How to make a successful career? Advice for young professionals. Career

Documentation 16.09.2020

Vladimir Bogdanov is an extraordinary person: the CEO of the largest... Chercher, but prefer to make a horizontal career, and there are reasons for this. What is good about a horizontal career?

Make a horizontal career. You can become a top specialist and work without promotion, educate yourself, improve your skills and acquire new ones.

Such an experienced professional may be a more valuable employee than many managers. He may not have a high position, but this does not mean at all that his career will be less successful.

A horizontal career is a common phenomenon among specialists in creative professions - journalists, designers, and workers in the field of computer technology. Thanks to completing new tasks and constantly mastering new processes, workers in almost any profession can grow professionally.

When an employee really likes the work he is doing, then his motivation will be to achieve high skill, and not vertical career growth, which involves changing job responsibilities.

The main advantages of a horizontal career

Employment. Specialists highly qualified They are always needed, so they rarely experience difficulties in finding work.

Salary. When you reach professional heights and hone your skills, you can expect a high salary. For example, experienced programmers are often valued more than project managers.

Unlimited professional growth. In the case of a vertical career, there is always a certain “ceiling” of growth when you get a position, above which it is impossible to rise above. For a professional, growth has no limits, so there is no limit to perfection.

Calm environment. Advancement along the vertical career ladder usually requires the expenditure of significant nervous resources and can be accompanied by scandals and conflicts. A horizontal career presupposes a calmer life, since a person achieves everything with his own on our own and less dependent on others.

Each person chooses his own path in life. Some people like to lead others, taking full responsibility and constantly being in a state of stress, while others strive to improve their professional skills and work calmly. Everything is individual, the main rule of a successful career is to do what you like.

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Having got a job in a modest position - for example, a secretary, a salesperson or a courier, you can sit on your “step” until retirement. Or you can quickly rise to the very top of the career ladder. Of course, career growth largely depends on the personal qualities of the employee. But not in everything. Experts believe that one of the main conditions for a fast career is right choice companies.

According to Alexey Zakharov, president of the recruiting portal, it is easiest to make a career in “young” innovative areas. "The classic example is information Technology. Internet business is developing rapidly. Employees of a successful start-up can quickly go from a junior position to general director, he says. - But in large companies It’s quite difficult to have a fast-paced career. In “old” industries, the path from the “bottom” to management positions will take 20-25 years, because here the career has clear steps that you cannot jump over.”

You can quickly make a career in companies working in traditional fields. For example, in the catering industry. “In fast food, for example, in two or three years there is a chance to develop from a cash register worker to a branch director. Of course, we are only talking about big players market,” notes Victoria Lyagina, a specialist in the personnel selection group of the UNITY personnel center. - Presenters Russian enterprises fast food They grow their managers internally, following the example of McDonald's. At the same time, in order to become a leader, a person does not need to have special knowledge at the start.”

The head of Victoria, Vera Anistsyna, sees other areas for impatient careerists. These are tourism, retail and telecommunications. “If a business is quite young, rapidly developing and going through a formative phase, then it is indeed much easier to achieve professional success in it, and career growth is possible much faster than, for example, in manufacturing, metallurgy, mining and the banking industry, since they require enormous experience and knowledge,” she noted.

Ella Mikhailova, leading consultant at the recruiting agency Penny Lane Personnel, believes that it is easier to make a career in the financial sector and sales, and in any field - HoReCa, insurance, IT, auto business, luxury, etc. But Evgenia Lanichkina, head of the industrial recruitment department at Antal Russia, singles out among such industries not only IT and e-commerce, but also the pharmaceutical, manufacturing and mining industries.

Having decided on the industry, the careerist must choose which company to work for - Russian or foreign.

There is an opinion that you can quickly make a career in an international corporation. However, as Sergei Zakharov told RBG, as a rule, a career in an international company begins for our compatriots with hard work in Russian representative offices. Only after achieving high performance in Russia can you count on a transfer to a foreign office. A lot determines the level of the company. If a corporation has been present in Russia for many years and has basically solved all its problems here, then everything in it has already been “bureaucratized” in a good way. To grow you need to take initiative, but some kind of initiative at the lower level in big business are not required, since all processes are already built. Accordingly, it is possible to make a quick career in a large corporation only if it launches something new.

Evgenia Lanichkina’s experience suggests that the fastest way to build a career is in Russian companies. Most of them do not have a rigid structure or grade system, and careers can develop unpredictably and spontaneously. Russian companies make it possible to skip over several steps.

But the situation in international companies, according to the expert, varies greatly depending on the country of the company itself. IN Japanese companies vertical growth is practically not expected, and in European ones there is a clear structure with a formalized system of grades, which is almost impossible to skip.

