The best options for heating a chicken coop in winter. How to heat a chicken coop in winter - an overview of options

Chercher 29.01.2022

To keep laying hens in winter, heating is necessary. The optimal temperature is considered to be +10 degrees for chickens to lay eggs.

It is not known who set this temperature standard, because our chickens lay eggs at lower temperatures. Usually, we turn on the heating in the evening to make their overnight stay comfortable, and turn it off in the morning if the temperature during the night exceeded +10 degrees. If the temperature outside is very low (frosty), then the heating is on all day.

Heating a chicken coop with your own hands

The easiest way to heat a chicken coop with your own hands is electric, which is good because it can be made automatic if you set a timer similar to the one installed for lighting.

Another thing is that you need to decide which electric heating device is most suitable for your chicken coop. It all depends on the size of the chicken coop and the number of birds.

In our case, the choice could be made easily, since the chicken coop is small (3.0 m2) and there are only 4 chickens. A small volume is well heated, for example, by an infrared lamp, which we first had our eye on. But it turned out that it is not so easy to buy it in our city. There are only 500 W lamps on sale, and based on the volume of our chicken coop, we need only an 80 W lamp. And a 500 W lamp consumes too much electricity and is too hot for 3m2 and 6m3.

In short, we rejected it (an 80 W infrared lamp) while we were trying to find it on sale, and smoothly moved on to considering and implementing the second design option for heating the chicken coop.

Infrared heating of the chicken coop

They decided to make the infrared heating of the chicken coop not with lamps, but with a film for heated floors. Why carbon film for underfloor heating and not a cable system? Because:

  1. small room volume
  2. easy installation
  3. low heating inertia (soft warm-up)
  4. energy savings of 30%

The last argument was especially convincing, because the infrared film was destined to become a constant source of heat in our chicken coop. winter time.

Film material still has many advantages; if anyone is interested, look and consult with suppliers.

First you need to figure out how many meters of film to buy. The calculation must be made based on the fact that the film heating device will be located on the ceiling and will be open, unlike those heated floor structures that are used in residential premises:

  • for the chicken coop we choose a film with a power of 100 W/m2. Maximum 150 W/m2.
  • on the surface of a film with a power of 100 W/m2 the heating temperature is = 45 degrees, and with a power of 150 W/m2 - 60 degrees.
  • for comfortable heating above the perch, half the power is enough so that the temperature on the surface of the film is not 45 degrees, but only 22 degrees (with a film power of 100 W/m2). Therefore, the distance between the film on the ceiling and the chickens on the roost should be at least 1 m. If it is less, then the chickens on the roost will be too hot from the infrared radiation and they will begin to look for other places to spend the night.
  • if you take a more powerful film, then it will need to be placed on the opposite side of the roost so as not to “fry” the chickens alive.

One of the online calculators calculated the area of ​​the required film for a chicken coop to be 3 m2:

By online calculation It turned out that for a chicken coop with an area of ​​3 m2, you need to purchase a film measuring 1.6 m2.

Based on some adjustments to this calculation, we purchased a film 1 m wide and also 1 m long (1 m2): since we have no heat loss on the floor coverings (laminate, ceramic tiles), the heat transfer from the film will be directly directed into the air space of the chicken coop, we take smaller films sizes.

How to heat a chicken coop

How to make heating for a chicken coop using infrared film for heated floors:

The infrared heating device for the chicken coop is ready and now you only need to install it using self-tapping screws in the place of the ceiling that you have chosen based on the height of the room, its area and the location of the perch.

Do-it-yourself electric heating of a chicken coop using infrared film for heated floors is the most economical compared to other electrical appliances. And yet, it will cost you a pretty penny if the winter is cold and you have to run the heating around the clock.

To save energy, you just need to maintain a positive temperature regime of up to +10 degrees, turning it off when the heating is too high and the outside temperature is not very low.

For example, turn it on at night if the temperature in the chicken coop drops to +2-5 degrees during the day, and turn it off in the morning if the temperature in the chicken coop reaches +10 degrees, especially since during the daytime the chickens are awake and moving, which means they generate their heat .

If you hung a frame with film over the roost without calculating the heating temperature from the film in advance, then do not worry that they will be hot, because the chickens are not fools and will find a way out of the situation themselves: they will change their roosting location to a more optimal one. This is what happened here: chickens began to spend the night in nests that are located in the opposite corner from the heating device. Maybe they are hot on the roost, or maybe they just like to sleep comfortably in the nests, like dogs in a kennel: dark, warm and cozy.


