How to make money making wedding accessories. Opening a wedding salon

Business 16.07.2023

In the small business sector, the idea of ​​wedding decorations is gaining enormous popularity. After all, the work is not dusty and very pleasant; making money is creating a holiday.
Before you start organizing a business, you must delve into your head to understand whether you have enough imagination and ideas, because they will be the basis of a successful business if you are going to work alone.

Where to look for a client?
It would seem that no one needs this service, because you can invest your energy into the organization and that’s it. But no, there are a huge number of young people who are planning to start a family, they want their wedding to be decorated at the highest level, and who but a professional can make all their desires come true?

So what about clients?
In order to acquire clients at the beginning of a business, you must not skimp on advertising your services. Agree, advertising is the engine of progress, in its modern form. Approach this matter responsibly, create a blog, post information on social networks, print business cards with a contact number and information about your services and distribute them, leave business cards where there is a huge crowd of people and where they will be visible to the human eye. Further, when you already have your own customer base, the information will spread by itself, because in order to order such a service, people want to hear good reviews about the organizer, and this means - everything is in your hands! If you decorated a wedding well, you'll get good fame; if you decorated it poorly, you'll get bad fame. Don’t skimp on ideas, expand the boundaries of your imagination, and approach the process creatively.

Like any other business, a wedding decoration business will require investment. Let's take a broader look at design ideas, and based on this, calculate the investments.
For a beautiful design you will need the following equipment: fresh flowers, balloons, ribbons, silk fabric for decorating the room, beads, sparkles, glue for decorating bottles, glasses, candles, this is an approximate list.
To beautifully decorate the room, its walls and furniture you will need fresh flowers. Flowers can be purchased at a wholesale price or grown yourself; both options require investment.
On the one hand, it seems that growing flowers yourself will be more profitable, and it is, but you need to take into account the fact that you will need a place for growing, fertilizer, soil, watering, etc. In addition, in any case, you need a place to store live floristry; in summer you need to protect your equipment from heat, in winter - from frost. You will need a cool room (for example, a basement) and containers with heating and lighting.

Regarding balloons, you can purchase them at a wholesale price, and you can also arrange to fill some of them with helium. Also, to decorate the hall, you will need to purchase beautiful satin material, and if you use it carefully, you can use it several times, in addition, you can increase the price if you decorate the hall with new material or make a discount when decorating something that has already been used. To beautifully decorate dishes, glasses, bottles, you will need beads, glue, glitter, ribbons, all of this can also be purchased in bulk. Then everything depends on imagination and creativity, which you must be armed with if you want to promote a profitable business. An important note: by decorating the hall alone, you can save a decent amount, but there is a risk that you will not have time, so you should always have someone on hand, preferably a person from the family.

To decorate a hall with balloons you will need skills, you can look up information on the Internet, or you can take appropriate courses, their price is not so high, but experience and skills are priceless. When it comes to decorating tableware, everything is easier, because you can watch such handmade tutorials online.
More specifically about costs and investments.

If you are developing a truly profitable business, then you should do everything according to the rules and the law. Therefore, you will need to register an individual entrepreneur, also rent office space, and decorate the office with the necessary furniture; this pleasure will incur costs in the amount of 150,000 rubles. You will also need a personal, corporate website, the development of which will cost 30,000-35,000 rubles.

If you are planning a wide business with staff, then the costs will be higher, wages for staff, plus payments to the tax office - this is about 100,000 rubles, if you work alone, you will save on this. Well, you will have to spend 20,000 rubles on advertising and 25,000 rubles on office rent every month. In general, the cost is 140,000 rubles per month. Taking Moscow as an example, if you do this business in smaller cities, then the waste will be an order of magnitude less.

Now we can talk about the profitability of such a project. Payment will depend on the number of services provided. And of course, each specific wedding banquet is individual in its own way, some are luxurious, while others are saving.

On average, monthly revenue will be about 130,000 rubles. There is a pattern: more in summer, less in winter.
It should be noted that the initial costs will only be in the first month. Further costs will be recouped.

