Alexandrian parrots 2 fosterlings in a pair. Miracle bird brought by A

Other 15.04.2020

In pet stores, undemanding little parrots are often found that are not distinguished by intelligence or a penchant for reproducing words. However, today we will talk about a large representative of the family - the Alexandrian parrot, which won the hearts of many breeders with its beauty and ingenuity.

Description and distinguishing features

Consider appearance and other characteristic features of the Alexandrian parrots.

What it looks like, to what size it grows, how long it lives

This ringed parrot got its name from Alexander the Great. The legendary king brought birds to Greece from the southern countries. In nature, distributed in India, Pakistan, Iran. Lives exclusively in tropical forests.

External features:

  • large head, painted in gray-green color;
  • thick massive red beak;
  • feathers are dark green, there are burgundy spots on the wings;
  • tail - long, straight, directed down;
  • wingspan - 20 cm;
  • total body length with tail - up to 60 cm.

In captivity, the bird lives up to 40 years, but only under ideal conditions of maintenance and care.

Important! There are about 5 subspecies that differ in size and color details.

Character and ingenuity

This type gained its popularity due to the fact that birds are very easy to teach to talk - it is enough to spend a lot of time with your pet, regularly repeating certain phrases. The parrot will eventually begin to reproduce those words or sounds that it hears most often.

As for the character, these are quite calm and peaceful birds. "Alexandrians" show aggression only in case of danger, as well as in relation to unfamiliar people and animals. After a period of familiarization, the pet will treat you like a friend. At the same time, it is important that the parrot is still young, without established habits and a permanent owner.

How to choose the right one and how much it costs

The average price for a juvenile ranges from $400-500, but many people sell young and adults for $200-300. It should be borne in mind that parrots bought from hands may have mental disorders or any diseases.

What you need to pay attention to when choosing a parrot:

Separately, it is worth clarifying the age of the parrot, since individuals older than 5 months are already harder to learn, and also take longer to get used to the new environment and the owner. At the same time, you should not take chicks whose age is less than or equal to 1.5 months - you will encounter a bunch of problems associated with fattening and creating acceptable conditions.

Important! Do not buy an Alexandrian parrot if you have small children. Even in the absence of training, the bird will still begin to reproduce any sounds or words after a while.

The bird needs to create comfortable conditions so that it pleases you with its appearance, and also, if necessary, gives offspring.

The choice and arrangement of the cell

Before buying, it is important to consider the considerable size of the bird, which does not allow you to purchase a small cage. Ideally, you should keep a pet without any restrictions or build an aviary. The minimum dimensions of the cage are 80x120x150 cm.

Video: how to choose and what should be inside the parrot cage The cage should be high and long so that the bird can not only turn around in it, but also spend its energy. "Alexandrians" like to hang on the bars of the cage, as well as test its strength, so only steel is suitable as materials - plastic or aluminum will not withstand such an impact.

Drinker. A standard version of the drinker for large parrot species is purchased. It is not recommended to place open containers with water inside the cage or aviary, as food or bedding will immediately get into them. Also, in addition to the drinking bowl, a bathing tub with warm water is installed.

feeder. The feeder can be separate or built into the cage. It is desirable that it be wooden or metal. Dimensions do not matter, the main thing is that its shape allows you to get food, and at the same time does not force the bird to become paws for food.

Perches. Inside the cage, there must be wooden perches, the diameter of which is selected individually. They must be made of hardwood that will not crumble with minimal impact.

Toys. Toys are necessary in order for the parrot to somehow occupy itself while you are not at home or you are busy with your own business. They also help the bird grind down its claws and beak, therefore, should be fairly hard and safe.

Did you know? Parrots do not have vocal cords, so all the sounds you hear are made by birds using their tongue and beak.

Toys can be purchased at a pet store, and a few small branches with bark can replace them. It is worth noting that the "Alexandrians" quickly get bored with things, so they regularly need to offer something new.

mineral stone. It is used exclusively for grinding the beak and claws, the bird does not eat it. If the parrot does not have the opportunity to “scratch” its claws and beak on a stone, then at the first opportunity the pet will ruin your table or upholstered furniture.

