How to create your own personal diary. How to make a personal diary with your own hands? Instructions and tips for making a beautiful and interesting personal diary

Documentation 15.10.2020

Almost every person comes a period when he begins to keep a personal diary. How to do this, everyone decides for themselves. But there are several general recommendations, which will be useful for a beginner.

The “secret notebook” genre has remained in demand since the 10th century (in the form of travel and autobiographical notes) to the present day. Of course, today a personal diary looks completely different, even down to the electronic version.

But the reasons for the appearance of the diary remain the same:

It is no coincidence that most people begin to keep a diary in adolescence, during the period of formation of character and worldview.

From a psychological point of view, keeping a personal diary is an excellent way to maintain and strengthen peace of mind, reduce stress levels, and relieve the tension accumulated during the day.

This is a recognized method of psychotherapy, the effectiveness of which has been proven by practice. The variety of diaries is beyond description.

It can be a thin notebook, a sketchbook, a set of sheets, a blog on the Internet - it all depends only on the desire of the author. The same applies to the design style. It could be a teenager's diary written in youth slang, decorated with all the colors of the rainbow, filled with stickers and other trinkets.

Or maybe a neat diary of a pedantic adult with numbered pages and a calendar. There is only one requirement: the owner of the diary must be comfortable.

What do they write in LD

The diary is a portrait of its owner. And the contents of the diary reflect inner world the one who leads it.

What diary pages may contain:

  1. Chronology:

  1. Analysis of the day:
  • analysis of the events that happened;
  • thinking about what happened, assessing it, personal emotions;
  • interesting thoughts that appeared during the day;
  • personal achievements;
  • dreams and plans for the future.
  1. Self-education and self-improvement:
  • interesting quotes;
  • favorite poems and songs;
  • notes about your favorite books and films;
  • impressions of visiting performances, exhibitions, excursions.
  1. Interests, hobbies:
  • culinary recipes;
  • sketches of outfits;
  • knitting patterns;
  • advice on home economics, gardening, vegetable gardening;
  1. Creation:
  • your poems;
  • your drawings, sketches;
  • magazine clippings, stickers, postcards, etc.
  1. Reminders:
  • especially memorable photographs;
  • booklets about exhibitions, excursions;
  • interesting letters, romantic notes.

For junior schoolchildren who are just planning to keep a diary, it will be interesting and useful to start it with a description of family members, friends, hobbies, favorite games, books and films, etc.

Diary from a notebook

There are many options on how to make a personal diary. Everyone chooses the diary format for themselves. A thin notebook is suitable for rare occasional notes. To keep a constant diary, it is better to immediately purchase a thick notebook, which will be enough for writing for a long period. To make your diary last a long time, it is better to buy a high-quality notebook with thick paper.

It can be improved:

  • The cover is further strengthened by gluing it with fabric or cardboard. For decoration, you can add stickers, drawings, embroidery, etc.;
  • to give strength, the notebook is sewn together;
  • for convenience, you can make bookmarks;
  • records can be further protected. To do this, a hole punch is used to punch a through hole in the pages through which the lock is threaded.

Diary from a notebook

A practical option is a diary from a notebook. It is better to purchase a notebook with a large number of sheets bound in a spiral.

To add originality to a standard notepad, you can:

  • It is unusual to decorate the cover by covering it with fabric or paper. A beautiful, neat pasting will not only decorate the cover, but also give it strength. You can additionally decorate the cover with decorative elements;
  • For additional protection, you can make a through hole in the notebook through all the pages and insert a lock into it;
  • The spiral can be replaced with a beautiful lace, ribbon, braid. But you should remove the spiral and thread the cord that replaces it very carefully.

Diary from the album

For those who will fill a personal diary with their sketches, it is optimal to use a sketchbook. This option is more suitable for lovers of applique, scrapbooking and other creative techniques. Thick, large-format paper is perfect for drawing (thin notebook paper will soak paint or markers through) and working with glue.

When creating a journal from a sketchbook, you can:

  • strengthen and decorate the cover by carefully gluing a layer of fabric or thick paper on top;
  • protect the recordings with a padlock threaded through the album sheets;
  • You can additionally sew landscape sheets so that they do not fall apart when large quantities volumetric applications.

Diary folder

Instead of buying a ready-made notebook or notebook, you can make an original diary folder using scattered sheets:

Office paper diary

Another way to create a diary from individual sheets is to fasten a stack of office paper with rings:

  • The top and bottom covers are made of thick paper;
  • Fold the pages of the future diary between the covers in an even stack. They can be multi-colored, beautifully shaped (for example, with patterned edges or rounded corners), different densities for different sections;
  • on the left side, use a hole punch to make two through holes at the top and bottom, passing through the entire stack;
  • insert connecting rings into the holes.

An old book is the original basis for LD

A creative person will want to have a special personal diary. An old, no longer needed book will tell you how to make your diary creative. Creating a personal diary based on it gives unlimited scope for imagination and creativity. The cover is decorated according to the taste of the hostess. Some pages can be removed, glued together, pictures can be pasted in, etc.

And in order to keep records, the typographic font will have to be painted over, or covered with a proofreader, or covered with thin paper. In short, such a diary will require additional efforts to solve emerging problems. The more interesting the process of filling it will become - just for extraordinary natures.

