Factors in the location of the pharmaceutical industry. Chemical industry

Lending 14.08.2020

Definition of Pharmaceutical Industry

Over the past few years, the volume of the global pharmaceutical industry is estimated at 640 billion dollars, 50% of the volume is in the United States. This industry is the most profitable today, with a return on sales of 17%.

The Russian pharmaceutical industry market in terms of sales volumes at a certain stage of development was rapidly growing, but at modern stage development, the share of manufacturers is 3%, which does not give the right to talk about its innovative development.

Definition 1

The pharmaceutical industry is an industry engaged in the development, production, promotion of licensed drugs and medicines. This industry differs from others in that it is saturated with legislative and government regulation regarding patenting, testing and ensuring the safety of medicines.

In order to understand the peculiarities of the pharmaceutical industry, it is necessary to understand key features(discovery of new drugs and their development)

Drug discovery refers to the process of discovering or designing a potential drug.

Most drugs appeared as a result of the isolation of active ingredients or accidental discovery. At the present stage of drug development, biotechnology has focused its research on the metabiological processes that occur during the development of the disease. In the research process, modern scientists rely on molecular biology and biochemistry.

Most discoveries occur in universities or research companies.

The world's leading pharmaceutical companies

Today the leading pharmaceutical companies are:

  • Pfizer (USA) - $59.0 billion.
  • Novartis (Switzerland) - $56.7 billion.
  • Roche Holding (Switzerland) - $49.7 billion.
  • Merck & Co (USA) - $47.3 billion
  • Sanofi (France) - $46.1 billion.

Pfizer is an American company that produces Lipitor, a cholesterol-lowering drug.

Novartis is the second company in the world engaged in the development and sale of drugs used in oncology, dermatology and many other medical fields

Roche Holding (Switzerland) produces drugs for oncology, transplantology, rheumatology and virology.

Merck & Co produces pharmaceutical products in the areas of oncology. In 2013, the company took second place in the production of diabetes drugs. In addition, the company produces vaccines against human papillomavirus. Other areas of the organization are the production of veterinary products

Sanofi's main activity is the production of vaccines and drugs for diabetes, and in parallel with this, the production of veterinary products is developing.

In the USA, in order to establish the production of drugs, they must be checked by the Administration food products and medicines. The company must provide information on developments.

The first stage of testing includes determining the toxicity of the drug on volunteers. The second stage determines the acceptable dosage and duration. The third stage involves testing the effectiveness on sick people. This stage usually takes place simultaneously with the fourth - the post-marketing stage, which records side effects.

The American government is investing in the development of drugs aimed at treating rare diseases that affect about 200 thousand people. Absolutely any company can apply to special government bodies that issue a patent for research. The patent system reimburses the costs of Scientific research and drug development.

Pharmaceutical companies are recruiting seriously medical workers, practicing doctors. But the main players in the pharmaceutical industry market are medical representatives, who collaborate with doctors, have a kind of influence, the so-called active key element of the sales process.

The Russian market mainly presents drugs from foreign manufacturers. Among domestic manufacturers, the main companies in the pharmaceutical market are:

  • Moscow endocrine plant
  • Moskhimfarmpreparaty im. Semashko
  • Microgen
  • National immunobiological company
  • Bryntsalov

The Moscow Endocrine Plant produces drugs that are successfully used in cardiology, endocrinology and other branches of medicine.

Moskhimfarmpreparaty im. Semashko has a wide-range production, including providing the state with medicines included in the list of life-saving drugs.

Microgen is engaged in the production of immunobiological drugs.

The National Immunobiological Company was created to provide Russian Federation independence from foreign manufacturers of pharmaceutical products.

Bryntsalov is engaged in the production of drugs for the dental industry; in addition, he produces immunostimulating drugs, hormones, antispasmodics, etc.

Pharmaceutical manufacturing is capital intensive. Therefore, almost everything pharmaceutical companies looking for sponsors or partners. In addition, for the production of medicines it is necessary to obtain approval government agencies. Every day about 25 medicines receive accreditation. This approval is obtained only after huge investments in development and preclinical studies.