A successful career is made up of a number of factors - talent, efficiency, the ability to negotiate with people and make bold decisions, luck and much more.

However, Superjob decided to highlight five main rules for career success. Follow them and be confident - the most important thing for professional growth You doing.

Rule one: mind your own business
Ideally, you need to decide what kind of work gives you pleasure in your youth. However, in life there are many examples when a specialist changed his profession at a fairly mature age and achieved considerable success in a new field.

Having chosen a specialty, already in the first years of work a person usually understands what is more interesting to him within this field. For example, a doctor may see patients or practice administrative work in the hospital. Journalist - write articles or organize the work of a reporting service. Manager - negotiate specific transactions or determine the general direction of the company's development.

To avoid bitter disappointments and professional burnout, think: are you doing your own business? Should you strive to climb the career ladder or is it more interesting to build a horizontal career, becoming a recognized guru in the profession? After all, the joy of a high salary and a great job title will not last long if the work you do does not give you pleasure.

Rule two: do your job perfectly
Although psychologists say that perfectionism is not a very good character trait, this quality is very useful for a career. Whatever you do, provide maximum high quality your work. No matter how trivial it may sound, but good job- the key to career advancement.

Organize marketing events? Your budget should be thought out down to the nuances, and the promotions carried out should go off without a hitch. Are you an assistant to a manager and organize his day? Think about everything down to the smallest detail - from the meeting schedule to the opportunity to take a break and drink coffee during the break.

It is the results of your work that will be the main driving force of your career. Get ready for an objective competition - in the vast majority of cases, the one who works more efficiently and faster rises up the career ladder. And although there are exceptions, to reassure yourself that “in our country a career is made only through connections” means knowingly depriving yourself of your chances of success.

Rule three: prioritize
Sometimes it happens that it is not possible to do all the work “excellently” - there is simply not enough time. A situation familiar to many: I stayed at home with my grandmother Small child, and at work the boss is waiting for a report. What should I do?

Calmly think about what is more important to you at the moment. Get extra points in the career race by staying in the office for the evening? Or spend time with your child? There is no definite answer and there cannot be. If, for example, the report is only an intermediate link in the work, then it is quite possible to leave it until the morning. If the manager is waiting for numbers from you right now, most likely he has good reasons for this and it is better for you to stay longer.

Rule four: learn to negotiate and make unpopular decisions
A career is always about relationships, the ability to negotiate with a variety of people. It can be especially difficult to build relationships with subordinates who just yesterday were equal colleagues. The young leader may be confused: he doesn’t want to look like a despot, but at the same time he knows very well that Ivanov spends a lot of his working time on social networks. How to proceed?

Of course, there can be many options for resolving such situations. You can have a conversation with Ivanov, explaining to him that work time- for work, and rely on his integrity and responsibility. You can set tasks for Ivanov that would not leave him time for Odnoklassniki. In any case, you must realize: the leader does not only hand out carrots and set interesting tasks. Sometimes he has to threaten with a whip.

Making unpopular decisions in the interests of the company is something without which it is impossible to achieve a truly high position. However, you must comply with the law when doing so. simple rules justice and ethics. Only then will you be known not as a tyrant, but as an adequate leader.

Rule five: be proud of what you do
This rule is a direct consequence of our first commandment. Your business should captivate you, make you feel proud of the results - your personal and the company as a whole. A young secretary-assistant who confidently states: “I answer calls, I like communicating with people, I am proud to be useful to such a reputable company” has a much better chance of making a career than one who listlessly says: “Nothing better yet.” I couldn’t find it, I have to answer the phone and make coffee for my boss...”

Have you successfully completed a serious project? Tell your colleagues about this. Has your company been featured in a reputable magazine? Feel free to repost the article on your social network page to make this information available to your friends.

Superjob wishes you professional growth and conquering career heights!

As we age, we increasingly begin to feel that it is too late to change anything. You are very surprised how your friend or librarian acquaintance was able to get a pretty good position in the field of marketing, if he had never done this before. How did your iconic videographer become the publisher of a prestigious online parenting magazine? While you were watching Game of Thrones, many of your peers were changing their careers, gaining new skills and knowledge, which allowed them to get a prestigious job.

There is one thing these people definitely didn’t do: they didn’t listen to the naysayers who said they couldn’t do it. There will always be some family member or friend who will try their best to protect you from making a career change by telling you that it is a huge risk at your age.

This person can tell you that the age from 30 to 50 years is optimal for earning money if you work in one field, because... you have a chance to move up the career ladder in your field. Why do you want to donate now? stable income for the meager salary that you will most likely receive if you decide to change your career?

Perhaps because it’s not always just about money. Perhaps you have decided that there is nothing interesting to you in your chosen industry. Although, it is quite possible that you want to change your field of activity precisely because of money.