Diary with leather cover

For large diaries that will be used for a long time, you will need to make a durable cover. One of best options– leather.

To make it:

  • A thick cardboard base is covered with a leather blank. The leather flap should be larger than the base so that the seam allowances can be folded over and glued to the inside of the cover. Resistant adhesive of the “Moment” type is used;
  • When gluing, the skin must be smoothed well and pressed very tightly to the base;
  • Then the allowances with reverse side;
  • For best result The cover is placed under a press.

Diary on the Internet

The most modern version of a personal diary - electronic version.

There are two options:

Making the cover

The diary begins with a cover that should attract and create a positive mood.

What can you advise regarding design:

Origami for the cover

The origami technique is indispensable when designing a diary - both the cover and the inner pages. Intricately folded figures will become a real “highlight” of the diary, you just need to choose the appropriate options. Large volumetric figures are not suitable, but origami offers many different “flat” crafts of minimal height: frames, silhouettes, bows, intricate envelopes.

It is not difficult to learn how to fold origami figures, especially since the diary does not require super complex compositions - a simple fan inserted between two pages looks very impressive.

First page design

The first page deserves special attention. For its aesthetic design, you can use the same techniques and rules as for the cover. But its information content should be thought through.

On the first page you can place:

Calendar in a diary

The diary involves indicating calendar data for each entry. You can simply indicate the number at the beginning of the entry, or you can highlight the date clearly using colored ink, a special font, etc.

If the diary has the functions of a diary (to-do plan for each day, reminder notes, daily analysis, etc.), then it is convenient to immediately allocate a certain number of pages to the diary, creating a “nested calendar”. For example, set aside a separate page for each day.

Then you can indicate the date, month, day of the week on each page in advance.

For convenience, the pages can be decorated with bookmark stickers protruding beyond the sheet, on which the date is indicated. Another option: cut out the pages in “steps” and write the date on them.

Internal page design

How to design the internal pages to make them interesting is up to the author of the personal diary to decide. It is important that they evoke positive emotions and the desire to fill them.

A few tips:

Envelopes, secret pockets, tricks in LD

Memorabilia is often kept in diaries: tickets to events, booklets, notes, small souvenirs, letters. It is convenient to use special pockets and envelopes for this. Pockets for storing memorable little things or secret information can be made from diary pages folded or glued together in a special way. You can also use tape for this purpose.

Pockets can be made separately and then glued into the diary. They are made from paper, fabric, foil, plastic, and then decorated with pictures, stickers, patterns, rhinestones, etc. Even a simple pocket made from a sheet of beautiful paper folded in half, secured at the edges with decorative tape, will look beautiful.

You can buy ready-made envelopes, or you can make them yourself - for example, using the origami technique.

If relatively large items (for example, several photographs) will be stored in the envelope, then it is better to attach it to a thick cover. But a pocket for one special note or a memorable dried flower can be glued to the page. Very convenient and aesthetically pleasing to use for attaching small pockets decorative tape.

Text decoration, patterns, borders in cells

Multi-colored pens and felt-tip pens are used to decorate the text. An unusual arrangement of entries is also suitable for this purpose - for example, in several columns, or in blocks in different places on the page. You can diversify the pages with beautiful ornaments along the edges of the sheet, various frames, both drawn and pasted. To create such a border it is very convenient to use templates.

With their help, even those who do not know how to draw can design a diary sheet very beautifully. Another great opportunity for those who are not very good at drawing is drawing by cells. All you have to do is find a drawing you like and move it into your diary by cell. It’s easy to find entire collections of similar drawings on the Internet.

Pictures for LD

You can decorate your diary using ready-made drawings. These could be pictures from magazines - for example, photographs of your favorite singer or artist. Whole sets of themed stickers are on sale.(cats, princesses, etc.) that look beautiful in the text.

You can find a picture you like on the Internet and print it on a color printer. Beautiful candy wrappers will also work, Greeting Cards, brands, etc.

Inscriptions and clippings from magazines in the diary

In glossy magazines you can find not only pictures, but also interesting quotes, sayings, and beautiful headlines. They can also be used to design a diary. If you frame such clippings or highlight them in some other way, they will immediately attract attention.

last page

The page that ends your personal diary, like the first one, can also be made special. Perhaps it will contain thoughts that particularly struck the owner of the diary. Or plans for the future. Or you can simply draw a door leading to the “beautiful far away.”

Envelope for LD

You can further protect your diary from wear and tear and from unnecessary attention. To do this, they make an additional envelope-case for storing a personal diary. To create a simple envelope, take a piece of paper and fold it in three so that the larger part will fit the diary, and the smaller remaining part will be the flap for the envelope. The side folds are fastened with glue or tape.

Beautiful paper and decorative tape will make such an envelope look elegant even without additional decorations.

You can make a fabric cover using the same principle. The flap can easily be fastened with a button or Velcro.

A diary is a very personal matter. And everyone decides for themselves how to conduct it.

A personal diary can become a true friend, helping you understand how to build your life, how to make it harmonious and fulfilling. This is a unique opportunity to remember your past and appreciate it as an adult.

Video: how to make a personal diary

How to make a personal diary from a notebook, watch the video:

How to create a personal diary, watch the video:

If a person feels the need to understand himself, he sits down to write a personal diary. But not everything always works out right away, and some people are faced with the fact that they don’t know where to start or how to do it. That's what we'll talk about.

