What habits and qualities should a successful person have? Who is a successful person What is a successful person

Chercher 29.05.2020


Municipal budgetary educational institution comprehensive school No. 38, Shakhty, Rostov region"

Conversation with students


Teacher: Rumyantsova

Lyudmila Valerievna


    TO him everyone who wants to realize themselves as an individual strives.

    It's great when you his has reached.

    His compared to the pinnacle of happiness.

    He stands next to the word “luck”, and they are often confused.

    IN him need to believe.

    To his to achieve, you definitely need to put in a lot of effort.

    It's on the way to him They say to a person: “The one who walks will master the road.”

    Today I want to talk to you about what every person probably strives for. Anyone who wants to realize themselves as an individual.

    I started our meeting with some statements. You probably already have your own assumptions about what is hidden behind the pronoun “HE” in these phrases. Share your thoughts with me.(students' answers)

    In fact, today we will talk about success, or more precisely about what kind of person can be called “successful”.

    Guys, name the words that you associate with the word “SUCCESSFUL”(students' answers)

    Interesting options. And here is the definition of the word “SUCCESSFUL” given by Sergei Ivanovich Ozhegov in his explanatory dictionary:

Successful – accompanied by success, successful

    Guys, name people you know who you can call successful. And why do you think so.

    Guys, I want to ask you: “Can a person who has external signs of success be called successful: a car, a watch, an expensive suit?”

    Not always.

    For example, in the case when he got it all without difficulty. For example, I won the lottery, received an inheritance, my parents gave it to me. This is not success, but chance. And a person can lose all this as quickly as he gains it.

    When else we cannot call a person successful: when he is internally restless and unsure of himself. I am not confident in my own success.

    They say that the letters that make up any word can help reveal its essence. I suggest you play a kind of linguistic game: let’s spell out the word “SUCCESS” and select an adjective for each letter that names the qualities of a successful person.

U - successful, persistent

WITH - brave, strong

P – professional, principled

E - one with the world and with oneself

Sh – broad-minded, quick-witted

N - persistent, independent

ABOUT - responsible, organized

WITH – proud

T - hardworking

b (maybe kindness in some cases also helps to become successful)

    Let's go back to examples of successful people. I also made a selection successful people.

    Who are these people by profession?

    Now let's look at our records. What does each of these people do? Looking at the names of these professions, what conclusion can be drawn?

    These are completely different types of activities. This means that you can become successful in any business, the main thing is to cultivate in yourself those qualities that we talked about.

    And these are not all the qualities that a successful person can and should have. These are just some touches to the portrait of success.

    A person must choose for himself in which area to become successful. First of all, he must ask himself the question: “What do I want to be successful in?” and set yourself the direction of movement.

    Remember Alice's conversation with the Cheshire cat:

    Please tell me where should I go?

    Where do you want to go? - asked the Cat.

    “I don’t care...” said Alice.

    Then it doesn’t matter where you go,” said the Cat.

    This dialogue formulates one of the most important principles for achieving success.


    Choose the direction of movement, choose the direction of your activity in which you would like to become successful and develop in yourself those qualities that we talked about. And then, maybe over time, someone will be able to call you a successful person.

    But I think that you can already call yourself successful people.

    Do you agree with me?(children's answers)

    You are successful students, many of you are successful in sports and creativity.

    To summarize our conversation, I invite you to fill in the blanks on your “Components of Success” card.

    Let what happened stay with you and help you remember how to become successful in life.

    Whether you are successful or not is determined by everyone for themselves. And here, it seems to me, a lot depends on whether you are satisfied with the results you have achieved. If a person has achieved the goals he set himself, but still does not feel satisfied, will he call himself successful, even if everyone around him considers him so? And on the contrary, if a person is satisfied with what he has achieved, although success is not at all obvious to those around him, can he be called successful?

    I think that success is an internal and very personal state of a person. So is happiness. A person is only as successful as he feels.

    I wish you to feel these sensations and not part with it throughout your entire life.

And achieving this is one of the popular topics of modern psychology. Let's try to find an answer to a number of questions.

  • How is successful different from unsuccessful?
  • How to achieve this?
  • What are the criteria and standards of success available in society?

