Analysis of the current state of the world sed market. The sed market is becoming a market for Russian manufacturers

Law and law 09.08.2020

Information and analytical center TAdviser published a traditional annual report on the systems market electronic document management(EDMS) and content management (ECM). This time it covers projects started and completed in 2016 and 2017.

Assessment of the Russian EDMS market in monetary terms

According to TAdviser estimates, in 2016 the volume of the domestic market for EDMS/ECM systems was about 41.6 billion rubles. The market has increased over the year on 10%. Same dynamics ( 10% ) experts expect by the end of 2017.

The maximum profit from sales, implementation and support of electronic document management systems in 2016 was received by the network of franchisees of the 1C company. The total income of the vendor and partners was 2.75 billion rubles. Wherein more than 2 billion rubles The 1C company and its franchisees made money from the services of implementation and support of EDS, while sales of licenses attracted everything into the common treasury 650.5 million ₽. However, the results of the affiliate network were presented outside the rating, since there is not one, but a huge number of market players.

The first line of the official ranking was taken by the Logika Business company with annual revenue 1.86 billion rubles, the second - "Krok" with 1.38 billion rubles, the third TerraLink with 964 million ₽. Our partner EOS earned money in 2016 from the sale, implementation and support of EDMS "DELO" and EOS for SharePoint RUB 793.5 million and secured 4th place in the overall table.

The authors of the rating note that the majority of participants in the EDMS/ECM rating demonstrated positive revenue dynamics in 2016. Only 2 out of 16 companies worsened their financial indicators- and these are integrators, not vendors. All EDMS development companies remained in the black.

EDMS rating by number of projects

In terms of the number of projects started and completed in 2016, Directum is the leader ( 739 ). Our partners EOS ( 593 public projects for the year) and 1C ( 178 projects) occupy the 2nd and 4th lines, respectively.

Industry distribution of projects

TAdviser did not display statistics on the distribution of EDMS projects by industry this year. However, the international research company IDC did this for him. According to her calculations, in 2016 the most people invested in ECM Russian enterprises industrial, government and financial sectors. But they approached the problem differently. Industrialists with the largest market share ( 25% ) focused on automating internal document flow: expanding the functionality of the EDMS in terms of project management, automating typical business scenarios and integrating the EDMS with transactional systems (CPM, BI). Occupier 23% market, the public sector in 2016 primarily solved the problems of developing MEDI and connecting new participants to interdepartmental interaction. Financial institutions with a share 16% were focused on automating external document flow: creating client electronic dossiers, mobile applications, automation of the loan issuance process.

Key drivers of EDMS market growth

The EDMS/ECM market in Russia increases every year on 10%. A number of factors contribute to this:

    Difficult economic situation. The protracted crisis has forced enterprises to think more seriously about reducing investments and tightening financial control. Many due to the tense economic situation for the first time thought about assessing and optimizing their business processes. And we found an effective solution - EDMS/ECM systems.

    Import substitution process. In 2016, the Government of the Russian Federation issued Order No. 1588-r, obliging federal executive authorities and state extra-budgetary funds to switch to Russian software. Since then, manufacturers of domestic electronic document management systems have seen steady demand for their solutions. It is possible that, following government organizations and government bodies, large industry companies will be required to switch to domestic platforms state participation. And this is the main segment of customers of EDMS and ECM systems. However, as in the current situation, the transition will not be abrupt. Replacing scale information systems always involves high costs and risks, so modernization must be smooth. You can start by upgrading your database and switching to open source software, such as PostgreSQL.

  1. Course on the digital economy. The state is systematically launching electronic services(“Gosuslugi”, “”), commercial companies, etc. Transferring business processes to an electronic environment is an effective way to reduce the cost of goods and services, optimize labor, time and financial costs.
  2. Rapid development of new technologies. As new tools for processing and storing data (blockchain, big data, artificial intelligence) develop, electronic document management systems also evolve. Their functionality is expanding, new tools for standardization, visualization and information analysis (BI) are appearing. EDMS are increasingly used as corporate data warehouses.
  3. The need for automation of YuZEDO. In 2016–2017 in organizations various sizes and industries, there is an urgent need for automation of legally significant document flow (LWEDO). Moreover, we are talking not only about the use of qualified electronic signature and online exchange of certified documents, but also about the needs at the level of full-fledged integration mechanisms that allow minimizing manual operations and ensuring the continuity of end-to-end processes.
  4. Total mobilization. Currently, not only managers, but also ordinary performers need access to work programs with mobile devices. The ability to connect to a corporate EDMS from a personal phone or tablet allows an employee to quickly learn about new tasks and complete them more quickly. The total transition of corporate communications to the mobile environment has led to the emergence of an entire industry serving mobile for business. It includes content provisioning, services for developing tools for protecting corporate data, designing and creating mobile applications.
  5. Distribution of cloud services. Cloud EDMS technologies are actively used at the state level. Today you can apply to change your driver’s license or passport, pay taxes, and obtain housing and communal services certificates in the digital environment - through government service websites. As for the commercial sphere, for medium and small businesses the ECM platform must certainly be cloud-based. It is not economically profitable for organizations in the SMB segment to buy a boxed version of the EDMS. The use of cloud content management systems is very convenient for large enterprises. Such ECMs are not limited in terms of scaling, are centralized, and provide universal access to employees from any type of device 24/7.
  6. Increase in virus attacks. The recent wave of virus attacks has provoked a surge of interest in EDMS as a centralized storage system for corporate information.

