Questionnaire for getting a job. How to answer “tricky” survey questions

Chercher 19.01.2020

A job application form is not mandatory, but extremely useful. After all, hiring a new employee can be compared to a lottery. After all, the employer often knows practically nothing about the applicant. That is why most enterprises practice the use of questionnaires. With their help, the employer will be able to get some idea of ​​the professional and personal qualities of the future employee. In the material on the site we will figure out what questions can be asked in the questionnaire and how to compose it correctly so as not to violate legal norms.

Sample of filling out a questionnaire when applying for a job

Existing legislation does not provide for a unified sample application form for a job interview. Consequently, employers can compile it independently, taking into account the specifics of the enterprise. However, there is an approximate list of information developed in practice that can be included in the document:

  • personal information of the candidate - full name, date and place of birth, place of residence, citizenship;
  • information about education;
  • Foreign language skills;
  • presence of military duty;
  • professional skills;
  • Information about labor activity;
  • employment goals;
  • presence or absence of a criminal record;
  • marital status and family composition;
  • hobbies, favorite activities
  • personal qualities.

In addition to the information listed, the job application form, a sample of which can be downloaded below, may contain other questions. For example, regarding lifestyle, habits, and so on. But pay attention to the material presented to the right of the text: be careful with copies of documents.

The presented list can be used as the names of logical blocks that will contain relevant questions. A sample application form for a job seeker is presented below.

A sample form for filling out a job application is a template. Employers can use it as a basis when drawing up their own document.

Information about education and knowledge of foreign languages

In this block you can ask the candidate to indicate the names educational institutions where he received his education. These can be not only higher and professional educational institutions, but also various courses and master classes. Foreign languages ​​spoken by the applicant may be listed nearby. In addition, it is imperative to provide a column in which the degree of language proficiency will be indicated.

Professional skills and work history

Professional skills may include proficiency in any programs, ability to operate instruments, as well as a driver’s category. Next, enter information about your work activity. That is, periods of employment at other enterprises, their name and job title. Quite often they include a clause requiring you to describe functional responsibilities at the previous place of work. In addition, company managers often want to know why an employee left his previous job.

Employment goals

This paragraph includes questions that help determine the candidate's interest in productive work. Here you can ask about the desired level wages, about attitudes towards business trips and overtime workload. It is also advisable to find out what the candidate's priorities are. For this, separate columns can be highlighted with a ranking from 1 to 5. Using this scale, the candidate will have to determine what is most important to him in the new place - Friendly team, high salary, career, implementation of plans and so on.

Having a criminal record

The presence or absence of a criminal record is quite important factor when searching for candidates for positions with financial liability, as well as having access to classified information. Some enterprises even provide for a special check of applicants on this issue.

Family, hobbies and personal qualities

Despite the seeming insignificance of this information, information about family, favorite activities and personal qualities can help to understand the character of the applicant and the scope of his life interests. The most important point is “personal qualities”, because it is here that a person tries to characterize himself. And this will help to understand the level of self-esteem and ambition of the candidate.

What questions should not be asked in the application form?

An application form for a job applicant is a document that contains personal and sometimes confidential information about a person. Therefore, the person must provide permission to process this information, in accordance with Federal Law dated July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ “ About personal data" At the same time, there are questions that are not recommended to be asked in the questionnaire, since this may be regarded as an invasion of privacy. They may concern:

  • religion and belief;
  • political and philosophical views;
  • health status, except for those issues related to professional suitability;
  • details of personal life;
  • information about leisure, friends, relatives, acquaintances.

If such questions are present in the document, the candidate has the right not to fill out these columns, as well as any others that, in his opinion, violate the concept of personal privacy. From the point of view of existing legislation, an employer cannot refuse employment to an applicant because he left some cells of the application form blank.

How to correctly fill out a sample job application form?

