What are young farm animals called? Farm animals

Chercher 16.04.2023
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Cows live on a dairy farm in a barn, usually divided into small spaces called stalls. In summer they eat fresh grass, hay, and food plants, and in winter they eat mostly hay. On farms, cows are milked by hand, while on farms they use milking machines that transfer the milk through long tubes to a cooling tank. It is then sent to factories for processing and packaging. Bulls once helped the peasant in field work. Nowadays, if bulls are not slaughtered for meat when they are young, they become breeding bulls and are used to reproduce livestock.

Goats and sheep

Goats are bred not only for milk. The wool of some breeds is especially durable, and beautiful warm lace scarves are knitted from fluff. Sheep are bred mainly for wool, which is the best raw material for the production of fabrics, knitwear, carpets and everyone's favorite sheepskin coats. In the spring, sheep are shorn, and by winter the wool grows back and serves as protection from the cold. Goats and sheep live in closed pens - they are called sheepfolds. Sheep and goats are grazed from early spring to late autumn. Goats are one of the few animals that manage to find food in dry areas. They even eat plant roots. The peasants know this very well and do not allow them near their gardens.

Domestic bird

An indispensable part of a peasant farm is a poultry yard, where chickens, ducks, geese live, as well as the largest poultry - turkeys, whose weight can reach 12-16 kg. Ducks and geese need a body of water to swim in. Birds are bred not only for their eggs, but also for their meat - tender, tasty and rich in nutrients.

Geese and ducks

Ducks have webbed feet and their feathers are covered with a layer of fat that keeps them from getting wet when the birds swim. They eat small aquatic animals, worms and snails. In contrast, geese are mainly herbivores. Feather beds and pillows are stuffed with soft down, and warm winter down jackets are made from it. In some countries, such as France and Belgium, these birds are treated very cruelly. It is customary there to feed geese so that their livers painfully enlarge. A delicious pate - foie gras - is prepared from it.

How geese saved Rome. There was a time when geese were sacrificed and revered as a sacred bird. This was connected with the legend about how geese saved Rome. A long time ago, the geese dozing on the walls of Ancient Rome, hearing the approach of the enemy, began to make noise, raised its defenders and thereby saved the city from capture.

In the 16th century, German peasants chose the goose as a symbol of their uprising. This bird, if attacked, never lets down its offenders and is able to defend itself even from predatory eagles, the images of which adorned the coats of arms of barons oppressing peasants.

Roosters and hens

Roosters and hens live in a chicken coop. On a peasant farm, during the day, birds roam freely around the yard, rummaging in the ground and looking for grains, worms and insects. The meat of chickens that live this way is very tasty and highly valued. In large poultry farms, chickens are fed food specially designed for them. These birds gain weight much faster. Some chicken breeds are raised for meat, others for eggs. The eggs are collected, sorted by weight and sent for sale.

Wild ancestors of chickens

Domestic chickens are descended from wild bank chickens, which live mainly in forests and bushes. For centuries, poultry farmers have selected the healthiest birds that produce the most meat and eggs.


The domestication of the horse began about 6,000 years ago. Before the era of trains and automobiles, horses were the most common means of transportation. These animals are very smart and train well. Not a single peasant farm could manage without them: they helped cultivate the land and transported goods. There are three main types of domestic horses - draft horses, light riding horses and ponies. In some countries, heavy trucks still pull plows and carry loads. Racehorses participate in sports competitions: horse racing, racing, polo, rodeo. Riding horses with riders overcome difficult places. Ponies are small horses. The height of an adult pony does not exceed 120 cm. They can often be seen in parks, harnessed to light pleasure carriages and children's carriages.

Ancient horses

The ancestors of horses were Hyracotherium. These agile animals, reaching only 60 cm in height, lived in the forests of North America approximately 55 million years ago. Over the course of evolution, horses became larger and adapted to life in open spaces.

