How to make puff soap from soap base. Homemade soap from soap base

Law and law 31.03.2020
Law and law

Making soap with your own hands has long been useful and enjoyable hobby. Firstly, your product will not contain unnecessary chemical components and be bad for the skin; secondly, you will always have a beautiful and unique handmade gift at hand; thirdly, if things go well, all your friends, acquaintances and friends of friends will come to you with orders. All you have to do is learn how to make soap with your own hands at home.

What is the difference between handmade soap and factory soap?

Conventional soap has an alkaline fat base to which dyes, flavors and other synthetic substances are added. Excessive amounts of chemicals on our hands result in peeling, dehydration and premature aging. And manufacturers often replace natural fats with artificial ones.

The basis of homemade soap is also based on fat and alkali, but natural ones, and the additives are 100% natural ingredients: beeswax, coffee, herbal decoctions, aloe juice, oatmeal, honey, essential oils, vegetable and fruit juices. In general, everything that your mini-soap factory's imagination can handle. As a result, you will receive not only a fragrant, healthy product, but also a remedy for rashes, redness and irritation on the skin. Agree, there are plenty of arguments to start soap making.

Base for making soap

Now we just need to figure out what we need to get started:

  1. Base. You can use a store-bought transparent/matte soap base or regular baby soap without additives or a strong scent.
  2. Glycerol. The softening and moisturizing properties of the substance have been known for a long time. At the pharmacy the product costs mere pennies.
  3. Oil. You can be original and use avocado, almond or apricot oil, or you can limit yourself to traditional sunflower oil.
  4. Ether. ABOUT beneficial properties we have talked about essential oils dozens of times. Essential oil for making soap is both a favorite aroma and a therapeutic effect at the same time.
  5. Plain water or milk to dilute the base.
  6. Dyes and additives - sample list we have already cited above.
  7. Soap molds - you can buy special ones, make them yourself, or use regular ones for baking cupcakes.
  8. You will also need a saucepan, a glass bowl and a grater.

Let's get started!

Practice making simple soap from soap remnants

Do-it-yourself soap from soap remnants at home

And the simplest thing a beginner can do is soap made from remnants that endlessly collect on the shelf in the bathroom. It’s worth practicing on them and conducting your first experiments in home soap making.

We grate all the soap on a coarse grater, put it in a metal bowl and add a little water. Place in a water bath and wait until everything melts, removing foam from the surface from time to time. To prevent bubbles from forming, do not stir the mixture and turn it off before the mixture boils.

We prepare the molds in advance and coat them with any oil, pour them over and leave them to dry in a warm room. After a few hours, the workpieces will be completely dry. We take them out and dry them for another two or three days.

Multicolored soap from leftovers

This way you will get the most banal soap with your own hands, but there are also more intricate recipes. For example, you can make fancy soap from remnants.

For this we will need pieces of different colors. We cut them into pieces of different sizes. First pour the transparent base, melted in a separate container, into the molds. Mix the multi-colored pieces and moisten them generously with alcohol so that they stick together. Place the sticky multi-colored layer in the container with the base and wait for it to dry. We cut the finished product into arbitrary pieces. Or we can immediately use various forms for hardening.

DIY liquid soap

It can also be made from leftovers baby soap or use any other that is at hand. The recipe is extremely simple. In addition to grated soap, you will need a bottle with a dispenser, lemon juice and glycerin.

Pour a little juice and a cap of glycerin into the container, then add grated soap and fill with hot water. Mix everything thoroughly, transfer it to a bottle with a dispenser and let it sit for two to three days. Shake before use.

It doesn't cost anything to cook yourself liquid soap

Tip: You can also add various essential oils, dyes and dry herbs to your homemade liquid soap. And don’t forget about glycerin: 1 tablespoon per 100 g of base.

DIY soap from soap base

For a 100 gram piece you will need:

  1. 100 g base
  2. 1 teaspoon glycerin
  3. 3 teaspoons base oil
  4. 3 drops essential oil
  5. Milk or water
  6. 2 drops of dye
  7. Filling according to your taste

The basic soap making recipe is extremely simple.