As for profit.
Having established a good chain, you can earn good money, the amount depends on many factors: the size of the hall, the number of guests, as well as the personal wishes of the newlyweds. One important thing to remember is that the competition in this business is very high, so you need to make every effort to create your own personal highlight, to create something original and unique, which is why the client will choose you and not another specialist. Having established your business and worked on advertising, you will begin to enjoy the profits. And the relevance in the field of wedding business was, is and will be very high.

Drawing a conclusion, it should be noted that business requires certain investments and costs, but it is quite obvious that in this business the return on costs will not be long in coming. Working alone, you can make very good money, or you can create a family business.

Having gained experience at weddings, and feeling your own professionalism, you can think about expanding your business, start decorating banquet halls for birthdays, corporate events, concerts, children's parties, the list of reasons for which people can organize parties is very large, and you have a lot of opportunities to earn money , the main thing is to be on your guard, do your work conscientiously and creatively, then clients will line up for your services.
Finally, I would like to note the most important nuance for a successful business; it is best to start a business in small cities, where there is less competition.

Useful tips.
In order to increase business income, expand the list of your services, expand advertising events and try to work not only within your city, but also in other regions.
Set a goal for yourself, draw up a personal business plan, get an office, get acquainted with possible competitors, compare your strengths and go ahead.

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How to open an online store for wedding accessories – relevance of the idea + features of business registration + 7 steps of project implementation + main points to pay attention to.

Initial investment: from 325,000 rubles
Payback period: 8-10 months

The wedding business is quite an expensive business...

Just purchasing dresses and suits is worth it.

In addition, it is only beneficial in large cities, where to achieve success you need to stand out from your competitors.

But you can take a less expensive, but still interesting route, and sell accessories, which are also an important part of such a holiday.

By opening, you will not only choose a niche worthy of doing business, but will also make the lives of future newlyweds easier, because they will be able to order the wedding attire and decor attributes they need in one place.

Also, this business option will appeal to those who create wedding accessories with their own hands, but still cannot understand how to proceed.

The relevance of the idea of ​​opening an online store for wedding accessories

A wedding is one of the main holidays in the lives of many people...

Western countries have long practiced providing services.

In our country, this industry is just developing, but quite dynamically, and more and more couples prefer to trust professionals who take on the organization and design of the ceremony.

What are we talking about?

Moreover, nowadays a lot of attention is paid to organizing weddings, and a lot of money is spent on it.

And regardless of whether future spouses involve specialists or not, they will have to take into account such an important expense item as the purchase of accessories. Not a single love holiday would be complete without them, because these small details create a certain atmosphere and set the mood for the holiday.

Customers who will shop in your online store for wedding accessories are unlikely to become regulars, but it is a fact that the number of couples who have decided to legalize their relationship is constantly increasing.

By choosing the path of online sales, you get a chance to expand your sales market and work not only in your city.

Weddings take place not only in big cities, but small and medium-sized cities lack a choice of accessories, so an online store is a way out for them.

Another important detail is that you do not have to rent retail space for a store somewhere in the city center, make repairs to it and purchase commercial equipment.

The main expenses will be the purchase of goods, creation of a website and its promotion.

1) How to register your online wedding accessories store?

The first step when starting any business (after writing detailed information) is to register it. This procedure will be similar to opening a stationary store, because you do not need to obtain any additional permits or licenses.

So, before opening an online store for wedding accessories, you must decide on the form of ownership - individual entrepreneur or LLC.

To do this, we invite you to familiarize yourself with the following registration features that will help you decide:

2) Assortment of online store for wedding accessories.

Only newlyweds and those who sell wedding accessories understand their importance and can appreciate how vast this category of goods is.

And it is important for the client that they are all collected in one place, so that nothing is forgotten in the pre-holiday bustle.

So, wedding accessories can be divided into the following categories:

Accessories for the bride and groom:

  • bijouterie;
  • handbags;
  • garters;
  • tiaras;
  • headbands;
  • boutonnieres;
  • cufflinks
  • Banquet hall decor:

    • glasses;
    • champagne bottle decorations;
    • Garlands;
    • Balloons;
    • seating cards;
    • candles;
    • boxes for money.
  • Car decorations:

    • ribbons;
    • magnets;
    • stickers.
  • Other accessories:

    • invitations for guests;
    • towels;
    • locks of love.
  • As you may have noticed, the number of product categories is quite large, and in your online store you should offer a wide selection of accessories so that future clients can find something that suits their wedding style.