The main rule when filling out the questionnaire is to provide truthful information. When applying for a job, the candidate submits various documents, which in the future can serve as a tool for the employer to verify the accuracy of the information from the questionnaire. Moreover, at the end of the application form, the applicant must put a signature confirming the veracity of the data. And for providing knowingly false information, Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, is punishable by dismissal.

Many employers ask candidates for their existing positions to fill out an application form when applying for a job. Such a document is not included in the list of mandatory requirements for employment (Article 65 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), but allows the employer to form a general opinion about the future employee.

Management does not have the right, without the consent of the applicant, to request information that may contain information about special personal data: nationality, religion (Article 86 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), etc. If obtaining such information is necessary due to the nature of the work (for example, for access to state secrets), All submitted data is confidential and not subject to disclosure.

More details about personnel documents, including those in demand during the employment of employees, can be read in the material “HR administration from scratch - step-by-step instructions” .

Contents of the application form when applying for a job

There is no single sample application form for employment. Managers themselves decide which aspects of applicants’ lives interest them. Sample list The requested information may be:

  • personal data of the candidate (full name, place of residence, citizenship);
  • availability of education;
  • existing professional skills, work experience;
  • information about previous work activities;
  • sources of income, desired salary level;
  • Foreign language skills;
  • marital status, family composition;
  • having a criminal record;
  • hobbies, hobbies;
  • other questions.

Most of the information in the application form when applying for a job duplicates the resume of a potential employee, but it also contains information about the employee’s personal preferences, his habits and lifestyle. All this helps to create a more complete portrait of the future employee as a specialist and as an individual.

Find out what data needs to be reflected in the employee’s personal card and what to do if they change, from the material “How to correctly make changes to a personal card?” .

Features of filling out a questionnaire when applying for a job

Future candidates for a position receive an employment questionnaire directly from personnel service employer. As a rule, the document is filled out manually and contains the date and personal signature of the applicant.

The information provided must characterize the employee as a specialist and as an individual, and must also be reliable.

You should approach filling out the form with all responsibility. You need to understand: even if a candidate does not get a job right away, often in search of a suitable candidate for a vacant position, management turns to previously filled out questionnaires, choosing the most suitable one from among the applicants.

For information about what information from the questionnaire will then end up in the employee’s personal card, read the article « Personal employee card form T-2 - download sample » .

Where can I download a sample application form for employment?

Form of this document is not the same for all employers. Our sample will help you get acquainted with one of its options.


Presenting and filling out documents during employment is a crucial moment for the applicant. Using the information he provides about his personal and professional qualities ah, work experience and other skills, chances of getting desired position increase significantly. At the same time, we should not forget that this information must be not only relevant, but also reliable.

Job seekers are often perplexed: why do they need to fill out a job application form if the employer has already been provided with a resume for review? And sometimes you may come across the opinion that a written questionnaire for employment is useless, because it can be replaced by an interview. No, he can not. Neither a resume nor an interview are a complete replacement for a job application questionnaire.

Every employer knows that in a resume the candidate tries to present himself in the best light and may not indicate information that is unfavorable for him (for example, temporary jobs, the presence of small children). Moreover, main goal resume is to receive an invitation to an interview.

The questionnaire is the first stage of direct acquaintance between the employer and the future employee. The interview is its second stage.

Below are examples of an applicant's application form when applying for a job and a sample of filling out an application form when applying for a job. From them it will become clear that an employer, using a survey, can obtain:

  • general information determining the legality and advisability of further interaction with the candidate for vacant place;
  • an adequate initial assessment of his professional qualities, necessary for making a decision on admission.

For the applicant, this document is no less important, since it may contain questions the answer to which is not contained in the resume. And, in addition, the potential employee himself learns a lot about future employment.

In this regard, a sample application form for a job candidate is a more objective document. The application form for an applicant when applying for a job contains a list of mandatory items that allow you to evaluate the candidate, his professional level and personal qualities more deeply. Looking through the information specified in the questionnaire, employers pay attention even to such seemingly trifles as:

  • the applicant's literacy level;
  • accuracy of filling;
  • the amount of time spent filling out the form;
  • completeness of the data provided;
  • attentiveness, etc.