Cut the soap base into pieces. Mix glycerin with base oil and send to warm up in a water bath. When it gets hot, add the soap base little by little, stirring constantly. While it is melting, pour in a little water or milk (the latter will make the finished product less brittle). When the consistency becomes similar to sour cream, dyes and essential oil can be added to it.

Pour the finished product into molds. If bubbles appear, it is recommended to spray them with a little alcohol. We send the blanks to harden in the refrigerator. Then we take it out of the molds and let it dry for another couple of days.

It is also good to add herbal extracts and herbs themselves to homemade cosmetics.

DIY soap at home - 10+ recipes for beginners


  1. Take 80 grams of base and divide it into two parts. This is enough to make a 100 gram piece.
  2. Cut the base into small pieces and send it to melt in a water bath, stirring constantly.
  3. We divide it into two parts. Add a little dry milk to one and mix thoroughly.
  4. We continue to cook in different pans. Pour 15 ml of almond oil and 3 drops of lavender essential oil into each.
  5. We dilute the transparent mixture with purple dye. Leave the mixture with milk unchanged.
  6. Place a sprig of dry plant on the bottom of the mold and fill it with part of the transparent base. When it dries a little, pour in a little of the white part. We alternate layers until the mass is finished.
  7. Before making a new layer, each finished part needs to be slightly scratched with a toothpick and sprinkled with alcohol to improve adhesion.
  8. Let the mixture harden, then remove from the molds.
  9. Our fragrant gift soap ready.

Lavender soap

Coffee soap-scrub

This DIY soap will turn out to be not only beautiful, but also functional - it will help cleanse the skin and exfoliate dead particles. As an additional ingredient, you can add 2 tbsp. l. sea ​​salt. The recipe is quite simple.

You will need:

  1. One baby soap or 80 g base
  2. 2 tbsp. l. coffee grounds
  3. 50 ml milk
  4. 1 tbsp. l. ground cinnamon
  5. 5 drops grape seed oil

Coffee scrub

Grate the soap. We prepare a water bath and melt our workpiece in it. Pour in hot milk - it will make the final product softer.

On average, the melting process will take about half an hour. Do not forget to stir constantly. Finally, add the remaining components.

Pour the resulting mixture into a mold and send it to harden in the refrigerator. These ingredients are enough for two impressive pieces, which you can use every day while taking a shower.

Honey and cream

Life Reactor has spoken about the benefits of honey more than once, including for the skin - it is an antioxidant, a source of nutrition, and a means of combating cellulite.

There are legends about the benefits of honey for the skin.

So, let's take:

  1. 100 g base or baby soap
  2. 0.5 tsp vanilla
  3. 1 tsp. wheat germ oils
  4. 5 drops vitamin A
  5. 2-3 tbsp. l. cream

The cooking process itself is no different from the recipes described above.

Honey-oat scrub

You can also make a scrub with honey, and use oatmeal as a base. To make scrubbing particles smaller, pass them through a meat grinder or blender.

Honey-oat scrub

You will need:

  1. 100 g base
  2. 1 tsp. honey
  3. 1 tbsp. l. oatmeal
  4. 0.5 tbsp. l. olive oil

Tip: Moisturizing soap for dry skin can be prepared by adding aloe juice and glycerin to a traditional base.

Herbal soap

You will need:

  1. 100 g soap base and baby soap
  2. 1 tsp. daisies
  3. 1 tsp. St. John's wort
  4. 1 tsp. horsetail
  5. 1 tsp. essential oil of choice
  6. 0.5 tbsp. l. glycerin
  7. 1 tbsp. l. olive oil

Medicinal soap with herbs

Judging by the composition, you already understand that such soap will be therapeutic - nourish, dry and soothe the skin. And if you want to make a scrub, you can add a spoonful of chopped herbs at the end.

