5 6 sayings about the benefits of reading. Quotes, aphorisms and phrases about reading

Banks 22.06.2024

Since ancient times, literature has walked side by side with humanity. Books have always been a source of knowledge, impressions and inspiration. Reading still occupies an important place in the life of mankind. From early childhood to old age, we learn the mysteries of existence thanks to literature of various genres. We bring to your attention a selection of the most beautiful sayings and quotes about books and reading.

50 best quotes about books

Books collect pearls of human thought and pass them on to posterity. We will turn into a handful of dust, but books, like monuments made of iron and stone, are preserved forever. M. Aibek

The love of books is a love that requires no justification, no apology, no defense. Y. A. Langford

A book is a fairy-tale lamp that gives a person light on the most distant and dark roads of life. A. Upit

A book is a device that can ignite the imagination. A. Bennett

Love the book, it makes your life easier, it will help you sort out the colorful and stormy confusion of thoughts, feelings, events, it will teach you to respect people and yourself, it inspires your mind and heart with a feeling of love for the world, for humanity. M. Gorky

Books are a unique, portable magic. S. King

Everyone has their own happy place. A scene that immediately pops up before your eyes, as soon as you close your eyes and mentally transport yourself to that point on the globe where life envelops you in warmth and comfort. For me, this is a bookstore with its emerald green walls and huge windows that frame the winking stars at night. The coals still glow in the fireplace, reminiscent of the color of the setting sun, and I myself am sitting in front of the fireplace, wrapped in a blanket, enthusiastically reading a book. S. Gio

Books have a special charm; books give us pleasure: they talk to us, give us good advice, they become living friends for us. F. Petrarch

Without a book there is night in the world, without a book there is darkness all around. V. Hugo

You don't need a magic wand to stop time. Take tea and a book.

The book, one of the greatest inventions of the human mind, enriches our lives with experience. What a blessing for a person that he is given the opportunity to be friends with a book and use its inexhaustible wisdom. A. Gorbatov

Books are the doors that lead you out of four walls... They teach you, educate you, with them you travel, dream, imagine, live other lives, and multiply yours a thousand times. A. Perez-Reverte

Books are ships of thought, traveling the waves of time and carefully carrying their precious cargo from generation to generation. F. Bacon

Most of us cannot go everywhere, talk to everyone, visit every city in the world. We don’t have time, money, or that many friends. Everything you are looking for exists in the world, but an ordinary person can only see one hundredth with his own eyes, and the remaining ninety-nine percent he learns through a book. R. Bradbury

Books enlighten the soul, elevate and strengthen a person, awaken in him the best aspirations, sharpen his mind and soften his heart. W. Thackeray

Freedom exists to go to the library. I. Brodsky

Moments of reading are the longest moments in the world. Each of them can be compared to a small eternity... G. Petrovich

Where there is a book, a person is no longer left alone with himself, within the four walls of his horizons, he joins in with all the achievements of the past and present... S. Zweig

Books are society. A good book, like a good society, enlightens and ennobles feelings and morals. N. Pirogov

A book is a vessel that fills us, but does not empty itself. A. Decourcel

One day you will become so old that you will start reading fairy tales again.

A book is a friend to the lonely, and a library is a refuge to the homeless. S. Vitnitsky

If we compare the intellect to a plant, then books are like bees carrying fertilizing pollen from one mind to another. D. Lowell

Life should be filled with books that are full of life. A. Markov

What a pleasure to spend an evening like this! To be honest, I don't know any pleasure like reading. How much faster do you get tired of any other activity! When I get my own house, I will feel miserable if I don't have a good library. J. Austin

Books are a good way to talk to someone with whom talking is impossible. F. Begbeder

Heaven is a place where the library is open twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. No... eight days a week. A. Bradley

Books are just one of the containers where we store what we are afraid to forget. There is no mystery, no magic in them. The magic is only in what they say, in the way they sew the shreds of the universe into a single whole. R. Bradbury

Trust books, they are the closest, they are silent when necessary, and speak, opening the world to you, when necessary.

