Instructions for breeding rabbits at home for beginners. Raising rabbits at home as a way to replenish your budget

Opening  03.09.2023

Breeding rabbits is possible in various directions: as favorite pets or for the production of meat and skins. In any case, rabbit breeding requires some effort from the owner. Before getting rabbits, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the theoretical rules of caring for animals, how and what to water and feed them, and what conditions are required for their maintenance. After learning the technology of rearing, raising rabbits for novice breeders can turn into an exciting activity.

In household conditions, a cage system is more often used for keeping and breeding rabbits.

Breeding rabbits at home is a very profitable home business, since animals are characterized by high reproductive ability and early maturity. During a calendar year, one healthy female rabbit can give birth to up to six litters, with an average of 6-8 rabbits per litter, which will result in about 60 kilograms of meat, as well as approximately 20 skins. It all depends on which ones to choose.

The decision on how to breed rabbits is made by the breeder based on his capabilities. In household conditions, a cage system is more often used for keeping and breeding rabbits, which should provide the animals with sufficient space, absence of dampness and good lighting. It is necessary to link the simplicity of the design with the convenience of giving food, cleaning cages, access to the animal and other factors. In the practice of domestic rabbit breeding, a wide variety of cage systems are used, which often depend on the availability and cost of materials. Often waste from commercial production, plywood, and boxes are taken. To make it convenient to service, they are installed on stands at a height of 70 cm from the ground level.

Video about breeding rabbits

Some fanciers use a combined method: they place cages with animals in the spring, summer and autumn in the yard, and in winter they are moved indoors for the period of mating and littering.

This old, long-forgotten method is gaining more and more popularity today. Rabbits, whose breeding, rearing and feeding are greatly simplified, feel much freer and calmer. You can keep them this way in almost any area. The main task is to dig a hole in the right place. To maximize the safety of your home from flooding, the pit should be located on a hill, even if the groundwater level is low. Flooded pits are a threat to the death of rabbits and the occurrence of diseases.

You cannot build a hole on a plot of land that is flooded by spring floods.

Having chosen a place for the construction of the rabbits' future housing, you can begin its construction. The size of the pit largely depends on the territory of the existing plot of land and the planned number of heads. The most optimal size is 2 x 2 meters. A pit of this size will be easier to clean and can hold up to two hundred rabbits.

Sometimes rabbits dig rather long and very intricate holes, which always go at a slight downward angle or horizontally. Moreover, as soon as the animal has the slightest sense of the possibility of escape, it will be able to dig a hole to the surface. Given this nuance, the hole should be at least a meter deep, and preferably one and a half. It is also necessary to strengthen the walls in the pit. They can be covered with slate or bricks. This will prevent them from collapsing and also prevent rabbits from digging holes in all directions. One of the walls must be left unprotected - animals will build their nests in it.

Video about the secrets of breeding rabbits

Industrial rabbit breeding is a unified system characterized by high economic efficiency and minimal costs. A powerful rabbit breeding complex includes a feed mill, several dozen buildings housing several thousand females, replacement and breeding herds, males, and a slaughterhouse. As a rule, rabbit breeding in the technological cycle includes all the necessary conditions for maintaining broodstock, raising livestock, slaughtering, cutting carcasses, storing meat, as well as selling finished products in the retail network. In some cases, it even provides for the production of animal feed, veterinary drugs and artificial insemination.

To enhance sanitary safety and minimize transportation costs, the entire complex is located on one territory. To ensure year-round operation, the farms are constantly maintained at a temperature of 25 degrees and a relative humidity of 68%. To keep rabbits on an industrial scale, special metal cages equipped with feeders and drinkers are used. Feeding is carried out with granulated feed, which includes grass meal made from alfalfa. Due to its scale, industrial methods in rabbit breeding provide significant economic results.

You won’t find so many ideas for starting your own business these days in the press and on the Internet! Those who have even a modest summer cottage plot (not to mention a spacious rural house with a plot of land) are given a ton of ideas in the form of recommendations - from growing oyster mushrooms in the basement to organizing an ostrich farm.

Among those who are thinking about starting their own business, the rabbit breeding business is becoming increasingly popular. But you should know: for your business to be truly profitable, you need a clear understanding of the specifics of such an industry. In this article we will talk about what features are involved in raising these furry animals, whether it is profitable to breed rabbits or not.

What are the benefits of rabbit meat?

