Transferring prisoners to the colony. Prison and life behind bars

Documentation 27.10.2020

Stages are the popular name for the movement of prisoners between prisons and camps. It has been going on since pre-revolutionary times, when convicts were driven on foot to places of hard labor and exile, and the stages were the distances between prisons - fortified cities in which flows of convicts rested, gathered, and were distributed. Until recently, there was the concept of a “transit prison” - a prison that served exclusively for such accumulation and redistribution of convoys.

When the word “stage” is heard, the prisoner’s soul freezes, feeling vague anxiety. Stages are always the unknown, always new people, trials, when all your past, all your acquired authority disappears and you have to start from scratch to fight for your place in the sun, just like on the first day in prison. As a rule, it is at these stages that showdowns occur. When the conflict is not over and the prisoners are separated by prison walls, they say to each other “see you at the stage”, or “see you at the stage (the cell where everyone is collected before being sent)” and this sounds like a real threat. At the very least, she must be restrained so as not to lose her dignity as a prisoner.

They are usually transported from pre-trial detention centers to places where they serve their sentences, less often - those under investigation in the event of detention in one place, and the place where the crime was committed and, accordingly, the trial and investigation is in another. They also transport people between zones, most often for treatment, and take people under investigation for a psychiatric examination.

The journey can take a very long time - it may take two months to travel through Russia. And if you suddenly need to cross the border, for example, between Russia and Ukraine, it may take six months.

At the stages they are crowned thieves and lowered into. These are both deprivations and humiliations. During the stages, the lack of rights is acutely felt - it’s easy to get hit on the back with a club, or hit the kidneys with a butt, or be bitten by a dog. Each stage means at least two searches, during departure and arrival, the searches are always thorough, with stripping and breaking of things. This is always psychological pressure - moving under gunpoints, running - screams, blows, dogs.

But at the same time, during the stages you can see old friends, accomplices, find out last news, see the edge of the free world. And by the way - for some, new people mean fear and problems, for others - new acquaintances and impressions.

It’s not worth going to the stages with a large bag - again, it’s a convict, it’s difficult to move with a bag under the batons. In addition, the ideal of a tramp's life is a minimum of property, detachment from things, ease. Therefore, given the tightness of the compartment, which exacerbates this attitude, people who own large bags are not only simply not liked, but they are also trying in every possible way to deceive them into maintaining these very bags, and are even openly scornful. At the stages near the convoy you can exchange some of your things for tea, cigarettes, or canned food. The masters even manage to brew chifir in the compartment - making a smokeless torch out of a sheet, shielding the fire from the guards with their bodies (or, which is easier, of course, by making an agreement with them). The drink prepared in this way, of course, has a special taste - a little buzz from breaking the rules, from a sip of freedom. They are periodically taken out to relieve themselves - according to the norm, it seems, every 4 hours, but in practice it happens anywhere - one person at a time, accompanied by a guard. It happens that you won’t be questioned - that’s what people are stocking up on plastic bottles. First, they drink the stored water from them, then pour it into them. And if someone suddenly has diarrhea, and this happens, then the circus begins - both laughter and sin. Therefore, knowing that it’s time to go to prison, experienced prisoners almost stop eating a day before, and drinking in the morning.

If you also take into account that no one feeds you on the way either (they give you rations in the form of bread, sugar, maybe even some canned food, but all this is quite meager), then upon arrival at the new prison, it may take another whole day before you get into your cell - a total of two or three days of hunger.

During the stages, you can even spend time with a woman, having previously agreed through the compartment wall and received consent to a date with a prisoner who misses male affection, and then at night, having chatted up the escort sergeant, given him a couple of packs of cigarettes, spend half an hour in the vestibule near the toilet. This is of course exotic - there are too many “ifs...”, but it happens.

But this is not the worst thing about the stages. Those who are afraid of the stages are primarily those who feel some kind of shoals from past life, both free and prison. All the informers, all the lawbreakers, leaving the walls of prisons and zones, are left without their roofs, which the opera provided them with to one degree or another. Within the walls of the stage, where people are gathered before the stage, their fate is no longer interesting to anyone - they have done their job and have already been forgotten about. Now they are on par with the rest. As a rule, demand occurs here. They rarely kill - at least in our time, but to put it down is a no-brainer. Presentation - a couple of minutes for "debate" - and execution. The most gentle way is a slap, which resets the person’s status to zero. The more radical one is to head into the butt (in the asshole), if there is one, which immediately makes the person “finished”, “lowered”.

Therefore, those who are not confident in themselves are also afraid of stages - stages are, first of all, new people and very cramped circumstances, where conflict can arise over one centimeter of space.