At the first stage, we prepare a decoction of medicinal plants. Pour 200 ml of boiling water over the herbs and let it brew.

Then we melt the soap base and mix it with all the ingredients, including the broth. Pour into molds and let harden.

DIY tar soap

Everyone knows that this type of soap has proven itself in the fight against skin diseases: psoriasis, dandruff, and lichen. Of course, it’s easier to just buy the product at a pharmacy or store, but by brewing it at home, you will certainly be sure of the quality.

Homemade tar soap

You will need:

  1. 10 ml tar
  2. 5 drops essential oil of your choice
  3. 0.5 m.l. honey

The cooking recipe is no different from the traditional one. Leave the finished soap to harden for three days.

Tip: You can use harmless food coloring to color the transparent base. Dry ones have a very concentrated base, so they must first be diluted in a small amount of water.

Peach soap with rose petals

It will come in handy if you can’t choose a gift for a friend. Surely she will appreciate the creativity.

With rose petals

You will need:

  1. 100 g base
  2. 5 drops of peach essential oil (can be replaced with a scent of your choice)
  3. 5 drops rose essential oil
  4. Yellow or pink dye
  5. Actually rose petals

We make soap according to the traditional recipe. Add dye and other ingredients to the melted base. Pour a thin layer into the mold, place rose petals, and fill with a second layer of mass. We repeat the procedure until the workpiece is finished and leave to cool.

Cucumber antiseptic

This homemade cosmetic product will help you forget about flaking and dry skin for a long time, and you can add a little dry ground basil for aroma.

Cucumber antiseptic

You will need:

  1. 100 g baby soap or base
  2. Juice of 1-2 cucumbers
  3. 1 tbsp. l. olive oil
  4. 1 tbsp. l. dry ground basil
  5. 3 drops of any essential oil

And you already know the recipe.


It will be an ideal cleanser for those with oily skin prone to breakouts. The soap will dry, remove excess fat and tone. You don't even need flavorings - lemon itself is enough.

Soap with lemon

You will need:

  1. 100 g base
  2. 1 tbsp. l. lemon zest
  3. A third of a teaspoon of grape seed oil
  4. 5 drops lemon essential oil optional
  5. 0.5 tsp. honey
  6. Yellow food coloring

Green tea soap

It will be great to refresh and tone in the summer. Let us also recall the antioxidant properties of green tea. Alas, tea leaves will not give a rich emerald color, so you can’t do without a couple of drops of food coloring. You can also add a few tea leaves to the melted base for beauty.

With green tea

You will need:

  1. 100 g base
  2. 1 tbsp. l. strong brewed green tea
  3. Dry tea leaves for decoration
  4. 7 drops avocado oil
  5. 2 drops peppermint essential oil
  6. 2-3 drops green food coloring

Tip: if you don’t have any food coloring or essential oils on hand, you can always replace them with others or find a more suitable recipe, because soap making is creativity!

Friends, hello!

I can’t help but touch on the topic of the end of the old era (better known in the news now as the “end of the world”) in my blog.

What do I think about this? I believe that the old era (or light) is ending, and what??, right, a new one is beginning.

A wonderful time of new opportunities, a new “light” begins.

And, just on the topic of new opportunities, I want to give you a recipe that really opens a new “era” in the era of soap making from scratch :)

I'm going to tell you today how to make soap base from scratch. A base that melts in the microwave, pours easily and takes any shape, and I’ll even show a video of how it melts :). The base is completely natural, or as many people now like to say, organic.

Oh yes. It is also transparent :)

Making your own soap base is more than possible!


Every soap maker who started with a soap base cannot deny how convenient it is to use - once, cut into cubes, two - melted in the microwave (or in a water bath), three - added oils, fragrances, dye and - poured into forms. Now you can only wait for it to harden. The whole process can take from 5 to 15 minutes.

However, we also know that soap base contains a lot of bad things.

Another thing is soap from scratch, which involves working with lye (scary). And if you are already digesting something that is already prepared, it requires some effort and time, it will never fit properly into the mold, but it is completely natural.

