more detailed. This system is used by the largest company, Noble Gibbons, owned by the CB Richard Ellis Group.

Description of the requirements and distinctive features of buildings by class


A class real estate is the most suitable solution for renting office space... Such buildings are located in areas with a well-thought-out layout, differ high quality load-bearing structures and finishes, most often equipped with automated systems life support, security, ventilation and air conditioning. Business centers of this class are located in the center or other prestigious areas with a developed transport system.

The demand for such offices is generated by large companies and branches of foreign firms opening in the Russian Federation.

In recent years the standards and requirements for Class A buildings are constantly growing. This is due to the emergence of smart offices, in which all the main systems and the general level of comfort are at a new qualitative level, and the business centers rebuilt at the end of the 20th century cannot withstand competition and fall into a different category.

The main evaluation criteria are:

  • The presence of a single central system building management.
  • Modern fire protection system.
  • Ceilings not lower than 2.7 meters.
  • High quality of the finishing materials used.
  • The modernity of elevators and the total waiting time (no more than 30 seconds).
  • The presence of spacious conference rooms, dining areas, a well-thought-out reception area.
  • Modern design.
  • Availability of our own surface or underground parking adjacent to the building.


This subclass is characterized by the following features:

  1. The building is no more than 3 years old.
  2. The ability to adjust the microclimate in individual rooms.
  3. Availability unified system regulation of temperature and humidity in the building.
  4. Sophisticated ergonomic layout.
  5. The height of the floors is at least 3.6 m, the height of the ceilings is at least 2.7 m.
  6. The presence of dining areas, restaurants and cafes.
  7. A large number of windows, and at least 80% of them must face the street.
  8. The presence of redundant life support systems.
  9. Transport and walking accessibility, location in the center or other prestigious area of ​​the city.
  10. Professional management building and service services.


The characteristics of this subclass are as close as possible to subclass A1., but inferior to him in some minor parameters (there may be no restaurants or backup life support systems). The main characteristics are:

  • Reconstructed building, built no more than 10 years ago.
  • Less stringent requirements for the location of the property.
  • Interior layout may not be very efficient.
  • A large number of office spaces may not have windows.
  • Less effective management services and the building itself.


This subclass is assigned to buildings that have undergone reconstruction., whose age does not exceed 30 years. Deterioration of characteristics in relation to subclass A2 is allowed, for example - remoteness from the center, the presence of ineffective planning and less thought out life support systems.


Class B office premises are often referred to as economy class, but at the same time they do not fundamentally differ from class A. Most often, commercial real estate of this class belongs to work premises, and large companies that rent them have all the personnel that are not related to them. to the category of top management.

The premises are characterized by the following criteria:

  1. Distance from the center.
  2. The building is over 10 years old.
  3. Ceiling height - at least 3 meters.
  4. Availability of high quality finishes.
  5. Availability and good equipment of public areas.
  6. The presence of a guarded parking lot.
  7. Developed infrastructure.
  8. High-quality management of the building and the services that maintain it.


C-class commercial real estate is most often Soviet-built buildings, the age of which is more than 40 years. Often these are re-planned research institutes, institutes, factories, etc.

This class of real estate is characterized by the absence of central air conditioning systems, convenient parking and ineffective planning.

  • Location on the outskirts of the city.
  • Lack of convenient transport links.
  • Standard renovation and use of outdated finishing materials.
  • Corridor system.
  • Frequent problems with power supply.


Class D commercial real estate does not meet modern requirements applied to office buildings and is of little use for doing business. Today in Russia the share of such premises is rapidly decreasing.

Such objects are characterized by the presence of obsolete engineering systems, wooden floors and, as a rule, are located outside urban areas in production premises or residential buildings.

The main characteristics are:

  1. Poor building condition, often major repairs are required.
  2. Ineffective corridor-type layout, location in basements.
  3. Lack of organized guarded parking.
  4. Bad infrastructure.