    3) Renting a warehouse and searching for suppliers for a wedding accessories store.

    Many people want to open an online store because they do not need to rent a separate premises. But if you look forward, having your own separate warehouse is not only practical, but also convenient.

    Firstly, you are unlikely to want to store goods at home, and secondly, in addition to delivery throughout the city and regions, you can organize pickup.

    In this case, look for suitable premises in populated areas, near metro stations or near landmarks familiar to all residents of the locality.

    Do you need a separate office? No, in the rented premises you can organize a special room for operators who will receive and send orders.

    The next step is to find suppliers. Modern conditions offer several options for how this can be done:

    • Internet;
    • specialized exhibitions;
    • thematic forums;
    • newspapers.

    For the first case, just type in “wholesale wedding accessories” in the search. Review several options, paying special attention to prices, delivery methods, and the ability to preview products.

    But at various exhibitions we can find those who sell handmade wedding accessories.

    It would be nice to collaborate with them and make a separate section for their products marked “hand-made”.

    4) Creation of a website for an online store of wedding accessories.

    So, you have decided on the assortment, found suppliers, equipped a warehouse, this means that it is time to create the wedding accessories itself.

    You can take the easiest path - register an account on a social network (Vkontakte, Instagram) and start online sales there. They also have their place, but today we are talking about creating a full-fledged website.

    It’s up to you to decide whether to turn to specialists or use your own strength, armed with textbooks on web mastering. But we still recommend trusting professionals whose work will be noticeable even to the clients of your online store.

    In any case, the list of actions will be as follows:

  • Website creation

    There are three ways:

    • develop it yourself
    • rent a ready-made online store. Costs in this case will be about 10,000 rubles per month.
    • contact web studio specialists. Their work will cost from 10,000 to 60,000 rubles. The cost of the work will depend on the complexity of the design.
  • Site content

    So, all goods are in your warehouse.

    First of all, you need to take high-quality photographs. After all, wedding accessories perform a decorative function, so you need to be able to present them to customers.

    In order not to transport goods back and forth, you can invite a photographer who will shoot all the material right in the warehouse.

    Each wedding accessory must have a brief description.

    It would also be a good idea to create some kind of greeting on the website to familiarize customers with the assortment of your online store.

    Connecting payment systems

    We will devote the next section of our article to this issue.

    But in any case, you must give your customers a choice to pay for their order.

    Here you need to resort to various methods, again we’ll talk about them a little later.

    5) Website promotion.

    Clients are purposefully looking for an online store for wedding accessories. But this does not mean that you should not do anything to promote your site.

    To get started, contact specialists who will help you get promoted, and for this the following methods are used:

      Specialists will be able to fine-tune the settings so that the targeted customers click on the advertisement.

      It would be nice to have your own pages on .

      Most often, unmarried girls aged 20 years and older search for them.

      SEO optimization

      Thanks to key queries, you can promote your online store of wedding accessories to the first 10 or 20 in the search.

    6) Personnel search.

    In order for the online wedding accessories store to function smoothly, you will need to select the following personnel:

    At first, the responsibilities of a manager, accountant and purchasing manager can be taken on by the owner of an online wedding accessories store.

    By independently monitoring these processes, you can know for sure how things are going and immediately identify weaknesses in the business on the spot.

    7) Selecting a payment and delivery system for orders.

    Let's find out how the population of our country prefers to pay when ordering goods on the Internet:

    Even though the number of bank card holders is constantly increasing, it is still more convenient for our consumers to pay in cash.

    Even with such a dynamic development of online shopping, many customers still do not trust online stores.

    In any case, for the convenience of customers, you need to provide several payment methods:

    Payment method Description
    Required payment methods

    Cash upon receipt

    The courier delivers the goods to the buyer, who inspects it and pays.

