Internet at the dacha which operator. Internet to a dacha and a private house in the Moscow region - unlimited tariffs and high speeds! Internet at the dacha in the Moscow region

Codes of the Russian Federation 20.12.2020
Codes of the Russian Federation

Internet at the dacha - how to connect, materials and equipment, video tutorial. It is impossible to imagine modern cottages without an Internet connection. It would seem that recently in the Moscow region, summer residents did not even think about using the Internet, but now with the abundance of technological offers, you can get confused - there is mobile Internet, fiber optics, satellites.

Which of these options is the best for a dacha, how to choose the best option so that there is “enough” for everyone living in the house, how to spend it - you will learn about all this from the article.

Optical fiber

Probably the most reliable way to connect the Internet to your dacha is through fiber optics. The signal will travel through it in a real sense at the speed of light. This is the main advantage of optical fiber - it is possible to transmit a huge amount of information over long distances without delay. The cable is well protected from interference, so it will be affected by electromagnetic radiation, which means that installation can be carried out even together with high-voltage wires.

The main disadvantage of the technology is that most often it is impossible to carry them out of the city. Providers prefer to provide services in densely populated areas and territories; besides, the further the cable is laid, the more expensive the connection will end up being. IN rural areas for just one procedure the price can be from 20,000 to 30,000 rubles. But even this does not always stop summer residents from connecting to fiber optics.

Mark, 30 years old: “The connection cost me 17,000 rubles + a monthly subscription fee of 1,000 rubles. It took me a long time to decide, but now I don’t regret it. One has only to remember how I suffered in the summer, when there was no normal signal and the equipment on the nearest tower often broke down. Thank God, now this can only be a nightmare. I decided to run the optics through the garage in the form of a twisted pair. The only negative is that the IP is gray, so it was necessary to forward ports and configure everything additionally.”

Fiber optics require almost no additional elements, since the cable will be laid to the house through the air on hangers or even underground. At home, you can connect it directly to your PC. If desired, you can make wiring using twisted pair cables in several different rooms. Another option is to install one or more Wi-Fi points in your home. The main thing is that it is planned in advance.

The cable may contain copper instead of optical fiber, for example, if we consider the very popular ADSL data transmission technology, when the modem is connected via a telephone line. But in this case, the transmission speed will be lower than through optics, and the more cable is stretched, the more it will decrease. The quality of communication can be affected by factors such as thunderstorms (if the cable is laid in the air) or the presence of power lines (if laid through the ground). All this can cause interference and damage equipment. By and large, ADSL technology is already reaching its last years and is fading into oblivion in favor of more efficient and reliable solutions.


But you don’t have to provide Internet to your dacha, but use a mobile wireless connection, which is also popular among summer residents who want to provide themselves with fast and stable internet. The undoubted advantage is that it is geographically accessible and not too expensive. Even if you have a weak signal, it can be amplified to a normal level, and it will only cost a few thousand rubles (provided that you buy standard equipment, since there are devices that cost several thousand rubles). But there is also a minus - the network is unstable and the signal is often lost, since it will be weakened or even blocked by obstacles in the form of power lines, tall buildings and even trees.

The signal level also decreases if the base station is overloaded. Many people living outside the city complain about this, since on weekends or in the summer the network speed decreased or there was a network break. But apart from fiber optics, 3G/4G connectivity is the best option to get unlimited and fast speed out of city. Depending on the speed, according to the tariff plan the cost can reach up to 1,500 rubles/month, but for normal operation tariffs for 500-800 rubles/month are suitable. All operators have tariffs with unlimited limits, or rather Beeline, Tele2, MTS, Megafon, Yota and Skylink.

With 3G maximum speed data reception is 14.75 Mbit/s, and with 4G up to 325 Mbit/s. What kind of internet kit for a dacha will you need to host one of the two networks described? Installation should begin with familiarization with the area. First, make sure that your village/urban settlement falls within the 3G/4G coverage area. This can be done on the provider’s official website or check at sales points. If everything is fine, then you should buy a USB modem through which you will connect to the network.