Avoid answering awkward question, without answering it in the questionnaire, it will not work - the employer will ask it anyway. So it's better to be honest.

The emotionality and mood with which the candidate comes to the interview are also assessed.

Thus, a sample application form for employment reveals the socio-psychological characteristics of the applicant, which simplifies selection.

For whom is the form required?

According to the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 667-r dated May 26, 2005, the questionnaire in mandatory filled out by citizens wishing to take part in competitions for filling places:

In all other cases, the questionnaire is not included in the number of documents required for employment ( Art. 65 Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

But many businesses develop their own sample job interview questionnaire and use it to evaluate the candidate.

All information about the applicant that is indicated in it is confidential information and are not subject to publicity ( Art. 86 Labor Code of the Russian Federation). If confidentiality is violated, the employer may be subject to criminal liability.

What questions does a sample job application form contain?

The job application form contains from 10 to 30 points, the answers to which the employer wants to receive from the candidate. The questionnaire can also be completed electronically.

The job application form, a sample of which we have posted below, may contain the following items:

  • FULL NAME. applicant for a vacancy;
  • Date and place of birth;
  • citizenship;
  • address of actual residence and place of permanent registration;
  • telephone, address Email;
  • passport details;
  • education (including additional and courses);
  • availability of a medical book;
  • information about work activity for a certain period of time: (place and period of work, position, responsibilities, salary);
  • professional skills and abilities;
  • marital status and information about close relatives;
  • hobby;
  • weak and strengths character;
  • wishes for working conditions and salary;
  • having a driver's license;
  • proficiency level foreign languages and PC;
  • presence of chronic diseases;
  • recommendations from former employers.

The employer must understand: in order for the questionnaire to be as informative as possible, the questions contained in it must be clear and concise. They must also imply a precise answer.

Enterprises that require filling out a detailed questionnaire for employment (for example, banking structures) must take care in advance to document the voluntary nature of providing personal data, which requires obtaining the written consent of the candidate, in accordance with Article 9, paragraph 4.

How to correctly compose a questionnaire

We offer several practical advice by compilation. It is very convenient when questions are grouped by topic. This will make the work of both the interviewer and the interviewee easier.

We propose dividing the questionnaire into two parts: general issues- in one part, highly specialized - in the second. This division facilitates the use of a single questionnaire form for large enterprise, since its first part will be the same for candidates for vacancies in any workshop or department of the enterprise.

General issues

In the first part, the standard points usually come first:

  • Date of Birth;
  • residential address;
  • Contact Information;
  • Family status;
  • children;
  • attitude towards military duty;
  • having a criminal record.


  • educational institutions in which he studied (with years, assigned qualifications and diploma numbers, which can be checked if necessary);
  • advanced training courses completed, seminars, master classes and conferences attended;
  • degree of proficiency in foreign languages.

If the last point is important directly for the position held, we recommend checking your actual language proficiency during the interview, since the candidate’s self-assessment of his language skills often does not correspond to the real state of affairs.

Employment goals

You can then ask questions to understand the applicant's goals for future employment. We suggest including questions that will reveal the applicant's motives and goals. Examples of such questions:

  • what position he would like to hold now;
  • whether he wants to make a career;
  • Is there a desire and/or ability to work overtime and on weekends;
  • How does the candidate feel about business trips?

A great way to understand an applicant's personality is through preference lists. Suggest, for example, ranking by importance a list of benefits that a candidate would like to have in this workplace:

  • good team;
  • decent salary;
  • growth prospects;
  • advanced training or obtaining qualifications;
  • proximity to home;
  • flexible schedule.

By ranking such a list, a potential employee will reveal his preferences and thereby reveal himself. It makes sense to offer to add your option to the ranked list.