    If the courier is “your own”, then a cash register is required.

    If you use third-party courier services, you don’t need a cash register.


    If you plan to deliver wedding accessories outside your city, then you cannot do without cash on delivery.

    Its meaning is that the client receives the parcel at the post office and pays for it there.

    Of course, the money will take a long time to come to you, but without this method you may lose potential buyers.

    Using a bank card (acquiring)

    The most profitable option for receiving payment for the seller.

    The money immediately goes to his bank account.

    The only drawback of this method is the commission that you need to pay to the bank.

    Desired payment methods

    Electronic money

    To do this, you need to register corporate e-wallets, and also not work on free hosting.

    The main advantage of this payment method is the instantaneous receipt of funds.

    Bank transfer

    Not the most popular method, but especially distrustful buyers will still prefer it to paying with a bank card.

    You will simply be required to issue an invoice to the client, who must pay at the nearest bank branch, after which the funds will be credited to your account.

    When it comes to delivering packages with wedding accessories to clients, it all depends on your ambitions.

    If you want to work “on site”, then you can hire your own courier or use the services of courier services.

    Again, you can organize pickup in your city. The client makes a pre-order, you, in turn, provide him with information about the availability of the goods he is interested in, he comes to your office and picks up his order.

    But if you want to get customers throughout the country or some regions, then you will have to cooperate with the post office. Naturally, delivery costs will fall on the shoulders of customers of the online wedding accessories store.

    When an online wedding accessories store starts operating, testing the waters can only be done at the local level.

    Firstly, this will allow you to avoid making too large batches of purchases, and secondly, you will carefully study the demand and seasonality of the business.

    What wedding accessories can be sold in an online store?

    They talk in detail about the necessary things at the seminar for brides!

    How much does it cost to open an online wedding accessories store? Now let's move on to the burning issue regarding the financial component of the business.

    The most significant cost items when opening an online store for wedding accessories are the services of a web studio and the purchase of the first batch of goods. So get ready to have $5,000 - $6,000 available.

    Also have a reserve in reserve for unforeseen situations.

    Expense item Amount, rub.Total: from RUB 325,000.
    Business registrationup to 10,000
    Web studio services for website creationfrom 10,000 to 60,000
    Domain and hosting for a year2 000
    Warehouse rent for the first month20 000
    Office arrangement50 000
    Purchase of the first batch of goodsfrom 80 000
    Photographers Serviceup to 8,000
    Filling the site with contentfrom 3,000 to 6,000
    Advertisingfrom 30 000
    Payment of the first salary to staff95 000
    Internet and telephone connection7 000
    other expenses10 000

    As for the payback of an online store for wedding accessories, the average markup on goods is 80-100%. Therefore, with a successful start, the business will be able to pay for itself in 8-10 months.

    Finally, I would like to say about the following details:

    • Do not use borrowed texts to fill the site; control the uniqueness of the written product descriptions.
    • When deciding to hire your own courier or accept cash during self-pickup, make sure you have a cash register.
    • Along with the sent parcel, the seller is obliged to send a document containing information about the product, the timing of its return and the client’s rights.

    Having opened your online wedding accessories store, develop it, work on the quality of service and pay due attention to advertising, because you will be constantly looking for new customers.

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    First, we will find out whether it is profitable to open a wedding salon, whether it is worth doing this business, and then a ready-made example of a business plan and instructions on how to open it.

    In one month, a small wedding salon in St. Petersburg has the opportunity to earn approximately 600-800 thousand rubles. Sales are considered especially profitable in the summer months, and in the fall or winter sales drop several times. Recently, wedding dresses are more often bought than rented. St. Petersburg wedding dresses are especially in demand among foreigners. The choice here is as great as in Europe, and the prices are several times lower. After all, at average European prices, just a pattern for a dress in a salon will cost $300, and sewing a dress in St. Petersburg will cost $250. Dressmakers not only sew dresses to order and to expand the range, but also provide customization services for finished outfits.

    How to open a wedding salon?

    If the business plan has convinced you of the relevance of this business, then consider the question of how to open a wedding salon.