A good book is like an iceberg, seven-eighths of which is hidden under water. E. Hemingway

All kinds of rudeness melt away, as if on fire, under the influence of daily reading of good books. V. Hugo

A library is a herbarium of feelings and passions, a vessel where dried samples of all civilizations are stored. P. Claudel

A person with a good book in his hands can never be lonely. C. Goldoni

Reading is a waking dream. This is a wonderful experience of living other people's lives, very intense living, safe, but of high quality. I have been able to read since I was three years old, or rather, I was three years old when adults noticed that I could read. The little that I remember from that early childhood are dreams in which a wonderful grandfather on some island taught me to read, and I, apparently, learned - there were no other options. M. Fry

What kind of person you become will be determined by two factors: the people you interact with and the books you read. R. Sharma

Reading books is not a way to escape from life; books provide the key to understanding it. The key to reality. S. Faulks

Anyone who reads books is never bored. I. Welsh

Books are a plane, a train, and a road. They are both the destination and the journey. They are home. A. Quindl

The smell of books is a spicy smell, reminiscent of a fairy tale. S. King

Previously, reading was one of the most common leisure activities. A very pleasant and useful leisure time, I must say. But now books are increasingly being replaced by electronic devices - smartphones, tablets, laptops, TVs and audio players. Or people prefer only short excerpts and quotes from books to full reading. But if you compare reading a book with other ways of obtaining information, it significantly surpasses them in usefulness, because it activates several important parts of the human brain at once, thereby enhancing mental potential. Besides this, answers to the question “why should you read books?” - a lot of. Let's consider. And we’ll do this using quotes about books and their benefits.

Wise quotes from great people about books and reading

I am sure that nothing will replace the book in the future, just as nothing could replace it in the past.
Isaac Asimov

Reading helps tremendously, and books are good company if you take the right ones.
Louisa May Alcott

I looked for peace everywhere and found it in only one place - in the corner, with a book.
Umberto Eco

Anyone who reads books is never bored.
Irvine Welsh

Reading books is not a way to escape from life; books provide the key to understanding it. The key to reality.
Sebastian Faulks

What kind of person you become will be determined by two factors: the people you interact with and the books you read.
Robin Sharma

It's not about the number of pages read, but the number of thoughts they evoke.
Paulo Freire

Peace, fireplace, books, silence... Previously, this was seen as mere philistinism. Now these are dreams of paradise lost.
Erich Maria Remarque

Nothing could be more pleasant than living in solitude, enjoying the spectacle of nature and sometimes reading a book.
Nikolay Gogol

Nothing can replace a book. Despite the latest discoveries and new ways of storing information, we will not rush to part with the book.
Dmitry Likhachev

The quote that, despite new technologies, you should not part with the book is extremely relevant. Indeed, people are reading literature less and less, preferring other, more progressive, sources of information. This is evidenced by the fact that among people of various age categories, watching various television shows and films is more popular. And yet, books are irreplaceable. Let's continue to confirm this with smart quotes about books.

Thoughts and quotes about books and reading

Whatever you do, whatever you do, you will always need a smart and faithful assistant - a book.
Samuel Marshak

Good friends, good books and a sleeping conscience - this is an ideal life.
Mark Twain

Literature is the most pleasant way to ignore life.
Fernando Pessoa

If someone next to you is immersed in reading a book, then consider that he is not near you - he is somewhere else; he has nothing to do with you - he communicates with other people.
Karel Capek

A person with a good book in his hands can never be lonely.
Carlo Goldoni

All kinds of rudeness melt away, as if on fire, under the influence of daily reading of good books.
Victor Hugo

Just read and let the words caress your ears like music.
Roald Dahl

Everything that humanity has done, changed its mind, everything that it has achieved - all this has been preserved, as if by magic, on the pages of books.
Thomas Carlyle

Heaven is a place where the library is open twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. No... eight days a week.
Alan Bradley

He who reads a lot and walks a lot sees a lot and knows a lot.
Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra

When watching films, fantasy does not develop - it is limited only by special effects. Books train our imagination, making our brain more flexible. We really hope that these quotes about reading will make you want to open a book.

