Quotes about the past. Useful quotes about the past Quotes about a happy past

Accounting and taxes 28.11.2020
Accounting and taxes

People love to reflect on their achievements. At the same time, they quite often compare themselves with others and do not notice their own merits. Quotes about the past, to which a person inevitably returns in difficult moments of life, often help to look at the situation from the outside, to see ourselves in a new light. If people were attentive to the feelings of others, they would not make their loved ones suffer and would themselves achieve great results in any endeavor. Quotes about the past and future are presented in this article.

“Time passes, that’s the problem. There is less and less chance of doing anything” (Haruki Murakami)

Most people come to this conclusion in their old age. Unfortunately, life goes pretty fast. Many people do not have time to notice how, behind endless experiences, they are missing out on dozens of additional features. Gradually, a person loses prospects that once seemed quite real and feasible to him.

You've probably noticed how quickly the days, weeks, and months fly by. A person can only be constantly surprised by what is approaching new year holidays, but life never changed. Quotes about the past often evoke sadness and make you feel some regret.

“If you often look back, the likelihood of stumbling increases” (E.M. Remarque)

A person could achieve more if he were more attentive to what fate offers him. Most people are so afraid of making an irreparable mistake that they do not take any decisive steps. Having stopped acting, they begin to wait for an independent solution to the problem, but nothing of the kind happens. Life proves that if you constantly look back at past events, the risk of not noticing the present increases and, as a result, you will miss your future.

Accept as a fact that the past cannot be changed. This will allow you to successfully build real relationships and fully concentrate on the task at hand. Quotes about the past touch human feelings. By reading them, we learn to analyze our own actions and make serious decisions. The past exists as necessary experience. You need to be able to let go of it in time in order to be able to fully move forward. Remember that only the present belongs to us. Only what is happening now can be changed.

“Without knowing the past, it is impossible to understand the present and the goals of the future” (M. Gorky)

What happens to us throughout life brings the necessary experience into it. Without the appropriate conditions, a person will never be able to change or learn new things. Any achievements come into our lives because there is a place for them. Quotes about the past allow us to see the sooner we accept the necessary lesson from the universe, the faster our existence changes for the better. As long as a person continues to persistently resist the will of fate, he cannot accept his own essence.

Thus, quotes about make a person think about the responsibility he has to himself. The more clearly a person understands his role in achievements, the easier it becomes for him to change his life for the better.

Most people spend their lives in captivity because they live only in the future or the past. They deny the present, although the present is where it all begins.

The past must be accepted as it is. It is not the blows that are hitting us now that matter, but those that we have suffered.

"Stephen King"

The past can be too heavy to carry around with you everywhere. Sometimes it is worth forgetting about it for the sake of the future.

"Joan Kathleen Rowling"

Digging into the past, you can find a lot of interesting things in the present.

"Valentin Domile"

Never look back. The past is dead. But there is always a future. There is always a future.

"Ayn Rand"

Does the sun shine on me today so that I can think about yesterday?

"Johann Friedrich Schiller"

It's amazing how quickly you shut yourself off from the past when you have something to occupy your hands and head. You can survive anything, even the most terrible pain. You just need something to distract you.

"Chuck Palahniuk"

You shouldn't try to get rid of memories, you need to learn to live with them.

One of the advantages of the past is that it is in the past.

"Dorian Gray"

To go into the future, you need to get rid of the past.

"Forrest Gump"

We live in a kind of indifference to everything, in the narrowest horizon, without past and future.

"Victor Kunin"

The peculiarity of the spiritual past is that, unlike the historical past, it is not squandered by descendants.

"Sigmund Freud"

He who loved cannot love,
You can't set fire to someone who's burned out.

"Sergey Yesenin"

The past is like a broken mirror. Trying to put the pieces back together can cause you to cut yourself.

The past, present and future are just one moment in the eyes of God, and we should try to live before his eyes.

"Oscar Wilde"

The present is a child of the past, and you should always understand the past of the participants in the drama, find out who they really are, who they want to appear to be, what they say about themselves and what they want to be thought of.

"Jean-Francois Parot"

These feelings from the past sometimes come back to me. Together with the then sound of the rain, the then smell of the wind.