There are mainly three types of meat on the shelves of supermarkets and grocery stores. We are talking about pork, beef and lamb. Meanwhile, rabbit meat has a number of advantages regarding quality, taste and benefits for the human body. That is, this market niche can still be considered relatively free.

The absorption of rabbit meat by the human body is better and more productive compared to beef or pork. This indicator - the percentage of digestibility - in this case reaches 90% against the usual 60% in other types of meat. And thanks to its low fat content, rabbit meat is a wonderful dietary product.

Thus, if you have an excellent, tasty and healthy food product, combined with low competition in this segment, you can confidently predict the high profitability of your chosen business. That is, the answer to the question of whether it is profitable to breed rabbits is definitely positive.

Characteristic signs of business

What features are inherent in domestic rabbit breeding? The main one is the high ability of these animals to reproduce. The female carries the cubs for 30 days, and re-fertilization is possible almost immediately after birth. The productivity of an adult rabbit during the year is about 200 babies. In terms of a useful product, this amounts to about 500 kilograms of rabbit meat.

They are bred for different purposes. Breeds of rabbits for breeding for meat are gray or white giant, as well as ram. In order to obtain fluffy fur, they choose rex, butterfly, and white downy. In addition, it is possible to breed decorative rabbits. There are also universal options. For example, Soviet chinchillas or gray giants are breeds of rabbits for breeding for meat and obtaining skins at the same time.

During the breeding process, good care and proper nutrition are very important. The more comfortable the living conditions are, the higher the quality of mating and, as a result, the health of the little rabbits. The number of matings can be increased by minimizing the number of stress factors. And without high-quality, balanced nutrition, talking about animal health is pointless.

Pros and cons of a rabbit farm

What advantages does this business have over other livestock farming options? Its main advantages are high profitability, short payback period, minimal competition and stable demand. The combination of these factors looks very attractive, but at the same time some negative aspects should be taken into account.

So, for the high-quality maintenance of these clean little animals in cages, regular (that is, daily) cleaning is required. Otherwise, the entire livestock may be susceptible to disease. Shy animals grow and reproduce well only in a calm, favorable atmosphere without even minimal stress.

Rabbits require constant monitoring. In the absence of food and even water, a female rabbit is capable of eating her own offspring. Breeding rabbits at home for beginners may seem like a troublesome and difficult task at first.

Getting started

Where to start breeding rabbits? In what form is business possible in this area? There are two such varieties: either in the form of individual entrepreneurship, or with the organization of a private farm. The first option is especially popular among those who are starting from scratch. Its main advantage is a reduction in the tax base and a simplified accounting scheme. If you decide to start a farm, you can count on receiving a subsidy from the state.

But in any form of activity, success largely depends on a well-thought-out business plan.

Rabbit farming as a business: where to start?

Before you start creating your own rabbit farm, as in any type of business, you should analyze the potential market, paying attention to a number of important characteristics. We are talking about market saturation, the presence of a potential buyer in accessible proximity, the degree of intensity of competitive activity and the solution of transport issues.

Having clarified the situation for yourself, you can move on to the next step - choosing a land plot. Its area must be at least 15 acres, and your future rabbit breeding farm must be located away from your home.

Having purchased or rented a plot, you can begin setting up your planned business. The initial financial investment can be quite significant, but due to the short payback period and high profitability of this type of activity, this is not a problem.

Is it profitable to breed rabbits compared to, say, chinchillas or nutrias? The capacity of your business can be increased many times over thanks to the high reproductive qualities of the animals, and this is a significant additional advantage. In general, breeding any domestic animals, like other types of agricultural business, is very, very in demand these days.

What should be on your site

The next step of the rabbit breeder businessman will be to compile a list of buildings whose presence on the site is mandatory. Each of them should be placed on the plan of the site allocated for the future company. What applies to such buildings?

  • Sheds. This is the name given to the premises where rabbits will live and breed. Such “industrial” rabbit hutches are made from wood with windows covered with welded mesh. The more comfortable the rabbits are in the sheds, the better the breeding process will be, and the less fear the owner will have for the health of the pets. The minimum number of sheds is from 3 pieces.
  • Feed workshop. This is a kind of warehouse where food for rabbits can be stored for the next few months. If you spare no expense and equip your feed shop with a granulator and a grain crusher, the costs will quickly pay off.