Horses at war

Even in the Ancient world, horse-drawn war chariots appeared on the battlefields. The main military force in the Middle Ages were armored knights riding war horses. The Russian cavalry was famous for its special skill, winning more than one battle.


The donkey as a pet is mentioned in the Bible: Jesus Christ rode into Jerusalem on a donkey. Since time immemorial, domestic donkeys, or donkeys, have been the main assistants in the household. They are not afraid of heat, cold, or hard work, and are indispensable when transporting goods along narrow streets or steep mountain paths.


Pigs are omnivores. On peasant farms, pigs are bred on free grazing: they feed on garbage, roots and worms. On pig farms they are fed a special mixture: it ensures maximum weight gain.

On peasant farms, rabbits usually live in enclosures where there is room for movement. They are bred for their meat and skins. In summer, rabbits eat grass; in winter, they eat food supplemented with cabbage and root vegetables. Female rabbits are very fertile: from 2 to 12 babies are born to them at a time. Wild rabbits and their relatives, hares, live in the wild. They are larger than rabbits, and their ears and legs are longer. Hares are a desirable prey for hunters and large predators.


In nature, honey bees make nests in the cavities of stumps, hollows or among stones. Beekeepers install hives in apiaries - wooden boxes with frames on which sheets of artificial wax are attached. Bees use this wax to build hexagonal honeycombs. Throughout the summer, bees collect pollen and nectar from flowers to produce honey, which all members of the bee colony will feed on in the winter. When the hive is filled with honey, the beekeeper in a protective mask and overalls cleans it: he collects the honey in a can. Before opening the hive, he fumigates it with smoke. The thick, cool smoke calms the bees and makes them less dangerous.

The type of honey depends on the flowers of which plants the bees collect nectar from. Honey can be flower, buckwheat, linden. There are also rarer varieties, for example chestnut with a characteristic bitter taste. What types of honey do you know?

Wild relatives and ancestors

The domestication of animals began in ancient times. When taming animals, man first of all paid attention to their “useful” traits and crossed different individuals in order to obtain offspring with traits that best suited his needs. So, a wild chicken lays 15 eggs a year, and among domestic chickens there are about 300 eggs. Modern domestic animals are not like their wild ancestors. Goats, for example, have shortened their horns over time, and cows and bulls have greatly decreased in size. The disposition of the animals also changed: gradually they became calmer and got used to people. The ancestors of some domestic animals still live in the wild, while others have become extinct.

Existing today: boar

Lives in a variety of places - from coniferous taiga to tropical forests and deserts. The body is covered with elastic bristles. Digging is a typical way for wild boars to obtain food. The animal is omnivorous, but prefers tubers, roots and fruits.

This is the wild ancestor of the pig.


A very shy herbivore. Mouflons live on mountain slopes, reaching heights of up to 5000 m. The mouflon's coat is short and smooth. Adult males grow long, twisted horns.

This is the wild ancestor of sheep.

Extinct: wild horse

Modern horse breeds are descended from wild horses. Now only one of their ancestors has survived - the Przewalski's horse. Wild horses are very similar to domestic ones, but are smaller in size.

This is the wild ancestor of the horse.


Wild aurochs were found in Europe, North Africa and parts of Asia. Turs were much larger than cows and bulls and had long horns. The last female aurochs died in 1627.

This is the wild ancestor of cows.

Farm animals are much more interesting than they might seem. They have their own characteristics, distinctive features and sometimes amazing skills.


  • Today there are more than 100 breeds of pigs.
  • These animals have their own speech; scientists have counted more than 20 different sounds that mean different emotions or desires.
  • Pigs have a very keen sense of smell, some are even trained to detect drugs, and then taken to serve at customs.
  • After appropriate training, a pig can smell game birds at a distance of up to 35 m, and can also find a person under a thick layer of snow.
  • A pig's orgasm lasts up to 10 minutes, and the volume of boar semen is 250-500 ml.
  • Pigs are excellent swimmers.


