General Director of JSC "Television Company NTV" Vladimir Kulistikov: biography. Castling of professionals NTV channel history

Chercher 01.08.2023

NTV is an all-Russian television channel that began broadcasting in 1993. NTV broadcasts from Moscow, from the Ostankino television center. In addition to the fact that NTV broadcasts throughout Russia, its broadcasts also extend beyond its borders.

The coverage of the NTV Mir channel includes the CIS and Baltic countries, as well as Western Europe, the Middle East, the USA and Canada, Israel, Australia, New Zealand and Oceania. The NTV channel is part of the first digital terrestrial television multiplex DVB-T2. The NTV channel has temporary duplicates for broadcasting to Russian regions via satellite.

1993-1997: founding of the NTV channel and obtaining a frequency.

In the spring of 1993, journalists of the First Channel of Ostankino Oleg Dobrodeev and Evgeny Kiselev, who worked at the channel’s Information Television Agency to create the “Itogi” program broadcast on it, began to feel that this work no longer impressed them, dissatisfaction with their work resulted in the idea of ​​​​creating a new TV channel. The channel on which they worked, according to Dobrodeev and Kiselev, worked more and more for Russian President Boris Nikolayevich Yeltsin, while a situation was developing in the country when people needed to open their eyes to what was happening.

In addition, it was not unreasonable to feel that after a series of employee dismissals, such as the dismissal of Yegor Yakovlev and Igor Malashenko, they could be next. Thus, the thought of creating a new TV channel became more and more obsessive. Kiselyov managed to contact businessman Vladimir Gusinsky, who was the owner of the joint-stock company Gruppa Most and the newspaper Segodnya, through his secretary Sergei Zverev. Journalists initially offered Gusinsky to finance the production of Itogi. However, he developed the already outlined idea of ​​​​creating a separate television company.

In June 1993, Malashenko, Dobrodeev and Kiselev created Itogi LLP, which on October 10, 1993 began producing the programs “Itogi” and “Today”, which began airing on Channel Five. In July 1993, Mostbank, Stolichny, National Credit and the Itogi television company established NTV Television Company LLP. The television company was registered on July 14, 1993. Twenty percent of the company's shares belonged to Itogi LLP, the remaining eighty percent became part of the ownership of Mostbank, Stolichny Bank and National Credit Bank. It must be said that soon the last two banks will leave the shareholders.

As for the name of the company “NTV”, this abbreviation at the first stage did not mean anything.

Igor Malashenko became the president and general director of the NTV television company, on the advice of Kiselev and Dobrodeev, which they gave to Gusinsky; Oleg Dobrodeev, vice president of the television company and chief editor of its information service; Evgeny Kiselev, vice president and chairman of the board of directors of the television company. Immediately after its founding, the NTV channel began a struggle to obtain a frequency for broadcasting the channel.

It is also worth noting that by the time the channel began broadcasting, its team included a fairly solid staff of high-category journalists. Together with Dobrodeev, Malashenko and Kiselev, presenters Tatyana Mitkova, Mikhail Osokin, correspondents Vladimir Luskanov, Vladimir Lensky, Irina Zaitseva, Ernest Matskevichyus, Elena Kurlyandtseva, Alexander Khabarov, Alexander Gerasimov, Mikhail Svetlichny, Alexander Zarayelyan, Alexander Shashkov, Alexey joined the NTV team Burkov, Vasily Utkin, Elena Masyuk. When recruiting staff, the focus was on young, energetic and talented people. For example, Pavel Lobkov and Nikolai Nikolaev, also hired by NTV, had no journalistic education at all, but this did not stop them from making a brilliant career on the NTV channel.

By decree of the President of the Russian Federation of December 22, 1993, from January 17, 1994, the NTV television company received evening time on the fourth television channel as an experiment. The channel's broadcasting time was limited, and the channel ran from six in the evening until midnight. In addition, the Russian state television and radio company Ostankino was invited to become a shareholder of NTV, while the chairman of the board of directors, Evgeny Kiselyov, was offered the position of chairman of Ostankino.