Beautiful quotes about books

Reading is passive creativity.
Victoria Tokareva

There is only one way to become a cultured person - reading.
Andre Maurois

Eating with a book does not mean eating alone.
John Irving

What else can a normal person in this country do to avoid getting dirty? All that remains is to read books and love girls.
Yuri Polyakov

Reading is like this world behind closed eyelids - and we can say that while reading, we also close our eyes to everything. An open book - cover, pages - seems to blind us: it fences us off from the outside world, its persistent calls and awakens our imagination.
Peter Mendelsund

We live in turbulent times. People began to eat a lot and read little.
Grigory Gorin

Reading is an unpunished vice...
Bernard Quirini

Reading is a good substitute for vodka...
Sergei Lukyanenko

Reading is simply a type of friendship. Which either folds or doesn’t.
Max Fry

As children, we were often told that we needed to read books to grow up as smart people. Indeed, books enrich us and teach us a lot. Many of us read books constantly, others less often. Some people read historical novels, while others only read magazines on the plane - it all depends on education, mood, character and many other factors. We hope that if you are reading these quotes, then books are not alien to you.

Short statuses about books

Reading is the basis of all knowledge.

People stop thinking when they stop reading.

Read serious books. Life will do the rest.

Reading is for the mind what exercise is for the body.

Don't be discouraged and remember - when things get hard, pick up a book and read.

In a movie I watch others; a book allows me to become a different person for a while.

Books are separate magical worlds.

Books break the shackles of time, proving that people are capable of magic.

By reading good books, we water the flowers that grow within us.

We hope that quotes about books gave you the desire to read. After all, the future depends on education. It is important to learn not to drown in gadgets, but to properly balance between them and books that truly open your eyes and make you see the beauty in the little things. You don’t have to go far: pick up an interesting book and you’ll find out what’s interesting is nearby!

Quotes about books are funny

Life is some kind of constant obstacle to reading.

There are people who read only to find mistakes in the writer.

Truly, many people read only to have the right not to think.

What is written without effort is usually read without pleasure.

Some people like tea with sugar, others with jam, but I like it with a book.

My problem with reading books is that I am constantly distracted... by other books.

Books are doors that take you out of four walls...

The reader lives a thousand lives before he dies. A person who never reads lives only one life.

In bed you can do whatever pleases both of you. Even read.

Trust books, because they are your closest friends. Books, like friends, are silent when needed and give you the whole world in the palm of your hand when needed. And always with meaning.

Wise Thoughts About Reading

The beauty of books is that the lives, stories, and thoughts contained in them become yours. When you close a book, you are no longer the same person you were when you opened it...

Every book has a soul. The soul of the one who wrote it, and the souls of those who read and experienced it, and dreamed over it.

You will read a lot of good books. There are bad ones too, of course, but you will learn to see the difference.

A good book only gets better the second time you read it. The Great Book is under the third.

Books are a good way to talk to someone with whom talking is impossible.

« Reading is the best teaching. Following the thoughts of a great man is the most interesting science." Pushkin A.

« There is nothing that has attracted me more throughout my life than reading good, kind books containing deep and interesting thoughts.." Apsheroni A.

« The reader lives a thousand lives before he dies. The man who never reads experiences only one." Martin D.

« When you read the smart words of others, your own smart thoughts come to mind." Lashkov M.

« There is no better way to refresh the mind than to read the ancient classics; as soon as you take one of them in your hands, even for half an hour, you immediately feel refreshed, lightened and cleansed, lifted and strengthened, as if you had refreshed yourself by bathing in a pure spring." Schopenhauer A.

« Books are ships of thought, traveling the waves of time and carefully carrying their precious cargo from generation to generation.." Bacon F.

« All kinds of rudeness melt away, as if on fire, under the influence of daily reading of good books." Hugo V.

« Those who read books will always control those who watch TV." Zhanlis F.

« Well-done reading saves us from everything, including ourselves... And more casually, a book is a refuge

« The paradox of reading: it takes us away from reality in order to fill reality with meaning." Pennak D.

« Reading is for the mind what physical exercise is for the body.." Addison D.

« I read strangely, and reading has a strange effect on me. I read something that I re-read a long time ago, and it’s as if I’m exerting myself with new strength, I delve into everything, I clearly understand and I myself extract the ability to create." Dostoevsky F.

« You would be the most unhappy person in this life if you did not read books and poems." Walt Disney

« Handling books prepares you for handling people. Both are equally necessary." Karamzin N.

« People stop thinking when they stop reading." Diderot D.

« Just as rubles are made from kopecks, knowledge is made from grains of what you read.." Dal V.