According to the Obsolete stage. Under escort in stage order (drive, expel, etc.). After solitary confinement, interrogations and beatings, Denis was sentenced to life in hard labor. Chained to a fugitive criminal, he walked along the stage from the Volga to the iron mine along the banks of the gloomy taiga river(G. Konovalov. Origins).

Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language. - M.: Astrel, AST.

A. I. Fedorov.:


    Synonyms See what “By stage” is in other dictionaries: By stage

    - By stage. Wed. I have no right to release your horses, Princess. You will be led along the stage with an escort... Nekrasov. Russian female 2. Book. Trubetskoy. Wed. (He) had an endless journey ahead of him along the stage to some of the Siberian fortresses, with a party... ... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling) by stage

    - By stage. Wed. I have no right to release your horses, Princess. You will be led along the stage with an escort... Nekrasov. Russian female 2. Book. Trubetskoy. Wed. (He) had an endless journey ahead of him along the stage to some of the Siberian fortresses, with a party... ...- Wed. I have no right to release your horses, Princess, You will be led along the stage With an escort... Nekrasov. Russian female 2. Book. Trubetskoy. Wed. (He) had an endless journey ahead of him along the stage to some of the Siberian fortresses, with a party of prisoners, with a bag for... ... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary

    Synonyms- stage by stage, stage Dictionary of Russian synonyms. by stage adv, number of synonyms: 2 stage order (2) ... Synonym dictionary

    - STAGE, a, m. Ozhegov’s Explanatory Dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary

    sent by stage- adj., number of synonyms: 1 staged (2) ASIS Dictionary of Synonyms. V.N. Trishin. 2013…

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    Go through the stage- Zharg. narc. Complete the course of treatment at a drug treatment clinic. Maksimov, 346 ... Large dictionary of Russian sayings

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Ildar Dadin, a civil activist serving time for participating in pickets, was sent to the “stage” exactly a month ago. During this time, neither the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia nor the Segezha colony (from where Dadin was transported) agreed to talk about where he was being sent. To date, relatives do not know anything about his health and whereabouts. Human rights activists and lawyers have already seriously raised the issue of changes in Russian legislation, namely in the criminal executive code.

The day before, Russian President Vladimir Putin instructed the Prosecutor General to check the FSIN for interaction with members of the Public Monitoring Commission.

Pavel Chikov

human rights activist

— The secret of transporting prisoners to remote regions is, unfortunately, a widespread one. Russian practice. It has always existed, since Soviet times. For the first time in modern Russia we came across the same resonant story with the transfer of Mikhail Khodorkovsky under the first verdict. He also traveled for about a month to Krasnokamensk. If we look at the publications for 2005, we will also find a lot of hype due to the fact that he “wasn’t anywhere.” The same story happened in 2013, when Nadezhda Tolokonnikova “got lost.” She was transported from Mordovia to Krasnoyarsk for about a month.

Dadin does not go from point A to point B. He may have 10 stops along the way. The convict travels by train (this is about two days) from one pre-trial detention center to another. One or two weeks remain in each of them until the next stage is assembled, which will move on. And if the next colony of Dadin is remote, and the convoy rarely goes there, then the convoy can take from one and a half to two months.

Then, when he finally arrives at the colony, he is quarantined for several days, and the colony is required to send a notification to the family within 10 days of arrival. Moreover, she sends the letter by mail. And as you know, our mail takes at least a week. Thus, it turns out that news of Ildar Dadin’s whereabouts may come two or even three months later. And formally, this will be fully consistent with Russian legislation.

The practice of serving a sentence far from home is a violation of human rights. This has been recognized by the European Court of Human Rights. Why? Connections with the family are greatly weakened - it is difficult for relatives to visit the prisoner, because getting to this point is very expensive.

Everyone is now concerned about the question: why do relatives still not know where Dadin is? But what is violated by the fact that his relatives do not know about his whereabouts? They still can’t see him or send him a transfer while he’s at the stage. Yes, we don't know where he is, and that's why we worry. I understand that this is a complex issue. If they do something bad to him, it’s a crime, but there should be something else to cause dissatisfaction.

The very fact that a prisoner is serving his sentence far from home, thousands of kilometers away, is a violation. Specifically, this should be changed in legislation.

There are a lot of general regime colonies around Moscow. And why he should be sent to Siberia is completely incomprehensible. If this practice is declared illegal, then the need for lengthy stages will no longer be necessary.

Sergey Panchenko

— What needs to be done now with our legislation? First, it is necessary to introduce a requirement for mandatory notification of lawyers involved in the case. Not a relative when the convict has already been taken to the final destination. And a lawyer at the time of leaving the first colony. I believe that information about where the convicted person is sent does not pose a threat to his safety. The route of movement, of course, should not be disclosed. Because there are all sorts of situations - not only are there political prisoners in our prisons, but sometimes there are also dangerous people there. Secondly, at intermediate points of the stage the prisoner must be allowed to use telephone communication to inform both relatives and lawyers about your whereabouts, state of health, and possible complaints.