IN modern Russia The well-being of a citizen is usually judged by the presence of a prestigious car, expensive and famous from famous and fashionable designers, and the opportunity to vacation abroad. But that's only external signs, because a successful person has special traits that make him different from others. Let's talk about this in more detail.

First. Successful man will look for opportunities, and the unsuccessful will look for excuses and obstacles. For example, in a difficult situation of lack of money, the first will find a way to earn money, and the second will voice the reasons why it is difficult to earn money during the period

Second. A successful person will act despite reluctance, ignorance and fear. Those who are unsuccessful will put it off “for later.” The second category usually passively waits for the problem to be solved “on its own.”

Third. A successful person is a person who will always strive for more than he currently is. Otherwise, a special philosophy of life begins to operate: “Why? It will do as it is.”

Fourth. A successful person will not be afraid of falling because he knows that he will do anything to get back up. He has no fear or apprehension. The unsuccessful person is always afraid that he will make a mistake, because he will not even try to get back on his feet.

Fifth. A successful person will not need outside stimulation, since he is self-motivated, driven by passion and the need to prove his strength, interest and ability to achieve his goal. Otherwise, the maximum amount of effort will be required for the subject to finally realize what he is striving for.

Sixth. A successful person is not afraid to take risks because he understands that life is not predictable. That is why negative circumstances can interfere with the most well-thought-out plan. But the unsuccessful person will refuse to act from this thought. Therefore, the main thing will be just setting it up.

Seventh. A successful person can be patient, ready to go a long way towards his goal. Moreover, he is aware that in order to solve problems he will need to apply a large number of labor.

Eighth. A successful person will not be afraid of being rejected, but an unsuccessful person will be “knocked out of the saddle” by this situation. Moreover, if you try to achieve something in life, then without difficult moments not enough.

Ninth. A successful person believes only in himself, while an unsuccessful person believes in the words and opinions of others about himself and the world around him. Moreover, the second category of citizens usually submits to the opinions of the collective, agreeing sooner or later with the generally accepted point of view.

Tenth. A successful person is “helped” in his activities by a big, worthy dream, while an unsuccessful person will pursue small and short-term goals. There are a large number of examples in history when success came when a goal was chosen that was unattainable at first glance. But if done correctly, even a very bold strategy will be implemented.

Therefore, if we talk about how to be a successful person, then the following may be a clear answer. It is recommended to develop in yourself the qualities necessary for this. This is available to every person if there is a desire.

If we talk about how to try to develop these qualities, then you need to keep this in mind. Only if it happens constant development and adjusting your thoughts and actions in the indicated direction, you can become successful very quickly.

The consulting company TalentSmart conducted a large-scale study of the phenomenon. After studying data from more than a million people, the company found that super successful people have many common traits. For example, 90% of them know how to manage their emotions, remain focused, calm and productive in difficult situations. Dr. Travis Bradberry, CEO of TalentSmart, has identified 12 key strategies that super successful people use to achieve their goals. Some of these strategies may seem obvious, but the challenge is also learning how to apply them in time.

1. They are in control

Super successful people know how to, understand them, and use their understanding to maintain composure in difficult situations. When things aren't going well, super successful people remain calm and composed (which sometimes irritates those who tend to be dramatic). They know that everything changes and if circumstances are against them, then they just need to adapt to new conditions, trying to maintain a positive attitude and control over events.

2. They will know

Highly successful people know more than others because they are constantly seeking and acquiring new knowledge. They try to grow and fill every free hour with self-education. And they do this not because “it’s necessary” - they experience pleasure from the process of learning. They are not afraid to look stupid. Super successful people would rather learn something new than appear to know everything.

3. They think about it

Super successful people make decisions after careful consideration, they seek advice and do not act rashly. They believe (and not without reason) that impulsive behavior based on instincts is ineffective. The ability to pause and think logically helps you see all the nuances of a problem.

4. They speak with confidence

From super-successful people you rarely hear phrases like: “Well...,” “I’m not sure,” “It seems to me that...” and the like. Successful people speak with confidence and affirmation. This helps them communicate their ideas to other people and encourage them to follow those ideas.

5. They use body language

Using positive ones attracts people and makes anyone more convincing. A confident tone, uncrossed arms, eye contact with the interlocutor, a slight tilt in his direction - these are just some of the things that super successful people use to win others over. Body language determines How you speak, and often this is more important than What you speak.