    The space for a wedding salon can be no more than 30 square meters. A good showcase and a walkable place is an important point. The premises may be in the city center or simply in a crowded place. An excellent option is to rent in a large shopping center.

    The wedding salon will only require cosmetic repairs. Good lighting and a large fitting room are a must. The design should be simple so as not to distract visitors from the product.


    To equip the salon, 10 thousand rubles are enough, which will be spent on purchasing mannequins, racks for dresses, mirrors, hangers and installing a display case. All this can be easily bought at the St. Petersburg market. It is worth taking care of catalogs and photo albums for clients, as well as consumables and materials. Considering the wear and tear rate of wedding dresses, some salons charge money for fitting, which is refunded upon purchase.


    The owner of the salon can handle the accounting herself, but she needs an administrator in the hall who will handle organizational issues. On average, such a sales consultant in St. Petersburg receives $300.


    Approximately 20 outfit models will be enough to work with.

    The main share of ready-made dresses that are presented on the market are produced in Ukraine. Their average price is 4-7 thousand rubles. These outfits are the most popular and cheapest. More expensive are dresses from Spain and Italy.

    A very large part of the dresses are sewn by our own seamstresses. Each of them is exclusive. During the season, the salon sells up to 40 ready-made dresses with a trade markup from 70 to 100%. Rent is 40-50% of the cost. And 20% of sales are accessories for the outfit.

    Attracting clients

    In order to attract as many clients as possible, you need to start providing additional services. New this season is a bonus package, which, along with a dress and accessories, includes the services of a photographer, toastmaster and hairdresser. If desired, additional services can be included in such a bonus package. On average, a bonus package costs 10 thousand rubles. In addition, many bridal shops that are already open make and/or rent evening dresses that will be in demand all year round.

    Financial market experts say that the wedding business can generate good income. This is a fairly profitable and successful line of business, which is perfect for both experienced entrepreneurs and beginners. In this article we will tell you how to open a wedding salon from scratch and avoid mistakes at the stage of business formation.

    Business Features

    If you have firmly decided that I want to open a wedding business, first of all you need to decide on the size of the initial investment. This is not easy to do. You will have to spend a lot of time and effort developing your wedding business idea. The work of the salon should cover as many areas of activity as possible. Selling wedding dresses, suits and accessories will bring a good profit, but if you want to earn decent money, you also need to offer clients services for decorating a banquet hall, providing various wedding attributes, etc.

    Before opening a wedding salon from scratch, you need to research the market and carefully analyze the work of competitors. It is advisable that your salon has something new and original that may intrigue customers, but at the same time it does not repeat what is available in other stores operating nearby. A wedding is a very important event, so almost all newlyweds strive to create their own unique style both in clothing and in all other details. This very important point must not be overlooked.

    After you study the work of other stores, based on the results obtained, you can draw conclusions about what products should not be offered in your store and what omissions of competitors can be used to your advantage. To attract as many customers as possible, you need to choose new, extraordinary models. If you decide to open a wedding salon business, be prepared for the fact that you will have to constantly develop new ideas that will attract customers like a magnet.

    Wedding dresses and accessories are always in demand, even during a financial crisis. Experienced entrepreneurs who have achieved great success in this area can tell you how to open a wedding business. But they are unlikely to share the intricacies of a commercial idea with newcomers. It’s very good if you have some kind of base - your own premises for a salon or a sewing workshop. But how to open a wedding dress salon from scratch? We will try to answer this question in our article.

    Advantages and disadvantages The demand for wedding dresses and accessories is constantly growing, as the number of people wishing to celebrate their wedding in a magnificent manner increases significantly. Any girl or woman wants to look irresistible on this special day. This explains the advantages of the idea of ​​opening a wedding salon:
    • Stable demand for the product. Recently, the number of marriages in our country has increased significantly. The decline in trade volumes in winter more than compensates for the annual summer wedding boom;
    • Wedding dresses are not cheap, so their sale is highly profitable;
    • Due to the high demand for products and not very large capital investments, all initial investments pay off in 6-8 months.
    • Recently, the wedding agency business has become very popular, so there is a high level of competition here;
    • Sales volumes are influenced by both weather and time of year. If you want to open a wedding salon in a small town, be prepared for the fact that in winter it will bring in little profit;
    • Due to seasonal sales and, accordingly, inconsistent profits, many banks refuse to lend to such businesses, which significantly complicates its development;
    • Constant updating of the assortment. If you don't follow fashion trends, your business will quickly go downhill.
    Business plan