Personal diary: why?

Many people, most often pretty young girls, begin to keep personal diaries at a certain period in their lives.

What does this mean:

  1. First, the need to deal with yourself, put all the feelings and emotions on the shelves. This is characteristic of people who are prone to introspection, creative and very sensitive.
  2. People start keeping diaries out of a need to speak out.. It’s not always possible to say everything even to your mother, but paper, as they say, will endure everything and not blush. At the age of 14 to infinity (around then the vast majority turn to the epistolary genre, and many continue to write until the end of their lives) new and incomprehensible things begin to happen to a person. They are associated with growing up, with first feelings, with puberty. This is deeply intimate, which is why so many people turn to the diary.
  3. Some people just love to write. They are interested in it, they leave evidence of their history, and then they reread it with pleasure and remember half-forgotten details. And if you feel that it’s time to sit down with a diary, take it and start.

How to start

A personal diary is similar to a school diary only in that it must also contain dates. A person writes his story, shares his experiences with himself, talks about recent events.

All this must be dated and beautifully designed. How – more on that a little later. In the meantime, let's talk about how this is done in general.


And sometimes a person sits down to write a personal diary simply because he wants to. Without any specific purpose. And this is also quite normal, because in general we are now talking about deeply personal activities.

Selection of tools

The next step is choosing the tools. Now in stores there is simply a limitless selection of different notebooks, notebooks and other stationery.

You can even choose printed diaries, beautifully lined and with cute clasps. The key will be yours alone, so no one will peep any secrets.

What exactly to choose is a matter of taste for each person. For some, it is more convenient to take a large A4 notebook, while others would prefer to hide their secrets in a miniature notebook that easily fits in the palm of your hand. In any case, you are free to design your personal diary according to your own preferences.

You can write in it with multi-colored pens, emphasize the main thoughts and highlight important events, you can even draw all sorts of pictures and stick funny stickers on it. In general, do whatever your heart desires!

And finally, modern high tech They offer another option for keeping a diary - electronic. Many of us have already forgotten how to write on paper, but we are fluent in using a keyboard.

You can write the story of your own life on a computer, either personally only for yourself, saving it in folders locked with passwords, or posting it on the World Wide Web. But these will already be blogs. And now we are not talking about them.

When to write

And the third question is when to start writing? In principle, again, there is no specific answer, and there cannot be one. Write when your soul requires it.

Many people prefer to give themselves over to their inner experiences before going to bed, when no one is disturbing them and they can calmly think about the events and listen to themselves. This is probably the most optimal time. But again, not for everyone.

A diary is a state of mind transferred to paper (or to a computer hard drive), and it will only be alive and real when it is written at the request of the soul.

Not under pressure, not because “I started leading and now I have to do it every day,” but simply when I want. At such moments everything will work out by itself.

How to lead correctly

Again, whatever your heart desires. But still, there are some generally accepted rules for maintaining and designing a personal diary. Still, this is one of the varieties of the epistolary genre and the diary is obliged to obey certain requirements. Even if it's personal.

First of all, you can’t abandon your diary for too long. Ideally, it should be written every day, with the obligatory indication of the date.

Sometimes, if a person makes several entries in one day, he makes notes “a little later”, “later in the evening”, “after a while”. This creates a feeling of the fluidity of time, giving a certain effect of presence.

In general, a personal diary is a deep spiritual work. Therefore, there cannot be any strict framework here. The main thing is not to leave it on for a long time without attention.

Where to hide

Since we are talking about the main repository of personal secrets, making a diary is not all. It is important to hide it well. And here there is limitless scope for imagination.

Put it away in your personal belongings; many people hide it in the same place where they put away their laundry. It is unlikely that anyone will rummage in such a place except you. You can put it deeper in the closet, you can put it under the pillow, and make the bed thoroughly. Someone goes even further and hides it deep under the mattress.

Others prefer to always carry their diary with them. And this is understandable for two reasons: firstly, if he is with you all the time, no one will find him. And secondly, if suddenly inspiration comes outside the home, you can sit down and write. And then again hide the precious notebook (or notepad) inside your spacious bag.

For greater secrecy, you can buy diaries with a lock; no one will look into them, even if they accidentally discover them.

Design ideas

Since we are talking about a deeply personal thing, how to arrange it is a matter of the owner’s preferences. You can somehow decorate it in an original way with your own hands by gluing interesting stickers or painting the fields with different ornaments.

Can also be placed in a diary cool pictures or images that correspond to a state of mind. IN electronic diary It’s even easier - you can download and insert the desired picture.

What to write

What could you tell yourself? Yes, almost anything your heart desires! Various secrets, experiences, stories can easily fill a personal diary.

You can write down some facts, even the prices of new things - then it will be interesting to read about it. The more details, seemingly insignificant and empty, the more rich and lively the recordings will become.

Everything that may seem stupid at the moment will later become a priceless memory. And the more such trifles and nonsense there are in your diary, the more expensive it will be for you.

