How to create an individual entrepreneur card sample. Enterprise card: concept and current samples

Chercher 28.06.2024

The main mission of any commercial organization (company, enterprise, LLC) or private entrepreneur who has registered an individual entrepreneur is to make a profit. And in accordance with the paradigm of the modern market, the only way to achieve the goal is to interact with counterparties, which are government agencies, legal entities and individuals. It goes without saying that the stronger and more friendly the connection between business partners, the more fruitful the cooperation will be.

There are many ways to strengthen commercial relationships: from drawing up to jointly hosting receptions, shows and other special events. However, every acquaintance begins with mutual introductions, and the best way to immediately get complete information about a potential client or partner is to look at his card. What is an enterprise card, how is it drawn up and where can you see a sample - see below.

What is a company card?

A card, or enterprise map, is a table compiled in a relatively free form containing information that will help a potential counterparty get an idea of ​​the company.

Important: as follows from the provisions of Article 52 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, an enterprise card (LLC or individual entrepreneur) is not a mandatory document, and, therefore, its absence will not be a reason for imposing penalties or suspending the company’s activities, not to mention its forced dissolution. However, nowadays, when information can be transmitted not only from hand to hand, but also over the Internet, the presence of such a card is a sign of good form. And since drawing up a document is not difficult (no more difficult than a cooperation agreement between legal entities), then why not do it?

An example in favor of drawing up a card can also be given from the opposite: the conclusion of a cooperation agreement in most cases does not occur on the basis of a public offer, and therefore, a counterparty who, based on general practice, requested an enterprise card and did not receive it, has every right to refuse it and cooperation that has not begun.

In addition, having a company card is simply convenient. It contains information necessary for the work of the accounting and legal department of the counterparty and, as necessary, for further resolution of controversial issues through going to court.

Advice: It doesn’t hurt to check the accuracy of the information contained in the enterprise card. Even if the counterparty is exceptionally decent, an error may creep into the document (due to the fault of the originator or during subsequent revisions). In particular, you can obtain or check each code given in the document on the Internet; There are many ways, and it is up to the inspector to decide which one to prefer.

As already mentioned, there is no legally established form of an enterprise card. Theoretically, it can be composed in any way; The main task is to make working with the provided information as comfortable as possible for the other party (client or partner). The holder of an LLC or individual entrepreneur card can act at his own discretion, based on general practice and following the wishes of his superiors; if necessary, the structure of the document, a sample of which in the form of a Word document can be downloaded from the links given in the following paragraphs, can be easily changed. In addition, there is an opportunity, rarely used to this day, to create a card automatically in the 1C: Enterprise program.

Important: although this advice is not supported by law, it is highly recommended that when changing the data of an organization (LLC, company, firm) or individual entrepreneur, send cards with corrected data to all counterparties: this will help in the future to avoid annoying misunderstandings associated with the use of outdated information by business partners.

How to fill out a business card?

The card of an enterprise or individual entrepreneur is usually drawn up in the form of a table on an A4 sheet: this will make it easier to print in the future. There are no formal restrictions on sheet size; but since it is the default, there is no point in changing it.

In the most general case, a card, no matter whether it is an LLC or an individual entrepreneur, may contain the following information:

  1. Logo, emblem or characteristic recognizable image. They are placed at the very top of the sheet, and not in the table. If the logo itself is a trademark, there should be a corresponding icon next to it; if not, it is better not to mislead the counterparty, exposing your reputation to a blow at the initial stage of cooperation.
  2. Full official name of the company. Despite the apparent obviousness, this is one of the most important fields in the table; You need to very carefully read the entered data, eradicating all the errors that have crept in. Of course, a typo will not be a reason to go to court (and if it does, the plaintiff will not win the case), however, it is unlikely that a reputable entrepreneur will want to deal with an LLC or individual entrepreneur who does not even know how to “introduce himself” without making a mistake.
  3. Abbreviated official name of the organization. Like the complete one, it must be indicated in the document without errors - exactly as in the statutory documents (without surprises or innovations).
  4. The name of the LLC, JSC or individual entrepreneur in a foreign language (if any). This column is primarily necessary if a company or private entrepreneur works with foreign counterparties - it will be much easier for them to obtain ready-made information rather than try to translate the Russian name. However, the presence of such a line in any case adds solidity to the organization, and translating a few words will not become a serious problem - therefore, the name in another language is recommended in any case, regardless of the international ambitions of the company. If the organization is not strictly focused on a specific country or region, international English should be preferred; otherwise, the ideal option would be to combine two languages ​​- local and English.
  5. Information about the leader. It is not necessary to provide detailed information and describe a biography; It is enough to provide the last name, first name and patronymic, optionally - TIN and the name of the document on the basis of which the specified person is vested with authority (for example, the Charter of the company). In addition to the director, this column may include:
    • Chief Accountant;
    • executive director;
    • heads of departments;
    • other authorized persons.
  6. Address of LLC or individual entrepreneur- the one under which the enterprise is registered. In accordance with general practice, in this case one should start with the index, however, if exclusively intraregional activities are planned, it is enough to start the listing (in descending order) with the name of the subject of the Federation.
  7. Postal address of the organization- actually the one where the offices (buildings, workshops) of the legal entity are located.
  8. Telephone and, if available, fax. There is nothing complicated here: just provide the available numbers, not forgetting to indicate the domestic Russian codes.
  9. E-mail address. In the modern world, almost every enterprise or individual entrepreneur has a virtual mailbox - its address should be entered in this column of the table.
  10. Basic codes and numbers according to Russian classifiers. The more detailed information the company card compiler provides, the better; usually indicate:
    • OGRN;
    • OKATO;
    • OKPO;
    • OKTMO;
    • OKVED and other codes.
  11. Bank details:
    • checking account;
    • correspondent account;
    • name of the bank or branch;
  12. It is highly advisable to tell in a separate field about the main activities of the company and, if any, awards and insignia.

Advice: Before registering an LLC or individual entrepreneur, it would be a good idea to study it - the more impressive the top row of the table looks, the better.

Enterprise card - download form

As already mentioned, there is no single form for a business card. Using the links below you can download samples of filling out cards for LLCs and individual entrepreneurs; Having previously studied them, you can use them as forms by entering your information in the appropriate fields.

Sample enterprise card for individual entrepreneurs

Sample company card for LLC

Let's sum it up

The company card allows you to immediately familiarize the counterparty (client or partner) with the company’s mission and provide him with the data necessary for the work of the accounting and legal departments. There is no single legally approved form of the form: the compiler can act at his own discretion, independently developing the structure or using ready-made samples.

The more useful information is provided in the company card, the better. However, you should not overload the document: the counterparty can obtain detailed information after preliminary review by requesting the Charter and other open documents.

The purpose of today's publication is to provide a detailed description of the practical aspects of creating and using cards, as well as to provide managers and business entities with ready-made samples of relevant documents.

Today we will learn what an enterprise card is, what its purpose is, what differences in its preparation and filling out exist in relation to various organizational and legal forms of enterprises.

Those interested can download free samples of various types of enterprise cards using the links provided at the end of the publication.

For a short video about what a business card is, see below.

Company card– this is a document containing a set of data that individualizes an enterprise, used in economic circulation to identify and position the corresponding business entity.

In relations between commercial organizations, enterprise cards perform the same function as business cards in the process of communication between people, which is why they are often called enterprise business cards.

Since a significant amount of information on the card consists of bank details, they are commonly referred to as company bank cards.

Company cards are usually drawn up on A4 sheets or on letterhead.

Often in their design they use logos, trademarks and trademarks of the enterprise, as well as other elements that perform a decorative function.

The given data is endorsed by the signature of the head of the organization and certified by a seal.

A carefully designed and correctly filled out business card can inspire trust among business partners and counterparties even before the start of building any partnerships.

The first contact in economic transactions between companies or firms is usually accompanied by the exchange of company cards.

Both sides will be able to enter the relevant data into their databases, and later double-check the information received through available sources.

Providing false information can already stop the active development of relations at the very beginning and affect the business reputation of the enterprise.

Photo 2. Trusting relationships between partners are sometimes based on inconspicuous details. Exchange of business cards is one of these “little things”

This is a good incentive for the head of the organization to fill out the card responsibly.

Information about the enterprise is important for automating the process of drawing up transport and other documents that are required in commercial relations.

Without a company card, it will be impossible to issue invoices, fill out invoices correctly, make non-cash transfers, or send goods to recipients in the appropriate manner.

This is due to the use of special software products, “tailored” to operate with accurate data about commercial organizations.

The ethics of business communication requires immediate notification of partners about changes in the content of information included in the card.

The enterprise itself is also interested in this, since incorrectly filling out the relevant fields in bank documents can lead to a complete stupor of document flow and cash flow.

Company card details

There is no strict list of data to be included in the enterprise card. Most enterprises are guided when compiling it by their own considerations of convenience and functionality.