Forecasts for the near future

Experts associate further growth of the market with the development of USEDO, financial archive and improvement of mechanisms for integrating EDMS with other information systems of the enterprise. Already today, EDMS are seamlessly integrated with analytical services and accounting programs. In the near future, electronic document management systems will be even more tightly integrated into the IT landscape of organizations. Experts even allow the release of converged solutions for integrated work with all types of company data and content.

Chatbots and artificial intelligence mechanisms will become more widespread in electronic document management systems. From a document registration service, EDMS will turn into a multifunctional system for documenting all business activities of an enterprise, an information dispatch center taking into account data from many information systems. Plus, the EDMS will become the main supplier of data for deep, comprehensive analytics in BI systems.

Limiting factors

Among the main barriers to the development of the EDMS market, experts name:

  • Limitations of the legal framework. Electronic document management is still used not as the main one, but as a backup paper document.
  • Insufficient unification of EDMS, lack of a single standard and regulations. For example, employees industrial enterprises work not only with standard reports, but also with specialized engineering documentation (drawings from AutoCAD). The absence of such documents in standard forms many are deterred from implementing EDS.

Experience in implementing EDMS "SoftExpert"

What does the Russian expert community think about the development of the domestic ECM/EDMS market? What are the main results of the past year and what can you expect in the coming year?

According to the IDC classification, most domestic EDMS belong to the class of systems focused on business processes (often with elements of work flow management). Various sources note that most domestic EDMS implement the following functions:

  • Document processing/storage;
  • Work flow management (transfer of documents between performers);
  • Control of document execution;
  • Search documents by attributes and full-text search;
  • Working with interrelated documents;
  • Regulation of access rights;
  • Write-off of documents;
  • Integration with external systems Email and etc.

The main advantage of domestic EDMS is certain accounting Russian specifics and traditions of working with documents (originally built into their business logic).

It should be noted that some domestic EDMS were created in the Lotus Domino/Notes environment (for various objective and subjective reasons, which has become quite widespread in Russia): BOSS-Referent (IT), the “Cinderella” product family and DIS-Assistant (Moscow Development Institute) , CompanyMedia and OfficemMedia (InterTrust), N.System (Computer Technology Center), Office Management (KSK), etc.

Since the development of EDMS in Russia is generally moving in the direction of expanding the functionality described by the ECM concept, it would be logical to look at this process specifically from the ECM classification. Most Russian customers began their acquaintance with the world of ECM technologies with office automation, the range of tasks of which can be classified as Records Management. But now the market growth is largely due to the areas of Document Management and Business Process Management (BPM). Customers set tasks in a complex manner and operate in broader terms than incoming/outgoing documents. An increase in the range of processed documents requires a sharp expansion in the use of flow scanning and document recognition methods, and the use of technologies such as barcoding.

All this, for example, is clearly visible in the fact that organizations are showing growing interest in financial archives. Invoices, invoices, payment documents lie outside the scope of classical office work, but solving this problem will allow achieving positive results not only for accounting, but also for the supply department, financial, legal departments, and management.

There are other examples: automation of project document flow, contract management, approval of invoices for payment, claims management, automation HR processes. Many people now understand that an enterprise ECM system can be used to manage the results of intellectual activity and manage activities. There has also been an increase in customer interest in automating non-standard or organization-specific business processes. For example, for banks this is client dossier management. A long-term trend can be called interest in the automation of non-document-oriented operations, for example, calls to the support service, business requests, etc. In 2012, there was an increase in interest in ECM solutions from large customers: whereas previously, companies belonging to medium-sized businesses predominated , then now representatives big business realize the need for automation.

At the same time, not all experts share the opinion that the transition to electronic document management, even within organizations, has already been completed, at least in general terms. Director of Corporate Projects at ABBYY Russia Dmitry Shushkin says that the process of transition to paperless document flow is progressing confidently, but still not at all as fast as we would like and might expect: “Gradually, organizations will be where this is possible , automate your activities using electronic documents. However, in the next five years the volume of paper document flow in Russia is unlikely to become smaller. Business continues to grow, the number of companies (including small and medium-sized ones) is increasing and, as a result, the volume of paper documents they produce is growing.”

