How it's made, how it works, how it works. Place where ships are built

Accounting and taxes 05.07.2021
Accounting and taxes

Shipbuilding activity is necessary for every maritime power, and therefore the construction of ships almost never stops. Any activity at sea has always been considered very profitable, and this is still the case today. In world practice, the construction of ships ensures the transportation of goods, and the cost of freight within the world's oceans is up to two hundred and fifty billion dollars annually. Seafood and fish alone are produced annually at a cost of up to forty billion dollars. The construction of ships is also necessary for the extraction of gas and oil on the sea shelves, which is also estimated at up to one hundred billion dollars a year. The global market for shipbuilding products operates in amounts ranging from seventy to eighty billion dollars a year.

Country security

But the most important thing at the present time is the construction of ships to ensure vigorous activity on the seas, transport and economic security states, especially if there are separate enclaves. This is how geopolitical problems are solved, additional jobs appear, and employment increases. All these reasons at the same time are the explanation for the fact that all the leading world powers are constantly developing the national shipbuilding industry, thus increasing the number of major suppliers technical means, supporting maritime activities.

Russian shipbuilding industry, for example, has accumulated vast experience in creating ships and vessels of all types and for all purposes. The construction of ships is carried out by many shipbuilding enterprises in Russian Federation, and for this the country does not need to look for partners abroad. We have an excellent metallurgical industry, which provides shipbuilding with unique non-magnetic high-strength steels and alloys. All world-class construction materials can be produced directly in our country.

Shipbuilding veteran

In 1719, the largest hydraulic structure in Europe was built - the Staraya Ladoga Canal, which immediately absorbed a huge cargo flow. The ships required repairs and maintenance. But it was only in 1913 that the Nevsky Shipyard, one of the flagships of the domestic shipbuilding industry, opened. More than three hundred ships of various purposes were built there in the first years alone - passenger ships, tugboats, and river-sea class vessels. Nevsky quickly mastered new technologies, increased production capacity, engaged not only in shipbuilding, but also in traditional ship repair.

Since 2009, it has been consistently fully loaded with orders for shipbuilding from various Russian companies. Here, ships of all types are built on a turnkey basis, but they are also closely involved in ship repair: navigation, current, medium repairs, as well as modernization and re-equipment of ships. The shipbuilding plant is conveniently located: a large waterway - the Volga-Baltic Canal - allows for the transportation of already completed orders both along internal routes and to the international seaport of St. Petersburg.

Factory today

At the Nevsky Shipyard, work is performed with high quality, reliably and on time. This is ensured by the most modern equipment, modernized production and, of course, the professionalism of the company’s specialists and their exceptional skill. Nevsky Shipyard is certified by leading classification societies: Germanischer Lloyd, Det Norske Veritas, Bureau Veritas, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, as well as the Russian River Register, the Russian Maritime Register of Shipping.

Now this enterprise is modern and dynamically developing, it is capable of solving the most complex technological and technical tasks to produce products that are in demand by consumers and that meet international standards. The company works with both domestic and foreign customers.

Sredne-Nevsky plant

The Ust-Izhora shipyard was founded nearby in 1912, which later became the Sredne-Nevsky Plant, one of the main suppliers building ships for the Navy. The plant has a long and glorious history. However, it is even more interesting to watch his work today.

In the 2000s. a complete modernization of production was carried out, as the plant entered target program on the development of the country's military-industrial complex. Key industrial facilities, the test bench base of research institutes and design bureaus where ship design is carried out, were re-equipped. New machines and equipment, equipment, and all software products were purchased.

New time

Already in 2003, construction began on a series of three-tier superstructures for corvettes, and in 2008, the multi-purpose vessel Ataman and Lukoil were launched. In 2011, a world record in technology was set here by forming a monolithic ship hull made of fiberglass sixty-two meters long. In the same year, construction began on a whole series of basic minesweepers for the Navy.

In 2013, the construction of carbon fiber vessels was mastered, and work began on site on the creation of a series of offshore minesweepers and tugs. In subsequent years, many high awards were received for contributions to the country's defense capabilities. This plant has no equal in Russia for composite construction. In 2016, the lead ship of a new generation, designed for mine defense, the Alexander Obukhov, was transferred to the Russian Federation, and in 2017, two more were laid down - Vladimir Emelyanov and Ivan Antonov, and a new ready-made minesweeper was also transferred to the customer.