Meanwhile, there are details without which it loses all meaning (legal address, current account and some others).

Analysis of dozens of cards of business entities allows us to identify the following types: required to fill out data:

  • Business name;
  • legal, postal and actual addresses of the company (if they differ; if not, the legal address is sufficient);
  • information about email and the Internet (website address);
  • information about key officials of the enterprise - and (full name, contact numbers);
  • bank details (name of bank, current and correspondent accounts);
  • registration data (number of registration certificate with the tax inspectorate, TIN, links to constituent documents - and, as well as information from federal registers of all types: OKVED, OKPO, OGRNIP, OGRN, BIC, KPP, etc.).

To this data you can add everything that the head of a commercial organization considers necessary and useful to tell his partners about himself.

Cards of enterprises registered in the most popular form of limited liability company among entrepreneurs (), contain the same fields as cards of all other enterprises.

Perhaps the only difference is the need to indicate the full and abbreviated name.

It is advisable to issue an LLC company card on letterhead with company symbols, sign it to the manager and certify the signature with an official seal.

A sample of such a document is presented below.

Photo 3. Sample card of an enterprise registered in the form of LLC

Cards of enterprises registered in other organizational and legal forms (OJSC, CJSC, JSC, UP), as well as cards of individual entrepreneurs, do not have any significant differences from the above.

The main thing to remember is the purpose for which it is being compiled and to whom it is planned to provide the information contained in it.

Enterprises actively engaged in foreign economic activity and having access to foreign partners must have a duplicate of the card in English.

In form, it is no different from the usual one, except for the peculiarities of indicating data characteristic of European and American traditions.

A sample company card in English is presented below.

Photo 4. Sample of a business card filled out exclusively in English

In fact, we translated the hypothetical LLC card described earlier into English.

If business contacts are not limited only to English-speaking partners, it makes sense to think about creating company cards in other languages ​​(German, French, etc.).

Such “care” for business partners will never be in vain. Representatives of foreign companies will be able to appreciate such courtesy and foresight.

The examples of enterprise cards discussed in this article (LLC, in English) can be completely free download via the links provided below.

When running his business, a modern entrepreneur can use various auxiliary tools designed to facilitate the organization of business processes in the company, as well as simplify communications with the outside world. Among the small, but very useful tools when used correctly is the company card (it can also be called a client card or a partner card).

What is a company card and why it can be useful for individual entrepreneurs

Individual entrepreneurs are often forced to resort to cooperation in order to obtain maximum benefits from their business activities. The reason for joining the efforts of businessmen may be, for example, the desire to get rid of a major competitor in the sales market, the need to organize an advertising campaign for a product being introduced to the market for the first time, or the opportunity to reduce production costs by jointly producing products.

While limited liability companies have the legal ability to formalize their consolidated activities, private entrepreneurs have to find loopholes. In this case, the loophole is the conclusion of a simple partnership agreement and the subsequent exchange of so-called partner cards. Partner cards can also be called enterprise cards. An enterprise card is also called a client card if it contains information about companies that are clients of an individual entrepreneur.

An example of a card from an enterprise that is a partner of an individual entrepreneur

What do you need to get a partner card?

Each individual entrepreneur issues a card of his enterprise himself. At the same time, the legislation does not require businessmen to have such a document, nor to draw it up according to any specific rules. However, there is a traditionally accepted form of issuing a company card. Such a card includes mandatory and optional company details, as well as information that the entrepreneur deems necessary to include in it.

  • The standard minimum when issuing a partner card includes the following information:
  • official name of the individual entrepreneur;
  • TIN code;
  • OGRNIP number;
  • OKVED code;
  • legal address;
  • mailing address;
  • registration certificate number;
  • current account number;
  • Name of the bank;
  • bank correspondent account;
  • OKPO code (all-Russian classifier of enterprises and organizations);

contact details (telephone, fax, e-mail).

The card can be issued either on a regular sheet of A4 paper or on letterhead printed in a printing house. Some of the points listed above may be covered in more detail than in the above list. For example, it is worth taking care of your partners and additionally deciphering the OKVED code, indicating the types of activities that the individual entrepreneur is engaged in.

Unfortunately, not everyone has the opportunity to search for tables with economic activity classification codes, and then look for the code from the partner’s card in the found tables. If your counterparty did not take care of your convenience and did not decipher the codes, you can use a special search on the official website of the Classifier.