In 2013, ECM systems continue to expand beyond the scope of office work. New tasks are being set, the functionality of existing systems will be expanded through new modules. Setting new tasks leads to expanding the circle of users of ECM systems. Moreover, the number of users may include partners and clients of the company. Legally significant electronic document flow between companies is gaining momentum. Along with standard documents, such as invoices, delivery notes, acts, companies will actively exchange arbitrary legally significant electronic documents - letters, contracts, etc.


Mashchenko I.S., Chernysheva N.V.

South Russian Institute of Management - branch of the Russian Academy of National Economy and civil service

Mashchenko I.S., Chernysheva N.V.

South-Russia Institute of Management - branch of Russian Presidential

National Economy and Public Administration

Abstract: The article analyzes the problems and prospects for the development of the EDMS market in Russia. The concepts of electronic document management systems, their purposes and updating in modern world, presents statistical data on the development and use of specific electronic document management systems, both in a commercial structure and in the public sector. Conclusions are drawn about EDS problems and the need for their development, improvement and use in organizations and government agencies to improve their efficiency and effectiveness.

Keywords: electronic document management, electronic document management system, EDMS market, EDMS functionality, EDMS in the public sector.

Abstract: The article analyzes the problems and perspectives of the market development of the system of electronic turnover in Russia. The following notions are concerned: the systems of electronic document turnover, their aims and actualization in the modern world, statistical data on the development and using of concrete systems of e-document turnover are given both in the commercial constructiond and the public sector. Conclusions are made on the problems of the systems of electronic turnover the necessity of their development improving and using in the organization and state lodies for raising their efficiency and effectiveness.

Key words: electronic documentary turnover, the system of electronic document turnover, the market of the systems of e-document turnover, the systems of e-document turnover in the public sector.

In the modern world, the development of technologies and their widespread implementation has led to the fact that electronic document management and archival work occupy a leading position compared to their paper counterpart. Today we can observe an increase in the number and volume of documents used in the world. Moreover, the ratio of electronic and paper documents changes over time in favor of the latter.

In 2014, the EDMS market celebrated its 20th anniversary. Its origin and development was caused primarily by the need to automate the work of government agencies - the first domestic electronic document management systems were created according to their orders.

Electronic document management system (EDMS) is an organizational and technical system that ensures the process of creating, access control and distribution of electronic documents in computer networks, as well as providing control over the flow of documents in the organization.

EDMS on the market information technologies remain among the most popular systems, as they allow:

Increase the efficiency of company management by providing management with all the necessary information for decision-making;

Optimize the work of employees with documents;

company assets (information that may be lost as a result of dismissal or reduction of employees), i.e. to ensure business continuity or business processes.

In 2013, the Russian EDMS market, including implementation services, grew by 20% compared to the volume of 2012 to 30.72 billion rubles. It maintained high growth rates in the period from 2011 to 2013: from 20 to 35%. In contrast to other segments of the business software market, where, according to Tlyo1Ber, a slight decline began (B1 systems) or growth stopped (BIR systems) , the EDMS market should show double-digit growth at the end of 2014: the main driver of this market is the public sector, where projects in the field of electronic document management automation are being implemented with high intensity. In terms of the number of projects, the share of the public sector in the EDMS market is up to 25%, in monetary terms - up to 40%. .

The positive market dynamics in 2013 are confirmed by data on the revenue of integrators. Among those companies that submitted data on revenue in the EDMS market, including implementation services (in rubles including VAT), the increase in 2013 relative to the previous year was 15% or higher for most companies. (Table 1) .

Table 1. Income of system integrators in the EDMS market in

Russia, 2012-2013, thousand rubles

Company You handle 2013 Projects 2013 Revenue 2012 Projects 2012 Revenue growth 2012-2013

1C (all franchisees) 1,240,742,103 3 1,041,691,948 19.1%

Business logic 760,000 88,534,900 86 42.1%

KRO K 545 970 51 473 553 50 15.3%

EOS 516,029,777 3,263,997 - 95.5%

InterTrust 420 864 478 406 759 289 3.5%

ID Management Technologies 380,970 - 238,035 - 60%

Lanit 188,000 80 180,000 70 4.4%

ELM A 56,000 105 38,000 - 47.4%

Haul 50 54 28 49 73.6%

mont (Holemont) 000 800

0 FTS 38,000 9 34,500 5 10.1%

1 ASK ON 23,200 57 17,600 35 31.8%

Total 4,219,775 3,257,835 29.5%

The most active implementation of EDS in Russia is carried out in the public sector, primarily this applies to government agencies, but also to companies with state participation.