Note 1

If we consider the financial component of developments, the cost of producing one medicine can reach 2 billion dollars. The data is approximate, since this amount does not include the costs of government regulation, subsidies from the state, grants.


Chemical industry is a branch of the national economy that produces products based on chemical processing of raw materials.

The basis of chemical production is chemical Technology is the science of the most economical methods and means of mass chemical processing of raw materials (natural materials) into consumer products and intermediate products used in various sectors of the national economy. The word technology is derived from Greek rootstechnos- "skill", "art" andlogo- “science”, teaching. Chemical technology is directly related to chemistry.In other words:


Chemical Technology- the science of methods for producing industrial products through chemical reactions.

the main task chemical technology- production of various substances and materials with a certain set of specified mechanical, physical, chemical or biological properties.

Knowledge of the general patterns of chemical reactions allows one to correctly determine the conditions under which a particular process occurs with maximum yield.

Structure of the chemical industry

There are about 8 thousand enterprises operating in the chemical and petrochemical industry in Russia, in which about 7% of the fixed assets of the entire industry of the country are concentrated. The Russian chemical complex is a basic segment of the economy. The chemical industry has a complex diversified composition. Traditionally it is divided into mining and chemical industry(produces extraction and primary processing of chemical raw materials - apatites, phosphorites, sulfur, rock salts, oil, gas, coal); basic chemical production And production (processing) of rubber and plastic products(uses plastics and rubbers as semi-finished products).

In turn, the main chemical production includes:

    production of basic chemicals or chemistry organic synthesis(fertilizers, synthetic rubber, plastics and synthetic resins, etc.);

    production of surfactants (surfactants);

    production of pharmaceutical products;

    paint production;

    production of artificial and synthetic fibers;

    production of chemical plant protection products.

There is also a slightly different classification of chemical production, which includes, in addition to the mining chemical industry, basic chemistry, chemistry of organic synthesis (production of basic organic matter), chemical-pharmaceutical industry and production of household chemicals.

In this classification, the production of synthetic fibers, as well as varnishes and paints, belongs to the chemistry of organic synthesis.

In any case, the division by industry is quite arbitrary, since many modern holding enterprises produce different types of products for the purpose of integrated use of raw materials (for example, the Titan holding).

Geographical location of the main industrial zones of the chemical industry

The main chemical industry enterprises are located in four industrial regions of Russia:

    Central(around Moscow), where all types of chemistry are developed and mainly imported raw materials are used. There is a shortage of energy and water resources, but there is a large and diverse consumer. The region produces phosphate fertilizers (Voskresensk) and complex fertilizers (Moscow and Tula regions). The central region specializes in production polymer materials and their processing. Major centers– Yaroslavl and St. Petersburg. Large main oil pipelines pass through the territory of the chemical base of the Central region. Large oil refineries are located here (Moscow, Yaroslavl, Ryazan, Kstovo, Yoshkar-Ola). The central base is a kind of testing ground for testing new materials and creating new technologies.

    Ural-Volga region, where it is especially developed main chemistry (production mineral fertilizers in Solikamsk and Berezniki, production of nitrogen fertilizers, synthetic resins and plastics, synthetic rubber in the Saratov region). The region has an advantageous geographical position, own reserves of resources, rich water resources and hydropower resources of the Volga-Kama cascade of hydroelectric power stations.

    North European a region that accounts for only 3% of all-Russian production, but has large reserves of chemical raw materials: coal, oil, natural gas and apatite, has an advantageous geographical location, and is well supplied with water and energy. The leading industry here is the mining and chemical industry; the production of apatite concentrate, which is used for the production of phosphate fertilizers, has been established. There are also ample opportunities for organic synthesis chemistry.

    Siberian region was formed on the basis of the petrochemical industry of Tobolsk, Tomsk, Angarsk, Omsk. The coal chemical industry is located in Cheremkhovo and Kemerovo. Polymer chemistry is located in Krasnoyarsk and Barnaul. Salt production in Usolye-Sibirskoye

From the History of the Development of the Chemical Industry

The chemical industry became a separate industry with the beginning of the industrial revolution. The first factories for the production of sulfuric acid, the most important mineral acid used by humans, were built in 1740 (Great Britain, Richmond), in 1766 (France, Rouen), in 1805 (Russia, Moscow region), in 1810 (Germany, Leipzig).