All pets, including hens, do not like the cold. And therefore, in this article we will look at the main ways to heat a chicken coop in winter.

Need heat in your chicken coop in winter?

To prevent egg production from decreasing in winter, it is necessary to insulate the chicken coop, since it depends 40% on heat. this indicator. And broilers at low temperatures do not gain weight well.

At low temperatures, more food is wasted, the bird becomes lethargic and inactive, and this leads to the fact that it gets fat. And in general, the cold can cause chickens to get sick and their egg production to drop sharply.

So, the minimum permissible temperature for a chicken coop is 70C, but it is desirable that the temperature be about 100C. Therefore, if you live in warmer regions, then there is no need to heat the chicken coop; it is enough to insulate it well and lay warm bedding on the floor.

How to insulate a chicken coop with your own hands

There are two ways to insulate a chicken coop:
⦁ Artificially;
⦁ Naturally.

The essence of the natural heating method is that you do not need to heat anything. That is, heating occurs due to proper feeding of chickens. But this method is not suitable for harsh and frosty winters.
But, let's look at the artificial method in more detail, how to heat a chicken coop in winter.

Floor, it is recommended that there be bedding approximately 8-12 cm high. Peat, straw or even sawdust can be used as bedding. The litter can be used in the future for a vegetable garden or flower garden as compost. Every month, the litter must be turned using, for example, a pitchfork, and another 4-7 cm must be added. Do not be afraid that the litter will be very high; with proper care, by spring the height of the litter reaches 25-30 cm.

It should be noted that straw bedding has some advantages, namely:
⦁ Bedding, for example straw, generates heat during the winter,
⦁ Because the litter is warm, the process of decomposition of the droppings occurs more slowly;
⦁ And most importantly, heat prevents harmful bacteria from multiplying.

But, all poultry farmers must remember that the litter is removed only in the spring, so good ventilation of the room is necessary. If winters are very harsh, then it is better to periodically open and close the ventilation pipe.

Walls It is advisable to insulate the inside using, for example, polystyrene foam; you can also use glass wool for insulation. Some poultry farmers use other materials as wall insulation, it all depends on financial capabilities. The simplest and most economical method is to insulate walls using bales of hay or straw. The finished bales are simply attached to the wall of the chicken coop. But this method can only be used for a small chicken coop, with a small number of chickens.

Ceiling, also should not be ignored. You need to insulate it and for this you can use mineral wool or ordinary roofing felt.

Windows, doors- usually covered with rags.
But winter is different. If one winter minimum temperature-100C, then another could be -250C. therefore, it is necessary not only to insulate the room, but also to heat it.

Electric heater- on the one hand, it is very convenient, set it up, plug it in and after a couple of hours you can feel warm air in the chicken coop. But, on the other hand, heating a chicken coop with electricity is very expensive in terms of the cost of electricity. If, nevertheless, the chicken coop is heated using this method, you should remember that:
⦁ First, it is necessary to take care of safety precautions;
⦁ The heater must be installed away from chicken nests;
⦁ When choosing a heater, take into account the area of ​​the chicken coop and the number of birds that live in it;
⦁ It is better to use modern heaters, since they are automated, and due to this you can adjust the desired temperature regime, and the device will turn on and off independently.

This method of heating a chicken coop in winter is most beneficial for large poultry farms. Also, for large poultry farms, heating with gas is convenient, since the purchase of a gas boiler in this case will be justified, and for an ordinary poultry farmer - The best way How to heat a chicken coop in winter is to use a “potbelly stove”.

"Potbelly stove"- is a metal stove that is used for heating. The convenience of a potbelly stove is that
⦁ Easy to use, that is, it’s easy to heat;
⦁ can be heated with any kind of raw material;
⦁ the room heats up quickly.

But the “potbelly stove” has a significant drawback, which is that it quickly becomes covered with rust, so it requires care and the combustion process must be constantly monitored, that is, the entire process must be monitored.

Those poultry farmers who have chosen this method To heat the chicken coop in winter, the chicken coop must be equipped in advance, namely:
⦁ Install a “potbelly stove” in the chicken coop;
⦁ Make a chimney;
⦁ Isolate the entire heating device from chickens, and follow safety rules during installation and combustion;
⦁ And the most important thing is to stock up on fuel in advance, that is, you need to purchase coal and prepare firewood or briquettes for the fire.