Lighting. Birds require 12 hours of daylight, which is provided by natural or artificial lighting. It doesn't matter how strong the light is, as long as it has the usual temperature (whether white or yellowish).

temperature and humidity. Since you have a tropical bird, it is necessary to maintain the optimum temperature all year round within 15 ... 25 ° C. In this case, the humidity should be at the level of 70%, which is ensured by spraying or placing water containers near the cage.

Ventilation and drafts. The parrot needs Fresh air, for this reason, it is necessary to ventilate the room daily. However, the cage must be in a place where there are no drafts, since they lead to colds.

Keeping the cage clean

What to feed Alexandrian parrots

Not only the appearance of the pet, but also the state of his health depends on a properly composed diet and a variety of feeds.

Alexandrian parrots are offered the following types food:

  • factory grain mixes for large species;
  • nuts;
  • fresh fruits and vegetables;
  • soaked dried fruits;
  • small amounts of white bread.

It is worth noting that peas, corn, wheat and barley must first be soaked in water so that the bird's gastrointestinal tract can digest such food. Ideally, give peas and corn at the stage of "milky maturity", that is, not fully ripe.


Pair formation. On the initial stage partners need to like each other. If they show aggression, divide territory or fight for food, then there can be no question of any chicks. The female and male should be approximately the same age. Puberty in birds occurs on average at 2 years of age. Until this moment, the formed pair will not be able to give offspring.

Important! Parrots of this species do not have sexual dimorphism. This means that it is possible to distinguish a female from a male only on the basis of DNA analysis.

Creating optimal conditions. You need to place two parrots in a spacious aviary or very big cage. Then adjust the temperature and increase the daylight hours. The nesting season runs from November to April.
2 months before the intended laying of eggs, it is necessary to place a small box on the outside of the dwelling, which the birds will use as a nest. The minimum dimensions are 30x30x50 cm. The bottom is lined with sawdust.

Correct menu. To stimulate mating, it is necessary to offer a couple certain products. Parrots are given sprouted grain, fresh fruit, grated quail eggs and foods high in vitamins and minerals.

Laying and incubation period. After a short preparation, the female lays 2 to 4 white eggs, after which she incubates them without leaving the nest. The chicks hatch after 24–30 days, after which they stay in the nest for about 1.5 months. The male feeds the expectant mother during incubation.

Did you know? Parrots love alcohol. In the wild, they get it from fermented fruits.

Youth care. Parents take care of the chicks until they can eat on their own. The owners are only required to maintain optimal indoor conditions and regular cleaning in the cage / aviary.

Alexandrian parrot gained its popularity due to its intelligence and ease of learning, however, it is demanding on the conditions of detention, which is why it is necessary to spend a lot of money and time to make the pet feel comfortable. Don't buy a bird if you can't spend time with it regularly. In nature, "Alexandrians" live in packs, therefore, they depend on society.

This parrot received such a sonorous name thanks to Alexander the Great. It was he who brought and introduced the Greeks to this interesting and beautiful bird. India, Iran, Pakistan, Laos, Vietnam are countries where Alexandrian parrots are common. By subspecies, its closest relatives are the Burmese, Laotian Alexandrian and Nepalese parrots. Alexandrians live in flocks on the tops of tropical trees.

External characteristics

Alexandrian parrots are very beautiful, bright birds. They are quite large - about 60 centimeters long. True, if measured along with the tail. And it accounts for just about half the length. The color of the feathers is predominantly green. Light green tone - on the abdomen, the wings at the top have reddish-brown spots. And the males are also decorated with a "necklace" - a ring covering the lower part of the beak to the middle of the neck and continuing in pink-red color along the upper side of the neck. Such decoration does not appear in them immediately, but as they grow older - by the age of 3. Female representatives are deprived of such decoration. Alexandrian parrots are still endowed with a large red beak. It is bright red and burgundy in adult birds, and orange-red in young birds.

