How to remove text selection in Word. How to remove colored backgrounds from document elements in Word

Business 12.12.2020

Text fill, which is a color background, is a popular design tool that ranks among the first in terms of frequency of use. But when, based on some document or template containing such a design, you have to create your own, many begin to think about how to remove the fill from the text in Word so that it looks “clean”. There are several main ways to do this.

How to remove fill from text in Word using the simplest method

The editor itself contains many tools that allow you to create or remove a color background for text or an entire document. Most commands are duplicated in different menus. However, the most required functions displayed on the main page in the form of buttons.

There is also a fill button, indicated by a pencil, brush or bucket icon (depending on the editor version) with or without the Latin characters “ab”. General principle The solution to the problem of how to remove fill in Word is to highlight required text or line, and then when you click the button, select either the desired color from the drop-down menu or select the “No Fill” option. But this only applies to selected text. You can just as easily remove the background of pages.

How to remove fill in Word from the context menu

As already mentioned, many functions are duplicated, so you can get rid of the background using the corresponding command in the menu called up by right-clicking on the highlighted line.

It must be said that both the first and second methods are equally well suited for both plain text and tabular data, only in the second case the necessary cells are selected.

"Word" 2003

There are still users who work with the 2003 version of the editor, considering it the most convenient. Here, the tools that allow you to solve the problem of how to remove fill in Word are somewhat different from later versions of the program.

For example, to remove the fill of an entire document, you should select all the text (Edit/Select All menu or Ctrl + A), and then go to the Format tab and use the Borders and Fill section. On the corresponding tab, select the option for its absence and click “OK” to confirm the change.

"Word" 2007

Now let's see how to remove fill in Word 2007, using the same example. Select all the text and go to the page layout menu. Here we first use the page background section, and then the page border section (you can also access it by clicking on the fill button).

After these steps, we again find ourselves in the borders and fills window, which was described above.

"Word" 2010

If you look at the question of how to remove fill in Word 2010, you can apply the methodology of the 2007 version of the program. The only difference is that the last two menu items are swapped.

"Word" 2016

In the most new version text editor, the question of how to remove fill in Word is even easier to solve. To get rid of the fill, go to the design menu in the main panel.

On the right you will see two or three buttons “Background”, “Page Color” and “Page Borders”. We are interested in two. With their help, you can change almost all parameters regarding text fills, entire pages of backgrounds, such as watermarks, fill methods, color selection, etc. Actually, all these parameters can be configured in any version of the program, it’s just that the tools are located in different menus.

By the way, in this version of the program, when you select a fragment or the entire text, a hint immediately appears in the form of a pop-up panel on which there are buttons for the main operations. So you can choose the desired action option from here.

Removing fill using the cardinal method for all versions of a text editor

Finally, let’s consider another technique that allows you to get rid of filling in the case when the user has to work with a third-party document or some kind of template that contains such a design element (highlighting).

IN open document or when copying text, select everything completely, as shown above, and on the main panel we find the button to remove formatting (for example, in the 2016 version of the editor it is indicated by the letter “A” and an eraser). After applying this operation, the formatting will be removed, including the fill that was contained in the document.

Instead of an afterword

As you can see, changing or removing a fill in different versions of the editor is done using almost the same methods, only the tools are located in different categories, and the names of the menus themselves are different. In some cases, to access them you will have to delve into the settings.

But most simple method is still the use of a special button and the borders menu. If you wish, so as not to call up additional menus each time, you can display the buttons for the corresponding commands directly on the main panel. Again, there is no point in focusing on this, since dragging the buttons and the menu in which this function is located differs depending on the modification of the application.

To date, since Microsoft program Office Word is unfamiliar unless a person is very far from computer equipment. By far, this is the best text editor. It is used by schoolchildren - preparing essays, students - theses, office workers - documentation and further down the list. Today we want to tell you about how to remove the text background in Word when copying/pasting from sites or editing documents. You've probably encountered a problem where when you copy text from some resources, their background is automatically duplicated. It doesn't look aesthetically pleasing, to say the least. So how can you get rid of the annoying colored background?

How to Remove Text Background in MS Word

Computers have become an integral part of our lives. The Microsoft Office Word test editor contains a huge variety of tools that allow you to change the structure of the text, add effects, change the writing style, and so on.

Unfortunately, not all users get along well with the program’s functionality. Many people don’t even know most of its tools and have never used them. That is why we decided to bring to you information on how to remove the background of text in Word. This is not difficult to do, but not every person can figure it out on their own. Well, let us help you with this.

Removing text background in Microsoft Office Word 2007, 2010, 2013

As you know, the interface of the Word program in 2003 and 2007 is very different, so the instructions will be different. Let's start with the newer versions, since they are much more popular today. To remove the background you need to do the following:

1. First of all, you need to select the text with the background - hold down the left mouse button and select by moving the cursor;

3. There, click on the “Text highlight color” button;
4. In the drop-down menu, select “No color”;
5. Done, the colored background under the text has disappeared!

This was just one of the methods, there is a similar one: starting from Word 2010, you just need to select the text and a pop-up menu will appear:

1. Move the cursor over the ab button (aka “Text highlight color”);
2. Follow step 4 from the previous instructions;
3. The background became the same as the entire document.