To meet the needs of the developing textile and glass industries, the production of soda ash arose. The first soda factories appeared in 1793 in Paris (France), in 1823 - in Liverpool (Great Britain), in 1843 - in Schönebeck am Elbe (Germany), in 1864 - in Barnaul ( Russia). With the development in the middle of the 19th century. In agriculture, artificial fertilizer factories appeared: in 1842 in Great Britain, in 1867 in Germany, in 1892 in Russia.

Raw materials connections and the early emergence of industry contributed to the emergence of Great Britain as a world leader in chemical production throughout three quarters of the 19th century. WITH late XIX c., with the growing demand of economies for organic substances, Germany is becoming a leader in the chemical industry. Thanks to the rapid process of concentration of production, high level of scientific and technological development, active trade policy Germany at the beginning of the 20th century. conquers the world market for chemical products.

In the United States, the chemical industry began to develop later than in Europe, but by 1913 the United States took and has since held 1st place in the world among states in terms of chemical production. This is facilitated by the richest reserves of minerals, a developed transport network, powerful domestic market. Only by the end of the 80s did the chemical industry of the EU countries in general terms exceed production volumes in the United States.

In the 19th century sulfuric acid formed the basis of the entire chemical industry, therefore it was produced in huge quantities and was cheap. In Russia, a kilogram of 92 percent concentrate was sold at a price of 2 to 5 kopecks. Manufacturers were concerned about completely prosaic things: how to deliver acid to its destination. After all, glass containers were then much more expensive than the acid itself. Therefore, the liquid was transported in six-liter bottles. Each container was packed in wicker willow baskets with straw. The neck was covered with clay and coated with alabaster.


Creating optimal conditions for chemical reactions: choosing temperature, pressure, catalysts that significantly increase the rate of chemical reactions. In some specific industries, particular principles are possible: the principle of counterflow, direct flow of substances; increasing the contact surface of reacting substances;

Full and comprehensive use of raw materials: circulation, production of fluxed agglomerates (production of cast iron and steel), waste-free production, etc.;

Use of the heat of chemical reactions: the principle of heat exchange, utilization of the heat of reactions for the needs of production and locality;

The principle of continuity: ensuring full automation of mechanization, computerization;

Protection environment and humans: automation of hazardous industries, sealing of equipment, recycling of industrial waste, neutralization of emissions into the atmosphere. For details, see the topic " Scientific principles organization of chemical production"

technological COMPONENTS of the PRODUCTION process

1) Equipment - technological equipment for the processing of raw materials and waste disposal, as well as the implementation of all stages of obtaining the production product itself. The equipment is installed permanently and operates for certain period tolerance:

2) Raw materials- this is either a natural material that has not undergone chemical treatment, but is used to obtain various products, or a product obtained in chemical production. Raw materials can be industrial waste, as well as end-of-life products.

3) Recycled raw materials. In addition to natural substances chemical plants secondary raw materials are used: intermediate products and production waste. Chemistry uses waste from many industries, so important factor its placement is the combination of production, especially with metallurgy. The possibilities for combining and using various raw materials are so great that they make it possible to build chemical industry enterprises almost everywhere. But this is impractical due to the high energy and water intensity of production.

4) Supporting materials: water, fuel, oxidizers, solvents, catalysts.

Water plays a very important role in chemical production. In some processes, it acts as a forming medium - that is, it is used to prepare solutions and suspensions (for example, pulp in the enrichment of minerals); in other chemical processes, water acts as a reagent participating in chemical reactions (for example, hydrolysis reactions). Water is a good coolant, as it has a high heat capacity (heat exchange processes). Cold water is used to cool the reacting masses heated as a result of exothermic reactions, and hot water steam or hot water is used to heat the reacting substances to accelerate reactions, especially endothermic ones.

The value characterizing the cost of resources (water, raw materials, energy) for the production of a unit of output is called resource intensity production.

