What certification authority works with edo megaphone. MegaFon: Electronic Document Management

Codes of the Russian Federation 20.12.2020

As early as the 1960s, organizations in the US and Europe began exchanging electronic data. But electronic document management was used by only a few large companies that could afford it. After all, there were no uniform standards for the electronic exchange of documents. Until in the late 1970s, they started talking about electronic signatures.

An electronic signature is information in electronic form, which is attached to or otherwise associated with other information in electronic form (signed information) and which is used to identify the person signing the information.

Article 2 federal law"On electronic signature"

Simply put, this is the requisite of an electronic document that allows you to check its authenticity (authorship), authenticity and integrity.

Cryptographic algorithm for creating primitive digital signatures was developed in 1977. And seven years later, a single pan-European data exchange standard EANCOM (EDI) was approved.

In the 1990s, in many European countries, special laws on electronic documents were adopted and legally significant document management began to be carried out in electronic form. In Russia, such a law was adopted in 2011.

Electronic document management

More and more companies are automating internal business processes, implementing Information Systems and store data in the cloud. Paper contracts and acts are being replaced by electronic documents. Law of time.

And if with internal optimization most companies cope more or less successfully, then electronic document management with counterparties is often frankly lame.

Electronic document management (EDF) is a legally significant document management in in electronic format between legal entities and/or individuals.

A typical situation: an accountant draws up an act of work performed in his accounting system, prints it out and sends it by courier to the counterparty. A few days later, the accountant of the partner firm receives and scans this document, and then manually makes the entry in his accounting system. At the same time, both parties must keep paper versions act.

Electronic document management greatly simplifies and speeds up this process.

Advantages of EDI

  1. No need to pay a salary to a courier or pay for postal services.
  2. Work with electronic documents faster and more convenient, and the risk that they get lost along the way is zero.
  3. No need to store tons of papers in the office.
  4. All documents are just a click away, you can access any of them wherever there is an Internet connection.

How to set up an EDI

There are two main ways to exchange electronic documents: directly and through an intermediary.

In the first case, the companies must conclude an agreement between themselves, which will describe in detail the procedure and conditions for the exchange, or each of the counterparties must have a qualified electronic signature. To obtain it, you must contact a certification center accredited by the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia.

However, even with a qualified electronic signature, not all documents can be sent directly, for example, by email. According to current legislation, invoices can only be sent electronically in the XML format approved by the Federal Tax Service.

Therefore, it is much more convenient to set up electronic document management through an intermediary. MegaFon has developed a web interface for generating, signing and exchanging accounting and other documents between legal entities. With its help, your accountant, manager or secretary will be able to quickly conclude a contract with a new partner, issue an invoice to a supplier or accept an estimate from a contractor.

At the same time, all documents will be systematized and securely stored in the company's personal account.

To use EDI, you need to have a qualified electronic signature.

In the personal account of the Electronic Document Management portal from MegaFon, you can create new documents (without signing and sending) and upload them to your work computer.

There you can also request reporting documents for communication: invoices, invoices and acts. Documents obtained in this way are legally significant and do not require printing or duplication on paper.

Even a service agreement mobile communications with "MegaFon" can be concluded remotely. Corporate clients who have an electronic signature do not have to spend time visiting the company's office. Everything can be done through your personal account. Fast, and most importantly, absolutely free.

Another plus of MegaFon's electronic document management is that it easily integrates with 1C. If you work with this accounting system, you will be able to upload documents to the portal directly from 1C.

To start using the "Electronic Document Management" service, you need:

  1. Register on the relevant portal.
  2. Connect a valid electronic signature to the system.
  3. Fill out an application for accession to the Regulations of the electronic document management system.

For the first 14 days you will be able to use the basic Promo package. It provides for the free sending of up to two thousand formalized and up to a thousand informal documents. Two weeks is enough time to feel all the advantages of electronic document management. After that you can choose tariff plan based on your business goals.

The Electronic Document Management service saves money and time on processing transactions and exchanging documents. The benefits of the service will be fully appreciated by agents, distributors, franchisees, organizations with a branch structure, as well as companies planning to increase the efficiency of document exchange both within the organization and when working with partners. The faster the business processes, the greater the profit. Agree, it is silly to pass by such a decision.

MegaFon PJSC introduced a new service for corporate clients"Electronic Document Management" (EDM). Now the service is available for corporate clients in Stolichny and Central branches of the operator.

The service makes it possible to organize a legally significant document flow with an electronic signature. With the help of "Electronic Document Management", companies can generate electronic acts, waybills and invoices, sign documents created in the system or uploaded by employees with an electronic signature, and exchange them with other companies using the service. In addition, the system will provide access to reporting documents for communication services to MegaFon's corporate clients.

Previously, electronic signatures and document management were available only large companies due to cost and technical requirements. Today, the system can be used by any legal entity. This was made possible by moving the system to the cloud.

As the director of development comments corporate business MegaFon Vlad Wolfson:

The electronic signature entered the life of enterprises in 2002, when it became possible to submit tax reports via the Internet, and today it has become an important tool, thanks to which office work has significantly accelerated. We have proposed a new level of speed and mobility, and we are sure that our customers will appreciate this service. With the help of the Electronic Document Management service, perhaps the most conservative process of the company's work activity - document management - goes to the cloud after many corporate resources.

Which of the EDI operators provided the service for Megafon, we will find out in the near future. Preliminarily, we can assume that these are several operators at once. informed about the beginning of connecting Megafon customers back in December 2014. Takskom also announced this, but for some reason information about this project disappeared on his website. And SKB Kontur also did not stand aside.

