How to connect wifi on a train. Is there Wi-Fi on trains?

Tax Code of the Russian Federation 07.01.2020
Tax Code of the Russian Federation

Russian railways are finally ready to provide travelers with the opportunity to use Internet access services while traveling to railway transport long distance. By the end of this year, about half of the trains are planned to be equipped with wireless Internet transmitters, which will allow passengers to spend their travel time comfortably.

Modern technologies have not bypassed Russian railway transport. Now, in order not to get bored during a long trip, passengers will not have to independently look for solutions in the form of unstable mobile internet. By the end of 2017, Russian Railways plan to equip them with points wireless access up to half of the long-distance trains running through the territory Russian Federation, and the Internet will become available not only to passengers of the branded Sapsan.

On average, about five hundred trains travel across Russia every day, the trip duration of which is up to several days. Soon, almost 50% of the trains are planning to be equipped with wireless Internet, with the help of which passengers will have the opportunity to choose and watch movies, listen to music, order food from the dining car and receive information about the current trip. This service will be possible thanks to the installation of a specialized server in one of the cars, which will distribute the local network to the entire train. It will be possible to connect to the network using a Wi-Fi access point, and the data will be stored on a common server - this will help you access entertainment at maximum speeds.

Implementation project wireless internet Russian railway transport has been developed for more than six years. Subsidiary of Russian Railways - Federal passenger company- testing it with three potential contractors: Tutu.TV, TvZavr and Okko. Tenders have already been planned for this year, the results of which will determine the company officially authorized to introduce Wi-Fi into Russian trains.

It is expected that passengers will have access to both a large amount of local content and the global Internet. The cost of the “pleasure” will be approximately 150 rubles per day, and tariffs will vary depending on the duration of the trip - for example, it is planned to introduce tariffs for 12 hours, one or several days. The operation of the railway Internet will be ensured by 3G and 4G connections from mobile operators, satellite communications, as well as small base stations installed along the train.

As reported by FPC, the service is already being tested on train No. 144, traveling in the Moscow-Kislovodsk direction, and a total of 33 trains are equipped with Wi-Fi. The developers and partners of the project believe that the service will be in demand among consumers. According to general director Internet Video Association Alexey Byrdin, at first about 5% of passengers will use wireless Internet, but the need for the service will increase. It is expected that passengers will have access to the latest in modern cinema and music, and over time, perhaps, the carriages will be equipped with screens and headphones for the most comfortable trip.

Ask the question “Is there Wi-Fi on the train?” follows at the stage of purchasing a ticket. Each train is equipped with its own set additional services, these may include free or paid Internet. This will be indicated on the ticket sales website; more details can be found in reviews of the train left by previous travelers.

A pilot project for introducing Wi-Fi on trains was the TsPPK electric trains in Moscow and the Moscow region. It was so successful that within a year several dozen electric trains “Standard” and “Express” were equipped with equipment for connecting with mobile network. You can find out whether wifi is available on electric trains from the signs in vestibules and salons. In the capital, in areas covered by cell towers, the Internet operates uninterruptedly at speeds of up to 12 Mb/s.

On long-distance trains far from civilization, more complex equipment is installed. The system connects to stations cellular communication in those areas where there is a stable signal, and outside their coverage area it picks up data from satellites. Server equipment is installed in one of the cars and transmits the signal to other access points.

Zones with a complete lack of communication are rare. On some trains you can use information portal Russian Railways when connected to internal Wi-fi. It offers films simple games, information about train movements and routes.

How to connect to the Internet on a train

To understand how to connect to wifi on a train, you need to enable this function in your gadget and check for networks. As a rule, the official one is called by the name of the train (for example, Sapsan_Wi-fi), or by the operator’s logo. Then there are two connection options - activation by phone number, or registration on the website. In the first case, you need to enter your phone number, get the Russian Railways wifi password, enter it and enjoy connecting to the World Wide Web.