Shipyard "Vympel"

It all started in 1930 with the construction of motor boats in Rybinsk, Yaroslavl region. During the war, the Vympel shipyard switched to producing boats with weapons - long-range torpedoes. In the post-war period, raid minesweepers were produced and at the same time a ship assembly shop was built, which exceeded in area all existing structures. From 1949 to this day, fire boats have been built here. In the 60s The production of marine hydrographic boats began and towing ships were produced in huge series.

And a little earlier, the fulfillment of Navy construction orders (with cruise missiles) began and also continues to this day, which have shown themselves to be excellent in military conflicts in the Indian Ocean and the Middle East. Thanks to this success, a “boat boom” began in the world. In 1980, the lead missile boat "Molniya" was commissioned, which has still not left the level of world standards, surpassing all foreign models in terms of power plant and performance. The plant actively trades with the whole world: twenty-nine countries buy its boats.


Today, entering the world market of domestic shipbuilding is associated with a number of problems. This area of ​​production is very specific, requiring the presence of a huge number of related industries - mechanical engineering, metallurgy, electronics and much more. Shipbuilding naturally stimulates their development; thanks to such orders, related industries reach an increasingly higher scientific and technical level. One workplace in shipbuilding entails the creation of four or five jobs in other industries.

But the problem is the huge knowledge intensity of any modern ships and vessels, as well as the long cycles of project development and actual construction, respectively, the capital intensity is also high. And after Perestroika, industry in the country has reached such a low level that most of the equipment has to be purchased abroad. Domestic shipbuilding requires much more state support and development of related industries.

Three quarters of Russia's borders are maritime. More than 60% of cargo turnover is carried out by sea vessels, mining is actively developing in our sea ​​shelf. That is why the state must support its own shipbuilding. But this is not the case. The Russian fishing and merchant fleet find themselves on the verge of absolute extinction, despite the fact that this situation brings enormous economic damage, and most importantly, national security is under attack.

Everything suggests that Russia has ceased to be a leading maritime power. The domestic fleet practically does not participate in the transportation of foreign trade cargo (2001 - 4% of foreign trade cargo passing through Russian ports, and in 1980 there was more than 65%). And this is more than three billion dollars a year lost. Civil aviation has also left this market - domestic aircraft do not fly abroad, and this is another billion dollars in damage. And the fleet follows the same path: it decreases both in tonnage and in number from year to year, disappearing inexorably and steadily.

Ship construction

Ships flying the Russian flag are twenty years old; no country in the world has such old ships. And the volume of construction of civil courts in Russia does not compensate for losses. IN Soviet time Forty or more sea vessels were built per year. And in 2001, six of them were built. And it took at least three hundred to master the required carrying capacity. These negative trends need to be reversed by accelerating the establishment of replenishment merchant fleet the most modern ships. Now every ship at the shipyard is expensive, but economically favorable conditions has not yet been created for mass construction.

However, things are even worse with the fishing fleet. The fishing industry has sharply reduced the number of vessels, and therefore the annual volumes of fish caught have dropped to terrifying figures. If in 1989 the country produced more than eleven million tons of fish and seafood, then in 2000 - only three million tons. Subsequently, this number decreased several times. Almost all fishing vessels have exceeded their service life and require replacement, but the fleet is being replenished very poorly, practically not at all. In Soviet times, more than a hundred fishing vessels were launched annually, now less than ten are built a year - five or six.

Situation today

Over the past few years, certain steps have been taken to correct the disastrous situation. Not all problems have been solved, but some encouraging figures and facts can already be cited. Today, in the Russian shipbuilding industry there are one hundred and seventy enterprises operating in the following specialties: ship repair and shipbuilding - 65, electrical engineering, marine engineering - 43, marine instrument making - 56, plus 6 enterprises of related activities. Today the industry can already build ships and vessels of absolutely all types with a maximum displacement of one hundred thousand tons.

The industry employs more than two hundred thousand people. This suggests that the situation is gradually stabilizing. There are 56 research institutes and design organizations working for the domestic shipbuilding industry, which specialize in all types design work. These are shipbuilding and shipbuilding, marine instrumentation, marine engineering and electronics. Many research institutes have received state status.


The growth rate of production of the military-industrial complex is also growing in the construction of military ships, in contrast to civil shipbuilding. However, quite recently, the level of military shipbuilding, as well as the technological level, fell so low that irreversible processes almost set in. Today, positive changes can be observed with your own eyes and hope that domestic shipbuilding will continue to expand in the future, and the industry will continue its reform.

