Electrical power and electrical engineering: who to work with and what to prefer. Electrical power and electrical engineering: who to work with and what to prefer Types of professions in the energy sector

Banks 28.11.2020

The demand for the energy profession in the labor market is high. After all, it is impossible to imagine our modern life without a TV, computer, microwave, trolleybuses, metro, electric trains, etc. We don’t even think that we benefit from all these achievements thanks to the hard and persistent work of energy workers. Without such people, no industry will be able to function fully.

An energy engineer is a specialist whose functions include the development, production, and operation of energy and heat supply systems. The work of representatives of this profession is very responsible. They are the ones who decide whether a particular company needs modernization existing systems energy saving and how to carry out technical re-equipment at the enterprise.

An energy engineer not only makes such decisions, but also draws up drawings, installs systems, and sets up and commissions electrical equipment. He takes part in the development of standards for the consumption of thermal, electrical and other types of energy. In his work during the repair and operation of equipment, the specialist uses all the most modern and advanced technologies, in the testing of which he also participates.

The peculiarity of the power engineering profession is that there are a lot of functions that people in this specialty can perform. Therefore, the responsibilities assigned to them directly depend on the organization in which they work. For example, in commissioning and design companies specialists in this field are engaged in the restoration and design of electrical networks. Directly at the enterprises themselves, the work of power engineers is to ensure the uninterrupted operation of systems and, if necessary, repair them.

Of course, the chief power engineer has much more duties and responsibilities than ordinary representatives of this profession. It is within his competence to organize the correct operation, timely repair of equipment and systems, to provide all production not only with electricity, but also with gas, steam, water, etc. The responsibilities of the chief power engineer include:

  • drawing up the necessary calculations and requests for the purchase of materials, spare parts and equipment;
  • development of all measures to reduce energy consumption;
  • introduction of new, more reliable and economical equipment;
  • increasing labor productivity;
  • checking automation, alarms, protection of underground structures and communications and much more.

As with any other type of activity, the energy profession has its pros and cons. Such specialists are needed in almost all enterprises, so employers are interested in good employees in this industry, for which work they offer decent salary. But on the other hand, remote areas of our country also need such professionals. Such specialists are also needed in snowy cities, where they can be assigned after university. In addition, it is worth noting that the working day of an energy engineer is very busy, busy and stressful. Therefore, this profession employs hardworking and resilient people.

Personal qualities

Representatives of this profession must be disciplined, responsible, attentive, able to focus their attention, sociable, and balanced. An energy engineer should have analytical skills and technical thinking.

Education (What do you need to know?)

The specialist must have PC skills, be able to draw up and understand drawings, know engineering systems, fill out the necessary technical documentation. To become a power engineer, you must receive secondary specialized technical or higher vocational education.

Place of work and career

Specialists in this field work at hydroelectric power plants, nuclear power plants, construction companies, in housing and communal services, at enterprises and industrial complexes of energy systems. By improving their qualifications and having organizational skills, an experienced representative of this profession can become the chief power engineer at an enterprise or apply for a management position.

An energy worker is a worker in the energy industry.

The chief power engineer is a person who organizes the technically correct operation and timely repair of energy and environmental equipment and energy systems, the uninterrupted supply of electricity, steam, gas, water and other types of energy to production.

Energy is a branch of industry, a set of large natural and artificial subsystems that serve for the transformation, distribution and use of energy resources of all types. Its purpose is to ensure energy production by converting the primary energy of fuel into secondary energy, for example into electricity or thermal energy. In this case, energy production most often occurs in several stages:

Obtaining and concentrating energy resources, an example would be the extraction, reprocessing and enrichment of nuclear fuel;

Transfer of resources to energy installations, for example delivery of fuel oil to a thermal power plant;

Conversion of primary energy into secondary energy using power plants, for example, chemical energy of coal into electrical and thermal energy;

Transfer of secondary energy to consumers, for example via power lines.

Electric power is a subsystem of the energy sector that includes the production of electricity at power plants and its delivery to consumers via power transmission lines. Its central elements are power plants, which are usually classified according to the type of primary energy used and the type of converters used for this. It should be noted that the predominance of one or another type of power plant in a particular state depends primarily on the availability of appropriate resources.

Job responsibilities

Manages the organization and planning of the work of energy workshops and farms, the development of schedules for the repair of energy equipment and energy networks, plans for the production and consumption of electricity, process fuel, steam, gas, water, compressed air by the enterprise, consumption rates and modes of consumption of all types of energy.

Ensures the preparation of applications and the necessary calculations for them for the purchase of energy equipment, materials, spare parts, for the supply of electrical and thermal energy to the enterprise and the connection of additional power to energy supply enterprises, the development of measures to reduce energy consumption standards, the implementation new technology, contributing to more reliable, economical and safe operation of power plants, as well as increased labor productivity.

