Job responsibilities of a sales manager for a resume - description and recommendations. Profession sales manager, responsibilities and requirements Job description of petroleum products sales manager

Law and law 27.05.2024
Law and law

The main purpose of the job description of a sales manager is a detailed definition of the main responsibilities and qualification conditions of the seller, the procedure for subordinating the employee to management, his rights, responsibilities, as well as the rules for appointment and dismissal from his position. Despite the fact that a job description does not belong to the standard, mandatory documents of an enterprise, its presence allows, in the event of any disputes or disagreements, to identify or eliminate the guilt of both the employee and the employer, which is why its preparation should be taken as seriously and thoughtfully as possible .


Rules for drawing up job descriptions

There is no legally established concept of “job description”, therefore there is no unified, strictly established sample. Organizations can develop a document template at their discretion, and also change it depending on the employee’s working conditions and other parameters.

It should be noted that in different companies the job responsibilities of sales managers may differ slightly, but the basic provisions should always be similar.

The wording in the job description must be written in detail and clearly, without the possibility of double interpretation. If a document is drawn up for employees of one department, then in order to avoid duplication of the same functions, the document should be adjusted if necessary.

The main rule is that the job description must always be approved by the head of the department and the director of the enterprise, and also signed by the employee himself.

The sales manager’s signature will indicate that he agrees with the job responsibilities assigned to him, the rights granted and understands his responsibility. The standard job description consists of four sections:

  • "General provisions"
  • "Job Responsibilities"
  • "Rights",
  • "Responsibility",

Filling out the job description for a sales manager

First, at the top of the document in the middle, its name is written, indicating the position for which it is being compiled.
Further on the right you need to leave a few lines for approval of the job description by the head of the organization. Here you need to enter his position, company name, last name, first name, patronymic, and also leave a signature line with a transcript.

Main part of the instructions

In the first section called "General provisions" you should indicate which category of employees the sales manager belongs to (worker, specialist, manager, technical staff, etc.), to whom he specifically reports (without indicating names), the qualifications that he must meet (specialization, education, additional courses) , required length of service and work experience.

Next, enter the person who will replace him during the period of absence from the workplace (also without specifying specific names), as well as the basis for the appointment or dismissal of the employee (for example, an order or order from the director of the enterprise).

Below you should list all the documents and rules that a sales manager, due to the specifics of his work, must be familiar with:

  • basics of labor legislation,
  • rules for concluding transactions and contracts,
  • procedure for completing documentation,
  • rules on labor protection and internal regulations, etc.

Also here it is necessary to identify specific documents and regulations on which this category of specialists should rely in their work.

Second section "Job Responsibilities" directly concerns the functions assigned to the sales manager. Depending on the enterprise and its type of activity, they may be different, but they should always be described as completely and in detail as possible, from market research to reporting and employee participation in internal events.

In chapter "Rights" You need to describe in detail the rights of the sales manager, that is, the powers that he is given to perform his work as efficiently as possible. Here it is necessary to specify the possibility of improving professional level, interaction with the management of the enterprise and employees of other departments, as well as the initiatives expected from the employee.

Fourth section "Responsibility" determines those violations that may result in punishment from the management of the enterprise. It is advisable to indicate them in detail. If necessary, this part of the document can include specific sanctions and penalties that will follow for certain violations.

Finally, a job description is necessary agree with the responsible employee. Here you need to enter his position, name of the organization, last name, first name, patronymic, and also put a signature with a transcript.

Below you should indicate information about the sales manager: his last name, first name, patronymic (in full), name of the organization, passport data (series, number, where, when and by whom it was issued), signature and date of review of the document. Finally, the job description should be submitted to the head of the organization for resolution.

Job description and job responsibilities

sales manager


1.1. This job description defines the job duties, rights and responsibilities of a sales manager.

1.2. A sales manager belongs to the category of specialists.

1.3. The sales manager is hired and dismissed by order of the general director on the recommendation of the commercial director and the head of the sales department.

1.4. The sales manager reports directly to the head of the sales department.

1.5. A person who has a higher (secondary) vocational education in the specialty “management” or a higher (secondary) vocational education of another profile and additional training in the field of theory and practice of management is appointed to the position of sales manager. A candidate for the position of sales manager must have at least six months of experience in similar positions.