Features of taming and maintenance

If you want to tame this bird, get it before 5 months of age. The older the individual, the more difficult the process of domestication: in adulthood, it is distinguished by aggressiveness and shyness, which does not contribute to domestication. This type of parrot can remember 10-15 words and phrases, has excellent onomatopoeic abilities. But some do not like their voice, loud and unpleasant. And if you do not live in a separate house, but in an apartment, you can doubt that people living nearby will be satisfied with such a loud neighborhood. Consider this factor when buying - make sure that the voice of the future pet does not cause you hostility and irritation.

The cage where the bird is kept must be spacious. The Alexandrian parrot loves to fly, it must be let out of the cage into the open space of the apartment (house). With a wingspan of 20 cm, it requires a lot of space for its flights - correlate this with the size of your home. The parrot's cage must be strong, preferably all-metal. Possessing a large strong beak, he loves to gnaw everything, testing for strength. The cage will also be tested, so take care of the perches made of durable wood, give him twigs that he could "try on the tooth."

In general, the Alexandrian parrot will not cause much trouble to its owners. It tolerates temperatures as low as 0 0 C. Comfortable conditions are 22-25 0 C. He is not picky about food.

Grain feed, nuts, fruits, vegetables, greens make up the diet of this bird. Some grains require pre-soaking: wheat, peas, barley, corn must be processed first, while millet, sunflower seeds, oats can be given dry. It is especially useful to give milk ripeness to corn. They love her very much, and the chicks simply need her. Given the seasonality, when fresh fruits are not available, dried fruits are quite suitable, but they must also be soaked in water for several hours first, and then given to the parrot. One bird needs approximately 50 - 60 grams of dry food.

Conditions for breeding

The Alexandrian parrot breeds well at home. If you decide to purchase a pair, then the length of the enclosure for keeping them should be 2-3 meters - this is the opinion of foreign lovers of this species of parrots, but domestic experience indicates the possibility of breeding in rooms that are much smaller in size - 120 x 80 x 150 cm You will also need to build a nesting house for them 30 x 30 x 50 cm of hard wood, the diameter of the notch should be 10 cm.

The nesting period lasts from November to April, but it is possible to hatch chicks in the summer - there have been such cases.

The female usually lays 2-4 eggs. Incubation lasts up to a month (usually 23-30 days), during which the male guards the nest and feeds the female. The hatched chicks stay in the nest for about 8 weeks, and then leave it. But for a few more weeks, their parents continue to feed them. The chicks have plumage similar to the mother's color, perhaps a little lighter, and burgundy-red spots appear on their wings by 15 - 18 months.

Since the time of Ancient Rome, Alexandrian parrots have been known as domestic caged birds. If the process of taming them is started in time, then you yourself will see how affectionate and docile their character is. The Alexandrian parrot is sure to become your family pet, and you will never regret acquiring it.

Alexandrian parrots

Alexandrian parrots are a species of ringed parrots, larger in size than both Indian and African ringed. Alexandrians look very similar to other annelids, so many non-specialists may inadvertently attribute them to the better-known Indian or African necklaces. All Alexandrian parrots look like classic Indian ringed parrots - dark green body, a long tail, red beak and yellowish eyes. The main difference from Indian ringed parrots is maroon spots on the wings and a large beak.

Alexandrians have sexual dimorphism, meaning that males and females look different. In males, there is a dark area of ​​a black ring on the neck, turning on the back of the head into a ring of pink hue with an overflow of blue on the top of the head. In females and immature parrots, this distinctive coloring is absent. In most male Alexandrians, the ring around the neck begins to appear by 18 months, and the full formation of the ring can take up to three years.
The only reliable way to determine the sex of these parrots before reaching sexual maturity is a DNA test.
Alexandrine parrots are not as popular as necklace parrots, as they have not been bred for multiple color mutations. However, the parrots look quite exotic, and parrot collectors acquire the birds for aviary decoration and prestige.