The spread of prices for commercial real estate of different classes

The cost of renting commercial real estate depends on many different factors, the main of which are its location and belonging to one category or another. The average rental price for office space in Moscow in 2019, according to CIAN data, was:

  • For class "A +"- 45,000 rubles per square meter per year.
  • For class "A"- 33,000 rubles per square meter per year.
  • For class "B +"- 25,000 rubles per square meter per year.
  • For class "B"- 17,000 rubles per square meter per year.
  • For class "B-"- 12,000 rubles per square meter per year.
  • For class "C"- 8000 rubles per square meter per year.

Correct assessment of commercial real estate objects is extremely important for effective use and timely updating of the classification system. Clearly defined criteria help the tenant to understand as accurately as possible what conditions the rented office space should meet and what options the landlord can offer.

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The number of shopping centers in the past 10 years has grown unimaginable before. Each of them, trying to attract buyers and tenants, tries to stand out with their name, architecture, infrastructure, concept ... The situation is almost the same with business centers.

As a result, attempts were made to somehow systematize various objects by classes and types. The article provides an opportunity to get acquainted with this classification.

Classification of business centers

Currently in Russia, there is no single approved classification of buildings that meet or fall under the office business center(business center). It can be like new buildings (built taking into account the specifics and characteristics approved exclusively in project documentation customer), as well as completely converted (restored, reconstructed) buildings that are of historical or architectural value for the city or already outdated administrative buildings (research institutes, buildings and workshops, factories and other government institutions removed from the city).

Thus, the right to classify new buildings is entirely in the hands of its owners. The classification of buildings and office buildings built several years ago, converted into business centers, causes all sorts of controversy.

Of the most acceptable, consider the classification of business centers proposed by the "Guild of Managers and Developers of Commercial and Industrial Real Estate" (GUD).

Based on the totality of various characteristics, BC are subdivided into categories: business center real estate appraisal

Business center "class A";

Business center "class B";

Business center "class C".

At the same time, the following are not subject to classification:

objects in which no repair work has been carried out for more than 15 years;

objects that are simultaneously partially filled by tenants and are in the process of reconstruction / redevelopment and have an unfinished appearance;

built-in office space.

It should be noted that the names "business center" and "office center" are identical.


General classification

The most prestigious high quality buildings, which are as follows:


the status of tenants and the level of demand,

the level of engineering and cleaning.

Buildings must be of excellent construction / design and equipped with the latest technological advances and comfort requirements. The buildings must be new or competitive with newly constructed buildings, managed by professional management.

Buildings with an average or above average level of construction, equipment, location, tenant status. Building infrastructure may not always satisfy tenants in terms of quantity and quality of services. Slight obsolescence of buildings is allowed.

Buildings with medium and lower levels of construction, equipment, location and tenant status. As a rule, these are buildings that are outdated or with a high level of deterioration, possibly functionally improved.

Characteristics are assessed in the following categories:

Location and accessibility

Building components and properties

Building management and service level

And, if the business center by location belongs to class "A", according to the type and technical level of the building - to class "C", according to the level of the management company - to class "B", then the total class of the object will be "C".

The classification of business centers in St. Petersburg is somewhat different from the classification adopted in Moscow.

Currently, the need to classify, order or divide real estate into separate groups is felt very sharply by both real estate market analysts and realtors and appraisers.

Every day, appraisers are faced with the need to prove to one of the stakeholders between whom he is located - and this is the customer of the appraisal and the consumer of the report - that the expectations for the cost of the object of one of them are overestimated or too optimistic, while the other is somewhat pessimistic. Sometimes, when evaluating a class C office space, the customer of the appraisal cites recently sold neighboring premises located in a class B business center as similar objects, and sincerely wonders why his object is underestimated.