The partner card can be issued on both regular and business letterhead

Many companies use modern communication channels to automatically generate customer cards. Thus, large wholesale companies publish special forms on their websites, by filling which the buyer will provide the seller with all the information necessary for cooperation, issued in the form of a customer card.

The client card can be filled out online

Modern electronic customer relationship management systems (so-called CRM systems) imply the presence of an electronic customer card for each of the current or potential customers. The storage of information about partners and contractors is carried out in a similar way.

Customer information can be stored electronically in CRM systems

Partner cards allow entrepreneurs to quickly exchange information about each other. From the company map, the accounting department can always glean information about the partner’s details. The basic set of information provided in the card allows the entrepreneur, at least at a minimum level, to check the counterparty for integrity using the online services provided by the Federal Tax Service website.

The author of this material had the opportunity to experience in practice the benefits of working with a customer database, organized on the basis of cards collected at one time by sales department employees from each of the customers. Among them were individual entrepreneurs, organizations, as well as individuals. For each of them, the database contained information about the specifics of their work, the frequency of orders, and so on. This systematization of data allowed the company to plan its activities for the long term, as well as maintain business relationships with customers even when for some reason they temporarily do not make purchases.

You should approach the use of partner and client cards creatively, because this is a tool designed to make a businessman’s work more efficient. Among the information entered into a client or enterprise card, there should be information that represents the maximum value specifically for a specific type of activity or allows you to maintain the necessary level of trust in relations with specific organizations.

For example, almost any business can supplement standard cards with information about dates that are important in the life of partner companies and their managers; about companies with a developed branch structure, it is useful to know the addresses of these branches, as well as the details of their managers, and so on.

Video: creating a partner card in the 1C accounting program

An enterprise card will help to establish convenient and effective interaction with the outside world when it comes to the association and partnership of an individual entrepreneur with other businessmen, as well as when working with a client base. Registration of these cards does not take much time, and a competently compiled database of counterparties based on them will lay the foundation for a significant competitive advantage in business.

This is the “face” of the company, so it must be filled out without errors and according to the generally accepted pattern. The main purposes, documents required to fill it out, as well as a detailed analysis of the latter for LLCs and individual entrepreneurs are in this article.

A company card, sample or real, is a kind of business card. Its main purpose is to introduce business partners (counterparties) to this company as concisely and informatively as possible. Using it, third-party organizations enter comprehensive information about this company into their books or databases. Typically, such a card is required only once, during the first business contact; information from personal databases is used for further cooperation.

With all changes affecting it (change of current account, legal address, etc.), it is necessary to enter new data into the card, and also inform counterparties about this fact.

An enterprise card (a sample of it is located below) is a source of information for all invoices (issued and sent), cashless payment transactions, and in addition, invoices, documentation sent to the name of the company.

Required documents

To fill out a business card, the company's constituent documentation is required. According to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, Art. it includes:

  • a document confirming the registration of an individual entrepreneur or LLC;
  • confirmation of the company's tax registration;
  • and Articles of Association (for LLC only).

These documents must in one way or another reflect the following:

  • name of the legal entity;
  • the type of activity carried out by him;
  • postal address of the main office;
  • management order.

Enterprise card: sample filling

The company can make the location of the items and the design of its card the way it best suits the specifics of its activity, but all the semantic components of this list must be mentioned in the document:

  1. Full and short
  2. Current bank details.
  3. Legal postal address of its location.
  4. Official email address.
  5. Contact working telephone numbers, fax numbers.
  6. Logo, emblem or other promotional image of this company. Required to “recognize” the company on banners, commercials, etc.
  7. The time period during which the company operates. If the company has been feeling confident in the market for many years, this fact will only endear it to its partners and clients even more.
  8. Products manufactured, nature of work performed or type of services. The block should be as specific as possible about what is mentioned, and very succinctly.
  9. Another sample business card includes a brief mention of data that can make a favorable impression: partnerships with generally recognized corporations, cooperation with famous people, charity events. Mention of such information is optional.

Although the law does not strictly regulate the content of this document, concealment of any mandatory clause here may adversely affect the attitude of clients and counterparties to the company.

For LLC and individual entrepreneur

A limited liability company creates a card once for the purpose of sending it to future potential counterparties. If there are any changes, it is not necessary to send them a new document; just a warning is enough.

The company card (sample for LLC) is shown in the photo below.

An individual entrepreneur usually creates a card on company letterhead, thinks over its design, but leaves the main elements unchanged.

The individual entrepreneur card (sample) looks something like the photo below.

We hope that the article answered all your questions regarding the preparation of a business card and the nuances associated with it.

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