Standard modems along with SIM cards and special rates are offered by providers, but such devices are configured only for the Internet of “their” operator. If desired, the device can be unlocked and flashed, and then the modem will be universal. There are many sites on the Internet that describe this procedure, activation codes and software. If you don't want to do this yourself, purchase a modem from the desired operator or order through an online store. There are many modems, but the best, especially for 4G, is the device from the Korean manufacturing company Huawei.

As you know, 3rd and 4th generation mobile networks can transmit signals in several types of frequencies. For 3G it is 900, 1800 and 2100 MHz, and for 4G it is 800 or 2600-2700 MHz. For this reason, when purchasing, pay attention to what frequencies the device operates at, otherwise you may have a situation that happened to many summer residents in the Moscow region.

Internet for dachas in the Moscow region

Operators under the Ministry of Defense and the new MSK in some places have a ban from the Ministry of Defense to use the 2100 MHz frequency, but this is the main frequency of 3G coverage. This restriction has been introduced throughout almost all of Moscow and the Moscow region. There are different 3G signal standards, and modems are those that do not have frequency indications and are standard. Many in the region fell into this rake, buying a modem at random, and as it turned out, the devices could only function at the prohibited 2100 MHz.

If you want permanent internet in country house, we advise you to buy several SIM cards from different operators, and connect them to your laptop and travel around the village. This way you will know which operator will give best internet, and which stations are closest. If desired, install an MDMA analyzer program on your laptop, which in the latest versions can also scan a 4G signal.

Thanks to such intelligence, you don’t even have to buy an Internet signal amplifier for your dacha, and you will have all the necessary information. This will be knowledge of where the base stations of mobile operators are located, frequency and signal power. Without this information, you will not be able to install the antenna correctly. But it also happens that even with the help of a modem without external devices, good reception is ensured. This is only possible if you are close to the base station and nothing interferes with the signal. In other cases, you cannot do without amplification.

Strengthening the Internet signal at the dacha

In order to increase signal power, you will need a standard set of equipment. This includes a modem for receiving a signal, a router for wireless distribution around the house, an antenna (specify when purchasing what frequencies it is designed for), a POE adapter or power supply and connection cables, adapters. Although the Internet connection scheme at the dacha itself is not complicated, you can install all the described electronics in several different ways.

For example, a modem and a router (or a separate router) can be installed in the attic or in the house, which will protect the equipment from temperature changes and make it convenient to plug the devices into an outlet. But in this case, the modem and router will be connected to the antenna only with a coaxial cable, which is limited in length - no more than 12 meters (when using an 8D-FB cable), otherwise the signal will begin to fade and speed will drop. When using a thin cable, signal loss will be more noticeable, and thick cable inconvenient to install.

A more reliable option is to mount all the equipment at once on the antenna, in a small box. In this case, all devices will be connected by small wires - pigtails.

Oleg, 21 years old: « Ideally, the coaxial cable is not used at all, and the modem is installed in a thermal casing in the antenna housing and connected via pigtails to a printed circuit board. There should be 2 pigtails, since the antennaLTE works according to the M standardIMO and has 2 signals in different polarizations. This option completely eliminates losses in the cable and provides maximum gain. The output from the antenna is a standard wireUSB with a length of 8-11 meters or sometimes evenUTP is from 30 to 100 meters and power for the entire circuit comes from a POE adapter.

There is another way to connect and amplify the signal.

Sergey, 37 years old: "Most The best way gain is satellite antenna, as well as an antenna in a swarm converter, and all this can be assembled with your own hands. Use a regular biquad as an irradiator, take a 75 Ohm cable, as well as an adapter and a modem with the required connector. Although you can do without a connector, you will then need to make a special adapter. I have been using this scheme for 5.5 years now. Before installation even 3G didn’t catch without an antenna, but with it all the sticks are there.

Using various amplification circuits, you will receive an excellent Internet signal even if your home is 15 to 25 km away from the base station. If one router is missing inside the house, you can make several access points using a similar scheme - an additional router and wires.

  • The higher the antenna is located, the less noise there will be during transmission, and accordingly, the reception will be better. It is important to accurately point the antenna towards the station, and when rotating, catch the direction with the best indicator of the received signal power level.
  • There is no point in buying an antenna with a high gain; 12-18 dB will be enough.
  • Having found the optimal network frequency and direction, remember it and prioritize the modem settings (if this is permissible), otherwise it will “jump” through all frequencies in search of a better signal.
  • If you do, I will use a coaxial cable to connect devices to each other, but it should be as short as possible in length.