Candidate's health

Whether it is necessary to ask questions about the health of a potential employee is up to each employer to decide for himself. This is a rather slippery question. In fact, such questions may amount to an invasion of privacy.

However, quite important information that will affect the employer’s obligations towards the employee (providing benefits, etc.) is disability and chronic diseases that require regular hospital treatment.

We suggest the following rather tactful formulations:

“Do you need special working conditions due to your health condition?”

“Do you need extra days off to care for a relative?”

But we must remember that a refusal to provide a workplace to a person with health limitations (if these restrictions do not affect his ability to perform the assigned work) may be grounds for going to court.

Personal qualities

And finally, an even more painful point in the first part of the questionnaire is personal qualities. These questions not only cause a negative reaction from the person being questioned, but are also extremely ineffective, since a person rarely can and wants to adequately assess his strengths and weaknesses, especially when applying for a job. We can suggest using list ranking again, however, this method is also quite ineffective. It is better to use the oral interview method.

Experience and skills

Having finished with the first, general, part, we move on to the second, highly specialized one, which we recommend starting with obtaining information about work experience. The structure of this section should serve two purposes:

  1. Provide the employer with the necessary information about the candidate’s work skills. To do this, professions, who he worked for, positions held, and a list of duties performed must be indicated.
  2. Get an idea of ​​the candidate's communication skills and mental stability. To do this, they ask about the reasons for changing jobs and ask the candidate to name one or two former employees who can give characteristics and recommendations.

To obtain relevant information about work skills, a highly specialized questionnaire is required. When filling a driver vacancy, they are interested in the category and time of obtaining a license, and driving experience. If a programmer is surveyed, they ask questions about proficiency in certain programming languages, specific software products created by this applicant. This section should be compiled by the immediate supervisor of the future employee, because he is the one who knows exactly what skills the future employee will need in the new place. This is a very important point in the questionnaire. No matter how communicative and stable a candidate is, if he does not have the necessary work skills, he is unlikely to cope with the proposed functionality.

What a job applicant should not write in a job application

Despite the fact that at the moment there are no forms approved by law for the questionnaire, the law does not allow the employer to include in it whatever they want.

How long should the questionnaire be?

Sufficient, but not excessive. We also recommend asking questions tactfully so as not to scare off potential employees and minimizing the number of personal questions. It makes sense to ask only what is directly related to the future position and assumes the possibility of a reliable answer.

Let us recall that the law obliges a candidate for a vacant position to be honest in providing personal data, giving the employer the right to terminate employment contract in case of using forged documents ().

How to make sure that the form is filled out correctly

First of all, you need to check that all the questions asked are answered. The next step is to verify the provided data with the data of your passport, diploma and other documents. The third stage may be to verify the authenticity of the provided data and documents.

Sample of filling out a questionnaire when applying for a job

In this section we have posted a sample application form for an applicant when applying for a job.

What happens to the questionnaire after filling it out? Information about all candidates is entered into the enterprise database (subject to the consent of the person to process personal data). When a new vacancy appears, a candidate who did not pass the selection may be remembered and invited back for an interview. It is quite possible that the second attempt will be successful. If employment has taken place, the questionnaire is filed along with other documents in the employee’s personal file.

The one who processes the admission documents has access to personal data, and, therefore, must be warned about maintaining confidentiality (Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 152 “On Personal Data”, Article 6, paragraph 3). According to the law, the head of the enterprise is responsible to the state for the actions of the operator.

Get a job in Lately It’s not easy: employers’ requirements for potential employees are constantly growing, and each subsequent step of the applicant usually involves filling out more and more documents. It happens that one interview is not enough; quite often to a person looking for official employment must be brought with you. And this is not to mention the medical examination, numerous certificates and instructions. It's different in different institutions, but it's always tiring.

However, the first two stages of the device are always the same: this and, if the manager or HR specialist is interested in it, filling out the questionnaire. And here difficulties often arise: a candidate who has coped well with the first document may not be able to cope with the second: he misunderstood one of the questions or deliberately provided incorrect information about himself. How to cope with filling out a questionnaire when applying for a job will be discussed below.