At the time of receiving airtime on Channel 5, the NTV television company produced only information programs - “Today”, “Itogi” and “Namedni”. In 1994, the satirical program “Dolls” was added to them.

Over time, the channel began to develop rapidly, although there were problems, but this did not frighten anyone. Neither the authorities nor other television companies were able to break the employees of the NTV channel, and its broadcasting began to spread to Western Europe, the Middle East and North Africa in January 1997.

On May 10, 1997, NTV correspondent Elena Masyuk, whose reports were very popular in Chechnya, was kidnapped there along with her film crew. After a month and a half of negotiations between the management of the television company and the militants and Shamil Basayev, the latter asked Masyuk for a ransom of two million dollars. As a result, the group was released on August 17.

Change of management at NTV channel.

On April 3, 2001, at a meeting of shareholders of the NTV television company, which was held in the Gazprom building, there was a change in the leadership of the television company. From now on, Boris Jordan becomes the general director of the NTV television company, Alfred Kokh becomes the chairman of the board of directors, and Vladimir Kulistikov becomes the editor-in-chief.

On April 16, 2001, the editorial board of the NTV channel was created. It includes: Mitkova, Kulistikov, Parfenov, NTV channel news anchors Kirill Pozdnyakov and Pyotr Marchenko, NTV channel correspondents Vyacheslav Grunsky, Yuri Lipatov, Boris Koltsov, Vladimir Kondratyev, Alexey Pivovarov, Alexander Zinenko, Alexander Kolpakov, Alexander Khabarov, chief editor "Crime" program Vladimir Zolotnitsky. Leonid Parfyonov becomes the general producer of the NTV channel.

In parallel, the NTV channel’s rights to show a number of foreign films are expiring; some of the programs of the “old” NTV are being aired again after a change in leadership, but many of them have been closed forever over time. Until September 2001, the old design of the NTV channel remained in force.

After some presenters left NTV, their place in the Segodnya information program was taken by the employees remaining on NTV, as a rule, they were former correspondents of information programs; among the remaining correspondents who took the place of presenters, the following were on the channel: Anton Khrekov, Alexander Khabarov, Evgeniy Borkovsky, Denis Soldatikov, Yuri Lipatov, Natalya Zabuzova.

Years from 2001 to the present day, NTV is changing.

As a result of a meeting of the TV channel staff on April 25, 2001, Tatyana Mitkova became the new editor-in-chief of the TV channel, who was supported by NTV journalists and former editor-in-chief Vladimir Kulistikov, who withdrew his candidacy from the vote. On July 13, the Board of Directors of the NTV channel was re-elected, which now includes: Rem Vyakhirev , Vyacheslav Sheremet, Alfred Koch, Alexander Kazakov, Alexander Reznikov, Evgeny Kiselev, Sergey Skvortsov, Vladimir Kulistikov and Leonid Parfenov. However, a subsidiary of Gazprom-Media, Leadville Investment Ltd. filed a claim to declare the shareholders' meeting invalid. On September 17, instead of Kiselev and Skvortsov, Vladilen Arsenyev and Mikhail Shmushkovich began to join the Board of Directors, and the Board returned to the composition that was elected on April 3, and on September 20, the claim of Leadville Investment was satisfied.

On September 10, 2001, the slogan of the NTV channel became “NTV-New Television”. This is how the channel abbreviation is now deciphered. In addition, the graphic design and studio decorations of the NTV channel are also changing. It must be said that in addition to the external design of the channel, almost the entire broadcasting branch of the channel is changing.

The programs “Itogi”, “Voice of the People” and “Independent Investigation” that left NTV were replaced by alternative programs - “The Other Day” by Leonid Parfenov, “Freedom of Speech” by Savik Shuster and “Attention, Wanted!” Oleg Chertkov. In the 2001-2002 season, a large number of new NTV television projects appeared, launched with the direct participation of Alexander Oleinikov, who previously worked on the TV-6 channel, and Sergei Shumakov, a former producer of educational programs on ORT. In February 2002, morning broadcasting on the NTV channel also underwent major changes.

