Photo competition for girls 11 years old. Our official VKontakte group

Chercher 05.03.2022
Tax Code of the Russian Federation

Tax Code of the Russian Federation

By uploading photos to the competition, you accept these Rules in full.

1515531600 1520802000 1520888400 10 Three winners of the photo competition will receive a GIFT CERTIFICATE in the amount of RUB 3,000. 0

cough medicines Sinekod
Sweetly wrinkled scarlet mouth
Sleep my angel, sleep
A magical land awaits you...

There is nothing in this world more trusting and sweeter than a sleeping child. When a baby falls asleep after playing enough, he becomes like an angel. The whole house falls into slumber, and parents cannot stop looking at the rich cheeks, snoring nose and gently trembling eyelashes. Looking at this beauty, it’s impossible to resist taking a photo of the baby’s sweet dream! Share these photos with us and get a chance to win a valuable prize!

We invite all parents to take part in the photo competition ""

Photos with sleeping children under 3 years old (with parents possible) are accepted for the photo competition.

Sinekod. "Cough, go away! Good night"

If you are tormented by a dry cough, Sinekod will come to the rescue. The drug for dry cough Sinekod is available in 2 forms and is suitable for the whole family - 20 ml drops for children from 2 months and syrup 100 ml and 200 ml for adults and children from 3 years.

We are talking about competitions taking place during August, in which both professional and amateur photographers can participate.

International Color Awards

Acceptance of works: until August 31, 2017.

Participation fee: for professionals - $35 per photo, for amateurs - $30; early deadlines offer discounts and special offers.

Reward: prizes from $1500 to $500 for first, second and third place winners, participation in the exhibition, publication of photographs in printed publications based on the results of the competition.

Color photography competition for professional photographers and lovers. Photographs without restrictions on subject matter and technique are accepted for participation.

Environmental Photographer of the Year

Acceptance of works: until September 8, 2017.

Participation is free.

Awards: four prizes of £500 - £3000, participation in the exhibition.

The competition is dedicated to nature and protection environment. Submissions will be accepted in the Built World, Climate Change and People, Nature, Economy categories. To participate, you must send up to 10 photos, their description and a short biography.

Travel Photographer Society Moments

Acceptance of works: until September 8, 2017.

Participation fee: $7.

Reward: four prizes from $500 to $1500.

International travel photography competition. There are no restrictions on the genre and number of photographs, the author of the work that will collect the most votes in in social networks, will receive a separate cash prize - $500.

Paris Photo - Aperture Foundation PhotoBook Awards

Participation fee: $30-$60.

Reward: $10,000 for the winner of the First Photo Book category.

A joint photobook competition from the Paris Photo gallery and the Aperture Foundation. Books of different directions and formats that were or will be published from September 1, 2016 to September 13, 2017 with a circulation of at least one hundred copies are accepted for participation.

2017 CGAP Photo Contest

Participation is free.

Reward: $2,000 and $500 certificates for seven winners.

Competition organized by the World Bank focuses on the problems of low-income people different countries. Works on the topic of expanding women's economic rights and freedoms, innovations in finance and small business development are accepted for participation. One participant can send up to 20 photos.

We have started accepting applications for All-Russian competition photographic works “Children of Russia-2017”. Deadline May 15, 2017.

Organizer: Guild of Interethnic Journalism

All citizens of the Russian Federation can participate in the Competition.

The goal of the competition is to show the continuity of generations, the beauty and diversity of cultures of the peoples of Russia through traditional costume, as well as to arouse interest in the revival of folk culture in families.

The competition accepts photographs of children under 14 years of age in national costumes peoples of Russia. Image resolution is 1600x2000 pixels (at least 300 dpi).

Participants need to download and fill out a form on the competition website, indicate the title of the work and a brief annotation about the costume of which Russian people the child is depicted in. The time the photograph was taken does not matter.

Our official VKontakte group: , .

Photographs that participated in the “Children of Russia” competitions of previous years are not allowed, as well as photographs with inscriptions and frames, noticeable processing in graphic editors and collages.

Materials are accepted until May 15, 2017 by email [email protected]. The results of the competition will be announced on June 1, International Children's Day.

  • The first winner will be determined by the jury, the second will be chosen by users by voting on the competition website. The winners will receive tablet computers.
  • Participants who take second place will receive a photo album Best of Russia-2015 (“ the best photos Russia")
  • The best photographs of competitions from previous years make up the “Children of Russia” exhibition, which travels through the regions of Russia.

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