Why do you need a job application form?

A job application form, despite a common misconception, is not one of the mandatory documents: the employer determines the need for it to be filled out by the applicant and further processed by personnel department employees; In some cases, he also reviews the document.

Important: for employment in budgetary institutions and departments, filling out the questionnaire in most cases is an indispensable condition for considering the applicant’s candidacy. In this case, the state acts as the employer - it sets the rules. Commercial organizations and individual entrepreneurs can use any form of application form when applying for a job - from the simplest to the multi-page one - or abandon them altogether, being content with conducting simple interview and documents and certificates provided by the future employee.

The structure and individual points of the questionnaire can vary greatly even within an organization, depending on what position the applicant is applying for. It is clear that there will be significantly fewer requirements (and, therefore, questions) for a janitor, handyman or manager than for the head of a department or the person responsible for the life and health of other employees. It is also equally obvious that joining an organization whose activities are related to state secrets is more complicated than applying for a position as a salesperson in a grocery store.

Features of filling out an employment application form

There are common points in any questionnaire, regardless of the template specified by the manager. These include:

  1. Last name, first name and patronymic of the candidate. Despite the accepted naming order, specialists drafting or correcting the document form are advised to leave space for national prefixes, endings and other parts of the person’s full name in order to avoid future confusion or the inclusion of the employee in the list under the wrong letter. It is also necessary to note that, due to the same national-cultural or other reasons, the “Patronymic” field is not required to be filled out: a dash in it cannot be a basis for refusing to consider the application form. It is also recommended to leave as much space as possible for applicants to enter data: it is important to remember that handwritten letters usually take up more space than printed ones.

Advice: the candidate should try to fill out all fields of the application form as legibly as possible when applying for a job. This will make the task of the HR employee easier and, as a result, increase the chances of success: no one will want to deal with an unreadable document, and it will likely simply be left without consideration. The applicant may ask (in case of an error or blot) not one, but two forms; It is also necessary, before getting down to business, to familiarize yourself in detail with a sample of the completed questionnaire and even ask for a copy of it in your hand if you plan to deal with the document at home.

  1. The position for which the person is applying. Recently, this item has increasingly begun to be placed at the beginning of the questionnaire, placing it before the full name. The advantages of this approach are obvious: an employee of the personnel department, and in the future - the archive, where over time the personal files of employees with embedded questionnaires should be submitted, will not have to search for a long time to find out who exactly a person wants to be (or was). This is especially useful if the title is not listed on the cover of the case, a practice that is extremely rare. It must be remembered that changes can be made to an already filed questionnaire only if necessary and in accordance with current regulations. For example, if after getting a job in the first specialty a person moved (within the organization) to another position, this is not grounds for correcting the first profile. Depending on the employer’s requirements, two options are possible: either the employee fills out a new form, which is also filed in the file, or a transfer order is simply issued, one of the copies of which, as you might guess, should be in the personal file.

Advice: although a HR specialist is unlikely to confuse the position indicated by the applicant, it is necessary to accurately indicate it on the application form when applying for a job. For greater confidence, this column, like the others, can be filled in by the candidate in block letters, which are easier to understand. At the same time, we must not forget about the alternation of uppercase and lowercase characters: a continuous row capital letters difficult to read and does not make it possible to distinguish the name of the institution from general term. For example, in one city the structures “City Hospital No. 1” and “City Hospital LLC” may coexist - and without alternating lowercase and capital letters, it is difficult to understand which of them the applicant previously worked for.

  1. Date of Birth. In most cases, the applicant can indicate it in the way that is more convenient: using Arabic numerals alone (05/28/1963), using Roman numbering for the month (V.28.1963) or writing the month in letters (May 28, 1963). If an employee of the HR department indicates the need for any one option or such requirements are stated in the application form itself when applying for a job, you should adhere to them. In turn, specialists developing the document must foresee each of the options in advance and leave enough space for the applicant to enter the required data.

