How to open a hardware store from scratch. How to organize a household goods store, what and how to sell: drawing up a business plan, assessing advantages and priorities Household business

Codes of the Russian Federation 14.11.2021
Codes of the Russian Federation

Modern hardware stores sell garden supplies and various household goods. They resemble small supermarkets, which offer a wide range of different products. This line of activity is quite promising and profitable. How to open hardware store from scratch, you will learn in this article.

Location and premises

For trade in household goods to be successful, you need to choose the right location of the outlet. The most successful option is the residential areas of the city, provided that there is no serious competition there. But in mall or a hardware store is pointless, since it is unlikely that any visitors will look for a rake or washing powder there. The private sector also lacks the flow of potential buyers that can generate good trade.

After you pick appropriate place, you can start choosing a room. It should have two rooms - shopping room and warehouse. The total area of ​​the room should not exceed 40–50 square meters. meters. Since household goods do not take up much space, you do not need a spacious sales area. You shouldn't pay money for extra square meters.

Registration of activities

Before opening a hardware store, you should settle all legal issues. To run this business, one of two organizational and legal forms is suitable - individual entrepreneur or LLC. Submit documents for registration and choose the tax system under which you are going to work.

To trade in a household goods store, you need to choose different OKVED codes to easily change the assortment without making requests to the tax office:

  • Code 52.44. 2. For trade in household goods, kitchen utensils, ceramic, glass and porcelain products;
  • Code 52.46.6. Gardening equipment, equipment and tools;
  • Code 52.48.31. Detergents and household chemicals;
  • Code 52.48.31. Stationery.

In addition, do not forget to obtain permits from the fire inspection and SES.

Where can I get start-up capital?

In order to open, you will need impressive financial resources. Start-up capital You can save or borrow money from friends. If you don't have permanent place work, you can register with the employment center and get a loan for small business development.

Entrepreneurs who have substantial capital on hand can purchase a franchise, that is, buy ready business. This is a fairly expensive type of activity that requires large initial investments.

One good client can fully recoup the cost of advertising, even if you invested $10,000 in it (Jim Rohn)

All businessmen want their own business to be profitable and promising. Most businessmen choose to open a store as the basis for their business. Today, in every big locality There are many supermarkets and small shops with a similar range of goods, so competition among them is very high. Due to great competition, profits are distributed to everyone. Shop selling goods household chemicals– one of the options for creating your own business.

The advantage of this business is that all people enjoy washing powders, soap, detergents And by various means personal hygiene.

We can say that the demand for these goods not only does not fall, but also increases. If you want to open a business in this direction, then you need to study consumer demand, choose reliable suppliers, prepare a high-quality business plan for a store selling household chemicals.

Choosing a store premises

The main factor in the success of such a chemical goods store is its location. Often enough large supermarkets, which presents a large assortment of similar products are located in the centers of residential areas, so it is more profitable for you to open a store in the city center.

In order to pick up best option To open a chemical goods store, we suggest using the following criteria:

  1. Focus on choosing a place with a large customer flow. You can sublease a ready-made store or a place in a shopping center.
  2. If your neighbors sell food, you will need to obtain a permit to sell household chemicals and zoning the premises.
  3. Look carefully within a one-kilometer radius to see if there are any serious competitors.
  4. Choose a space for your store from sixty square meters so that they can freely place all the goods.

Purchase of equipment for the store

Also pay great attention to purchasing equipment for the store. The equipment does not have to be new; you can use something that has already been used before. The main thing is that it is reliable and durable.

It is advisable that the surface of the equipment is not susceptible to chemicals so that you do not have to change it if any product spills. The most suitable option is equipment with glass surfaces.

List of basic equipment for the store:

  • The rack in which it is located cash machine and a box for storing money;
  • Various racks and glass showcases located along the area of ​​the room;
  • Necessary furniture, office equipment.
  • The assembly of furniture must be of high quality, since packs of household chemicals are quite heavy goods.
  • It would be best to hire an appropriate team for high-quality assembly.


In fact, even the director can stand behind the counter and sell. But in the field of sales due to high competition The quality of customer service is highly valued. Therefore, to increase the number of customers and loyalty of regular customers, it is better to hire four salespeople. You also need to prepare tax reports, accrual wages staff will need a qualified accountant.

Advertising for a store selling household chemicals

In order for your store to constantly generate income, you need to prepare a high-quality advertising campaign.

In order for more and more new clients to come to you, your advertising must be published systematically.

  • Internet (accommodation in in social networks, on bulletin boards);
  • Radio advertising;
  • Advertising on local television.

And now you can develop and conduct a marketing campaign, the task of which is to increase the number of clients, and therefore increase the number of sales.

Here are examples of organizing such campaigns in stores selling household chemicals:

  1. All customers who made a purchase worth more than one thousand rubles receive a valuable prize.
  2. All customers who made a purchase worth more than five hundred rubles receive a lottery coupon. The coupon may contain the name of the gift or indicate the percentage of the discount on the purchase.
  3. Issue discount cards regular customers.

Product range

To avoid purchasing poor quality goods, you should purchase household chemicals only from trusted suppliers or manufacturer representatives. It is necessary to conclude an agreement with the supplier, which specifies the following points: quality of the goods supplied, assortment of goods, prices, delivery times, terms and methods of payment.

A store selling household chemicals must offer customers an assortment of the following household products:

  • various types of cleaning and detergents;
  • gels and powders for washing;
  • shampoos, conditioners, hair care masks;
  • mouthwashes, toothpastes and toothpowders;
  • personal hygiene products;
  • shaving creams, gels, lotions;
  • brushes, shoe care creams;
  • and other goods.