  • The slaughterhouse premises must have a fully equipped meat shop and a spacious refrigerator. Due to high hygiene requirements, the materials for its construction are metal-plastic and tiles.
  • Tools, equipment and necessary building materials should be kept in a separate shed.

A spacious manure pit should be dug not far from the site. With regular replenishment, it is possible to sell manure as fertilizer to surrounding farmers.

What do you need rabbits for?

When starting to breed livestock, decide on the objectives of cultivation, and from here plan methods for breeding rabbits. What is your goal - skins, meat or both? Having understood this issue, choose the desired breed. Let's say your choice is gray giant rabbits. Breeding, growing and caring for them requires certain knowledge.

For beginners, it would be wisest to get one of the local purebred breeds. They usually have an affordable price, ease of acquisition and the ability to consult with other rabbit breeders.

Then start drawing up a business plan with upcoming expenses and income outlined in it. In addition, you should take care of registering your own business.

What is better for a future rabbit breeder - to purchase a plot or rent it? This depends not only on the size of the initial investment, but also on the long-term goals of the future businessman. If you decide to take this profitable business seriously, it is better to purchase the land as your own. When rent is due, monthly expenses to cover it must be provided for in the business plan.

About norms and rules

When breeding rabbits, a number of sanitary requirements must be met to prevent diseases in the rabbit environment. In this regard, there are certain rules according to which premises for rabbit livestock are designed, down to the slope of the roof and the installation of floors.

Other requirements relate to the location of buildings within the site. The slaughterhouse must be at a distance of at least 50-60 m from the rabbit cages. Sick rabbits should be quarantined at a distance of 100 meters from the sheds. The manure storage facility also needs to be moved outside the farm - no closer than 100 meters. All distances are in the direction of prevailing winds.

What and how to feed rabbits

In nutrition, these animals are quite whimsical compared to other types of farm animals. Their daily diet requires a mandatory combination of different types of food - green (herbs, cereals, legumes), juicy, such as vegetables or root vegetables, rough and silage, as well as concentrated, consisting of bran, grain or mixed feed.

To calculate the need for the amount of feed, we proceed from the fact that gaining a weight of 4 kilograms for one animal requires about ten kilos of hay and 15 kg of compound feed. Other elements serve as additives to the diet at different times of the year. In the warm season (spring and summer), be sure to feed the rabbits green and roughage; in the fall and winter, do not neglect silage and juicy ones.

Breeding rabbits at home for beginners can come with a number of surprises. Monitoring the freshness and balance of the supplied feed is very important. There should not be the slightest trace of rot or mold. Too dry food is also not welcome - animals can choke on it.

About rabbit housing

Do not forget that these animals are rodents, that is, the cages must be constructed of high-quality and durable material.

Compared to poultry or nutria, rabbits are more prone to comfort. The range of temperatures suitable for their normal life is from 2 to 30 degrees, but quality conditions for growth and reproduction require maintaining them in the range from 13 to 26 degrees.

There are several known methods by which the habitats of these animals are developed. Raising rabbits in earthen pits with carefully reinforced floors and walls is the simplest of all. This method is one of the lowest cost, but is used exclusively for meat breeds.

What are cells like?

The most common choice is to raise rabbits in enclosures. The most popular methods for household use include the so-called cellular method. The material for constructing the cages is wooden boards combined with a metal mesh. Female rabbits and offspring are housed separately from male rabbits.

The shed method already mentioned above is a system of several tiers of cells. The main advantage of this option is compact placement, which is important in conditions of a small site area.

It is also possible to keep it according to the so-called Mikhailov system, which is a small farm of three to four cells. Each of the mini-farms is equipped with ventilation, a manure collector, and, of course, drinkers and feeders. This method is most effective for high-quality growth and reproduction. But it also requires the greatest financial costs.

Where to sell?

Let's now talk about selling the resulting products. Its directions should be considered based on the volumes of the future economy. If they are small (about 500 rabbits annually), the meat can be sold for sale or sold independently, subjected to a sanitary and epidemiological inspection.

For large farm volumes, you will need to obtain some additional documents. We are talking about a farm certificate, the same phytosanitary one, and a GOST-R declaration. If you complete all of the above, at the same time as trading at the market, you will have the opportunity to sell meat to a network of supermarkets and grocery stores.

Indicative business plan for rabbit breeding

Let's draw up and analyze a sample business plan for setting up a small farm for one hundred livestock. What are the costs?