Who among you has not thought about how to make soap base with your own hands and from scratch? So easy to use? Better yet, make clear soap from scratch... so natural and beautiful...

Well, I’ll tell you, a solution has been found :)

I recently found a presentation from a conference of soap makers from the USA, where chemistry professor Dr. Kevin Dunn, author of the book Scientific Soapmaking (cool!), spoke about his experiences on this topic.

And you know, I tried it, and I got a wonderful, almost perfectly transparent soap. I am delighted: soap base at home is possible and so easy, from completely affordable ingredients! You can throw away all your (and my) posts about making glycerin soap from scratch. I definitely won’t go back to them again :) I know (and you too will soon learn a better way).

Yes, we will use alcohol. But not ethyl, which is so difficult to get and which is prohibited for sale. And not propylene glycol, which, although allowed, scares many.

We will use glycerin :) The recipe for natural soap base is simple, we only need three ingredients: oils, lye, water and glycerin. You won't need anything else!

If you have no idea how to make soap from scratch -

Soap base recipe from scratch:

*do not be afraid large quantity castor oil, the soap hardens perfectly overnight.

**glycerin can be added from 25% to 100%, the more, the more transparent the soap will be and the more better soap will melt.

But! Soap can “sweat”, just like soap base. The more glycerin, the more intense.

The process of making soap base is similar to making soap from scratch using the hot process. Took me 3.5 hours.

First we weigh the oils

And we heat them in a water bath. Or in the microwave

We weigh the water.

Remember about safety precautions!

Weigh out the sodium hydroxide lye.

And dissolve it in water. Be sure to take heat-resistant dishes to prepare an alkaline solution.

We wait until the oils and lye reach the same temperature

Mix the alkaline solution and oils. Just in case, I strain through a strainer.

Mix the mixture with an immersion blender until a trace appears.

We can make the trail thick :)

Now we cook this soap using a hot method in a water bath under a lid. Or, if you prefer, in the oven.

The soap should be completely cooked. Do not pinch your tongue.

In already ready-made soap pour in the measured glycerin. I had about 740 grams of glycerin for 900 grams of soap :)

The consistency changed immediately!!! Now close the lid and cook until completely transparent.

The bottom melts first

Then gradually all the lumps disappear

At this moment, I decided to conduct a transparency test - I took the transparent mass with a spoon and poured it onto a plastic napkin

Cool, yeah?

Oh yeah! Cry, glycerin soap lovers! Which one of you looked the same???

At this stage, pour the soap into the mold

If bubbles appear on the surface, remove them with alcohol.

I made a lot of soap. I didn’t calculate 🙂 1700 grams.

Another container.

But the beauty of it is that this soap can be melted as many times as you like. And on the nose - New Year🙂 and February 23rd. And March 8th. Do you get it????

This morning I ended up with a block like this.

Pieces of it are transparent, although not perfectly.

But this is not an industrial soap base with all sorts of bad things, it’s absolutely natural soap from scratch. Yes! It also melts in the microwave. Or in a water bath.

I decided to demonstrate this to you on video. True, in the video the colors are brighter and the base looks yellower than it actually is.


A couple more photos about transparency.

This base can take any shape. And that's cool.

We abandoned the use of plastic molds because... do you only make soap from scratch???

Not worth it :)))

This soap comes out of molds no worse than industrial soap base.

Are there any disadvantages to homemade soap base???

  • Soap made from it “sweats” just like industrial soap base due to the high glycerin content.
  • The soapiness and foaminess are not too high, unlike options with sodium laureth sulfate.

But it’s natural :)

Is there a way to somehow fix the “sweating” or not experience discomfort?

Certainly! Wrap this soap in film immediately after preparation. Without air access, nothing will happen to it.

WHEN it is used, the top layer of glycerin will be washed off, and the soap will no longer sweat.

You can also reduce the amount of glycerin and use sodium laureth sulfate. The soap will sweat less and foam better.