Important: when filling out a job application within Russian Federation You should adhere to the accepted order of writing dates: first the day, then the month and finally the year. All values ​​are separated by a dot; The use of slash (diagonal dash) is not recommended. Also, you should not use other formats that complicate the work of a HR specialist: year-month-day or year-day-month. The latter option will most likely mislead the specialist and may cause errors in subsequent documents related to employment. If the applicant is not sure how exactly to write the date, he can always ask for a sample of the completed application form and check with it.

  1. Citizenship. Another mandatory point: the answer to this question will allow the employer or his representative to understand in what direction legal relations with the candidate and subsequently the employee should be built. If the applicant is a citizen of Russia, he only needs to indicate “Russian Federation” or “Russia” in the appropriate column (or line) of the application form when applying for a job. According to the current Constitution of the country, both names are equivalent and can be freely used as synonyms. In this case, the HR specialist does not have the right to force the applicant to change one inscription to another; however, if there was such a request, the candidate may well meet the future colleague halfway and use the necessary word or phrase.
  2. Place of Birth. When filling out this field of the application form when applying for a job, you need to focus on the size of the line: the longer it is, the more detailed information the employer expects from the applicant. If the column is small, it is enough to indicate only the city, town, village or other locality in accordance with the passport. If there is a lot of space, you can enter all the information: zip code, country, region (region, territory, autonomous district, republic), district, and so on.

Advice: the applicant needs to try to ensure that the entered data exactly matches the information from the passport - otherwise, later, when checking the questionnaire, questions may arise from the enterprise’s own security service. If a city or other locality has been renamed or included in another territorial entity, it is still necessary to enter its previous name into the application form when applying for a job.

  1. Place of residence and (or) registration. A good trend lately has been to divide this point into two separate ones: this way you can get the maximum information about the applicant useful information. However, if there is still only one column in the form, the candidate, before filling out the form, can ask the HR specialist what information is required to be indicated in it, and act in accordance with his advice. Another option is to ask for a sample of a ready-made application form for employment: perhaps the employer means that the person will enter two addresses in one field at once.

Advice: if the applicant is registered in one place and lives without registration in another, it is enough to indicate the registration address. The employer must provide only official information - the future employee can easily keep everything else to himself. If the addresses of registration and residence are the same, in the second field you can put a dash, an identity mark (the letter Z crossed out twice horizontally), or re-enter the previously specified information.

  1. Contact details. This column, depending on the employer’s requirements and the availability of free space, may contain the following subparagraphs:
    • home (landline) telephone;
    • mobile phone;
    • work phone;
    • E-mail address;
    • Skype account and so on.

Important: the absence of a candidate for the position of city or mobile phone cannot be a basis for refusing to consider his application. If necessary, the employer will always be able to contact him in an official way - by mail (this is why the current address is indicated). However, if for the organization the applicant has the opportunity to use cellular communication vitally important, the HR specialist will always find a reason for refusal. The same applies to other information, so it is better to familiarize yourself with the specifics of the company’s functioning even before, so as not to waste time filling out a questionnaire that will lead nowhere.

  1. Passport details. The most controversial (and yet usually mandatory) item on the questionnaire. On the one hand, the applicant has every right not to tell anyone the series and number of his passport; on the other hand, as mentioned earlier, the employer will certainly have reasons to refuse an applicant who does not want to share information. In such a situation, all that remains is to go to court - but in Russian realities this is unlikely to give the desired result.

Advice: the applicant, even if he has indicated his personal data in the application form, must remember that the employer does not have the right to disclose it or transfer it to third parties. In this case, the grounds for filing statement of claim there will be much more, and the court’s decision will not be in favor of the unscrupulous employer.