In the second case, you will have to fill out a short form and indicate your data, but if you have a government services account, then simply log in through it. Having understood how to connect to Russian Railways Wi-Fi, the passenger has the opportunity to use media content located on the server, including listening to music or audio books, watching movies, contacting the dining car and ordering food delivery.

Please note that watching films and providing some services may require a fee. It is also common practice to provide paid Wi-Fi on trains, and the cost depends on the duration of the trip - about 100-200 rubles per day. If this is the Internet provided by cellular operators in the coverage areas of the towers, then it does not always make sense to overpay - such a signal can also be obtained through your SIM card. Therefore, before connecting the service, it is better to ask the conductor about the equipment installed on the train.

The Internet is a constant companion in our lives, so Wi-Fi has become a service that travelers would like to use not only at train stations, but also during their trips. Wi-Fi is especially relevant during long journeys, when passengers spend several hours or even days on the train, and mobile connection 3G/4G is not always able to provide uninterrupted network access.

It is worth noting that the wireless Internet access service is already provided to passengers of the Moscow metro (MaximaTelecom) and operates on many metropolitan routes ground transport(Netbynet). A pilot project to provide Internet access was implemented in 2016 on buses heading towards Pulkovo Airport (Netbynet) on routes No. 39 and No. 39E, and on trolleybuses No. 22 (NetByNet and MTS). Very soon Wi-Fi will appear in the St. Petersburg metro. Wireless Internet is penetrating public transport in other Russian cities: Chisinau, Khabarovsk, Krasnodar, Omsk, Nakhodka, Pyatigorsk, Ufa and Tashkent.

In 2015 public wifi became available on Aeroexpress trains. The service operator was RDL-Telecom. To provide high-speed Internet access, the company combined the traffic of four cellular operators - MTS, Megafon, Yota and Beeline. In the Moscow region, free Wi-Fi is available on Lastochka electric trains running along the Moscow Central Circle (MCC). Connection to the Internet occurs using the LTE network of the largest operators - MTS, Beeline and Megafon.

In the fall of 2016, public Wi-Fi appeared in 4 commuter trains of the Moscow transport hub. After the end of the pilot project, OJSC Central Suburban Passenger Company (CSPC) will decide on expanding the service provision area to other routes. As for electric trains, it is not only capital projects that have achieved success; for example, Wi-Fi appeared in Ufa electric trains as part of the Topar program. You can find out more about Wi-Fi in transport.

Wi-Fi on trains

High-speed Sapsan trains also offer their passengers the opportunity to use wireless Internet. Since last year, travelers who have purchased first and business class tickets can not only connect to Wi-Fi for free, but also watch movies, listen to audio books or music, and read magazines on an information and entertainment portal designed specifically for Sapsan trains. Free Wi-Fi is not yet available to economy class passengers, but you can connect to the Internet for a fee using a scratch card or by paying for the service or by bank card, or from the personal account of a Megafon subscriber. The cost of the service is 100 rubles per hour, 200 rubles for 2 hours. Rates are also available for longer periods. To organize service along railway tracks along which trains travel, additional base stations have been installed to ensure continuous signal coverage. A total of 120 additional stations were installed as part of the project. Each carriage is equipped with repeaters that amplify cellular signals, and one of the carriages of the train contains several modems with SIM cards and an industrial router. The signal is amplified by antennas on the roof of this car. Inside other cars there are also antennas on the ceiling; they connect to the router and distribute traffic. All equipment is controlled by service software. The data transfer rate is approximately 2 Mbit/s.

The Megafon company has become a Wi-Fi operator on the Allegro international high-speed trains traveling from St. Petersburg to Helsinki. In order for Sapsan and Allegro passengers to be able to use the Internet while traveling, Megafon invested 800 million rubles in network infrastructure in 2013. Now Tele2 plans to become a wireless Internet operator on Allegro trains.