To briefly summarize, here is everything you need for a classic personal diary:

  1. A great desire to keep records about oneself. Sit down to write only when you really want to.
  2. Accessories that suit your mood. Create your own system of stickers and notes; it will be even more interesting.
  3. Appropriate design. Draw in your diary, draw diagrams, try to organize the information as much as possible.
  4. Focus on the little things. Record as many details and little things as possible, then the diary will become more lively and interesting.
  5. Frankness with yourself. Write about the secret, say everything. This is your personal diary, and there should be no secrets from yourself.

Keep diaries, get to know your own soul through them - and something beautiful and infinitely deep will be revealed to you. Or rather, you yourself.

Video: Design ideas

This is a faithful interlocutor to whom you can pour out your soul, tell about your thoughts, dreams and plans. What to write in a diary is everyone's business. We will tell you how to design your personal diary in an original way so that it will be interesting to look at even after 10 years.

Think journaling is a thing of the past? You are deeply mistaken. Now this activity has become new life, because those tools for the original design of a personal diary with your own hands, which are offered by modern world, are pushing this matter even more. Keeping a diary is also very good for your health.

And this applies not only to teenagers, but also to adults. Writing down your thoughts and experiences in a notebook, journal or notebook reduces stress, improves your mood, and normalizes sleep and blood pressure. And even if someone likes to express their thoughts in blogs, one cannot but agree that writing with a pen in a notebook has its own special charm.

If you decide to keep your personal diary, we have collected for you the most interesting and beautiful internal pages of the diary. Because what a diary looks like is sometimes no less important than what is written there.

How to design the cover of a personal diary

The cover of a personal diary immediately makes it clear what kind of person is keeping it, how creative, romantic or eccentric the person is. This is a kind of window into your inner world. You can decorate your diary cover in a variety of ways, using decorative paper, fabric, felt, or even a combination of these different materials.

You can also decorate the cover with photographs. personal diary, it is better to make it from your favorite photographs so that memorable moments are always nearby.

You can also make a collage using clippings from your favorite magazines. These could be clippings of celebrities, objects or words that best describe you.

How to design the first page of a personal diary

It is better to place it on the first page personal information About Me. These could be 10 facts about you that you consider the most important and interesting in your biography.

It would also be an interesting idea to place a mood chart for the year on the first page of your diary. Come up with your own system of signs and mark in your table how each day went. At the end of the year you will receive interesting material for reflection.

How to arrange quotes, aphorisms and margins of personal diary pages

In your personal diary you can also write down your favorite books, favorite films or TV series, interesting quotes from great people or even your own, or just words that meant to you on a certain day great importance. Interesting frames will help you capture everything beautifully.

Well, no one canceled the beautiful lines in the margins or around the perimeter of the entire page. This edging of your notes can reflect the mood in which you wrote down your thoughts.

How to design the pages of a personal diary inside

Use decorative tape or tape to decorate the pages inside your personal journal. Choose a color and pattern to suit the mood and event you are describing.

To note important points, to which you want to return more than once, use beautifully, for example, paper clips, which can be bookmarks. And writing in a diary with unusually designed pens is also more pleasant, wouldn’t you agree?

Or you can simply glue a small flower that is dear to you onto the page, and it will become a herbarium directly in the diary.

How to design a personal diary: secret pockets

To store notes, herbarium or other memorabilia in your personal diary, make and attach several small envelopes to the cover in which you will store important little things.

How to design a personal diary: different ideas for design

To decorate your personal diary, use stickers, decals, voluminous decorative elements and other page decorations. If you don’t like these design options, you can always draw or write something.

Photos and pictures along with original inscriptions will add even more emotion and life to your personal diary. Write down, draw, glue, paint - in general, do whatever your heart desires.

How to keep and organize your personal diary is up to you. But don’t forget that this is a great way to “speak out” and preserve important moments in life for a long time.

Diaries became fashionable among educated aristocratic women of the nineteenth century. And from then until the present day, starting from adolescence, girls have been keeping personal notes, sharing secrets and their deepest dreams with their beloved diary. The tradition of making such notebooks and journals with your own hands has been around for several centuries. Although printers offer us all sorts of ready-made diaries, homemade ones are always better.


What diary to start

To make keeping a notebook for recording your thoughts truly enjoyable, there are a few details to consider.

How do you prefer to take notes? Will you take notes on paper or write in in electronic format? Each of these methods has advantages and disadvantages, so it is worth weighing the pros and cons and determining which would be preferable for you.

For example, you can make an entry in a notebook from anywhere. Such a diary does not require electricity; it can be supplemented with hand-drawn illustrations. You can not only write something in it, but also enclose letters or notes received from someone, valentines, theater tickets, as well as other gifts dear to your heart.

For some girls, it may be more convenient to write down the text on an electronic medium. It is quite obvious that it is easier to make a personal diary on a computer inaccessible than a paper diary.

Decide which option suits you best. You can use a journal to simply write down all the thoughts that come into your head. Or you can make it focused on a specific topic.

Diary of a Traveler

You can record your travel impressions in it. You can describe everything you see and record your impressions, emotions from what you saw, thoughts that came to you during your travels.

Diary of a young mother

Posts dedicated to your child - good idea. You will have a wonderful opportunity to save all his drawings, strands of cut hair, outlined silhouettes of an arm or leg. You can record your baby's funny words and expressions, and chronicle the cute and memorable events that happen as your baby grows. It will be very interesting to see how your baby grew up and began to see the world differently.