The process of building rabbit cages will cost about 50,000 rubles; to buy one hundred heads of young animals, add another 30,000 rubles. (the exact amount depends on the breed), from 70,000 to 150,000 rubles. will have to be spent on purchasing feed. Add another 20,000 rubles. for veterinarian services, utility costs and other small items. Total: the expenses part of the business plan can contain a figure from 170,000 to 250,000 rubles.

Now about income

100 rabbits will yield about 200 kilograms of meat. At a wholesale price of 200 rubles. per kilo and retail - 400 rubles. It is actually possible to sell all products for an amount of about 400,000 rubles. For the proceeds of the skins - an additional 250 to 300 thousand rubles, let's take an average of 280,000. Total: the level of expected income is about 600-800 thousand rubles.

Even within the framework of the small farm given as an example, during the first year it is possible to receive about half a million rubles as profit. In the future, this figure will increase even more, since there will be no more need to spend money on the construction of new cells. As a result, the profitability figure for such a business ranges from 60% to 80%.

Things to remember

Of course, the above business plan for breeding rabbits is very conditional. The numbers can vary significantly, depending on the breed and number of specimens purchased, as well as the amount of initial investment. Much also depends on the region where the business is planned.

Among other things, this plan does not include rental costs (if any). Such expenses can also vary greatly by region and area. Equipment depreciation should also be taken into account. But in general, the above calculation gives a general idea of ​​the profitability of the business in question.

Conclusion: such an activity is quite profitable and attractive in terms of money. And yet, despite the confident “yes!” in response to the question whether it is profitable to breed rabbits, it should only be done by those who are not afraid of the specifics of this business and the associated difficulties in the form, for example, of the need to slaughter furry pets.


If you decide to start rabbit farming, then first you need to read more than one article about breeding these animals. At first it will seem that this is a very expensive and labor-intensive task. However, do not be afraid, because the result will amaze you. No other livestock sector can boast of increasing the initial number of livestock fourfold in just six months. But in rabbit farming this is possible.

Why do you need this?

Before you take your first steps, you need to decide on the purpose of breeding rabbits. If you decide to keep them so that you can occasionally enjoy dietary meat, then you don’t need to acquire much professional skill. But to create a commercial project that can pay off and generate income, it’s worth eating more than a pound of salt.

The advantages of raising rabbits are:

  • minimal investment at the initial stage;
  • rapid increase in livestock;
  • there is always a demand for products;
  • does not require large expenses for maintenance, care and breeding;
  • little competition;
  • high prices for products (meat, fur, skins).

A big risk throughout the entire process is the possible high mortality of young animals from infectious diseases. To prevent such developments, it is necessary to provide high-quality care and take care of the correct diet of the animals.

Let's start with the basics of rabbit breeding

A novice rabbit breeder must know the physiological characteristics of animals, existing breeds and their directions, types of keeping, basic care and feeding, and possible diseases. It is best to get acquainted with this information by personally visiting a rabbit farm or the household of an experienced farmer.

After the introductory tour, you need to choose what conditions of detention will be in your farm. You can raise rabbits indoors or outdoor cages. They are sometimes kept in enclosures or pits. Each method has its own characteristics and requirements. Cell breeding is recommended for beginners.

The algorithm for further actions is as follows: equipping the premises for keeping, preparing feed, purchasing rabbits and vaccines, searching for a market for the products. With a competent approach, you can avoid unpleasant surprises and surprises.

Comfortable home

  • for keeping young animals in a team;
  • for individual maintenance of individuals;
  • for keeping a female with offspring.

How to make a cage according to all the rules, read the article:

Outdoor keeping of rabbits in cages is designed taking into account the terrain. Animals are afraid of humidity and drafts, so it is better to select small hills with artificial or natural barriers from the winds. The wall of buildings, trees or bushes can provide the necessary screening. Particular attention is paid to the construction of the floor, feeders and drinking bowls.

Nutrition is an important point

Only high-quality balanced nutrition can make your first steps in rabbit farming profitable. The main food for rabbits is grass in summer and hay in winter. In addition, long-eared animals are fed: succulent food (vegetables and fruits), grains of cereals and legumes, bran or compound feed, vitamin and mineral supplements (bone meal), and branches of bushes.