In the field of long-haul passenger transportation, wireless networks are also developing. Internet access service is provided on the routes Moscow-Helsinki (“Lev Tolstoy”), Moscow - Nizhny Novgorod("Burevestnik"), Moscow - St. Petersburg ("Nevsky Express"), St. Petersburg - Nizhny Novgorod ("Volga") and other branded trains of JSC "Federal Passenger Company", a total of 14 trains. Basically, this service is paid on branded trains. And just a month ago, the FPK company announced that in 2017 wireless connection Internet access will appear in 50% of long-distance trains. In addition to connecting to the Internet, passengers will be able to gain wireless access to a local server and use the information and entertainment portal developed by Okko, Tutu.TV or TvZavr services. The site will feature films, audio recordings, books and other content, as well as a service for ordering food from the dining car and the train route. It is planned that the service will cost about 100-200 rubles per day. Connecting to the Internet will be possible thanks to satellites, 3G and LTE networks of mobile operators, and the installation of base stations along train routes. The service is currently being tested in several carriages of train No. 144 (Moscow-Kislovodsk). By 2020, Russian Railways plans to organize wireless networks on all long-distance trains.

How it works

There are two ways to organize Wi-Fi in rolling stock:

  • by connecting to stations of 3G and LTE networks of cellular operators;
  • using a satellite connection.

Satellite communications are more reliable, since 3G networks do not have 100% coverage everywhere, but they are more expensive. To ensure an uninterrupted signal, hybrid systems are used that can connect to base stations operators, and to the satellite. A substation is installed in one of the cars, which picks up the signal and then, using network equipment, distributes it to other cars.

Let's consider one of the technical solutions using satellite communications, implemented by Mobile Inform Group on the branded Lotus train running from the capital to Astrakhan. Satellite equipment is installed in one of the cars, and a local network is organized throughout the entire train using access points and antennas. If your tablet or laptop is connected to local network, then it automatically receives Internet access via a channel from the satellite. An important problem that needs to be solved when organizing a Wi-Fi network on a train is the possibility of its self-healing and self-organization when the order of cars changes. The solution was to build a wireless mesh network in rolling stock. Access points use 2 radio channels: one to communicate with each other, and the second to connect passenger devices. Wireless Internet access service is already available on railways ah USA, Canada, Israel, Japan. Wi-Fi is already available to passengers of the Polish company PKP Intercity. In the coming years, the service is planned to be launched in Singapore, Great Britain, and Germany.

Of course, passengers would like to receive the service for free, like in cafes or hotels; after all, tickets for long-distance trains are already expensive. But carrying out such a difficult technical work and maintaining the quality of the service also requires considerable investment on the part of the operator, and advertising is unlikely to be able to recoup all costs. An attractive side of the service can be entertainment content, especially new movies and music, for which users will be willing to pay.

Cellular communications and the Internet work reliably near major cities and in the area of ​​major railways. The European part of Russia is almost entirely covered by the network, and the expanses of the Northern Urals, Siberia and the Far East, for the most part, remain without communications, with the exception of Trans-Siberian Railway. Beyond the Urals there may be interruptions in the signal - on one section of the route there is a connection, but on another on the same branch there will be none.

Wi-Fi can also be useful on the train, since using 3G while roaming is usually expensive. The company JSC Russian Railways has a Wi-Fi service on seventy trains (the vast majority of them are branded). By the end of 2016, it is planned to increase the number of trains with the Internet to two hundred. For example, on the famous "Sapsan" Wi-Fi is free for business class and paid for economy class. On many tariffs of mobile operators, the Internet package is valid throughout Russia, so you can do without Wi-Fi on the road. You can find out if your train has Wi-Fi when choosing a train on

All Big Four operators (Beeline, MTS, Megafon, TELE2) provide approximately equal network coverage. Only TELE2 seriously loses to its older brothers in the Trans-Siberian Railway area, guaranteeing only point-to-point communication. In such a situation, a good option would be to carry a spare SIM card from another operator.