It is necessary to understand that

the period of the stage is a period of lawlessness. It can last for months. A person disappears, and it is impossible to predict where and how long he will “resurface.” During this period, the transported person is in a state of “thing”. He is absolutely powerless.

In a pre-trial detention center or colony, supervision is carried out theoretically and practically. But during the stage, complete uncertainty begins... A man disappears in a time hole. He will ride as much as the FSIN wants. We have no way to get it out of there.

Dmitry Agranovsky

— A month is, of course, a lot. But in my practice, for example, we were looking for Leonid Razvozzhaev for quite a long time. Although theoretically we had an idea: first he goes to Irkutsk, and then they seem to take him from there to Krasnoyarsk. In general, I don’t remember a rule in our legislation that would oblige one to notify relatives and lawyers about the whereabouts of a prisoner. This does not mean that it should not exist, but in reality it really does not exist.

The most important thing, from a reasonable point of view, it is not clear why not report? It's unlikely that they are hiding it on purpose. This is a high-profile case, it will still be found. If there are consequences of violence on him, it will definitely come up.

In our law enforcement system, everything is possible, but this is already beyond the scope. At this stage, prisoners are least subject to prosecutorial supervision and are therefore exposed to all kinds of danger. Violence can also be committed by fellow inmates. The guards don't care, they just make sure there are no corpses, and they don't care what's inside these compartments.

Here it is necessary to look carefully at the law on the Federal Penitentiary Service. In order to: a) make this system more transparent, b) introduce more serious punishment for violation job responsibilities. If the system is transparent, we can control these violations. And if there is still a law regarding persons of the Federal Penitentiary Service, then they are also aware of what will happen to them for unlawful actions against prisoners. Many questions are immediately resolved.


A rest- taking into custody is a deprivation of liberty aimed at eliminating the possibility for a person suspected of committing a crime, or who has committed it, to interfere with the investigation, escape, or commit a new crime.
This preventive measure is applied by court decision after the detainee is charged, which must be brought within the procedural time frame, but no later than 10 days from the date of detention.
Investigator, investigator, prosecutor or judge, i.e. the body conducting the inquiry makes a decision, and on the basis of it the court - a ruling, which must contain an indication of the crime of which the person is suspected or accused, and the basis for choosing this preventive measure.
The arrest order, as well as its legality, can be appealed in cassation in the court of the next instance within three days from the date of its issuance.
An alternative to arrest, as a preventive measure, existing Code provides the following:
- House arrest;
- personal guarantee;
- supervision of a minor suspect or accused;
- cash deposit;
- House arrest.

During the investigation phase, the preventive measure in the form of detention cannot practically be changed, since the new Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation does not contain a mechanism for filing and considering such petitions.
During judicial trial The issue of changing the preventive measure is decided by the court.

The main provisions related to preventive measures, their application and periods of detention are set out in Chapter 13 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation.

Pre-trial detention center.

After charges are filed, the arrested person is transferred to one of the pre-trial detention centers of the city or to another locality. In the pre-trial detention center, the conditions of detention and the needs of the prisoners are generally similar, so it is possible to find a common language with the prisoners.As a rule, every prisoner, regardless of his prison status or mood of status, will provide support to someone truly in need. This is dictated by "concepts"

Ending a prisoner's stay in a pre-trial detention center

On the day of sentencing, the prisoner changes status - he becomes a convict, and is transferred to a cell for convicts. These are the same general cells, only everyone is in a “suitcase” mood.
After the deadline for filing a cassation appeal has expired, if it has not been filed, the verdict comes into force.
If a cassation appeal has been filed, the prisoner's stay in the pre-trial detention center may extend for several months. In this case, the sentence comes into force immediately after the cassation court makes its decision on this complaint.
Within 7-10 days after the sentence enters into legal force, the administration of the pre-trial detention center receives the “law” and sends the convicted person to the place where the sentence is to be served. They “order” for the stage quite quickly.
It is important to know that after the sentence comes into force, the convicted person has the right to additional food and clothing donations, regardless of when he received the previous ones. Try to pack the prisoner for the journey, which may be long and difficult. Be sure to give a lot of tea, cigarettes, soap (lice!), sweets (chocolate or candy, but sugar will not be allowed into the zone, on the road - you can), dry and freeze-dried foods. Renew the prisoner's socks, underwear, shaving accessories, toothbrush and toothpaste. The rest is possible. Try to hand over some money.
The procedure for transferring food and belongings to convicts in pre-trial detention centers is standard.
Until the sentence is enforced, permission to visit is issued by the court. If a cassation appeal has been filed, permission should be taken from the same court where the verdict was passed (court of first instance).
After receiving the “leg” in the pre-trial detention center, the permission to visit is signed by the administration of the pre-trial detention center.