Under the new owner, Leonid Parfenov becomes the “face” of the channel. Under his leadership, the channel produced a number of documentary programs dedicated to the history of Russia - “Namedni 1961-2003: Our Era”, “Russian Empire”, “Living Pushkin”. The programs, it must be said, were awarded TEFI awards.

In 2001-2002, due to financial difficulties, the TV channel was on the verge of closure, as a result of which the NTV channel refused to produce a New Year's show, and some programs launched in previous NTV television seasons were closed. At the same time, the channel is experiencing problems with concluding a new contract for broadcasting matches of the Champions League football, which was concluded under the old management in 1997 - the channel refers to low broadcast ratings and makes a statement that the terms of the new contract are extremely unfavorable for it. However, the TV channel subsequently managed to reach an agreement, however, on terms less favorable to NTV.

The 2002-2003 season becomes a turning point for the NTV channel. It was during this period of time that the NTV channel began to actively develop, and domestic television series began to be broadcast on the channel. Instead of the evening ten-hour edition of the “Today” program, the “Country and the World” program began to be aired, and the “Today” program began to be aired every hour.

The 2003-2004 season does not start very well for the TV channel. Some programs that were launched on the air in the new season did not show enough viewer interest, and NTV began to squeeze out its closest competitor, the STS channel. Relations between the NTV team and its management also remained tense. In February 2004, the staff of the channel's information service was seriously reduced, about seventy channel employees were laid off, which the media associated with the preparation of NTV and other Gazprom-Media assets for sale or with a reluctance to spoil relations with the authorities in the future. Sienkiewicz introduced a service of duty editors, who reportedly determined the channel's information policy and self-censored it. In addition, a conflict was brewing between Leonid Parfenov, who had returned from vacation, and the new leadership.

The result of this conflict was that in July 2003, Leonid Parfenov’s original television show “Country and World” was unexpectedly sent on vacation and almost closed. In November, Nikolai Senkevich removed from “Namedni” a story about the book “Tales of a Kremlin Digger” by Elena Tregubova, which the journalist announced directly on air of the program. A similar story happened in May 2004, when the presenter included an interview with the widow of the Chechen separatist Zelimkhan Yandarbiev in his program. NTV editor-in-chief Alexander Gerasimov issued an order prohibiting the broadcast of this story, already seen by the Asian part of the country, on European air, at the request of the Russian intelligence services, so as not to influence the trial of Russian citizens suspected of this murder. Leonid Parfenov refused to comply with the order and published the text of the order in the Kommersant newspaper. The full text of the interview was also published there. As a result, the channel’s management considered this incident to be a gross violation of corporate ethics, and Parfenov’s program “Namedni” disappears from the air forever and he himself is fired from the channel.

In the 2005-2006 season, NTV relies on trash and crime. Proof of this is that the ratings of such television programs on the NTV channel as “Frank Confession”, “Profession - Reporter” and the new “Program Maximum” are, as they say, “soaring to the skies”. Subsequently, the fact of changing the broadcasting concept was also noted by both television critics and former employees of the channel. The channel is becoming truly “criminal,” meaning, of course, the concept.

In June 2009, Deputy General Director of NTV Alexander Nechaev announced the channel's transition to meaningful daytime broadcasting, and his words are confirmed by the launch of several new television programs on the NTV channel. At the end of the season, the heads of five TV channels praised the work of NTV, especially noting the success of the series "Capercaillie", which Konstantin Ernst called the best television series of the season. Vladimir Kulistikov highlighted on his channel the work of Pavel Lobkov, who returned in 2008, and the new project of Anton Khrekov “NTVshniki”, but criticized the humorous broadcasting network.

In 2012, several journalists left the channel for unknown reasons, including: the head of prime broadcasting Nikolai Kartozia, who worked under him Pavel Lobkovi Anton Krasovsky, Yulia Dezhnova, Alexey Egorov, the author of “Reporter Profession” Katerina Gordeeva, the chief editor of “Itogovaya” programs" Sofya Gudkova, Pavel Selin, Anton Khrekov and a number of other off-screen employees.