Water intensity of production is a special case of resource intensity. Water consumption per modern enterprises huge. For example, to obtain 1 ton of ammonia, 1500 cubic meters are required. m of water. Therefore, all enterprises are built near water sources. One of the main tasks modern production-reducing the volume of clean water consumption by creating water recycling systems. This can be done if the resulting industrial wastewater is cooled and purified in modern cooling and treatment plants. This reduces water consumption and prevents the dumping of hazardous waste. In some process operations, it is also possible to replace water cooling with air cooling.

5) Energy. Majority chemical processes require energy expenditure. It is spent on transporting raw materials and finished products, compression of gases, crushing of solids, operation of instrumentation, the occurrence of endothermic reactions.

The value characterizing energy consumption per unit of output is called energy intensity production.

For example, the production of 1 ton of ammonia requires 3200 kW/h of electricity, and the production of 1 ton of aluminum requires 1900 kW/h. This means that ammonia production is more energy-intensive than aluminum production. Energy intensity is also a special case of resource intensity.

The chemical industry uses electrical, thermal, nuclear, chemical and light energy. Electrical energy used for electrolysis of melts and solutions of substances, heating, and in operations involving electrostatic phenomena. Electricity is generated by thermal power plants, nuclear power plants, and hydroelectric power plants. Thermal energy is necessary for heating reacting substances, for drying, melting, distillation, evaporation, etc. Nuclear energy is mainly used to generate electricity. But reactions such as polymerization, synthesis of phenols and aniline are carried out using radioactive radiation. Chemical energy is released as heat through exothermic reactions. It is used for preheating starting materials, producing hot water and water steam. When producing 1 ton of sulfuric acid, 5 MJ of heat is released from sulfur, and total costs its production is only 0.36 MJ. The surplus goes to other consumers in the form of steam and electricity. Light energy (ultraviolet, infrared, laser radiation) is used in the synthesis of hydrogen chloride, halogenation of organic substances, and isomerization reactions.

Classification of raw materials

Raw materials used in industry are classified according to the following criteria.

1. According to the state of aggregation differentiate

    solid (ores, rocks, solid fuel)

    liquid (oil, brines),

    gaseous (natural and associated gases, air) raw materials.

2. By composition raw materials are divided into mineral and organic (plant and animal).

    To mineral raw materials include all types of ores, as well as non-metallic minerals: sulfur, phosphorites, potassium salts, salt, sand, clay, mica (non-metals, fertilizers, soda, alkalis, acids, ceramics, cement, glass, etc. are obtained from them).

    To organic raw materials include fossil fuels: peat, coal, oil, natural and associated petroleum gas. Organic raw materials also include raw materials of plant and animal origin; they are produced by agriculture, forestry and fisheries.


Depending on the type of product manufactured, the raw materials for the chemical industry are:

    mineral raw materials (sulfur, phosphorites, salts);

    mineral fuel (oil, gas, coal);

    vegetable raw materials (timber industry waste, cellulose)

    water and air;

    waste from metallurgy and oil refining enterprises (coke oven gas, sulfur dioxide);

    waste from processing agricultural products (alcohols, oils)


The factors that determine the location of any production traditionally include:

    raw materials;

    resource (water, fuel and energy, labor);




Unlike reactions carried out in laboratories, large-scale industrial production is primarily focused on making a profit. Therefore, it is obvious that the determining factor, when constructing new enterprises or reconstructing existing production facilities, is the group economic factors, which include factors of provision of raw materials and resources (water, energy, labor), infrastructure and consumer. It is these factors that determine profitability of production, because they affect the cost of production. Let's take a closer look at these factors.

The location of chemical plants is greatly influenced by the cost of transportation, fuel, water and electricity costs. That is why, for example, electrolytic production, consuming a large number of electricity ( energy-intensive production), are located near hydroelectric power stations, blast furnaces are located near iron ore deposits and coal, and those consuming large volumes of water ( resource-intensive production) - near rivers or reservoirs.