If we talk about the speed of mobile Internet, then the communication space of modern 3G almost repeats the distribution area of ​​​​outdated 2G-GPRS (which is 30 times slower), but is slightly smaller in coverage. The most technologically advanced network standard - 4G - is still poorly developed in Russia; most of the marks are located in the capital and cities with a population of over a million. Moreover, the actual 4G speed is still about 10 times lower than advertised. However, this speed is enough to watch movies in real time, without prior downloading. Apparently, 4G on a train is a matter of the near future.

Russia will soon have a special cellular operator for motorists, train and airplane passengers. Sky Company Global communications» intends to deploy three space satellites by 2019, providing high speed access to the Internet throughout Russia, as well as in China and India.

If during a trip the connection suddenly disappears, do not despair, perhaps this is just a “hole” in the network coverage and after the next copse the signal will appear again. To find out whether cell phone reception will be available on your route, just look at a special map. It is available both on the website of the Ministry of Communications of the Russian Federation and in a separate application “Communication Quality” for Android. The map gives an idea of ​​the distribution of the digital communication signal (from 2G to 4G) across one (or all at once) of 17 mobile operators in Russia.

The main advantage of the card is its “nationality” - unlike the marketing figures for speeds and coverage areas on the websites of cellular operators, this card downloads data from the users themselves. Therefore, the information here is always accurate and up-to-date. But people use this application mainly in the car, so there should be a connection outside the highways, even if it is not marked on the map.

The development of technology makes it possible to create an Internet connection even in public transport. Russian Railways Wi-Fi network makes the trip more comfortable for passengers. On the road you can work, read books, watch movies, chat with friends thanks to a wireless Internet connection.

When connecting to the public Wi-Fi network of Russian Railways, you need to follow the tips for a secure connection so as not to become a victim of scammers.

First of all, intercity and international long-distance trains are equipped with access to the Network. One of the first electric trains to feature Wi-Fi was Sapsan. Then the experience of use extended to the Allegro trains running between St. Petersburg and Helsinki. You need to find out whether Wi-Fi is available on the train when purchasing tickets. It should be borne in mind that the Internet may be paid, since communication equipment is not cheap. Information about paid or free Internet access is indicated on the website of JSC Russian Railways.

Modern trains are also equipped with Internet access points. A pilot project for the implementation of WiFi by Russian Railways was the Moscow and Moscow suburban electric trains of the TsPPK in 2016. A year later, Internet points began to appear on the Standard, Lastochka and Express trains. The reserved seat train also has an Internet connection. Currently, almost all directions of Moscow suburban trains are equipped with a Wi-Fi network. You can find out which trains have WiFi by looking at the information stickers in the vestibule.

What opportunities does Wi-Fi provide on the train?

Traveling on electric trains takes up most of the time that could be spent usefully. Wi-Fi provides just such an opportunity. While traveling, the user can work on a laptop; many students use the travel time to
execution educational assignments. Many companies cooperating with Russian Railways, when paying for the Internet on an electric train, provide access to downloading music, watching movies (additional fees may apply for some films), games, ordering food from the dining car, calling a taxi and other important options.

Reference. Modern electric trains are equipped with sockets, thanks to which you can charge any device with a power of up to 100 watts.

According to surveys, the majority of people (56%) use the Russian Railways Internet in transport for work and educational purposes. The second most popular were entertainment: online games, reading books, watching videos. The third way to use the Internet is social media. To access the Internet, 77% of passengers use smartphones, 15% choose tablets and 8% use laptops.

Main sections within a local network site

In addition to providing wireless communication for the entire duration of the train’s journey, JSC Russian Railways also offers to use the services of a local portal. It's called "Russian Railways Companion". The site is accessible after connecting to Wi-Fi on the train.

The site contains information about:

  • purchasing goods on long-distance trains: food, drinks and others;
  • route;
  • a library of books, videos, magazines, games and other entertainment;
  • access to the Russian Railways Bonus program;
  • providing full access to the World Wide Web.

Using this resource, the train passenger not only gets access to the Internet, but also uses the company’s local resources.