But for me this is not an option :)

Be sure to make this wonderful natural soap base with your own hands!

You can make a sea of ​​New Year's gifts out of it!

Upcoming holidays!

Here is a recipe for scrub soap with herbs. This soap is also made on a base, although it is an ordinary baby soap, but nothing prevents you from taking a real base that is neutral in smell and color

To make soap at home you will need:

- Bowl
- olive oil
- baby soap (although special soap bases for soap are sold self made, but it’s quite possible to get by with children’s)
- any medicinal plant (dry) - nettle, string, and also crushed rose petals, sifted bran, etc.
- natural essential oil (to your taste)
- two pans
- soap molds

The soap making process is simple.

We make a water bath: take two pans - one large, the other smaller, pour water into the large pan, put a small pan in it and heat it.

At this time, put three baby soap on a fine grater, and the finer it is, the faster it will melt. Once the water in the pan is hot, pour olive oil into a small saucepan. For 100 g of soap use 2 tbsp. spoons of oil, if you pour more oil the soap will become soft like plasticine, so don’t overdo it.

Pour soap crumbs into the heated oil, add 150-200 ml of hot water and mix everything well. The mixture should be like pancake batter; if it turns out very thick, add more water, cover the pan with a lid and let it steam.

Grind the dry herb in a coffee grinder, add to the mixture and mix.

Take the molds and grease them with natural essential oil. Firstly, it is easier to remove the soap, and secondly, the smell is pleasant. Spilling hot mixture according to the molds and leave for 4-5 hours, after which we take it out and dry it for about another week.

The skin after using this soap is very soft and velvety, because the product is natural.

Also, after adding chopped herbs or bran, you can directly add natural essential oil to the mass by diluting it with the base. As a base, you can use 3-6 ml of almond oil, olive oil, cream. Add aromatic oil - about 3-5 drops per pan of the mixture (well, depending on what kind of pan you have).

The following essential oils can be added to soap: Patchouli, Ylang-Ylang, Rosemary, Rose oil, Cedar or pine essential oils. They have a mild calming effect in addition to a ton of healing and cosmetic properties.

Molds, colors and ingredients in soap making processes can be completely different. It all depends on your imagination and creativity.

Happy soap making!

It is very easy to master the technique of pouring handmade soap from a soap base. Modern industry produces a pleasant assortment of high-quality white and transparent bases for cooking hand soap. The ease of manufacture lies in two sequential steps. First, heat the soap base, avoiding boiling. The next step is to pour the base into the selected forms. That's the whole secret of making soap from base with your own hands for beginners.

Soap base soap

Buying soap base good quality, you will always read about its true composition. A soap base without harmful ingredients, enriched with your natural additives, will turn into a wonderful bar of soap. This soap is suitable for a specific skin type and will delight you with its interesting shapes.

Simple recipes and fascinating preparation of such soap have conquered the whole world. The Do-It-Yourself website presents interesting recipes that have received a lot of positive feedback. It's a pleasure to work with soap base. It occupies the plane of soap molds, and gratefully conveys the protruding reliefs into finished product. Let's look at what we need for one of the simple recipes (more details here)

You will need:

  • 200gr. soap base,
  • 1/2 tsp. sesame and olive oil,
  • 1/2 tsp. vitamin E,
  • 1/2 tsp. red clay (or other),
  • 1/2 tsp. ground oatmeal (less possible),
  • 10-15 drops of tea tree essential oil.

Soap base recipes

A soap base recipe, in addition to the main component, may include additives. These are aromas, nourishing and moisturizing oils, natural scrub ingredients, decorative decorations, etc.

With one simple mold, a couple of dyes and a soap base, you can pour a large variety of types of soap. We have already discussed many of the secrets of such filling on the pages of the site. There are still a sufficient number of untested methods ahead. We will definitely continue to share with you any ideas that we think are interesting.

Beautiful, fragrant, natural, healthy handmade soap - what could be better? This soap is good in all respects: healthier, cheaper, and more aesthetically pleasing.