In nature

Alexandrine parrots tend to live in damp environment. Unlike necklace parrots, they are much more cautious and inhabit places away from humans. However, if food is plentiful, they can be seen near populated areas. These parrots love to spend time in the lowlands, and can be seen in mangroves and plantations.

Alexandrians are flocking birds and live in small groups of 8 to 20 birds in the wild. During the breeding season, they pair up and look for hollows to breed and feed their chicks. When the breeding season ends, parrots gather in groups for the night, and sometimes their number reaches a thousand. Their piercing cries can be heard early in the morning at sunrise and before sunset.

Not so long ago, Alexandrine parrots were very common in their native territories, but now, due to trapping and habitat destruction, the species is endangered. Currently, in India and Pakistan, it is forbidden to keep the Alexandrian parrot as a companion. Although local laws have helped stop the placement of traps and the capture of parrots and chicks, Alexandrine parakeets can still be found for sale on the market. In the province of Punjab, the number of these parrots is rapidly declining and will continue to decline if illegal trade and habitat destruction are not stopped.

Alexandrine parrots as pets

These parrots are gradually ceasing to be the exclusive property of collectors, and are now bred as pets and fed by hand. Many bird lovers have discovered these parrots as even-tempered, endowed with the ability to talk and make great family pets.
Most owners are delighted with the individual characteristics of the nature of these birds. Alexandrians are not as aggressive as necklace parrots. In fact, they are much more docile and easier to deal with males. Females can become biting during the breeding season, however, if you handle the bird correctly, there is usually no problem.
With any Asian parrot, the main thing is to ignore unwanted behavior. Your voice should only be used to praise and reward the bird for correct behavior. In case the bird is testing you for “strength”, ignore it and go about your usual business.

If the owner wants to make the parrot a family pet, then all family members should communicate with him and take care of him. Alexandrians love to be in company, lie on the bed, or sit on their knees while watching TV. Supervise children who interact with the parrot and consider the temperament of the parrot.
Ideally, if there is a game stand made of wood. And although the tree is likely to be quickly damaged (as you know, parrots love to gnaw everything), such a stand is safe for the health of the parrot. The play stand is an important piece of equipment that allows the parrot to roam freely outside the cage and is a safe place to socialize.

Teach your parrot not to leave the stand. Place the parrot on the stand while you go about your business. If the bird flies off the stand, pick it up and place it back. This is a very tedious process, but you will raise a parrot that will never leave the booth until you take it from there. By training your parrot to stay on the stand, you will prevent unwanted bird walks, damage to furniture, injuries and escapes.

As mentioned above, these parrots have an amazing ability to chew on everything. They enjoy homemade toys made of rawhide, wood, ropes. Keep a constant supply of toys nearby, as one toy will last no more than a few hours. The beaks of the Alexandrians are quite large, and the destruction of the toy can take from several minutes to several hours. To avoid boredom, all the toys around the cage must be changed and rearranged.

Do not let parrots leave the cage without your permission. Many owners make the mistake of opening the cage door and letting the parrots go out on their own without command - this is wrong. The owner must open the cage door and give a command, inviting the parrot to the exit. If the parrot refuses, continue to invite the parrot to the exit until he comes out. Parrot walks should always be up to you, which will help reduce territorial behavior.

Ability to speak

Do you want to teach an Alexandrian to speak? During daily communication with a parrot, repeat a few words. Once upon a time effective method it was believed to cover the cage in a dark room and play a recording of the words. This is not true, because as a result of such training, the parrot will learn very little and he will quickly become bored. The key to successful conversation learning is interaction with the bird. An Alexandrine parrot fed and raised by a human can start talking at about 8 months of age, and most start talking at about a year old.
Before mastering speech, the parrot will imitate sounds and try to mumble words. Many owners report that their parrots babble but do not speak. This is normal, over time such muttering will turn into a conversation.

Buying a parrot just because it can learn to talk is not very a good idea because each parrot is individual and everyone has different abilities. Alexandrians are often acquired in the hope that they will speak, and such expectations are not always met. The result of all this is sad, and in most cases the parrot is hidden in an empty basement, garage, or an empty room, because he disappointed the owner. As a result of deprivation of communication, many of these parrots are psychologically traumatized, and it takes years of rehabilitation to bring the bird back to normal. Parrots are highly intelligent creatures, and their ability to talk should be seen as more of a welcome addition than a guaranteed result.