By the way, if you don’t want to bother with amplifiers and antennas, and the signal from the router is weak in some places, then experts advise installing an additional router in “repeater” mode. When reflecting the main signal, they will strengthen it and transmit it further to the recipient, but there are also disadvantages of such Internet in the country - routers, when operating in different modes, may begin to conflict with each other, and signal transmission will begin to slow down. 4G repeaters are not recommended at all due to their high power, which can damage even the base station.

Satellite Internet

Option overview

This option is suitable even for those who are located in areas that are inaccessible to cellular frequencies of operators. Satellite signals cover the entire territory of the country. The main condition is the following: there should be no obstacles in the path of the signal such as the roof of a house or the tops of trees. Satellite Internet has two types - one-way and two-way.

Although the first one is several times cheaper, it is not so reliable and very slow. His era is already ending. The second option is more modern, but also several times more expensive - the cost of an Internet kit for a summer house and installation reaches up to 37,000 rubles. If you wish, you can try to assemble such a kit yourself. In either of the two cases, the tariffs are limited, and when it is exhausted, the speed drops significantly or you will have to pay extra for additional traffic.

There are also VIP tariffs from two-way Internet providers, but the price of 8,000 rubles/month will suit few people. The set of equipment for the first and second types is the same - a transceiver, a modem, an antenna and a converter for converting the satellite signal, connectors and cables. To distribute the Internet around the house, you will need a router.

Differences between the two types of satellite connection

One-way Internet was in demand several years ago among operators satellite television, but the idea did not receive large-scale development. In this case of connection, the signal from the satellite will go only towards the subscriber, and this is logical, but the outgoing signal (distribution) is several times smaller. Because of this, they were supposed to launch it through a cheap and simple channel - wired or mobile.

This is the main disadvantage one-way internet, since there are difficulties with transcoding and unstable cellular connections, and this deteriorates the signal quality. Also, such networks are very sensitive to weather changes and electromagnetic radiation.

And here two-way internet already comes as a corrected version of one-way, since the signal from the satellite goes in both directions, but this is not without its drawbacks. Ping, ah more precisely the time The time it takes for the signal to “go out and come back” lasts longer than in standard networks.

Due to high ping, subscribers may experience problems when continuity is required (Skype video conference, online game over the network). This satellite Internet is less sensitive to atmospheric phenomena, but sticking snow and thunderstorms still degrade the quality of transmission. The size of the tariff will depend on the speed and traffic for the month, but approximately the price will be from 1,200 to 2,500 rubles.


If you have such an opportunity, then connect the Internet at your dacha via fiber optic. If this option is not available in your area, connect to 3G or 4G Internet and be sure to install amplification. In places where the signal is weak, two-way satellite Internet is an excellent option.

The Internet has long become an integral part of our lives, so the Internet is a natural desire for a summer residence. With the advent of the third and fourth generations mobile communications The Internet has become comfortable and accessible, and therefore has ceased to be a luxury. There is an opinion that the Internet at the dacha is pampering, a country house is purchased to reunite with nature, and modern technologies not needed in a country house. In the 21st century it is difficult to agree with this; the Internet at the dacha allows you to receive important, necessary information, such as weather, news, cooking recipes, instructions for caring for plants, and place an order. necessary materials for construction and other useful features.

List of possibilities if you have Internet at your dacha:

  • Internet as usual - high speed internet for use on common devices.
  • WiFi coverage of the area- the installed equipment includes a Wifi router, which allows you to broadcast the Internet within a radius of 100 meters at no additional cost**; if necessary, the broadcast radius can be reduced in the equipment settings, and if you need to increase the coverage radius, we will install a signal repeater.
  • IP television- forget about the antenna, now you can watch an unlimited*** number of channels in high quality, on any topic on compatible equipment, if you don’t have one, we have it, it’s not expensive at all.
  • IP telephony- now in a suburban area you can install a landline “home” telephone ****, or expand the telephony of your office to your area. The possibilities of IP telephony are endless.
  • Video surveillance of them anywhere in the world- we don’t argue, video surveillance could have been installed even before the advent of the Internet in the country, but now you can view images from cameras and recorded materials anywhere in the world, at any time convenient for you. If you don’t yet have video surveillance on your property, we will install all the necessary equipment - video surveillance for your dacha has become as accessible as the Internet!
  • Smart House- thanks to the presence of the Internet at the dacha, truly unlimited possibilities open up for you. Remote control of a heating boiler, heaters, lighting, automatic watering, monitoring carbon monoxide levels, monitoring leaks with shutting off the necessary valves and taps, this and much more is possible with the SmartHome system and the Internet connected to it.
  • Signaling- installation of alarms usually requires an Internet connection, now you have no problems with this
  • Free mobile* calls- operators cellular communications provide a service that allows you to communicate for free if your mobile device is connected to WiFi.
  • Gaming consoles- if you have game console- you can now play familiar games with friends online without freezes or interruptions

How to get internet to your dacha?

With the emerging technologies 4G LTE and 3G, providing Internet to a cottage, country house, or village has become not at all a difficult task. Our equipment includes a modern high-speed 4G LTE MIMO antenna - it is sent to the base station of the selected telecom operator and amplifies the received signal to favorable levels. MIMO technology allows you to use several streams at once for data transmission, and a high signal level to the antenna allows the operator’s base station to give a subscriber with an antenna higher priority than subscribers with a poor signal level, this means that if your mobile operator and the Internet operator for the dacha are the same - the Internet at the dacha will be more stable and at a higher speed than at mobile device not connected to WiFi.

What internet speed should I expect?

Internet speed directly depends on the level of signal reception*****, 4G LTE technology allows data transmission at speeds of up to 150Mbps, in practice, in areas remote from base stations, the speed is usually 20-50Mbps, this is enough to implement all the possibilities described above .

What if there is no cell phone reception at the dacha?

No problem! The antenna supplied with the equipment is much more powerful than the antenna in the mobile device, it amplifies the received signal from the base station, so the situation when Cell phones they don’t catch it, but the Internet at home works at high speeds - a common phenomenon.

How long does it take to install Internet at your dacha?

You will be able to use the Internet at your dacha the very next day after you leave a request on our website with the address of the planned installation or call us by phone. Our specialists will check the availability of base stations in your area, select suitable equipment and contact you to coordinate installation time. Typically installation takes no more than 3 hours.

*This service is available to subscribers of the MTS and Tele2 networks
**Concrete and metal floors can significantly reduce the signal propagation area
***The number of channels is limited only by your choice of IPTV provider
****To connect to IP telephony, you must select a communication service provider
*****If the tariff plan does not provide a speed limit

If your cottage community, village or Garden community If you have already installed a fiber optic or regular Internet cable, then you are very lucky. After all, humanity has not yet invented cheaper and faster Internet access. Sometimes in small villages As a “last mile”, providers use several Wi-Fi routers that “distribute” the Internet to end consumers. This is somewhat worse than having a cable installed in the house, but overall it is also acceptable.

There are only two disadvantages: monthly payment and often quite high connection costs, since such a provider, as a rule, is a monopolist.

Mobile technologies to the rescue

Moreover, despite the fact that Yota uses Megafon’s infrastructure, the coverage map in the Moscow region for these two operators is slightly different.

Coverage maps of all four mobile operators can be viewed here: "Beeline" , MTS , Yota .

However, you should not trust such map maps one hundred percent, and it is better to check the quality of the network personally on the spot.

You can measure the signal strength using the Network Info II application in Google Play or other similar programs, changing SIM cards of different operators in the smartphone.

You need to look at the network type indicator (Net type, best of all - LTE) and signal strength (RSSI).

There is an easier way to determine speed mobile network. To do this you can download Speedtest app.

As an example, the speed of Internet access in 2G, 3G and 4G networks is shown.

After you choose an operator that is suitable in terms of quality, you need to select an Internet tariff that suits your needs, and then “distribute” the Internet via Wi-Fi. This can be done using a smartphone or 4G/3G router.