6. They make an immediate impression.

Research shows that we form an impression of a person within the first seven seconds of meeting someone. And then we try in every possible way to reinforce this impression. Successful people use the moment of the first meeting to immediately produce good impression. And body language also helps a lot with this: a strong posture, a firm handshake, an open look, straightened shoulders, a smile.

7. They have small victories.

A super successful person loves to challenge himself and win, he does this even in small things. Any victory achieved leads to the emergence of new androgen receptors in the areas of the brain responsible for reward and motivation. An increase in the number of these receptors increases the effect of testosterone on the body, which increases the readiness to solve future problems. The effect of a series of small victories can last for several months.


8. They are not afraid

The dangers are real. But fear is just an emotion, fueled mainly by imagination. Fear is a kind of choice. Super successful people know this better than anyone, so they put fear out of their heads. Not only do they, but they also enjoy it.

9. They are polite

Super successful people combine strength and gentleness. They do not resort to intimidation and manipulation to get their point across, but instead use self-confidence and politeness. The word "softness" is often used in a negative way, especially in relation to the business sector. But in reality, politeness allows you to achieve what brute force can never achieve.

10. They are honest

Highly successful people believe that honesty, although painful, is beneficial in the long run. Honesty allows you to build strong relationships with people, but lies ultimately turn against the liar. Experts from the University of Notre Dame (Australia) found that the truth improves our mental health, while lying, on the contrary, is associated with problems in this area.

11. They are grateful to others

Super successful people know how much effort and time they put into getting where they are. They also know that others have played a huge role in their success: family, colleagues, teachers, friends. Successful people do not bask in the rays of glory, but feel sincere gratitude to everyone who helped them along the difficult path.

12. They know how to appreciate what they have

Truly successful people have achieved so much because of their ability to stop and take stock of what they already have. And they admit that they owe much of their positivity, endurance and motivation to a correct assessment of the opportunities that fate has given them.

According to Travis Bradberry, by developing these qualities, anyone can become more successful. And what do you think?

Many people dream of fame, wealth and happiness. However, not everyone succeeds in achieving something in life. From the article you will learn about how successful people became successful, how to find the main secrets and principles of luck.

An age-old mystery

Thousands of thinkers, scientists and ordinary people are trying to create a universal path to victory. Some people believe that achieving their goals in life is possible only through hard work. Others are sure that people receive a “ticket” from fortune from birth. Still others are convinced that a person becomes great only because of mystical coincidences. But the people who have actually succeeded know that only all the mentioned points together will help them catch the “firebird”.

Absolutely everyone is sure that everything depends on a particular person and his ability to recognize and use the chances that fate offers. Of course, it is impossible to achieve heights in one hour or in several lessons on the topic “How to become a successful person” from a famous lucky person. But if you strive for this and read the relevant literature, communicate with interesting people, that is, every chance to change your life for the better.

In any case, there are rules that unite all the rich and handsome men and women among themselves. The first secret is to set your goals and priorities correctly. Immediately think about who you want to be, for example, in 10-20 years, what you need to do to achieve what you want. Start with small tasks. If they are successful, then continue to work in the same spirit.

The second secret: when you go towards your goal, do not waste time on things that make you vulnerable and unsure of yourself. Try to avoid people who do not share your ideas. The ability to deal with difficulties, criticism and temptations are the main qualities of a successful person. You should remember: no matter how hard you try, there will be people who will not appreciate your work.

The third secret: do not put things off until later. Enthusiasm and ideas often lose out to laziness and lack of initiative, so try to cultivate punctuality and patience. After all, men and women with such traits are valued in the world.

Computer genius

The idol of many dreamers is Bill Gates. The story of this man is fascinating and instructive. He was born into a wealthy family. My father worked as a successful lawyer, and my mother was actively involved in charity work. The boy lived in a good area and attended an excellent school. Since childhood, parents tried to instill in their son the spirit of competition. The family made sure that the boy strived for science. Little Bill loved to play various games, in which he was often a winner.

Already at the age of 10, the boy decided that he would enter the circle of successful people. His father was a role model. Consequently, instead of playing sports and having fun with friends, the boy read a lot and spent time studying.