How to connect to the Internet on a train

You can connect Wi-Fi on Russian Railways trains using mobile phone or an account on the State Services portal.

To connect via phone number you need:

When accessing the Network again via phone, re-authorization is not required.

Important. You cannot connect more than five devices to one phone number.

To access through the State Services website you need:

You can access the Internet only once through the State Services portal.

Please note that some services may require a fee. This is true for trains traveling on a long route. The cost of services depends on the distance of the trip, usually the price varies from 100 to 200 rubles. usually free.

If the provided Network is in the field of view of cell towers, it is worth considering whether it makes sense to overpay. If the Network is stable, you can also receive a signal through your SIM card. Therefore, before connecting to the service, it is recommended to ask the conductor or information stand about the installed equipment on the train.

Session duration and data transfer rate

Connecting to Wi-Fi on electric trains is provided in two ways:

  • by connecting to 3G and LTE cellular stations;
  • using a satellite connection.

Satellite communication is more reliable, but it is more difficult to organize and costs more. Cellular network reception is not available everywhere, but the price of its services is lower. To provide an uninterrupted signal throughout the entire journey at an affordable cost, hybrid systems are used. They connect first to the towers, and after leaving the range they switch to the satellite.

The system includes a substation that receives the 3G signal and converts it, as well as access points that receive Wi-Fi along the entire length of the train.

Internet connection speed reaches 7 Mb/sec. Modern equipment makes the signal stable, but dropouts from the network periodically occur. Some passengers who frequently use the brand's double-decker Moscow-St Petersburg train claim that connection speeds can drop to such a level that it is impossible to exchange messages. Also, trains traveling on the Moscow-Adler route and the first to receive Wi-Fi still have connection problems. In the near future, JSC Russian Railways promises to carry out work to increase the capacity of the systems.

Safety rules when connecting to the public Internet

When connecting to a public Wi-Fi connection, it is important to remember security rules. With an insecure connection, there is a risk of becoming a victim of scammers.

There are three types of attacks that can be used by scammers. The most popular is sniffing. Public networks are not encrypted, so information is transmitted in clear text. Fraudsters using special programs can intercept data packets and extract the information they need. Less commonly, hackers use mitm attacks and the use of an additional access point.

How to protect yourself and what to tell a fellow traveler when connecting to the public Network:

  1. Enable the "Sharing" function for files. Before connecting to the public Network, you need to check whether sharing is disabled on the device. You can close it by going to “Control Panel” - “Network and Internet”. You need to uncheck all the options and save the changes.
  2. Connect VPN. Using a private VPN routes all traffic through a secure network and limits the possibility of unauthorized access.
  3. Disable automatic access to a familiar Wi-Fi network. This feature can be used by scammers to obtain sensitive information on your phone or tablet.
  4. Look carefully at the name of the Network. All information stickers contain the name of the public Wi-Fi network, and it is to this network that you need to connect. A network with a similar name may be specially created by scammers.
  5. Using the SSL protocol allows you to exchange encrypted data. Such information is additionally protected from decryption by fraudsters.
  6. Protect passwords. It is recommended to use different passwords for your accounts.
  7. Check the functionality of the antivirus and firewall. They do not provide 100% security, but they help avoid major frauds.
  8. It is necessary to turn off Wi-Fi when not in use. Enabled Wi-Fi allows third parties to monitor the user. When connected to a network, the device broadcasts its unique mac address, and any signal receiver that receives a connection request can return and log data about the requests.
  9. Do not access mobile banks or electronic payment systems via public Wi-Fi.

  10. To log in to social networks, use double authentication. When you try to log into your profile, you will receive a message on your phone with a code that you need to enter.

These tips, of course, will not ensure 100% security, but they will help save important user data.


The Internet is actively used in all spheres of life. In railway transport, as in the station, there is access to Wi-Fi networks, making the trip more comfortable and productive. You can connect to the Network using your phone number and profile on State Services. It is important to remember security when using open access points.

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