When choosing a tariff plan for the mobile Internet, it is worth remembering that PCs and laptops consume a lot of traffic and also like to download large software updates and email attachments without permission.

A mobile, stationary router or a combination of a router with a 4G/3G USB modem can be purchased at electronics stores, or you can purchase branded equipment from mobile operators.

This device looks something like this, and some models can also serve as a portable external battery for a smartphone. On average, such a router can be bought for 3-5 thousand rubles.

If the signal is not strong enough, then you can purchase a stationary 3G/4G router and an external directional antenna. In total, such a kit will cost 7-10 thousand rubles.

The antenna can be mounted on a house wall, pole or tree in the direction of the nearest cell tower.

A companion will help in the wilderness

If your home is located outside the signal range of any cell tower, you can install two-way satellite VSAT Internet. This is done by specialized companies, and the cost of such equipment is 30-60 thousand rubles.

Tariffs for satellite Internet are also not cheap. The subscription fee will be 1-8 thousand rubles. per month, and payment per megabyte will cost 0.5 rubles. per megabyte. However, satellite often becomes the only way to connect your home to the Internet.

In the summer you don’t have to suffocate in offices - you can work in your country house. The whole secret is in high technology! Our article will tell you how to choose the best internet for your dacha.

Wireless Internet for a laptop: a little history

The first commercial GSM networks began operating in mid-1991. Around the same time, GSM networks began to be built in Russia.

Initially, they were suitable only for transmitting voice calls and messages. Due to the purely digital nature of the signal, it was possible to connect to the Internet in modem mode at a speed of 9.6 kbit per second, dialing a specific number. The time spent on the network was paid, since at such a speed it would not have been possible to download much.

Everything began to change after the advent of GPRS (GeneralPacketRadioService - public packet radio communication) - a GSM mobile communications add-on that transmits data. GPRS allows you to receive and transmit data directly through the GSM network, and not through dialing to a specific number. GPRS involves charging based on the volume of transmitted/received information (traffic), and not on the time spent on the network. Unlike “pure” GSM, GPRS has a theoretical maximum speed of 171.2 kbit/s.

A further development of GPRS was the EDGE (EGPRS) technology (Enhanced Datarates for GSMEvolution), which functions as an add-on over 2G and 2.5G (GPRS) networks. The technology was first introduced in 2003 in North America. The advantage of EDGE is the increased speed of the network - up to 474 kbit/s.

Looking ahead, it is worth noting that currently in Russia EDGE is supported by the majority of base stations of all existing GSM cellular operators.


3G (from the English third generation - third generation), 3rd generation mobile communication technologies - a set of services that combines both high-speed mobile access and voice calls.

Unlike second generation networks, 3G was created with an emphasis on data transmission, which allows data to be transferred at speeds of up to several megabits per second.

3G includes 5 standards of the IMT-2000 family (UMTS/WCDMA, CDMA2000/IMT-MC, TD-CDMA/TD-SCDMA (China's own standard), DECT and UWC-136), but we are interested in UMTS, developed by most Russian operators , as well as CDMA2000 for some regions.

The maximum speeds are as follows: for UMTS this is up to 21 Mbit/s; for CDMA2000 - up to 4.9 Mbit/s.


4G (from the English fourth generation - fourth generation) is a promising, fourth generation of mobile communications, characterized by high data transfer speeds and improved communication quality.
At the moment, fourth generation networks include WiMax and LTE technologies, of which only WiMax is found in Russia.

Theoretically, the maximum speed of such standards is close to 100 Mbit/s, which allows them to be successfully used as a replacement for wired Internet.

After briefly familiarizing yourself with the history of wireless Internet for laptops, you can move on to the next step - choosing the most suitable operator.

Wireless Internet connection: select an operator

To set up unlimited Internet at the dacha, you need to find out which operators provide network access and what their coverage area is. Go to a cell phone store or compare data on official websites.

The best option, of course, would be 3G/4G coverage, but if the coverage area on the map is just a little short of your dacha, it doesn’t matter - you can always use some tricks, which we’ll talk about below.

Some operators provide the opportunity to test the Internet for free or for a nominal fee; it is better to take advantage of this opportunity.