How to remove a colored background under text in Word 2003

Fortunately, in old version The background of the program can also be removed in a few clicks, so you shouldn’t have any problems. So, let's start analyzing the instructions:

1. In the horizontal menu located at the top, select the “Format” item and click on it;

2. Next we find the sub-item “Styles and Formatting”;
3. A window has opened where you need to click on the “Clear all” button;
4. Now the text has the same background as the rest of the document.

Now you understand that, regardless of the version of the program, in a few clicks you can remove the background you don’t like, which spoils appearance the entire document. Finally, I would like to recommend that you remember one of the methods for removing the background: if you often copy information from different Internet resources, it will be useful to you many times!

Surely many have encountered a situation where, when copying text from a website and then pasting it into Microsoft Word A background of different colors is inserted along with the text. In this article you will learn how this very background of the text can be removed.

Depending on the version of Microsoft Word, you can remove the background of text copied from the Internet in different ways.

Removing the background of text in Microsoft Word 2003

After you have inserted text from the Internet into your text document, select it with the left mouse button and select the menu item “Format” -> “Borders and Fill”.

Format -> Borders and Shading in Word 2003

A window will open in which you need to go to the last tab “Fill”.

Removing the background from text from the Internet in Word 2003

After this, the background on the text copied from the Internet will disappear.

Removing the background of text in Microsoft Word 2007 and higher

In Word versions starting from 2007 and subsequent ones, the process of removing the background from text occurs somewhat differently.

"Clear Format" button in word 2007 and higher to remove background from text

After this, all text formatting will be lost, including its background, which appeared when copied from the Internet.

Another way. Select the text and go to the “Page Layout” tab. Here we click the “Page Borders” button.

Page layout in Word 2007

Hello, dear readers! If you often work with documents in Word, then you probably often come across highlights in texts designed to attract attention. Sometimes some fragments are highlighted in texts, for example: letters, words, cells in tables that are inserted as objects, or entire sentences. And, sometimes, the pages themselves have a background of a certain color. But excessive highlighting may not only fail to achieve its intended purpose, but can also become tiring when studying the document.

How can I remove these text background highlights in Word? What about the page background? I will be happy to help you resolve your issues! I’ll tell you and clearly show how to do this using MS Word 2013 as an example, but it will work for other versions as well. And you can see that it is not difficult at all.

How to remove text background in Word

  1. Use your mouse to select all the text whose background you want to change or remove.
  2. Click the Home tab at the top of the document.
  3. In the toolbar, find the background icon and click on it (look at the screenshot).
  4. Select No Color.

The background of the text you selected will disappear.

Removing the page background

To remove the page background, you must take the following steps:

  1. From the menu bar, select the “Design” section.
  2. In this section, find the Page Background panel.
  3. Click the Page Color button.
  4. Next, in the drop-down window, you need to click on the “No color” link.

Removing the background when copying

When you copy from the Internet, quite often you may encounter a problem: the text is pasted with a colored background. To resolve this issue you will need to do the following:

  1. Having previously selected the text you need, click the “Copy” button, which appears in the right-click menu
  2. In the menu bar, go to “Main”.
  3. On the toolbar, click Insert.
  4. In the “Insert Options” you need to click “Keep text only”.

Text without fill will be inserted into the document.


I tried to present the material briefly and clearly. I sincerely hope that my article was useful to you. I think that now you can easily remove the background of a page or text. I will be glad to see your comments and would be grateful if you share the link.

The Word text editor offers the user a lot of options for highlighting text. Here you can highlight the text with color, italics, underlining, etc. Such a variety of possibilities often leads to users becoming confused and not knowing how to remove the text settings that they themselves have set. In this article we will talk about how to remove text selection in Word 2007, 2010, 2013 or 2016.

How to remove text selection in Word 2007, 2010, 2013 or 2016

If you are using text editor Word 2007, 2010, 2013 or 2016, then in order to remove text selection you need to open the “Home” tab. This tab contains all functions in one way or another related to text selection.

If you want to completely remove text selection in Word, as well as remove all other text style settings, then you can use the “Clear Format” tool, also known as the “Eraser” tool. To do this, select the desired piece of text with the mouse and simply click on this button.

In order to remove bold, italics or underlining, there are buttons marked with the letters “F”, “K” and “H”. They are located immediately below the drop-down list of available fonts. Next to them there is a button for strikethrough text.

If you want to remove only the highlighting of text with color and leave the rest of the text settings, then you need to use the “Highlight text with color” button. This is done exactly as described above. Select the desired block of text with the mouse and click on the button. If you need to change the highlight color, click on the down arrow next to this button and select the highlight color that suits you.

To control the color of the text itself, there is a “Text Color” button. By highlighting the text and clicking on this button, you can change the text color to black. You can also click on the down arrow next to this button and choose the text color that suits you.

In addition, the text can be highlighted in color in the table settings. In order to remove such a selection, place the cursor in the desired table cell, go to the “Design” tab and click on the “Fill” button.

After this, a menu will open to select a color. Here you need to select the “No color” option.

After this, the background color in the table cell you selected will change to white.

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