"Haruki Murakami"

Nothing disappears forever in the past, but everything is preserved.

"Viktor Frankl"

We question and interrogate the past so that it can explain our present and give us hints about our future.

"Vissarion Grigorievich Belinsky"

Anyone who looks back too often can easily trip and fall.

"Erich Maria Remarque"

You should never wander alone through places where you two have been.

"Veniamin Kaverin"

We cling to our past because we don't trust the future.

"Chuck Palahniuk"

Every saint has a past, every sinner has a future.

"Oscar Wilde"

The past can always be erased by repentance, oblivion or renunciation, but the future is inevitable.

It is much better to move forward rather than stay stuck in the past. We cannot rewrite history.

~*Queen of Inspiration*~

When one door of happiness closes, another usually opens immediately, but sometimes we don’t notice it, staring at the closed door.

"Don't worry about what you can't change..."

No person can become more alien than the one you loved in the past E.M. Remarque

You can’t escape fate, and if you left, that means it’s not fate...

Leave the past to those who remain in it...

Everyone says that you can't order your heart,
But know that I will command my heart!

The hardest thing to refuse and forget is not the person himself, but the dream that he gave, and you believed in it.

"Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened."

“Don’t think about the past, live in the present. After all, if you always look back, you may not see the hole ahead and fall into it..”.

“The pursuit of joy is more important than the need to suffer.”

You can’t get rid of memories until you seriously want it, until you decide for yourself that enough is enough. My mother says in this case: “don’t drink sawdust.” and on the radio they once said: “If you want to forget your old love, come up with a new one”

If you often remember the past, you can lose the future

Don't look to the past with longing. It won't come back. Use the present wisely. It's yours. Go forward towards the uncertain future, without fear and with a courageous heart.

When giving - do it easily, when losing - do it easily, when saying goodbye - do it easily. When giving, losing, saying goodbye, do not be sad about the future, but thank the past.

The past can be too heavy to carry around with you everywhere. Sometimes it is worth forgetting about it for the sake of the future.

We cling to our past because we don't trust the future.

Memories are what makes us grow old. The secret of eternal youth is the ability to forget.

Don't regret the past! It didn’t spare you!((

The future worries us, but the past holds us back. This is why the present eludes us.

“It’s good where we are not: in the past we are no longer there,
and it looks beautiful"

The strongest hatred is the product of the strongest love.

a man should leave as gracefully as he came...forever....

Your lips bleed, your soul shatters, only your gaze burns in your memory. Yes, I left you, but, God, how my soul hurts...

Pushkin also said that when a cat walked to the left, it always told fairy tales.

A man is only interesting until he becomes intrusive.

My affection was nourished by time and said nothing about the merits of the one to whom it belonged...

A guy will never forget a girl who made him cry, and a girl will always remember a guy who made her laugh...

Sometimes it's good to lose everything to realize what you're really missing.....

You can't truly regret what happened. You can only regret what you didn't do...

A look into the past is a stab in the heart...

without the past there is no future.
destroy or forget the most terrible crime of the past

Elena Khanina:
...the whole beauty of the past is that it is the past. O. Wilde

The past can always be erased by repentance, oblivion or renunciation, but the future is inevitable O. Wilde

The present never satisfies us, the future is unreliable, the past is irrevocable. Schopenhauer

To go into the future, you need to get rid of the past. Forrest Gump

The past is like a broken mirror. Trying to put the pieces back together can cause you to cut yourself.

The past is a gaping hole. You try to escape from it, but the harder you run, the deeper and scarier it becomes behind you, and you feel its edges licking your heels. The only chance is to turn around and face it bravely. But this is the same as looking into the grave of your love. Or how to kiss the barrel of a gun loaded and ready to smash your head into pieces.

Don't regret the past... it didn't spare you!

Never regret anything afterward,
If what happened cannot be changed.
Like a note from the past, I crumpled up my sadness,
Break the fragile thread with this past...

* I will never regret the present because it will soon become the past.

*What happened yesterday was yesterday, and today is a new day and a new life.

Don't try to bring back the past. You cannot return what already belongs to you.

The heart of the future lives
The present is sad
Everything is instant, everything will pass,
Whatever happens will be nice

You need to know the past not because it has passed, but because, when leaving, it was not able to remove its consequences...