After your parrot has mastered one word, start saying another. Continue until your parrot is constantly talking.
It should also be noted that Alexandrians are quite noisy parrots. Their teenage shyness is a sham. Many owners find this out when the bird has settled in and matured. Unfortunately, unprepared owners, not expecting such a noise, give the parrot to a new home.


While Alexandrine parrots are not very popular, they are easy to breed in captivity. With proper nutrition and a nesting box provided, these birds breed fairly well. As a rule, breeding in Southern California begins around May and continues until the end of June. Most Alexandrine parrots easily go to two clutches if the chicks are weaned from their parents at the age of 10 days after hatching, followed by hand-rearing. The female lays 2 - 4 white eggs. The incubation period lasts for 26 days after oviposition.

Most breeders know that in the lead up to the breeding season, the female will spend a lot of time inside the nest box, chewing and scratching it. In the male during this period, the pupils of the eyes often narrow, which serves as a signal for the female. The male and female show great interest in each other, begin to feed each other, and as a rule, after this, mating follows. Two weeks after mating, the female usually lays her eggs.
Since Alexandrians love to gnaw, many females make a hole in the bottom of the nest box or damage it. Alexandrians are one of the species of parrots whose nesting is best done using partially metal nest boxes, which are difficult to gnaw. The bottom of the nest box should be lined with pine sawdust to a depth of no more than a few centimeters. Too much sawdust in the nest box can cause the eggs to get lost in the nest and the chicks to fail to hatch. In any case, most female Alexandrine parrots will throw away a significant amount of sawdust - this is normal, let the female work in the nest box until she is satisfied with the bedding. If the bottom of the nest box becomes too empty, add sawdust until the first egg is laid.

Alexandrine parrot mutations

Alexandrians do not have natural mutations. The blue, lutino, yellow, and light-tailed parrots offered for sale are hybrids with Indian annelids. The hybrids currently on the market are the result of careful selection over many generations. Artificially bred color variations generate a lot of controversy, as some breeders believe that their breeding spoils the natural genotype of the Alexandrian parrot. A number of breeders, however, justify hybridization by arguing that many popular aviary birds such as canaries, doves and finches are the result of similar crosses. Some go further and don't consider hybridization a problem at all because, for example, all of our dogs are the result of hybridization.

One thing is clear - regardless of the results and which side you take, Alexandrine parrots are becoming more and more popular and will continue to be sold due to the growing demand for them. It is likely that in the near future breeders will be able to acquire Alexandrians as easily as they acquire Indian annelids.

Alexandrian parrots have been in our flock for a long time, one pair initially got already formed(Richka-Kuzya), the second one (Katya-Laki) turned out to be more complicated - a very active imposing female Katyusha rejected the first male (Ruby) and even began to chase him, but she liked the second one offered to her (Lucky), and after a while they began to sleep together , feed and attempt mating like the first pair.

The Kuzya-Richka pair had been mating for the previous 2.5 years, but neither eggs nor any special problems were noticed, except for a single time when Richka decided that it was very necessary to nest and gave out some kind of “false pregnancy” (such Birds have no idea, this is my personal association), figuratively, her behavior, droppings, and what had to be corrected with medicines showed just such an association with mammals). She became extremely aggressive, accumulated litter and gave out large piles. She was X-rayed and treated according to indications.

The bird had hypertrophy of the oviduct, which led to compression of the intestines and disruption of normal defecation. - Approx. editor.

Over the years, Richka's desire to give birth did not subside, but only gained momentum - in the room she gnawed all the corners, the door, the tables, in search of a secluded place. She even gnawed a hole to the neighbors on the balcony, trying to find a nest even there. In the winter of 2017, this went beyond all limits, and aggression also increased too much. At the same time, the second pair began to mate very actively, and I decided to provide nests for these pairs in order to avoid conflicts with the rest of the inhabitants of the bird house.