The store must offer products for consumers from different segments of the population. If you sell only branded and expensive brands to wealthy customers, then the rest of the customers will go to your competitors. For good customer traffic, you must offer them a rich assortment, more than one thousand product items.

Costs of opening a store selling household chemicals

Income from the store

Household chemicals store with retail space two hundred and fifty meters should generate income from the sale of household goods of two million rubles a year.


The household chemicals store should reach the break-even point within ten to twelve months after opening. And then it will bring profit.

Cost-effective and successful business You will be guaranteed if you carefully think through the business plan for a chemical store, organize the work of the store efficiently, and responsibly approach the selection of conscientious suppliers and quality goods.

Agriculture is an ancient branch of business that can be called quite profitable. Everything that is now sold on grocery store shelves - dairy products, meat, vegetables, fruits, eggs and much more - is the result of this activity.

Of course, many can immediately say that now the leading place is occupied by products from abroad, and therefore opening such a business will be unprofitable. It's not like that at all! Eco-friendly and natural products are always enjoyed in great demand. And knowing the right approach, developing profitable idea and search for sales points finished products– these are all the main indicators of a smart investment. And in order to initial stage If there are no difficulties, you can use the ideas for starting your own business in the field of agriculture.

This is a profitable and quickly paid off business. First of all, you need to choose a profitable industry.

Rabbit breeding

- This is a very profitable option. In addition to the fact that the meat of these animals has good qualities and have a high cost, their reproduction rate is also quite high. By about 3-4 months the animal has commercial value.

Rabbits have high fertility. The pregnancy period lasts about a month. After giving birth, the female is ready for fertilization. A female rabbit can give birth to an average of 12 babies at a time. Therefore, you can be sure that this business will pay off in a short time.

It is best to start with 5 rabbits. From this amount per year, on average, you can get up to 300 kilograms of dietary meat.

The following breeds can be used for breeding:

  • gray giant;
  • butterfly;
  • Californian;
  • black-brown;
  • Vienna blue;
  • Flanders;
  • Soviet Marder;
  • veil-silver;
  • rabbit ram;
  • Russian ermine;
  • downy;
  • silver.

Before you start breeding, you definitely need to calculate the costs.

Cost calculation:

  • Land rental costs range from 20 to 100 thousand rubles, it all depends on the region.
  • Purchase or independent construction of cages for keeping animals - from 10 to 40 thousand.
  • Purchasing 60 rabbits costs from 20 to 30 thousand, it also all depends on the region.
  • The cost of compound feed for the year is from 50 thousand to 100 thousand.
  • The employee's annual salary is about 120 thousand.

On average it will take a year of work from 218 to 390 thousand rubles.

Income calculation:

  • Income from the sale of meat products. If you have 40 female rabbits and 20 males, then from each female you can get 20 rabbits in a year. As a result, there will be 800 of them per year. Each weighs 1.9 kilograms, which means 1.5 kg of pure meat comes out. A kilogram of rabbit meat costs an average of 200-250 rubles. You can earn up to 375 thousand rubles from meat per year.
  • Income from the sale of skins. 1 skin costs 200 rubles, which means 800 skins will cost 160 thousand rubles.

In the first year you can earn about 535 thousand rubles.

Sheep breeding

What you need to open:

  • The first step is to implement the milk production plan. It consists of 3 stages:
    • Preparation. Funds are being sought to develop the business, contracts are being concluded with suppliers and purchasers of products. Duration is 5-7 months.
    • Arrangement. At this stage, it is necessary to build a barn, a milking parlor, purchase equipment and feed. This stage will take 4-5 months.
    • Work process. At this stage, direct activities are carried out. This includes the production of feed, sales of milk and dairy products.
  • Feed production. To reduce feed costs, it is better to produce feed yourself. To grow fodder crops, you should use land that will be located near the farm. It is advisable to use spring vetch, corn, clover, oats, and perennial cereal grasses as forage crops. For production it is necessary to build a workshop. It will cost approximately 150-200 thousand rubles. Cows should be fed hay and silage. For deoxidation, soda is added to the feed.
  • Work on the production and marketing of dairy products. For this you can purchase own line for bottling and packaging milk. The bottling and packaging process uses processing with high temperatures. Packaged products are transported to distribution points. Unprocessed milk can be sold to factories that specialize in processing it.

In the future it will be possible to expand the farm and increase the number of livestock.

Growing vegetables

Food production is profitable direction, because they are always in price and are in great demand. Growing vegetables is especially profitable. At the first stage you need to consider:

  • Landing place. First of all, you need to find a piece of land to grow. The soil must be of high quality and fertile. Therefore, an analysis must be carried out to identify soil contamination with nitrates, pesticides, and heavy metals.
  • Selection of vegetable crops. To do this, a market analysis of the most popular options is required. You can choose potatoes, carrots, cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers.
  • Variety selection. The variety is selected depending on the climatic conditions of the region.

Where can you sell your products:

  • Sales at wholesale and retail market. At these points you can get high profits at fast turnaround. But there must be transport for transporting vegetables.
  • Sales of products to wholesalers. This method will save shipping and transportation costs, but the cost of vegetables will be lower.
  • Sales to shops, supermarkets, restaurants.
  • Growing for a specific buyer.

What you will have to spend on:

  • costs for planting material;
  • purchase of plant protection products from pests;
  • purchases of fertilizers;
  • costs of renting land, construction and repair of structures;
  • costs of purchasing and maintaining transport;
  • expenses for paying utility bills;
  • payment to working personnel.

In general, the level of income depends on the amount of vegetable output per 1 square meter. m of land. Subject to all conditions, correct landing and carrying out further work For the full growth of plants, you can get a good harvest. Vegetables can always be sold at a good price.

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