Historically, there has been a certain disunity between designers and builders. And reforming the industry must first of all eliminate such cases by creating integrated structures. The products of the industry are extremely complex engineering structures of our time, and here they need to be built immediately “from scratch”, bypassing all kinds of prototypes. Therefore, coordinated work is needed, and first conceptual developments and the precise formation of the technical appearance of ships and vessels are necessary. The country's defense capability depends on this.

Central Research Institute named after academician A.N. Krylova

This research institute could well again become a “forward looker” of the industry, as it was before Perestroika, that is, the head scientific center. It is initially the focus of scientific developments and all conceivable experimental means regarding shipbuilding areas.

Here, ship hydrodynamics (controllability, propulsion, etc.), all types of propulsion, structural mechanics, electrical power and energy, including nuclear, radiation and nuclear safety, acoustics of ships, mechanisms, equipment, electrodynamics, stealth technologies and much more are worked out. much more. This is a unique and only institute in Russia that supported the design, construction and delivery of ships of all types and purposes. First of all, the activities of the institute are necessary for the Navy.

Today, my little friends, we will learn how shipbuilding has developed over thousands of years of human development. What kind of vessels it began with, and what kind of ships exist in our time. The very first vessel on which man first sailed on water was a raft. People got tired of looking for a ford to get across wide rivers and they figured out how to swim along them without hindrance and transport luggage.

Nowadays, steamships are no longer used. They were replaced by motor ships, electric ships and nuclear powered ships. Such a ship flies across the expanses of the sea at tremendous speed. Instead of wheel-blades, it has a propeller, which moves the ship much faster, screwing into the water. Not ships, but entire floating cities now float on.

Modern ships are built at shipyards and are also designed for different purposes. There are powerful military cruisers, lined with thick, strong armor, which sail along the maritime borders of our homeland, protecting the territory from smugglers, poachers and other violators.

How to build wooden ships aslan wrote in February 6th, 2016

In the yacht port "Hercules" there is a shipyard where a grandiose project is being implemented to build from scratch (one might say, from a historical reconstruction) one of the greatest ships in the history of the Russian Federation. navy "Poltava". Anyone can come here for an excursion, the cost is 300 rubles for an adult and 200 for a child, but if you come with the whole family, then total cost will be 500 for everyone.

Project "Poltava" complex, if only because there is no available detailed documentation, complete drawings or color images. Research in the archives is still ongoing. In 2013, a theoretical model of the vessel was made, based on data on similar ships.

It is planned that "Poltava" will become a scientific, cultural, research and pedagogical center for the study of the maritime history of the city and country. But already now excursion groups are allowed into the shipyard every day, where everyone can appreciate the work of the reenactors (among whom there are many historians and philosophers, and not just carpenters) and feel the power of the ship still under construction. And the skeleton that is in dry dock is huge. It barely fits into the lens, so we even had to do a panorama.

At the entrance we are greeted with a plan of the complex - everything can be studied, where everything is.

First, we go to the shipwright’s house, where we wait for the guide and warm up at the same time, because... It's not May outside, and everyone is already quite cold.
Children will certainly find it interesting here - they can take part in workshops on lithography, sewing sails and making themed souvenirs.

Our guide Oksana gives preliminary instructions - take the children by the hand, everyone follow the guide only, do not fight back, do not disperse, do not stand on heavy and seemingly strong pieces of wood.

"Poltava" is built from oak trees, and the trees are of a certain thickness and curvature are being searched almost all over Russia. Trees 100-200 years old are used for construction, but, as we were told, instead of one felled oak, 4 new ones are planted.

At the entrance to the huge hangar there is a reminder on how to tie various knots.

And here is the first look from the entrance to the exposed skeleton of the future ship. The first impression is wow, the size is impressive. Secondly, what a wonderful smell of wood there is. Third - how wildly cold it is here! Yes, since we were here on a day off, when the technicians don’t work, the heating is turned off. Therefore, getting ahead of myself, I will say that despite the fact that everyone was happy and impressed, they were wildly chilled.

They say tourist groups are not allowed here. We were allowed to climb inside. It felt like you were inside a huge fish and you could see its skeleton.
By the way, 1,800 oak trees will be spent on the construction of Poltava.

We looked with interest at all sorts of interesting small details. For example, a strange one "Bucks thing."

The drawing is real, you have to believe it.

And this special place on the floor where the required detail is drawn.
Actually, the part itself hangs from above.