Among state companies for the period from the beginning of 2013 to September 2014, the electronic document management system within the State Automated System Justice, which operates on the basis of the Delo platform (EOS) (more than 67 thousand users), as well as the implementation of EMC Documentum in Rosatom (30 thousand) stand out in scale. ) and the introduction of Etlas (EDI) in the Department of Health and Social Development of the Oryol Region for 10 thousand workstations. In the commercial sector, the largest EDMS project is the implementation of DocsVision in Sberbank of the Russian Federation; the system is still being replicated: according to the bank itself, 100 thousand bank employees are now working in EDMS on this platform (Table 2).

Table 2. Top 5 EDMS/ESM projects in the Russian public sector by number of users for 2013 - the first three quarters of 2014

GAS Justice Case EOS 67,835

Customer System Integrator Number of users

Rosatom EMC Documentum KROK 30,000

Department of Health and Social Development of the Oryol Region Etlas (EDO) Etlas-Soft (AtlasSoft) 10,000

General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation AIC Supervision EOS 9 123

Government of the Rostov Region Case (EOS) EOS 7,639

A paradoxical situation has developed in the EDMS industry: usually

legislation is a brake on the application of new technologies. Today the legislative framework is ahead of the technical capabilities of most implemented systems. On the other hand, the capabilities of the ECM platforms themselves, on which EDMS are built (both imported and domestic), in principle, make it possible to solve all new problems. Today, development is most often hampered by the lack of competence of functional customers, who still adhere to conservative views on document flow.

It is obvious that at the system level there is an understanding of the importance of this task: by Government resolution Russian Federation dated 09/06/2012 N 890 “On measures to improve electronic document management in government bodies” it is established that the transition to electronic document flow in government bodies must be completed before December 31, 2017

But the current state of affairs leaves room for doubt - large-scale investments in ICT in the public sector, more than 1 trillion. rub., do not yet give a tangible practical result.

Unfortunately, today there is not a single legally significant public service that involves the performance of any legally significant actions - issuing a document, changing the status of a citizen, etc. - translated into electronic form. All services provided by EPGU are for informational purposes only.

EDMS systems are aimed at improving the activities of a particular organization, but each of them has its own wide functionality, which includes a number of characteristics. During the research process we were

■ Directum ■ Docs Vision ■ Globus Professional

■ PayDox ■ 1C: Document Flow* Boss Assistant


9 systems were identified. We will show their functional equipment, on the basis of which we will highlight the advantages and disadvantages of the systems (Fig. 1,2). Rice. 1. Technical capabilities of modern EDMS

Rice. 2. Cost of licenses for 100 users, excluding the cost of the DBMS, additional modules and discounts

When comparing the functionality of the EDMS, the following designations are used: “+” - the opportunity has been implemented; “+/-” - the feature is available with limited functionality or requires the purchase of additional software; “-” - the opportunity has not been implemented.

In terms of the “Working with Documents” function, the leading positions are occupied by such EDMS as: Boss-Referent, Delo and Ephrat. The grassroots level was occupied by PayDox (Table 3).


Built-in tools

viewing attached files

Changing attachments

Working with draft documents /- /- /-

Table 3. Working with documents

In terms of the development of the “Search and Analysis of Information” function, the leaders are such EDMS as: Ephrat, Delo and DocsVision. The last positions are occupied by 1C, Directum, GlobusProfessional (Table 4).

SEARCH and ANALYSIS OF INFORMATION Directum DocsVision Globus PayDox 1C:Documentoo Boss Assistant CASE EUPHRATS MOTIV

Attribute search (search by document details)

Search for tasks and assignments (including by deadlines, performers, controllers)

Full-text search taking into account the morphology of the Russian language /- /- /- /- /-

Performing different types of searches in one request /-

Table 4. Search for information analysis

Table 5. Information security

INFORMATION SECURITY Directum DocsVision Globus PayDox 1C:Documento Boss Assistant CASE EUPHRATS MOTIV

Support in various ways authentication /- /- /- /- /- /- /-

Assigning user rights

Assigning rights to user groups

Custom role support

In terms of the development of the “Information Security” function, Boss-Referent, Efrat, Delo and DocsVision are in the leading positions. In last positions: 1C and GlobusProfessional (Table 5).

Based on the analysis, we can identify several EDMS with the greatest functionality. These include: Ephrat, who is the unquestioned leader, also Delo and DocsVision. Of the 9 EDMS, 1C, Globus Professional, PayDox distinguished themselves with insufficient functional equipment. The rest of the EDMS occupied the middle niche.