« Nothing broadens the entire horizon of our concepts about nature and human life so much as a close acquaintance with the greatest minds of mankind.» Pisarev D.

« A good book is like a conversation with an intelligent person. The reader receives from her knowledge and a generalization of reality, the ability to understand life." Tolstoy A.

« He who does not search does not read,

Those who don't read don't know.

He who does not know does not live!

AND THE IMPORTANT THING in life will pass by!” Fetisov S.


« Reading made Don Quixote a knight, and believing what he read made him crazy." Shaw B.

« I'm always curious what people read. You can learn no less about them from books than from the contents of a home medicine cabinet. But rummaging through the owner’s medicines has always been considered bad manners." King S.

« The two greatest inventions in history: printing, which put us in front of books, and television, which took us away from them.." Elgozy D.

« My girlfriend always laughs during sex. Regardless of what she's reading at the time." Steve Jobs

« I heard that life is not a bad thing, but I prefer reading." Smith L.

« You know, I read so much about the dangers of alcohol! I decided to quit forever... read!” Dovlatov S.


Quotes and Aphorisms 18.05.2018

Dear readers, today we will talk about the greatest treasure that civilization has given people - books. They appear in our lives in early childhood and then accompany us throughout our lives. They help us learn to think, develop imagination, and improve literacy.

Tell me what you are reading - and I will tell you who you are... Their importance and value for humanity is very accurately and clearly reflected in quotes and aphorisms about books.

A book in a person's life

“A book is a monument to minds that have passed into eternity. This is a story in which life flows like blood through veins. This is the alpha and omega of all knowledge, this is the beginning of the beginnings of every science. A book is a man’s silent teacher.”

“Where there is a book, a person is no longer left alone with himself, within the four walls of his horizons, he joins in all the achievements of the past and present.”

Stefan Zweig

“A book is the same phenomenon of life as a person, it is also a living, speaking fact, and it is less a “thing” than all other things created and being created by man.”

Maksim Gorky

“A book is the purest essence of the human soul.”

Thomas Carlyle

“Books are a mirror: although they do not speak, they declare every guilt and vice.”

Catherine II the Great

Isaac Babel

“A book should be an ice pick for the frozen sea inside us.”

Franz Kafka

“Wherever there is arable land, wherever there is a human mind, there must be a book.”

Victor Hugo

“Laws die, books never.”

Edward George Bulwer-Lytton

“Books have a special charm; books give us pleasure: they talk to us, give us good advice, they become living friends for us.”

Francesco Petrarca

How to read well...

“One who does not read has no advantage over one who cannot read.”

Mark Twain

“In the past, books were written by writers and read by readers. Now books are written by readers and no one reads them.”

Oscar Wilde

“There is only one way to become a cultured person - reading.”

Andre Maurois

“To love reading is to exchange hours of boredom, inevitable in life, for hours of great pleasure.”

Charles Louis de Montesquieu

Hermann Hesse

Pliny the Younger

“People stop thinking when they stop reading.”

Denis Diderot

Pascal Blaise

Reading is the best teaching!

Quotes about books and reading contain all the arguments why the ability to read and comprehend what is read is so important for a person. After all, books make us think deeper and clearer, literally sharpening our mind and developing it.

“Study and read. Read serious books. Life will do the rest."

Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky

“Read not to contradict and refute, not to take it on faith, and not to find a subject for conversation; but to think and reason.”

Francis Bacon

“Only those who don’t read anything think about nothing.”

Denis Diderot

“Reading is for the mind what exercise is for the body.”

Joseph Addison

“Reading books nourishes youth, amuses old age, embellishes happiness, provides consolation and refuge in misfortune, relieves boredom at home, does not disturb outside the home...”

Great people about books

Many writers, artists, scientists, and philosophers have spoken about the fact that books occupy a very important place in the life of every thinking person. It is worth listening to their words, because the quotes and aphorisms of great people about books contain all the wisdom of generations.

"The book is a dumb teacher."

“A good book is a gift bequeathed by the author to the human race.”

Joseph Addison

“A book is a magician. The book transformed the world. It contains the memory of the human race, it is the mouthpiece of human thought. A world without a book is a world of savages.”

Vasily Rozanov

“Where books are burned, people will be burned.”

Heinrich Heine

“A book is the purest essence of the human soul.”