I wonder why this master does this?

The story about Master Kuzma is generally touching. Here he gently asks not to touch the part, because he worked on it for several days.


We go up to the dock balcony. There are posters with historical facts on the walls.
Here, for example, are 2 completely different types and colors of the Poltava’s stern. Which one do you like better? Blue for me. Although historians are more inclined to the option on the right.

Full appearance The ship appears only in Picart's 1717 black and white engraving.

There are also photographs of all sorts of interesting historical documents that you could look at for a long time if it weren’t so cold.

But these are the drawings we came up with after several years of research.

Kuzya the Bear decided to take a selfie together with pink_mathilda against the backdrop of the future museum ship.

We still had to go outside and completely freeze to fire a salvo from a cannon. The view here is beautiful.

Here there is a monument with a ship's bell. Do you see the squirrel? And she is.

And so?
What the artist was thinking about when placing the squirrel on the ship’s bell, apparently only he knows. Maybe it's a muse?

The guns are solid. At first they were cast at the Kirov plant, but now the order was transferred to the Izhora plant. Actually, the entire technology for casting guns had to be reinvented - in the 21st century - casting guns is still a unique activity.

And then we finally went into the warmth! :) These are masts, yards, topmasts, bombranstags and a bunch of other hard-to-remember names. It was a discovery for me that they are not made entirely of pine, but are assembled piece by piece with an internal hollow space. It turns out that it is simple physics - it is much more difficult to break a “tube” than just a stick. And on top there is a plug.

On the floor above, sails are being sewn, but we were not allowed there because it is too dangerous :) The sails there are laid out on the floor, and they can be very easily damaged.

By the way, they are not planning to install a motor in the sailboat so that the ship would be as close as possible to the realities of the 18th century. But then I don’t understand very well how it will float along the Neva at night Scarlet Sails- there are plans that the Swedish sailing ship will be replaced by the patriotic Poltava.

For the excursion I would like to express my gratitude to the head of the excursion service of the Poltava shipyard, Oksana Roda, for freezing with us and showing us so many interesting things.

Taken from ta_samaya This is how they build Poltava. Excursion to the historical shipyard

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Remember the sensational action of retaliation last year, when on October 7, 2015, during the Russian military operation in Syria, three Small Missile Ships (MRK) of Project 21631 (“Uglich”, “Grad Sviyazhsk” and “ Veliky Ustyug"), as well as the Project 11661K missile ship "Dagestan" from the Caspian Sea fired at the positions of the terrorist organization "Islamic State" banned in Russia with sea-based "Caliber-NK" missiles. And on October 20, the Caspian flotilla with the same composition consolidated its success; all targets were hit, although they were about 1,500 kilometers away. All these ships were built at JSC Zelenodolsk Plant named after. A.M. Gorky." In addition, it is this plant that stands at the origins of the creation of Russia's first high-speed ships and hovercraft with dynamic support principles. He is currently ranked in the top five shipbuilding enterprises Russia. And last November, he celebrated his 120th anniversary. Over the years of its history, the plant has built more than 1,500 sea and river ships and vessels of various classes and purposes. So it’s this legendary plant that I want to show today.

The company is located in the city of Zelenodolsk, in the Republic of Tatarstan, right on the Volga, which allows the plant to easily send its built ships to almost anywhere in Russia, and beyond that, they also have enough export contracts. JSC Zelenodolsk Plant named after. A.M. Gorky" is part of the largest diversified holding of the Republic of Tatarstan - JSC "Holding Company "Ak Bars".

The history of the plant is connected with the development of shipping on the Volga River. IN late XIX century in the country there is an increasing need for the construction of new factories and ship repair workshops. In 1895, by decision of the Ministry of Railways of the Kazan District, the Paratsky ship repair workshops were founded. They had to carry out repairs of the technical fleet, and the advantageous location at the intersection of the Volga River with the Moscow-Kazan Railway only contributed to prosperity of this enterprise. In 1907, mechanical, boiler, forge, foundry and carpentry shops were built, employing 86 people. By 1913, the ship repair shops had become a well-organized ship repair enterprise, with the ability to build ships, as well as overhaul tug steamers, barges and dredgers up to 100 units per winter.

In 1918, after the evacuation of parts of the Baltic and Izhora plants ship repair workshops are being transformed into the Volzhsky Autonomous Shipbuilding and mechanical plant Maritime Commissariat. During the Civil War, the plant was a base for the repair of ships of the Volga Flotilla: it converted steamships and barges into warships and by May 1919 had delivered more than 110 ships.