A distinctive characteristic of a person is the desire to start everything without fail.
at first...

Why, even having gained the present, do we still try to return to the past? And even having found today's happiness, we try to reach the happiness of yesterday, each time returning to the days gone by...

You can treat the past well or badly, but regret is stupid. Regret is not constructive; nothing useful can be created from a feeling of regret. We need to be grateful to the past because it gives us certain experiences from which we learn and draw conclusions. Even if the experience is very bitter and difficult, you still learn a lesson from it, become smarter, and for this I thank him very much.

Memory warms a person from the inside, and, at the same time, tears him apart (Haruki Murakami “Kafka on the Beach”)

The past has smell, taste and color,
The desire to teach, influence and mean,
And only one thing, unfortunately, is missing -
Opportunities to reinvent yourself.

The past cannot be returned. At least restore faith in the future! Boris Krutier

The past stored in memory is part of the present. Tadeusz Kotarbiński

Remembering the past, you remember life...

Remember what happened and draw conclusions!

What has passed will never return... Only in memory remains...

Thank you for making me happy with you!
But now it's in the past...

You always need to know when the next stage of your life ends. A circle closes, a door closes, a chapter ends - it doesn’t matter what you call it, it’s important to leave in the past what already belongs to the past.

Time heals everything, whether you like it or not.
time takes everything away, leaving only darkness in the end...
sometimes in this darkness we meet others, and sometimes we lose them there again

Those who look back on their past do not deserve the future. O. Wilde.

The collection includes quotes about the past and past events:

  • What has passed is no more. Cicero Marcus Tullius
  • The present has a very unpleasant habit of becoming the past. Vera Kamsha
  • ... Without knowing the past, it is impossible to understand the true meaning of the present and the goals of the future. Maksim Gorky
  • Anyone who does not remember his past is condemned to relive it. George Santayana
  • The archaic world was much less compact than the world that surrounds us, and was perceived as less compact. Paul Karl Feyerabend
  • What has died as reality is alive as edification. Victor Marie Hugo
  • Flight into the past, strictly speaking, is the same as flight into the ideal. Wilhelm Windelband
  • Those who do not look back cannot look forward. Edmund Burke
  • We can talk about the past in the future...
  • The wealth of light lies precisely in original people. Thanks to them and their works, light is light, and not desert. The memory of people and the history of their lives is the sum of his strength, his sacred property for eternity, supporting him and, as far as possible, helping him push forward through the still unknown depth. Thomas Carlyle
  • It’s good where we are not: in the past we are no longer there, and it seems beautiful. Anton Pavlovich Chekhov
  • The future may not become the present. The present immediately becomes the past. Only the past is the present. Ashot Nadanyan
  • There is too much of the past in us. We are making too little progress. Elias Canetti
  • There were us Trojans, there was Ilion.
  • The Roman Empire was a bare, hollowed-out trunk. Johan Huizinga
  • You won’t go anywhere in the carriage of the past... Maxim Gorky