Idea Diary

This is your kind of secretary who will always remind you of what you don’t want to forget. You can write down all the ideas and thoughts that may come to your mind at any time, anywhere. Ideas can be useful for business, for hobbies, for creativity or for study, and you can return to their implementation at a more appropriate time. It is advisable that such a personal diary be small in size, then it will be convenient to always carry with you.


If you are comfortable writing about your plans, then in a memo diary you can keep notes about all the events, meetings, conversations that have already happened. If these events are really important to you and you want to preserve the memory of them, then you need to keep a notebook in this format. You will be able to track and analyze how your life priorities change.


My friend - this is what you can say about the diary-interlocutor. It will become a reflection of your soul. Very often, this format of recordings helps you understand your thoughts, emotions, and helps you find solutions in difficult situations. You can trust this interlocutor with absolutely everything, he will never reproach you, and will always give you the opportunity to speak out.

There can be many options, each format can contain individual elements of different types.

How to take notes

Keeping a personal diary is an activity that requires systematicity. Depending on the type, you may write in it several times a day or several times a year. But, in any case, you need to fill it out only in a suitable environment, in the appropriate mood.

Create a conducive atmosphere for recording. Find a place where no one can disturb you. Making entries requires privacy, behind the scenes, even intimacy. No one should suddenly disturb your silent conversation, interrupt your train of thoughts and flow of words. It is important to find a place where it will be especially comfortable. Try writing at a table or in a chair. Or maybe the most relaxed way you can express your thoughts is with your feet up on the sofa? Or will a flickering candle flame help create a special mood? Look for a place in your room where you feel most comfortable creating.

The feeling of comfort may also depend on the time of day. Some people think and write better during the day, in a sunlit room, while others find the most comfortable and enjoyable corner in the kitchen at night. Set a routine for yourself.

Some girls turn notes into a mandatory task for themselves. If you start writing every day, even without the necessary mood, then soon you will feel, instead of the desire to write, only strong irritation.

You should not impose any obligations on yourself. It is best to take notes only when you yourself feel the need for it.

Some people have something to write down every day. And someone may not pick up a diary for several months. Even if you didn’t want to write anything for a whole year, then so be it! When you're feeling overwhelmed, nervous, or happy and full of ideas, writing a new post can be a great way to release excess emotional energy through writing.

Relax. Personal diaries provide an opportunity to be alone with yourself. They allow you to be what you want to be, and not what you need to be. Therefore, you should not make too much effort to comply with all the necessary formalities. Forget about grammar and spelling for a while. The desire not to miss, to correct some mistake will distract you from your deepest thoughts, you will not be able to use your recording in order to comprehend and deal with what worries you.

The benefits of a personal diary

A personal diary is the first means of helping in solving complex issues. Here you can throw out your anger, rage, jealousy, all your negative emotions. He will not judge you, will not scream, will not start cursing you. Most importantly, he will not lecture. He will accept everything from you - even the most angry curses, tearful complaints, hysterical claims.

Having thrown out your emotions in one place, you will no longer feel the need to throw them out in another. You can get a break so that you can reread your notes later and try to see what you wrote with different eyes. Perhaps you will realize that you were wrong; and the journal, by making it possible to release frustration and anger, helped you avoid real conflict that you might later regret.

Starting to keep notes will be useful for those who cannot organize themselves. If you are unable to force yourself, for example, to maintain a daily routine, do gymnastics, or accomplish any other intended goals, then an idea diary will be an assistant for you. Write about your plans and interesting ideas, and then be able to analyze your achievements or what prevented their implementation.

Don't forget about safety

You must be sure that your diary will not fall into the wrong hands. Unless this possibility is eliminated, you will not be able to truly express yourself in your writing. In addition, it can jeopardize your relationships with others if, in a fit of anger, you want to write everything that is on your mind at that moment. Therefore, it is necessary not only to hide the notebook with secret notes well, but also the fact of keeping it should not be advertised. Otherwise, nothing will stop overly curious brothers or sisters from spying on you, and older loved ones are rarely able to resist peeking into the secret corners of your soul.

Try to protect your diary from being read in advance by writing an appeal to a possible “burglar” at the very beginning. Something like this: “Before you read someone else’s secret thoughts, think about how you would feel if you were in their place.”

If you are not afraid of publicity, but, on the contrary, want to convey your thoughts to as many people as possible more readers, then the right decision would be to write in an online diary. This personal blogging service is widely represented on the Internet. There are similar opportunities in some in social networks and on special sites of the blogosphere. Moreover, you can not only start your own personal blog, but also design it beautifully using ready-made templates, some of which are aimed specifically at girls.

How to make a diary with your own hands

There are several ways to make it yourself.

Diary folder

To make it you need to prepare:

  • Thick paper for the cover - a rectangle with sides of 28 and 15 centimeters.
  • Paper for pages - rectangular sheets with sides of 20 and 11 centimeters.
  • Thread or braid for ties - about 30 centimeters.
  • Two eyes (metal rivets) with a diameter of 3 millimeters.
  • A piece of skin.
  • Marker.
  • Scissors.
  • Ruler.
  • Stapler.