In November 2012, a fairly loud scandal occurred on the NTV channel, the cause of which was the closure of the “Own Game” program. The reason for the closure of the educational program was low ratings, but after the program management and the TV viewers themselves made a fuss about it, the program was restored and returned to the air. In addition, the program director of the NTV channel, Alexander Nechaev, states that from 2013 the channel will refuse to produce some programs, including “Program Maximum”. At the end of 2012, the NTV channel managed to outstrip Channel One in ratings for the first time in history.

According to the results of a study by TNS Gallup Media, the average daily audience of the TV channel in Moscow from January 28 to February 3, 2013 amounted to more than fourteen percent of all viewers, and the NTV channel became and, in comparison with other TV channels, became the most watched TV channel during this period.

NTV TV channel in the Yandex search engine.

When talking about the high ratings of the NTV channel, one should take into account not only the number of viewers, but also the number of requests made by users of the Yandex search resource. Over the past month, Yandex users searched for “NTV” 2,590,221 times, which is almost three times the number of requests for “Channel One.” This is also evidenced by the chart compiled by experts from the “Stock Leader” publication.

In addition, the NTV channel is very popular in the world, how great this popularity can be seen from the data in the table below:

Residents of the following towns have recently shown interest in the NTV channel:

Data shown: the first number is the number of impressions per month, the second is the regional popularity index.
- Kharkov 42 020 211%
- Odessa 24 508 162%
- Makhachkala 11,743 154%
- Kaluga 13 323 134%
- Stavropol 23 167 133%
- Belgorod 18,729 133%
- Lipetsk 16,456 130%
- Dnepropetrovsk 17 968 ​​128%
- Voronezh 36 301 128%
- Tambov 10 660 126%
- Petrozavodsk 9 608 125%
- Lugansk 15,021 124%
- Kursk 13 331 122%
- Donetsk 31 104 121%
- Vitebsk 13 435 121%
- Ivanovo 11 164 120%
- Ryazan 15 433 119%
- Gomel 16 271 119%
- St. Petersburg 178 607 119%
- Krasnodar 36,799 117%
- Tula 17 177 117%
- Mogilev 11 810 116%
- Vologda 11,027 116%
- Tver 12 975 114%
- Moscow 515 417 112%
- Kaliningrad 10 665 111%
- Rostov-on-Don 52,750 111%
- Vladimir 10 522 111%
- Bryansk 13,892 110%
- Brest 11,898 109%
- Saratov 25 623 108%
- Murmansk 10 352 107%
- Samara 28,725 106%
- Togliatti 11,288 106%
- Yaroslavl 15,478 105%

Filmography of Alexey Zemsky


Year Name Role
1986 First guy episode
1989 Cup of patience episode
1989 Who should live in Rus'... episode
1989 Sofya Petrovna Nikolay
1990 ...Called "The Beast" episode
1991 Sextale episode


Year Name Note
2003 general producer
2005 Nine unknowns general producer
2005 producer
2005 Secret Guard producer
2006 general producer
2006 Prison. The case of Fedor Sechenov general producer
2007 Rich and beloved producer
2007 Outpost general producer
2008 Attraction general producer
2008 Fighter. Birth of a legend producer
2009 general producer
2015 Paradise general producer
2015 Nakhodka general producer
2016 Sevastopol Waltz general producer
2017 The Road to Calvary producer


Zemsky Alexey Vladimirovich

General Director of JSC NTV Television Company

    Alexey Zemsky was born on October 11, 1967 in Moscow. In 1984, he entered the creative workshop of Vladimir Andreev at the acting department of the State Institute of Theater Arts, specializing in “Dramatic Theater and Film Actor.”

    In 1986, while a student, Alexey began playing mostly cameo roles in feature films. After a break due to compulsory military service, he continued his studies in the creative workshop of Evgeniy Lazarev, which he graduated from in 1991. Also, until 1991, he was involved in performances of the Moscow Drama Theater named after N.V. Gogol and the State Theater "Satyricon".