Homemade soap is also a great gift that can be created for a specific person.

In all senses home soap making– the process is positive, exciting, interesting and not particularly difficult.

A little theory

From a school chemistry course we know that soap is made from alkali and fat. About 2.5 thousand years ago, the ancient Egyptians not only used soap, but also wrote down clay tablets recipes for its preparation.

The modern process of making soap at home is much easier; for beginners, making soap “from scratch” is not at all necessary.

Handmade soap: recipes, photos

The solid soap in question (and, as we know, there is also liquid soap) can be made yourself using the so-called “base” and using the “hot” or “cold” cooking method.

Advice. To gain experience and get better at it, it’s easier to start with a soap base and the hot method.

A simple recipe for homemade soap using the hot method is available to all novice soap makers. How to do it and in what way? As a basis for your future soap masterpiece, use either a store-bought base or regular baby soap. It is advisable to take non-colored, odorless baby soap - ideal if you decide to make cosmetic soap for washing your face.

The purchased base can usually be white or transparent. The transparent one is used for making glycerin soap; it also turns out transparent. Beginners are advised to start soap making with an opaque base.

Tools and utensils

To create the simplest soap and utensils, you will need ordinary ones. You will get a water bath using two saucepans - a larger one and a smaller one. An immersion blender, a measuring cup, a spoon for stirring, and an ordinary kitchen fine grater for vegetables will come in handy.

You may also need:

  • scoop;
  • sieve;
  • plastic bags;
  • syringe;
  • alcohol thermometer;
  • work robe, apron;
  • newspapers, paper towels.

Important! The utensils for soap making should remain so - it will no longer be possible to cook food in them!

The saucepan in which the soap is prepared must be made of stainless steel or enameled. Aluminum, copper, and other metal pans are not suitable.

The raw material for making soap should fill your saucepan by at least 8 centimeters. But a particularly large volume of raw materials in the dishes is not needed. Make sure that the soap mass does not splash when cooking or mixing with a blender.

To give shape to your future designer soap, take any molds, jars, trays- whatever is at hand. You can also use silicone confectionery molds and children's molds for shortbread cakes, and even elements from Lego. Don’t limit your imagination, use whatever you see fit.

About safety precautions

The Internet offers a lot of recipes for making soap. Often, authors do not pay users' attention to what kind of soap - from scratch or based on it - they will make.

Read recipes carefully and pay attention to soap making methods. This is important because Making soap from alkali and fat can be harmful to your health. Safety precautions, no matter how it sounds, must be observed.

Also, when preparing ordinary soap in a water bath, to prevent the formation of air bubbles, the soap poured into molds is sprinkled with alcohol. Here, too, you need to be safe so as not to accidentally get burned by it. And when preparing soap, cover, if possible, all surfaces with newspapers. Otherwise, you will have to scrub off the soap splashes with vinegar for a long time.

Types of soap that can be made

It is possible to prepare any soap, with any additives, components, soap for a wide variety of purposes. Its composition, shape, color and smell will depend only on your imagination.

You can create:

  • simple natural healthy baby soap;
  • peeling soap, scrub;
  • soap-shampoo;
  • shaving soap;
  • soap for beard and mustache;
  • beer and wine;
  • with seaweed;
  • medicinal tar;
  • toilet fruit and vegetable;
  • many other types of homemade hand-made detergent.

Soap for babies

It is usually called Castilian, or castilla. It is boiled as “zero”, or taken with a base of baby soap, as well as with a standard base, adding olive oil and chamomile decoction. It is possible to add shea butter or tea tree butter.

For children, do not put herbs in soap. And the decoctions are added in the form of herbal tea bags or in gauze bags, “rinsing” the bag in an almost finished soap mass.

Also, this soap does not contain essential oils or fragrances.


It is used to eliminate dead cells exclusively on intact skin. It is possible to add ground grains, seeds, various herbs, honey, clay, crushed coffee beans and even sea sand. It is recommended to add no more than a teaspoon per 0.5 kg of base soap.