Transfer to the colony, order of transfer of prisoners
After the sentence enters into legal force, the convicted person receives a written notification of this - a “legal”.
From this moment on, he needs to be ready for the stage - being sent to the place of serving his sentence.
Prisoners are transported by rail in special carriages - “carriages” (popularly known as “Stolypin”). A paddy wagon takes them to the carriage.
The conditions of the stage are very difficult, so try, if possible, to prepare your loved one for this difficult event. In winter, it is very important to have suitable warm clothing.
When the stage, as a rule, arrives at its destination and the convicts are transported to a transit prison. Next, either the convicts are distributed among the colonies of the region where they arrived, or they move on.
Sometimes convicts are taken from the wagon directly to the colony, bypassing the transit prison.
Upon arrival at the colony, convicts undergo a 2-week quarantine, after which they are distributed into detachments. Within 10 days upon arrival at the zone, the administration is obliged to send a notification by mail to a close relative or other person at the request of the convicted person about his arrival at this correctional institution.

During my long life as a prisoner, I had the opportunity to go through many camps, transfers, tuberculosis zones, health resorts and similar penitentiary institutions, which our Mother Russia is so rich in. If you look at the map of our vast homeland, you can safely outline the route from the Far North in Yakutia to the Karakum desert in Turkmenistan, where I hung out back in the days of the Soviet Union.

Cruise under escort

  • Stage

It seems to me that the desire to travel was inherent in me by nature itself. But this, of course, had nothing to do with traveling under escort. Unfortunately, I had to go through one of the difficult stages of my life in exactly this way.
Hello, forwarding!
After almost a month of ordeal in the northern railways country, our stage arrived at Veslyana station. Even when leaving Krasnaya Presnya, when we were escorted to the station in “funnels,” we already knew the final destination of our route, having given several packs of Pliska cigarettes to two guards for this service, whose machine guns were larger than themselves. It was absolutely no effort for them to look into our escorts. But even in the prison itself, judging by how many loaves of bread and how many herrings were given to each of us, it became clear that the road ahead was long.

Stage by plane

  • Stage

Frozen prisoners from Kolyma were transported to the mainland by plane
It seems that just recently the main topic of discussion in the media was the topic of the so-called “CIA flying prisons.” In fact, we were talking about ordinary military transport aircraft of the American Air Force, which transferred people suspected of participating in the activities of the Taliban movement in Afghanistan and the terrorist organization Al -Qaida" in Iraq. But in the United States, there is quite realistically another type of flying prison - airplanes for transporting criminals.

Modern stage for prisoners

  • Stage

On February 15, the reform project was discussed at the Board of the Ministry of Justice Federal service execution of punishments. How to change the principles of detention, conditions of transportation and detention of prisoners? What is modern “”?
Six o'clock in the morning. A convoy is moving along the highway to Yemelyanovo airport. Specially equipped vehicles in which prisoners are transported. The trucks travel at the same speed and at the same distance from each other. An armored personnel carrier with special forces soldiers is always ahead.

Ark for prisoners

  • Stage

In this material we will return to the Stolypin cars discussed earlier.
It must be said that Pyotr Arkadyevich Stolypin, the famous minister-reformer of the times of Nicholas II, has only an indirect relation to the carriage that went down in history under his name.
That carriage, which, thanks to the efforts of Stolypin, ran along the Russian railway in 1906, was fundamentally different - solid, cozy, somewhat reminiscent of a house on wheels. In the original “Stolypin” there were two compartments - a living one, equipped with sleeping shelves, tables, seats, easily opening windows to ventilate the room, a high-quality stove with a fair supply of firewood, sufficient for the entire journey. The second compartment was intended for agricultural equipment - seeders, harrows, plows and domestic animals, which the peasants decided to take with them. Of course, this carriage was of a lower class than a passenger one, but it was much better, more comfortable and convenient than the one that we know as a “heater”.

The paddy wagon is a miracle machine.

  • Stage

A paddy wagon is a special van, partitioned inside with bars plus two so-called ones on the sides. “glasses” for solitary prisoners who, for one reason or another, need to be isolated from the general mass. Sometimes it's just women.
The vans of some paddy wagons are divided in two lengthwise by a partition - two groups of prisoners are traveling. This is done in order to protect the convoy from rocking the paddy wagon (this is a favorite technique). The build-up (followed by a coup and the fall of the paddy wagon) is one of the ways a powerless prisoner fights for his small rights.

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