  • The destruction of statues is the negation of hierarchies that are no longer recognized. Elias Canetti
  • In the past, nothing is lost forever, but everything is preserved. Victor Frankl
  • Let man use the past centuries as the material on which the future grows Jean Marie Guyot
  • Whatever bad happened to us, it all happened because of the Germans! Ivan IV Vasilievich the Terrible
  • The past is characterized by immobility and constancy. It does not change and bears the stamp of eternity, like an oil painting or a bronze or marble statue. Jawaharlal Nehru
  • Always honor the traces of the past. Caecilius Statius
  • The past is intended to serve us, but we can take possession of it only if it is subordinated to the present. Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • There is no universal way back. There is only movement forward, although unfamiliar depths and distances are spinning our heads, although the near future yawns before us, like an abyss in the fog. Although there is no return to the past, the past can give us an instructive lesson and serve as a guide. Johan Huizinga
  • The past is known in the present, from the present, through the present. Lev Karsavin
  • Every day there is a student of yesterday. Publilius Syrus
  • The past is as dead as a broken gramophone record. Chasing the past is a thankless task, and if you want to be convinced of this, go to the sites of your past battles. Ernest Hemingway
  • Any renunciation of the past, any sweeping denial of it is evil and delusion. Semyon Ludwigovich Frank
  • The past dies under the hooves of the present, but what never happened dies only with us. Vera Kamsha
  • It is much easier to remember the past - written down on paper. You just need to read it and smile a little. Yuri Khanon
  • The past is the tomb of our dead feelings. Christian Nestel Bovey
  • Even where life changes rapidly and dramatically, as, for example, in revolutionary eras, with all visible transformations much more of the old is preserved than is usually believed, and this old dominates, uniting with the new into a new unity. Hans Georg Gadamer
  • The past is reality remembered by the present. Lev Karsavin
  • Friend who is far from us, days that are long gone. Muhammad Babur
  • What has been passed can no longer be passed; what should be passed through has not yet been passed through. Nagarjuna
  • Obsession with the past is a plausible and therefore very popular excuse to tie yourself hand and foot. Alfred Adler
  • With all the vicissitudes of fate, the greatest misfortune is to be happy in the past. Boethius
  • The intellectual past is subject to deformation and distortion, and the material, embodied in objects and archives, is subject to gradual destruction and decay or is simply lost. Clifford Simak, "Photos of the Battle of Marathon"
  • Nothing lasts as long as currently. Boris Krieger
  • Some detail, the most insignificant and long-standing, stands out like a peak, while entire layers of my past settle without a trace. Claude Lévi-Strauss
  • No solution to our problems can be found ready-made in the heritage of the ancients. Jacques Maritain
  • When memories fade in our hearts, death makes them bloom again in its hands. Fedor Ivanovich Tyutchev
  • There is no need to embellish antiquity. Han Feizi
  • Those who overly revere antiquity become a laughing stock in modern times. Francis Bacon
  • You cannot look back and look for criteria in the past. It’s even worse to look for them in some system. Oswald Spengler
  • Dead history is reborn, the past becomes present if life itself demands it. Benedetto Croce

  • You can’t persuade an old man not to remember the past days. Huang Yun-Jiao
  • We question and interrogate the past so that it can explain our present and give us hints about our future. Vissarion Grigorievich Belinsky
  • Without climbing a high mountain, you will not know the height of the sky. Without looking into a deep gorge in the mountains, you will not know the thickness of the earth. Without hearing the behests of your ancestors, you will not recognize the greatness of learning. Xiongzi
  • We must know the inventions of our ancestors. Cicero Marcus Tullius
  • Don’t let the past times be distorted by letters from those years. Elias Canetti
  • We cannot accept the former unchanged, because we ourselves have become different. Wilhelm Windelband
  • We sometimes like things more that are far away:
  • We must admit that the past is beautiful only in our dreams, and that in fact the good old time, the poetry of which we sweetly inhale, had a vulgar and sad tendency towards all those things that make up any human life. Anatole France
  • Is there a person who would not be impressed by antiquity, attested and certified by so many glorious monuments? Cicero Marcus Tullius
  • We assume that if it is written, it means it happened. Benedetto Croce
  • The present is a consequence of the past, and therefore constantly turn your gaze to your backside, which will save you from significant mistakes. Kozma Prutkov
  • I can talk about the past tomorrow...
  • We know that at least we are human beings; but half of our inspiration from our heroes is lost when we forget that they were human beings. Alfred North Whitehead
  • Don't think about the past because it's gone. Don't think about the future because it hasn't come yet. Sasha Cherny, “Advice to a person who wants to stay alive”
  • We must take fire from the past, not ashes. Jean Jaurès
  • Do not put out the torch, although its flame fluctuates until the lantern shows you the way; do not erase old expressions from speeches until you have managed to create new words. Henrik Ibsen
  • Wise people say that it is good and honorable to follow in the footsteps of our ancestors, if, of course, they followed the straight path. Pliny the Younger
  • There is no need to cling to vain regrets about the past and mourn over the changes that plague us, for change is the basis of life. Anatole France