A novice rabbit breeder needs to know:

  • transfer of animals to a new type of feed is carried out gradually;
  • rabbits welcome a constant timed feeding schedule;
  • you need to give food portions of such a size that the animals eat them completely;
  • for rabbits it is fatal to eat the following plants: hemlock, hellebore, celandine, foxglove, spurge, poisonous weed;
  • drinking water should be warm and clean;
  • grass for feed is used only in dried form.

It is forbidden to feed moldy or rotten food to rabbits, including grain affected by various diseases.

How to choose a breed for breeding?

All types of these animals are conventionally divided into downy, meat and meat-skin breeds. Those who want to raise rabbits at home must decide what kind of product they want to see in the end result.

The following factors are also taken into account when choosing:

  • climatic adaptability of the animal;
  • conditions of detention;
  • health.

Pioneers are recommended to start breeding with breeds that are unpretentious in care and do not require special conditions, for example, California rabbits. When purchasing, it is important to pay attention to the appearance of the animal: fur, the inside of the ears, soles of the paws, eyes. A dry nose, a plump, well-fed body, shiny fur, pink, clean ears and active behavior will indicate good physical health of the rabbit. You should also ask the seller about the cat’s vaccination and pedigree.

Don't rush (the main mistakes of beginners)

Even a beginner who has all the necessary information about rabbit breeding still makes mistakes. Experienced farmers note that the first of these is improper handling of newborn offspring. Female rabbits after giving birth are very susceptible to stress and any manipulation for them serves as a trigger for the cessation of milk production. To prevent this, it is recommended not to touch the offspring at all during the first day. You can only observe him and control the behavior of the female. If the rabbit behaves aggressively or does not feed the babies, then you need to take the offspring and resolve the issue of artificial feeding.

Experienced rabbit breeders also criticize their younger colleagues for the impracticality or even unsuitability of cages for rabbits. The fact is that in pursuit of quick profits, beginners only think about reducing the initial costs of constructing structures. This leads not only to a more difficult process of caring for animals, but also to their death due to illness and injury.

Don't forget that rabbits are prone to getting sick. Carrying out preventive measures is an integral part of rabbit breeding. Banal mistakes in pet hygiene sometimes lead to the extinction of all offspring. A beginning farmer must understand that only work and care will help increase the invested capital.

Domestic rabbits are amazingly beautiful and at the same time productive animals. Their breeding and maintenance does not pose many worries for the livestock breeder. Rabbits are raised to produce tasty dietary meat. In addition to meat, rabbit skins are very valuable. Our site contains a fairly large collection of articles telling about keeping, breeding and raising rabbits at home. This article will be unique in its own way; in it we will not only talk about some of the subtleties, but also show a video.

The videos will cover issues of breeding, keeping, feeding and raising rabbits at home. The entire video is highly recommended for viewing, especially for novice breeders who already have some livestock, as well as for those who plan to start breeding rabbits in the near future. Rabbits on video- this is an opportunity to see everything live, it is better to visually evaluate these animals. Experts and bloggers will tell you all the intricacies in this matter.

Each video will have some comments. And here is the first video:

Rabbit breeding video

The rabbit is a very profitable animal. And the point here is very high fertility. No other pet can compare to rabbits. In a year, one female rabbit can produce up to 6-9 litters, which will include, on average, 4 to 10 young rabbits. The weight of baby rabbits at birth is 60-100 grams, but after a month their weight increases by 10-12 times.

This video was presented by the ForumHouse TV film crew. She went to visit rabbit breeder Pavel Tverikin, who has been breeding rabbits for a long time. The video is very useful for beginners. Pavel will tell you in detail where it is best to start breeding rabbits, about the features of breeding and feeding.

The video is called: “Raising rabbits at home for dummies and summer residents.” The author explains that this method is suitable for those who want to start raising rabbits, but are not yet confident in their abilities. A very interesting way. Recommended for viewing by beginners.

Very interesting post. From it you will learn the story of a man to whom this business brought health and relief from all ailments. The author shares his secrets.

And this is a report from one of the Russian channels:

And this is an old Soviet educational film about industrial rabbit breeding. We also recommend watching for general development:

Video content and cultivation

Domestic rabbits are very unpretentious animals. Even a child can keep them on his or her own plot. All they need is a cage or . They adapt very well to both severe frosts and extreme heat. Below watch a video about keeping rabbits at home.