High-speed or unlimited Internet at the dacha: choosing the right tariff plan

The best internet for your summer cottage is the one that meets your needs. Operators typically divide their data plans into two main categories: high-speed and unlimited data plans.

Tariff plans from the first category, as a rule, have a prepaid traffic package, each additional megabyte is paid separately. They are convenient for those who mainly look at mail, sit in chats and do not download large volume data.

Unlimited Internet at the dacha is designed specifically for those who spend a lot of time on the Internet and download a lot of information. However, there is one small catch: there are no truly unlimited tariff plans. Each such tariff specifies a threshold after which the speed is automatically reduced. This is just something to keep in mind.

After you have decided on the tariff, you still need to choose a modem through which, in fact, the wireless connection to the Internet will be made. Modems are generally similar to flash drives, only slightly larger. The main thing is to make sure that the selected modem supports the required communication standard and is supported operating system your computer.

Keep in mind that branded modems are usually locked - i.e. If you insert a SIM card from another operator, the device will not work. It's better to look for unbranded modems; they can work with any operator.

Actually, to access the Internet outside the city you don’t need anything else: just connect a modem to your computer. However, if the speed wireless connection connection to the Internet is small, you can try to correct the situation.

The best internet for a summer residence: how to avoid problems

If there is bad reception, this means that the modem needs to be taken outside and, if necessary, raised several meters above the ground. This simplest method signal improvement.

Try simply placing the modem on the windowsill of the window from which you can best see the base station. These are usually red and white towers with three or four supports, although these can be any high-rise buildings in the area - communication antennas will be visible on them. If this does not help, then you need to raise the modem above the ground. In this case, it would be a good idea to protect the modem from the sun and moisture. An outdoor electrical box is suitable for this, in which the device is placed. The main thing is to choose the right size box, as well as a USB extension cable of the appropriate length. The mast should be about three or five meters in height (higher is possible). The main thing is that the base station is in the “line of sight” zone: tall buildings or trees can significantly degrade the signal quality.

It’s easy to choose the best Internet for your dacha, and connect it - especially since modern technologies are aimed precisely at combining a pleasant stay outside the city with useful work.

One way or another, every modern person is, to some extent, an Internet addict. Until recently, access to Global network It was necessary only at work in the office, then it was no longer possible to do without it in a city apartment. Today the situation has changed - the Internet is needed everywhere, including in vacation spots, outside the city, and in dachas. For those who want to visit their favorite social networks and watch movies online in a country house, we will look at how to make Internet access in a country house. For this there are five most best options, providing quick access to the World Wide Web.

And if in urban conditions issues of connecting to the Internet are resolved almost with one call to the nearest provider, then in suburban villages everything is a little more complicated. The way out is often found in very non-trivial ways. We will take a detailed look at how to install Internet at your dacha.

Cable Internet

This is the first, most familiar and familiar way to every city dweller to connect to the Internet. But the possibilities of implementing it in a holiday village are reduced to almost zero. Naturally, if the house is located in a prestigious area, then there is a high probability that the developer has already installed a fiber optic line in the village and the question of how to install Internet in the country will be quickly resolved. If the dacha is not on Rublyovka, then running a cable to the village will be very expensive.

A good and relatively inexpensive solution to the problem would be to use an ordinary copper telephone cable. In large villages the technical capabilities for this exist. Even 120 km from large cities in villages and towns there are telephone lines, which are connected to the nearest telephone exchange. If the wire goes to the nearest pole, but does not go anywhere further, this is also not a problem. For two thousand rubles, special people will connect it where you need it.

But you shouldn’t rejoice ahead of time, even if you found one in your house. Not always in holiday villages there are PBXs that have the necessary ADSL complex. If there is no equipment, then all that remains is to return to the 90s and get it out of the old chest dial-up modem. In villages located close to large regional centers, you can get an unlimited channel with an acceptable speed. And it will be inexpensive Internet for a dacha - the cost can reach several hundred rubles per month.

Among the advantages of this option in the case of a fiber optic channel are high speeds, stable connection, and affordable prices.

Disadvantages include the need to pay a year-round subscription fee and the low probability of availability of technical capabilities. In case of damage to the line or channel - low speed restoration and repair.


