Template phrases for research work. Requirements for the design of research work for NPD NPD plan for primary school

Documentation 12.02.2021

School project- This is one of the ways to ensure student development. These works are required for students. Often, high school students take exams that allow them to better assess their knowledge and ability to assimilate information.

Why are such tasks needed?

Interesting topics for projects are an opportunity for a student to develop their abilities and believe in their strength as a student. After all, children often choose such topics for themselves. research work that captivate them. Thus, in the design process, the student’s independence increases, and he develops strong motivation for further learning. He also learns how to conduct a discussion correctly and argue his point of view. Working on a project allows the student to combine lesson and extracurricular activities.

Topics for middle and primary school

Interesting topics for projects are a guarantee that the work will be exciting for the student. If the project is a research project, it must include elements of scientific work - a hypothesis, its testing, laboratory research, analysis of the results obtained. For example, the chosen topic is about growing beans at home. The student can prepare in advance - read the necessary material on natural history; conduct an experiment - germinate beans; take photographs of the plant at each stage. Next interesting topics Suitable for this project for middle and junior high school students:

  • Cars of old times and modern ones.
  • About how dinosaurs lived. Estimated options for their death.
  • My favourite dog.
  • The professions that every schoolchild dreams of.
  • Color in human life.
  • Cartoons and their role in the lives of children.
  • The aquarium and its amazing inhabitants.
  • How to grow a crystal yourself?
  • Peculiarities healthy image life.
  • Sports in my family.
  • Ancient fun in Rus'.
  • Human exploration of outer space.
  • History of music and musical instruments.
  • Robots of the future.
  • Features of the life of bees.
  • The most beautiful legends about flowers.
  • History of money - from antiquity to modern times.
  • Tea and coffee. History, legends, traditions.
  • Growing beans at home.

Topics that will be of interest to school audiences

There are many areas that could captivate you. These could be gadgets, various products, issues of love and friendship. The following interesting topics for the project will not leave you indifferent school auditorium:

  • Emoticons in messages. History, features of use.
  • The brightest and most unusual advertising.
  • What do young people think about family life?
  • Is Barbie the standard for female attractiveness?
  • Cleanliness problem in public places.
  • Why do you need to turn off your phone during a flight?
  • Anglicisms in modern speech.
  • Horoscopes and astrology - truth or myth?
  • How to achieve prosperity?
  • What does a person need to achieve emotional balance?
  • The operating principle of a microwave oven.
  • How to develop logical thinking?
  • Is chewing gum good for you?
  • Lies: causes and consequences. Why do people lie to each other?
  • How to become a photographer?
  • How 3D glasses for cinema work.
  • Does the pace of the speaker's speech affect the audience's perception of the report?
  • Cheat sheet - helper or enemy?
  • Why does everyone learn English?
  • Do our little brothers understand our speech?
  • Tea traditions of China.
  • What is a person like: good or evil? Examples from history and life.
  • Stress and illness - is there a connection? What are psychosomatic illnesses?
  • How to forgive a person? Is it necessary to do this?
  • "Leopold's Cats" in modern society.

Current topics for preparing projects on Russian literature

One of the most interesting jobs for many schoolchildren will be literary project. Its problems should be selected in accordance with the knowledge and level of training of the student. The topic of a literature project can be the biography of a poet or writer or the features of his work. Such work will help you learn a lot of interesting things about the author whose works the student liked. The project can be dedicated to the characteristics of a literary character or an entire work. In the process of work, the student will be able to refresh his memory about his favorite work and once again plunge into its events.

The following literature project topics are approximate. The student can always choose the question that arouses his greatest interest.

  • Features of I. Bunin's creativity.
  • The role of the hero’s appearance in his characterization (using the example of several
  • Features of a romantic hero (using the example of several works).
  • The theme of love in Akhmatova’s lyrics.
  • Nature in the works of V. A. Zhukovsky.
  • History in Pushkin's works.
  • The problem of the homeland in Yesenin’s works.

Labor projects

There is also plenty of space for creative work There will be a task on technology. The project topics discussed below are intended for girls:

  • How to decorate a kitchen-dining room.
  • Dishes of Russian cuisine.
  • Indoor plants and interior design.
  • DIY knitted accessories.
  • Decor and setting of the festive table.