Charles Lamb

“A book is a teacher without payment or gratitude. Every moment she gives you revelations of wisdom. This is an interlocutor with a brain covered with skin, speaking silently about secret affairs.”

Alisher Navoi

“Love the book with all your heart! She is not only your best friend, but also your faithful companion to the end.”

Ernest Hemingway

“Books are ships of thought, traveling on the waves of time and carefully carrying their precious cargo from generation to generation.”

Francis Bacon

“If there were no books in the world, I would have long ago fallen into despair.”

Arthur Schopenhauer

“Books gave me more than people. The memory of a person always pales before the memory of a book.”

Marina Tsvetaeva

“Reading good books is a conversation with the best people of past times, and, moreover, such a conversation when they tell us only their best thoughts.”

Rene Descartes

“A house without a book is like a body without a soul.”

Marcus Tullius Cicero

“When I had some money, I bought books. And if there was anything left, I bought myself food.”

Erasmus of Rotterdam

“Of all the manifestations of human creativity, the most amazing and worthy of attention are books. The thoughts of past times live in books; The voices of people whose ashes have long scattered, like a dream, can be heard clearly and distinctly. Everything that humanity has done, changed its mind, everything that it has achieved - all this has been preserved, as if by magic, on the pages of books.”

Thomas Carlyle

About good and bad books

Long gone are the days when books were incredibly expensive. Nowadays we are greeted with such an abundance of literature on bookshelves that we can get confused. And its cost is not always comparable to its value. Not everything that is bound can bring light and knowledge and bear the great title of a book. It is this idea that is reflected in aphorisms and quotes about good and bad books.

Pliny the Younger

“Some books should only be tasted, others should be swallowed, and only a few should be chewed and digested.”

Thomas Macaulay

“Bad books can spoil us just as much as bad comrades.”

Henry Fielding

“The books that are called immoral are the books that show the world its shame.”

“Cheap editions of great books may be wonderful, but cheap editions of great men are absolutely intolerable.”

Oscar Wilde

“Among books, as among people, you can find yourself in good and bad society.”

Claude Adrian Helvetius

“Some books are undeservedly forgotten, but there is not a single one that is undeservedly remembered.”

Wysten Hugh Auden

“Indiscriminate and excessive reading of books harms a person in the same way as eating a lot of food. Sometimes it's better to be hungry."

Francesco Petrarca

“In no field does the mind require more careful and careful guidance than in the use of books.”

John Locke

“Since life is very short and free hours are very few, we should not waste any of them reading books of little value.”

John Ruskin

“Remember: who you are is determined by what you read.”

“The main thing is not how much you spend when you buy a book. The main thing is how much you will lose by not reading it.”

The importance of reading for children

Unfortunately, in the modern world there is a tendency towards decreasing interest in reading. And this is a big problem. It is very important to teach children to love and appreciate books from a very early age. After all, reading gives the first concepts of good and evil, helps to understand the world and the feelings of other people. All this is accurately reflected in quotes about reading and books for children.

George Carlin

“Reading is the window through which children see and learn about the world and themselves.”

“Without exaggeration we can say that reading during childhood is, first of all, the education of the heart, the touch of human nobility to the innermost corners of a child’s soul.”

Vasily Sukhomlinsky

“Very often a book that makes a deep impression on a young mind constitutes an era in a person’s life.”

Samuel Smiles

Aldous Huxley

“By accustoming a child to a book, you not only teach him to read, but also make his future life brighter, more interesting and richer.”

“Giving a child a taste for reading is the best gift we can give him.”

“The whole world needs to solve the problem of children’s reading, reading that not only immerses the child in the information environment, but also heals and elevates the soul of a growing person.”

Ekaterina Lakhova

“We don’t know a single person who was spoiled in childhood by reading classical writers, but how many it strengthened for life, showing noble goals ahead, how many it turned away from the vices of the environment!”

Victor Ostrogorsky

“One day you will be so old that you will start reading fairy tales again.”

Lewis Carroll

The place where books live

Speaking about books, we cannot ignore the places where they are collected - libraries. Nowadays, many of them, keeping up with the times, are computerized, but they are still those sacred places familiar to us from childhood, where an indescribable smell of books reigns and the air is literally saturated with the wisdom of bygone generations. This is said very subtly and aptly in quotes and aphorisms about the library and the book.