In 1922, the plant received the name "Red Metalist". During this period, in addition to ship repair, it produces agricultural equipment: winnowing machines, threshers, mill supplies, plows, iron castings. In short, a jack of all trades. After a certain reconstruction in 1925-1930, an intensified course was taken towards shipbuilding. Until 1941, the plant produced: dry cargo barges with a lifting capacity of 1100-2300 tons, river wheeled tugs with power from 120 to 600 hp. in the amount of 35-40 units per year, as well as steam engines, capstans, pumps and other mechanisms, everything from ship design to production finished products, was carried out on our own. In 1934, the plant received the first defense order for the construction of new warships for that time - river armored boats of projects 1124 and 1125; over 10 years, 154 units were built.

In 1932, by resolution of the Central Executive Committee of the TASSR, the plant was named after Alexei Maksimovich Gorky in honor of the 40th anniversary of literary and social activities writer. And in the list of shipyards it is often referred to as Shipyard No. 340 (SSZ No. 340). In May 2003, the state unitary enterprise"Zelenodolsk Plant named after A. M. Gorky" was transformed into an open Joint-Stock Company"Zelenodolsk plant named after A.M. Gorky." And in 2005, the plant became part of JSC Holding Company Ak Bars, as a result of which new prospects appeared. On November 21, 2015, the plant celebrated the 120th anniversary of the founding of the enterprise.

7. We’ve just passed the checkpoints, and we’re already greeted by the Small Armored Boat N75 “Kalyuzhny”, which took part in the offensive operations of World War II. It was built by the workers of the plant in August 1943 and went through the battle route from Azov to Vienna. Brought here from the port of Izmail and installed on the territory of the plant in 1973.

8. In recent years, the company has taken the path of corrective modernization; one after another, the workshops at the plant are beginning to play with brighter colors, productivity is increasing, and in general, life is becoming more interesting and fun. So, a few days before my visit here, on September 20 of this year, the opening ceremony took place after the modernization of machine-building workshop No. 8. The first thing they showed me was him.

9. This workshop specializes in the production of welded saturation for shipbuilding orders and mechanical engineering components.

Here, repairs and reconstruction of production and service premises were carried out in all areas of the workshop (metalwork, turning, electric welding, milling), the power supply, lighting, water supply, fire alarm system, supply and general ventilation systems, as well as the heating system were replaced.

In addition, the welding area was completely updated: welding tables with filter-ventilation units and welding equipment were purchased.

15. For me, everything turned out very cool.

Production and technical base of JSC Zelenodolsk Plant named after. A.M. Gorky" consists of a complex of workshops covering all types of modern shipbuilding production, allowing the construction of various types of ships and small and medium-class vessels. The construction of vessels is carried out using the progressive block method on closed slipways equipped with powerful crane equipment, a launching loading dock chamber with a system for defrosting the water area in winter time. This allows the construction and launching of vessels with a high degree of technical readiness and mooring tests to be carried out at any time of the year, regardless of weather conditions. The enterprise has introduced progressive organizational and technical principles of line-by-line construction of ships, starting from the launch of metal into production and ending with the delivery of the constructed vessel.

16. Next on our way was the hull processing shop.

Along with shipbuilding, there are developed mechanical engineering and metallurgical production facilities, equipped with modern equipment, which makes it possible to produce a wide range of marine engineering products (propellers, capstans, winches, shafting lines, anchors), as well as products for oil and gas industry. And since 1997, the plant has mastered the production of large-sized metal structures for bridge crossings. At the same time, for the first time in Russia, the technology of manufacturing metal structures of bridge spans from large-sized blocks weighing up to 120 tons was used, with assembly and installation of the blocks followed by disassembly and delivery. For example, the plant produced metal structures for span structures for the Millennium Bridge in Kazan, for bridge crossings over the Kama River, the Vyatka River, a railway overpass for the Aeroexpress terminal at the Kazan International Airport, etc.

18. Plasma cutting machine “OmniMat L5000” (manufactured by MESSER Cutting Systems, Germany), which can cut low-carbon steels, high-alloy alloys, non-ferrous metals and titanium. And by the way, about titanium. Introduced in 1967, the titanium casting workshop is still one of the largest in the world. It is equipped with 12 vacuum furnaces. The workshop operates the world's largest vacuum furnace for melting and pouring titanium alloys, Neva-5. The titanium production capacity allows us to produce up to 600 tons of titanium castings per year. And the large-scale metallurgical production of the Zelenodolsk plant makes it possible to produce castings of complex configurations weighing from 30 g to 2500 kg from non-ferrous alloys based on copper and aluminum, from carbon and alloy steel grades.