Ironically, the school had one of the very first computers. Even then he became interested in the unique car. Intuitively, he felt that the world would be changed by programs, and not by the devices on which they were installed. It was at this time that Bill created his first projects. The director encouraged students with bonuses. For his work, the boy received his first $500 at the age of 15. After graduating from school, the guy set a goal for himself - to make money from programming. It should be noted that not all the people around him believed in Bill’s powers.

Target and means

Parents, who knew nothing about computers, were against such a desire. They believed that successful people could not do such a thing, and they saw their son as a lawyer. The young man entered Harvard. He continued to write programs on the university's machines. He invested the money he earned for his ideas into business. In 1975, Bill and his friend opened their own company, which they called Microsoft. Often a genius worked so hard and diligently that he fell asleep right in the office. The guy dropped out of Harvard. His parents did not share his choice, but the computer genius did not give up.

Bill Gates knew how to become a successful person. The man's secret was hard work and fabulous ambitions.

In 1978, there were already 11 people sitting in the Microsoft office. Today, the program that his company created is used by 90% of computer users.

The history of this genius had its ups and downs, but he confidently walked towards his goal. Several times Bill Gates topped the list of the richest people on the planet. Now the multi-billionaire gives significant funds to charity. He donates millions to the poor and disadvantaged. His new goal in life - to save the world.

Grief as a stimulus

The most successful people work in different directions. If Bill Gates gained fame as a computer genius, then in the world of books, the championship belongs to JK Rowling.

The future writer was born into a simple family. Her homeland was the county of Gloucestershire, which is located in England. She had younger sister. It was to her that the author read her first stories. At the age of 5-6 Joan wrote a fairy tale. Childhood could not be called sweet. The family often lacked money. The girl was afraid of her father because of her complex character. And her mother, whom she loved very much, died when Joan was 25 years old. She experienced the tragedy very hard. But it was this death that pushed her to work. It should be noted that before drastic changes, almost all successful people in the world experience something terrible and unusual.

A few months before the disaster, while racing on a train, she imagined a dark-haired boy who had just learned that he was a wizard. At that moment, the novelist did not have a pen with her, so more and more new and vivid images popped up in her head.

Creativity is a pill for depression

She wrote the book very slowly. Behind a short time Rowling experienced the death of her mother, a divorce from her husband who beat her, and a move back to England. A woman with a small child, whom she gave birth to in 1993, lived very poorly. She suffered from severe depression for some time. Therefore, many dark and evil characters appeared in the draft of the Harry Potter book.

Life for successful people is not always easy. But this writer did not give up and continued to create. She was given strength by the dream that her novel would be published. The story that the world admires today began as Joan's diary. In it, she solved her problems with the help of fantastic situations. Work saved her from pain and suffering. The woman wrote when the child was sleeping after walking.

Rowling completed her first book in 1995. However, not a single publishing house she approached agreed to publish the story. One day, Harry Potter fell into the hands of the daughter of one of the editors. It was the interest of this girl that contributed to the novel being published. More than 400 million copies have now been sold. The writer is on the list of the richest women in Great Britain.


For some time, many friends and even strangers asked the famous author for money. Almost all successful people in the world face this situation. The woman helped many. But Joan is of the opinion that big money spoils personality. The writer herself lives quite modestly and very rarely, even despite her financial situation, allows himself expensive things.

Thousands of letters arrive in the writer’s mailbox every week. Some of them are from fans. Others are from various organizations that are asking for help. At first, Rowling gave funds to everyone. But then I realized that I couldn’t help anyone in particular. Later she decided to create her own charitable foundation. Almost all successful people turn to this practice. Her organization fights multiple sclerosis, from which her mother died.

No age limits

Everyone has long known that making a dream come true and a small triumph not only makes a person happy, but also improves his health. There is an excellent example that you can achieve success regardless of age and background. This is a unique person named Grandma Moses.

This American woman was born back in 1860. Since childhood I loved to draw. She worked hard on the farm all her life. She became an exemplary mother of five children and a good man. She did not have time for her favorite hobby.

The woman retired and started painting. Grandmother was over 70 years old when a collector from New York liked her work. Simple, soulful landscapes immediately captivated the world. Exhibitions of the artist’s paintings were held all over the world. The woman created about 1,600 paintings and died at 101 years old.