You realize that in this field you have already reached the top of your earning potential. It's possible that this amount will be enough for all your shopping and vacation needs, but it shouldn't be a deterrent that prevents you from exploring long-term career changes.

Below is small plan, which consists of 5 points that will help you make a career change in adulthood.

1 – Allow yourself to dream big

Now that you're inspired to change your life, what's your next step? It is possible that you have certain financial obligations: mortgage, loans, payment for children's education, so it is not in your interests to act without a plan. However, allow yourself to dream a little.

Think carefully about what your ideal career looks like:

What position would you ideally like to hold? What responsibilities make up your workday? What qualities would you like to see in your boss and colleagues?

Make a list and refer to it every time you consider new jobs.

2 – Conduct a legal analysis of a career change

If you have done everything that was indicated in point 1, then you can move on to the next step. Learn the basics of your dream job so there are no unwanted surprises later.

Research all the jobs that apply to you to see if the job offers a decent starting salary and what growth prospects there are in the industry. Explore all possible additional education requirements and available programs that may be of potential benefit to you.

At this stage, it is important to take a inventory of all the skills and knowledge that will be useful in the new job and that you can offer. You probably have a lot more skills than you think.

For example, if you teach a subject in school but plan to pursue medical research, your classroom experience may have much more potential than you thought. I used to work as a teacher, but my teaching skills also came in handy in IT.

3 – Think long-term about yourself

Look at job postings that match the description of your dream position, and also look at positions that are several levels below. We all want to be a big starter right away, but that's pretty unrealistic. Think about how you can adapt your abilities to the demands of your new job.

Here you need to think like a matchmaker who brings together two lonely souls. You need to create a match between yourself and your potential job. Identify and develop those qualities that make you most desirable in the eyes of an employer.

Employers will be attracted to your technical knowledge, as well as people skills - the ability to communicate well with people, which makes you a good team player.

Let's say you are applying for a position as a financial analyst or financial planner. I hope that you received a bachelor's degree in a specialty that suits you, such as business development or economics. Showcase your skills accounting, analytical thinking and knowledge of modern tools for your employer. Many companies have their own software, so you definitely need to be able to combine your general knowledge of technology with your talents.

In addition to proving that you have a variety of complex skills, you'll look even better if you can highlight the skills of two or three other people. Give relevant examples. Good verbal communication and analytical thinking are skills that are essential for a career in finance.

In general, absolutely any job involves interaction with people. Communication skills are always in demand in any position.

If your skills match the job requirements, then this is an ideal situation, but it is better to describe them exactly as they are specified in the published vacancy. For the skills you don't have, you need to make a plan to acquire them.

4 – Find ways to learn new skills

If you decide to radically change your field of activity, then you need to improve many skills or gain new ones. Even experienced trade workers need retraining, because... knowledge today quickly becomes outdated. To stay on top, you need to learn how to apply modern technologies to achieve your goals.

I want to offer you several options for learning new skills:

Online courses

If you are new to something and are short on time, then online courses will be the most affordable and simple method mastering new skills that may be useful to you for new job. Some online courses They even issue diplomas that can be attached to your resume for credibility.

In general, you can get a diploma state standard remotely. We have already written about it before, so we will not repeat it.

Vocational training programs

Some highly qualified highly paid professions require a specialized industry certificate. It is worth noting that today programs vocational training We've come a long way from where we were ten years ago. Now these programs are technology-oriented, and they are often taught by practicing specialists. These programs are career-oriented and can be completed much faster than traditional college or university programs. As a rule, you can choose the most optimal class schedule for yourself.

Academic degree programs

I haven’t gone through this “school” yet, but I plan to get an MBA degree. But I already received a master's degree, which is pretty good. I can't say that it played a decisive role in my career, but I always advocate education.

5 – Attract attention via the Internet

Along with acquiring all the necessary skills, you will need to develop a good network company. It is worth noting that 60% of vacancies never reach open market. Why is that? Because jobs are filled even before they are posted.

When you show up in a set, it makes you more visible. I myself don’t really understand how it works, but I constantly receive various offers to work for some companies. It’s worth noting that offers have been coming in since my blogs became more popular. It is quite possible that my resources allow me to be assessed as a specialist.

Meet new people and make more friends in the field where you plan to work. This will increase your networking capabilities. By the way, today employers get their first impressions of a potential employee from social networks, so look carefully at your pages on in social networks. Try to create a pleasant impression in the online space.


Throughout your career, you will work to ensure that your skills match all the requirements that your dream company needs.

It is worth noting that an interview is similar to “speed dating”, when strangers make a decision in a few minutes of communication. Employers will determine your skills within minutes, so try to leave a good first impression.

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