First we will make the cover. Take one sheet and unfold it with the long sides up and down. We measure 3 centimeters 8 millimeters from the right short edge, draw a straight line parallel to this edge. We retreat 12 centimeters from the left edge and also draw a vertical straight line. Now we cut out two button circles with a diameter of four centimeters from the leather. We turn the cover face up, on the right side about a centimeter from the edge, and attach a leather button in the middle. To do this we use a rivet and a hammer.

We make folds along the drawn lines, turning the paper inward. On the opposite side, near the left edge of the cover, fasten the second button in the same way as the first, stepping back from the edge two and a half centimeters. We insert the braid into the eyes and secure it by tying knots on the inside of the cover. Fold the inner pages in half and insert them into the cover, aligning the fold line with the left fold of the cover. We fasten the pages to the cover with a stapler at the junction of the folds of the cover and pages.

Personal diary-notepad

Although we use a ready-made, purchased notebook for it, the diary will turn out very impressive. For a young lady, it is best done with a beautiful flower applique. Moreover, the brighter and more exotic, the more spectacular and unique the diary itself will be. For it we will need:

  • Ready-made notepad on a metal spiral.
  • Cover fabric.
  • Fabric for applique.
  • Glue.
  • Decorative braid.
  • Pencil.
  • Awl.
  • Scissors.

First you need to make a fabric cover. To do this, pull out a spiral from the notebook and remove both parts of the cover. Now we cut out two flaps from the fabric that we prepared for the cover, the size of which should be two centimeters in length and width larger size covers. Glue the fabric from the wrong side of the cover to both parts of it. We carefully wrap the excess onto the front side and glue it too. We cut out two more flaps of such a size that the flaps will lie on the front cover, covering the folded and glued fabric. We put these flaps on glue. Glue the braid at the joints of the back and front flaps.

From another fabric we cut out an applique in the shape of a flower, trim its edges and also glue it to the front cover of the cover. Using an awl, we poke holes in the fabric in the places where there were holes from the spiral. We insert a spiral, assembling a notebook from two covers and leaves.

Rainbow Diary

For such a fun multi-colored diary, we will need many sheets of multi-colored paper. You can use white paper painted with food coloring or watercolors, scrapbooking paper, even multi-colored thin cardboard or wallpaper paper. In addition to colored paper, you need to prepare:

  • Thick thick cardboard.
  • Large pieces of bright multi-colored felt.
  • Paper for gluing the inside of the cover (endpaper).
  • Hole puncher.
  • Sewing machine.
  • Threads match the felt or contrast.
  • Thin tailoring elastic.
  • Glue "Moment".

We cut all the paper into rectangular sheets of A5 size, use a hole punch to make holes on it at the same distance from the edges and put all the sheets in a stack. As a matter of fact, the inside of our personal diary is ready. All that's left to do is make the cover.

Cut two out of cardboard rectangular blanks, the size of which should be approximately one centimeter larger (on each side) than the length of the sides of the inner sheets. From felt we cut out rectangular blanks the same size as the cardboard ones, plus one centimeter on each side. We place the felt blank on the table, place a cardboard rectangle on it, leaving allowances for the bottom blank on each side. We grease these free edges with glue and wrap them, pressing them against the cardboard. We cut off the felt corners sticking up only after we are sure that the corners of the cover are well glued. We glue the second blank for the cover in the same way.

Now on sewing machine we lay a decorative stitch around the perimeter of both blanks for the diary cover. And then we use a hole punch to make holes that should exactly match the holes on the inside pages. From endpaper paper we cut out rectangles with sides a couple of millimeters smaller than the sides of the cover. Use a hole punch to make holes in the rectangles (coinciding with the holes on the cover) and glue paper endpapers to the back of both felt-covered blanks. We sew the holes on the cover manually or decorate them with metal eyelets for scrapbooking. Scrapbooking stores also sell decorative corners. They can be attached to the outer corners of the cover.

We decorate the front side of the cover at our discretion by gluing any applique made of paper, postcards or felt. You can also use beads, buttons, ribbons, braid or any other decorations. We assemble the diary by placing a stack of inner pages between the cover pages. We fasten it by first threading the elastic band into the upper holes and tying it into a strong knot, and then also threading the second elastic band into the lower holes. Thus, we have a rainbow diary on soft rubber rings.

How to decorate a diary

If everything is clear with the external decoration, then the question of the decoration of its internal pages remains open. We will try to come up with something to decorate the pages themselves. So how can you diversify them?

Firstly, each page can be decorated with multi-colored tape - this is also convenient for thematic bookmarks.

Secondly, drawings made with felt-tip pens or markers will be an excellent decoration for the pages. And if you know how to draw well, you can color the pages with watercolors or crayons. These can be small plot pictures in the corners or along the edges, or you can make an ornamental design. What to draw? Anything! Flowers, patterns, animals, cartoon characters - whatever you like best.

Instead of drawings, you can use ready-made stickers or decals. This is convenient for those who do not know how to draw.

Photos - great way decorate and illustrate your diary. You can place in it memorable moments of your life, your portraits in at different ages and pictures of friends.

Magazine clippings can also serve as illustrations. For example, you want to make some purchases. Wonderful! Find pictures of similar things in a magazine and stick them in your diary.

Calligraphy. A beautiful font can also be a great decoration for a diary. In addition, inscriptions and notes can be made with multi-colored pens or felt-tip pens, and even decorated capital letters like in old books.