1.6. In his activities, the sales manager is guided by:

— regulatory documents and methodological materials on the work performed;

— the charter of the organization;

— internal labor regulations of the organization;

— orders and instructions from the commercial director and head of the sales department;

- this job description for a sales manager.

1.7. A sales manager must know:

— federal laws and by-laws regulating the conduct of entrepreneurial and commercial activities, including the legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities;

— basics of pricing and marketing;

— the fundamentals of a market economy, market conditions, features and specifics of the market of the corresponding region;

— the basics of entrepreneurship and business, rules and principles of sales;

— basics of taxation;

— assortment, classification, characteristics and purpose of products sold;

— conditions of storage and transportation of products;

— psychology, ethics of business communication, rules for establishing business contacts and conducting telephone conversations;

— the procedure for developing business plans, commercial agreements, contracts;

— structure of the organization’s commercial service and sales department;

— rules for working with a computer and operating office equipment.

1.8. The sales manager reports directly to _________.

1.9. During the period of temporary absence of the sales manager, his job responsibilities are assigned to ______________.


The sales manager's responsibilities include:

2.1. Organization and management of sales:

— search for potential clients;

— working with first-time clients, with their subsequent transfer to the leading sales manager, depending on the client’s territorial affiliation;

— conducting commercial negotiations with clients in the interests of the organization;

— prompt response to information received from customers and bringing it to the attention of the relevant leading sales manager and head of the sales department;

— clarification of customer needs for products sold by the organization, coordination of the order with the client in accordance with his needs and the availability of assortment in the organization’s warehouse;

— motivating customers in accordance with approved sales promotion programs.

2.2. Planning and analytical work:

— drawing up a monthly sales plan;

— analysis of statistical data on sales and shipments of the organization’s clients;

— providing reports to the leading sales manager and the head of the sales department based on the results of work.

2.3. Sales support:

— receiving and processing customer orders, preparing the necessary documents related to the shipment of products for the organization’s clients assigned to the sales manager, as well as for clients assigned to the corresponding leading sales managers when they are out of the office;

— informing customers about all changes in the assortment, price increases and decreases, promotions to stimulate demand, and the time of product arrival at the warehouse;

— final agreement with the client on the terms regarding prices, shipping dates and methods of delivery of products;

— transferring requests for product delivery to customers to the logistics department;

— participation in the development and implementation of projects related to the activities of the sales department;

— interaction with other departments of the organization in order to fulfill assigned tasks;

— participation in work meetings;

— maintaining working and reporting documentation;

— maintaining up-to-date client data in the organization’s client information database.

2.4. Control:

— shipment of products to customers;

— financial discipline of the client based on documents received from the trade accounting department.


3.1. The sales manager has the right:

— raise the issue with management about increasing wages and paying overtime in accordance with the laws and regulations governing the remuneration system for employees of the organization;

— submit proposals for improvement of their work and working conditions for consideration by management;

— request personally or on behalf of management from structural divisions and employees reports and documents necessary to perform official duties;

— demand from the head of the sales department to provide assistance in the performance of his official duties and the exercise of his rights;

— demand from management to provide the organizational and technical conditions necessary for the performance of official duties.


4.1. The Sales Manager is responsible for:

— failure to perform (improper performance) of one’s official duties as provided for in these instructions;

— within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation;

— committing offenses in the course of their activities;

- within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation;

- causing material damage and damage to the business reputation of the organization - within the limits determined by the current labor, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

Today, an active sales manager is just a salesperson working according to the employer’s instructions. What does he usually do? Communicates with buyers - clients, concludes purchase and sale agreements, collects debts, runs after debtors, develops a client base, works for interest on the transaction. He is an employee of an enterprise who brings in money. Today there is nowhere without a manager; he is the most important, and at the same time the most defenseless. To whom should unpaid debts be written off? To the manager. Is it okay that the transaction was approved by the financial consultant and the security service? Answer: didn’t call on time, didn’t pay attention, didn’t report to management.

Why do businesses need salespeople?

Today's business cannot be imagined without a profession called active sales manager. In different organizations, titles may vary, from sales manager to sales representative. The essence is the same - sales to existing customers in the enterprise database and search for new ones.