It should be noted that there are other, more bladeless methods of heating a chicken coop, and one of these methods is heating using infrared lamps or heaters. The main difference between infrared heaters is that, for example, with the electric heating method, the air is heated, but it quickly evaporates and the room must be constantly heated to keep it warm. And infrared lamps are characterized by the fact that they do not heat the air, but heat objects that do not cool down as quickly as air and the heat lasts longer.

Infrared lamps are convenient due to the fact that they are attached to the ceiling; the advantages of the lamps are as follows:
⦁ Modern lamps have special mechanisms that switch from one mode to another;
⦁ Compared to, for example, an electric heater, lamps do not burn air, and therefore the room does not need such frequent ventilation;
⦁ When heated using such lamps, air humidity decreases;
⦁ In addition to heating, the lamps also illuminate the chicken coop, and the red color has a beneficial effect on the birds, as it calms them down.

There is another heating method. For example, if the chicken coop is built close enough to the house, then to heat it you can use the same heating method as heating the house - this water heating. In this case, pipes should be installed. And when the house is heated, the chicken coop will automatically be heated. The method is very convenient because
⦁ the air does not burn, as in other heating methods;
⦁ there is no need to constantly monitor compliance with safety regulations;
⦁ and there is no need to waste time heating the chicken coop, since it is heated simultaneously with the heating of the house.

So, this article described all the methods on how to heat a chicken coop in winter. It is up to the poultry house to decide which method to choose, but the main thing to remember is that if the chicken coop is warm, egg production will not change, but will remain at the same level. And birds in a warm chicken coop will not only not get sick, but will also be much more comfortable in the harsh winter.

Video heating a chicken coop in winter

The microclimate of a chicken coop in winter largely depends on heating the room and maintaining optimal temperatures in the required ranges.

An electric heater, which will have a number of mandatory characteristics and, among other things, meet operational safety criteria, will help cope with this task.

Important rules when choosing a heater for the chicken coop:

  1. Firstly, a protective housing that prevents electric shock to birds, animals and people in high humidity in room.
  2. Secondly, the device is equipped with temperature sensors and timers that regulate the degree of heating of the device.
  3. And, thirdly, the inclusion in the power supply circuit of the device of fuses and relays that are triggered by a short circuit inside the heater.

In our article we will look at and summarize the effectiveness of all types of heaters offered.

Types of heaters for chicken coops

In private households, relatively inexpensive electrical appliances are used for heating chicken coops, which have various principles actions and level of equipment.
The most common are oil heaters, convectors, heat guns and infrared heaters.

  • Convector

The device uses the principle of natural convection, reinforced by the design of the convector - cold air enters the chamber located on the body, after contact with the coolant, the air heats up and rises.

Cold air from the lower level constantly enters, and when the set temperature is reached, the device turns off, thereby fulfilling the condition for saving energy.

The temperature on the convector body is about 60-65C, which is safe when touching the device for a short time.

The convection chamber is made in the form of flat vertical ribs or tubes, which increases the contact area of ​​the coolant with cold air.

Chicken coops use electric convectors with a filament closed in a tube.

An exposed filament is not protected from dust, which releases harmful substances into the air when burned.

The disadvantage of convectors is the significant energy consumption when using the devices as the main heat source.

For example, our chicken coop has an area of ​​10 m2, and to heat one square meter rooms with an outside temperature of -20C require 100W.

At this temperature the convector will work 70-80% of the time, at a temperature around -10C the convector will be turned on for heating 30% of the time. Now let’s calculate our expenses: a 1000 W convector operating at an average of 50% per day consumes 12 kW in 24 hours, and 360 kW in a month, which is irrational and the profit from private farming will go into a deep minus.

Of course, we can lower the design temperature in the room and install a device of lower power, but we will still “lose” about 100 kW of electricity during the winter month.

  • Oil heater

This device can only be used as an additional source of room heating, as it has the same disadvantages as a convector. And electricity consumption for the same room area is 25% higher than that of a convector.

In this case, the oil radiator heats only the air next to it and natural convection is weakly expressed.

In addition, there are specifics to the room where chickens are kept. Laying hens will definitely try to use an oil heater as a perch and will have to make an upper protection for it or place the device closer to the wall, and this will further reduce the already low efficiency of the radiator.

  • Heat gun

A definitely ineffective device for maintaining a constant temperature in a chicken coop - high energy consumption, strong air flow and poor heat gun protection.

It can only be used to quickly heat any area of ​​the room for work or to reduce humidity.