“Libraries are the most important thing in culture. There may not be universities, institutes, or other cultural institutions, but if there are libraries, culture will not perish in such a country.”

“As long as the library is alive, the people are alive. If she dies, our past and future will die.”

Dmitry Likhachev

“The library is a spare store where some people put their thoughts and discoveries, while others take them into growth.”

“The library is an open table of ideas to which everyone is invited.”

Alexander Herzen

“A library is a herbarium of feelings and passions, a vessel where dried samples of all civilizations are stored.”

Paul Claudel

“Freedom exists to go to the library.”

Joseph Brodsky

“What a pleasure it is to be in a good library! Looking at books is already happiness. Before you is a world worthy of the gods; you realize that you can take part in it and fill your cup to the brim.”

Charles Lamb

“Modern man finds himself in front of the Himalayas of libraries in the position of a gold digger who must select grains of gold from a mass of sand.”

Sergey Vavilov

“The collection of books is the same as the university.”

Thomas Carlyle

“A book is the friend of the lonely, and the library is the refuge of the homeless.”

Sergey Vititsky

“Every painting taken into a gallery, and every decent book that ends up in a library, no matter how small, serves a great cause - the accumulation of wealth in the country.”

Anton Chekhov

Russian writers about books

Russia has always rightfully been considered the most reading nation in the world. Of course, this is a reason for pride and gives hope for a bright future for our country. Quotes and aphorisms about books and reading by Russian writers are particularly profound and wise. Just listen to these lines...

“Love a book, it makes your life easier, it will help you sort out the colorful and stormy confusion of thoughts, feelings, events, it will teach you to respect people and yourself, it inspires your mind and heart with a feeling of love for the world, for humanity.”

“I owe everything good in me to books.”

Maksim Gorky

“Books are intertwined people.”

Alexander Pushkin

“A book is the world visible through a person.”

Isaac Babel

“Truly I say to you: it is given to the printed word to remain not only in time, but also above time.”

Nikolay Leskov

“When I see around me how people, not knowing what to do with their free time, are looking for the most miserable activities and entertainment, I look for a book and say internally: this alone is enough for a whole life.”

Fedor Dostoevsky

“The book is the life of our time, everyone needs it - both old and young.”

Vissarion Belinsky

“Books make a person better, and this is one of the main conditions and even the main, almost the only goal of art.”

Ivan Goncharov

“The only substitute for the experience we have not lived through is literature.”

Alexander Solzhenitsyn

“I don’t like books with gold edges that stand untouched on the shelves. I love it when they are read to the gills.”

Mikhail Sholokhov

“A book is a great thing as long as a person knows how to use it.”

“Without reading real education, there is and cannot be any taste, no words, no multifaceted breadth of understanding; Goethe and Shakespeare are equal to a whole university. By reading a person survives centuries.”

Alexander Herzen

About books and their rivals

In the modern world, books have many competitors: television, movies, and social networks. But books do not lag behind and keep up with the times. E-books, audiobooks, and various reference books in digital format have appeared. After all, films and television shows cannot compare with books in the development of fantasy and creative imagination; they offer us ready-made images. In aphorisms and quotes about books and reading, all the advantages of books over modern methods of entertainment are very accurately noted and displayed.

“In a movie I watch others; a book allows me to become a different person for a while.”

“The best movie theater in the world is the brain, and you realize that when you read a good book.”

Ridley Scott

“Those who read books will always control those who watch TV.”

Felicia Janlis

“We must never forget that a book is the greatest blessing, a clot of mental energy; no cybernetics will ever replace it.”

Dmitry Ursu

“The two greatest inventions in history: printing, which put us in front of books, and television, which took us away from them.”

Georges Elgozy

“Television makes us more educated. When I see the TV on, I go into the next room and start reading.”

Groucho Marx

“A book or a movie – today the question is not even that. Do you like having your brains blown out at 24 frames per second?”

“Everyone needs to read. From a three-year-old girl to a decrepit old man. If you are wondering why read books, because there is the Internet, movies and music, then it is either too early or too late for you to start reading books. A person is formed by knowledge, knowledge of himself. And with this, like nothing else, a book helps. Whether it is good or bad, it is beneficial. A bad book makes you appreciate a good one, and a good book helps you see the bad in yourself. Everyone needs to read, always and everywhere.”