Here are the projects boys can prepare:

  • Making wall shelves for CDs or books.
  • How to make a board for cutting vegetables.
  • Models of airplanes, ships, cars.
  • Making a bench.
  • How to make a folding table for a balcony.

Scientific design

Often, students need to find suitable topics for research projects. The scope of options is wide, because as many scientific branches as there are different areas research. From the following topics, perhaps the student will be able to choose something for himself:

  • Earth's atmosphere: composition, structure, movement of air masses.
  • Newton's laws and their application.
  • Aggregate states of matter.
  • Physical properties carbon.


to the design and content of research work

Title page

The title page is the first page of the work, but no number is placed on it; drawings and other illustrations are also unacceptable.

Top center

Name educational institution.

(The full name of the educational institution is indicated in the top field.)


Title of the work (in capital letters).

(The topic is not enclosed in quotation marks and the word “topic” itself is not written. When formulating a topic, you should adhere to the rule: the narrower it is, the more words are contained in the topic formulation. A small number of words in the topic formulation indicates its vagueness, lack of specificity in the content of the work .

The type of work and academic subject are indicated below, for example, educational research work in history.)

(Even lower, closer to the right edge of the title page, the last name, first name, patronymic are indicated)

Information about the manager.

Bottom center

Name settlement.

The year the work was written.

The lower field indicates the city and year the work was performed (without the word “year”).

The choice of size and font type of the title page is not of fundamental importance.

Table of contents

The name of all chapters, sections indicating page numbers.

Introduction (no more than 2 pages)

Relevance of the problem under study.

Goals and objectives of the study.

Research hypothesis.

Research methods.

Short description work structures.

(The introduction contains a statement of the problem, briefly substantiates the relevance of the chosen topic, formulates the goal and objectives, indicates the object and subject of the study, and the chosen research method (or methods). The volume of the introduction should not exceed 2-3 pages.)

Main part (no more than 10 pages)

Consists of theoretical and practical parts. The author makes references to the authors and sources of materials used.

At the end of each chapter, conclusions are drawn. The conclusions repeat what was said in the chapter.

(The main part of the work provides the methodology and technique of the study, reveals the concepts discussed in the work, provides information about the scope of the study and a description practical work, the results obtained are presented and discussed. The content of the main part must correspond exactly to the topic of the work and fully disclose it. The chapters are numbered in order. Each chapter begins on a new page and is accompanied by conclusions. The main text may be accompanied by illustrated material: drawings, photographs, diagrams, diagrams, tables.)


Conclusions should consist of several points summarizing the work performed. The author indicates his personal contribution.

(The conclusion should not repeat verbatim the conclusions from the chapters, but formulate conclusions based on the results of the study and the degree to which the goal of the work has been achieved, and indicate prospects. The most important requirement for a conclusion is its brevity (1-3 pages) and thoroughness.)


IN alphabetical order indicate publications, editions and sources, publisher, city, total number of pages.

(At the end of the work there is a list of used sources and literature (bibliography, at least 3-5). The text of the work must contain links to one or another scientific source. The list includes all sources used by the author (archival materials, newspaper publications, publications), monographs, scientific works, regardless of where they were published, and also regardless of whether the text contains references to works not included in the list or whether the latter were not cited by the author during the work. When creating a list of sources, literature is listed first, and then other sources and sites. Information about a book consistently indicates its author or authors, title, city in which the book was published, publisher, year and number of pages in the text.)


Contains the data on which the research was conducted, tables, diagrams, drawings, photographs.

(Auxiliary or additional materials are included in the appendix if they will help to better understand the results obtained.

All quotes, facts, evidence, figures given in the work must have indications in the form of footnotes to the materials from which they were borrowed. Two ways to format footnotes:

Method 1 - page by page (all quotes from each page are indicated by numbers, starting with 1, and at the end of the page after the line - surname, initials, title, place of publication, year, page. For example: Montaigne M. Experiments. M., 1991. P.122.

Registration of work

The text of the work must be neatly printed. Handwritten entries will not be accepted. The volume of student research work usually ranges from 5 to 30 pages (excluding appendices) of printed text, the report - from 1 to 5 pages. The font of the main text of the work should be 14 points, non-italic. The spacing between lines is 1.5-2. Fonts up to 28 point are allowed for headings. The font typeface is of the Times New Roman family. Abstract papers are not accepted. Margin size: left – 30mm, right – 10mm, top – 20mm, bottom – 20mm. When changing sizes, it is necessary to take into account that the right and left, as well as the top and bottom margins must total 40mm.