Consumer factors also influence placement chemical production products whose products may be hazardous during transportation (acids, alkalis), or are consumed in specific areas (for example, fertilizers or pesticides). The same factor is important for industries that produce products, the transportation of which is more expensive than the transportation of raw materials for its manufacture (tires, plastic products).

Infrastructure factors include the presence of utilities (roads, electrical networks, sewerage and water supply, etc.) and ensure the stable functioning of the production itself and its connection with suppliers of raw materials and consumers of finished products.

All economic forces are interconnected and represent production management logistics.

Logistics- this is the management of all processes of movement of raw materials. materials, goods and products into production, within production and from production.

When operating production, it is also necessary to take into account environmental factors. All enterprises in the chemical industry belong to hazardous types of production, as they have a negative impact on all components of the environment. When operating any industrial enterprise are formed waste- gaseous emissions, wastewater and solid industrial waste. After the necessary neutralization, gases are released into the atmosphere, liquid waste is discharged into sewers, solid and some liquid combustible waste is burned in special furnaces or buried in specially equipped industrial solid waste (ISW) landfills. Chemical production waste contains substances of I-III hazard classes, therefore the problem of ensuring environmental protection from the negative impact of production must be solved by the enterprise itself using modern methods purification of generated gas-air emissions and Wastewater. The enterprise is also responsible for the disposal of generated solid industrial waste.

Scale of chemical production

The largest scale is the production of basic inorganic substances: sulfuric ($H_2SO_4$), nitric ($HNO_3$) and phosphoric ($H_3PO_4$) acids, ammonia ($NH_3$), nitrogen ($N_2$) and oxygen ($O_2$) , quicklime CaO, sodium hydroxide NaOH, chlorine gas ($Cl_2$) and hydrogen chloride HCl. These substances are used in large quantities, including for the production of plastics, synthetic fibers, medicines, fertilizers, detergents, perfumes, cosmetics, and food products.

For example, the production of nitrogen fertilizers in Russia is concentrated mainly at 19 mineral fertilizer plants (MFPs), the first 13 of which produce 87% of fertilizers:

Petrochemical industry- branch of the chemical industry, part oil industry Russia. Today in Russia there are 32 large oil refineries with a total oil refining capacity of 262.65 million tons (2012), as well as 80 mini-refineries with a total refining capacity of 11.3 million tons. The oil refining industry in Russia is largely consolidated, which means that about 90% of oil refining capacity is under the control of ten oil and gas companies, such as Rosneft, Lukoil, Gazprom, Tatneft, etc. Almost all petrochemical production is integral part production facilities of these companies (part of holdings) or are independent production complexes.

For example, the largest petrochemical production association is the Titan group of companies. -Russian corporation, which is one of largest companies in the countries of the former CIS. The company is engaged in the production and marketing of phenol, synthetic rubber, as well as developments in the field of biotechnology. Today the enterprise occupies more than a quarter of the total Russian market phenol and about 30% of the Russian rubber market.

The petrochemical industry is a branch of heavy industry that covers the production of synthetic materials and products based on products from the processing of natural flammable gases and oil. Petrochemical industry enterprises produce products of basic organic synthesis (propylene, ethylene, polyethylene, detergents, surfactants (surfactants), some types of mineral fertilizers), synthetic rubber, rubber products (rubber products, tires, consumer goods), asbestos products, soot.

Any chemical production is created and operates on the basis of scientific principles of production organization (see the topic in detail "Scientific principles of production organization").

The chemical-pharmaceutical industry is one of the branches of the chemical industry that produces medicines.

a brief description of

The industry includes enterprises engaged in the production of phytochemicals and synthetic medications:

  • vitamins;
  • antibiotics;
  • blood substitutes;
  • ointments;
  • aerosols;
  • plasters, etc.

Dosed medications (tablets, ampoules, lozenges, etc.) are also produced here. The quality of the final product must meet certain requirements - sterility and chemical purity.

The nomenclature and volume of products are determined based on the morbidity rates of the population. The constant search for new, less toxic, but more effective drugs leads to the fact that the range of products is updated almost continuously.