The nests were made from boards, 2 cm thick, the dimensions of the nests turned out to be: 40 by 40 by 50 (the last is the height). The boards were recommended by professionals, because plywood, which is often used by breeders, is extremely unfriendly, harmful, it causes problems with humidity and ventilation, which affects the health of the chicks. So don't skimp on it!

In the middle of the nest, from a notch (10 by 19 cm), I made a pole. I also installed poles at the entrance to the nests. Inside, I poured about 10 cm of coniferous sawdust, chips from pear and alder, dried nettle leaves, dried dandelions, oak bark, wormwood greens.

I installed the boxes on the night of February 14-15, 2017.

Birds began to mate actively, not embarrassed by anyone.

The couple (Katya-Lucky) did not throw a single chip out of the nest, they only gnawed the walls a little.

The second pair (Richka-Kuzya) dug, rummaged and gnawed the house for about 2 weeks, reducing the litter by a third, therefore, due to the busyness of this pair with landscaping, they had active mating 2 weeks later, and the first egg appeared only on March 15.

Despite the general symmetry of the actions and results of both pairs, their behavior during the period of incubation and later when the chicks hatched was somewhat opposite.

A pair of Katya-Lucky are absolutely tame birds that know few commands that are interested in communicating with a person.

A pair of Richka-Kuzya - more wild birds, the male is not tame at all, absolutely self-sufficient. The female in the flock is wild, outside - more tame and talking, but because she lives in a flock and a couple, the behavior of an independent and uninterested individual in a person is already fixed.

So, the first pair during nesting constantly demanded communication, sweets from their hands, they let out and flew a little on command. But she categorically did not want to let her into the nest. Once Katerina grabbed my finger so hard that she flew out of the nest on it, hanging for another 10 seconds, biting.

And the second - on the contrary, Richka threw herself on the bars, as soon as I approached the cage, but in the nest - even sitting below, she calmly allowed me to touch and examine the eggs or already the chick.

It was a big discovery for me that the females do not sit around the clock on the eggs - yes, the males feed them, but at least a third of the total time the females feed themselves and live outside the nest. Males, on the other hand, also take care of eggs and chicks in the nest, in my experience, male alexas are great parents!

The nutrition of couples during the incubation period did not differ much from what they are fed during the normal period of my life.

Martha placed it in a bowl on a corn filler.
The chick began to chew on the litter, and the first thing I offered him was fruit. I cut slices of unripe mango, banana and apple. Mart chose the mango, he liked it so much, he dug into it with his little beak. And he still couldn’t bite off, he just procrastinated and licked.

Of course, I still didn’t know how to eat fully, it’s too early.

Complementary formula took Nutribird A19.
I have already dealt with Harrison`s chick porridge, for feeding weakened birds, these porridges are considered one of the best. And Nutribird did not please me at all with either the chemical aroma or the consistency. The chick was also not happy ...
A couple of times fed with a syringe, after which I used a teaspoon bent from the edges.
I diluted as thickly as possible so that it looked like parental food. But the chick began to eat this porridge well only when it began to add berries there - sea buckthorn, cranberries, blueberries. Here with them it is direct swallowed! Then I began to add sesame seeds and flax seeds.
Also, I bought it to try.
This is new to Russian market Didn't see any reviews at the time of purchase. And this mixture I and the chicks liked a lot more, and it is most similar to Harrisons. No flavorings, as part of useful seeds of various wild herbs. Less economical than Nutribird - consumption is 2 times more. It seemed much more natural to me.
She fed the chicks 3 times a day, until the full goiter. Then gradually reduced the number of feedings.

The second pair of parents decided to behave like the first, i.e. continue the number of children when Yurka was 28 days old..

I did the same - I took the chick, removed the nests.
Both pairs of parents immediately moved away from the topic of reproduction, at the same time went into molting (the Kuzya-Richka pair was originally from a completely different climate, and my alexes did not match before, despite the years of keeping already in Moscow, they all molted at once), and became incredibly friendly with each other. And further, at crossings, they did not react to their chicks.