  • Scientists have found that cows cause more damage to the environment than planes and cars, this is due to the fact that animals emit huge amounts of methane during their lives.
  • Bulls are color blind; in bullfights they charge at a rag, not knowing that it is red.
  • Cows can learn from each other. For example, if one was electrocuted by an electric fence, the rest will avoid contact with the dangerous fence and only a small percentage of the entire herd will repeat the mistake of the first victim.
  • Cows sense the Earth's magnetic field and have a well-developed sense of time. If you are late with milking by just 20-30 minutes, then the volume of milk is reduced by about 5%, and its fat content by 0.2-0.4%.
  • In India, the cow is a sacred, untouchable animal.


  • Sheep are peaceful creatures with a highly developed herd instinct.
  • It was the sheep that became the world's first cloned animal.
  • Oddly enough, their distinctive feature is not their size, nor their fur, but their tail! The longer and thicker it is, the more valuable the breed.
  • The sheep recognize their shepherd. If you mix 3 herds and the shepherd of one of them begins to move aside and invites his charges to follow him, then only his sheep will come out of the entire gathering.


  • Scientists suggest that the goat was one of the first animals domesticated by humans. According to archaeological excavations, goats were domesticated about 10,000 years ago.
  • Recently, biologists have discovered that goats in different areas have their own accent.
  • The pupil of goats and sheep is in the shape of a horizontal rectangle, which allows them to see 340 degrees without turning their heads.
  • Goats are very attached to people.
  • These are one of the few animals that do not suffer from tuberculosis.
  • One adult goat can lead a herd of 30-50 females.

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Farm animals (abbr. “farm animals”)- domestic animals kept by humans to obtain (meat, milk, fat, eggs), raw materials for production (wool, bristles, leather, bones, down, feathers), as well as their use as transport and labor; bred through selective breeding - the selection of the desired qualities and characteristics of representatives of wild nature, birds and animals that have been captured and tamed since ancient times. And also in farming, making a profit by doing...

In concept "farm animals" includes various breeds of birds, animals, fish and insects kept in specialized non-residential premises (stall, paddock, shed, stable, pigsty, barn, rabbitry, cage, aviary, livestock building, farm, nursery, barn, barnyard, creek, pond , fish hatchery, poultry house, apiary, etc.) only for the purpose of obtaining waste products from representatives of farmed animals.

Farm animals are included in the general biological classification along with their wild relatives and at the same time are divided by breed.

Livestock belongs to the class mammals, order artiodactyls and suborder ruminants. The existence of livestock depends on humans. But it would be difficult for a person without these species. After all, they bring the main products. These species played historical significance in the development of culture. These include the cow (or cattle), sheep, goat (small ruminants), buffalo, two species of camels, llama, alpaca and reindeer. Of the artiodactyls, not ruminants, the pig is considered livestock. Odd-hoofed livestock - horse and donkey, as well as their hybrids: mule and hinny.

Dog, cat, fox, polecat, European mink are carnivores ( Carnivora).

Rabbit, nutria, guinea pig - rodents ( Rodentia).

Poultry are classified as follows:

  • order Galliformes ( Galliformes) - chicken, turkey, quail, guinea fowl, pheasant, peacock
  • order of pigeons ( Columbiformes) - common and Turkish pigeon, “meat pigeons”
  • order of Anseriformes ( Anseriformes) - mute swan, goose and duck

Recently, ostriches, which belong to the order Ostrichidae, have been actively bred on farms.

Bee, cochineal, silkworm - insects

Oysters, mussels - bivalve

List of farm animals.

These animals are included in the list of pets (farm animals) for many centuries and even millennia. And many of them are found on the territory of the Republic of Tatarstan and other regions of Russia. Our farmers have been breeding most of them for a long time.

, stable, pigsty, cowshed, rabbitry, livestock building, farm, barn, barnyard, poultry house, apiary and so on). Cattle in Russia, previously divided into worker And commodity-productive.


Dictionaries and legislation define that farm animals include:

  • livestock,
  • valuable fur animals,
  • rabbits,
  • bird,
  • bees.