Participates in the development of plans promising development energy management, plans to increase production efficiency, in the preparation of proposals for the reconstruction, technical re-equipment of the enterprise, the introduction of complex mechanization and automation of production processes, in the consideration of projects for the reconstruction and modernization of energy supply systems of the enterprise and its divisions, in the preparation technical assignments for the design of new and reconstruction of existing energy facilities.

Gives opinions on developed projects, participates in testing and acceptance of power plants and networks in industrial operation. Ensures the implementation of work to protect underground structures and communications, organizes the inspection of communications, alarms, accounting, control, protection and automation, as well as the timely presentation of boilers and pressure vessels to the bodies carrying out state technical supervision.

Organizes the development of measures to improve the efficiency of use of fuel and energy resources, the reliability and efficiency of operation of power plants, the prevention of accidents, and the creation of safe and favorable working conditions during their operation.

Monitors compliance with labor protection and safety regulations, instructions for the operation of power plants and the use of power equipment and networks. Concludes contracts with third-party organizations to supply the enterprise with electricity, steam, water and other types of energy, and monitors their implementation.

Organizes storage, accounting for the presence and movement of energy equipment located at the enterprise, as well as accounting and analysis of electricity and fuel consumption, technical and economic indicators of the energy sector, accidents and their causes. Conducts work to exchange experience in the field of operation of power equipment, saving and rational use of fuel and energy resources, and promotes the achievement of high performance indicators in the operation of power plants.

Provides improvement of labor organization in energy sector areas, certification and rationalization of jobs, introduction of new progressive methods of repair and operation of energy equipment.

Gives conclusions on rationalization proposals and inventions relating to the improvement of energy equipment and energy supply, organizes the implementation of accepted proposals. Manages the employees of the department and divisions of the enterprise that provide energy services to production, organizes work to improve the skills of workers.

Qualification requirements

Higher technical education and work experience in the specialty of engineering and technical leadership positions in a sector of the national economy corresponding to the profile of the enterprise for at least 5 years.

The profession of energy engineer is a position in which a person monitors the operation of complex electrical devices and networks. This profession became in demand with the advent of electricity as such.

A little history

The first energy scientist can be considered the man who was able to discover and harness electricity - Thomas Edison. The first power station he created in the 80s of the 19th century was a mass of various devices, complex designs and purposes that required constant monitoring and control. It was at this moment that the need for qualified personnel capable of exercising control arose. Today, electricity is one of the main elements of the comfortable existence of mankind, so now an energy engineer is one of the most in-demand professions.

Description of the profession of energy engineer

The profession of power engineers is one of the most dangerous types of activity, because it is associated with the operation of high-voltage devices and networks, and this threatens with electric shock.

Power engineers have two levels of qualification, the first is a simple specialist, and the second is an energy engineer.

A simple specialist is a person who has secondary education in a given field, has worked in his position for no more than 5 years and has not yet received advanced training. An energy engineer is a person who has higher education and work experience of more than 3 years. He has a little more responsibilities, which is what interests us.

Energy Engineer: Responsibilities

People in this profession have a large list of responsibilities, here are some of them:

  • Ensures constant uninterrupted operation of thermal and power equipment electrical networks, and also monitors the correct operation, repairs and modernizes equipment.
  • Maintains control over the consumption of fuel and energy resources at the enterprise. Finds justifications for equipment modernization, development of energy saving systems and their modernization.
  • Monitors the condition of equipment and also draws up requests for the purchase of materials, additional equipment and spare parts, with justification for their necessity. Participates in the development of consumption standards and operating modes of the enterprise, focusing on energy consumption.
  • Participates in testing and acceptance of installed power equipment, considers the causes of accidents and strives to reduce the number of malfunctions and create safe working conditions by developing measures to prevent breakdowns.
  • Draws up graphs of electricity consumption and loads on the electrical grid. Monitors the condition of environmental, electrical and energy installations installed at the enterprise.
  • Checks the condition of energy protection systems and automation, develops a set of measures to prevent accidents.
  • Carries out control and supervision of measuring instruments used in the enterprise. If it is a heat power engineer, he is also obliged to prepare boilers operating under pressure, monitor the condition of pipelines for hot water and steam, and prepare equipment for inspection by state control authorities.
  • Supervises compliance with equipment operating procedures and instructions for their operation and maintenance.
  • Participates in the development of standards for the enterprise on power equipment.
  • Prepares packages of documents for concluding contracts with third parties for various works and services.
  • Supervises the overhaul of equipment.
  • Introduces the experience of foreign and more developed organizations into the work of the enterprise, studies reporting to develop new methods of work.
  • Carry out instructions from his immediate supervisor, usually the chief energy engineer.
  • Prepares reports according to established company standards.