In conclusion, we can say that EDMS is necessary in the modern world and its continuous improvement is also an important criterion. Electronic document management systems are well known on the Russian market. Today, their implementation has become widespread and has reached the peak of productivity. Further growth

market growth is possible not due to the growth in the number of ECM users, but due to the improvement of their functionality. Today, the main reasons for replacing existing solutions are performance problems, lack of functionality, high cost of development and support of the current solution, closed platform code, inconvenient interface, problems with territorial distribution and integration, as well as binding to outdated software and hardware platforms.


1. Mansurova N.A., Veselov P.S. Prerequisites and stages of implementation of an electronic document management system for small and medium-sized businesses // Economic Research 2010 No. 1 - P. 2

2. Gaisinsky I.E., Vostrikova T.V., Perova M.V. Electronic document flow in the system of training and advanced training of specialists // State and municipal government. Scientific notes of SKAGS. 2009. No. 4. P. 66-75

3. [Electronic resource]. URL:

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6. Khasheva I. A. Practice of using information and communication technologies in the provision of public services // State and municipal management. Scientific notes of SKAGS. 2009. No. 4. P. 99-108

7. Bakushev V.V., Grigoriev E.S. Electronic technology in state-political and systemic management activities devices: assessment of prerequisites // State and municipal management. Scientific notes of SKAGS. 2009. No. 1. P. 56-61.

8. [Electronic resource]. URL:

Market of electronic document management systems

Currently, one of the most dynamic areas in the domestic IT industry is the market for electronic document management systems (EDMS).

With the overall dynamics of the IT market at 6% (according to IDC), in 2013 its growth was about 23%, which, in addition, is twice the global indicators for this segment, as well as the growth rate of the software market (15%). archive document management program electronic

According to the deputy head of the Center for Analytical Systems and Development, Denis Vladimirovich Morozov, the reason for this state of affairs is related to the implementation of large-scale informatization programs in the public sector and the active construction of e-government.

Electronic document management is, in fact, the circulatory system of a state or commercial enterprise.

The size of the EDMS market in Russia, according to various estimates, is about 26 billion rubles, of which about 75% falls on implementation services and about 25% directly on license sales.

In the market structure, the majority of sales come from large enterprises (about 45-50%). The public sector almost completely occupies the other half of the market (about 40-45%), leaving SMB no more than 10-15%.

Competition in the EDMS market today is quite intense. At the same time, more than 60% of the market is controlled by five companies: EMC, Cognitive Technologies, 1C, Directum and Microsoft (according to IDC data for 2013) in terms of turnover. It is known that EMC and Microsoft are represented on the EDMS market with replicated solutions from partner companies.

Among the participants in the study, we selected EDMS that are actively developing and have proven themselves in the user environment: “1C: Document Flow”, CompanyMedia from the InterTrust company, DocsVision, SharePoint and “Delo” from the EOS company, Directum, “Thesis” from the Russian developer "Holemont" and software development "E1 EUFRAT" from Cognitive Technologies.

It is worth noting that, in addition to the products participating in the review, there are several dozen more systems on the EDMS market, most of which have not received large-scale distribution.

Products from market leaders have approximately the same set of key functions (registration of documents, control life cycle, routing, reporting, etc.).

Therefore, it makes no practical sense to compare systems according to these criteria.

On the other hand, when choosing a system, of increased interest are the capabilities that are among the market trends and are an extremely necessary addition to the EDMS functionality (for a number of developers, along with the main capabilities, they are included in the basic functionality) when working with documents in organizations of different levels. These include services for maintaining contracts, a web client, work management, integration with 1C, maintaining customer base and archive of documents, document entry and recognition (OCR), as well as citizen appeals.

Looking forward, we can say that in the near future, such innovations as the possibility of gamification and socialization of solutions can easily enter this list.

It's kind of new stage development of an EDMS that allows for the presentation of information in a game form, as well as communication between system users according to organizational principles similar to social networks.

One of the determining criteria for choosing an EDMS buyer has been and remains the price of the product.

To best represent the price offers of research participants, we selected two comparative sections for the maximum configuration (based on the sale of a license for 200 users) and the minimum configuration (based on the sale of a license for 10 users).

When preparing the study, information from open sources was used (the Internet, information sites of the software products and development companies in question, demo versions of the EDMS).

Thus, the functional criteria of the study included the presence of options in the EDMS:

  • - web client,
  • - conducting contracts,
  • - work management,
  • - integration with 1C,
  • - maintaining a client base,
  • - document archive (automatic import of documents),
  • - document recognition (OCR),
  • - appeals from citizens.

The results of comparing the functionality of the EDMS according to the specified criteria are presented in the table below.