Currently, market analysts have not come to a consensus about which classification is the most acceptable and convenient. The existing classifications often repeat each other and tend to expand the characteristics and factors by which the real estate object should be attributed to a particular class. At the same time, having considered the real estate market even in large cities of Russia, it can be noted that a number of factors that must be taken into account within the framework of the existing classifications are either absent, or participate in the formation of the market value of the object insignificantly.

Thus, in the professional community, both logisticians and developers, analysts, appraisers, an understanding gradually appears that all the proposed classifications have a number of disadvantages, the main of which are redundancy and cumbersomeness, which are due to the lack of priorities of the listed parameters. http: // ans = 1 & num = 17

With a small number of factors that significantly affect market value object, in the available classifications is considered a large number of secondary characteristics that give a slight change in value, which is obvious to the professional appraiser.

Classification of office buildings

Class A office building: must meet or exceed the specified minimum in 16 of the 20 standard criteria below:

1. High quality standard finishing, advanced building engineering systems including BMS (Building Management System);

2. Professional building management;

3. Good location of the building within the boundaries of the office area, convenient access and transport links;

4. Air conditioning system: not lower than 2-pipe, or its equivalent;

5. False ceilings;

6. Height from floor to false ceiling is on average 3.30 m;

7. Effective open plan floors (structure with load-bearing columns);

8. Three-section box for electrical, telephone and computer cables, or a raised floor (or the possibility of its installation);

9. Modern, high quality windows, their rational arrangement;

10. Modern high-speed elevators with a waiting period of no more than 30 seconds;

11. Underground parking;

12. Quality materials used in the decoration of common areas;

13. The ratio of parking spaces (ground and underground) is not less than 1 space per 100 sq. M. leased area of ​​the building;

14. Loss factor (ratio of used and rented space) not more than 12%;

15. Quality provider of telecommunications services in the building;

16. Two independent power supplies or the presence of an uninterruptible power supply; (the power supply for the lessee's low-voltage networks must be at least 50 W per 1 sq. m. useful area 20 watts additionally allocated for lighting);

17. Permissible load on interfloor floors: 400-450 kg per 1 sq.m .;

18. Modern security systems and access control to the building;

19. Staff cafeteria / canteen and other amenities;

20. The depth of the floor from window to window is not more than 18-20 meters.

Class B office building: must meet at least 10 of the 20 given criteria.

Class C office building: meets less than 8 of the 20 criteria listed.

Today in Russia there are several attempts to develop a classification of real estate objects in various sectors of the real estate market. One of the most famous classifications of office real estate can be called Classification of the Moscow Research Forum 2003. ( Appendix A, table 1). Each type of property is divided into 4 classes: A, B, C, D.

Office real estate in the west is classified into three classes - A, B, C. In Russia, in the CIS, two more can be added to these three classes - D, E. The process of assigning a building to one class or another requires a careful analysis of all its parameters and characteristics. You should also take into account the fact that the boundaries between classes in most cases may not be clear. In this case, additional signs + and - are added after the letter designation. Next, let's look at the main differences between these classes.

Class "A" offices

Class A offices are the most prestigious office premises located in new office complexes and business centers in the city center. These office premises have the highest level of service: "smart" buildings that provide for full optimization and automation of all life support systems, a deployed infrastructure for centralized provision of office equipment to tenants, fiber-optic communications, reception, conference rooms, consumer services and recreation facilities. All this is kept in perfect condition.

These offices are provided with their own security, management and maintenance services and secure underground parking. This class of office space presupposes a modern open-ended office layout, expensive office furnishings, false ceilings and much more. The classic version A class A office is considered to be a business park built on the outskirts or outside of the city, near convenient transport links, an airport or a railway station and is characterized by low-rise buildings, which makes it possible to do without elevators (this moment reduces the cost of construction and maintenance). The remoteness is compensated by the proximity to nature.

Additional bonuses of such offices are organized delivery of employees from the city or from the nearest metro station to the complex, as well as a large number of parking spaces. Abroad, where business parks have long ceased to be exotic, preference is given to office options with original modern architecture, landscape design and additional preferences for tenants. The norm for this format of offices is the presence of large recreational areas with parks, walking alleys, artificial lakes and reservoirs.