  1. Family status. It is surprising why this item is still considered mandatory; It is unlikely that it represents at least some value for the enterprise. However, while the outdated practice is in effect, the applicant needs to enter something in the appropriate column of the application form. There is no need to specify the details: the standard marks “married” or “single” are enough. A larger amount of information will be redundant and will hardly help when applying for a job.
  2. Consent to the processing of personal data and checking the accuracy of the information entered. Here the applicant is not required to write anything: his signature below automatically means that he gives permission for the specified actions.

Important: the candidate (or employee) has the right to withdraw his consent to processing at any time personal information. To do this, you need to contact a specialist in the HR department of the enterprise or institution and act in accordance with his recommendations. Formally, such a refusal should not have any impact on the employee’s position in the team; actually predict further development events are not possible: all options are possible - from saving current status before the need to re-initiate legal proceedings.

  1. Date and signature of the applicant. In most cases, the date can be set to any date that lies in the interval from filling out the questionnaire until it is accepted by the HR department employee. Nevertheless, it is better to consult with him in advance on this issue as well - otherwise the candidate will have to correct previously entered information, and in some cases, completely rewrite the document. There are usually no problems with the signature: it must be clear and correspond to the sample in the passport. Most often, the applicant also needs to provide a transcript of the signature: his last name and initials.

Important: Filling out such items in the application form when applying for a job is not particularly difficult, but due to the larger volume of information, it requires special care. It must be remembered: ideally, the completed form should not contain any blots or corrections. The information provided, of course, must be true - this is an indispensable condition for successful employment. It is better to write less, leaving part of your biography outside the document, than to deprive yourself of the chance to get a job through your own negligence.

Optional items on the questionnaire include:

  1. Information about relatives. Depending on the employer's position, the applicant may need to list only immediate relatives (father, mother, brothers and sisters, spouse and children) or distant relatives. The requirements are usually given in the application form itself; if nothing is indicated there, the candidate can ask a HR specialist or ask for a sample of the completed document.

Important: it is necessary to indicate not only blood relatives, but also those who are classified as such by virtue of the law: adoptive parents, adopted children, and so on - it all depends on the family circumstances of the applicant.

  1. Attitude to military service. For women, except in special cases, this item is not mandatory. Men need to indicate their status in accordance with the entry in the military ID and rank.
  2. Education and previous places work. In these paragraphs (usually they are presented in the form of tables), you need to enter in reverse chronological order (from last to first) the names of the educational institutions in which the applicant studied and graduated, the years of admission and graduation, the specialty received and, if desired, special marks (“ diploma with honors" and others). The same applies to places of work: the candidate will need to list full names organizations and companies in which he was officially employed, the start and end dates of work, his job responsibilities and sometimes achievements in the workplace.

Important: although this is not expressly provided, the applicant can also indicate, with an appropriate note, places of part-time work and informal employment - but only if he believes that the information will be of interest to the employer, that is, directly related to job responsibilities problems that an employee will have in a new place. Otherwise, it is better to limit yourself to official data, without disclosing your entire biography to the HR specialist.

  1. Skills and personal qualities. As just mentioned, it is best to provide only information that is directly related to the case: an employer is unlikely to be interested in learning about the applicant’s success in winter fishing or baking - unless, of course, he is applying for a job in a bakery or a sports (fishing) store. Here it would be useful to mention the presence of a driver’s license, indicating its category: sometimes this can be a significant advantage for the candidate.
  2. Desired salary level. Sometimes the item is divided into two sub-items - up to probationary period and after. Theoretically, the applicant can enter any amounts into these fields, but it is better to focus on averages: the employer may consider himself unsuitable for an overly demanding employee.
  3. Other items. There can be many of them, depending on the working conditions (for example, a criminal record) and the imagination of the manager or specialist who compiled the questionnaire (in particular, hobbies and hobbies), so it makes little sense to discuss all the options. unclear points should be discussed with the HR department employee, and if he does not have time, the candidate can ask to provide him with a sample of the completed form.