It should be noted that in 2004 her work “The Old Motley House, 1862” sold at auction for $60,000. The story of Grandmother Moses proves that the activities of a successful person do not depend on age.

Characteristics of goals

The secret of luck is unique to everyone. Some people need a good chance and useful connections to make their dream come true. For others - a lot of time and a lot of opportunities. But in any case, without colossal work, energy and ambition, it is impossible to wake up and become famous one day.

For many people, happiness and success are not measured by the amount of money they have. bank account, not in the army of fans who are on duty at the door. There are people for whom luck lies in realizing their dream, no matter how strange it may seem to others. The former want simple family comfort, the latter - career growth, third - the opportunity to freely travel around the world. For each individual person, triumph has its own characteristics.

Stories of how successful people became successful are a step that can bring you closer to your goal. It doesn't matter what a person sets for himself. If his aspirations are pure and bright, sincere work and circumstances will contribute to their realization.

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To be successful: what does it mean?

Option #1

You can consider yourself a successful person if you can learn from your defeats and become stronger. No one has yet managed to build their own life without mistakes, because they are part of an amazing journey to a more perfect self. Realizing this is already a great achievement.

Option No. 2

A successful person is one who gives up everything that does not make him happy, does not help him achieve his goal and drags him down. This behavior can be confused with self-centeredness, but in fact it is a sign of moral maturity. One should only rejoice at the emergence of selectivity and develop it in every possible way. Once you are on the right path, you can consider yourself successful.

Option No. 3

A successful person is always identified by his “positive” speech. This means the absence of complaints and the syndrome of OGJ (“resentment at an unfair life”). Many people express their dissatisfaction bad work, rising prices, not such a president, etc. By uttering such phrases, they attract negativity into their lives and aggravate their own situation. Successful people pronounce much more words with a “plus” sign: “I will achieve it,” “I will succeed,” etc.

Option No. 4

One of the main signs of a successful person is the harmonious relationships he builds with the people around him - colleagues, friends, parents. But constant conflicts and scandals indicate emotional immaturity.

From a psychological point of view

What does it mean to be successful from a psychological point of view? This refers to views on life and relationships between people. The latter can be divided into friendly and business.

The signs of a successful person can be identified:

  • Responsibility. The individual realizes that results are achieved only with an appropriate attitude towards their implementation. Such a person tries to effectively solve the problem he takes on. To others, he appears reliable, aware of the value of words and actions.
  • Discipline and self-control. It is a rare person who is able to achieve anything without the proper level of self-organization. The final result depends on how much an individual can discipline himself.
  • Ability to learn and think effectively. An effective person never thinks that he knows and can do everything. Therefore, at any time, if necessary, she is ready to master a new amount of knowledge and skills for the optimal way out of the current situation. Such a person not only accumulates knowledge, she analyzes it, leaving behind well-proven methods of resource management.
  • Desire to set goals. An individual must want to achieve something in life. The desire and ability to set goals is a determining factor in how successful his further actions will be in the future.
  • Ability to plan and achieve results. Any idea requires proper planning and implementation. This step is a natural extension of the desire to set goals. The most important thing is to come up with good idea, draw up a plan that takes into account possible risks, and follow it, despite varying difficulties. This means that a successful person will not retreat and give up.

  • Hard work. Work as a process in skillful hands brings pleasure. And for those who do not understand why it is needed, it is a heavy burden. An accomplished person enjoys his work because he understands why it is being done and what specific result the work will lead to.
  • Energy and healthy image life. Health is a resource like any other. Therefore, in order to productively implement goals, it is worth paying attention to preserving this asset. An energetic lifestyle directly affects the perception of the world around us, and therefore leads to growth in the implementation of plans.
  • A sober outlook on things and self-confidence. An intelligent person understands that in life nothing falls from the sky and is not given for free. He understands that everything must be achieved through hard, productive work. An accomplished individual must be the master of his own circumstances. A self-confident person understands that most obstacles that appear on the way are surmountable, and some exist only in the imagination.
  • Circle of friends. A person who values ​​time will not waste it on people who are unable to give him anything in any respect. This may be expressed in the fact that he will exclude from his social circle persons who do not know how to keep their word. He is guided by the principle “the people who take up most of your time are more important to you.” Therefore, people who want to be successful try to exclude from their circle those who represent a certain kind of ballast.
  • Effective time management. The ability to organize time well in itself is worth a lot. Time is far from an endless resource that can be scattered at will. An organized person will always be able to answer where he will be at one time or another.