Class "B" offices

Class B offices are office premises with almost the same characteristics as Class A offices. Class B offices can be located in new or newly reconstructed buildings with the necessary utilities, often located not in the very center of the city, but also not in the outskirts. Class B offices have practically the same characteristics as Class A offices, but they are not as prestigious, in addition, they have a narrower range of services offered. Therefore, they are sometimes called "budget offices" or "economy class offices." These offices may not have a central air conditioning system. These offices are not so prestigious and the range of services offered is not so wide - parking, for example, is most often located outdoors.

This class of offices also includes class A offices after 5-7 years of operation, old mansions, reconstructed and converted into office premises, located in the city center. offrent.rureview / type /

Class "C" offices

Class "C" offices are office space, built or renovated buildings, usually located outside the city center, usually rented from research institutes or manufacturing enterprise... Sometimes they are called "Soviet". The last renovation in such office premises can be done more than 10 years ago using materials available at that time, or made using cheap materials, the facade of the building is often not renovated and looks unpresentable.

In such an office space, there is usually no modern communication, central air conditioning, the ventilation system is ordinary, and the toilet room is in the corridor. Such buildings are characterized by all the "charms" of the office method of organizing labor - a corridor system, difficulties with air conditioning (complete absence of central air conditioning), inconvenient access and the absence of a civilized parking lot. These are mainly newly emerged office buildings located not in the city center, but at the intersection transport routes, near metro stations and main radial highways. Office class "C" assumes a fairly modest range of services: telephone, Internet access is possible.

This category also includes high-quality office premises in administrative, institute and industrial buildings, offices, according to the characteristics of the building, corresponding to class B, but with drawbacks. Such buildings are quite impressive, they have some business services, a common parking lot.

Class "D" offices

Class "D" offices - office space in buildings with outdated utilities, wooden floors, lack of specialized life support services. As a rule, such office premises need major overhaul.

Class "E" offices

Class "E" offices - office premises in buildings that are not adapted to accommodate offices and require reconstruction. These can be basements and semi-basements converted into an office, apartments in residential buildings, sometimes with a separate entrance and a parking lot for 2-4 cars. Subject to a good location, European-class renovation, equipping with high-quality furniture and office equipment, such offices may well compete with offices of a higher class.

In international practice, several classifications of office real estate are used, however, the most used is considered to be the system developed by BOMA (Building Owners and Managers Accociation). Business centers are classified according to categories "A", "B" and "C".

Class "A" office premises are the most prestigious and of high quality, the characteristics of class "C", in turn, are far from modern requirements... The assignment to a particular class is to a certain extent subjective and is made taking into account compliance with certain characteristics:

  1. Location.
  2. Building type.
  3. The novelty of the building.
  4. Building maintenance systems, security system.
  5. Solutions in the planning, decoration and construction of the building.
  6. Engineering systems, air conditioning and ventilation systems.
  7. Telecommunication systems.
  8. Parking.
  9. Equipping the building with lifts.
  10. Infrastructure.

In Russia, a unified classification of office premises has not yet been approved. There are many variations of systems used on the market, but they are all based on similar principles.

The most famous classifications are:

  1. Classification of the chief analyst of the Russian Guild of Realtors G.M. Sternik.
  2. Classification of the Moscow Research Forum, developed in 2003 and amended in 2006 and 2013.
  3. Classification of the Petersburg Research Forum 2008

Many appraisal companies use a system similar to "ABC"... In Russian realities, some companies add a special category "D", which is due to the fact that many buildings belong to the Soviet era, have not been reconstructed and do not even meet the requirements of category "C".