Books are not only a way to gain new knowledge. Nothing will help you relax and rest your soul more than holding your favorite book in your hands. Nothing will help drive away the melancholy and brighten up a lonely evening quite like the right book. After all, if you have books, you are no longer alone.

Read, friends! Discover new worlds that books open to us. And it doesn’t matter at all in what form you like to read: paper or electronic, let the book accompany you throughout your life. I want to end our conversation with my favorite aphorism:

“What do you prefer coffee with? With sugar, milk, cinnamon?
“I prefer with a book”

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The theme of the issue is statements about the benefits of books and reading, the authors of which are great people: writers, thinkers, poets, politicians and many others, bright representatives of humanity:

Without reading there is no real education, there is no and there can be no taste, no speech, no multifaceted breadth of understanding - Goethe and Shakespeare are equal to an entire university.

Reading is for the mind what physical exercise is for the body. Addison D.

By reading a person survives centuries. Herzen A.

What could be more precious than to enter into daily communication with the wisest people in the world. Tolstoy L. N.

Books have a special charm; books give us pleasure: they talk to us, give us good advice, they become living friends for us. Petrarch F.

When we read a good book for the first time, we experience the same feeling as when we make a new friend. Reading a book again means seeing an old friend again. Voltaire

Reading a book on time is a huge success. She is capable of changing life, just as her best friend and mentor will not.

A person with a good book in his hands can never be lonely. Goldoni K. (aphorisms about the benefits of reading)

The entire life of humanity was consistently deposited in the book: tribes, people, states disappeared, but the book remained. Herzen A.

A good, interesting book gives a lot of knowledge and awakens a lot of good thoughts. Krupskaya N.K.

In order to improve culture, we must turn to the history of culture, to the entire cultural heritage of mankind, we need to know Russian literature and especially fiction. Kalinin M. I.

A good book is just a holiday. Gorky M.

Many thousands of years ago, the book, in the hands of the best representatives of humanity, became one of the main weapons in their struggle for truth and justice, and it was this weapon that gave these people terrible strength. Rubakin N. A.

Learned literature saves people from ignorance, and elegant literature saves people from rudeness and vulgarity. Chernyshevsky N. G.

How many people who, after reading another good book, opened a new era in their lives! Toro G.

How many days of labor, how many sleepless nights, how many mental efforts, how many hopes and fears, how many long lives of diligent study are poured out here in small typographic fonts and squeezed into the cramped space of the shelves around us. Smith A.

A book is a huge force. Lenin V.I.

Let every person, as far as possible, try to surround himself with good books. Channing W.

A book is the same phenomenon of life as a person, it is also a living, speaking fact, and it is less a “thing” than all other things created and being created by man. Gorky M.

To educate the people means to increase their morality; to make him literate is to civilize him. All kinds of rudeness melt away, as if on fire, under the influence of daily reading of good books. Hugo V.

The book has always been an adviser, a comforter, eloquent and calm for me, and I did not want to exhaust its benefits by saving them for the most important occasions. Sand J.

All good books are especially similar in that they certainly arouse in their readers a desire to think about what is fair, beautiful and useful for people. Chernyshevsky N. G.

The book is the most important and powerful instrument of socialist culture. Gorky M.

Nothing broadens the entire horizon of our concepts about nature and human life so much as a close acquaintance with the greatest minds of mankind. Pisarev D. I.

Books are ships of thought, traveling on the waves of time and carefully carrying their precious cargo from generation to generation. Bacon F.

There is no more enlightening, soul-cleansing feeling than that which a person feels when acquainted with a great work of art. Saltykov-Shchedrin M. E.

Books are a tool for imparting wisdom. Komensky Ya.

We enjoy our communication with the highest minds of humanity mainly through books, and this medium of communication is available to us all. Channing W.

Books have the power of immortality. They are the most durable fruits of human activity. Smiles S.

There is no sweeter book in the world than a friend. Navoi A.

Book wealth, in its entirety, represents a literary mirror of life. Rubakin N. A.

To love reading is to exchange hours of boredom, inevitable in life, for hours of great pleasure. Montesquieu S.