MegaFon PJSC conducts the exchange of electronic documents through the following operators:

  • Taxcom LLC
  • ZAO PF SKB Kontur
  • ZAO Kaluga Astral
  • KORUS Consulting CIS LLC
  • LLC "Company" Tenzor "

At the same time, the client is offered to pay for EDI services directly in Personal account by transferring money directly to Megafon's current account. If our assumptions are confirmed and there is really only one operator, then soon the issues of inter-operator roaming will begin to be actively discussed again and will become even more important.

Similar projects are being actively pursued by others. We hope that in the near future there will be information about the success of other projects.

MegaFon presents a unique service for corporate clients "Electronic Document Management". The service makes it possible to organize a legally significant document flow with an electronic signature.

Electronic signature today is a document management tool recognized by all public services, including the tax service of the Russian Federation. To work in the "Electronic Document Management" system, corporate clients of the operator can use the available qualified electronic signature from any accredited certification center.

With the help of "Electronic Document Management", companies can generate electronic acts, waybills and invoices, sign documents created in the system or uploaded by employees with an electronic signature, and exchange them with other companies using the service. In addition, the system will provide instant access to reporting documents for communication services to MegaFon's corporate clients.

The Electronic Document Management service will help optimize the work of an enterprise of any size. If earlier electronic signatures and document flow were available only to large companies due to cost and technical requirements, today any legal entity can use the system. This became possible due to the transfer of the system to the cloud, which made it possible to make tariffs as low and flexible as possible, and opened access to the system from any computer connected to the network. This allows you to speed up work processes, because the manager can sign documents at any time from anywhere in the world.

In order to store files and, if necessary, quickly send them from the file storage (“cloud”), a very friendly interface has been developed with simple navigation and extremely easy setup. At the same time, no one can use the downloadable content, all rights to which remain with the user. Thus, the client receives easy access and reliable protection.

Before making a decision, each client who has an electronic signature can access the system and use the free sending of documents within 14 days. This will allow not only to get acquainted with all the possibilities of the system, but also to assess the required intensity of its use, which will help in choosing the appropriate tariff.

“The electronic signature entered the life of enterprises in 2002, when it became possible to submit tax reports via the Internet, and today it has become an important tool, thanks to which office work has significantly accelerated. We have offered a new level of speed and mobility, and we are confident that our customers will appreciate this service,” comments Mikhail Sinyugin, Head of Corporate Business Development, MegaFon Orenburg region. “With the help of the Electronic Document Management service, perhaps the most conservative process of the company’s work activity, the document management, goes to the cloud after many corporate resources.”

Service for the capital

September 22, 2015 the company " Megaphone” introduced the service for corporate clients “Electronic Document Management” - a legally significant document management with an electronic signature.

To work in the "Electronic Document Management" system, corporate clients of the operator can use the available qualified electronic signature from any accredited certification center.

Using the "Electronic Document Management" companies can generate electronic acts, waybills and invoices, sign documents created in the system or uploaded by employees with an electronic signature, and exchange with other companies using the service. The system will provide instant access to reporting documents for communication services to corporate clients " MegaFon ».

According to the operator, the service will help optimize the work of an enterprise of any size: electronic signatures and document management were previously available only to large companies due to the cost and technical requirements, now any legal entity can use the system. Transferring the system to the cloud made the tariffs lower, which opened up access to the system from any computer connected to the network.

For file storage and quick sending, an interface with simple navigation and easy setup has been developed. At the same time, no one can use the downloadable content, all rights to which remain with the user. Thus, the client receives easy access and reliable protection.

“The electronic signature entered the life of enterprises in 2002, when it became possible to submit tax reports through Internet, and today has become an important tool, thanks to which office work has been significantly accelerated. We have proposed a new level of speed and mobility, and we are confident that our customers will appreciate this service,” said Vlad Wolfson, director of corporate business development MegaFon". “With the help of the Electronic Document Management service, perhaps the most conservative process of the company’s work activity, the document management, goes to the cloud after many corporate resources.”

For September 22, 2015 service is available to corporate clients in capital and central branches of the operator.

Territorial restrictions lifted

November 27, 2015 press service " Megaphone” announced the development of the service for corporate clients “Electronic Document Management”. The service is now available worldwide Russia.

The service "Electronic Document Management" is a web interface for the formation, signing and exchange of accounting and other documents between legal entities. A mobile work environment that facilitates the work of accounting, administrative services and business leaders.

Tasks to be solved:

  • management of all types of electronic documents (incoming, outgoing, internal, organizational and administrative (ORD), archival, approved by the Federal Tax Service of Russia and others) and their paper copies;
  • signing documents with an electronic signature - a legally significant analogue of a handwritten one;
  • exchange of electronic documents with contractors;
  • processing, distribution, storage and convenient navigation of documents in a single information space.

The most effective, according to the operator, the service will be for:

  • companies providing services remotely - the geography of the business is expanding, the costs of mail and courier services are excluded.
  • companies with a network of branches - internal document flow is optimized, documents get to the right employees instantly and directly, the human factor is excluded during delivery. The manager can sign an urgent document while in another country.
  • agents, distributors and franchisees, whose profit largely depends on the correct and prompt closing of the transaction - with electronic document management, the company does not waste time waiting for the documents to reach the partner. The risk of losing money due to delays in paperwork or loss of documents is minimized.
  • companies with external accounting - increased control over accounting documents, permanent access to the archive. The accountant works remotely, generating and sending documents for signature at any time.
  • for small businesses - a simple and understandable system, it is easy to navigate, generate and issue correct documents to counterparties without the help of an accountant.

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