  • Infrared heater

The optimal device for heating a chicken coop. Its operating principle is similar to the physics of the sun, whose rays heat objects on Earth.

Heat accumulates and is subsequently released to the air. And the same thing happens here: the IR heater for the chicken coop transmits thermal energy walls, indoor structures and even bedding. Thanks to this, the air does not cool down for a long time and electricity is not consumed.

Infrared heaters come in several types. The outdated type of IR heater with an open spiral is practically not used, since the heating element has high temperature and burns the air in the room, reducing the amount of oxygen.

Won't fit for chicken coop and infrared heater with a closed spiral in a tube that reaches a temperature of 700C.

The most suitable option is an IR heater with a plate-shaped emitter.

There is a tubular coolant inside the plate, and the anodized profile is heated to a temperature of about 100-120C.

Best views infrared heaters for the chicken coop

For a chicken coop, it is better to purchase an IR heater that operates in the long-wave range (heating the element up to 120C). Heating of 10 m2 is carried out by a 1 kW device.

The operating time of the infrared device will be 25-30% per day, therefore, we reach an electricity consumption of 40-50 kW per month, which is the best indicator among the heaters under consideration.

Rating of energy-saving heaters for chicken coops

As we have already found out, IR heaters with open element heating, so let’s look at the most interesting models with panels that ensure indoor safety.

  • An economical chicken coop heater is presented in the form of a Nikaten NT300 wall panel. Consumption per day for a room of 6-7 m2 will be only 2.1 kW. The weight of the wall panel, protected from moisture is 11 kg, height 40 cm, width 60 cm with a device thickness of 4 cm.
  • Model Zilon IR-0.8 S from German company installed on the ceiling. This low-power chicken coop heater (2.4 kW per day) is capable of heating a room of 8 m2 and weighs only 3.2 kilograms.
  • The Almac IK5 model is used as the main or additional heater in a room. Electricity consumption is 2.0 kW per day when heating a chicken coop of 10 m2, and has an automatic shutdown when overheating.


In fact, there are a lot of models of IR heaters from various manufacturers, and the most important thing is to decide on the parameters you need when choosing a device.

Heating a chicken coop in winter can be done in different ways. This could be an electric heater or an infrared lamp. There are many options to provide laying hens with comfortable living conditions during the winter. In this article we will tell you how best to organize heating of a chicken coop during the cold season. In addition, we will consider what types of heaters there are.

There are two ways to ensure your poultry have a comfortable temperature in the winter:

  1. Natural.
  2. Artificial.

The first option is less expensive, but also the most not recommended for winter keeping of domestic chickens. Meanwhile, many poultry farmers use the natural method of maintaining heat in the chicken coop. Therefore, we will begin our story with this option.

Natural heating of the chicken coop

The essence of this method is to maintain a positive temperature inside the poultry house without using heating devices. To do this, you need to carefully caulk all the cracks in the chicken coop, leaving only the ventilation hole.

The walls are made double, laying a layer of insulation between them. This is usually polystyrene foam or glass wool. The floor is also made double, pouring 10–15 centimeters of litter on top. Peat, straw or sawdust are used as bedding.

This method of heating rooms is relevant only for regions with moderate climatic conditions. If in the places where you live, winters are accompanied by severe frosts, then you will still have to purchase a heater for the chicken coop. Otherwise, it is unlikely that it will be possible to provide adequate heating in the poultry house.

Artificial heating

Heating a chicken barn artificially consists of several options. We will tell you about all the methods so that you can choose the best option for yourself.

Electric heater

Probably the most expensive way to keep laying hens warm during the winter. This option includes air heaters, oil radiators, thermal convectors and fans. In other words, all heating devices powered by electricity.

The advantages of this heating method include practicality and ease of installation. It is enough to buy one electric heater or several (depending on the area of ​​the room), and install them in the chicken coop as far as possible from the birds.

On the temperature controller you set the data you need and the room is heated. As soon as the heater cools down, the automation will again heat it up to the set temperature. Among the disadvantages, it is worth noting the impressive electricity bills.

Gas heating of the chicken coop

This is a more practical way to keep your chickens warm. But to heat a small poultry house containing a dozen laying hens, purchasing an expensive gas boiler is unprofitable. Therefore, gas heating of chicken coops is used mainly only on large farms.

It is worth noting that a gas boiler needs constant supervision; it is very dangerous equipment. Therefore, additional costs for maintenance personnel will be required.