This is not the entire list of what an energy engineer should do at an enterprise. The responsibilities of this specialist are difficult to define within any framework.

Knowledge that an energy engineer must have

The profession obliges specialists to have certain knowledge in the field of energy. To perform his duties correctly, he must know:

  • Orders, resolutions, instructions and others regulations on the operation of power equipment.
  • The procedure for organizing the energy sector.
  • Rules for working with power equipment, its structure, design features and operating mode.
  • Technology for performing equipment repair work.
  • Rules for drawing up applications for the supply of energy resources, equipment, spare parts, tools and materials.
  • Methods of repair, installation and adjustment of power equipment.
  • Fundamentals of economics and enterprise management.
  • Some questions labor law, basics of work organization, labor protection rules.

Summary. Energy Engineer

A resume for a job search as an energy engineer is compiled in the same form as any other; it must indicate everything that is necessary to obtain desired position. First, you need to mention the education you received; it must be higher, otherwise you cannot count on getting the position of energy engineer. Next, you need to mention all the information about previous places jobs, positions held, duties previously performed. It could be:

  • reading electrical and hydraulic diagrams;
  • ability to maintain power equipment;
  • troubleshooting;
  • installation, adjustment and control over the condition of electrical installations.

You can also indicate organizational skills and other information that may be of interest to a future manager at the enterprise in order to obtain the position of energy engineer. The duties that you previously performed at previous enterprises are the main criterion on which they rely when choosing a future employee, so try to reflect all the most important data.

Specialist rights

Like any employee, an energy engineer not only must perform duties, but also has the right:

  • Familiarize yourself with the regulations and other acts of the manager regarding the activities he performs.
  • Make proposals to improve the operation of the enterprise within its range of activities.
  • Report to the manager, within the scope of his competence, about all shortcomings in the operation of the enterprise and make proposals for eliminating them or improving the activities of the enterprise.
  • Request, within your competence, or on behalf of your immediate supervisor, the necessary documents.
  • Express your demands to management regarding the need for assistance in performing their duties.


This information fully reflects the characteristics of the activities and labor regulation of such an employee as an energy engineer. This instruction is not mandatory, but can be used to compile a list of the rights and responsibilities of an employee at the enterprise.

Energy Engineer is a specialist who is engaged in the development, production and operation of heat and energy supply systems. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in physics, mathematics and drawing (see choosing a profession based on interest in school subjects).

Energy engineers work in power plants in boiler houses, at thermal power plants, at individual power plants, in research institutes in the relevant industry, in design and construction organizations.

Short description

An energy specialist knows how much energy resources a particular enterprise needs. He can make an intelligent decision on the technical re-equipment of the company, on the modernization of existing energy supply systems. In accordance with this decision, the energy engineer prepares applications for the purchase of the necessary equipment, materials, spare parts, and enters into contracts for the repair of equipment with contractors.

The engineer is directly involved in the installation of electrical equipment at the enterprise. He not only draws up drawings, but is also involved in system installation and commissioning. Also, his important task is to carry out technical supervision and control over the correct operation of energy and electrical installations.

An energy engineer is a guarantor of an enterprise’s energy security and uninterrupted power supply. He checks the system relay protection and automation, draws up schedules for limiting energy consumption during hours of maximum load on the power system, etc.

Functions of an energy engineer in an enterprise

  • Collateral control uninterrupted supply energy and its distribution;
  • Timely and scheduled checks and repair of electrical systems and equipment, as well as troubleshooting problems that arise
  • Preparation of necessary calculations and monitoring of the process of energy use by enterprise divisions
  • Development and submission of proposals for modernization in the entrusted area, as well as their implementation
  • Organization of control over the effective functioning and safety of entrusted objects
  • Carrying out the necessary calculations
  • Interaction with representatives of third-party organizations on issues within his competence
  • Monitoring compliance with fuel consumption standards and all types of energy

Required professional skills and knowledge

  • knowledge regulatory materials and standards for the operation of energy equipment and communications, including regulations, instructions, orders, methodological materials
  • studying methods for organizing energy management at an enterprise
  • possession technical characteristics, features, operating modes and rules technical operation energy equipment and communications at the enterprise
  • knowledge unified system scheduled preventive maintenance and rational operation of equipment
  • skills in organizing and carrying out capital, planned and routine repairs
  • knowledge of methods of installation, adjustment and repair of energy equipment, as well as the procedure for drawing up applications for energy resources
  • own advanced domestic and foreign experience on rational use and saving of fuel and energy resources
  • ability to draw up and read drawings, as well as the ability to work in specialized programs, such as AutoCad
  • knowledge of labor safety rules and regulations

Advantages and disadvantages


Energy engineers are in demand various enterprises energy systems.


short salaries in the European region of Russia.