Loofah is used as a scrub(natural washcloth). This soap looks very impressive and works effectively.

Remember! When adding loofah to soap, it should not be wet!

Shampoo soap

It is known that soap cannot properly wash your hair. But this does not apply to homemade soap.

Oils with improved foaming are used for it. They do not leave a film, do not dry out the skin, and have a beneficial effect on the hair.

The basic oil components in this homemade soap are castor, coconut, and olive.

It is also possible to use the following types oils that are added at the end of melting the soap mass:

Type of oil Hair type
Fat Dry Thin
Burdock (soflora). Cleans well. But it can make a piece of soap not hard. + +
Olive. Nourishes hair well. +
Coconut. Has a good cleaning effect. On dry hair, shampoo soap with coconut oil is used sparingly. + +
Castor. Foams great. Usually soap based on it matures for several months. But you can use it after 4-6 weeks of ripening. +
Sunflower. Rich in vitamin E. Rinses off well. + + +
Grape seeds. Does not leave a film. + +

Shaving soap

Suitable for men and women. When cooking, add 1 - 2 tablespoons of glycerin to the thickening soap. It softens hair, making shaving easier.

The following are taken as one of the main oils:

  • olive;
  • coconut oil;
  • Palm;
  • sunflower oil;
  • castor;
  • almond oil;
  • avocado.

The last two have a caring effect. When pouring such soap into molds, fill them 2/3, leaving room for foam.

Important! When making soap for beards and mustaches, a higher wax content is added to it. Soap with wax allows you to form a mustache or beard; the wax fixes the desired shape.

Wine or beer soap

Alcohol - beer, wine and even champagne are also appropriate in homemade soap. Before adding alcohol to the mass, it is boiled so that its vapors evaporate. When making soap, use large containers, as the mixture with wine or beer can foam. Typically, such soap is made from scratch, adding drinks as a liquid component.

You can smell a slight smell of beer in the finished soap. The wine is weak in color and smell. The color of wine soap is brown. Dyes are used for the red tint.

Seaweed Soap

Algae can be found in specialized stores.

They are added crushed and dry to the thickening soap base. It is also possible to add sand. The finished product has a faint algae smell.

Tar soap

Ready-made factory tar can be used as a base. To enhance and improve the smell, essential oils of juniper and various conifers are usually added. However, they are weakly manifested due to the smell of tar.

When making soap, essential oil is added to the prepared, slightly cooled mass.

It is recommended to make soap with similar components from scratch, using the main ingredients in the form of caustic soda (lye) and some kind of fat. In this case, each of the vegetable or fruit additives will not spoil, but will only improve your soap, imparting to it its own color, smell or beneficial qualities. Due to the high pH level in fresh soap, this component will act as a preservative for plant elements.

When making soap using a ready-made base, which is more convenient for beginners, adding fruit and vegetable ingredients will not give the desired result. It doesn’t matter how long it takes to dry, for example, tangerine slices. Having introduced them into the soap mass during cooking, after a while, already in the finished piece of soap, such a component will become covered with unwanted mold. The soap will be spoiled, its positive effect will be zero.

Making soap from base for beginner soap makers

Fascinating homemade soap making is a definite technological process, which must be mastered at the initial stage.

It will require:

  • soap base (base);
  • basic essential and cosmetic oils;
  • dyes and flavors;
  • soap molds;
  • hydrolates (floral waters);
  • scales with the smallest division possible;
  • thermometer, kitchen whisk or stir sticks.

Preparing the base

  1. Weigh - exactly according to the recipe - required volume soap base.
  2. Grind the base by cutting with a knife or grating.
  3. Dissolve the base in a water bath or in the microwave. Do not allow the base to boil. The temperature of the main soap mass should be no higher than 60 - 65 degrees. Use a thermometer.
  4. The base should dissolve well, “bloom”. Use a stirring spoon, stick, whisk or mixer.