Due to a difference of just over 2 weeks, the size and development of the chicks were of course different by the time both were supplemented at the same time. Therefore, in the beginning they were in different basins. By that time, March could already bite and swallow fruit, while Yurochka was quite a baby, and the elder could cripple her.

However, both chicks perked up when they were near!

I suppose that maybe in nature it is calculated that, at least in annelids, there are many chicks at the same time in the brood, without brothers and sisters, the chicks are really just very bored.
Under supervision, she began to leave them together when Yurka was 5 weeks old, Mart immediately imitated feeding the youngest.

Yurochka also recognized porridge only with berries.

Almost immediately, after taking away from the parents, the sprouted grains were placed on the chicks. At this age, they already know how to chew a little, but they cannot swallow. In order to avoid problems with the transition to adult nutrition, I decided that chewing the sprout is better than the litter, and gave the chicks access to both fruit and sprout. At first I made a “baby formula”, thinking that it would be easier for the chicks without shells - the mixture consisted of peeled sunflower, green buckwheat, mung bean, etc., seeds that do not need to be peeled. And that was a mistake! As soon as the chicks were offered the “adult” regular sprout mix - with a large selection of different seeds and grains in the shell, they immediately fell in love with it.

And here is one interesting feature - chicks, on average, up to 5-5.5 weeks, cannot yet eat themselves - they can chew, but not swallow pieces of food. Does not allow the size of the tongue in relation to the size of the growing beak.

I also gave the chicks a lot of greens - bunches of dill, branches with bird cherry leaves, currant leaves, dandelions, cabbage and many, many more. And the chicks constantly chewed greens. Moreover, unlike adult birds, when most of the branches and greenery fall past the beak, in chicks these bouquets simply “disappeared” to a single leaf! Those. gave them a broom of dill in the morning, in the evening - as if it were not there. Not a crumb left!

They chew, procrastinate and swallow slowly. And then they still don’t know how to eat grain, they just peel it.
When the seedling went more actively, by 6 weeks, the chicks began to turn away from the porridge.

With great difficulty I fed them until the moment of the first flight. And until recently, they just hated spoons. But I finished feeding before the flight, and there everyone completely switched to independent nutrition.
For Mart, it was at 6 weeks exactly, for Yurochka even a little earlier - up to 5.5 somewhere.

Another one interesting feature development of ringed - necklace zone. Chicks of both sexes do not have a necklace; in males, it appears with maturity - the first molt (~1 year).
And just like all other parrots, ringed parrots have their own “signature”, very pleasant aroma - a mixture of wax with fruit-flowers. Therefore, they are called wax-beaked, the area near the beak has an aroma similar to the smell of wax.
And since the smell is closely related to hormones, and hormones in ringed birds with a necklace, then when the necklace grows, the chicks exude this floral-wax aroma so strong that the whole room where the chick is located is filled with it! The necklace is the last to grow, just before the flights and a little after. And then, apparently, hormones-necklace-aroma are activated. When the necklace has formed, the chicks no longer have such a strong aroma, only if they communicate closely, as with adult ringed ones.

Mart's first flight was great! A couple of days before him, he began to “float” on the bed, like a “boat” - flapping his wings and running, without breaking away even much up.
And how he flew - as if he had always done it! Not a single cut, immediately caught on pictures and jambs! And in circles! So he liked it!

Yurochka also flew by 6 weeks, but on the first day she didn't land very well a couple of times. But she quickly recovered.
Together they began to wind circles around the room, flying with such pleasure! Flight and greenery are the main things that interested them and are interested in.

By 2 months they became completely independent. Not so tame anymore, but very attached to me. March from 4 months already fully feeds the youngest. They can't do without each other, always together.

They have not moved into the common flock yet - due to taking away from their parents, the parents apparently did not have time to teach them behavior with other birds - the chicks climb right through to the parent, driving and driving them away, and to more large species. Very arrogant young Alexandrians, pushing the cockatoo against the wall, driving the Amazons away, not retreating a single step - this is dangerous. Adults are much smarter in this regard.