    In 1991, Zemsky became one of the founders of the Figaro Studio company, which produces advertising and television projects for Russian television channels. In 1992, he hosted the entertainment program “Munchausen Club” on Ostankino Channel 1. As a producer and director, he participated in the creation of such television programs as “Hurry to Do Good” on the TV Center channel; talk shows “About This” and “Domino Principle”, “Twilight” and “Coma” on the NTV channel; the “Health and Life” series on RTR; television versions of the Golden Gramophone award ceremonies and the New Year's Eve show on Channel One.

    From 1994 to 1996, Alexey studied at the creative workshop of Evgeny Tashkov at the department of feature film directing, directing department of the All-Russian State Institute of Cinematography named after S.A. Gerasimov with a degree in television and feature film director.

    Since 2001, Alexey Zemsky has held the position of executive producer in the pool for the preparation of the special program “Direct Line with Vladimir Putin” and other events with the participation of the President of the Russian Federation. He was one of the organizers of the “New Wave 2002” competition in Jurmala.

    In November 2002, the producer co-founded the Mobile Television company, specializing in services for television production and on-site filming.

    By the decision of Nikolai Senkevich on January 30, 2003, Alexey was appointed first deputy general director of the NTV television company for information broadcasting. The TV channel's board reacted negatively to this personnel decision. An unofficial body, which included 12 officials, adopted a statement of no confidence in the new leadership.

    In the process of resolving the conflict, this position was taken by Alexander Gerasimov on February 17, 2003, and Alexey Zemsky took the second position of the first deputy general director, provided for at that time in the staffing table. In October of the same year, as a result of further structural changes, he was transferred to the post of Deputy General Director for Production, which he left on July 12, 2004.

    In the summer of 2004, Zemsky returned to Figaro Studio and until 2006 he combined the positions of general producer and deputy general director. In 2006 he moved to the company “Vek XXL. Television Mobile Systems”, which provides technical services for television broadcasts in high definition. Here, until November 2008, he held the position of advisor to the general director.

    In May 2007, during the reorganization of the Talan film studio, together with producer Natalia Budkina, Alexey Vladimirovich established the Talan film company. In October of the same year, he came up with the idea of ​​creating and became one of the co-founders of the Kinograd Film Studio company, but later left the project.

    Since November 2008, Zemsky has been Deputy General Director - Head of the Production and Technology Department of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company. Then, on January 26, 2010, at the proposal of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, he was included in the working group for the development and organization of cultural programs for participants in events in the regions of the Russian Federation dedicated to the celebration of the 65th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.

    Under the leadership of Alexey, multi-camera filming was prepared and carried out with a high-definition broadcast of the military parade on Red Square on May 9, 2010. According to a number of specialized magazines, it became a large-scale television event that had no analogues at that time. An experimental filming of the parade was also carried out in the standard of three-dimensional television.

    Since December 2012, Alexey Zemsky has combined the position of editor-in-chief of the Rossiya HD TV channel, a non-terrestrial TV channel whose program schedule was formed from films and television programs of the VGTRK holding, produced in HD format. In the summer of 2014, he initiated the creation of JSC Research and Production Association Perspektiva, which is engaged in the integration of Russian manufacturers of television equipment and specialized software.

    According to the Vedomosti newspaper, Alexey is the main author of the idea of ​​​​a television broadcast of the procession of the “Immortal Regiment” action on May 9, 2015 in Moscow, which on June 25 of the same year became the winner of the “TEFI-2015” competition in the “Event of the television season” category.

    By decision of the board of directors of Gazprom-Media JSC on October 21, 2015, Alexey Vladimirovich was appointed general director of NTV Television Company JSC. He replaced Vladimir Kulistikov, who had headed the television company since July 2004.

    Since August 2016, after changing the form of ownership of the Mobile Television company, Zemsky is the owner of a 50% share, the second co-owner is his wife Irina Iosifovna Zemskaya. At the same time, the company, based on the results of the tender, became a partner of the NTV television company and prepared for the launch of three thematic TV channels - NTV Pravo, NTV Style and NTV Serial, which began broadcasting on October 24, 2016.