Only start taking notes if you really have an interest in it. If you are inspired by this idea simply because all your friends are doing it, then you will get bored very quickly and you will most likely abandon your treasured notebook. Understand that you are starting a diary not for your friends, but for yourself. As a result, he will become your best friend, to whom you can tell about things that you can’t tell anyone else about.

If you're just starting to take notes, start small. The first few days you may find it fun to write long thoughts in your journal, but very quickly the thought of having to write a lot can become intimidating and discourage you from further attempts. Then, over time, you will understand that events that are significant for you will not happen very often, which are really worth “immortalizing” in detail in your notebook. In the meantime, write a little about everything.

It is best to take notes in the evening. This way you can more vividly describe everything that happened to you during the day. If you write in the morning about yesterday, the details of the events may be forgotten, and the emotions will already subside. And if you write only about the upcoming day, then you won’t be able to tell anything specific. Therefore, it is wisest to write in the evening.

Describe the mood in which you started the day, what you expected from it. Then move on to the important events of the day, to its end. If you want to write down a lot, but you don’t have enough time or energy, you can interrupt your narration by writing down a promise to continue the thought tomorrow. The next day it will be easy for you to continue writing: after reading what you wrote the day before, you will revive your emotions about it.

Never embellish the events described. Always write only the truth! The diary, like a true friend, will always “listen” to you, and if you are frank, it will “tell” you the best way out of problematic situations. You will be able to re-read your previous entries, you will analyze how any incidents were interconnected with your words and actions. This will help you make the right conclusions. And as for your secrets... After all, this is just your diary, that’s why it’s called “personal”, it will reliably keep all your secrets!

How to Make a Journal a Tool for Personal Growth

Below we have listed the most FAQ on keeping a diary, as well as answers to them.

Why should I keep a personal diary?

Because it's the most effective method understand your thoughts and feelings, since the diary helps you see each situation as if from the outside and evaluate it more soberly. Journaling also promotes emotional and spiritual growth.

How often should you take notes?

Don't force yourself to write every day. Optimally - two or three times a week. Make a promise to yourself: during the time when you retire to write in your diary, you will not be distracted by talking on the phone, or by the TV on, or by anything else that could interrupt your train of thought. Consider this a sacred time of communication between you and your Self.

How do I start each post?

As an introduction, you can write briefly about what happened to you, what caused you strong emotions and what thoughts prevailed in your mind. The most important thing is to start studying in detail what happened. How exactly does the event make you feel? What emotions do you have? What were your thoughts? What images or old memories surfaced in your mind during this time? Have you experienced pain and tension? How did your body react to this? Allow yourself to study the incident like a slow motion film: frame by frame, noticing the smallest details. By studying an event and your reaction to it, you study yourself.

What to do next

Ask yourself a few questions: Have I ever felt this way before? When it was? What happened next? How did I behave then and was my behavior correct? Which important decision Did I accept then?

Will this study of the situation help me in the future?

Yes! If earlier you made a decision spontaneously, relying only on your feelings and emotions, then in the future, if you find yourself in a similar situation, you will act deliberately.

What should I do if I'm angry at someone or even myself?

The diary is your friend and you can talk to it frankly. But try not to immerse yourself in negative emotions, because they have a destructive effect on us. It’s better to let go of the negativity and switch to something more pleasant. Thus, you will remove a big burden from your soul!

How should I end a journal entry?

Write a conclusion at the end of your post. Think about what discoveries you have made for yourself. Write them down briefly in one or two sentences. Write down how you should act in the future. Imagine that you have turned to some wise being whose opinion is very important to you. Ask him questions mentally, “listen” to what he “tells” you. Write down his advice and follow them in the future.

I can't find the right words

Try to stop controlling yourself and just write whatever comes to mind. At the same time, do not think about how beautifully the phrases are formulated and whether you are making mistakes. In the end, no one will read these posts except you! When you relax, thoughts will flow freely, and all you have to do is write them down.

Congratulations! You have successfully started keeping your diary! Make sure to hide it securely from prying eyes. Better yet, don't tell anyone that you started him. Remember that the diary is a piece of your soul! Don't lose it when the notebook is finished, you will still want to return to it in the future.

Below we have tried to summarize some rules, following which you will quickly learn how to keep a diary correctly:

  • Remember, this is your personal diary and you can write in it what you want and how you want.
  • What we have told you is just a hint. You can follow them if you want, but the choice is yours.
  • Take notes carefully and write everything down so that it is clear what is being said.
  • When you want to read your diary a few years later, you should be able to easily decipher what you wrote and easily recall your memories.
  • Write in such a way that it would be interesting for you to re-read your notes over the years...
  • Try starting your description with an exciting introduction, something like: “You'll never guess what happened to me today!”, or “Damn it! It was unforgettable!" Try to convey your emotions as colorfully as possible.
  • Write down all your deepest thoughts in a journal.
  • Write down your favorite quotes from books and sayings of great people. You can set aside separate pages for this, but it is better to place them in a row with your notes, because they will be in tune with your thoughts. But then highlight them in a different color so that these quotes are not visually lost in the text.

After months and years

For a long time, girls, young women and women have preserved the tradition of recording their thoughts in a diary. A personal diary is a window into our soul, our understanding and trusting interlocutor. By keeping a diary, we can give vent to our feelings that we hide from everyone, entrust our most intimate thoughts to it, without fear of condemnation or censure, talk about events that are important to us, without making excuses or feeling guilty. Alone with him you can be yourself. The diary becomes our friend who, with gentleness, compassion and deep understanding, allows us to go through all the trials of life.