Stove heating

An ordinary potbelly stove is quite capable of replacing any heater. This is a more cost-effective way to keep your chickens warm than using an electric heater or gas boiler.

In addition, the use of stove heating for chicken coops is widely used in private households. But when using the stove, be prepared to comply with the following requirements:

  • presence of coal or firewood on the farm;
  • compliance with the rules fire safety;
  • equipping a chicken coop with a chimney;
  • Constant monitoring of the combustion process and addition of fuel.

An option for this method of heating a chicken coop can be a diesel stove. It has more power and is safe to use.

It makes sense to consider the Bulerian air-convection oven. The advantage of using such a stove to heat a chicken coop is obvious. It can operate on almost any type of fuel, is economical and has great power.

But according to experienced farmers, the most convenient way To heat a chicken coop, use infrared heaters.

They have already proven themselves well in households.

Infrared heaters These are very convenient devices to use. Infrared heaters do not heat the air in the room, but the objects around them

. This serves as a guarantee of heat retention inside the house.

The fact is that according to the laws of physics, warm air rises. And even if you carefully seal every crack in the roof, warm air will still find a loophole to leak out. In addition, a ventilation hole is usually made in the ceiling of the chicken coop, through which air will flow freely.

The surrounding objects to which infrared heaters give off heat will not go away. Moreover, they will gradually release the accumulated heat to the surrounding space.

Infrared heaters are convenient because they have a ceiling mount. Accordingly, birds will not be able to reach them and get burned.

When purchasing such equipment, make sure to purchase a thermostat. By setting the thermostat to the optimal temperature for keeping chickens in winter at +12 degrees, you don’t have to worry about anything anymore. As soon as the air in the room cools down, the infrared heater will turn on automatically.

Infrared lamps

According to farmers, despite their small size, these devices have a high efficiency. The soft, red color has a calming effect on birds and promotes better growth and productivity.

From a fairly wide range of products on the market, we can highlight infrared lamps from the following manufacturers:

  1. Phillips. Despite the high cost, the lamps are reliable and durable in use.
  2. Osram. Similar in characteristics to the previous manufacturer.
  3. IKZ. They are in no way inferior to their Western counterparts, but are more affordable in terms of price.

Important! Just one such lamp with a power of 250 W is capable of heating and lighting approximately 12 square meters.

Water heating

Another way to ensure heating of the chicken coop in winter. This is relevant if your home is heated using a water heating boiler, and the chicken coop is adjacent to a residential building.

Pipes are installed in the poultry house, to which the heating circuit of the residential building is allocated. If you have certain experience and skills, it will not be a problem to set up heating for a poultry house using a residential building. In our opinion, this is the most practical and cheapest way to heat a chicken coop in winter.

As you can see, heaters for chicken coops come in a wide variety. We hope that this article was informative for you and will help you choose the best solution for heating your backyard chickens.

Birds, like many other pets, do not like the cold. When breeding them at home, you need to solve the problem of insulating the chicken coop so that the productivity of the laying hens does not decrease. In this article we will talk about winter heating of a chicken coop, which you can do yourself without the help of specialists.

Chickens do not tolerate winter cold well and can easily contract respiratory diseases. Cold drafts, water and long walks in the snow have a bad effect on the bottom. If there is severe frost in your region in winter, you will have to insulate the poultry house. The temperature in the building should not fall below 7 degrees. The weak point of chickens is their legs, which, due to the lack of feathers, easily freeze.

In cold regions, you need to insulate the chicken coop using various heaters; in areas with a mild climate, it is often enough to organize deep litter, which is easy to do with your own hands. But in any case, you can’t do without heating.

It has been established that the egg production of chickens depends on heat by 40%, and when broilers are raised in a cold house, daily weight gain is sharply reduced.

At low temperatures, more food is spent on keeping birds, and they become fat and lethargic. Also, heating the chicken coop is necessary if you are breeding chicks - in winter, the heat of the chicken itself may simply not be enough to incubate the eggs. Thus, even in the southern regions of the country, it is advisable to take measures to heat the poultry house during the winter.

How to make it yourself

There are two ways to insulate a chicken coop: natural and artificial. The first way is not
requires special expenses, but is not suitable for severe frosts. The essence of natural heating is to maintain a comfortable temperature in a building without the use of heating devices. In addition, chickens can partially warm themselves if they are provided with a complete winter diet.