In some holiday villages there may be local networks(like those found in every apartment building). These are often Wi-Fi-based wireless networks. This is implemented as follows. An industrial access point is installed on one of the poles in the center of the village. A server that performs authorizations is connected to this point. The main canal can be implemented in any way, depending on the characteristics of the village. The power of the access point is quite enough to cover the entire village.

These networks provide, among other services, wireless Internet. To the dacha, all you need to do is bring a laptop, tablet, smartphone - whatever you like - from the city. Prices for services may vary and depend on the specific point on the map. But on average the cost is kept at the level of 500 to 1 thousand rubles. Providers may limit speed and traffic.

Any modern gadget supports Wi-Fi, so no additional devices are needed. For an older desktop PC or for multiple users, you may need an adapter or router.

The advantage of this method is that there is no need for any additional equipment.

Among the minuses wireless internet for the dacha - the ability to work with only one device at a time. You won't be able to use two devices at the same time.


In the Moscow region there are a lot of providers that provide wireless fixed radio access to the Internet. Unfortunately, in most regions the situation with this service is worse. But if you look, you can find it.

On the roof country house antenna is mounted. Its dimensions resemble a standard terrestrial television antenna. There is a specially designed modem in the house to which you can connect a router or computer.

Such wireless access over a radio channel makes it possible to organize a symmetrical channel, the data transmission speed of which will reach 10 or more Mbit/s. Often, many providers offer summer residents inexpensive Internet at their dacha, and the traffic is not limited. Only speed is limited.

It would seem that a solution has been found, but there are significant limitations. Yes, a set necessary equipment, which users do not buy, but rent for a long time, paying its price in the “connection cost” format, will cost 15 thousand rubles and more. This is provided if you need fast country Internet.

The second problem is range. In order for the complex to operate normally, it is necessary to create direct visibility from the base station to the antenna on the roof. Base station is located in the regional center. So, in a particular village there may simply not be the technical capabilities to connect such an Internet.

Also, WiMAX is quite expensive. For example, the monthly fee from the Infoset provider will be from 12,000 rubles/m for unlimited access with a speed of 5 Mbit/s. Cheap and accessible country Internet based on this technology with a speed of 1 Mbit/sec will cost 3,300 rubles. The Credo-Telecom provider offers Internet from 600 rubles per month. Speed ​​- only 512 Kbps. 20 Mbit will cost from 6 thousand rubles.

Most other providers offer a completely opaque pricing system - the contract promises that there will be an individual approach to each situation. And it seems that this approach is somehow correlated with the size of the dacha.

Among the advantages of WiMAX are stability, good unlimited access to the Internet without any traffic metering. But the disadvantages are that the tariff is too expensive and limited coverage.

Satellite Internet at the dacha

The main advantage of this method is complete independence from the presence of any infrastructure. You can create such an Internet anywhere - even on a distant farm in the deepest forest with the nearest locality several hundred kilometers away.

Satellite Internet at the dacha can be either one-way or two-way. The first system is now considered obsolete. It was relevant several years ago, when its operation provided cost advantages. In rare cases, such a connection is still relevant today, if an inexpensive channel is available along with satellite.

Features of one-way satellite Internet

The principle is very simple. The forward channel through which the subscriber receives data is implemented through the Reverse channel through which requests are sent through terrestrial networks. These can be cellular networks or wired.

The advantage is that Internet equipment for a dacha using this scheme will be cheaper - there is no need to create a return channel to the satellite. There is only a receiver, no transmitter.

Two-way satellite internet

This is a completely self-contained system that eliminates the need to think about where to get a landline connection. Such two-way connections have already become available - the price for the complex is comparable to the cost of an average smartphone. The kit can be installed for about 20 thousand rubles. The exact price depends on which satellite will be used.

The average speed is from 4 to 6 Mbit/s with direct channels. In the opposite direction - 0.5-2 Mbit/s. It is not possible to obtain a higher speed due to technological limitations.

Features of satellite access tariffication

But you have to pay for autonomy. Operators involved satellite access, often practice different forms of payment for consumed megabytes. Traffic in the required volume is purchased immediately up to one ruble per megabyte, or packages are purchased where the price of one megabyte, depending on certain volumes, will be up to 50 kopecks.