    So, you have decided to open a wedding salon; a business plan is the most important document that will help you properly organize your work at the formation stage. First, let's find out whether it is profitable to open a wedding salon and whether it is worth doing such a business in our time. A ready-made business plan for a wedding salon, drawn up by experienced specialists, will help you with this. You must develop a development strategy, figure out how to attract customers and decide how to “survive” in the off-season. Objectively assess your capabilities and think about whether you can organize such a business on your own. A good option for beginners might be to buy a wedding salon franchise.

    We bring to your attention an example of a business plan for a wedding salon:

    • Preparation of documents;
    • Finding suitable premises;
    • Preparation of documents;
    • Payment of state duty;
    • Cosmetic renovation of the premises;
    • Development of a range of goods and services;
    • Purchase of equipment and goods;
    • Recruitment;
    • Advertising;
    • Search for partners;
    • Control of business functioning.

    For each of these points, appropriate decisions need to be made. In the process of work, other unforeseen circumstances may arise, but despite this, you must prepare as much as possible and act in accordance with the business plan you have drawn up for opening a wedding salon.

    Before opening a wedding dress salon from scratch, you can try to create an online store to gain the necessary experience in this field. Of course, it is impossible to do without a stationary wedding salon in this business, since newlyweds usually buy outfits only after careful fitting. But thanks to online trading, you will be able to figure out which products are in great demand and will not invest in a product that is obviously unprofitable.

    Development strategy After you have drawn up a business plan for a wedding dress salon, you need to develop a competent strategy for the development of your business. Despite the fact that this area of ​​activity opens up broad prospects for beginners, you will have to start small. An ordinary wedding salon, designed for buyers with average incomes, as a rule, offers clients no more than 10–20 different models of dresses and suits. If you rely on solid, wealthy visitors, you will need serious financial investments.

    Before opening a wedding salon, you need to decide how it will work:

    • You buy ready-made dresses in bulk and sell them at a higher price. This is the most convenient, but at the same time, losing option. There is a high level of competition in this business. If you cannot satisfy all customer requests, the salon will become unprofitable;
    • The salon offers a minimal assortment (20–30 models). Customers can choose the rest of the outfits from the catalog and place an individual order. You can open a small atelier in a salon and sew dresses yourself, but for this you will need a good craftsman. In addition, you need to have a seamstress on staff who will be responsible for adjusting outfits to fit your figure;
    • The problem of business seasonality can be solved by expanding the range. Add evening and cocktail dresses to your wedding dresses. People buy beautiful clothes for various festive and special events that take place at different times of the year. Thanks to this, your salon will work without downtime;
    • If you want to increase the profitability of your business, try selling wedding dresses to order. As a rule, such a service is in great demand;
    • Think about what you can offer your clients to make your salon unique. Recently, many newlyweds are ordering turnkey wedding planning. This means that you will choose a wedding outfit, as well as shoes, accessories, decorations for the banquet hall, cars for the wedding procession, etc.

    Having decided on the development strategy, you can move on to the next stage - choosing a room for the salon.


    Beginners often wonder where to start opening a wedding salon? Of course, from the choice of location and premises. You need to look for it in a place where there is a constant flow of people. Please note that glass display cases can be made indoors, which will be clearly visible from the street. The salon should be spacious so that many mannequins with different models of dresses and suits can be displayed in it.

    The most popular models should be located in the center of the hall and in glass display cases. Once you have placed the mannequins, you need to allocate space for the fitting booth. For this you will need 10–15 sq. meters of area, good lighting and a large mirror. It is best to open a wedding salon in a shopping complex or on one of the central streets of the city.