22. Due to the secrecy regime, as you understand, they are now building a lot of things for the armed forces, I can’t show much, but the plant is really amazing and, of course, deserves my ZavodychLike!

23. But I will still show you many different boats, you are welcome to their museum of military and labor glory.

24. In the left corner, below, there is a fragment of the first Romanovsky Bridge, which is located next to the plant. It was opened on July 11, 1913 during the celebration of the 300th anniversary of the Romanov dynasty. By the way, at that time it was the first in Europe and second after America in terms of flight capacity.

26. One of the first ships manufactured at this plant.

33. In 1943, the plant was awarded the Challenge Red Banner for its success in the production of military equipment and ammunition State Committee Defense. And in 1966 for services to the creation and production new technology The plant was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor.

34. In 1949, the plant (for the first time in the country) introduced the flow-position method of building ships, which made it possible to sharply increase production capacity and annually deliver 25 - 35 ships to the fleet.

Over the years of its history, the plant has built over 1,500 sea and river ships and vessels, including about 600 military ones. Among them are small anti-submarine ships of projects 122b, 201, 201M, 204, communications and auxiliary fleet ships of the "Zvuk" type, landing assault hovercraft "Scat", watercraft for tanks, a large series of anti-submarine ships "Albatross", as well as patrol ships for the Navy of Germany, Cuba, Yugoslavia, Algeria, Libya. In the early 80s, the world's first experimental anti-submarine ship Project 1141 hydrofoil "Falcon", and in the 90s two missile ships Project 1239 hovercraft "Bora" and "Samum" were built, which had no analogues in the world at that time. Along with warships, the plant built a large number of civil vessels, these are: cargo ships "Kolkhoznitsa" - 22 units, pusher tugs - 34, fishing vessels project 1375 - 10, fishing vessels project 1361 - 37, ocean transport refrigerators project 1351 - 4.

39. “Zelenodolsk plant named after. A.M. Gorky" is also at the origins of the creation of the world's first and unique high-speed ships and ships with dynamic principles of support, for example, "Meteors". Since 1961, more than 300 units of such high-speed passenger hydrofoil motor ships have been commissioned, which are operated on the rivers of Russia and abroad.

40. I remember we used to have these in Perm, what about you?

41. But there were other times, in the crazy 90s the plant survived and even produced models like this.

43. Factory layout. Yes, the sizes are quite big.

Among the largest projects implemented by the plant in recent years is the construction of Project 11661 missile ships: the flagship of the Caspian flotilla, the Tatarstan ship, and an improved ship this project"Dagestan"; two Gepard 3.9 frigates exported to the Vietnamese Navy. Currently, a series of five units of Project 21631 river-sea class multi-purpose small missile ships is being built, as well as a series of Project 21980 Grachonok anti-sabotage boats.

Any good enterprise that aspires to leadership, in addition to production and financial victories, is simply obliged to think about the person, creating favorable and comfortable conditions for both his work and leisure. In this “Zelenodolsk plant named after A.M. Gorky” definitely also succeeded. One of these interesting social projects, which is developing thanks to the plant, is the Dolphin Yacht Club, where children engage in sailing and modeling, and absolutely free of charge.

On July 4, 2016, the Yacht Club turned five years old. During this time, a comfortable coastal base was built (5 buildings, a boathouse, an equipped three-level pier with a special coating, a multifunctional sports ground, a volleyball court for beach volleyball and other buildings).

At the moment, more than a hundred students aged from 8 to 17 years are involved in the club, and only 20% of them are children of plant workers. Everyone is welcome here, if they wish. And those who study seriously have results. In just five years, in competitions of various levels, the guys won: 107 gold medals, 122 silver and 94 bronze medals. 4 students were included in the National Team of the Republic of Tatarstan, another 50 have various sports categories.

As for the actual working tools, these are: dinghies of various classes (31 pcs.), yacht “Neva-2”, coaching boat “Favorit”-450 with a trailer (2 pcs.), rubber boat with a motor for instructors (2 pcs.) , 2 kayaks, 1 double kayak and 1 double rafting catamaran. Moreover, this fleet is periodically replenished.

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