Elena Lizunova has been raising rabbits for quite some time. She has something to tell about the maintenance of these animals. Elena Anatolyevna will tell you how her love for rabbits began to manifest itself. You will see all the subtleties of keeping and growing in this video:

In this video you will see an option for keeping rabbits in a garage, in cages.

From the video you will learn how to make a cage with your own hands:

Rabbit breeds video

Thanks to the numerous efforts of breeders, today there are a huge number of breeds of domestic rabbits. Below you will see a video where the different breeds will be discussed.

This video is from the filming company “Country Life”. It is called: “Rabbit breeds: New Zealand, Californian, Belgian.”

This video discusses different breeds of rabbits. Recommended viewing for those who have not yet decided on the breed.

Breeding rabbits at home will not lose its popularity. Firstly, this is a profitable business. Secondly, these animals provide not only valuable fur, but also meat and manure, which is used as fertilizer. Thirdly, do not forget about the speed of reproduction: one female can give birth to 26 cubs per year.

Choosing a path

A huge specimen with a lot of meat and a nice skin.

First, choose a breed. Today there are about 200 breeds. Popular: chinchilla, gray and white giant, butterfly, Vienna blue. Breeds are divided into three main types:

  1. Skin-bearing
  2. Meat
  3. Meat-skin

For rabbit breeding, they buy healthy rabbits with clear eyes, a strong body and shiny coat. It is undesirable to purchase those who have the following symptoms:

  • Crooked paws
  • Prominent hips
  • Elongated head
  • Losing or ruffled fur
  • Obesity or malnutrition

Biological features

Rabbits are rodents that live in burrows in colonies and feed on plant foods. Puberty occurs at 3-4 months. Pregnancy lasts a month. After giving birth, after 3-5 days the female is ready to breed again. 4 months after birth, she already weighs 3-3.5 kg - a weight that is 60 times greater than the original one.

Adult animals shed seasonally. The first time - in the spring (April, March), the second time - in the autumn (October, September). Their fur is thickest in November. In young animals, molting occurs throughout adolescence. Breeders, as a rule, kill when the coat change is over.

Advice from a professional

They have a developed sense of smell, but their vision is weak. Therefore, placing offspring other than hers in a cage with a female rabbit is dangerous. Having identified a stranger by smell, he will simply destroy him. The sense of smell also influences the choice of food. It is also difficult to get accustomed to new types of food.

Before giving birth, female rabbits in nature dig holes in dark places. Therefore, in the house near the maternity ward, install a blind door, and the floor grille should be placed lower than that of the light ward.

The condition of newborns is an indicator of the milk production of the rabbit. If the young animals lie quietly, have clean and smooth skin, and the body is round, then the milk production is high. This indicator is influenced by the quality of feed, time of year, weather, etc. It is important to remember that an obese rabbit is not able to give birth.

Growth and development at home

The baby is born with his eyes closed. They open in the second week of life. After 7 days, the newborn’s body is covered with a light fluff 0.5 cm long. And by 20 days, the formation of hair is completed. Then he switches to independent feeding.

According to statistics

Teeth change begins 3 weeks after birth. By 25 days it ends. A baby rabbit is born weighing 60 grams, and after a few days the initial weight doubles. A month later, the pet weighs 10 times more than before.

Such intensive development is due to the high concentration of nutrients in milk:

  • 2% sugar
  • 15% protein
  • 0.64% calcium
  • 20% fat
  • 0.44% phosphorus

A man breeds giant rabbits in a hot climate

During the lactation period, the body produces 50-20 grams of milk. By the 30th day of feeding, its secretion stops.

By the 5th month of life, the animal weighs 2.2-3.5 kg. By that time, he has already reached puberty. By the end of the first year, bone formation is completed.

By the 18th day of life, the replacement of baby teeth occurs. Then the cubs begin to reach for mash, tender green leaves. By the age of one month, the change of teeth is completed.

After 15 days, the animals are ripe for adult food. By that time, she stops feeding milk, and the young animals are removed.

They have a weak spine consisting of 46 vertebrae. The paws are also fragile. As a result of fright or careless movement, young animals can damage their spine. Animals live on average 8 years, but by the age of 4 they must be stopped for breeding at home.

Adults and young animals are kept in separate cages. For the former, the home is equipped with a drinking bowl, feeding and nesting compartments. The “house” needs to be cleaned periodically.