It would seem that there is a product that takes its rightful place in the market. Otherwise, why is it needed at all? Marketers worked, conducted research on similar products, determined the price category, organized an advertising campaign, potential buyers looked, “touched” - no sales. What's wrong with the product? Why is the demand for an analogue higher in price and worse in quality? We started checking, calling, it turns out that there are well-functioning supply channels, systems of discounts, deferred payments, and just human relationships, when you don’t want to change anything - everything is fine.

How to break this “vicious” (from the point of view of the manufacturer or new seller) circle? And here begins the painstaking work of the active sales manager to attract buyers to “their side.” It's not all that complicated, but it's not all smooth sailing either!

Personal qualities of a sales manager from the point of view of business leaders

  • Ability to learn. For what? Otherwise, how can you sell if you don’t know the benefits of the product? The product (its quality characteristics) requires initial development.
  • Ability to speak competently (not tongue-tied). An active sales manager must speak coherently (so that it “bounces off the teeth”) about the product (service) being sold.
  • External data: special representativeness is not important, you need the ability to win someone over.
  • Experience. In any field. Awareness of the need to become a professional “seller” must be formed.

In successful companies, business managers themselves conduct interviews with candidates, because only the active sales manager working with clients brings money to the company - the rest spend. As soon as top management begins to understand this postulate, staff turnover in the enterprise immediately stops.

Active sales manager: responsibilities

Passive sales assume that the client is ready to buy and does not need to be motivated by anything. Active sales are needed in order to turn the client away from “someone else’s threshold” and bring him to his company. All actions that occur between these two events are the manager's responsibilities.

  • Study of the product (service) being sold from the point of view of its position in a given market segment.
  • Studying the potential circle of buyers.
  • Working with existing client base.
  • Establishing contacts with potential clients by any available means: cold - by phone, warm - in a meeting.
  • Concluding sales and purchase agreements developed by the employing company’s lawyers.
  • Making a deal.
  • Payment tracking.
  • Work on collecting debts from clients working with deferred payment.

Active sales manager: job description as a document

Any employer company strives to clearly formulate the responsibilities of its employees. The active sales manager works according to pre-determined requirements documented in the “Job Description” document. This is precisely a document, since when applying for a job it is signed on the one hand by the employer, on the other by the employee.

Violation of the requirements leads to dire consequences in the form of fines, and then to dismissal: the wording may be different, but the essence is the same - failure to fulfill official duties.

So what should an active sales manager do in a company? An employee manual is usually developed by the head of the sales department, adjusted by the HR manager and signed by an authorized manager.

Composition of the job description for an active sales manager

Key points:

  • The category of the employee is determined (usually a manager is classified as a specialist).
  • Requirements for education and work experience are indicated.
  • The person who appoints the active sales manager is determined.
  • Subordination is established, both direct and in the absence of the leader.
  • The range of documents that an active sales manager must follow in his work is determined. As a rule, these are the charter of the enterprise, internal rules, various orders and instructions from management.

What is the regulation of knowledge in the profession?

An active sales manager must know:

  • Laws of the Russian Federation defining commercial activities.
  • Pricing procedure.
  • Marketing Basics.
  • Assortment list of products (services) of the employing enterprise.
  • Accepted forms of company reporting.
  • Enterprise structure.

Direct functions of a manager

  • Search for clients (expanding the client base).
  • Conduct of negotiations.
  • Development of terms and conditions (within regulated frameworks) of the contract, execution (conclusion).
  • Reception of client requests, registration and further transfer to the delivery service.
  • Maintaining client payments, deadlines for accepting new applications, informing about marketing events.
  • Work with the reporting accepted in the company.
  • Possibility of communication with the company management on issues: remuneration, identified shortcomings, making proposals for improving work.
  • Possibility of requesting management assistance in work (according to assigned responsibilities).

The active sales manager is responsible: for failure to fulfill his work duties in accordance with the instructions signed by him, for offenses during working hours under the Criminal Code and the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, for material damage caused to the company.