Cattle (cattle), in turn - “ four-legged domestic farm animals" Dahl deciphers this concept in more detail - “ general name for domestic, farm animals: horse, cow, camel, sheep, goat, deer and others. But, as in ancient times, so to this day, for the most part, oxen and cows».

Biological classification

Farm animals are included in the general biological classification along with their wild relatives and at the same time are divided by breed.

Of the artiodactyls, not ruminants, pigs are considered livestock. Odd-hoofed livestock - horse and donkey, as well as their hybrids: mule and hinny.

List of farm animals
  • Ungulates
    • Cattle
      • cows, buffalos, yaks
    • camels dromedary (one-humped) and bactrian (two-humped), llamas
  • Rodents and lagomorphs
    • rabbits, nutria
  • Predatory animals (small and medium)
    • sables, foxes, European minks, ferrets
  • Birds
    • Galliformes
      • chickens, turkeys, guinea fowl, pheasants, quails, peacocks, pigeons (meat breeds)
    • Anseriformes
      • geese, musky ducks
  • Insects
    • bees, bumblebees

Scientific research and achievements

  • Animal engineering
  • Cloning

Selection and content

  • livestock farming


  • Honorik (ferret-mink hybrid)

see also


Video Coccoidea

Coccids, coccids, scale insects and scale insects (lat. Coccoidea) are a superfamily of insects from the order Hemiptera (Hemiptera). Contains about 3000 species known to science. All representatives feed on plant juices and are therefore considered pests. A typical example of pest behavior is the beech felt moth (Cryptococcus fagisuga). At the same time, since ancient times, scale insects have been of great economic importance to humans, since the bright red dye carmine is extracted from them.


The Watussi is a breed of cattle developed in Africa. Like many other breeds of cows, it comes from the primitive aurochs, which became extinct in the 17th century.


Domestic animals are animals that have been domesticated by Homo sapiens and which he keeps, providing them with shelter and food. They benefit him either as a source of material goods and services, or as companion animals that brighten up his leisure time. Most pets breed easily. By carrying out selection, a person can control their reproduction and the traits that they pass on to their offspring.


Domestic birds are birds bred, domesticated, or kept by humans for their eggs, their meat, or their feathers. These birds generally belong to the family Galloanserae and the species Galliformes (which includes chickens, quails and turkeys). Poultry also includes ducks and geese.

The domestication of poultry occurred several thousand years ago. Domestication stemmed from people raising young birds from eggs collected in the wild, but later keeping the birds permanently in captivity and engaging in artificial selection. The evolution of a bird species has often occurred over centuries, and modern breeds are often very different from their wild ancestors, although some birds have not followed this path. Most birds on the market today are raised in factories.

Along with pork, poultry is one of the two most widely consumed meats in the world, with more than 70% of meat supplies in 2012 coming from these two meats. Poultry contains beneficial nutrients, containing high amounts of protein and having a low proportion of fat. All poultry should be processed and well cooked to reduce the risk of food poisoning; This is monitored in most countries.

A 2011 study by the Arizona Research Institute found that 47% of meat and poultry sold in grocery stores in the United States were contaminated with Staphylococcus aureus. The researchers said that cooking the product can destroy these bacteria, but the risk of infection from improper handling of the raw product is still present afterward. In addition, there is some risk of contamination (also for poultry and egg consumers) by bacteria such as salmonella and campylobacter. Poultry products may become contaminated with these bacteria during processing or storage. They can also occur if the product is improperly prepared or processed.

The English word "poultry" comes from Middle English "pultrie", which in turn comes from Old French pouletrie. A poultry trader was called pouletier from the words poulet and pullet.