The easiest way to insulate a building with your own hands is to caulk all the cracks in the poultry house for the winter. There will be no drafts in the chicken coop, and the ventilation hole will allow you to regulate the freshness of the air. In this case, it is desirable to have double walls, with insulation inside. Typically glass wool or polystyrene foam is used. Doors and windows are insulated with rags, and the ceiling with roofing felt or mineral wool.

The floor in the poultry house also needs a double floor, with a 10-centimeter layer of straw, peat or sawdust. Litter on personal plot It is also good because over time it can be used as garden compost. Initially, in mid-autumn, the floor is sprinkled with slaked lime (1 kg per sq. m.). A layer of bedding 7 cm thick is placed on top. As it is trampled, it must be added. About once a month, it is advisable to stir up the litter with a pitchfork, since by spring its level can reach 25 cm.

The advantage of the litter is that it generates heat during the composting process and the house temperature is maintained at approximately 12 degrees. Heat also disinfects pathogens and slows down the decomposition of droppings. The main thing when laying bedding is that there is proper ventilation in the building. Otherwise, harmful ammonia will quickly accumulate in the chicken coop. At the same time, in severe frosts, you will have to close the cap on the ventilation pipe for a short time so that the heated air does not leave the building.

If in winter there are persistent frosts below 10 degrees outside, the chicken coop will have to be insulated artificially. There are several ways: electric heater, stove and gas heating, infrared lamps and heaters, water heating. We'll briefly tell you how to implement one of the methods yourself.

An electric heater is the most expensive way to heat a chicken coop in winter. Various types can be used: oil radiators, fan heaters, convectors,
heaters. The power and number of devices depends on the livestock and the area of ​​the building, but the main thing is to place the heaters away from perches and nests. Modern devices have automation, so that when the desired temperature is set, the heater will turn on and off when necessary.

Gas heating of a poultry house is very practical, but in large poultry farms. It is not advisable to buy an expensive boiler for a small chicken coop for 20 birds. Do not forget also that a gas boiler requires constant maintenance and supervision.

It is beneficial to use stove heating, for example using an ordinary “potbelly stove”. In private households, this is a very popular method of insulation, but unfortunately, due to high humidity, the “potbelly stove” quickly becomes covered with rust. When operating the stove, you must comply with some requirements:

  • The chicken coop must have a separate chimney
  • the combustion process and the addition of fuel must be monitored
  • There should always be firewood or coal on the farm
  • basic fire safety rules (especially if the building is wooden and the bedding is straw)
  • insulate hot parts of the oven

A diesel stove is safe to use. It does not produce smoke, and besides, its power is quite high. They also often use “Bulerian” - an air-convection stove that can operate efficiently on almost any fuel.

According to farmers, it is very convenient to insulate a chicken coop using infrared heaters and lamps. Their peculiarity is that it is not the air in the poultry house that is heated, but the objects. When using electric heaters (especially fan heaters), warm air quickly leaves the building due to ventilation, and heated objects will retain heat for a long time.

Infrared heaters are convenient because they can be attached to the ceiling. There are also vertical placement options. Small private poultry houses are recommended to be insulated with infrared heaters no more powerful than 500 W. The device must also have a thermostat. When operating, set it to 12 degrees heat. Some models of IR heaters have a rotating mechanism to insulate the entire space of the chicken coop.

The house is often heated infrared lamps, at a height of at least 1 m. They are universal and easy to use, serve both for heating and lighting, and do not burn air like electric heaters. 90% of the lamp energy is spent on heating, and 10% on lighting. They also reduce humidity harmful to the chicken coop. The efficiency of the lamps is high (98%), and the red color, according to reviews, has a calming effect on birds. The recommended power of one IR lamp is 12 kW. m. – 250 W. In winter, when there is little daylight, the lamp can not be turned off at all. It has been noticed that IR lamps improve the digestibility of feed by chickens and strengthen their immunity.

If the chicken coop is adjacent to a residential building, it is possible to extend water heating to it. Pipes are installed in the poultry house, onto which the circuit from the water heating boiler is allocated. The heating in a residential building is turned on in any case, which means the birds will also be warm.

There are many ways to insulate a chicken coop, and you can choose the most suitable one. It all depends on the severity of winter in your area, the area of ​​the poultry house and the planned budget for insulation. It is not difficult to heat a chicken coop with your own hands, and in winter the productivity of laying hens will not decrease.

Video “How to heat a chicken coop”

After watching the video, you will learn about method of heating a chicken coop without fuel using a solar collector.

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