Scoring for these criteria was carried out using a three-point system:

  • 2 points - if the function is present in the software product and is included in the basic system package declared by the developer (there is no need to purchase it additionally);
  • 1 point - the function is declared by the developer, but is not included in the basic package (you need to purchase it additionally);
  • 0 points - the function is not declared.

Table of results for comparing the functionality of the EDMS according to the criteria: “Availability of a web client”, “Maintaining contracts”, “Work management”, “Integration with 1C”, “Maintaining a client base”, “Document archive (automatic import of documents)”, “Recognition documents (OCR)", "Appeals from citizens"

The following are the results of a comparison of the cost of EDMS in their declared minimum configuration. The minimum configuration should be understood as the minimum available set of system functionality, including the capabilities considered in the study. The calculations used the prices declared by the developers for user licenses, which allow you to use all the minimum functionality of the system.

To evaluate the EDMS according to this criterion, the system cost scale was divided into seven equal intervals with a distance of 20,200 rubles (the difference between the largest and smallest cost of EDMS, divided by the number of intervals) within which study participants were considered to be of equal value and received equal scores.

In this case, the minimum score (1) was given to the EDS with the highest price, and the maximum score (in in this case 7) - with the smallest.

Table of comparison of EDMS according to the criterion “Cost of the system in the minimum configuration”

Below are the results of comparing the EDMS according to the criterion “Cost of the system in the maximum configuration”.

As in the case of assessing the EDMS according to the criterion of the cost of the minimum configuration, the scale was divided into seven equal intervals with a distance of 141,298.6 rubles (the difference between the largest and lowest cost SED divided by the number of intervals) within which study participants were considered to be of equal value and received equal scores. In this case, the minimum score (1) was given to the EDMS with the highest price in this configuration, and the maximum score (in this case 7) was given to the lowest price.

Table of comparison of EDMS according to the criterion “Cost of the system in the maximum configuration”

The criteria were then ranked according to their level of importance to the potential user. The ranking was based on data from a sociological survey of 7,563 representatives of the IT service of medium and large enterprises in Moscow and 21 cities from the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The most important factor for respondents was the price criterion for the maximum configuration of the EDS. It was given the highest score of -1. Other criteria received values ​​ranging from 0 to 1 in proportion to the level of their importance for users.

Table of criteria significance coefficients

The final score for each SED was calculated as the sum of the scores obtained for each criterion, multiplied by the weight of each criterion. A summary table of the study results is shown below.

Thus, the winner of our rating was the E1 EUFRAT system from Cognitive Technologies. The system has the most complete functionality at the lowest cost. The absence of additionally purchased modules makes the system attractive to customers of different status and rank. In second place is the DocsVision EDMS. Despite the need to purchase the necessary functionality using plug-in modules, the price of the basic system package remains quite favorable, although it is inferior to the E1 EUFRAT EDMS.

And finally, the Thesis system took third place in the ranking. EDMS is more suitable for small and medium-sized businesses - with a small number of licenses, the basic functionality declared by the developer is quite sufficient for work. However, the system begins to noticeably lose as the number of user licenses increases.

Basic requirements that an electronic document management system must meet:

  • Reliable storage and easy search of documentation.
  • Support and perform clerical tasks.
  • Timely control over the execution of documents and their routing.
  • Creation of analytical reports.
  • Ensuring information security.

Modern EDMS also have functions for interacting with clients, processing their requests and additional useful tools, allowing you to solve many applied problems.

Types of electronic document management systems

There are various types of classification of electronic document management systems, but the most indicative classification is the division of EDMS according to title functionality. Any EDMS is positioned by its developer as intended primarily for performing a certain type of task. This does not mean that it does not provide any additional technologies inherent in most of its “brothers”. It’s just that the set of tools of each electronic document management system has its own strengths and weak sides. The classification according to title functionality takes into account strengths SEDs.

So, it looks like this:

  • EDMS designed for creating and working with electronic documentation, as well as digital analogues of paper documents.
  • Accounting systems that automate the registration of events and documents throughout their entire life cycle (electronic filing cabinets).
  • EDMS, the main task of which is to automate work with large repositories of corporate information.
  • Systems that manage electronic archives of documentation.
  • EDMS, the functionality of which specializes in extracting the necessary information from archives and other electronic sources.
  • Systems that manage corporate processes, document processing and the activities of organization employees who are involved in working with business documentation.
  • Information EDMS that manage data storage devices.

There is also a brief classification of EDMS by country of origin, used only in Russia. According to it, electronic document management systems in our country are divided into domestic, imported and Russian, developed on the foreign Lotus/Domino platform. Our review includes examples of only two foreign EDMS - EMC Documentum and Lotus Domino.Doc. All other SEDs have Russian “citizenship”.