Now the chicks are 9-10 months old, they have grown many times more (at the moment the weight of the chicks is 220g and 280g), and slowly began to at least communicate with their parents, without driving them away. (Parents do not perceive the young as their relatives, Katya even dances mating games in front of her “underage” son ...) Sometimes I bring them to the bird room in a cage so that they look around and learn how to behave with other brothers.

Big, beautiful, healthy!

Thank you so much

These birds have always been popular pets. As for the Alexandrian parrot, its advantage over other brethren is that it can talk. So, let's get acquainted in detail with the charming immigrants from Asia, who appeared in Europe thanks to Alexander the Great. His name served as the name of this species.

Appearance and distribution

The Alexandrian parrot is not a very common type of domestic bird. However, he attracts attention due to his talkativeness, beauty, and intelligence. Its wingspan reaches 20 centimeters, length - up to 60 centimeters. The tail of the bird is long and beautiful. The color of the body in most cases is green, the tummy is light green. Black and pink rings are visible in parrots on the neck. Their beak is bright red, which distinguishes the Alexandrian parrot from other species. On each wing, adult birds have a specific mark - a red-burgundy spot. Until the age of three years, neither females nor males have rings on the neck and spots on the wings. With good care, their life expectancy is 40 years.

Alexandrine parrots can adapt to the environment, which is manifested by a change in their color. They are common in South and Southeast Asia, the Andaman Islands and Sri Lanka.

In Europe, birds appeared thanks to Alexander the Great. Returning from a campaign in Asia, his soldiers brought birds from there. In ancient Rome, teachers were specially hired to teach these birds how to talk. For talking birds they gave a lot of money.

In the wild, they live in flocks on tropical trees, spending a significant part of the day in the upper tiers. They rarely land on the ground. Birds fly perfectly, but they fly over short distances.

Alexandrine parrots are very fond of being in the rain and washing their feathers. Therefore, artificial rain can also be arranged for pets at home, spraying water from a spray bottle or constructing places for them to take water procedures.


In the wild, this occurs between April and November. The female lays 2-4 eggs, incubates them, and the male takes care of her feeding at this time. Already 6 weeks after birth, the offspring leave the parental nest.

The peculiarity of this breed is that it breeds well at home. If the male has a pair, then with the onset of the breeding season, he begins to confidently court her. This is manifested by the fact that the gentleman's voice becomes softer, it turns into a soft chirp, flirting with a partner. The male feeds the female from his beak, the couple kisses. For breeding in captivity, partners need a square box with parameters of half a meter, with a nest. In captivity, chicks are more likely to leave the parental nest than in the wild. This happens within 3-4 weeks after their birth. Toddlers need to be transplanted into a separate cage.

The main problem of breeding Alexandrian parrots at home is that it is very difficult to independently determine their gender.

Features of the maintenance of Alexandrian parrots

These birds are active, require a lot of space, so it is recommended to keep them in a large cage or no cage at all. Since the birds are very vociferous, it is better to keep them in private houses, since in urban apartments they can cause complaints from neighbors. Birds also like to turn nearby objects into their toys. So, if you don’t find a mirror or other small things you need in the morning, know that the feathered one needed them. Alexandrine parrots are very curious, they require supervision, because they can climb where they should not, or do dirty tricks. They should not be kept with other types of birds.

A bird can learn to speak ten or twenty words, sometimes more. It is unpretentious to temperature conditions. To maintain her health, immunity, activity, nutrition should be varied, especially in winter time. Mandatory components of the menu of Alexandrian parrots are fruits, herbs, seeds and vegetables.

The behavior of a bird tells whether it is accustomed to its owner or not. If she sits on her head, eats from your hands, chirps in your presence, then she is comfortable and good with you. But this type of parrot is also characterized by a certain harmfulness, obstinacy. Sometimes a bird simply does not want to go to the owner's arms, demonstrating stubbornness. And sometimes it can peck at the owner. Just like that, for no reason.

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