History of industry development

In Russia, this area of ​​chemistry is quite young: even before 1917, there were only small private enterprises in the country engaged in the production of simple preparations obtained from plant materials by extraction (for example, tinctures, ointments, syrups, etc.) But even these small artisanal “firms” "owned mainly by foreigners. And they were located only in large cities - St. Petersburg, Moscow.

After the October Revolution the situation changed. In 1920, the Scientific Research Chemical and Pharmaceutical Institute (VNIIHFI) was created. And then several more similar organizations. And over the next 20 years (until 1940), production of the most important medicines was put on stream. In 1950, the production of insulin, synthetic papaverine, caffeine and other drugs (more than 50 items in total) was established.

Further, the industry developed in a unique way: more attention was paid to the export of raw materials for medicines, rather than to its own production of medicines. After the collapse of the USSR, the situation worsened further: existing factories were bought by private individuals, own production was minimized, but imports increased significantly.

Now the situation has stabilized: the industry has begun to develop successfully. According to statistical estimates, “local” medicines satisfy approximately 84% of the population’s needs. These are record numbers in the entire history of Russia. This percentage is expected to increase further in the coming years.

The largest Russian manufacturers:

Other companies operating in this industry are presented in the sections Pharmaceutical factories and Medical factories.

Raw materials

Due to the large range of drugs, the raw material base of industry enterprises is unusually extensive. It includes not only the materials themselves - sources of active substances, but also various auxiliary additives that affect the structure, color, density and other parameters of the finished product.

The feedstock for the production of synthetic drugs mainly provides coke industry, slightly less – oil refining.

Mineral raw materials are used to produce inorganic salts. We are talking about minerals that contain elements that are also part of salts: for example, the source of KMnO4 (potassium permanganate, or “potassium permanganate”) is pyrolusite (mineral, manganese dioxide MnO2), mercuric and chlorine are the source of mercuric chloride. It turns out that the chemical-pharmaceutical industry uses a significant amount of substances coming from the chemical industry.

Animal raw materials are also used in this industry:

  • cholesterol secreted from the spinal cord of the large cattle, becomes a source for the production of steroid hormones;
  • adrenal glands – source of adrenaline;
  • blood - histidine (amino acid).

The resources of plant raw materials in Russia are practically limitless. It is used to obtain morphine, anabasine alkaloids and others.

Production stages

The production of medicines involves a large number of stages accompanied by chemical reactions. Initially, the raw material is converted into a more complex compound that does not have the properties of a drug (intermediate product). And further along a similar chain until the desired substance is obtained.

In addition to the chemical transformations themselves, the technical process includes various types of processing:

  • filtration;
  • crystallization;
  • distillation;
  • drying;
  • deposition;
  • evaporation;
  • extraction and others.

That is, to process the starting material into a medicine, it may be necessary to carry out several dozen intermediate operations.


Its choice directly depends on the conditions of chemical processes and the properties of the “source” being processed. When selecting the type of equipment you need to consider:

  • chemical properties of the substances involved in the process;
  • process temperature;
  • state of aggregation (liquid, gas or solid);
  • pressure;
  • time of the stage (its duration);
  • heat exchange intensity;
  • susceptibility to corrosion;
  • thermal effect of reaction and others.

Production costs

The highest costs (70-80%) are for raw materials and intermediate products, as well as catalysts or inhibitors of chemical reactions. Therefore, the main task is the rational use of the material.

Personnel safety

The chemical and pharmaceutical industry belongs to the group of environmentally hazardous industries. In addition, workers at these enterprises constantly deal with chemicals. And although the concentration of harmful substances there is low, long-term interaction with them has certain consequences: for example, one of the occupational diseases of employees is respiratory diseases. Therefore, sufficient attention is paid to personnel health issues.

Industry challenges

Representatives Russian companies One of the problems noted is the “roughness” of legislative regulation of the industry: administrative, pricing, antimonopoly.

In addition, Russian technologies are still inferior to foreign ones. And the transition to more innovative ones requires significant material investments.

Development prospects

The Russian pharmaceutical industry almost completely provides healthcare medicines. Most of them are generics (or synonymous drugs, they have similar active ingredients, but tradename they have something else). At the same time, research continues to be carried out to find new, more advanced medicines.