TOP 10 electronic document management systems

We assessed electronic document management systems based on a comparison of five parameters that are decisive when choosing an electronic document management system for automating document flow in an enterprise. The scale is ten points.

Place Program/service Price Easy to learn Functionality Accounting for Russian legislation Technical
Overall rating
1 Case 8 8 10 10 10 9,2
2-4 1C:Archive 9 7 10 10 9 9
2-4 CompanyMedia 9 9 9 10 8 9
4-6 EMC Documentum 9 10 8 8 8,8
4-6 Logics 9 10 9 10 6 8,8
4-6 EUPHRATES 9 10 9 10 6 8,8
7 DIRECTUM 10 8 8 10 7 8,6
8 Lotus Domino.Doc 8 8 9 9 8,5
9 OPTIMA-WorkFlow 10 8 8 9 7 8.4
10 LanDocs 8 7 7 10 8 8

Note: the final assessment of the system in the table does not claim to be 100% objective and reflects the opinion of the author, based on an in-depth analysis of this topic. This review of electronic document management systems is made only among high-quality software products that can be safely chosen for use in various types of business.


This electronic document management system is a recognized leader in its segment throughout the entire post-Soviet space. It successfully carries out document flow and office work as largest holdings both corporations and small businesses. In relation to this system, it is appropriate to apply a tautology: “BUSINESS” knows its business. Indeed, this software is ideal for deep automation of office work and document flow.


  • The ability to track all stages of the movement of any electronic document.
  • Simplicity and convenience in creating documentation projects.
  • General smoothness and functionality of the system.


  • The “tight” disadvantages include a somewhat archaic interface and a certain difficulty in mastering.

What is the price?

The price of a license to use the "DELO" system within one workplace (DBMS - Oracle) depends on the planned total number of these seats and varies from 11,000 rubles (201-500 rubles) to 13,400 rubles (1-5 rubles /m). If the organization uses the Microsoft SQL Server DBMS, then the license for one workplace will cost from 7200 to 9500 rubles, respectively.


The program “SED Logic” was called “Boss-Referent” until 2012 and was one of the most popular Russian systems electronic document management, a serious competitor to the Delo EDMS. The name change had no effect on the quality of this software product, and it continues to be a reliable and functional office management system for businesses of all types and sizes.


  • Ability to build complex multi-level routes for document approval.
  • High degree of user data protection.
  • Relative ease of mastering the main components of the system.
  • Flexibly customizable and modifiable documentation processing processes.


  • Inconvenient differentiation of access rights during serious staff turnover.
  • Not the most conscientious work of technical support.
  • Archaic interface.

What is the price?

The cost of one license to use this program depends on the number of employees connected to it. If their number does not exceed 49 people, then the price will be 5,900 for each workplace; from 50 to 199 connected employees – 5,200 rubles; and if there are more than 200 workplaces, then the price of one license will be minimal - 4900 rubles.


This electronic document management system was developed in full compliance with the requirements of the ISO 9000 quality standard and Russian GOSTs in the field of office work. “EUFRATES” differs from its “colleagues” in the presence of many of its own unique software developments that cannot be found in competing EDMS. Purely technologically, this system is one of the most “advanced” on the modern Russian market of EDMS.


  • The delivery package of this system includes a built-in Nika DBMS, which automatically frees the user organization from purchasing additional software.
  • Friendly interface with a pleasant, memorable design.
  • Built-in role mechanism for managing access rights.


  • Quite slow speed, especially on weak computers.
  • Periodic malfunctions and slow technical support.

What is the price?

A standard license with installation of the system on the organization’s own server costs from 5,200 to 7,300 rubles per workstation, more users – lower price. However, there is also the option of placing the server component on the manufacturer’s equipment. In this case, a subscription fee system is used - four tariffs, costing from 10,000 to 95,000 rubles per month.


This is one of the best and certainly the most universal software for enterprise document management. "1C:Archive" provides reliable and, most importantly, centralized storage of business documents of various formats, with access to it by authorized personnel who can edit the files.


  • Debugged algorithm quick search necessary data.
  • Possibility of storing documents of any type - from text and graphics, to audio and video files.
  • The widest possible scaling capabilities allow you to successfully use this software in both large and small enterprises.
  • The main advantage of 1C:Archive, which sets this program apart from its competitors, is the optimal combination of the product’s price and its functionality.
  • Supports integration with external applications.


  • Consumption large quantities system resources.
  • Increased learning difficulty even for experienced users.

What is the price?

The price of “assembling” this program varies from 12,000 to 57,000 rubles, and the first amount will have to be paid exclusively for upgrading the previous version of 1C: Archive.