The first sign of a successful person. Obsession with competition.

Firstly, successful people are simply obsessed with competition. It doesn’t matter what they need to be faster, better, bigger or stronger. They have only one desire - I will do it better than you. And in a capitalist environment, everything rests on competition. Capitalism itself is based on competition.

Sports are based on competition. All the politicians who convince us that they best candidates In elections, it is usually the strongest rivals who reach the highest positions. They strive to be first.

Imagine there is a work environment and there is the best employee in it. Like any office or sports team, there is a best player. And suddenly a new player appears and joins the work team or sports team. He immediately sees the best employee as a rival. Everything that the first one does is repeated by the second one. Diet, discipline, schedule, everything, because he wants to be better. And if the second one competes better than the first one, he will overtake him. That's how life works.

The second sign of a successful person. They get things done.

When successful people put together puzzles, they don't stop until they finish. If they play a game, then they must complete the game. If they read a book, they should finish it and this is an indicator. There are people who read only two chapters of a book and this is a sign that they do not like to go to the end. They are looking for the easy way. And the one who goes to the end does it in everything and looks for a way to complete what he started.

The third sign of a successful person. Your surroundings earn more than you.

Your environment should earn more than you. They should be better than you in life, finances, and profits. If your environment is richer and more successful, then sooner or later you will catch up with them. This is a formula, not a simple accident.

This is why many who have not achieved success often like to surround themselves with people of a lower level in order to appear better against their background. Successful people always surround themselves with more successful people because they strive to reach the same level.

The fourth sign of a successful person. The brain works non-stop.

The brain of a successful person always works non-stop. These people regularly think: what if this happens?, what if I can do the same?, what if I talk to him?, what if I go to a meeting?, we have to do this, remember we discussed this this morning, if we If we do this, we will get this. Their brains do not stand still; they are constantly thinking about something.

The fifth sign of a successful person. How competent people evaluate you.

How competent people see your success. Let's say I met Ivan. Ivan knows the director, the football coach, his uncle and another person for whom he works. And they all say that Ivan will succeed, he is successful. These four people can back it up with facts that he will succeed.

Why do these four constantly meet with Ivan? Because they know everything about him weak sides, all his habits. They know if he knows how to get things done. Does he prefer to surround himself with more successful people? They know that he has the characteristics of a successful person and treat him with authority. Competent people believe in you. These people believe in your success.

The sixth sign of a successful person. Learn new things.

Successful people always improve. They don't know any other way. They want to learn about this, improve their skills in this area and in another. They always try to study more and discover more.

1. You say “Yes” to things that are not important to you and for which you do not have time.

Respect your time and energy by focusing only on the people and things that really matter. Even if you plan your time, it will not help you. Because you will spend it recovering from unnecessary things done.

2. You think of yourself as if you are incapable of success.

We've all at one time or another felt the need to improve our appearance to impress someone. We also know that we don't have to do a certain thing, but we do it anyway. This is the main sign of self-disrespect. It is not enough to understand, it is important to do the right thing. And if we are not good enough for someone or something, this is not a reason for sadness and disrespect for ourselves. The truth is that these things are not good enough for you.

3. You often agree with what they say just so as not to offend your interlocutor.

Our opinions matter, and when we don't express them, it shows that they don't really matter. And those around you see it. If someone is offended by our honest and thoughtful opinions, then they didn't need the truth and didn't want to hear anything. They were simply looking for a person who could always agree with their opinions. Show respect to others by speaking only what you think. Moreover, this will show that you can respect yourself.

4. You put the needs of others before your own.

You will never help yourself if you prioritize the needs of others. Ignoring what you need in terms of rest, relaxation and overall well-being is detrimental. We work better, are more productive, and are emotionally stable when we take care of ourselves.