How to get a job

The hiring process always involves a primary interview with the HR department and a secondary interview with the head of the sales department (or a representative of the company's management). Before talking about employment at the initial stage, the candidate should understand all the complexities of these negotiations and requirements.

What initially characterizes a person applying for the position of “active sales manager”? A resume, correctly and competently composed.

Typically, the eyes of a personnel department employee are “catched” by: having a higher education, completing sales training, listing not only previous jobs, but also indicating the successes achieved. A plus may be having a driver's license, mentioning the possibility of business trips and working outside normal hours (irregular working hours). For this profession, the absence of children is (for some reason) welcome.

An undesirable link may be working in procurement at a previous job.

Manager salary composition

Usually the employee is presented with the following options:

  • Salary and percentage of sales.
  • Percentage of sales.
  • Percentage of sales, penalty for late receipt of money from the client.

The motivation of an active sales manager, based on salary and percentage of sales, is most preferable - there is always a constant income, albeit small. The percentage under this scheme can be tied to the previous month (sales need to be increased); not all companies pay for stability (repeating the result of the previous month).

If a manager works only on a percentage of sales, he must be prepared to very actively search for clients, and at first - to develop his client base. Then make sure that clients do not leave for others. In the case of good interest rates, earnings can be consistently high, but you need to “plow” a lot.

Typically, companies do not mention fines for late receipt of money from clients (they are afraid of scaring off the employee); in this case, the fine is always unexpected and extremely painful.

If a client from the category of debtors becomes a defaulter (this happens when payment is deferred), and all the company’s services cannot claim this money, then the manager may be forced to pay the debt. The transaction amounts are usually large and the salary is small. The question is, how long will it take for the manager to pay off the client’s debt?

Human qualities required for the profession

An applicant for this position must have different talents:

  • Ability to find a common language.
  • Ease of communication.
  • Ability to make quick decisions.
  • Learning ability.
  • Persistence.
  • Lack of shyness.
  • Work according to the rule: “Never offer what you don’t know, study first.”

If the candidate meets all these requirements, he can hope for success.

The job description of a sales manager is main document, which determines the order and mechanism of its operation. It reveals the existing requirements for candidates for the position, contains a list of the employee’s immediate job responsibilities, and the functions performed. In addition, employee rights, a knowledge assessment system and basic working conditions are defined.

The general provisions of the job description determine following:

In addition, there is scroll what a specialist should be guided by when performing his duties:

  1. The procedure for organizing sales and marketing of the organization’s products.
  2. Separate instructions from management, as well as general provisions of the enterprise relating to the management of the sale of goods.
  3. Existing labor protection rules, which are common to all organizations operating in the Russian Federation.
  4. Directly by points of your job description.

An applicant who is accepted for a position must have such information:

  1. The list and content of laws and regulations related to the regulation of issues of marketing and sale of goods and services.
  2. Various materials that contain the rules and basic principles of marketing and increasing sales.
  3. Basic methods of work carried out both personally by the manager and by employees of his department.
  4. Principles of organizing office work, taking into account the specifics of the company’s line of work.
  5. Up-to-date information, including that obtained from foreign sources, on sales experience, activity analysis and improving labor efficiency.
  6. A system for evaluating the work performed.
  7. The procedure and form for submitting reports, the procedure for interaction in the process of the unit’s activities.
  8. Labor regulations of the organization.

Functions and job responsibilities

Main functions that the sales manager must perform, as well as his job responsibilities, according to the instructions, are:

  1. Development of methods and technologies for selling goods.
  2. Development and improvement of basic product sales schemes within the organization’s activities.
  3. Organization of various events aimed at pre-sale activities, the main purpose of which is to prepare for the start of sales of a new product or cooperation with a new counterparty.
  4. Creation of certain conditions to ensure the satisfaction of current demand for certain products.
  5. Monitoring compliance with existing business plans that are used in the process of conducting work activities.
  6. Compliance with the basic terms of contracts and agreements signed with clients and counterparties, if necessary, making changes bilaterally, which are registered in an additional agreement to the existing one.
  7. Studying the market for goods sold by the manager. This function applies not only to the region in which the manager works - during his work, he must use the results of neighboring regions and cities in order to be able to apply any methods and technologies in his activities.
  8. Predict sales growth and decline depending on third-party factors and respond accordingly to such changes.
  9. Conduct an analysis of the activities of the company's competitors, especially those specializing in sales of similar products and goods.
  10. Collect and summarize information that indicates product sales volumes over a certain period of time, fluctuations both upward and downward, and the reasons for such changes. In this regard, making proposals to senior management or taking actions within their competence.
  11. Analysis of the main trends in the goods sales market, obtaining basic information regarding the forecast of demand, as well as planned releases of goods and products by competing firms.
  12. Analysis of the basic needs of buyers, study of the main factors influencing it, division of statistics into main regions and zones.
  13. Development of action plans aimed at carrying out various activities to increase sales of a particular product. This function is performed both to increase sales overall and to prevent a planned drop in interest in the product.
  14. Developing measures to increase sales by using the most effective materials and methods, while using the best practices of competitors and other companies whose specific activities are also related to sales.
  15. Focus on creating strong connections with large retail chains. Constantly maintaining relationships, holding promotions for regular contractors, the benefits of which are received by both the client and the organization in which the manager works.
  16. Building relationships with various wholesale companies, analyzing cooperation opportunities, working out, together with other departments, the possible benefits from signing contracts with such counterparties.
  17. Identifying potential clients among existing legal entities and individuals and establishing business contacts with them.
  18. Negotiating with clients of any level, since even small retail in a certain quantity brings companies their share of income.
  19. Active participation in the development of pricing for clients of various levels. Negotiating with clients in such a way as to obtain the maximum benefit for your company in terms of the price of the product, but, at the same time, to ensure the possibility of cooperation on terms more favorable to the client than competitors can offer.
  20. Conducting direct negotiations on cooperation. During negotiations, there should be a step-by-step discussion of the following issues: conveying to the client general information on a product or group of products that the organization wants to offer for sale, presenting information about the main advantages of such products, possibly mentioning existing shortcomings, but in such a way that they were truthful, but at the same time did not scare away the counterparty from cooperation. If the client has any doubts about the need to cooperate with the manager’s organization, skillfully manage truthful information in order to convince the client otherwise. Communicating to the consumer the main positive aspects of cooperation in general, what the client can expect in the future.
  21. Determining the form of payment that will be used when paying for the delivered goods. In this case, both the wishes of the client and the capabilities of the company itself, of which the sales manager is an employee, are taken into account. In this case, cash payments can be used, non-cash, by checks, by open account, or by bank transfers. Determining the possibility of providing a deferred payment and the main conditions for repaying the debt (after a certain time, upon subsequent delivery, etc.).
  22. Development, both within one’s competence and together with other departments, of a system of discounts that are beneficial, first of all, to one’s own company and those that can attract clients to cooperation.
  23. Organization of the main work and actions performed that precede the direct signing of the contract with the client. This may include the elaboration of the basic rights and obligations of one and the other party, the determination of methods and forms of fulfillment of obligations, the coordination of existing disagreements on the main points of the agreements. Analysis of documentation provided by counterparties for compliance with the company’s basic standards, requesting additional documents if necessary.
  24. Participation in the direct conclusion of contracts with the possibility of subsequent client management and monitoring of compliance by both parties with the points specified in the agreement.
  25. Control of contractors entrusted to the manager for timely payment for the delivered goods. If for some reason the counterparty does not pay for the delivery on time, take appropriate measures to eliminate this fact.
  26. Organizing the collection of information based on data from the sale of goods, both from clients with whom a cooperation agreement has just been concluded, and from those to whom the supply of goods has been carried out for quite a long time.
  27. If necessary, support the shipment of goods to customers, such activity is possible both at the initial stage of cooperation and throughout the entire period of work.
  28. Analysis of data on the quality of supplied products, collection and synthesis of information, if necessary, filing a claim with the manufacturer. It is possible to organize the return of goods that, for some reason, cannot be sold and used for their intended purpose.
  29. If there are any claims regarding the quality of goods, timely response to information in order to resolve the conflict as much as possible.
  30. Analysis and response to those events that impede the increase in demand for products.
  31. Monitoring all existing quality indicators on product packaging and rules of use.
  32. Providing information to the client on the terms of sale of products, their storage and basic terms of sale.
  33. Maintaining constant contacts with existing clients in order to avoid the outflow of counterparties.
  34. Creation of various information databases of the company's existing clients. Such data can be presented in tabular form and contain information about the address of the counterparty, basic details, including those that may be contained in payment documents, telephone numbers of managers and employees of the counterparties who can be contacted regarding the resolution of various issues, full name of the manager, leading specialists. In addition, shipments of products to a specific client, statistics on returns, history of current payments, etc. are included here.
  35. Renewal of contracts with counterparties if it is impossible to prolong current ones and there is a desire to continue cooperation.
  36. Ensuring participation in ongoing events (exhibitions, fairs) to increase the number of customers and increase sales.
  37. Participation in advertising campaigns and, if necessary, coordination of activities performed.