A simple and functional DIRECTUM EDMS will be an excellent solution for small and medium-sized businesses. Thanks to this system, electronic document management can be successfully combined with traditional paper ones, so that subsequently the organization can be completely “painlessly” transferred to working in DIRECTUM. Advanced Workflow technology provides effective automation of office processes.


  • Availability of specialized software tools that simplify the search and identification of documentation as much as possible.
  • Wide possibilities for independent modification of the system for specific tasks.
  • Expanded integration options with other programs.


  • The system is focused on the management of the enterprise - it is more difficult for ordinary clerks to work in it.
  • Somewhat confusing and non-transparent pricing policy.

What is the price?

Licenses to use this EDMS are purchased both individually and as part of package offers. The cheapest basic client license costs 7,800 rubles. The cost of license packages starts from 148,200 rubles (basic for 20 employees) and reaches 2,010,000 rubles (for 200 employees).


This electronic document management system is a strong middle peasant in its segment. She is in constant development and so far cannot compete on equal terms with the recognized mastodons of the market. However, OPTIMA-WorkFlow has a number of “aces up its sleeve” - unique technologies that make it stand out from the crowd.


  • Implementation of the function of serial input of identical types of documents and their registration information.
  • Scanning with an antivirus program.
  • Optional indexing of plain and encrypted documents.
  • Multilingual user interface.


  • Disadvantages of standard functionality that are permanently eliminated by upcoming updates.

What is the price?

Typical solutions based on this platform cost from 55,000 to 75,000 rubles.

EMC Documentum

This platform for automating document flow processes was developed by the world leader in the IT industry, EMC. Powerful functionality coupled with flexible settings individual tools make EMC Documentum the best foreign EDMS available on the Russian market.


  • High degree of convenience in managing design documents.
  • Implementation of a check-in/check-out mechanism that allows you to manage the distribution of access rights.
  • The presence of a function that allows you to implement the approval procedure at several levels.
  • Support for scanning and document recognition devices.


  • Works only with the Internet Explorer browser.
  • Lack of publicly available technical and practical documentation on the system.
  • Frequent “brakes” and lags when the system is heavily loaded.

What is the price?

There are no fixed prices for using this platform. The cost of its implementation is discussed individually with each customer.


Developed in 1997 by the domestic company LANIT, this platform for automating document management remains in demand by many enterprises and institutions to this day. LanDocs allows you to build a comfortable office work and document flow environment, providing all categories of users with the necessary set of tools to manage it.


  • Availability of integrated cryptographic protection tools.
  • Possibility of including employees from remote branches in the document flow process.
  • Availability of batch scanning function for paper documentation.


  • Performance issues are quite common.
  • Weak capabilities to expand functionality.
  • Difficulty in mastering the system from scratch.

What is the price?

The price of a server license varies from 30,000 to 216,000 rubles. User licenses can be purchased at prices ranging from 5,600 to 8,400 rubles.


CompanyMedia is a whole set software solutions, designed to automate business processes, document flow and office work. This EDMS differs from its competitors in its unsurpassed flexibility of settings and the presence of independent modules that can be installed separately.


  • Opportunity successful work systems in enterprises with complex corporate structure and territorial structure.
  • Unprecedented reliability of the system, which allows it to actively function around the clock, 365 days a year.
  • Automated support for working with several types of workplaces.
  • Differentiation of access rights according to the hierarchical structure of the organization.


  • The web interface has limited support for some browsers, in particular FireFox.
  • The system is focused primarily on medium and large businesses.

What is the price?

The final price of this software consists of many components, including personnel training, installation of additional modules and transfer of rights to use the system. The upper limit of the total amount is 99,000 rubles. The cheapest thematic module will cost 4,000 rubles.

Lotus Domino.Doc

This EDMS is an application to the well-known Notes/Domino platform, which has a high-level data security system. Lotus Domino.Doc also has an advanced electronic archive, which allows you to implement a large storage of corporate documentation.


  • Availability of unique replication systems designed for a comprehensive solution to the problems of managing document flows in a distributed environment.
  • The ability to search for documents in individual parts of the information repository.
  • LDAP directories scale up to the enterprise level.


  • The disadvantages of this system mainly stem from its Western origin - there are certain questions regarding the interface and the implementation of some functions.

What is the price?

The cost of user and server licenses is calculated individually on the platform website.


Drawing a line under the review, I would like to note an important nuance: the introduction of an electronic document management system into your business does not at all guarantee an immediate increase in its profitability, and, in some cases, it can do harm. If your organization operates successfully and makes a profit, working without EDMS, then think a thousand times before deciding to implement them. There is no need to chase “progressive fashion” and install these systems without a serious need for them. However, as the business expands and employees are heavily loaded, an electronic document management system can become a kind of life preserver that will help the company emerge from the whirlpool of paperwork.

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