    Filmography of Alexey Zemsky


    Year Name Role
    1986 First guy episode
    1989 Cup of patience episode
    1989 Who should live in Rus'... episode
    1989 Sofya Petrovna Nikolay
    1990 ...Called "The Beast" episode
    1991 Sextale episode


    Year Name Note
    2003 Crazy Day, or The Marriage of Figaro general producer
    2005 Nine unknowns general producer
    2005 Travels and incredible adventures of one love producer
    2005 Secret Guard producer
    2006 The Devil in the Rib, or the Magnificent Four general producer
    2006 Prison. The case of Fedor Sechenov general producer
    2007 Rich and beloved producer
    2007 Outpost general producer
    2008 Attraction general producer
    2008 Fighter. Birth of a legend producer
    2009 Ordered to destroy! Operation: "Chinese Box" general producer
    2015 Paradise general producer
    2015 Nakhodka general producer
    2016 Sevastopol Waltz general producer
    2017 The Road to Calvary producer

    Gratitude from the Government of the Russian Federation (October 12, 2010) - for his great contribution to ensuring the activities of the Government of the Russian Federation.

    Certificate of Honor from the Government of the Russian Federation (March 31, 2010) - for active participation in covering the activities of the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation.

    Medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree (November 4, 2010) - for services in the field of culture, press, television and radio broadcasting and many years of fruitful work.

    Television award "TEFI" (nomination "Event of the television season", 2015) - for the television broadcast of the procession of the "Immortal Regiment" action.

    Gratitude from the President of the Russian Federation (February 3, 2016) - for services to the development of culture, the media and many years of fruitful work.

    Medal “Participant of the military operation in Syria” (awarded on April 17, 2016) - for high professionalism and objectivity in covering the military operation in the Syrian Arab Republic.

    Award "TKT Awards 2015" of the magazine "Technique of Film and Television" in the category "Person of the Year" (September 13, 2015).

The NTV channel is broadcast in all regions of the Russian Federation, and the technical signal covers 97% of the population. NTV's target audience is viewers aged 18+, for whom the channel offers a wide range of content: news and socio-political talk shows, TV series and films, entertainment and educational programs, documentaries and social projects.

The NTV news service operates as a 24-hour news channel. Episodes are released almost every hour, sometimes broadcast in parallel from different studios to different orbits. Every weekday, the Directorate of Information provides up to 5 hours of original live content. For many years, the NTV information service has paid special attention to the topic of charity. In 2017, the channel aired more than 80 stories about people in need of help, with the caption of a short number or a charity account.

NTV is a pioneer in the development of new television ideas, formats and genre trends. These are socio-political talk shows, lifestyle programs, big game shows, drama series, social projects and others.

NTV is the largest producer of action-packed serial content, which is in demand both in the Russian and international markets.

The TV channel actively creates socially significant and charitable projects. Thanks to the efforts of the channel, the pre-New Year charity event “Journey of Father Frost with NTV” is taking place, and children left without parental care have the opportunity to show their creative potential in the “You are Super!” competition.

The professionalism of the NTV creative team has received recognition in Russia and throughout the world. The television company has been repeatedly awarded with industry awards, and NTV reporters, columnists and presenters have received high government and journalistic awards.


127427, Moscow, st. Ak. Queen, 12

In the fall of 1993, journalists of the Ostankino TV channel (in 1995 ORT; in 2002 Channel One) Oleg Dobrodeev and Evgeny Kiselev, as well as the deputy head of the channel, Igor Malashenko, with the financial support of banker Vladimir Gusinsky, created their own independent media, which would later become television company NTV.

More recently, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics split into parts. The unstable situation in Russia is aggravated by the political and economic crisis. Television is also going through hard times. The Ostankino television company, where Kiselev, Dobrodeev and Malashenko work, is experiencing serious financial difficulties and is reducing its staff.