The sales manager has the right to following:

  1. Obtaining information about internal changes in the company's work that directly affect the employee.
  2. Obtaining information about the availability of documents necessary for the manager’s work.
  3. Making proposals to senior management to improve the company's operating principles, as well as improve the sales scheme.
  4. Requesting personally or through the manager for reporting information regarding contractors managed by the sales manager.
  5. Requirement to provide assistance in the performance of job duties.

The manager may be responsible for following:

  1. For the consequences of decisions made that were made within one’s own competence without additional approval from management.
  2. For failure to fulfill their official duties as defined in these instructions.
  3. For violation of any legislative and regulatory acts in the course of their work, even if done to bring their company more profit.
  4. For causing material damage to your organization by your actions while performing your official duties.
  5. For deterioration of the company's reputation, which led to a decrease in sales or outflow of counterparties.

Reporting system

The applied system of reports on the work done by managers is aimed at monitoring their activities, which can be expressed in direct benefits and exclusively in the work done. In particular, reports may contain such information:

  1. Number of days worked.
  2. Late.
  3. The number of calls made by the manager. Both the overall indicator and those that led to a specific result are indicated.
  4. Conducted meetings with current and potential clients, which led to the conclusion of new contracts or an increase in sales volumes.
  5. The number of products delivered to contractors managed by a specific manager.


Let's consider the main features of positions that also relate to the process of selling goods - senior manager And sales development specialist.

The main feature of performing job duties will be general control of all actions which are performed by middle managers.

Perhaps the senior manager will independently oversee some projects and manage large clients.

In general, the procedure for performing work in such a position is determined in accordance with the internal procedures of the company, the size of the sales department, as well as the general structure of both the entire company and a separate division.

A senior manager may be held responsible for the mistakes of his subordinates resulting from a lack of control on his part.

Sales Development Specialist

Job responsibilities of a sales specialist may include: narrower than a sales manager and relate not to specific clients of the company, but to some aspects of the company’s work.

On the other hand, the organization also has the right to independently determine their job responsibilities. These may include conducting separate analytical studies, as well as collecting certain information, summarizing data, etc.

This video provides additional information on creating a job description for a sales manager.

The position of sales specialist includes only executive tasks. The employee must perform the main functions of a customer service manager:

  • be able to sell;
  • successfully interact with customers;
  • process incoming documents;
  • conduct product presentations;
  • carry out effective .

Functions of a sales manager

The performance of the entire department as a whole directly depends on the labor efficiency of each department salesperson. There are two common ways to improve department performance:

  • Quantitative
  • High quality

Quantitative method associated with an increase in the number of sales personnel and, as a consequence, an increase in the number of orders, as well as total revenue. This method is effective only with a high level of personnel training.

Qualitative way improving performance allows you to get more orders by stimulating the activity of sellers. However, as the workload on a specialist increases, there is a risk of a decrease in the quality of work and customer loyalty indicators.

Functional responsibilities of a sales manager

  • Interaction with clients. This responsibility involves being kind to customers and being responsive to their needs and desires.
  • Project management for each customer. An employee of the department creates profitable offers, prepares effective presentations, conducts negotiations, calls customers, conducts electronic correspondence, etc.
  • Collection of information. This function includes market analysis, identification of potential clients, analysis of available information, and preparation of commercial proposals.
  • Conduct of negotiations.
  • Participation in professional exhibitions and events as a company representative.
  • Drawing up contracts and other documentation.
  • Active

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