With correctly selected parameters, an average of 30 lines should fit on a page, and an average of 60 printed characters per line, including punctuation marks and spaces between words. The text is printed on one side of the page. Footnotes and notes are printed on the same page to which they refer, single spaced, in a smaller font than the text.

All pages are numbered starting from the title page; the page number is placed at the top center of the page; There is no page number on the title page.

Each new section (introduction, chapters, paragraphs, conclusion, list of sources, appendices) must begin on a new page.

The distance between the section title, chapter or paragraph headings and subsequent text should be three spaces. The title is located in the middle of the line; there is no period at the end of the title.

Target research activities formulated briefly, in one sentence, and then detailed in tasks.

When formulating a goal, verbs can be used




When formulating tasks -






(There should not be too many research tasks (3-5).)

The objectives of the research determine its methods and techniques, i.e. techniques and methods used by the researcher. These include:

 observation

 measurement

 comparison

 experiment

 modeling

 testing

 questionnaire interviews, etc.

At the conclusion of the study, the author lists the results obtained during the study and formulates conclusions. Moreover, the results should be in a logical connection with the objectives of the study, and the conclusions with the goal. For example, if the research objectives are formulated with the words “analyze”, “describe”, “identify”, “establish”, then the results are presented in the following form: “During this study, an analysis was carried out..., identified..., determined.. ., installed...”






Conduct analysis






Experiment, etc.


During this study

Analysis carried out




Based on the results of this study



IN this section we will review existing requirements for registration of research work students, performed individually under the guidance of a teacher (educator) or a group of schoolchildren (pupils) of an educational institution.

In this section we will define rules for writing a research paper for schoolchildren of all classes, as well as for preschoolers (kindergarten).

Let us give an example and a sample design of projects in elementary school, on the outside world, mathematics, Russian language and literature, history, biology, physics, computer science, chemistry, English language, geography and other subjects.

We will show an example and sample of the design of schoolchildren's research work, the requirements and rules for the design of project pages, title pages, headings, abbreviations and formulas in the design of the project, the correct design of drawings, graphs, diagrams, tables and photographs.

The presented requirements and rules for preparing a research work (project) are applicable for schoolchildren of grades 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11, as well as for preschool educational institutions (kindergartens). Research work completed by a student or teacher must be formatted in accordance with the rules outlined on this page.

Research Paper Page Options

Any research work or project of a student is drawn up on A4 sheets on one side.
  • left margin - 20 mm
  • right - 10 mm
  • top - 15 mm
  • lower - 15 mm

The text of the research work (project) is typed in font Times New Roman.

Font size 14 .

Line spacing - 1,5 (one and a half).

Aligning text on a page - in width.

Paragraph indentations are required and the amount is at the discretion of the author. Text research project should be easy to read and correctly formatted.

Title page of research paper and project

Writing and formatting student research work begins with the design of the title page.

We provide sample research paper title page design.

Page numbering for a research project

The research paper should be numbered at the end of the page. There is no number on the first page; the numbering is placed and continues from the second page. The page number is located at the bottom center.

The use of frames, animations and other elements for decoration in the design of research work is not allowed.

Titles in a research paper

The section title is printed in bold font, with capital letter and without a period at the end. Wrapping words in headings is not allowed. There is a 2-space indent between the text and the title.

Each chapter of a research paper is written on a new page. Chapters are numbered with Arabic numerals (1., 2., ...). The paragraph numbering includes the chapter number, period, paragraph number (for example, 1.1., 1.2., 1.3., etc.).

If paragraphs contain paragraphs, then the paragraphs are numbered with three digits separated by a dot, for example, 1.1.1., 1.1.2., etc., where the first digit is the chapter number, the second is the paragraph number, the third is the paragraph number.

Abbreviations and formulas in the design of research work

The text does not often use abbreviations other than generally accepted ones (D.I. Alekseev Dictionary of abbreviations of the Russian language - M., 1977).

When mentioning surnames in the text of a research project famous people(authors, scientists, researchers, inventors, etc.), their initials are written at the beginning of the surname.