There are also so-called conditionally unlimited tariff plans. The Allergo Sky company offers up to two megabits per second and 1600 megabytes every day for 8 thousand rubles. If we consider other providers, such pleasure will still cost at least several thousand every month.

There are also cheaper rates. However, providers there impose serious restrictions. For example, you can only download HTML pages. It’s no longer possible to watch your favorite bloggers on YouTube, listen to a new track on in social networks it won't work either. But for use by email and reading the news will do. As an example, take the “Social” tariff plan from “Rainbow-Internet”. Some tariffs may include Internet and satellite television to the dacha.

Mobile Internet

This access method has become Lately much more accessible and is the most popular. In the networks of third generation mobile operators that support 3G, it is already possible to receive information at speeds of 10 to 15 megabits. On a 4G network you can count on 30-40 Mbit, depending on the signal quality.

However, which mobile Internet to choose for your dacha (or rather, which specifications connections)? It depends on where the dacha is located. As you get closer to cities and federal highways, there is a greater chance of getting high-quality coverage by third-party and third-party networks. fourth generation. In various remote areas you can only rely on GPRS with a speed of 10-20 Kbps. This is no good at all. It's impossible at this speed loading is easy Google search page.

But we shouldn’t forget about “Sky Link”. For remote areas, this operator offers the most extensive coverage. And even if the technology is outdated, its capabilities are enough for a maximum of 3 Mbit. It's better if there is nothing.

But however, various cellular operators are constantly developing - coverage is improving, available speeds are increasing. And if you couldn’t connect to the Internet before, then it is quite possible that now there is both coverage and speed.

About choosing an operator

In such a problem as how to install Internet at a dacha, it is recommended to choose operators not according to tariff plans, but according to real possibilities that the provider provides. This is easy to check - just take several SIM cards with you to the dacha and test them one by one. You also need to remember that the mobile operator sells an encrypted modem.

Features of mobile Internet distribution

The easiest way to distribute the Internet to other devices is from a smartphone using wireless networks. Operators now allow you to enable the modem option on any tariff plan and do not prohibit distribution. This function is supported by any smartphone. You can purchase this for a small amount and keep it constantly charged.

USB modems are good for their availability and low prices. But they are encrypted and can only connect to a PC or laptop. To connect other devices, you need to distribute the Internet via Wi-Fi. There are problems due to weak signal. But not everyone knows how to strengthen the Internet signal at their dacha. You can use a remote antenna, and then there will be enough Internet for everyone. It is mounted on the highest point of the roof. An important condition for its operation is the absence of obstacles in the form of trees or other, taller buildings. This is the only way to truly strengthen the signal.

An alternative solution is a 3G modem/router. They can be very different - they can be plugged into a power outlet or connected via USB. The cost of such equipment does not exceed 5 thousand rubles. The second option is a regular stationary router with the ability to connect a USB modem.

There are a lot of advantages to such a solution, and the most important thing is low prices for equipment, the ability to deploy a full-fledged network. This is the most affordable way to make Internet in the country.

If no mobile operator can provide a signal of proper quality, then this problem can be solved. The operators themselves tell us how to strengthen the Internet signal at the dacha. It is enough to use special amplifiers or reflectors.

What to choose?

So, we need Internet at the dacha. What to choose? The most current solution is still the mobile Internet. The capabilities of modern cellular networks allow a lot. This is high speed, unlimited access, minimal equipment cost. But there is no need to buy minimum tariffs. They are for those who are going to work in the country or will not go to the computer often. For all others, you need at least 2 GB per day or more.

That's all the ways to use the Internet at your dacha. Many of them are no longer relevant, but they exist, and in some cases this is the only way out of the situation for Internet addicts and lovers of working outdoors.


Nowadays you can connect to the Internet everywhere, including in a holiday village. But outside the city it’s better to take a break from all the hustle and bustle. After all, that’s why it’s a dacha—to sit with a fishing rod by the lake, ride a bike in the area, and plow through the local mud on an SUV. Sometimes you need to surf the Internet at the dacha. What to choose for connection? Whatever suits the money and technical capabilities.

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