5. You feel guilty if you do what you need to do. Especially if someone advised you to do something differently.

Seeking advice has its place in our lives, but it is important to remember that it is only advice. Whether you gave it or received it from someone else, you shouldn't feel guilty just because you acted differently. It just means it wasn't quite right at the time. Don't feel guilty that you acted counter to the advice you received and were able to make the decision you really needed.

6. You don't defend your position.

No one thrives in conflict, and sometimes it's easier to just step aside. You have to balance yourself and your position to protect yourself. To show respect for yourself, it is important that people know the truth about you and the role you play in certain situations. Sometimes, you need to make a decision to correct the wrong course of events. And sometimes, to improve the already positive course of things. In any case, creating a clear and clear picture is the ultimate sign of self-respect.

7. You often hide your feelings.

A person is a combination of feelings and emotions. But society has taught us to keep them secret, so as not to make everyone around you uncomfortable and so that other people do not look at you askance. You disrespect yourself every time you say that everything is fine, but in reality, it is not. Be true to yourself. It defines you as a person and shows others that you are capable of being authentic.

8. You often seek the attention of others.

The only attention that really matters is the attention we give to ourselves. When we pay attention to others, we are simply looking for external confirmation of what we probably already know. If you find yourself seeking the approval of someone else, take a look at yourself and understand what you are truly lacking.

9. You often try to please others by turning into a weak person.

We each have the ability to influence our own happiness, and when we are happy, we want others to feel the same. The problem is that trying to make others happy causes you to lose those emotions yourself. You become exhausted from trying without results or exhausted after achieving the final result. We can instigate the biggest changes by focusing solely on ourselves. As Mahatma Gandhi said: “Be the change we want to see in the world.”

Galochkina Elena Borisovna

Psychologist Toronto
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In my opinion, a person’s success can be assessed by two criteria: external and internal. External are signs of success that are socially approved in a given culture (status, condition, social status etc.). Internal ones are the individual criteria of each individual, according to which he classifies (or does not classify) himself as a successful person. And they can either coincide with external ones (fully or partially) or be completely different. If a person relies in his life only on external criteria, then he gradually becomes very neurotic (since competition is high) and in this race for external attributes of success he can completely lose himself, his needs and values. This is fraught with disappointment in adulthood, dissatisfaction with life and the inability to effectively resolve existential crises. But the second option (reliance only on internal criteria) is also not ideal; it can lead to complete separation from reality, decreased social adaptation and even social rejection.

Therefore, it seems to me optimal to have a mixed option, when a person relies on both external and internal criteria, compiling them in an individual and acceptable proportion. At the same time, it is important not to forget to check your well-being (both physical and psychological) every time in the process of moving towards success, to be able to hear your basic needs and not ignore them.

If we talk about strategies for achieving success, it seems to me that important elements any of them will be the following things:

  • perseverance. Success comes as a result of many efforts; it usually does not come to those who make only one effort on the way to it.
  • the ability to cope with failures. This must be done by allowing all the feelings that arise as a result of failure to manifest themselves and live in your body, be able to express these feelings, then, after anger, despair and emptiness, new impulses, new energy and new resources will come to you.
  • attitude towards success. If you do not put success at the forefront, but main goal of your life still determine your own personal development (and consider success as by-effect development), then (as practice shows) success becomes much more achievable.
  • support. Important on the way own development(aka the path to success) be able to find support for yourself wherever you can get it. For this, it is important for a person to have communication skills, be open to the world and experience, and respect himself and others.

If I briefly try to express my basic idea of ​​\u200b\u200bsuccess and success, then, probably, it can be done like this: If you develop and follow the path intended for you by nature, you will always be successful. Success can be determined by different criteria, but the main thing, after all, is your own attitude towards yourself and your success.


  • https://obzor.westsib.ru/article/382684
  • http://vsezdorovo.com/2018/04/chto-oznachaet-byt-uspeshnym/
  • https://urazuma.ru/uspekh-i-dengi/uspeshnyj-chelovek-eto-1.html
  • https://7sof.ru/tips_and_motivation/priznaki-uspeshnogo-cheloveka.html
  • https://novostiifakty.mediasole.ru/10_priznakov_togo_chto_vy_neuvazhitelno_otnosites_k_sebe
  • https://www.all-psy.com/ks/ya-uspeshnyi-chelovek.html

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