If you use formulas in the text, give an explanation of the symbols used (for example: A+B=C, where A is the number of candies for Masha, B is the number of candies for Dasha, C is the number of candies in total).

Design of project applications

Figures and photographs, graphs and diagrams, drawings and tables should be located and formatted at the end of the description of the research project after the List of references on separate pages in the appendices (for example: Appendix 1, Appendix 2, ...). On these pages the inscription Appendix 1 is located in the upper right corner.

Pictures, photographs, graphs, diagrams, drawings and tables

Drawings in applications are numbered and signed.
Their name is placed under the picture (for example: Fig. 1. Feeder for tits, Photo 1. Forest in winter, Graph 1. Change in sales parameter, Diagram 1. Dynamics of wheat growth.

The tables in the appendices are also numbered and titled. Tables use single spacing for lines of text. The numbering and name are located under the table (Table 1. School student performance).

When completing a research paper, write (Appendix 1) at the end of the sentence that refers to the appendix. Required condition there should be an application itself at the end of the research paper or project.

If you need design creative project , then for this we recommend using

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

1 slide

Slide description:

HOW TO PREPARATE AND CORRECTLY FORMULATE a research paper for the scientific and industrial complex Prepared by: Seregina T.Yu., deputy. Director for Water Resources Management, Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 1”, Mirny RS (Yakutia), Mirny 2014

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* Structural elements of the title page; content (table of contents); abstract introduction; main part; conclusion; list of sources used; applications. RESEARCH ARTICLE

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* Title page This is the first page and serves as a source of information necessary for processing and searching for a document.

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Municipal state educational institution "Secondary comprehensive school No. 1" ... SCIENTIFIC AND PRACTICAL CONFERENCE "STEP INTO THE FUTURE" Title of the work (type of research work)

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Types of work: Research work Abstract research work Design and research work

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* Contents (table of contents) Includes introduction, names of all sections, subsections, paragraphs and conclusion indicating initial page numbers. The wording of the table of contents must exactly repeat the headings of chapters, subchapters, paragraphs in the text, and be concise and understandable. The pages should be arranged in the following order: Title page (page 1) Abstract (page 2) Table of contents (page 3) Introduction (justification of the chosen topic) Main part Conclusion (conclusions) List of references information resources Applications (if any)

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The table of contents (work plan) is placed on page No. 3, where all the headings of the work are indicated and the pages from which they begin are indicated. The plan can be simple or complex. The plan must contain points - introduction, main part, conclusion and bibliographic list. Each point of the plan has its own page. The sheet with the plan is not numbered, but is considered page number 3

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The abstract should contain the most important information about the work: the purpose of the work, methods and techniques (used in the work), data obtained, conclusions. Printed on one standard page in order: standard title, then in the middle the word “ABSTRACT”, below the text of the annotation. *

Slide 9

Slide description:

Research work: (design-research, abstract-research) I. Introduction 1. Relevance and problem of the study 2. Hypothesis. Target. Tasks 3. Object and subject of research. Novelty 4. Research methods and information sources used II. Main part. Title of the work 1. (Stages and progress of the research………). 2. ……………………………………..: a). ……………………. ; b). …………………….. ; V). …………………….. . III. Conclusion 1. Research results, their significance 2. Conclusions. Perspectives IV. List of information resources used V. Applications

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Slide description:

* Introduction The section should contain a statement of the problem within the chosen topic and the rationale for choosing the problem and topic. The introduction gives a brief description of topic being studied, its relevance is substantiated, the author’s personal interest in its research is noted practical significance studying this issue where it can be used. Specific tasks that need to be solved in accordance with the goal are also named here. The volume of administration is approximately 1/10 of the total volume of work. Introduction is an important part of the work, a kind of business card. But it is better to write the full text of the introduction after finishing work on the main part, when the results of the work will be clearly visible.

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Theme is the definition of the essence. In order to formulate a topic, it is necessary, first of all, to identify the problem, determine the object and subject of research. A problem is the formulation of a question that needs to be solved, to study something that has not been studied. Problems (example) usually involve identifying new or unknown persons, relatives, facts of their biographies, creating (restoring) the pedigree of one’s own or another person, etc.