    If you want to open a wedding salon, you can purchase the same equipment as for a clothing store. It is not advisable to make major repairs in a rented premises. It’s enough just to put it in order - paint the walls and change the flooring. The walls in the salon should not be too bright, so when choosing a color scheme it is better to give preference to calm pastel colors. One of the most important requirements is high-quality lighting. The color white has more than 20 different shades. You must provide enough lighting in the showroom so that customers can easily distinguish each of them.

    If you decide to open a wedding dress salon in a rented space, it is unlikely that the owner will allow you to drill into the walls and attach hangers to them, so it is better to purchase floor structures. You will need special display cases for jewelry and accessories. Separate racks must be installed for shoes. When choosing equipment, pay special attention to its functionality and quality. The best option is lightweight, but at the same time durable structures. The cost of purchasing equipment must be included in the business plan of the wedding salon.

    Required types of commercial equipment in a wedding salon:
    • Mannequin – 6 thousand rubles (20 pieces);
    • Floor hanger – 10 thousand rubles (5 pieces);
    • Showcase for accessories – 15 thousand rubles (2 pieces);
    • Cash register – 40 thousand rubles (with registration with the tax office);
    • Fitting podium – 15 thousand rubles (2 pieces);
    • Chairs for visitors – 5 thousand rubles (4 pieces);
    • Large mirrors – 10 thousand rubles (4 pieces);
    • Signboard – 50 thousand rubles.

    You will spend 380 thousand rubles to purchase all the necessary equipment. Decide for yourself whether it is worth opening a wedding salon, but I would like to note that this is not too much starting capital to start such a promising and profitable business.

    Video on the topic

    Financial investments and profits

    Now let's try to find the answer to the most important question: how much does it cost to open a wedding salon? If you rent a building, you will need about 1 million rubles to decorate the sales area and purchase the first batch of goods. These are rough estimates, since the final amount of starting capital largely depends on the location of the salon. In a small city it will be much smaller. The most expensive option is to build or buy your own premises. In this case, you will have to shell out several million rubles.

    When drawing up a business plan for a wedding agency, do not forget to take into account the mandatory monthly expenses:

    • Taxes. For some reason, this expense item is the last thing people remember, but you will have to make contributions to the tax office on a monthly basis. In addition, you need to make contributions to various funds - pension, social, etc.;
    • Rent. The owner of the premises is not interested in how much money you earned last month and whether it was enough to pay the rent. If you do not transfer the agreed amount to his account, you will be asked to vacate the premises and pay a penalty;
    • Salary. It is unlikely that anyone will want to work in your salon “for thank you”, so the business plan of a wedding agency with calculations should include an item - salaries for employees.
    Let's take a closer look at what you need to open a wedding salon:
    • Rent of premises – from 20 thousand rubles;
    • Repair – from 100 thousand rubles;
    • Purchase of equipment – ​​330 thousand rubles;
    • Product – 300 thousand rubles;
    • Staff salary – 40 thousand rubles;
    • Signboard – 50 thousand rubles;
    • Advertising – 20 thousand rubles.

    Total: 860 thousand rubles.

    At the initial stage, you should not expect big profits. You will have to work hard to reach a normal level of profitability. Literally after 6 months of work, your business will begin to bear fruit. The monthly profit of an average salon can reach 200–250 thousand rubles. If you offer clients various additional services, your income will increase significantly.


    Now you know where to start a wedding business. It's time to talk about its profitability. Its level, due to the large markup on products sold, is quite high. For wedding dresses it ranges from 85–200%, and for accessories – 110–520%.

    For renting a premises with an area of ​​25–50 sq. meters, the entrepreneur will pay approximately 50 thousand rubles. Even if you sell goods with a minimum markup of 100%, monthly revenue in the amount of 100 thousand rubles will cover all these expenses. One wedding dress costs 10–30 thousand rubles or more, so your salon can easily receive 100 thousand rubles in revenue. As you can see, even with such modest sales volumes, the entrepreneur remains in the black. The payback period of a business largely depends on the size of the initial investment. If you invest 300 thousand rubles in a wedding salon, your starting capital will be returned in 6–8 months.

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