Alternative uses

We are talking about the use of industry products in other areas - for example, in veterinary medicine and medical cosmetology.

Veterinary pharmacy

Animals get sick just like people, so the creation and production of drugs to treat them is important. In addition, the sale of these drugs also brings profit.

The very production of medicines for humans and animals has identical scientific research and production processes. The difference lies only in the therapeutic effect on a living organism, as well as the very mechanism for approving the drug, its marketing and sales.

Nutritional supplements, antibiotics and hormones are used in agriculture to enhance growth and improve the health of farm animals. A list of manufacturers of veterinary drugs is presented at the link.

Note: Research and development of medicines for humans and animals are often conducted jointly due to the overlapping needs of controlling infectious agents and diseases.

Medical cosmetology

This is another “branch” of the industry, specializing in the development of new cosmetic products, improvement of existing products that have a therapeutic and therapeutic-prophylactic effect, as well as in the production of perfumes and cosmetics for hygienic purposes (skin, hair, oral care).

The success of enterprises in the chemical and pharmaceutical industry depends on many factors, including general economic situation in the country, political, demographic, level of government funding, export development, speed of adaptation to changes in this area and others.

If domestic manufacturers are able to adapt to high industry dynamics and are ready for flexibility in making key decisions, then in the coming years this industry will be able to rise to a higher level.

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A.V.BATUROV, Ph.D., L.V.MOSHKOVA, D.S., Head. Department of FPC MR RUDN

Influence of placement factors


The location of pharmaceutical industry enterprises depends on the influence of many factors: raw materials, energy, labor, environmental, infrastructure, etc. The role of each of them is different depending on the specifics of production.


When assessing production, it is necessary to take into account the total influence of all factors, the effects of which may manifest themselves differently for enterprises in the same region.

Pharmaceutical and chemical production is characterized by multi-stage technological processes and their energy and material consumption. In this regard, these production facilities must be located near sources of cheap energy, significant water resources, etc. A feature of modern pharmaceutical production is its low dependence on labor resources. Automation of the production process and the introduction of new technologies help reduce labor intensity and increase labor productivity.

The regional location of the pharmaceutical industry in Russia has developed under the influence of a whole complex of multidirectional factors. IN Soviet times The pharmaceutical industry developed within the framework of the division of labor established in the CMEA; a significant part of the capacities on the territory of the USSR was focused on the production of substances. The production of innovative drugs was concentrated on the territory of the European CMEA member countries (GDR, Hungary, Poland).

For placement pharmaceutical companies for the production of medicinal substances based on chemical synthesis during the period of industrialization

tion was influenced by the following factors: raw materials (link to places of production of inorganic chemistry, processing of metallurgical waste, coke chemistry, petrochemical production (“Irbitsky Chemical Plant”; “Asfarma”, Anzhero-Sudzhensk; “Organika”, Novokuznetsk, “Uso-lie-Sibirsky CFC"), water, infrastructure, to a lesser extent energy, environmental, labor (production is not labor-intensive, but requires highly qualified personnel. Enterprises were located mainly in the Ural, Siberian and Central Federal Districts).

The geography of the location of enterprises producing medicinal substances based on microbiological synthesis is very diverse: they are located in the Central Federal District (Shchelkovo Vitamin Plant, Shchelkovo, Belvitamins, Polisintez, Belgorod), North-Western, Volga Federal District (Marbiofarm , Yoshkar-Ola; “UfaVita”, Ufa, “Biosintez”, Penza, “Biokhimik”, Saransk), Ural (“Sintez”, Kurgan) and Siberian federal districts (“Kraspharma”, Krasnoyarsk).

The location of pharmaceutical drug production enterprises is primarily influenced by infrastructural, labor, environmental factors, and sales markets. The transport factor has lost its decisive importance due to the low volume of production. The development of pharmaceutical production is significantly influenced by political (implementation of GMP in preparation for accession to the WTO) and macroeconomic factors (GRP, its structure, in-

The article considers the main factors of manufacturing locations and the indicator method of estimation of the region attractiveness.