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The object of research is the process or phenomenon that generates the problem situation and is chosen for study. The subject of research is within the boundaries of the object, is its side, aspect or point of view. The subject of the research may be the study of the fate of a real person, a specific pedigree, or a family tree of the family.

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The purpose of the research is its final result, the solution to a scientific problem, what should ultimately be achieved (noun) The formulation of research objectives is necessary to specify the purpose of the research (verbs) Objectives can be aimed at analysis, generalization, identification, justification, development, evaluation of individual aspects general problem, the solution of which leads to the solution of the problem itself

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Written (printed and handwritten: books, magazines, newspapers, memoirs, personal and public documents, etc.), - visual (photos, drawings, posters, geographical maps, etc.), - material (household items, handicrafts, family - material relics, etc.), - oral (conversations, interviews, etc.), - technotronic (audiovisual, videovisual, multimedia or computer), - complex (items containing elements of sources of different types). Research sources

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Research methods are the methods and techniques by which research is carried out. They lie in the possibility of using old knowledge to obtain new knowledge. 1. Accumulation of scientific material: study of literature and sources; familiarization with the history and theory of the issue, achievements in related fields; consultation; observation. 2. Understanding the collected material: comparison; measurement; analysis and synthesis; generalization; analogy; modeling. 3. Verification and clarification of facts: criticism; clarification of the conclusions made, adjustments; the discussion of the results; experiment, testing in practice.

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* Language clichés used in the introduction: Topic The work (research) is devoted to a topic, problem, topical issue... The work (...) is devoted to the characteristics of the problem... The topic of the work (...) is... The work (...)... examines (what?), says ( about what?), an assessment is given, an analysis is given (of what?), generalized (what?), a point of view is presented (on what?), etc. And also, for example, the following verbs are used: study... identify... establish... etc. .P.

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* Problem The author’s focus is... The author brings to the fore... The author’s main efforts are aimed at... In his work, the author poses (affects, illuminates) the following problems... ... dwells on the following problems, etc.

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* Relevance of the topic (problem) to which the work (research) is devoted. This topic (problem) is of particular relevance, since... This topic (problem) has been extremely relevant in recent years (in modern stage)… This topic (problem) attracts the attention of many scientists (critics, teachers, etc.) In modern science The topic (which one?) becomes especially acute...

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* Characteristics of the primary sources used by the author of the work (...) The author uses the following materials for analysis... The research material was... The work (...) is based on research materials...

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* Main part This section should cover the topic. In the main part, usually divided into chapters, it is necessary to reveal all the points of the drawn up plan and coherently present the accumulated and analyzed material. The essence of the problem, different points of view on it, and the author’s own position of the study are outlined. It is important to ensure that the main idea put forward in the introduction permeates the entire work, and that all material is aimed at revealing the main objectives. Each section of the main part should open with a specific task and end with brief conclusions.

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* Formatting of references and footnotes References and footnotes in the text of the abstract must be formatted correctly. When quoting, you should give precise instructions (links from which the quotation was extracted): surname, initials of the author, place of publication, year of publication, volume number, page number.

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* Footnotes can be in-text, interlinear and beyond-text. In-text footnotes are an integral part of the main text. For example, “In a famous book...”. Footnotes are placed under a line at the bottom of the page indicating the footnote number or some icon. Beyond-text footnotes are placed outside the text of the entire abstract or part of it; in this case, they should be numbered through (through the entire work). A shortened version of the footnote is allowed, for example: . This means that the quote was taken from page 15 of the source, which is number 7 in the list of sources and literature.

Slide 23

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* Conclusion In conclusion, the results of the entire work are summed up, conclusions containing clear answers to the questions posed in the purpose of the study are summarized, own generalizations are made (sometimes taking into account different points of view on the problem presented), and new things that have been obtained as a result of working on this topic are noted . The conclusion should not exceed the introduction in volume. Should be avoided typical mistakes: passion for secondary material, avoidance of the problem, categorical and variegated presentation, poor or too scientific language, inaccurate citation, lack of references to the source.

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* Linguistic clichés used in conclusion: The author comes to the conclusion that... In conclusion, we can say... Summarizing what has been said, we can conclude that... Analysis of the literature allowed us to identify the most reasonable point of view (which one?) From all that has been said, it follows that the most conclusive is the opinion (whose?) Based on this data, we accept the point of view (which?), etc.