Place of work and career

The traditional, historically most significant industry in Russia is fuel energy. The country has significant reserves of energy resources and the potential of renewable sources, and is one of the ten most endowed countries with energy resources. But the residents central region are reluctant to move to work in the environmentally polluted cities of Siberia. However, only workers in remote mining areas have high wages in this area. Gazprom, Rosneft, Atomenergoprom, RusHydro, affiliated companies RAO UES - Fuel and Energy Complex employs more than 5 million Russians.

To begin a career as an energy engineer, a graduate can choose one of many construction and installation organizations. Here he will need to organize energy and heat supply for buildings under construction, ensure uninterrupted operation, and in buildings already in use - repair energy equipment, electrical and thermal networks and gas pipelines.


Salary as of 03/31/2020

Russia 25000—75000 ₽

Moscow 40000—90000 ₽

Training to become an Energy Engineer

Invites specialists with higher technical education who want to master new profession, on course professional retraining by specialty. Learning programs MASPC allows you to study anywhere in the world where there is Internet, thanks to the possibilities of distance education.

Energy Engineer is a specialist who is engaged in the development, production and operation of heat and energy supply systems. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in physics, mathematics and drawing (see choosing a profession based on interest in school subjects).

Energy engineers work in power plants in boiler houses, at thermal power plants, at individual power plants, in research institutes in the relevant industry, in design and construction organizations.

Short description

An energy specialist knows how much energy resources a particular enterprise needs. He can make an intelligent decision on the technical re-equipment of the company, on the modernization of existing energy supply systems. In accordance with this decision, the energy engineer prepares applications for the purchase of the necessary equipment, materials, spare parts, and enters into contracts for the repair of equipment with contractors.

The engineer is directly involved in the installation of electrical equipment at the enterprise. He not only draws up drawings, but is also involved in system installation and commissioning. Also, his important task is to carry out technical supervision and control over the correct operation of energy and electrical installations.

An energy engineer is a guarantor of an enterprise’s energy security and uninterrupted power supply. He checks the relay protection and automation system, draws up schedules for limiting energy consumption during hours of maximum load on the power system, etc.

Functions of an energy engineer in an enterprise

  • Monitoring the uninterrupted supply of energy and its distribution;
  • Timely and scheduled inspections and repairs of electrical systems and equipment, as well as troubleshooting problems that arise
  • Preparation of necessary calculations and monitoring of the process of energy use by enterprise divisions
  • Development and submission of proposals for modernization in the entrusted area, as well as their implementation
  • Organization of control over the effective functioning and safety of entrusted objects
  • Carrying out the necessary calculations
  • Interaction with representatives of third-party organizations on issues within his competence
  • Monitoring compliance with fuel consumption standards and all types of energy

Required professional skills and knowledge

  • knowledge of regulatory materials and standards for the operation of energy equipment and communications, including regulations, instructions, orders, methodological materials
  • studying methods for organizing energy management at an enterprise
  • knowledge of technical characteristics, features, operating modes and rules of technical operation of energy equipment and communications at the enterprise
  • knowledge of a unified system of preventive maintenance and rational operation of equipment
  • skills in organizing and carrying out capital, planned and routine repairs
  • knowledge of methods of installation, adjustment and repair of energy equipment, as well as the procedure for drawing up applications for energy resources
  • possess advanced domestic and foreign experience in the rational use and saving of fuel and energy resources
  • ability to draw up and read drawings, as well as the ability to work in specialized programs, such as AutoCad
  • knowledge of labor safety rules and regulations

Advantages and disadvantages


Energy engineers are in demand at various energy system enterprises.


low wages in the European region of Russia.

Place of work and career

The traditional, historically most significant industry in Russia is fuel energy. The country has significant reserves of energy resources and the potential of renewable sources, and is one of the ten most endowed countries with energy resources. But residents of the central region are reluctant to move to work in the environmentally polluted cities of Siberia. However, only workers in remote mining areas have high wages in this area. Gazprom, Rosneft, Atomenergoprom, RusHydro, subsidiaries of RAO UES - Fuel and Energy Complex employ more than 5 million Russians.

To begin a career as an energy engineer, a graduate can choose one of many construction and installation organizations. Here he will need to organize energy and heat supply for buildings under construction, ensure uninterrupted operation, and in buildings already in use - repair energy equipment, electrical and thermal networks and gas pipelines.


Salary as of 03/31/2020

Russia 25000—75000 ₽

Moscow 40000—90000 ₽

Training to become an Energy Engineer

Invites specialists with higher technical education who want to learn a new profession to a professional retraining course in their specialty. MASPC training programs allow you to study anywhere in the world where there is Internet, thanks to the possibilities of distance education.

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