Poultry is the second most consumed type of meat in the world, with approximately 30% of total meat production worldwide being associated with poultry. Pork accounts for 38% of the world's meat production. Every year, 16 billion birds are consumed by humans, more than half of which are raised in factories and factories. The mass of duck meat processed and purchased in 2011 was about 4.2 million tons, and China produced two-thirds of the total meat - about 1.7 billion birds. The largest steel producers are the USA (20%), China (16.6%), Brazil (15.1%) and the European Union (11.3%). A significant portion of poultry meat in Asia is produced in these countries: Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia, Myanmar, Indonesia and South Korea (12% in total). France, with 3.5%, is the largest producer in Europe, followed by other EU countries (3%) and the United States (1.7%). Russia is in fourth place in the world.

Global egg production is projected to increase. Between 2000 and 2010, egg production grew by about 2% per year worldwide, but has since declined by 1% annually.

domestic rabbit

The domestic rabbit is a domesticated variety of the wild (European) rabbit. Domestic rabbits differ from their wild ancestors in the variety of sizes, colors, and coat structure. Dwarf rabbits can weigh less than 1 kg, individuals of large breeds of rabbits reach a weight of 10-11 kg. Man uses domestic rabbits as pets and for meat, skins and fluff.

domestic pig

The domestic pig (lat. Sus scrofa domesticus) is a large artiodactyl, a subspecies of wild boar, domesticated by humans about 7 thousand years ago (according to some studies, much earlier) and distributed mainly in Western countries, East Asia and Oceania. Feral pigs (razorbacks) are found in North America, Australia and New Zealand. The body length ranges from 0.9 to 1.8 m, an adult weighs from 50 to 150 kg. Compared to other artiodactyls, which are more often herbivorous, the domestic pig is omnivorous, like its ancestor, the wild boar.

Pigs are raised primarily for their meat. World pork production in 2005 was 97.2 million tons (according to the US Department of Agriculture).

Decorative dwarf breeds of pigs (minipigs) are popular animals for keeping at home. In France, specially trained pigs search for truffles.

domestic duck

The domestic duck (lat. Anas platyrhynchos, sometimes - Anas platyrhynchos f. domestica, Anas platyrhynchos domesticus, Anas domesticus or Anas domestica (Anas boschas domestica); male - drake, chicks - ducklings) is a waterfowl bred by humans, one of the numerous and widespread types of poultry. Flies poorly, not far. It originates from an ordinary wild duck, or mallard. Over the long history of human domestication, various breeds of ducks have been developed. They are bred for meat, as well as eggs and fatty liver (foie gras); In addition, feathers and down are obtained from them.


The abbreviation KRS (in Cyrillic) can mean:

Well overhaul is a set of works in the oil and gas industry designed to increase (prevent a fall) the flow rate of a well.

Cluster rocket - see Cluster munition and Missile.

Command and management staff.

A finite-difference scheme is a finite system of algebraic equations put in correspondence with some differential problem; can be used to numerically solve the corresponding differential equation.

Cattle are farm animals of the Bovine subfamily (Bovinae).

Jig boring machine. Kunlun Red Star

Kunlun RS Junior

Kunlun Red Star Heilongjiang



Kashuevo is a village in the Kuvshinovsky district of the Tver region, as part of the Bolshekuznechkovsky rural settlement.

Located 11 km northeast of the regional center of Kuvshinovo, the nearest villages are: Ulyanovo (1 km), Novo and Bolshoye Kuznechkovo, all these 3 villages are on the Kuvshinovo-Kunino highway.

The population according to the 2002 census is 11 people, 5 men, 6 women.

As of August 2010, 3 people permanently reside in the village of Kashuevo. During the summer, up to 10 vacationers from various regions of the Russian Federation come to the houses they own. Due to the constant cutting of the forest, there are large harvests of strawberries, raspberries, and nuts on the hills. Upland game includes hazel grouse, black grouse, capercaillie; from the marsh - woodcock, snipe. Crake is found everywhere, and quail is found occasionally. Almost all types of agricultural crops take root. Currently, no agricultural work is being carried out in the village, and no farm animals are raised.

Chinese oak peacock eye

The Chinese oak peacock-eye, or Chinese oak silkworm (lat. Antheraea pernyi) is a butterfly of the Peacock-eye family.