Having shown the initiative, Kiselyov asks businessman Vladimir Gusinsky to finance the television program “Itogi”, to which he receives a response proposal to create an independent television company, which will soon receive the name NTV.

New media begins to produce the information program “Today” and the analytical program “Itogi”. They are broadcast on the Fifth “St. Petersburg” TV channel, accessible to the European part of Russia.

Results" (October 1993) about the October events in Moscow

About this time they will later say that “ you could get to television from the street”, since many journalists and correspondents were hired by NTV without special education. In the period from 1993 to 1994, the main backbone of the television company was formed, the following people came there: Tatyana Mitkova, Alexey Pivovarov, Mikhail Osokin, Ernest Matskevichus, Alexander Khabarov, Vasily Utkin, Elena Masyuk, Nikolai Nikolaev, Pavel Lobkov, Leonid Parfenov and others.

On December 22, 1993, by decree of President Boris Yeltsin, NTV received evening time, from 18:00 to 00:00, on the frequency of Channel 4 (the rest of the time the state channel “Russian Universities” broadcasts).

The actions of the authorities seem incredible; before NTV, there were no television channels with information or analytical programs independent of the state; until recently, even the most harmless programs were subject to censorship on Soviet television. In the psychology of the old thinking, now power, " just anyone", trusts to tell the population about what is happening in the country and the world.

NTV immediately becomes one of the most prominent TV channels. In addition to news and analytics, the broadcast network now has room for new programs and Hollywood films that are inaccessible to a wide audience due to the high cost of VCRs. NTV is one of the first TV channels in new Russia to launch a program in the genre of political satire. The program “Dolls” is aired.

First episode of the “Dolls” program (NTV, 1994)

From 1994 to 1996, the first Chechen war took place in Russia. Chechnya is one of the North Caucasus republics, since 1991 it has wanted to secede from Russia and is actually independent. Since 1994, there has been a civil war, “ethnic cleansing of the non-Chechen population” and the first military operations with the participation of the Russian armed forces, which for the most part consist of untrained conscript soldiers.

NTV covers the war in more detail than others: correspondents go on air from the scene of hostilities, do not hush up the casualty figures, and talk about the facts of the atrocities of Chechen militants. Journalist Elena Masyuk manages to interview one of the leaders of the Chechen separatists, Shamil Basayev, which will become unattainable for other media outlets, the pinnacle of objectivity in covering the war.

Despite the extremely unprofitable coverage of the first Chechen military campaign for the authorities, NTV correspondents: Ilya Kanavin, Boris Koltsov, Arkady Mamontov, Maxim Ushanov, Alexander Khabarov and Viktor Shcherbakov will receive state medals of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree.

The role of the media in the socio-political life of Russia increased many times by the mid-nineties. Vladimir Gusinsky, who made a far-sighted investment, is now called not only an oligarch, but also a media tycoon. The television companies NTV and NTV+, the Ekho Moskvy radio station, the newspapers Segodnya and Sem Dni, and the Itogi magazine were under the control of his financial group Most.

Russian businessmen were able to “grow fat” thanks to President Boris Yeltsin, whose rating on the eve of the 1996 elections tends to zero; judging by the polls, Gennady Zyuganov, the leader of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, comes out on top. Yeltsin, the hope of the Soviet people in the late 80s, approaches the mid-90s as a drunken, extravagant grandfather.

“Yeltsin slept through Ireland.” Scene from the documentary series “The other day. Our era"

In order to preserve their wealth, Russian oligarchs-media tycoons openly use all their resources to bring a person convenient for them to power, for example, NTV General Director Igor Malashenko joined Yeltsin’s election headquarters.

At the end of the campaign, the owner of ORT, Boris Berezovsky, and NTV, Vladimir Gusinsky, will demonstrate the wonders of cooperation by showing on Channel One, two days before the elections, the release of the TV game “Field of Miracles” with figures from the TV program “Dolls” (NTV). The Yeltsin doll will win the program by answering: “ I", to the question in the super game: " who will be the next president?».

“Field of Miracles” with “Dolls” NTV (ORT, 1996)

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