The classic version of keeping a diary involves describing experiences and events. But this is not the only way! Many people like to supplement the text with pictures, collages, and crafts.

Pros of keeping a personal diary:

  • Analyzing your own life helps you live consciously and notice the good.
  • Describing emotional experiences gives relief and allows you to look at them from a distance.
  • A personal diary activates creative energy, distracts you from dull everyday life and adds variety to your daily routine.

Let's look at where to start if you have never kept a personal diary.

First, note what type of thinking you belong to:

  1. If If you loved writing essays at school, then verbal descriptions of each day would be ideal for you.
  2. When you communicate with someone on the phone, your hand just reaches out to draw squiggles on a piece of paper.

    This means you have the creative streak of an artist in you. Alternate text and drawings, make collages.

  3. Closer to you rational thinking, exact sciences and pragmatism? A personal diary can become a business notebook.

    Write down your goals for the next week or month, celebrate what you've done and be inspired by your achievements!

  4. If you know how to sew, If you master the art of scrapbooking or know how to do anything else with your own hands, create a personal diary based on your hobby.

    Write down ideas for future crafts, paste in magazine clippings, and note important tips from other crafters.

Notebooks for a personal diary are different. You can buy it ready-made, or make it yourself, designing each page with love.

Diary options

Homemade personal diary Ready-made notebook with hard cover Moleskin
Pros: this will be a unique personal diary, completely tailored to your tastes Pros: this notebook is convenient to take with you on the road and fill it out anywhere, at any time Pros: this is a real gift for a creative person! Moleskine is made of unlined paper, so it is convenient to draw and draw on it
Cons: you will have to spend time searching for ready-made pages on the Internet and creating a cover Cons: stationery notebooks are not very diverse; they come in either a checkered or lined pattern and do not have creative pages. Cons: They are quite expensive compared to a regular notepad

Important! A universal diary is a ring notebook because it allows you to swap pages and insert new blocks.

Ideas for a personal diary: what can you draw?

Ready-made pictures in the form of collages, your own drawings or sketches of other people’s works are the most popular ideas for a treasured notebook.

Collages are usually created on a specific theme. Fashion and style, nature, ideas for home decoration, beautiful people- all this can serve as a theme for creating a collage.

Illustrations are selected on the topic in women's magazines or pictures on the Internet that can be printed.

Cuttings or printouts are placed randomly on the sheet, form a composition, and then glued.

Do you prefer to draw on your own? Choose your option for adding drawings to your diary:

  1. Challenge- This is the regular creation of drawings. The main rule is to draw at least one every day.

    There are many options for challenges online; you can join a ready-made one or come up with your own.

  2. Art therapy heals the soul through spontaneous drawing. Close your eyes, focus on your experiences and draw the first thing that comes to mind.

    Put all your inner emotions into the drawing - and you will feel relief!

  3. Mandalas and anti-stress coloring books are designed to relieve stress. When you immerse yourself in drawing colorful patterns, you relax your soul.

    This is a great option for those who don’t know how to draw, but want to get involved in a creative endeavor.

  4. Drawings by dots or by cells - another cool drawing option that anyone can do.

Pay special attention home page diary. What can you draw on it, besides a beautiful frame with your own name?

Ask yourself what is the most pleasant thing in the world for you, and then depict it all on the first page. This will set you up for warmth and openness in front of your diary.

Making a personal diary with your own hands

The internal and external design of a personal diary will depend on the wishes of its owner.

First, decide in what style you want to design your notebook:

  1. Vintage suggests a beige-brown color scheme, images of objects in a retro style and black and white portraits people of a past era.
  2. Shabby chic– perfect style for girls! Beautiful shabby chic decorations include roses, bird cages, wreaths, floral patterns and pink and blue colors.
  3. Classics chosen by those who are closer to geometric shapes, pastel colors and ornate patterns.
  4. Boho style– the most daring, colorful and bright, combining ethnic designs, natural motifs and the mood of the hippie era.

Beautiful design can be created in two ways.

Create a handmade cover or paste in pages that you have originally designed with your own hands:

Ideas for creating a cover Ideas for unusual pages
Wrap the cover in fabric! You can decorate such a cover with embroidery, beads, buttons or badges. The soft cover is pleasant to the touch and looks very soulful Lists of important things will help you monitor yourself and the world around you. Example – “10 things to do this fall”, “My achievements this month”
The combination of craft paper and lace looks very original. Take a look at any craft store - you'll find both. The emotion pages look interesting and are very useful!

Select blank pages in your notebook, and during periods of inspiration, emotional shock or great happiness, express your own emotions on them as you wish

A collage of photos on the cover is stylish and simple! Photo frames can be made from decorative tape Infographics are a combination of text and sketches. This way you can create recipes or plans for the weekend.

Note! The main principle that underlies keeping a personal diary is sincerity.

In fact, it doesn’t matter exactly how you keep your diary. There is no consensus on how to fill it out correctly.

Remember that you are creating it primarily for yourself. Therefore, listen to your heart and keep your treasured notebook the way your soul desires.

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