Whoever loves a book will never lack a devoted friend, a saving adviser, a cheerful comrade, a real comforter. By reading, studying, thinking, a person can innocently entertain himself and spend his leisure time pleasantly at any time and in all the circumstances of fate. Barrow I.

Love the book - the source of knowledge, only knowledge is saving, only it can make you spiritually strong, honest, reasonable people who are able to sincerely love a person, respect his work and heartily admire the fruits of his continuous great work. Gorky M.

Literature has been removed from the laws of decay. She alone does not recognize death. Saltykov-Shchedrin M. E.

Love the book, it will make your life easier, it will help you sort out the colorful and stormy confusion of thoughts, feelings, events, it will teach you to respect people and yourself, it inspires your mind and heart with a feeling of love for the world, for people. Gorky M.

Collection of books - the same university, Carlyle T.

Morally cultured people, conscientious workers, grow up in families where there is deep respect for books. Sukhomlinsky V. A.

Books enlighten the soul, elevate and strengthen a person, awaken in him the best aspirations, sharpen his mind and soften his heart. Thackeray W.

You need to know the book. You have to love her and believe in her. You need to develop the ability and practical dexterity to work with the help of a book. Rubakin N. A.

Books make us heirs to the spiritual life of past centuries. Channing W.

Not having books is the highest degree of mental poverty; Don't bring yourself to this point. Ruskin D.

Books are friends, dispassionate but faithful. Hugo V.

There is no entertainment cheaper than reading books and no pleasure that lasts longer. Montague M.

The book is perhaps the most complex and great miracle of all the miracles created by humanity on the path to the happiness and power of the future. Gorky M.

One of the reasons for spiritual emptiness is the lack of genuine reading, which captures the mind and heart, causing thoughts about the world around us and about ourselves. Sukhomlinsky V. A.

The book makes a person the master of the universe. Pavlenko P. A.

The first book that hit your heart is like first love. This is a prism through which a person’s entire perception of the world will subsequently be unconsciously refracted. Forsh O. D.

The book is a magician. The book transformed the world. It contains the memory of the human race, it is the mouthpiece of human thought. A world without a book is a world of savages. Morozov N. A.

The past does not exist as long as books exist. Bulwer-Lytton E. D.

The book is the most patient, enduring and cheerful comrade. She will not turn away from us in times of distress or adversity. Smiles S.

With the help of a book, every literate person has the right and opportunity to enter the kingdom of the mind. Smiles S.

A book is a collective experience. Anyone who has read two dozen great books has lived two dozen great lives. Pavlenko P. A.

Anyone who was not familiar with the creations of the ancients lived without knowing beauty. Hegel G.

Sometimes readers come away from a book completely transformed. the proudest minds, and the most subtle, and the most delicate, and the simplest, and the greatest, submit to this charm. Hugo V.

A good library is a book reflection of the universe. Rubakin N. A.

If steam and railways destroyed distance, then printing destroyed time: thanks to it, we are all contemporaries. I am talking with Homer and Cicero, and the Homers and Ciceros of the future will talk with us. Lamartine A.

Give a person a love of reading and the means to satisfy it, and you will hardly fail to make a happy person; unless the least suitable books fall into his hands. Herschel D.

Often one powerful artistic image puts into our soul more than what has been gained through many years of life... Garshin V.M.

All good books are similar in one thing - when you read to the end, it seems to you that all this happened to you, and so it will remain with you forever: good or bad, delights, sorrows and regrets, people and places, and what was weather. Hemingway E.

I read a lot, with delight, with amazement, but books did not push me away from reality, but by increasing the tension of interest in it, they developed the ability to observe, compare, and kindled the thirst for knowledge of life. Gorky M.

In the overall picture of civilization, the place of each people is determined by the number of books they read. Labule E.

Reading is one of the sources of thinking and mental development. Sukhomlinsky V. A.

Libraries are treasuries of all the riches of the human spirit. Leibniz G.

Reading good books is a conversation with the best people of past times, and, moreover, such a conversation when they tell us only their best thoughts. Descartes R.

Without books, we can now neither live, nor fight, nor suffer, nor rejoice and win, nor confidently move towards that reasonable and beautiful future in which we unshakably believe. Paustovsky K. G.

The selection includes statements about the benefits of books and reading by famous people.

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