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* List of information resources The list of used information resources completes the work. It records only those sources with which the author of the work (research, project, abstract) worked. The list is compiled in alphabetical order by author's last name or book title. If there are several works by the same author, their titles are arranged by year of publication. If individual pages from the book were used, they are indicated. Foreign sources (published in a foreign language) are listed at the end of the entire list.

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* The list of literature used to write the work (...) is compiled according to the following rule: Serial number of the literary source. Last name, initials of the author. The full title of the book (without quotes, except if the title is a quotation). Type of publication (Text, artwork, electronic edition etc.). Place (city) of publication. Publishing house. Year of publication – a number without the letter “g.” Number of pages (or other information about the volume of the publication corresponding to its type).

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* An article from the collection is written as follows: - Serial number of the source. Last name, initials of the author. Title of the article [Type of publication] // Title of the collection: Subtitle / Editor. Compiled by Place (city) of publication. The year of publishing. Article from a magazine or newspaper: Serial number of the source. Last name, initials of the author. Title of the article [Type of publication] // Name of the journal. Year of issue. Issue number. Article pages.

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* For example: Books: Vorontsov, G.A. Fundamentals of library science and working with books [Text]: Textbook. manual for teachers and students Wed. specialist. uch. establishments. -M.: Higher School, 1977. 83 p. Lvov, Yu.A. Fundamentals of economics and business organization [Text]. St. Petersburg: GMP “Formika”, 1992. 383 p. Organization and methodology of business meetings: Tutorial. [Text]. Kyiv: MAUP, 1995. From the encyclopedia: Gvozdetsky, N.A. Elbrus [Text] // TSB 3rd ed. --M:. 1978. T.30. P.151.

Slide 29

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* Journal: Alexandrova, Z. Legal regulation labor of civil servants [Text] //Russian language and literature in secondary educational institutions of the Ukrainian SSR. 1989. No. 1. P. 16 – 19. Semenov, Yu. Intransigence: Novel Chronicle [Text]//Smena 1987. No. 20. pp.25–32; No. 21. P.24 – 32; No. 22. pp. 24–31; No. 23. pp.24–31; No. 24. P.24–32.

Slide description:

* For example: Web document: Smolnikova I.A. Working notes for implementers information Technology At school. Center "Informika". [Electronic resource] http://www.informika.ru/text/school/its.html 2. Teleconference: Rozina I.N. [email protected] Questions for teachers implementing distance learning using computer telecommunications in Russia and the USA. January 7, 1999. - [email protected] GROUP emissia.offline, ART 629 (18 atdhfkz 1999). 3. Electronic resource on CD: Artistic encyclopedia of foreign classical art [Electronic resource]. - Electron. text, graph., Sound. Dan. and application prog. (546 MB). M.: Bolshaya Ross. encycl. [et al.], 1996. 1 electron. wholesale disc (CD-ROM): sound, color, 12 cm + manual. user (1 sheet) + postcard (1 sheet).

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*Appendices Appendices to the abstract allow you to improve the level of work and reveal the topic more fully. Applications may include: copies of documents (indicating “photocopied from ...” or “redrawn from ...”), graphs, tables, photographs, charts, diagrams, etc. Appendices are located at the end of the abstract. The application must have a title or explanatory caption and the type of attached information - diagram, list, table, etc. The source from which the materials that served as the basis for compiling the application were taken is also reported (the literary source must be included in the list of used literature). Each appendix begins on a new sheet and is numbered so that it can be referred to in the text using parentheses, for example: (Appendix 5). The pages on which the appendices are given continue the general numbering of the text, but are not included in the total volume of the abstract.

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* Design of illustrations Illustrations include graphs, diagrams, diagrams, drawings, photographs, etc. Each type of illustration must have a name consisting of the following parts placed under the illustration: 1. Conventional abbreviated name “Fig.” 2. Serial number within the work, indicated in Arabic numerals without the No. sign. 3. The title of the illustration, reflecting its main content. For example, Fig.3. Diagram of the management structure of OJSC "Berkut". If necessary, illustrations are provided with explanatory data (text below the figures). If only one illustration is given, then it is not numbered and the word “Fig.” they don't write. Typically, illustrations are placed after their first mention in the text.