A.V. BATUROV, PhD in Pharmacology; L.V. MOSHKOVA, Doctor of Pharmacology, the head of the Medical Postgraduate Department, Russian Peoples’ Friendship University. The influence of the factors of manufacturing locations on the siting of pharmaceutical enterprises.

investment attractiveness, quality of labor resources).

The absence of strategic goals aimed at capturing most of the domestic and foreign (former CIS countries) markets, the focus on the production of generics reduces the requirements for the knowledge intensity of products. The development and production of original drugs requires enormous costs and is the main reason for the concentration of pharmaceutical production in developed countries of the world.

IN currently there are four on the Russian pharmaceutical market large holding: “Pharmstandard”, “PHARM-CENTER”, “Veropharm” and “Domestic Medicines”. In addition, it was created state enterprise FSUE NPO Microgen of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, which unites a number of enterprises in the microbiological industry. Thus, in recent years, concentration processes in the domestic pharmaceutical industry have been suspended, because the enterprises necessary to create the technological chain have been exhausted. At present, the prerequisites for preserving organizational structure in the form of production



Comprehensive assessment attractiveness of the region for locating pharmaceutical industry enterprises

Indicator Interval scale Indicator value, point

Concentration of urban population in the region (cities with a population of 100,000 or more) Less than 0.2 1

Over 0.5 5

Gross domestic regional product per 1 person, rub. Up to 20000 1

Over 50000 5

Economically active population employed in manufacturing industry, % Up to 10 1

K industrial structure Up to 0.2 1

Over 1.1 5

K structures of the pharmaceutical industry Up to 0.2 1 (no 0)

Over 1.1 5

Volume of investments in fixed capital in the region per 1 person, rub. Up to 5000 1

Presence of pharmaceutical industry enterprises in the region (infrastructure) 1 enterprise 1 (no 0)

2 enterprises 2

3 enterprises 3

Availability of a railway transport “hub” Large airport, seaport Federal Highway 3

Zh.D. Major airport Federal Highway 2

Zh.D. - Federal Highway 1

Total indicator: interval scale in points Up to - 11 Unfavorable

11 - 16 Satisfactory

16 - 21 Good

21 - 26 Very good

26 37 Favorable


of the “parent enterprise - subcontractors” chain, the purchase of substances in small quantities can be made both from domestic and foreign manufacturers. It should be noted that substances from foreign manufacturers are cheaper, which allows reducing production costs.


We propose an indicator method for assessing the attractiveness of a region for locating pharmaceutical industry enterprises based on 4 groups of indirect macroeconomic indicators(Table 1):

“socio-economic (GRP per capita, investment in fixed capital per capita);

Assessment of labor resources (level of population living in cities with a population of 100,000 people;

F level of economically active population employed in manufacturing

industry), structural indicators industrial production(share of industrial production and pharmaceutical production in the structure of GRP, standardized in relation to the national average);

Infrastructure indicators (presence of pharmaceutical industry enterprises in the region and the presence of a transport hub).

Indicators characterizing the microeconomic characteristics of the development and location of industries, the technical level and economic efficiency were not considered by us.

The assessment of each indicator on an interval scale is assessed in points, which are then summed up:

M = A + B + C + D + E + G + I + K

K = ^ g = a/b,

where: a is the population of city j; b - population of the region; B - economically active population employed in manufacturing industry %; A - con-

concentration of the urban population of the region (cities with a population of 100,000 people or more); C - structural K industry; D - structural K pharmaceutical industry; G is the volume of investment in fixed capital in the region per 1 person, rub.; E - GRP per 1 person, rub.; I - presence of pharmaceutical industry enterprises in the region; K - the presence of a transport “hub”. Thus, this methodology will allow us to take into account the regional factor to build an organizational and economic development model pharmaceutical market Russia in order to attract investment into the industry.

The regions of the European part of Russia remain the most promising in terms of location of pharmaceutical enterprises, with a high concentration of industry producing science-intensive products, attractive for investment, availability of qualified labor resources, developed infrastructure, promising markets sales

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