Introduction of additional components

Remember that citrus scents disappear especially quickly from a bouquet. More persistent - lavender, mint, ylang, benzoin, bay. The aroma of patchouli is clearly heard and preserved.

Mint, lavender, and lemongrass are suitable for herbal soap. It is good to use Bay and ylang essential oils in shampoo.

Final stage

After adding all the necessary ingredients, the soap making process is considered complete. The soap mass is poured into prepared forms.

Regardless of the origin of the mold, it is recommended to line its inside with cellophane film. A regular package will do.

Remember: To remove air bubbles on the surface of the finished soap, it is sprayed with alcohol from a spray bottle. The cellophane in the mold is also sprinkled with alcohol before placing soap in it.

At room temperature, the soap is left to mature for a day. If after this it is not possible to remove the product from the mold painlessly, the molds can be wetted with a stream warm water, the soap pieces should come out.

If this does not help, cool the finished soap to room temperature and place it in the freezer for several hours. The soap will come out of the mold well. If the piece is large, it is better to cut it after removing it from the mold, so it will ripen faster.

In two to three days, your soap will be completely ready for use.

Homemade Soap Recipes

And now - some affordable recipes for making soap at home.

"Mountain Lavender"

The subtle lavender aroma will calm you down, help fight insomnia, and help with migraines.

Need to take:

  • soap base – 100 g;
  • butter (butter) cocoa (base) – 5 g;
  • almond oil - half a teaspoon;
  • lavender essential oil (EO) – 3 – 4 drops or “lavender” fragrance (flavor) – also 3 – 4 drops;
  • lilac gel food paint (can be blue) – 1 – 2 drops;
  • dried lavender flowers for decoration;
  • mold for the finished product.

Progress of soap making:

  1. Grind the base. Melt in a sauna or in the microwave in a heat-resistant container.
  2. Add base oil and stir quickly.
  3. Add dye and mix the mixture.
  4. Let the base cool a little. Add lavender essential oil, almond oil, and flavoring.
  5. Pour the prepared liquid soap mixture into the mold and cover with dry lavender flowers.
  6. Leave to dry at room temperature.
  7. Remove the cooled soap masterpiece from the mold and shake off any non-adherent dried flowers.

Nuances of technology:

  1. Instead of flavoring, you can use lavender hydrosol. This is a composition that is more delicate in consistency. Good for sensitive skin.
  2. Sprinkle with dried flowers after the soap has thickened a little. But have time to decorate with flowers before a film appears on the surface of the soap.
  3. Dried flowers should not go directly into the base. In this case, they will lose their natural color and become dirty brown.

Soap "Tar" medicinal

It will ideally help dry out small wounds on the skin, cope with pustules, acne, and inflammation.

Need to take:

  • transparent soap base – 100 g;
  • jojoba oil, base – a third of a teaspoon;
  • birch tar - 1.5 teaspoons.

Progress of soap making:

  1. Grind the base and melt it.
  2. Add birch tar and jojoba base oil. Mix well until smooth.
  3. Pour the prepared soap into the prepared mold.
  4. After half an hour - an hour, remove the soap from the mold. Let it ripen for another day. After ripening, it can be successfully used for hygienic and medicinal purposes.

Nuances of technology:

  1. Remember that the melted soap base should not be allowed to boil.
  2. The soap mold and the surface of the finished product are treated with alcohol from a spray bottle to prevent the formation of air bubbles. Alcohol cannot be replaced with vodka; it does not remove air bubbles from soap.
  3. When making tar soap, EOs and fragrances are not needed, since the tar itself has a strong odor that cannot be overcome.
  4. The process of cooking medicinal tar soap will take no more than 1 hour. This soap should be stored in polyethylene, out of direct sunlight.

A piece of soap made for a specific person is both a pleasant gift and a hand-made product, which is especially valued on the market today.

At home, on your own, you can prepare environmentally safe and healthy soap using simple and affordable recipes. Hand made soap is always an exciting, useful activity and a wonderful form of relaxation.


Watch the interesting video below - this is a small master class on making two types of handmade soap:

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