Important Note: Before submitting the form, you should read it carefully again. If errors or inaccuracies are found, you need to contact a HR specialist: he can either advise you to correct them directly in the document, or issue a new form that will need to be filled out again, this time more carefully.

Application for employment - form

It is useful for both the applicant and the HR department to familiarize themselves with a sample application form when applying for a job: this will allow the former to have an approximate idea of ​​what awaits him in the near future, and the latter to gain new ideas or correct shortcomings in the current documentation.

Job applicant application form - sample

Often, it is not enough for a candidate to just skim the application form: for many, visual information is more useful (a fully filled out document, on the basis of which the applicant will be able to enter his data into an empty application form - of course, without copying those given in the “standard”).

Let's sum it up

Hiring is an important and long-term stage in the life of an adult. To prevent it from taking too long, it is recommended to follow the above recommendations and the advice of the HR employee.

The applicant, no matter what position he is applying for, must fill out the application form as carefully as possible: it is better to spend a little time and submit the document to a specialist the first time than to make adjustments in the future or completely rewrite the application form.

A questionnaire is one of the documents through which important information for the employer is collected about applicants for a particular position. In the future, based on the information provided by the applicant in the application form, the organization will select employees.

Any normatively fixed There is currently no application form. It is impossible to develop a completely informative questionnaire. In each specific case, for each enterprise it is different, depending on the information that the employer would like to receive from the employee. The most socially significant issues, such as place of residence, citizenship, right to work, criminal records, biographical and professional data should be reflected in it (the main thing is not to overdo it with the length of the questionnaire). As a rule, an employee fills out a questionnaire at the interview stage when applying for a job.

Currently, most applicants come to interviews with detailed and various additions to them, so filling out questionnaires is not common everywhere. Often the information contained in the resume is quite enough for the employer. But not always.

First of all, a correctly completed questionnaire allows the employer to evaluate the applicant in terms of compliance with personal specifications, that is, to understand what qualities a person has to successfully perform the work assigned to him.

Filling out an application form when applying for a job

Questioning applicants largely depends on internal company rules and is most often common in large organizations. As a rule, applicants are not informed about the upcoming survey, so when going for an interview, in addition to your resume, it is advisable to take with you copies or originals of other documents that in one way or another can contribute to successful employment.

Typically, employers require that the questionnaire be filled out by hand, so the respondent must approach this process with full responsibility and try to avoid mistakes and corrections. To do this, it is best to familiarize yourself with all the questions presented in the questionnaire before starting to fill out and sketch out in your mind preliminary plan answers.

It is highly undesirable to leave blank items in the application form. So, for example, if the requested information has nothing to do with the applicant, you can indicate “not available” as the answer. This will make it clear to people who will read the application that the applicant did not (knowingly OR not) skip any question.

Legal aspects of drawing up questionnaires

For the first time, after the adoption of the Constitution of the Russian Federation in 1993, our state remembered its obligation to protect fundamental human rights and freedoms, including information about the private life of its citizens, declared in the Basic Law.

Thus, at the stage of drawing up (developing) the application form, do not forget about Article 86 Labor Code, which prohibits the employer from collecting (receiving) and processing the employee’s personal data affecting his political, religious and other beliefs, and data about private life only with the written consent of the employee.

IN exceptional cases, expressly provided federal law, the employer has the right to collect the specified data if it is directly related to employment issues (for example, with access to information containing state secrets).

Employers do not have the right, when hiring (and not only) to collect and process personal data of an employee related to his membership in public associations or his trade union activities, except as provided by federal law.”

It is not harmful to recall that at any stage of work with personnel, the organization is obliged to maintain confidentiality, and simply standards of decency.

In case of non-compliance with the confidentiality regime of information, the minimally guilty employee will receive a reprimand, or more, may be dismissed under paragraph B of Article 81 of the Labor Code or even charged under Article 137 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Violation of privacy”, the maximum punishment for which is arrest for a period of four to six months, which you will agree is also unpleasant.

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