If you raise rabbits outside, you can harden them. They become less susceptible to various diseases. But you shouldn’t keep animals outside in winter.

Rabbits mating

Since pets mature quickly, they are immediately separated into separate cages. The sex of the animal is preliminarily determined: the skin around the genitals is pulled back. If a triangle with a cut is visible, then it is a female, and if there is a tube, then it is a male.

Minimum age for mating: 4 months. Previously, it was not recommended, since it could harm the health of animals and offspring. Reproduction occurs all year round, there are no restrictions. True, year-round mating is recommended for pets who are healthy.

Experienced rabbit breeders follow the following breeding schedule (when breeding at home):

  1. Occurs from January 15 to February 1. Since pregnancy lasts 28-31 days, females mate from December 15 to January 1, and young animals are separated from March 1 to 15.
  2. Scheduled for April 1-15. Mating: from 1 to 15 March, jigging - from 15 to 30 May.
  3. Falls on June 1-15. From May 1 to May 15. Jigging from July 15 to July 30.

The male should be used for mating as often as possible. Long breaks will lead to health problems. As a rule, 1 male is assigned to 8 females.

Professional advice

Before mating, check if the female is in heat. It is expressed in the enlargement and pinkishness of the genital loop. She is restless, plucks fluff on her chest, collects bedding, scatters food. The hunt lasts several days.

The first mating of a young female should be with an older male. If she is “experienced”, then she is placed with a less adult. Before mating, breeders discard animals with defects.

After 5 days, control mating is performed. If she was fertilized last time, then she will not allow the male to approach her. After 16 days, final inspection. The animal's stomach is palpated. If you are pregnant, then you can feel an embryo two to three centimeters long at your fingertips.

Preparing for birth

approximate birth calendar

A few days before giving birth, she lays out a nest. To do this, it plucks the fluff on its belly. But not all female rabbits do this, so breeders themselves line the bottom with cotton wool or down.

It is necessary to have water in the home, since mothers, unable to find something to satisfy their thirst, destroy their offspring. After giving birth, the female is taken out to examine the cubs: weak and stillborn ones are removed.

If the litter turns out to be too large and the owners see that they cannot feed them, then the “extra” rabbits are transferred to another cage. First, the future “mother” of the cubs is removed from the cage. The nest is cleaned, and the young are sprayed with an infusion of fragrant herbs: yarrow, wormwood, etc. Then the female will not accept her offspring.

Cages for young animals

The young animals are kept in clean and light cages that are easy to clean (excrement does not linger) and to use. The house has two compartments:

  1. For walking
  2. A shelter that is entered through a hole. Mesh floor.

They both contain a feeder (in the shape of a triangle), a drinking bowl and a manger.

Find out more from the article - at home.

Queen cells

Queen cell. Inside view.

During the period of raising young animals and giving birth, a queen cell with dimensions of 50X30X27 cm and a hole of 18X18 cm is placed in the dwelling. It can be easily removed, which is doubly convenient for inspecting the rabbits. Another advantage: the temperature inside is kept constant. Observe the general requirements:
  • Make the queen cell spacious so that the babies are not injured by the female during her movements.
  • It should be cleaned quickly so as not to stress the mother again (once every 3-4 days).
  • The queen cell should have two compartments. In the one intended for baby rabbits, you should make a solid bottom, and for a female rabbit, make a lattice bottom so that the excrement falls down into the troughs.


There should be enough food (constant access to food is desirable). And be sure to dilute dry food with water. When dosing (3-4 times), a strict regimen is necessary, otherwise an uneven schedule will lead to problems in the digestive system of rabbits. Serve food not only of plant origin, but also of animal origin.

About that at home.


This is what the carcass looks like

Fattening is stopped and killed at the age of 4 months. Before doing this, make sure that your pet has finished shedding. The fur on the rump and sides is fanned out and the color of the skin is looked at: if it is white, then it is slaughtered. 12 hours before slaughter there is no water or food.

Posts to help

To facilitate breeding work, rabbit breeders keep records. Previously, a sign is hung on each cage, which indicates the results of weighing, litter (for female rabbits), mating, and productivity. The same information is entered into the notebook.

Before breeding rabbits at home, prepare a place for them, calculate the costs associated with breeding (especially food costs). Each year, one female rabbit and her offspring require 412 kg of green grass, 107 kg of hay, 330 kg of concentrates, 120 kg of potatoes, food waste, and root crops.

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