Goats, or goats, or goats and rams, or caprinae (lat. Caprinae) are a subfamily of artiodactyl mammals from the bovid family.

Domesticated members of the subfamily used as farm animals are called small cattle.


Cochineal, as well as the cochineal mealybug, (French cochenille, from Spanish cochinilla) is the collective name of several species of insects from the order Hemiptera, from the females of which the substance used to obtain the red dye - carmine - is extracted.

The female cochineal in its youth sticks to the plant with its proboscis, sucks the juice and never moves; Here she is fertilized and lays eggs.


Cattle are farm animals of the Bovine subfamily (Bovinae).

The main purpose of cattle is to produce meat and milk, provide hides and sometimes wool, and draw power. At the beginning of the 2010s, there were about 1.3-1.4 billion heads of cattle in the world.

Mexican cochineal

Mexican cochineal (Dactylopius coccus) is a species of insect of the genus Dactylopius from the family Dactylopiidae. A substance used to produce a red dye, carmine, is extracted from the females.

The length of males is 2-4 millimeters, females 10-12 millimeters. The female Mexican cochineal in its youth sticks to the plant with its proboscis, sucks the juice and never moves; Here she is fertilized and lays eggs.

It lives on cacti of the prickly pear genus and is most widespread.

Small cattle

Small ruminants (MRC) are agricultural animals of the Goat subfamily (Caprinae), the main purpose of which is the production of meat, milk, skins, etc. Representatives of small ruminants include sheep, goats, etc.

Domestic and farm animals. Pets are animals bred by humans to satisfy one or another of their needs.

The most characteristic thing about domestic animals is their strong development of precisely those properties that are most valued by humans. In domestic animals, variability is significantly higher compared to wild animals. The centuries-old human labor spent on domestic animals, in addition to the development in them of qualities useful to humans and increased variability, makes itself felt by a number of other, less significant, so-called domestication characteristics (signs of domestication). Domestic animals live and breed freely in captivity. Their life, nutrition, movement, reproduction are controlled and regulated by humans. Domestic animal species are divided into numerous man-made breeds. Domestic animals, unlike wild animals, according to K. Marx, are primarily the product of human labor of many generations.

Most domestic animals are farm animals. Farm animals are bred to obtain certain products from them (milk, meat, wool, etc.) or for use at work. Farm animals are an important means of agricultural production.

Zoological types, subtypes and classes in which domestic animals were obtained. Of the more than 1,200,000 species of animals living on earth, there are only 27 species of domestic animals, if you do not include canaries and guinea pigs. This indicates that the domestication of animals of one species or another was determined not by chance, but by the greatest suitability of domesticated species to meet human needs and to life in new conditions. This also indicates the very great difficulty of transforming wild animals into domestic ones.

Of the eight zoological types into which the entire animal world is divided, domestication occurred in only two types. These two types - chordates and arthropods - standing at the very top of the two main branches of the family tree of animals, are distinguished by the highest differentiation of the body, great perfection in the structure and functions of the body.

All domestic animals from the chordate type belong to vertebrates, that is, to the highest of the subtypes of this type. The vertebrate subphylum is divided into six classes, which form such an ascending series: cyclostomes - fish - amphibians - reptiles - birds - mammals. Both classes in which domestication occurred - mammals and birds - are the highest classes of the animal world.

The advantages of mammals and birds from the point of view of domestication include a terrestrial lifestyle, relatively large body size, lung breathing, a four-chambered heart, constant body temperature, and better development of the nervous system and brain.

Although recently, due to the development of fish farming and the introduction of artificial insemination methods in this area, several breeds of fish (for example, carp) have been bred, there is still no reason to consider fish of these breeds as domestic animals.

The phylum of arthropods is divided into the subphyla Gill-breathing and Tracheal. The latter, being adapted to terrestrial existence, are at a higher stage of development. In the tracheal subtype, insects, in turn, are higher in development than representatives of the other two classes. And only two species out of a huge number of insect species can be classified as domestic animals.

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