In accordance with the tightening of requirements at the 2006 Moscow Research Forum, the 2003 classification has been changed. The new structure divides modern office buildings into three types: "A", "B +" and "B-". Buildings that do not meet the specified criteria are categorized as "C" and below. In 2013, an important innovation was the item "Certification", that is, the compliance of office centers with international energy efficiency standards: LEED and BREEAM.

The second classification system implies the division of class "A" into additional categories:"A1", "A2", "A3" and is more detailed. It is used in their practice by Noble Gibbons and Colliers International. The division into subclasses "A +", "A" and "A-" is similar.

Class "A"

Class "A" business centers, which are the optimal solution for office space, are located in new complexes with a competent planning, high level of construction and finishing, automated life support systems, equipped with security, communication and communications systems. Such offices are mainly built in the city center or in prestigious areas with big amount transport interchanges.

Premises in high-class business centers are rented by large companies and branches foreign firms... Class "A" fully meets all the criteria of a modern building, which include:

  1. The presence of a central building management system.
  2. Availability of a modern fire safety system.
  3. Ceiling height not less than 2.7 m.
  4. High quality finishing materials for common areas and façades.
  5. Waiting time for elevators is no more than 30 seconds.
  6. The depth of the floor from the window to the "core" does not exceed 10 m.
  7. The presence of an efficiently organized reception area, conference rooms, spacious food and recreation areas.
  8. Designer renovation.
  9. Multi-level ground or underground parking with an entrance to the business center.

For class "A", division into subclasses is practiced: "A1", "A2", "A3", which do not have fundamental differences between themselves, and are used for a more detailed definition of the building.

Subclass "A1"

This subclass is characterized by:


It has less stringent requirements for the location of the building, and can also be a completely reconstructed building of a relatively recent construction. Characteristics are close to class "A1", but allow minor deviations by secondary parameters.


Can be assigned to a fully reconstructed building 20-30 years old. Comparative planning inefficiency and a lower quality central air conditioning system are allowed.

Some deterioration in relation to subclass "A2" is possible, for example, the location of the office center is not in the central, but in a more remote, but prestigious area.


Economy class offices, as class B office premises are often called, often do not have fundamental differences from the "A" class office. Unlike class "A", which are representative premises, class "B" commercial property is classified as work space. Large companies have non-top management personnel in such offices. The tenants are small organizations and company.

Such premises are characterized by:


Class "C" offices are mainly located in Soviet-era buildings redesigned for office needs: research institutes, institutes, plant management.

A building of this type is often characterized by a complete lack of central air conditioning, unprofessional management, and lack of equipped parking.

The renovation was carried out using cheap materials, there are problems with electrical voltage and infrastructure. The main characteristics of class "C" office premises:

  1. Location on the outskirts of the city, inconvenient access to the building.
  2. The service life exceeds 10 years.
  3. Standard renovation, corridor system.
  4. Outdated design, ineffective layout.


Real estate objects belonging to class "D" do not meet the requirements of a modern object office real estate. Offices of this class are characterized by outdated engineering solutions, wooden floors, and lack of life support services. They are located outside the city, in converted warehouse and industrial premises, in residential buildings.

Class "D" is characterized by:

  1. Building condition requiring major repairs.
  2. Corridor system, location in basements and semi-basements, lack of high-quality planning.
  3. The parking is spontaneous, unguarded.
  4. Lack of infrastructure for building maintenance and management.

The spread of real estate prices for offices

Office real estate prices depend on many factors, the main of which is the distance from the center and compliance with one or another category. The average rental rate for a class A office in 2018 in Moscow is RUB 25,500. per sq.m. per year, a class "B +" office can be rented for an average of 16,000 rubles / sq. m. per year, and sq.m. in a class "B-" office will cost 14,500 rubles. in year. Rent of an office in a category below is, on average, 9,000 rubles / sq. M. in year.

The need for a correct assessment determines the importance of using and constantly updating the most convenient and complete classification for all market participants. Clear criteria give a clear idea of ​​what the tenant is willing to pay money for and what choices and opportunities the landlord is willing to provide.

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