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* Requirements for the design of the work The pages of the text and appendices of the abstract must correspond to A4 format (210x297). The volume of work should not exceed 20 - 25 pages of printed text (without attachments). If there are applications, the volume of the abstract can be expanded to 30 - 35 pages. For text written on a computer - font size 12, Times New Roman, regular; line spacing -2; margin size: left - 30 mm, right - 10 mm, top -20 mm, bottom - 20 mm. The text is printed on one side of the page; footnotes and notes are printed on the same page to which they refer (single spaced, in a smaller font than the text).

Slide description:

The texts of the works must be verified from the point of view of lexical and stylistic literacy. It is necessary to check historical dates and facts mentioned in the text in reference books and encyclopedias; surnames, first names and patronymics, dates of life of individuals; correctly use complex scientific words and expressions. When using special terms and concepts, it is not necessary to provide a dictionary at the end of the work, but professional vocabulary should be used only if it is fully understood by the author of the work. Applications to the work must be annotated. (captions under photographs, diagrams, maps, memories, interviews, reproductions, illustrations, etc.) Text requirements

General requirements for preparing an abstract Abstract volume – from 10 to 15 pages Font size – mm Line spacing – 1.5 – 2 Margin size: left – 30 mm, right – 10 mm, top and bottom – 20 mm

General requirements for the presentation of an abstract Each new section begins on a new page. The distance between the section title and the following text should be equal to three spaces. The heading is located in the center of the line; there is no dot at the end of the heading.

Title page Top field - full name of the educational institution Middle field - name of the topic without the words “topic”, lower in the center of the title - section name in quotation marks Right field - student’s full name, class, below - full name, position of the head Bottom field - city and year of implementation work

Municipal educational institution "Secondary school 94" 13 NPK "School, science, intelligence" Reflection of the theme of love and hate in Eminem's songs (SECTION "Foreign Philology") Performed by: Subchev Nikolay Vyacheslavovich, student of 11 "A" class Supervisor: Tsaruk Alla Petrovna , teacher foreign language Kemerovo 2010

Contents Introduction 3 1. Historical features... Conclusion 18 References 21 Appendices 22

Goal: presentation, justification, consideration ... of the problem Tasks: Consider the issue (the content of the theory) ... Compare different points of view on ... Describe (illuminate) the state of the problem ... State the results scientific research... Justify (prove) a point of view (idea, theory, concept) ... Summarize ... Present the points of view of different scientists on ...

Citation and references Ancient wisdom says: “Tell me - and I will forget, show me - and I will remember, let me act on my own - and I will learn.” According to A. Einstein, space and time are relative, they depend on the speed of movement of the reference system

Conclusion Clear, concise, following from the main part The work is summed up, conclusions are formulated (possible according to sections of the main part) Attention to the fulfillment of the goals and objectives set in the introduction Indicates prospects for further development of this topic, recommendations Personal significance of the work done

Bibliographic description of documents Entry under the name of the author 1. Gubarev, V. K. Secrets of geographical names [Text]: reference book / V. K. Gubarev. – M.: Nauka, – 399 p., ill. 2. Gubarev, V.K. Secrets of geographical names [Text]: an erudite book / V.K. Gubarev, E.M. Zhdanov. – M.: Nauka, – 399 p., ill.

Bibliographic description of documents Entry entitled 1. Famous Russian artists [Text]: biographical dictionary / comp. E. F. Makarova. – St. Petersburg: ABC, – 400 p. 2. Encyclopedia for children. T.4. Geology [Text] / chapter. ed. M. D. Aksenov. – M.: Avanta+, – 688 p.

Bibliographic description of documents Recording an article from periodical, books 1. Anisimov, N.V. Peter I and his time [Text] / N.V. Anisimov // Questions of history. – – 2. – P.63 – Egyptian culture [Text] // History of world culture: a schoolchild’s reference book / ed. T. N. Kovshova. – M.: Slovo, – S

Bibliographic description of documents Electronic resource Artistic encyclopedia of foreign classical art [Electronic resource]. – M.: Bolshaya Ross. encyclopedia, – 1 electron. wholesale disk (CD-ROM).– (Interactive world). Internet resource

Criteria for evaluating the work Relevance and originality of the choice of topic, practical significance Volume and completeness of the topic, independence of judgment Structure, quality of design, style of presentation Completeness of the literature used, citation, argumentation Defense

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