  • People are never satisfied with the present and, from experience, having little hope for the future, decorate the irrevocable past with all the colors of their imagination. Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin
  • A few days, a handful of minutes - here they are, and this is the present, our present, which we often miss, preferring to remember or guess. The past has already ended, no matter how detailed it may seem, and the future has not yet begun - and, perhaps, will never begin. Let's live a little today, now, this minute, and then you will finally be able to feel not what we were or will be, but what we are... Henry Lyon Oldie (quotes about the past)
  • When a writer dies, his work begins to be overestimated. In the same way, when a person dies, their role among us begins to be overestimated. This means that the past is completely created by death, which populates it with illusions. Albert Camus
  • Disrespect for ancestors is the first sign of immorality. Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin
  • When we remember, we later treat many of the things that once worried us with complete indifference. Wilhelm Windelband
  • No one can return the past. We must go, continue our path, and it is useless to look back... Romain Rolland
  • No matter how diligently we rewrite our past, it is unlikely that this will seriously affect the situation in which we happen to find ourselves today. Still, Time has sufficient resistance to nullify any attempts at artificial correction. Some corrections will inevitably lead to others, and as a result, the general flow of Time will return everything to normal. Haruki Murakami
  • One mirror is more important than a whole gallery of ancestors. Wolfgang Menzel
  • And at the same time I thought: “Do I have the right to be her husband? No I do not have! If she knew what I came from, if anyone told her my past, she would slap me! Shameful, unhappy past! She, noble, rich, educated, would spit on me if she knew what kind of bird I was!” Anton Chekhov, “A Woman Without Prejudice”
  • A pleasant memory of the hardships of the past. Virgil Maro Publius
  • There are different dead, some from the depths of millennia that have been experienced and now powerfully determine the direction of our modern best. Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin
  • Past time never returns.
  • The past day is always better than the present day. Ovid
  • The past is a prelude, the future is a black hole. Jonathan Tropper, "More on with your life"
  • It is not only possible, but also necessary to be proud of the glory of your ancestors; not to respect it is shameful cowardice. Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin
  • The past is always with us, and everything that we are, everything that we have, comes from the past. We are his creation, and we live immersed in him. Not understanding this and not feeling the past... means not understanding the present. Jawaharlal Nehru
  • Yesterday is today's teacher. Publilius Syrus
  • It is easier to blame the past than to correct it. Livia Titus
  • Every nationalist is haunted by the idea that the past can - and should - be changed. George Orwell
  • The past cannot simply be cut down with a sweeping blow of an axe. We need to figure out what in the old is dead and belongs to the grave and what is still alive and worthy of life. Fyodor Ivanovich Chaliapin
  • Remembering a forgotten past is difficult. Most often it is useless.
  • The past blocks the way for the future. Robert Walser
  • Everything good and [useful] that has come down to us from antiquity must be followed, but new useful and good things must also be created. Mo Tzu (Mo Di)
  • The past creates the future. If a person lets everything take its course, then the future will be the same as the past. This is how the law of cause and effect works. He who recognizes the mistakes of the past and actively tries to correct them, corrects the future. Luule Viilma
  • Everything that has passed is past. Horace
  • Past generations left us not so much ready-made solutions to problems, but rather the questions themselves. Seneca Lucius Annaeus (the Younger)
  • Memories are magical clothes that do not wear out from use. Robert Louis Stevenson
  • Does the sun shine on me today so that I can think about yesterday? Johann Friedrich Schiller
  • In our minds, the past is divided into centuries, and next to centuries there is no place for anything. Elias Canetti
  • The point is not about mentally drawing a big demarcation line between the past and the future, but about realizing the thoughts of the past. Karl Marx
  • In ancient times, proximity to a high road during the era of Roman rule was not an advantage, but a great misfortune: these were not trade roads, but military roads. Max Weber
  • The legend is fresh, but hard to believe. Alexander Sergeevich Griboyedov
  • The future, being everything, is perceived as nothing; the past, being nothing, is perceived by everything! Charles Lamb
  • Old wood burns better, an old horse is safer to ride, old books are more pleasant to read, old wine is more pleasant to drink, old friends are the most trustworthy. Leonard Wright
  • The future touched the present, patted him on the shoulder condescendingly, and lay down to rest. Sergei Lukyanenko
  • Those who lived before us accomplished a lot, but completed nothing. Seneca Lucius Annaeus (the Younger)
  • Blessed is he who honors his ancestors with a pure heart. Johann Wolfgang Goethe

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